Chapter 14. Odds n Ends

This chapter contains queries that didn’t fit in any other chapter either because the chapter they would belong to is already long enough, or because the problems they solve are more fun than realistic. This chapter is meant to be a “fun” chapter, in that the recipes here may or may not be recipes that you would actually use; nevertheless, the queries are interesting and we wanted to include them in this book.

14.1 Creating Cross-Tab Reports Using SQL Server’s PIVOT Operator


You want to create a cross-tab report, to transform your result set’s rows into columns. You are aware of traditional methods of pivoting but would like to try something different. In particular, you want to return the following result set without using CASE expressions or joins:

	DEPT_10     DEPT_20     DEPT_30    DEPT_40
	------- ----------- ----------- ----------
	      3           5           6          0


Use the PIVOT operator to create the required result set without CASE expressions or additional joins:

	1 select [10] as dept_10,
	2        [20] as dept_20,
	3        [30] as dept_30,
	4        [40] as dept_40
	5   from (select deptno, empno from emp) driver
	6  pivot (
	7     count(driver.empno)
	8     for driver.deptno in ( [10],[20],[30],[40] )
	9  ) as empPivot


The PIVOT operator may seem strange at first, but the operation it performs in the solution is technically the same as the more familiar transposition query shown below:

	select sum(case deptno when 10 then 1 else 0 end) as dept_10,
	       sum(case deptno when 20 then 1 else 0 end) as dept_20,
	       sum(case deptno when 30 then 1 else 0 end) as dept_30,
	       sum(case deptno when 40 then 1 else 0 end) as dept_40
	  from emp

	DEPT_10    DEPT_20    DEPT_30    DEPT_40
	------- ---------- ---------- ----------
	      3          5          6          0

Now that you know what is essentially happening, let’s break down what the PIVOT operator is doing. Line 5 of the solution shows an inline view named DRIVER:

	from (select deptno, empno from emp) driver

We’ve used the alias “driver” because the rows from this inline view (or table expression) feed directly into the PIVOT operation. The PIVOT operator rotates the rows to columns by evaluating the items listed on line 8 in the FOR list (shown below):

	for driver.deptno in ( [10],[20],[30],[40] )

The evaluation goes something like this:

  1. If there are any DEPTNOs with a value of 10, perform the aggregate operation defined ( COUNT(DRIVER.EMPNO) ) for those rows.

  2. Repeat for DEPTNOs 20, 30, and 40.

The items listed in the brackets on line 8 serve not only to define values for which aggregation is performed; the items also become the column names in the result set (without the square brackets). In the SELECT clause of the solution, the items in the FOR list are referenced and aliased. If you do not alias the items in the FOR list, the column names become the items in the FOR list sans brackets.

Interestingly enough, since inline view DRIVER is just that, an inline view, you may put more complex SQL in there. For example, consider the situation where you want to modify the result set such that the actual department name is the name of the column. Listed below are the rows in table DEPT:

	select * from dept

	------ -------------- -------------
	    20 RESEARCH       DALLAS
	    30 SALES          CHICAGO

You would like to use PIVOT to return the following result set:

	---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
	         3          5          6          0

Because inline view DRIVER can be practically any valid table expression, you can perform the join from table EMP to table DEPT, and then have PIVOT evaluate those rows. The following query will return the desired result set:

	       [SALES]      as SALES,
	       [RESEARCH]   as RESEARCH,
	  from (
	          select d.dname, e.empno
	            from emp e,dept d
	           where e.deptno=d.deptno

	        ) driver
	  pivot (
	   for driver.dname in ([ACCOUNTING],[SALES],[RESEARCH],[OPERATIONS])
	  ) as empPivot

As you can see, PIVOT provides an interesting spin on pivoting result sets. Regardless of whether or not you prefer using it to the traditional methods of pivoting, it’s nice to have another tool in your toolbox.

14.2 Unpivoting a Cross-Tab Report Using SQL Server’s UNPIVOT Operator


You have a pivoted result set (or simply a fact table) and you wish to unpivot the result set. For example, instead of having a result set with one row and four columns you want to return a result set with two columns and four rows. Using the result set from the previous recipe, you want to convert it from this:

	---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
	         3          5          6          0

to this:

	DNAME                 CNT
	-------------- ----------
	ACCOUNTING              3
	RESEARCH                5
	SALES                   6
	OPERATIONS              0


You didn’t think SQL Server would give you the ability to PIVOT without being able to UNPIVOT, did you? To unpivot the result set just use it as the driver and let the UNPIVOT operator do all the work. All you need to do is specify the column names:

	 1   select DNAME, CNT
	 2     from (
	 3       select [ACCOUNTING] as ACCOUNTING,
	 4              [SALES]      as SALES,
	 5              [RESEARCH]   as RESEARCH,
	 6              [OPERATIONS] as OPERATIONS
	 7         from (
	 8                 select d.dname, e.empno
	 9                   from emp e,dept d
	10                  where e.deptno=d.deptno
	12               ) driver
	13         pivot (
	14           count(driver.empno)
	15           for driver.dname in ([ACCOUNTING],[SALES],[RESEARCH],[OPERATIONS])
	16         ) as empPivot
	17  )  new_driver
	18  unpivot (cnt for dname in (ACCOUNTING,SALES,RESEARCH,OPERATIONS)
	19  ) as un_pivot

Hopefully, before reading this recipe you’ve read the one prior to it, because the inline view NEW_DRIVER is simply the code from the previous recipe (if you don’t understand it, please refer to the previous recipe before looking at this one). Since lines 3–16 consist of code you’ve already seen, the only new syntax is on line 18, where you use UNPIVOT.

The UNPIVOT command simply looks at the result set from NEW_DRIVER and evaluates each column and row. For example, the UNPIVOT operator evaluates the column names from NEW_DRIVER. When it encounters ACCOUNTING, it transforms the column name ACCOUNTING into a row value (under the column DNAME). It also takes the value for ACCOUNTING from NEW_DRIVER (which is 3) and returns that as part of the ACCOUNTING row as well (under the column CNT). UNPIVOT does this for each of the items specified in the FOR list and simply returns each one as a row.

The new result set is now skinny and has two columns, DNAME and CNT, with four rows:

	select DNAME, CNT
	  from (
	           [SALES]      as SALES,
	           [RESEARCH]   as RESEARCH,
	      from (
	              select d.dname, e.empno
	                from emp e,dept d
	               where e.deptno=d.deptno

	           )  driver
	     pivot (
	       for driver.dname in ( [ACCOUNTING],[SALES],[RESEARCH],[OPERATIONS] )
	     ) as empPivot
	) new_driver
	) as un_pivot

	DNAME                 CNT
	-------------- ----------
	ACCOUNTING              3
	RESEARCH                5
	SALES                   6
	OPERATIONS              0

14.3 Transposing a Result Set Using Oracle’s MODEL Clause


Like the first recipe in this chapter, you wish to find an alternative to the traditional pivoting techniques you’ve seen already. You want to try your hand at Oracle’s MODEL clause. Unlike SQL Server’s PIVOT operator, Oracle’s MODEL clause does not exist to transpose result sets; as a matter of fact, it would be quite accurate to say the application of the MODEL clause for pivoting would be a misuse and clearly not what the MODEL clause was intended for. Nevertheless, the MODEL clause provides for an interesting approach to a common problem. For this particular problem, you want to transform the following result set from this:

	select deptno, count(*) cnt
	  from emp
	 group by deptno

	DEPTNO        CNT
	------ ----------
	    10          3
	    20          5
	    30          6

to this:

	       D10        D20        D30
	---------- ---------- ----------
	         3          5          6


Use aggregation and CASE expressions in the MODEL clause just as you would use them if pivoting with traditional techniques. The main difference in this case is that you use arrays to store the values of the aggregation and return the arrays in the result set:

	select max(d10) d10,
	       max(d20) d20,
	       max(d30) d30
	  from (
	select d10,d20,d30
	  from ( select deptno, count(*) cnt from emp group by deptno )
	  dimension by(deptno d)
	   measures(deptno, cnt d10, cnt d20, cnt d30)
	     d10[any] = case when deptno[cv()]=10 then d10[cv()] else 0 end,
	     d20[any] = case when deptno[cv()]=20 then d20[cv()] else 0 end,
	     d30[any] = case when deptno[cv()]=30 then d30[cv()] else 0 end


The MODEL clause is a powerful addition to the Oracle SQL toolbox. Once you begin working with MODEL you’ll notice helpful features such as iteration, array access to row values, the ability to “upsert” rows into a result set, and the ability to build reference models. You’ll quickly see that this recipe doesn’t take advantage of any of the cool features the MODEL clause offers, but it’s nice to be able to look at a problem from multiple angles and use different features in unexpected ways (if for no other reason than to learn where certain features are more useful than others).

The first step to understanding the solution is to examine the inline view in the FROM clause. The inline view simply counts the number of employees in each DEPTNO in table EMP. The results are shown below:

	select deptno, count(*) cnt
	  from emp
	 group by deptno

	DEPTNO        CNT
	------ ----------
	    10          3
	    20          5
	    30          6

This result set is what is given to MODEL to work with. Examining the MODEL clause, you see three subclauses that stand out: DIMENSION BY, MEASURES, and RULES. Let’s start with MEASURES.

The items in the MEASURES list are simply the arrays you are declaring for this query. The query uses four arrays: DEPTNO, D10, D20, and D30. Like columns in a SELECT list, arrays in the MEASURES list can have aliases. As you can see, three of the four arrays are actually CNT from the inline view.

If the MEASURES list contains our arrays, then the items in the DIMENSION BY subclause are the array indices. Consider this: array D10 is simply an alias for CNT. If you look at the result set for the inline view above, you’ll see that CNT has three values: 3, 5, and 6. When you create an array of CNT, you are creating an array with three elements, namely, the three integers 3, 5, and 6. Now, how do you access these values from the array individually? You use the array index. The index, defined in the DIMENSION BY subclause, has the values of 10, 20, and 30 (from the result set above). So, for example, the following expression:


would evaluate to 3, as you are accessing the value for CNT in array D10 for DEPTNO 10 (which is 3).

Because each of the three arrays (D10, D20, D30) contain the values from CNT, all three of them have the same results. How then do we get the proper count into the correct array? Enter the RULES subclause. If you look at the result set for the inline view shown earlier, you’ll see that the values for DEPTNO are 10, 20, and 30. The expressions involving CASE in the RULES clause simply evaluate each value in the DEPTNO array:

  • If the value is 10, store the CNT for DEPTNO 10 in D10[10] else store 0.

  • If the value is 20, store the CNT for DEPTNO 20 in D20[20] else store 0.

  • If the value is 30, store the CNT for DEPTNO 30 in D30[30] else store 0.

If you find yourself feeling a bit like Alice tumbling down the rabbit hole, don’t worry; just stop and execute what’s been discussed thus far. The following result set represents what has been discussed. Sometimes it’s easier to read a bit, look at the code that actually performs what you just read, then go back and read it again. The following is quite simple once you see it in action:

	select deptno, d10,d20,d30
	  from ( select deptno, count(*) cnt from emp group by deptno )
	  dimension by(deptno d)
	   measures(deptno, cnt d10, cnt d20, cnt d30)
	     d10[any] = case when deptno[cv()]=10 then d10[cv()] else 0 end,
	     d20[any] = case when deptno[cv()]=20 then d20[cv()] else 0 end,
	     d30[any] = case when deptno[cv()]=30 then d30[cv()] else 0 end

	  DEPTNO        D10        D20        D30
	  ------ ---------- ---------- ----------
	      10          3          0          0
	      20          0          5          0
	      30          0          0          6

As you can see, the RULES subclause is what changed the values in each array. If you are still not catching on, simply execute the same query but comment out the expressions in the RULES subclase:

	select deptno, d10,d20,d30
	  from ( select deptno, count(*) cnt from emp group by deptno )
	  dimension by(deptno d)
	   measures(deptno, cnt d10, cnt d20, cnt d30)
	     d10[any] = case when deptno[cv()]=10 then d10[cv()] else 0 end,
	     d20[any] = case when deptno[cv()]=20 then d20[cv()] else 0 end,
	     d30[any] = case when deptno[cv()]=30 then d30[cv()] else 0 end

	  DEPTNO        D10        D20        D30
	  ------ ---------- ---------- ----------
	      10          3          3          3
	      20          5          5          5
	      30          6          6          6

It should be clear now that the result set from the MODEL clause is the same as the inline view, except that the COUNT operation is aliased D10, D20, and D30. The query below proves this:

	select deptno, count(*) d10, count(*) d20, count(*) d30
	  from emp
	 group by deptno

	 DEPTNO        D10        D20        D30
	 ------ ---------- ---------- ----------
	     10          3          3          3
	     20          5          5          5
	     30          6          6          6

So, all the MODEL clause did was to take the values for DEPTNO and CNT, put them into arrays, and then make sure that each array represents a single DEPTNO. At this point, arrays D10, D20, and D30 each have a single non-zero value representing the CNT for a given DEPTNO. The result set is already transposed, and all that is left is to use the aggregate function MAX (you could have used MIN or SUM; it would make no difference in this case) to return only one row:

	select max(d10) d10,
	       max(d20) d20,
	       max(d30) d30
	  from (
	select d10,d20,d30
	  from ( select deptno, count(*) cnt from emp group by deptno )
	  dimension by(deptno d)
	   measures(deptno, cnt d10, cnt d20, cnt d30)
	     d10[any] = case when deptno[cv()]=10 then d10[cv()] else 0 end,
	     d20[any] = case when deptno[cv()]=20 then d20[cv()] else 0 end,
	     d30[any] = case when deptno[cv()]=30 then d30[cv()] else 0 end

	         D10        D20        D30
	  ---------- ---------- ----------
	           3          5          6

14.4 Extracting Elements of a String from Unfixed Locations


You have a string field that contains serialized log data. You want to parse through the string and extract the relevant information. Unfortunately, the relevant information is not at fixed points in the string. Instead, you must use the fact that certain characters exist around the information you need, to extract said information. For example, consider the following strings:


You want to extract the values between the square brackets, returning the following result set:

	--------------- ------------------- ---------------
	867             -                   5309
	11271978        4                   Joe
	non_marked      unit                withabanana?


Despite not knowing the exact locations within the string of the interesting values, you do know that they are located between square brackets [], and you know there are three of them. Use Oracle’s built-in function INSTR to find the locations to of the brackets. Use the built-in function SUBSTR to extract the values from the string. View V will contain the strings to parse and is defined as follows (its use is strictly for readability):

	create view V
	select 'xxxxxabc[867]xxx[-]xxxx[5309]xxxxx' msg
	    from dual
	   union all
	  select 'xxxxxtime:[11271978]favnum:[4]id:[Joe]xxxxx' msg
	    from dual
	   union all
	  select 'call:[F_GET_ROWS()]b1:[ROSEWOOD…SIR]b2:[44400002]77.90xxxxx' msg
	    from dual
	   union all
	  select 'film:[non_marked]qq:[unit]tailpipe:[withabanana?]80sxxxxx' msg
	    from dual

	 1 select substr(msg,
	 3         instr(msg,']',1,1)-instr(msg,'[',1,1)-1) first_val,
	 4        substr(msg,
	 5         instr(msg,'[',1,2)+1,
	 6         instr(msg,']',1,2)-instr(msg,'[',1,2)-1) second_val,
	 7        substr(msg,
	 8         instr(msg,'[',-1,1)+1,
	 9         instr(msg,']',-1,1)-instr(msg,'[',-1,1)-1) last_val
	10  from V


Using Oracle’s built-in function INSTR makes this problem fairly simple to solve. Since you know the values you are after are enclosed in [], and that there are three sets of [], the first step to this solution is to simply use INSTR to find the numeric positions of [] in each string. The following example returns the numeric position of the opening and closing brackets in each row:

	select instr(msg,'[',1,1) "1st_[",
	                  instr(msg,']',1,1) "]_1st",
	                  instr(msg,'[',1,2) "2nd_[",
	                  instr(msg,']',1,2) "]_2nd",
	                  instr(msg,'[',-1,1) "3rd_[",
	                  instr(msg,']',-1,1) "]_3rd"
	             from V

	  1st_[ ]_1st      2nd_[ ]_2nd      3rd_[ ]_3rd
	  ------ ----- ---------- ----- ---------- -----
	       9    13         17    19         24    29
	      11    20         28    30         34    38
	       6    19         23    38         42    51
	       6    17         21    26         36    49

At this point, the hard work is done. All that is left is to plug the numeric positions into SUBSTR to parse MSG at those locations. You’ll notice that in the complete solution there’s some simple arithmetic on the values returned by INSTR, particularly, +1 and–1; this is necessary to ensure the opening square bracket, [, is not returned in the final result set. Listed below is the solution less addition and subtraction of 1 on the return values from INSTR; notice how each value has a leading square bracket:

	select substr(msg,
	        instr(msg,']',1,1)-instr(msg,'[',1,1)) first_val,
	        instr(msg,']',1,2)-instr(msg,'[',1,2)) second_val,
	        instr(msg,']',-1,1)-instr(msg,'[',-1,1)) last_val
	  from V

	--------------- -------------------- -------
	[867            [-                   [5309
	[11271978       [4                   [Joe
	[F_GET_ROWS()  [ROSEWOOD…SIR [44400002
	[non_marked     [unit                [withabanana?

From the result set above, you can see that the open bracket is there. You may be thinking: “OK, put the addition of 1 to INSTR back and the leading square bracket goes away. Why do we need to subtract 1?” The reason is this: if you put the addition back but leave out the subtraction, you end up including the closing square bracket, as can be seen below:

	select substr(msg,
	        instr(msg,']',1,1)-instr(msg,'[',1,1)) first_val,
	    instr(msg,']',1,2)-instr(msg,'[',1,2)) second_val,
	    instr(msg,']',-1,1)-instr(msg,'[',-1,1)) last_val
	  from V

	--------------- ---------------      -------------
	867]            -]                   5309]
	11271978]       4]                   Joe]
	F_GET_ROWS()]  ROSEWOOD…SIR]  44400002]
	non_marked]     unit]                withabanana?]

At this point it should be clear: to ensure you include neither of the square brackets, you must add 1 to the beginning index and subtract one from the ending index.

14.5 Finding the Number of Days in a Year (an Alternate Solution for Oracle)


You want to find the number of days in a year.


This recipe presents an alternative solution to “Determining the Number of Days in a Year” from Chapter 9. This solution is specific to Oracle.


Use the TO_CHAR function to format the last date of the year into a three-digit day-of-the-year number:

	1 select 'Days in 2021: '||
	2        to_char(add_months(trunc(sysdate,'y'),12)-1,'DDD')
	3        as report
	4   from dual
	5 union all
	6 select 'Days in 2020: '||
	7        to_char(add_months(trunc(
	8        to_date('01-SEP-2020'),'y'),12)-1,'DDD')
	9   from dual

	Days in 2021: 365
	Days in 2020: 366


Begin by using the TRUNC function to return the first day of the year for the given date, as follows:

	select trunc(to_date('01-SEP-2020'),'y')
	  from dual


Next, use ADD_MONTHS to add one year (12 months) to the truncated date. Then subtract one day, bringing you to the end of the year in which your original date falls:

	select add_months(
	         12) before_subtraction,
	         12)-1 after_subtraction
	  from dual

	----------- -----------
	01-JAN-2021 31-DEC-2020

Now that you have found the last day in the year you are working with, simply use TO_CHAR to return a three-digit number representing on which day (1st, 50th, etc.) of the year the last day is:

	select to_char(
	           12)-1,'DDD') num_days_in_2020
	  from dual


14.6 Searching for Mixed Alphanumeric Strings


You have a column with mixed alphanumeric data. You want to return those rows that have both alphabetical and numeric characters; in other words, if a string has only number or only letters, do not return it. The return values should have a mix of both letters and numbers. Consider the following data:

	1010 switch
	findRow 55

The final result set should contain only those rows that have both letters and numbers:

	1010 switch
	findRow 55


Use the built-in function TRANSLATE to convert each occurrence of a letter or digit into a specific character. Then keep only those strings that have at least one occurrence of both. The solution uses Oracle syntax, but both DB2 and PostgreSQL support TRANSLATE, so modifying the solution to work on those platforms should be trivial:

	with v as (
	select 'ClassSummary' strings from dual union
	select '3453430278'           from dual union
	select 'findRow 55'           from dual union
	select '1010 switch'          from dual union
	select '333'                  from dual union
	select 'threes'               from dual
	select strings
	  from (
	select strings,
	         rpad('#',26,'#')||rpad('*',10,'*')) translated
	from v
) x
whereinstr(translated,'#') > 0
and instr(translated,'*') > 0

As an alternative to the WITH clause, you may use an inline view or simply create a view.


The TRANSLATE function makes this problem extremely easy to solve. The first step is to use TRANSLATE to identify all letters and all digits by pound (#) and asterisk (*) characters, respectively. The intermediate results (from inline view X) are as follows:

	with v as (
	select 'ClassSummary' strings from dual union
	select '3453430278'           from dual union
	select 'findRow 55'           from dual union
	select '1010 switch'          from dual union
	select '333'                  from dual union
	select 'threes'               from dual
	select strings,
	         rpad('#',26,'#')||rpad('*',10,'*')) translated
	  from v

	------------- ------------
	1010 switch   **** ######
	333           ***
	3453430278    **********
	ClassSummary  C####S######
	findRow 55    ####R## **
	threes        ######

At this point, it is only a matter of keeping those rows that have at least one instance each of " " and "“. Use the function INSTR to determine whether “” and "" are in a string. If those two characters are, in fact, present, then the value returned will be greater than zero. The final strings to return, along with their translated values, are shown next for clarity:

	with v as (
	select 'ClassSummary' strings from dual union
	select '3453430278'           from dual union
	select 'findRow 55'           from dual union
	select '1010 switch'          from dual union
	select '333'                  from dual union
	select 'threes'               from dual
	select strings, translated
	  from (
	select strings,
	         rpad('#',26,'#')||rpad('*',10,'*')) translated
	  from v
	 where instr(translated,'#') > 0
	   and instr(translated,'*') > 0

	------------ ------------
	1010 switch  **** ######
	findRow 55   ####R## **

14.7 Converting Whole Numbers to Binary Using Oracle


You want to convert a whole number to its binary representation on an Oracle system. For example, you would like to return all the salaries in table EMP in binary as part of the following result set:

	---------- ----- --------------------
	SMITH        800 1100100000
	ALLEN       1600 11001000000
	WARD        1250 10011100010
	JONES       2975 101110011111
	MARTIN      1250 10011100010
	BLAKE       2850 101100100010
	CLARK       2450 100110010010
	SCOTT       3000 101110111000
	KING        5000 1001110001000
	TURNER      1500 10111011100
	ADAMS       1100 10001001100
	JAMES        950 1110110110
	FORD        3000 101110111000
	MILLER      1300 10100010100


Because of MODEL’s ability to iterate and provide array access to row values, it is a natural choice for this operation (assuming you are forced to solve the problem in SQL, as a stored function is more appropriate here). Like the rest of the solutions in this book, even if you don’t find a practical application for this code, focus on the technique. It is useful to know that the MODEL clause can perform procedural tasks while still keeping SQL’s set-based nature and power. So, even if you find yourself saying: “I’d never do this in SQL,” that’s fine. We’re in no way suggesting you should or shouldn’t. We remind you to focus on the technique, so you can apply it to whatever you consider a more “practical” application.

The following solution returns all ENAME and SAL from table EMP, while calling the MODEL clause in a scalar subquery (this way it serves as sort of a standalone function from table EMP that simply receives an input, processes it, and returns a value, much like a function would):

	 1 select ename,
	 2        sal,
	 3        (
	 4        select bin
	 5          from dual
	 6         model
	 7         dimension by ( 0 attr )
	 8         measures ( sal num,
	 9                    cast(null as varchar2(30)) bin,
	10                   '0123456789ABCDEF' hex
	11                  )
	12         rules iterate (10000) until (num[0] <= 0) (
	13           bin[0] = substr(hex[cv()],mod(num[cv()],2)+1,1)||bin[cv()],
	14           num[0] = trunc(num[cv()]/2)
	15         )
	16        ) sal_binary
	17   from emp


We mentioned in the “Solution” section that this problem is most likely better solved via a stored function. Indeed, the idea for this recipe came from a function. As a matter of fact, this recipe is an adaptation of a function called TO_BASE, written by Tom Kyte of Oracle Corporation. Like other recipes in this book that you may decide not to use, even if you do not use this recipe it does a nice job of showing of some of the features of the MODEL clause such as iteration and array access of rows.

To make the explanation easier, we focus on a slight variation of the subquery containing the MODEL clause. The code that follows is essentially the subquery from the solution, except that it’s been hard-wired to return the value 2 in binary:

	select bin
	  from dual
	 dimension by ( 0 attr )
	 measures ( 2 num,
	            cast(null as varchar2(30)) bin,
	            '0123456789ABCDEF' hex
	 rules iterate (10000) until (num[0] <= 0) (
	   bin[0] = substr (hex[cv()],mod(num[cv()],2)+1,1)||bin[cv()],
	   num[0] = trunc(num[cv()]/2)


The following query outputs the values returned from one iteration of the RULES defined in the query above:

	select 2 start_val,
	       '0123456789ABCDEF' hex,
	       substr('0123456789ABCDEF',mod(2,2)+1,1) ||
	       cast(null as varchar2(30)) bin,
	       trunc(2/2) num
	  from dual

	START_VAL HEX              BIN        NUM
	--------- ---------------- ---------- ---
	        2 0123456789ABCDEF 0            1

START_VAL represents the number you want to convert to binary, which in this case is 2. The value for BIN is the result of a substring operation on 0123456789ABCDEF (HEX, in the original solution). The value for NUM is the test that will determine when you exit the loop.

As you can see from the preceding result set, the first time through the loop BIN is 0 and NUM is 1. Because NUM is not less than or equal to 0, another loop iteration occurs. The following SQL statement shows the results of the next iteration:

	select num start_val,
	       substr('0123456789ABCDEF',mod(1,2)+1,1) || bin bin,
	       trunc(1/2) num
	  from (
	select 2 start_val,
	       '0123456789ABCDEF' hex,
	       substr('0123456789ABCDEF',mod(2,2)+1,1) ||
	       cast(null as varchar2(30)) bin,
	       trunc(2/2) num
	  from dual

	--------- ---------- ---
	        1 10           0

The next time through the loop, the result of the substring operation on HEX returns 1 and the prior value of BIN, 0, is appended to it. The test, NUM, is now 0, thus this is the last iteration and the return value “10” is the binary representation of the number 2. Once you’re comfortable with what’s going on, you can remove the iteration from the MODEL clause and step through it row by row to follow how the rules are applied to come to the final result set, as is shown below:

	select 2 orig_val, num, bin
	  from dual
	 dimension by ( 0 attr )
	 measures ( 2 num,
	            cast(null as varchar2(30)) bin,
	           '0123456789ABCDEF' hex
	 rules (
	   bin[0] = substr (hex[cv()],mod(num[cv()],2)+1,1)||bin[cv()],
	   num[0] = trunc(num[cv()]/2),
	   bin[1] = substr (hex[0],mod(num[0],2)+1,1)||bin[0],
	   num[1] = trunc(num[0]/2)

	-------- --- ---------
	       2   1 0
	       2   0 10

14.8 Pivoting a Ranked Result Set


You want to rank the values in a table, then pivot the result set into three columns. The idea is to show the top three, the next three, then all the rest. For example, you want to rank the employees in table EMP by SAL, and then pivot the results into three columns. The desired result set is as follows:

	TOP_3           NEXT_3          REST
	--------------- --------------- --------------
	KING    (5000)  BLAKE   (2850)  TURNER (1500)
	FORD    (3000)  CLARK   (2450)  MILLER (1300)
	SCOTT   (3000)  ALLEN   (1600)  MARTIN (1250)
	JONES   (2975)                  WARD   (1250)
	                                ADAMS  (1100)
	                                JAMES  (950)
	                                SMITH  (800)


The key to this solution is to first use the window function DENSE_RANK OVER to rank the employees by SAL while allowing for ties. By using DENSE_RANK OVER, you can easily see the top three salaries, the next three salaries, and then all the rest.

Next, use the window function ROW_NUMBER OVER to rank each employee within his group (the top three, next three, or last group). From there, simply perform a classic transpose, while using the built-in string functions available on your platform to beautify the results. The following solution uses Oracle syntax. Since all vendors now support window functions, converting the solution to work for other platforms is trivial:

	 1 select max(case grp when 1 then rpad(ename,6) ||
	 2                     ' ('|| sal ||')' end) top_3,
	 3       max(case grp when 2 then rpad(ename,6) ||
	 4                    ' ('|| sal ||')' end) next_3,
	 5       max(case grp when 3 then rpad(ename,6) ||
	 6                     ' ('|| sal ||')' end) rest
	 7   from (
	 8 select ename,
	 9        sal,
	10        rnk,
	11        case when rnk <= 3 then 1
	12             when rnk <= 6 then 2
	13             else                  3
	14        end grp,
	15        row_number()over (
	16          partition by case when rnk <= 3 then 1
	17                            when rnk <= 6 then 2
	18                            else                 3
	19                       end
	20              order by sal desc, ename
	21        ) grp_rnk
	22   from (
	23 select ename,
	24        sal,
	25        dense_rank()over(order by sal desc) rnk
	26   from emp
	27        ) x
	28        ) y
	29  group by grp_rnk


This recipe is a perfect example of how much you can accomplish with so little, with the help of window functions. The solution may look involved, but as you break it down from inside out you will be surprised how simple it is. Let’s begin by executing inline view X first:

	select ename,
	       dense_rank()over(order by sal desc) rnk
	  from emp

	ENAME        SAL        RNK
	---------- ----- ----------
	KING        5000          1
	SCOTT       3000          2
	FORD        3000          2
	JONES       2975          3
	BLAKE       2850          4
	CLARK       2450          5
	ALLEN       1600          6
	TURNER      1500          7
	MILLER      1300          8
	WARD        1250          9
	MARTIN      1250          9
	ADAMS       1100         10
	JAMES        950         11
	SMITH        800         12

As you can see from the result set above, inline view X simply ranks the employees by SAL, while allowing for ties (because the solution uses DENSE_RANK instead of RANK, there are ties without gaps). The next step is to take the rows from inline view X and create groups by using a CASE expression to evaluate the ranking from DENSE_RANK. Additionally, use the window function ROW_NUMBER OVER to rank the employees by SAL within their group (within the group you are creating with the CASE expression). All of this happens in inline view Y and is shown below:

	select ename,
	       case when rnk <= 3 then 1
	            when rnk <= 6 then 2
	            else                  3
	       end grp,
	       row_number()over (
	         partition by case when rnk <= 3 then 1
	                           when rnk <= 6 then 2
	                           else                  3
	             order by sal desc, ename
	       ) grp_rnk
	  from (
	select ename,
	       dense_rank()over(order by sal desc) rnk
	  from emp
	       ) x

	---------- ----- ---- ---- -------
	KING        5000    1    1       1
	FORD        3000    2    1       2
	SCOTT       3000    2    1       3
	JONES       2975    3    1       4
	BLAKE       2850    4    2       1
	CLARK       2450    5    2       2
	ALLEN       1600    6    2       3
	TURNER      1500    7    3       1
	MILLER      1300    8    3       2
	MARTIN      1250    9    3       3
	WARD        1250    9    3       4
	ADAMS       1100   10    3       5
	JAMES        950   11    3       6
	SMITH        800   12    3       7

Now the query is starting to take shape and, if you followed it from the beginning (from inline view X), you can see that it’s not that complicated. The query so far returns each employee, her SAL, her RNK, which represents where her SAL ranks amongst all employees, her GRP, which indicates the group each employee is in (based on SAL), and finally GRP_RANK, which is a ranking (based on SAL) within her GRP.

At this point, perform a traditional pivot on ENAME while using the Oracle concatenation operator || to append the SAL. The function RPAD ensures that the numeric values in parentheses line up nicely. Finally, use GROUP BY on GRP_RNK to ensure you show each employee in the result set. The final result set is shown below:

	select max(case grp when 1 then rpad(ename,6) ||
	                    ' ('|| sal ||')' end) top_3,
	       max(case grp when 2 then rpad(ename,6) ||
	                    ' ('|| sal ||')' end) next_3,
	       max(case grp when 3 then rpad(ename,6) ||
	                    ' ('|| sal ||')' end) rest
	  from (
	select ename,
	       case when rnk <= 3 then 1
	            when rnk <= 6 then 2
	            else                   3
	       end grp,
	       row_number()over (
	         partition by case when rnk <= 3 then 1
	                           when rnk <= 6 then 2
	                           else                  3
	             Order by sal desc, ename
	       ) grp_rnk
	  from (
	select ename,
	       dense_rank()over(order by sal desc) rnk
	  from emp
	       ) x
	       ) y
	group by grp_rnk

	TOP_3           NEXT_3          REST
	--------------- --------------- -------------
	KING    (5000)  BLAKE   (2850)  TURNER (1500)
	FORD    (3000)  CLARK   (2450)  MILLER (1300)
	SCOTT   (3000)  ALLEN   (1600)  MARTIN (1250)
	JONES   (2975)                  WARD   (1250)
	ADAMS  (1100)
	                                JAMES   (950)
	                                SMITH   (800)

If you examine the queries in all of the steps you’ll notice that table EMP is accessed exactly once. One of the remarkable things about window functions is how much work you can do in just one pass through your data. No need for self joins or temp tables; just get the rows you need, then let the window functions do the rest. Only in inline view X do you need to access EMP. From there, it’s simply a matter of massaging the result set to look the way you want. Consider what all this means for performance if you can create this type of report with a single table access. Pretty cool.

14.9 Adding a Column Header into a Double Pivoted Result Set


You want to stack two result sets, and then pivot them into two columns. Additionally, you want to add a “header” for each group of rows in each column. For example, you have two tables containing information about employees working in different areas of development in your company (say, in research and applications):

	select * from it_research

	------ --------------------
	   100 HOPKINS
	   100 JONES
	   100 TONEY
	   200 MORALES
	   200 P.WHITAKER
	   200 MARCIANO
	   200 ROBINSON
	   300 LACY
	   300 WRIGHT
	   300 J.TAYLOR

	select * from it_apps

	------ -----------------
	   400 CORRALES
	   400 CASTILLO
	   400 MARQUEZ
	   400 MOSLEY
	   500 GATTI
	   500 CALZAGHE
	   600 LAMOTTA
	   600 HAGLER
	   600 HEARNS
	   600 FRAZIER
	   700 GUINN
	   700 JUDAH

You would like to create a report listing the employees from each table in two columns. You want to return the DEPTNO followed by ENAME for each. Ultimately you want to return the following result set:

	RESEARCH             APPS
	-------------------- ---------------
	100                  400
	  JONES                MAYWEATHER
	  TONEY                CASTILLO
	  HOPKINS              MARQUEZ
	200                    MOSLEY
	  MARCIANO           500
	  ROBINSON             CALZAGHE
	  MORALES              GATTI
	300                  600
	  WRIGHT               HAGLER
	  J.TAYLOR             HEARNS
	  LACY                 FRAZIER


For the most part, this solution requires nothing more than a simple stack-n-pivot (union then pivot) with an added twist: the DEPTNO must precede the ENAME for each employee returned. The technique here uses a Cartesian product to generate an extra row for each DEPTNO, so you have the required rows necessary to show all employees, plus room for the DEPTNO. The solution uses Oracle syntax, but since DB2 supports window functions that can compute moving windows (the framing clause), converting this solution to work for DB2 is trivial. Because the IT_ RESEARCH and IT_APPS tables exist only for this recipe, their table creation statements are shown along with this solution:

	create table IT_research (deptno number, ename varchar2(20))

	insert into IT_research values (100,'HOPKINS')
	insert into IT_research values (100,'JONES')
	insert into IT_research values (100,'TONEY')
	insert into IT_research values (200,'MORALES')
	insert into IT_research values (200,'P.WHITAKER')
	insert into IT_research values (200,'MARCIANO')
	insert into IT_research values (200,'ROBINSON')
	insert into IT_research values (300,'LACY')
	insert into IT_research values (300,'WRIGHT')
	insert into IT_research values (300,'J.TAYLOR')

	create table IT_apps (deptno number, ename varchar2(20))

	insert into IT_apps values (400,'CORRALES')
	insert into IT_apps values (400,'MAYWEATHER')
	insert into IT_apps values (400,'CASTILLO')
	insert into IT_apps values (400,'MARQUEZ')
	insert into IT_apps values (400,'MOSLEY')
	insert into IT_apps values (500,'GATTI')
	insert into IT_apps values (500,'CALZAGHE')
	insert into IT_apps values (600,'LAMOTTA')
	insert into IT_apps values (600,'HAGLER')
	insert into IT_apps values (600,'HEARNS')
	insert into IT_apps values (600,'FRAZIER')
	insert into IT_apps values (700,'GUINN')
	insert into IT_apps values (700,'JUDAH')
	insert into IT_apps values (700,'MARGARITO')

	 1 select max(decode(flag2,0,it_dept)) research,
	 2        max(decode(flag2,1,it_dept)) apps
	 3   from (
	 4 select sum(flag1)over(partition by flag2
	 5                           order by flag1,rownum) flag,
	 6        it_dept, flag2
	 7   from (
	 8 select 1 flag1, 0 flag2,
	 9        decode(rn,1,to_char(deptno),' '||ename) it_dept
	10   from (
	11 select x.*,,
	12        row_number()over(partition by x.deptno order by rn
	13   from (
	14 select deptno,
	15        ename,
	16        count(*)over(partition by deptno) cnt
	17   from it_research
	18        ) x,
	19        (select level id from dual connect by level <= 2) y
	20        )
	21  where rn <= cnt+1
	22 union all
	23 select 1 flag1, 1 flag2,
	24        decode(rn,1,to_char(deptno),' '||ename) it_dept
	25   from (
	26 select x.*,,
	27        row_number()over(partition by x.deptno order by rn
	28   from (
	29 select deptno,
	30        ename,
	31        count(*)over(partition by deptno) cnt
	32   from it_apps
	33        ) x,
	34        (select level id from dual connect by level <= 2) y
	35        )
	36  where rn <= cnt+1
	37        ) tmp1
	38        ) tmp2
	39  group by flag


Like many of the other warehousing/report type queries, the solution presented looks quite convoluted but once broken down you’ll seen it’s nothing more than a stack-n-pivot with a Cartesian twist (on the rocks, with a little umbrella). The way to break this query down is to work on each part of the UNION ALL first, then bring it together for the pivot. Let’s start with the lower portion of the UNION ALL:

	select 1 flag1, 1 flag2,
	       decode(rn,1,to_char(deptno),' '||ename) it_dept
	  from (
	select x.*,,
	       row_number()over(partition by x.deptno order by rn
	  from (
	select deptno,
	       count(*)over(partition by deptno) cnt
	  from it_apps
	       ) x,
	       (select level id from dual connect by level <= 2) y
	       ) z
	 where rn <= cnt+1

	----- ---------- --------------------------
	    1          1 400
	    1          1   MAYWEATHER
	    1          1   CASTILLO
	    1          1   MARQUEZ
	    1          1   MOSLEY
	    1          1   CORRALES
	    1          1 500
	    1          1   CALZAGHE
	    1          1   GATTI
	    1          1 600
	    1          1   HAGLER
	    1          1   HEARNS
	    1          1   FRAZIER
	    1          1   LAMOTTA
	    1          1 700
	    1          1   JUDAH
	    1          1   MARGARITO
	    1          1   GUINN

Let’s examine exactly how that result set is put together. Breaking down the above query to its simplest components, you have inline view X, which simply returns each ENAME and DEPTNO and the number of employees in each DEPTNO from table IT_APPS. The results are as follows:

	select deptno deptno,
	       count(*)over(partition by deptno) cnt
	  from it_apps

	DEPTNO ENAME                       CNT
	------ -------------------- ----------
	   400 CORRALES                      5
	   400 MAYWEATHER                    5
	   400 CASTILLO                      5
	   400 MARQUEZ                       5
	   400 MOSLEY                        5
	   500 GATTI                         2
	   500 CALZAGHE                      2
	   600 LAMOTTA                       4
	   600 HAGLER                        4
	   600 HEARNS                        4
	   600 FRAZIER                       4
	   700 GUINN                         3
	   700 JUDAH                         3
	   700 MARGARITO                     3

The next step is to create a Cartesian product between the rows returned from inline view X and two rows generated from DUAL using CONNECT BY. The results of this operation are as follows:

	select *
	  from (
	select deptno deptno,
	       count(*)over(partition by deptno) cnt
	  from it_apps
	       ) x,
	       (select level id from dual connect by level <= 2) y
	 order by 2

	------ ---------- --- ---
	   500 CALZAGHE     2   1
	   500 CALZAGHE     2   2
	   400 CASTILLO     5   1
	   400 CASTILLO     5   2
	   400 CORRALES     5   1
	   400 CORRALES     5   2
	   600 FRAZIER      4   1
	   600 FRAZIER      4   2
	   500 GATTI        2   1
	   500 GATTI        2   2
	   700 GUINN        3   1
	   700 GUINN        3   2
	   600 HAGLER       4   1
	   600 HAGLER       4   2
	   600 HEARNS       4   1
	   600 HEARNS       4   2
	   700 JUDAH        3   1
	   700 JUDAH        3   2
	   600 LAMOTTA      4   1
	   600 LAMOTTA      4   2
	   700 MARGARITO    3   1
	   700 MARGARITO    3   2
	   400 MARQUEZ      5   1
	   400 MARQUEZ      5   2
	   400 MAYWEATHER   5   1
	   400 MAYWEATHER   5   2
	   400 MOSLEY       5   1
	   400 MOSLEY       5   2

As you can see from these results, each row from inline view X is now returned twice due to the Cartesian product with inline view Y. The reason a Cartesian is needed will become clear shortly. The next step is to take the current result set and rank each employee within his DEPTNO by ID (ID has a value of 1 or 2 as was returned by the Cartesian product). The result of this ranking is shown in the output from the following query:

	select x.*,,
	       row_number()over(partition by x.deptno order by rn
	  from (
	select deptno deptno,
	       count(*)over(partition by deptno) cnt
	  from it_apps
	       ) x,
	       (select level id from dual connect by level <= 2) y

	DEPTNO ENAME      CNT ID          RN
	------ ---------- --- --- ----------
	   400 CORRALES     5   1          1
	   400 MAYWEATHER   5   1          2
	   400 CASTILLO     5   1          3
	   400 MARQUEZ      5   1          4
	   400 MOSLEY       5   1          5
	   400 CORRALES     5   2          6
	   400 MOSLEY       5   2          7
	   400 MAYWEATHER   5   2          8
	   400 CASTILLO     5   2          9
	   400 MARQUEZ      5   2         10
	   500 GATTI        2   1          1
	   500 CALZAGHE     2   1          2
	   500 GATTI        2   2          3
	   500 CALZAGHE     2   2          4
	   600 LAMOTTA      4   1          1
	   600 HAGLER       4   1          2
	   600 HEARNS       4   1          3
	   600 FRAZIER      4   1          4
	   600 LAMOTTA      4   2          5
	   600 HAGLER       4   2          6
	   600 FRAZIER      4   2          7
	   600 HEARNS       4   2          8
	   700 GUINN        3   1          1
	   700 JUDAH        3   1          2
	   700 MARGARITO    3   1          3
	   700 GUINN        3   2          4
	   700 JUDAH        3   2          5
	   700 MARGARITO    3   2          6

Each employee is ranked; then his duplicate is ranked. The result set contains duplicates for all employees in table IT_APP, along with their ranking within their DEPTNO. The reason you need to generate these extra rows is because you need a slot in the result set to slip in the DEPTNO in the ENAME column. If you Cartesian-join IT_APPS with a one-row table, you get no extra rows (because cardinality of any table x1 = cardinality of that table).

The next step is to take the results returned thus far and pivot the result set such that all the ENAMES are returned in one column but are preceded by the DEPTNO they are in. The following query shows how this happens:

	select 1 flag1, 1 flag2,
	       decode(rn,1,to_char(deptno),' '||ename) it_dept
	  from (
	select x.*,,
	       row_number()over(partition by x.deptno order by rn
	  from (
	select deptno deptno,
	       count(*)over(partition by deptno) cnt
	  from it_apps
	       ) x,
	       (select level id from dual connect by level <= 2) y
	       ) z
	 where rn <= cnt+1

	----- ---------- -------------------------
	    1          1 400
	    1          1   MAYWEATHER
	    1          1   CASTILLO
	    1          1   MARQUEZ
	    1          1   MOSLEY
	    1          1   CORRALES
	    1          1 500
	    1          1   CALZAGHE
	    1          1   GATTI
	    1          1 600
	    1          1   HAGLER
	    1          1   HEARNS
	    1          1   FRAZIER
	    1          1   LAMOTTA
	    1          1 700
	    1          1   JUDAH
	    1          1   MARGARITO
	    1          1   GUINN

FLAG1 and FLAG2 come into play later and can be ignored for the moment. Focus your attention on the rows in IT_DEPT. The number of rows returned for each DEPTNO is CNT*2, but all that is needed is CNT+1, which is the filter in the WHERE clause. RN is the ranking for each employee. The rows kept are all those ranked less than or equal to CNT+1; i.e., all employees in each DEPTNO plus one more (this extra employee is the employee who is ranked first in their DEPTNO). This extra row is where the DEPTNO will slide in. By using DECODE (an older Oracle function that gives more or less the equivalent of a CASE expression) to evaluate the value of RN, you can slide the value of DEPTNO into the result set. The employee who was at position 1 (based on the value of RN) is still shown in the result set, but is now last in each DEPTNO (because the order is irrelevant, this is not a problem). That pretty much covers the lower part of the UNION ALL.

The upper part of the UNION ALL is processed in the same way as the lower part so there’s no need to explain how that works. Instead, let’s examine the result set returned when stacking the queries:

	select 1 flag1, 0 flag2,
	       decode(rn,1,to_char(deptno),' '||ename) it_dept
	  from (
	select x.*,,
	       row_number()over(partition by x.deptno order by rn
	  from (
	select deptno,
	       count(*)over(partition by deptno) cnt
	  from it_research
	       ) x,
	       (select level id from dual connect by level <= 2) y
	 where rn <= cnt+1
	union all
	select 1 flag1, 1 flag2,
	       decode(rn,1,to_char(deptno),' '||ename) it_dept
	  from (
	select x.*,,
	       row_number()over(partition by x.deptno order by rn
	  from (
	select deptno deptno,
	       count(*)over(partition by deptno) cnt
	  from it_apps
	       ) x,
	       (select level id from dual connect by level <= 2) y
	 where rn <= cnt+1

	----- ---------- -----------------------
	    1          0 100
	    1          0   JONES
	    1          0   TONEY
	    1          0   HOPKINS
	    1          0 200
	    1          0   P.WHITAKER
	    1          0   MARCIANO
	    1          0   ROBINSON
	    1          0   MORALES
	    1          0 300
	    1          0   WRIGHT
	    1          0   J.TAYLOR
	    1          0   LACY
	    1          1 400
	    1          1   MAYWEATHER
	    1          1   CASTILLO
	    1          1   MARQUEZ
	    1          1   MOSLEY
	    1          1   CORRALES
	    1          1 500
	    1          1   CALZAGHE
	    1          1   GATTI
	    1          1 600
	    1          1   HAGLER
	    1          1   HEARNS
	    1          1   FRAZIER
	    1          1   LAMOTTA
	    1          1 700
	    1          1   JUDAH
	    1          1   MARGARITO
	    1          1   GUINN

At this point, it isn’t clear what FLAG1’s purpose is, but you can see that FLAG2 identifies which rows come from which part of the UNION ALL (0 for the upper part, 1 for the lower part).

The next step is to wrap the stacked result set in an inline view and create a running total on FLAG1 (finally, its purpose is revealed!), which will act as a ranking for each row in each stack. The results of the ranking (running total) are shown below:

	select sum(flag1)over(partition by flag2
	                      order by flag1,rownum) flag,
	       it_dept, flag2
	  from (
	select 1 flag1, 0 flag2,
	       decode(rn,1,to_char(deptno),' '||ename) it_dept
	  from (
	select x.*,,
	       row_number()over(partition by x.deptno order by rn
	  from (
	select deptno,
	       count(*)over(partition by deptno) cnt
	  from it_research
	       ) x,
	       (select level id from dual connect by level <= 2) y
	 where rn <= cnt+1
	union all
	select 1 flag1, 1 flag2,
	       decode(rn,1,to_char(deptno),' '||ename) it_dept
	  from (
	select x.*,,
	       row_number()over(partition by x.deptno order by rn
	  from (
	select deptno deptno,
	       count(*)over(partition by deptno) cnt
	  from it_apps
	       ) x,
	       (select level id from dual connect by level <= 2) y
	 where rn <= cnt+1
	       ) tmp1

	FLAG IT_DEPT              FLAG2
	---- --------------- ----------
	   1   100                    0
	   2     JONES                0
	   3     TONEY                0
	   4     HOPKINS              0
	   5   200                    0
	   6     P.WHITAKER           0
	   7     MARCIANO             0
	   8     ROBINSON             0
	   9     MORALES              0
	  10    300                   0
	  11     WRIGHT               0
	  12     J.TAYLOR             0
	  13     LACY                 0
	   1   400                    1
	   2     MAYWEATHER           1
	   3     CASTILLO             1
	   4     MARQUEZ              1
	   5     MOSLEY               1
	   6     CORRALES             1
	   7   500                    1
	   8     CALZAGHEe            1
	   9     GATTI                1
	  10   600                    1
	  11     HAGLER               1
	  12     HEARNS               1
	  13     FRAZIER              1
	  14     LAMOTTA              1
	  15   700                    1
	  16     JUDAH                1
	  17     MARGARITO            1
	  18     GUINN                1

The last step (finally!) is to pivot the value returned by TMP1 on FLAG2 while grouping by FLAG (the running total generated in TMP1). The results from TMP1 are wrapped in an inline view and pivoted (wrapped in a final inline view called TMP2). The ultimate solution and result set is shown below:

	select max(decode(flag2,0,it_dept)) research,
	       max(decode(flag2,1,it_dept)) apps
	  from (
	select sum(flag1)over(partition by flag2
	                          order by flag1,rownum) flag,
	       it_dept, flag2
	  from (
	select 1 flag1, 0 flag2,
	       decode(rn,1,to_char(deptno),' '||ename) it_dept
	  from (
	select x.*,,
	       row_number()over(partition by x.deptno order by rn
	  from (
	select deptno,
	       count(*)over(partition by deptno) cnt
	  from it_research
	       ) x,
	       (select level id from dual connect by level <= 2) y
	 where rn <= cnt+1
	union all
	select 1 flag1, 1 flag2,
	       decode(rn,1,to_char(deptno),' '||ename) it_dept
	  from (
	select x.*,,
	       row_number()over(partition by x.deptno order by rn
	  from (
	select deptno deptno,
	       count(*)over(partition by deptno) cnt
	  from it_apps
	       ) x,
	       (select level id from dual connect by level <= 2) y
	 where rn <= cnt+1
	       ) tmp1
	       ) tmp2
	 group by flag

	RESEARCH             APPS
	-------------------- ---------------
	100                  400
	  JONES                MAYWEATHER
	  TONEY                CASTILLO
	  HOPKINS              MARQUEZ
	200                    MOSLEY
	  MARCIANO           500
	  ROBINSON             CALZAGHE
	  MORALES              GATTI
	300                  600
	  WRIGHT               HAGLER
	  J.TAYLOR             HEARNS
	  LACY                 FRAZIER

14.10 Converting a Scalar Subquery to a Composite Subquery in Oracle


You would like to bypass the restriction of returning exactly one value from a scalar subquery. For example, you attempt to execute the following query:

	select e.deptno,
	       (select d.dname,d.loc,sysdate today
	          from dept d
	         where e.deptno=d.deptno)
	  from emp e

but receive an error because subqueries in the SELECT list are allowed to return only a single value.


Admittedly, this problem is quite unrealistic, because a simple join between tables EMP and DEPT would allow you to return as many values you want from DEPT. Nevertheless, the key is to focus on the technique and understand how to apply it to a scenario that you find useful. The key to bypassing the requirement to return a single value when placing a SELECT within SELECT (scalar subquery) is to take advantage of Oracle’s object types. You can define an object to have several attributes, and then you can work with it as a single entity or reference each element individually. In effect, you don’t really bypass the rule at all. You simply return one value, an object, that in turn contains many attributes.

This solution makes use of the following object type:

	create type generic_obj
	    as object (
	    val1 varchar2(10),
	    val2 varchar2(10),
	    val3 date

With this type in place, you can execute the following query:

	 1 select x.deptno,
	 2        x.ename,
	 3        x.multival.val1 dname,
	 4        x.multival.val2 loc,
	 5        x.multival.val3 today
	 6  from (
	 7select e.deptno,
	 8       e.ename,
	 9       e.sal,
	10       (select generic_obj(d.dname,d.loc,sysdate+1)
	11          from dept d
	12         where e.deptno=d.deptno) multival
	13  from emp e
	14       ) x

	------ ---------- ---------- ---------- -----------
	    20 SMITH      RESEARCH   DALLAS     12-SEP-2020
	    30 ALLEN      SALES      CHICAGO    12-SEP-2020
	    30 WARD       SALES      CHICAGO    12-SEP-2020
	    20 JONES      RESEARCH   DALLAS     12-SEP-2020
	    30 MARTIN     SALES      CHICAGO    12-SEP-2020
	    30 BLAKE      SALES      CHICAGO    12-SEP-2020
	    10 CLARK      ACCOUNTING NEW YORK   12-SEP-2020
	    20 SCOTT      RESEARCH   DALLAS     12-SEP-2020
	    10 KING       ACCOUNTING NEW YORK   12-SEP-2020
	    30 TURNER     SALES      CHICAGO    12-SEP-2020
	    20 ADAMS      RESEARCH   DALLAS     12-SEP-2020
	    30 JAMES      SALES      CHICAGO    12-SEP-2020
	    20 FORD       RESEARCH   DALLAS     12-SEP-2020
	    10 MILLER     ACCOUNTING NEW YORK   12-SEP-2020


The key to the solution is to use the object’s constructor function (by default the constructor function has the same name as the object). Because the object itself is a single scalar value, it does not violate the scalar subquery rule, as you can see from the following:

	select e.deptno,
	       (select generic_obj(d.dname,d.loc,sysdate-1)
	          from dept d
	       where e.deptno=d.deptno) multival
	from emp e

	------ ------ ----- -------------------------------------------------------
	    20 SMITH   800  GENERIC_OBJ('RESEARCH', 'DALLAS', '12-SEP-2020')
	    30 ALLEN  1600  GENERIC_OBJ('SALES', 'CHICAGO', '12-SEP-2020')
	    30 WARD   1250  GENERIC_OBJ('SALES', 'CHICAGO', '12-SEP-2020')
	    20 JONES  2975  GENERIC_OBJ('RESEARCH', 'DALLAS', '12-SEP-2020')
	    30 MARTIN 1250  GENERIC_OBJ('SALES', 'CHICAGO', '12-SEP-2020')
	    30 BLAKE  2850  GENERIC_OBJ('SALES', 'CHICAGO', '12-SEP-2020')
	    10 CLARK  2450  GENERIC_OBJ('ACCOUNTING', 'NEW YORK', '12-SEP-2020')
	    20 SCOTT  3000  GENERIC_OBJ('RESEARCH', 'DALLAS', '12-SEP-2020')
	    10 KING   5000  GENERIC_OBJ('ACCOUNTING', 'NEW YORK', '12-SEP-2020')
	    30 TURNER 1500  GENERIC_OBJ('SALES', 'CHICAGO', '12-SEP-2020')
	    20 ADAMS  1100  GENERIC_OBJ('RESEARCH', 'DALLAS', '12-SEP-2020')
	    30 JAMES   950  GENERIC_OBJ('SALES', 'CHICAGO', '12-SEP-2020')
	    20 FORD	  3000  GENERIC_OBJ('RESEARCH', 'DALLAS', '12-SEP-2020')
	    10 MILLER 1300  GENERIC_OBJ('ACCOUNTING', 'NEW YORK', '12-SEP-2020')

The next step is to simply wrap the query in an inline view and extract the attributes.


One important note: In Oracle, unlike the case with other vendors, you do not generally need to name your inline views. In this particular case, however, you do need to name your inline view. Otherwise you will not be able to reference the object’s attributes.

14.11 Parsing Serialized Data into Rows


You have serialized data (stored in strings) that you want to parse and return as rows. For example, you store the following data:


You want to convert these serialized strings into the following result set:

	VAL1            VAL2            VAL3
	--------------- --------------- ---------------
	moe                             sizlack
	petergriffin    meg             chris
	quagmire        mayorwest       cleveland
	robo            tchi            ken
	stewiegriffin   lois            brian


Each serialized string in this example can store up to three values. The values are delimited by colons, and a string may or may not have all three entries. If a string does not have all three entries, you must be careful to place the entries that are available into the correct column in the result set. For example, consider the following row:


This row represents an entry with the first two values missing and only the third value available. Hence, if you examine the target result set in the “Problem” section, you will notice that for the row “flanders” is in, both VAL1 and VAL2 are NULL.

The key to this solution is nothing more than a string walk with some string parsing, following by a simple pivot. This solution uses rows from view V, which is defined as follows. The example uses Oracle syntax, but since nothing more than string parsing functions are needed for this recipe, converting to other platforms is sinmple:

	create view V
	select 'entry:stewiegriffin:lois:brian:' strings
	  from dual
	 union all
	select 'entry:moe::sizlack:'
	  from dual
	 union all
	select 'entry:petergriffin:meg:chris:'
	  from dual
	 union all
	select 'entry:willie:'
	  from dual
	 union all
	select 'entry:quagmire:mayorwest:cleveland:'
	  from dual
	 union all
	select 'entry:::flanders:'
	  from dual
	 union all
	select 'entry:robo:tchi:ken:'
	  from dual

Using view V to supply the example data to parse, the solution is as follows:

	 1  with cartesian as (
	 2  select level id
	 3    from dual
	 4   connect by level <= 100
	 5  )
	 6  select max(decode(id,1,substr(strings,p1+1,p2-1))) val1,
	 7         max(decode(id,2,substr(strings,p1+1,p2-1))) val2,
	 8         max(decode(id,3,substr(strings,p1+1,p2-1))) val3
	 9   from (
	10 select v.strings,
	12        instr(v.strings,':',1, p1,
	13        instr(v.strings,':',1,,':',1, p2
	14   from v, cartesian c
	15  where <= (length(v.strings)-length(replace(v.strings,':')))-1
	16        )
	17  group by strings
	18  order by 1


The first step is to walk the serialized strings:

	with cartesian as (
	select level id
	  from dual
	 connect by level <= 100
	select v.strings,
	  from v,cartesian c
	 where <= (length(v.strings)-length(replace(v.strings,':')))-1

	STRINGS                             ID
	----------------------------------- ---
	entry:::flanders:                    1
	entry:::flanders:                    2
	entry:::flanders:                    3
	entry:moe::sizlack:                  1
	entry:moe::sizlack:                  2
	entry:moe::sizlack:                  3
	entry:petergriffin:meg:chris:        1
	entry:petergriffin:meg:chris:        3
	entry:petergriffin:meg:chris:        2
	entry:quagmire:mayorwest:cleveland:  1
	entry:quagmire:mayorwest:cleveland:  3
	entry:quagmire:mayorwest:cleveland:  2
	entry:robo:tchi:ken:                 1
	entry:robo:tchi:ken:                 2
	entry:robo:tchi:ken:                 3
	entry:stewiegriffin:lois:brian:      1
	entry:stewiegriffin:lois:brian:      3
	entry:stewiegriffin:lois:brian:      2
	entry:willie:                        1

The next step is to use the function INSTR to find the numeric position of each colon in each string. Since each value you need to extract is enclosed by two colons, the numeric values are aliased P1 and P2, for “position 1” and “position 2”:

	with cartesian as (
	select level id
	  from dual
	  connect by level <= 100
	select v.strings,,
	       instr(v.strings,':',1, p1,
	       instr(v.strings,':',1,,':',1, p2
	       from v,cartesian c
	      where <= (length(v.strings)-length(replace(v.strings,':')))-1
	      order by 1

	STRINGS                             ID          P1         P2
	----------------------------------- --- ---------- ----------
	entry:::flanders:                     1          6          1
	entry:::flanders:                     2          7          1
	entry:::flanders:                     3          8          9
	entry:moe::sizlack:                   1          6          4
	entry:moe::sizlack:                   2         10          1
	entry:moe::sizlack:                   3         11          8
	entry:petergriffin:meg:chris:         1          6         13
	entry:petergriffin:meg:chris:         3         23          6
	entry:petergriffin:meg:chris:         2         19          4
	entry:quagmire:mayorwest:cleveland:   1          6          9
	entry:quagmire:mayorwest:cleveland:   3         25         10
	entry:quagmire:mayorwest:cleveland:   2         15         10
	entry:robo:tchi:ken:                  1          6          5
	entry:robo:tchi:ken:                  2         11          5
	entry:robo:tchi:ken:                  3         16          4
	entry:stewiegriffin:lois:brian:       1          6         14
	entry:stewiegriffin:lois:brian:       3         25          6
	entry:stewiegriffin:lois:brian:       2         20          5
	entry:willie:                         1          6          7

Now that you know the numeric positions for each pair of colons in each string, simply pass the information to the function SUBSTR to extract values. Since you want to create a result set with three columns, use DECODE to evaluate the ID from the Cartesian product:

with cartesian as (
	select level id
	  from dual
	 connect by level <= 100
	select decode(id,1,substr(strings,p1+1,p2-1)) val1,
	       decode(id,2,substr(strings,p1+1,p2-1)) val2,
	       decode(id,3,substr(strings,p1+1,p2-1)) val3
	  from (
	select v.strings,,
	       instr(v.strings,':',1, p1,
	       instr(v.strings,':',1,,':',1, p2
	  from v,cartesian c
	 where <= (length(v.strings)-length(replace(v.strings,':')))-1
	 order by 1

	VAL1            VAL2            VAL3
	--------------- --------------- --------------



The last step is to apply an aggregate function to the values returned by SUBSTR while grouping by ID, to make a human-readable result set:

	with cartesian as (
	select level id
	  from dual
	 connect by level <= 100
	select max(decode(id,1,substr(strings,p1+1,p2-1))) val1,
	       max(decode(id,2,substr(strings,p1+1,p2-1))) val2,
	       max(decode(id,3,substr(strings,p1+1,p2-1))) val3
	  from (
	select v.strings,,
	       instr(v.strings,':',1, p1,
	       instr(v.strings,':',1,,':',1, p2
	 from v,cartesian c
	where <= (length(v.strings)-length(replace(v.strings,':')))-1
	group by strings
	order by 1

	VAL1            VAL2            VAL3
	--------------- --------------- -----------
	moe                             sizlack
	petergriffin    meg             chris
	quagmire        mayorwest       cleveland
	robo            tchi            ken
	stewiegriffin   lois            brian

14.12 Calculating Percent Relative to Total


You want to report a set of numeric values, and you want to show each value as a percentage of the whole. For example, you are on an Oracle system and you want to return a result set that shows the breakdown of salaries by JOB so that you can determine which JOB position costs the company the most money. You also want to include the number of employees per JOB to prevent the results from being misleading. You want to produce the following report:

	--------- ---------- -------------------
	CLERK              4                  14
	ANALYST            2                  20
	MANAGER            3                  28
	SALESMAN           4                  19
	PRESIDENT          1                  17

As you can see, if the number of employees is not included in the report, it looks as if the president position takes very little of the overall salary. Seeing that there is only one president helps put into perspective what that 17% means.


Only Oracle enables a decent solution to this problem, which involves using the built-in function RATIO_TO_REPORT. To calculate percentages of the whole for other databases, you can use division as shown in “Determining the Percentage of a Total” in Chapter 7.

	1  select job,num_emps,sum(round(pct)) pct_of_all_salaries
	2   from (
	3  select job,
	4         count(*)over(partition by job) num_emps,
	5         ratio_to_report(sal)over()*100 pct
	6    from emp
	7         )
	8   group by job,num_emps


The first step is to use the window function COUNT OVER to return the number of employees per JOB. Then use RATIO_TO_REPORT to return the percentage each salary counts against the total (the value is returned in decimal):

	select job,
	       count(*)over(partition by job) num_emps,
	       ratio_to_report(sal)over()*100 pct
	  from emp

	JOB         NUM_EMPS        PCT
	--------- ---------- ----------
	ANALYST            2 10.3359173
	ANALYST            2 10.3359173
	CLERK              4 2.75624462
	CLERK              4 3.78983635
	CLERK              4  4.4788975
	CLERK              4 3.27304048
	MANAGER            3 10.2497847
	MANAGER            3 8.44099914
	MANAGER            3 9.81912145
	PRESIDENT          1 17.2265289
	SALESMAN           4 5.51248923
	SALESMAN           4 4.30663221
	SALESMAN           4 5.16795866
	SALESMAN           4 4.30663221

The last step is to use the aggregate function SUM to sum the values returned by RATIO_TO_REPORT. Be sure to group by JOB and NUM_EMPS. Multiply by 100 to return a whole number that represents a percentage (e.g., to return 25 rather than 0.25 for 25%):

	select job,num_emps,sum(round(pct)) pct_of_all_salaries
	  from (
	select job,
	       count(*)over(partition by job) num_emps,
	       ratio_to_report(sal)over()*100 pct
	  from emp
	 group by job,num_emps

	--------- ---------- -------------------
	CLERK              4                  14
	ANALYST            2                  20
	MANAGER            3                  28
	SALESMAN           4                  19
	PRESIDENT          1                  17

14.13 Testing for Existence of a Value Within a Group


You want to create a Boolean flag for a row depending on whether or not any row in its group contains a specific value. Consider an example of a student who has taken a certain number of exams during a period of time. A student will take three exams over three months. If a student passes one of these exams, the requirement is satisfied and a flag should be returned to express that fact. If a student did not pass any of the three tests in the three month period, then an additional flag should be returned to express that fact as well. Consider the following example (using Oracle syntax to make up rows for this example; minor modifications are necessary for the other vendors, making user of window functions):

	create view V
	select 1 student_id,
	       1 test_id,
	       2 grade_id,
	       1 period_id,
	       to_date('02/01/2020','MM/DD/YYYY') test_date,
	       0 pass_fail
	  from dual union all
	select 1, 2, 2, 1, to_date('03/01/2020','MM/DD/YYYY'), 1 from dual union all
	select 1, 3, 2, 1, to_date('04/01/2020','MM/DD/YYYY'), 0 from dual union all
	select 1, 4, 2, 2, to_date('05/01/2020','MM/DD/YYYY'), 0 from dual union all
	select 1, 5, 2, 2, to_date('06/01/2020','MM/DD/YYYY'), 0 from dual union all
	select 1, 6, 2, 2, to_date('07/01/2020','MM/DD/YYYY'), 0 from dual

	select *
	  from V

	---------- ------- -------- --------- ----------- ---------
	          1       1        2        1 01-FEB-2020         0
	          1       2        2        1 01-MAR-2020         1
	          1       3        2        1 01-APR-2020         0
	          1       4        2        2 01-MAY-2020         0
	          1       5        2        2 01-JUN-2020         0
	          1       6        2        2 01-JUL-2020         0

Examining the result set above, you see that the student has taken six tests over two, three-month periods. The student has passed one test (1 means “pass”; 0 means “fail”), thus the requirement is satisfied for the entire first period. Because the student did not pass any exams during the second period (the next three months), PASS_FAIL is 0 for all three exams. You want to return a result set that highlights whether or not a student has passed a test for a given period. Ultimately you want to return the following result set:

	---------- ------- -------- --------- ----------- ------ -----------
	         1       1        2         1 01-FEB-2020      +           0
	         1       2        2         1 01-MAR-2020      +           0
	         1       3        2         1 01-APR-2020      +           0
	         1       4        2         2 01-MAY-2020      -           0
	         1       5        2         2 01-JUN-2020      -           0
	         1       6        2         2 01-JUL-2020      -           1

The values for METREQ (“met requirement”) are + and -, signifying the student either has or has not satisfied the requirement of passing at least one test in a period (three-month span), respectively. The value for IN_PROGRESS should be 0 if a student has already passed a test in a given period. If a student has not passed a test for a given period, then the row that has the latest exam date for that student will have a value of 1 for IN_PROGRESS.


This problem appears tricky because you have to treat rows in a group as a group and not as individuals. Consider the values for PASS_FAIL in the problem section. If you evaluate row by row, it appears that the value for METREQ for each row except TEST_ID 2 should be “-”, when it’s not the case. You must ensure you evaluate the rows as a group. By using the window function MAX OVER you can easily determine whether or not a student passed at least one test during a particular period. Once you have that information, the “Boolean” values are a simple matter of using CASE expressions:

	 1  select student_id,
	 2         test_id,
	 3         grade_id,
	 4         period_id,
	 5         test_date,
	 6         decode( grp_p_f,1,lpad('+',6),lpad('-',6) ) metreq,
	 7         decode( grp_p_f,1,0,
	 8                 decode( test_date,last_test,1,0 ) ) in_progress
	 9   from (
	10 select V.*,
	11        max(pass_fail)over(partition by
	12                      student_id,grade_id,period_id) grp_p_f,
	13        max(test_date)over(partition by
	14                      student_id,grade_id,period_id) last_test
	15   from V
	16        ) x


The key to the solution is using the window function MAX OVER to return the greatest value of PASS_FAIL for each group. Because the values for PASS_FAIL are only 1 or 0, if a student passed at least one exam, then MAX OVER would return 1 for the entire group. How this works is shown below:

	select V.*,
	       max(pass_fail)over(partition by
	                      student_id,grade_id,period_id) grp_pass_fail
	  from V

	---------- ------- -------- --------- ----------- --------- -------------
	         1       1        2         1 01-FEB-2020         0             1
	         1       2        2         1 01-MAR-2020         1             1
	         1       3        2         1 01-APR-2020         0             1
	         1       4        2         2 01-MAY-2020         0             0
	         1       5        2         2 01-JUN-2020         0             0
	         1       6        2         2 01-JUL-2020         0             0

The result set above shows that the student passed at least one test during the first period, thus the entire group has a value of 1 or “pass.” The next requirement is that if the student has not passed any tests in a period, return a value of 1 for he IN_ PROGRESS flag for the latest test date in that group. You can use the window function MAX OVER to do this as well:

	select V.*,
	       max(pass_fail)over(partition by
	                      student_id,grade_id,period_id) grp_p_f,
	       max(test_date)over(partition by
	                      student_id,grade_id,period_id) last_test
	  from V

	---------- ------- -------- --------- ----------- --------- ------- -----------
	         1       1        2         1 01-FEB-2020         0       1 01-APR-2020
	         1       2        2         1 01-MAR-2020         1       1 01-APR-2020
	         1       3        2         1 01-APR-2020         0       1 01-APR-2020
	         1       4        2         2 01-MAY-2020         0       0 01-JUL-2020
	         1       5        2         2 01-JUN-2020         0       0 01-JUL-2020
	         1       6        2         2 01-JUL-2020         0       0 01-JUL-2020

Now that you have determined for which period the student has passed a test and what the latest test date for each period is, the last step is simply a matter of applying some formatting magic to make the result set look nice. The ultimate solution uses Oracle’s DECODE function (CASE supporters eat your hearts out) to create the METREQ and IN_PROGRESS columns. Use the LPAD function to right justify the values for METREQ:

	select student_id,
	       decode( grp_p_f,1,lpad('+',6),lpad('-',6) ) metreq,
	       decode( grp_p_f,1,0,
	               decode( test_date,last_test,1,0 ) ) in_progress
	  from (
	select V.*,
	       max(pass_fail)over(partition by
	                      student_id,grade_id,period_id) grp_p_f,
	       max(test_date)over(partition by
	                      student_id,grade_id,period_id) last_test
	  from V
	       ) x

	---------- ------- -------- --------- ----------- ------ -----------
	         1       1        2         1 01-FEB-2020      +           0
	         1       2        2         1 01-MAR-2020      +           0
	         1       3        2         1 01-APR-2020      +           0
	         1       4        2         2 01-MAY-2020      -           0
	         1       5        2         2 01-JUN-2020      -           0
	         1       6        2         2 01-JUL-2020      -           1

===Summing Up

SQL is more powerful than many credit it. Throughout this book we have tried to challenge you to see more applications than are typically noted. In this chapter we’ve headed straight for the edge cases, and tried to show just how you can push SQL, both with standard features, and also with certain vendor specific features.

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