Chapter 18

Ten (x3) Ways to Prove Your Claims

In This Chapter

arrow Number statements to prove your accomplishments

arrow Percentage statements to document your claims

arrow Dollar-amount statements to back your results

So you have excellent communications skills, or you meet people well, or you can make a computer work magic. At least, that’s what you assert. How can I (an employer) believe you?

I’m more likely to believe your claims of skills and accomplishments when you back them up with specifics. A good start on backing up your statements is measuring them with numbers, percentages, and dollar amounts.

Compare the following statements in Column A with the statements in Column B. Which is the strongest, most attention-grabbing, most convincing?

Column A

Column B

Easy Ways to Be More Popular

50 Easy Ways to Be More Popular

Towels on Sale

Towels 40% Off

Designed internal company insurance plan to replace outside plan at great savings.

Designed $30 million self-insured health plan, saving estimated $5 million per year over previous external plan

I think you’ll agree that the Column B statements win hands down! The take-home message is measure, measure, measure. Look at the following statements in the three categories of numbers, percentages, and dollar amounts. Fill in the blanks as a reminder to measure your accomplishments and results.

Say It with Numbers

1. __ (#) years of extensive experience in __________________ and __________________.

2. Won ____ (#) awards for __________________.

3. Trained/Supervised ____ (#) full-time and ____ (#) part-time employees.

4. Recommended by __________________ (a number of notable people) as a __________________ (something good that they said about you) for excellent ______________ (an accomplishment or skill).

5. Supervised a staff of ____ (#).

6. Recruited ____ (#) staff members in ______________ (period of time), increasing overall production.

7. Sold ____ (# of products) in ______________ (period of time), ranking ____ (1st, 2nd, 3rd) in sales in a company of ____ (#) employees.

8. Exceeded goals in __ (#) years/months/days, establishing my employer as ____ (1st, 2nd, 3rd, or whatever number) in industry.

9. Missed only ____ (#) days of work out of ____ (#) total.

10. Assisted ____ (#) (executives, supervisors, technical directors, others).

Say It with Percentages

1. Excellent______________ (your top proficiency) skills, which resulted in ____ (%) increase/decrease in ______________ (sales, revenues, profits, clients, expenses, costs, charges).

2. Recognized as a leader in company, using strong skills to effect a/an ____ (%) increase in team/co-worker production.

3. Streamlined ______________ (industry procedure), decreasing hours spent on task by ____ (%).

4. Used extensive ______________ (several skills) to increase customer/member base by ____ (%).

5. Financed ____ (%) of tuition/education/own business.

6. Graduated within the top ____ (%) of class.

7. Responsible for an estimated ____ (%) of employer’s success in ______________ (functional area/market).

8. Resolved customer relations issues, increasing customer satisfaction by ____ (%).

9. Eliminated ______________ (an industry problem), increasing productivity by ____ (%).

10. Upgraded ______________ (an industry tool), resulting in ____ (%) increase in effectiveness.

Say It with Dollar Amounts

1. Supervised entire ______________ (a department) staff, decreasing middle-management costs by ____ ($).

2. Purchased computer upgrade for office, saving the company ____ ($) in paid hours.

3. Eliminated the need for ______________ (one or several positions in company), decreasing payroll by ____ ($).

4. Averaged ____ ($) in sales per month.

5. Collected ____ ($) in memberships and donations.

6. Supervised the opening/construction of new location, completing task at ____ ($) under projected budget.

7. Designed entire ______________ program, which earned ____ ($) in company revenues.

8. Implemented new ______________ system, saving ____ ($) daily/weekly/monthly/annually.

9. Reduced cost of ______________ (substantial service) by developing and implementing a new ______________ system at the bargain price of ____ ($).

10. Restructured ______________ (organization/system/product) to result in a savings of ____ ($)

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