
Dr Keith Holland; lecturer in acoustics at the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, with whom I have worked closely for over 20 years. His work is evident throughout this book, and he was responsible for about 150 of the measurements presented in the figures. It is an honour to have him so deeply involved in a work such as this.

Sergio Castro AMIOA, who assembled the entire artwork for the book and who was responsible for the graphics for around 200 of the figures. He has been a close friend and colleague ever since I designed his studio, Planta Sonica, in Vigo, Spain in 1985.

Janet Payne, who not only provoked me into writing this book, but who undertook to put onto a word processor literally thousands of pages of manuscript. For anybody who knows what my handwriting is like, the enormity of the task will be self-evident.

Tim Goodyer and David Bell, for Chapter 17. It can be difficult for a person such as me to enthuse about something to which they cannot 100% commit themselves, but it would have been unjust to write a half-hearted chapter, or to ignore the contribution that Live-End, Dead-End control rooms have made to the recording industry. David is a deft exponent of the technique, and it was courageous of him to step into the lion’s den and make his contribution. He deserves great respect as an honest, sincere, and capable man.

Professor James A. S. Angus of Salford University, UK, for allowing me to copy some of the figures from his chapters in the book Acoustics and Psychoacoustics (co-written by Professor David Howard), and for many stimulating conversations on the subject of this work.

Julius Newell, for Figures 19.15 to 19.17, and for the hard work involved in making those measurements.

Melanie Holdaway, Janet Payne’s sister, for handling the overloads when the typing schedules became excessively pressurised.

Beth Howard, at Focal Press, for keeping faith as this book grew and grew. Alan Perkins, for a thorough reading of the proofs.

Eliana Valdigem, for help with many measurements and for her general support.

And finally, to all the people who have worked so hard on the construction of my designs, without whose diligence and effort the end results would not have achieved their success.

My sincerest thanks to all of them.

Philip Newell

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