Chapter 6. Managing Databases

The ability to store data in a manageable database dramatically increases the options regarding the types of applications that can be created by Python. The Python language has built-in modules, as well as add-on modules, that provide an extensive platform for the persistent storage of data in various database formats.

This chapter familiarizes you with phrases used to create generic DBM files for simple persistent storage of data, as well as some advanced concepts such as pickling data to files and shelves. Most basic database needs can be handled by the DBM, pickle, and shelve modules. The advantage of those modules is that they do not require a backend database server.

This chapter also covers connecting to and using a MySQL server as the backend database engine for persistent storage. MySQLdb, available at, is an add-on Python package that conforms to the Python DB-API 2.0 specification. Python provides the DB-API specification to accommodate the numerous forms of SQL servers available. The specification provides the necessary framework to access most of the available SQL databases via add-on modules such as MySQLdb.

There are other SQL modules available for other SQL servers such as Oracle, JDBC, Sybase, and DB2, as well as others. Thanks to the Python DB-API spec, the phrases listed for MySQL can be used to access those SQL databases as well. You simply need to install the appropriate module and use that module’s connect function to connect to the database.


There might be some subtle differences among different database query strings, such as escape sequences.

Adding Entries to a DBM File

Example . 

import anydbm
cityDB ="city.dbm", 'n')
for flight in flights:
    cityDB[flight] = cities[i]

The anydbm module provides a generic interface, allowing you to open databases based on several different lower-level packages that can be installed on the system. When imported, the anydbm module searches for the dbm, gdbm, and bsddb packages that provide access to the UNIX dbm, GNU DBM, and Berkely DB libraries, respectively. If none of those packages are available, then the dumbdbm module is loaded to provide access to a simple DBM-style database library.

The adybdm module provides the open(filename [,flag [, mode]]) function that allows you to open and create databases (see the “Opening and Closing Files” phrase of Chapter 4, “Managing Files,” for more details).


When creating a new database, anydbm will try to use the database module that was first installed on the system.

The open function returns a database object that behaves much the same as a dictionary. Entries can be added to the database by assigning a value to a key using the d[key] = value syntax. The key must be a standard string, and the value must also be a standard string, except in the shelve module discussed in later phrases.

import anydbm

cities = ["Dallas", "Los Angeles", "New York"]
flights = ["1144", "1045", "1520"]
times = ["230pm", "320pm", "420pm"]

#Create DBM file
cityDB ="city.dbm", 'n')
timeDB ="time.dbm", 'n')

#Add entries
i = 0
for flight in flights:
    cityDB[flight] = cities[i]
    i += 1
i = 0
for flight in flights:
    timeDB[flight] = times[i]
    i += 1

print cityDB.items()
print timeDB.items()

#Close DBM file

[('1144', 'Dallas'), ('1045', 'Los Angeles'),
 ('1520', 'New York')]
[('1144', '230pm'), ('1045', '320pm'),
 ('1520', '420pm')]]

Output from code

Retrieving Entries from a DBM File

Example . 

import anydbm
cityDB ="city.dbm", 'r')
flights = cityDB.keys()
for flight in flights:
    print ("Flight %s arrives from %s at %s" %
(flight, cityDB[flight], timeDB[flight]))

The anydbm module provides a generic interface allowing you to open databases based on several different lower-level packages that can be installed on the system. When imported, the anydbm module searches for the dbm, gdbm, or bsddb package. If none of those packages are available, the dumbdbm module is loaded and used for database I/O.

The anydbm module provides the open(filename [,flag [, mode]]) function that allows you to open and create databases (see the “Opening and Closing Files” phrase of Chapter 4 for more details).


When opening an existing database, anydbm uses the whichdb module to determine which database module to use when opening the database.

Once the database has been opened, you can use the database object similarly to a dictionary. You can use the keys() and values() functions to retrieve a list of keys or values, respectively. You can also access a specific value by referencing using the corresponding key.

import anydbm

#Open DBM file for reading
cityDB ="city.dbm", 'r')
timeDB ="time.dbm", 'r')

#Get keys
flights = cityDB.keys()

#Use keys to get values
print "Arrivals"
for flight in flights:
    print ("Flight %s arrives from %s at %s" %
(flight, cityDB[flight], timeDB[flight]))

#Close DBM file

Flight 1144 arrives from Dallas at 230pm
Flight 1045 arrives from Los Angeles at 320pm
Flight 1520 arrives from New York at 420pm

Output from code

Updating Entries in a DBM File

Example . 

import anydbm
cityDB ="city.dbm", 'w')
flights = timeDB.keys()
for flight in flights:
    if c == flight:
        timeDB[flight] = "CANCELLLED"
        if d == flight:
     del timeDB[flight]

After the database has been opened, you can use the database object similarly to a dictionary. To change a value of an object in the database, assign a new value to the corresponding key using d[key] = value. To remove an object from the database, use del d[key] to reference the object by its specific key.


The d.has_key(key) function can be extremely useful if you are not certain whether a specific key exists in the database.

import anydbm

flights = []
cancelled = ["1520", "1544"]
deleted = ["1144"]

def displayArrivals(header):
    print header
    print "========================================"
    for flight in flights:
        print ("Flight %s from %s arrives at %s" %
            (flight, cityDB[flight],

#Open DBM file for reading
cityDB ="city.dbm", 'w')
timeDB ="time.dbm", 'w')

#Get keys
flights = timeDB.keys()

#Display arrivals

#Update DBM
for flight in flights:
    for c in cancelled:
        if c == flight:
            timeDB[flight] = "CANCELLED"
    for d in deleted:
        if d == flight:
            del timeDB[flight]
            del cityDB[flight]

#Display updataed arrivals
flights = timeDB.keys()
displayArrivals("Updated Arrivals")

#Close DMB file

Flight 1144 from Dallas arrives at 230pm
Flight 1045 from Los Angeles arrives at 320pm
Flight 1520 from New York arrives at 420pm

Updated Arrivals
Flight 1045 from Los Angeles arrives at 320pm
Flight 1520 from New York arrives at CANCELLED

Output from code

Pickling Objects to a File

Example . 

import cPickle
f = open("pickled.dat", "w")
p = cPickle.Pickler(f)

Pickling data to files is one of the simplest ways to get around the limitation that DBM files have of only allowing simple text string storage. The pickle and cPickle modules included with Python provide a simple-to-use interface to pickle entire objects to a file for persistent storage.


The cPickler object is much faster than the pickler object; however, it will not allow you to subclass the pickler and unpickler objects for advanced handling of data.

The idea of pickling is to take an existing Python object and structure the data in such a way that it can be easily written out to an existing file and read back again.

The first step in pickleing Python objects is to open a file with the write permission. Once the file has been opened, use the Pickler(file) method to create a pickler object. The Pickler method accepts a standard file object as its only parameter and returns the pickler object that is used to write objects to the file.

Once the pickler object has been created, you can use the dump(object) method to write almost any Python object to the file. The dump method pickles the object and writes it to the file. As the output of the sample code illustrates, the pickled object is not a standard Python object.


If the same object is dumped to a pickler object twice, only the first object is saved, even if the object has been modified.

import cPickle

flights = {"1144":"Dallas", "1045":"Los Angeles",
           "1520":"New York"}
times = ["230pm", "320pm", "420pm"]

#Create the pickle file
f = open("pickled.dat", "w")

#Create the pickler object
p = cPickle.Pickler(f)

#Pickle data to the file

#Display the file contents
f = open("pickled.dat", "r")
data =
print data

S'New York'
S'Los Angeles'

Output from code

Unpickling Objects from a File

Example . 

import cPickle
f = open("pickled.dat", "r")
p = cPickle.Unpickler(f)
data = p.load()

Pickling data to files is one of the simplest ways to get around the limitation that DBM files have of only allowing simple text string storage. The pickle and cPickle modules included with Python provide a simple-to-use interface to pickle entire objects to a file for persistent storage.


The cPickler object is much faster than the pickler object; however, it will not allow you to subclass the pickler and unpickler objects for advanced handling of data.

The idea of unpickling is to read pickled objects from an existing pickle file and convert those pickled objects back to standard Python objects.

The first step to unpickle Python objects is to open the pickle file with the read permission. Once the file has been opened, use the UnPickler(file) method to create an unpickler object. The UnPickler method accepts a standard file object as its only parameter and returns the unpickler object that is used to read pickled objects from the file.

Once the unpickler object has been created, you can use the load() method to read a pickled object from the file. The object will be restructured and returned as a standard Python object.

import cPickle

#Open the pickle file
f = open("pickled.dat", "r")

#Create the unpickler object
p = cPickle.Unpickler(f)

#Unpickle an object from the file
data = p.load()
print "Flight Dictionary:"
print data

#Unpickle an object from the file
data = p.load()
print "
Time List:"
print data


Flight Dictionary:
{'1520': 'New York', '1144': 'Dallas',
 '1045': 'Los Angeles'}

Time List:
['230pm', '320pm', '420pm']

Output from code

Storing Objects in a Shelve File

Example . 

import shelve
db ="shelved.dat", "n")
db['flights'] = flights
db['times'] = times
print db.keys()

Although pickling is great to store complex Python objects that DBMs cannot, it does not provide the direct entry access that is available with DBMs. Python provides the shelve module to bridge the gap and provide direct access to stored entries, as well as the ability to store complex Python objects. The shelve module accomplishes this by pickling the objects behind the scenes as they are added to the shelve file.

The shelve module provides its own open(filename [, flags [, protocol [, writeback]]]) method to create and open shelve files. The optional flags parameter accepts an r, w, c, or n character to determine whether the shelve will be read, write, created if it doesn’t already exist, or truncated to zero length if it does exist. The optional protocol parameter accepts 0, 1, or 2 to determine whether the objects will be pickled as text based, binary, or a newer, faster method, respectively. The writeback parameter, which defaults to false, is a Boolean that, when set to true, causes changes to be cached until the database is closed.

The open method of the shelve module returns a shelve object that behaves much the same as a dictionary. Entries can be added to the shelve by assigning a value to a key using d[key] = value. The key must be a standard string; however, the value can be almost any Python object.

The output from the sample code shows what the contents of the shelve file looks like. You can see the objects in pickled form because the file was created using the default text-based protocol for pickling.

import shelve

flights = {"1144":"Dallas", "1045":"Los Angeles", 
           "1520":"New York"}
times = ["230pm", "320pm", "420pm"]

#Create shelve
db ="shelved.dat", "n")

#Store objects in shelve
db['flights'] = flights
db['times'] = times

#Display added keys
print db.keys()


#Display the file contents
f = open("shelved.dat", "r")
data =
print data

['times', 'flights']

S'New York'
S'Los Angeles'

Output from code

Retrieving Objects from a Shelve File

Example . 

import shelve
db ="shelved.dat", "r")
for k in db.keys():
    obj = db[k]
flightDB = db['flights']
flights = flightDB.keys()
cities = flightDB.values()
times = db['times']

The shelve module provides its own open(filename [, flags [, protocol [, writeback]]]) method to create and open shelve files. The optional flags parameter accepts an r, w, c, or n character to determine whether the shelve will be read, write, created if it doesn’t already exist, or truncated to zero length if it does exist. The optional protocol parameter accepts 0, 1, or 2 to determine whether the objects will be pickled as text based, binary, or a newer, faster method, respectively. The writeback, which defaults to false, is a Boolean that, when set to true, causes changes to be cached until the database is closed.


The optional protocol parameter accepts 0, 1, or 2 to determine whether the objects will be pickled as text based, binary, or a newer, faster method, respectively. When you open the shelve file to read objects, you must specify the correct protocol to properly unpickle the objects.

The open method of the shelve module opens a shelve file and returns a shelve object that behaves much the same as a dictionary. Once the shelve object has been created, you can use the shelve object similarly to a dictionary.

The keys() and values() functions retrieve a list of keys or values, respectively. You can also access a specific value by referencing using the corresponding key.


When working with shelve files, the values that are returned can be almost any object type. You will need to keep this in mind when managing shelves that have multiple object types stored in them.

import shelve

#Open shelve file
db ="shelved.dat", "r")

#Get the keys from the shelve
for k in db.keys():
    obj = db[k]
    print "%s: %s" % (k, obj)

#Use keys to get values
flightDB = db['flights']
flights = flightDB.keys()
cities = flightDB.values()
times = db['times']

print "
print "============================================="
x = 0
for flight in flights:
    print ("Flight %s leaves for %s at %s" % 
          (flight, cities[x],  times[x]))


times: ['230pm', '320pm', '420pm']
flights: {'1520': 'New York', '1144': 'Dallas',
 '1045': 'Los Angeles'}

Flight 1520 leaves for New York at 230pm
Flight 1144 leaves for Dallas at 320pm
Flight 1045 leaves for Los Angeles at 420pm

Output from code

Changing Objects in a Shelve File

Example . 

import shelve
db ="shelved.dat", "w", writeback=1)
flights = db['flights']
del flights['1144']
flights['1145'] = "Dallas"
db['times'] = newtimes

Once the shelve file has been opened, you can use the shelve object similarly to a dictionary. If you want to replace an existing object in the shelve with a new one, assign the new value to the corresponding key using d[key] = value. To remove an object from the database, use del d[key] to reference the object by its specific key.

Changing the value of specific parts of an object is where the power of using shelves rather than DBMs becomes very apparent. First, retrieve the object from the shelve by referencing its key using obj = d[key]. Once the object has been retrieved, values of the object can be modified using standard Python. The changes to the object are written back to the shelve file automatically.


In the example, we open the shelve with writeback set to true, so we use the sync() method of the shelve module to force the changes to be flushed to disk.

import shelve

newtimes = ["110pm", "220pm", "300pm", "445pm"]

#Open shelve file
db ="shelved.dat", "w", writeback=1)

#Get the keys
for k in db.keys():
    obj = db[k]
    print "%s: %s" % (k, obj)
print "


#Use keys to get values
flights = db['flights']
times = db['times']

#Update contents of old object
del flights['1144']
flights['1145'] = "Dallas"
flights['1709'] = "Orlando"

#Replace old object with a new object
db['times'] = newtimes

#Add a new object
db['oldtimes'] = times

#Flush data to disk

for k in db.keys():
    obj = db[k]
    print "%s: %s" % (k, obj)


times: ['230pm', '320pm', '420pm']
flights: {'1520': 'New York', '1144': 'Dallas',
 '1045': 'Los Angeles'}

times: ['110pm', '220pm', '300pm', '445pm']
flights: {'1709': 'Orlando', '1520': 'New York',
 '1045': 'Los Angeles', '1145': 'Dallas'}
oldtimes: ['230pm', '320pm', '420pm']

Output from code

Connecting to a MySQL Database Server

Example . 

import MySQLdb
myDB = MySQLdb.connect(host="", /
cHandler = myDB.cursor()

The MySQLdb module provides the standard Python DB-API 2.0 specification connect([host= [, port= [, user= [, passwd= [, db= [ , ...]]]]]]) function to connect to MySQL database servers. All the parameters to the connect function are optional. The most common parameters used are the host, port, user, passwd, and db.

Once you have successfully connected to the MySQL server, you need to get a cursor handle to send SQL requests to the server. The cursor() function returns a cursor object that can be used to execute SQL commands on the server and obtain the results.

To execute a SQL command on the server, use the execute(operation [, parameters]) function of the cursor object, where operation is basically any properly formatted SQL command string.

To retrieve the results from executing the command, use the fetchall() function of the cursor object. The fetchall function returns the results of the SQL request in a series of one or more lists depending on the data being returned.

Once you have the cursor object and are able to execute SQL commands, you can use the SHOW DATABASES SQL command to get a list of databases available on the server. To switch to a specific database, use the USE <database> SQL command.


To find out which database is currently active, use the SELECT DATABASE() command to return the current database name.

import MySQLdb

#Connect to MySQL Server
myDB = MySQLdb.connect(host="", 
cHandler = myDB.cursor()

#Display available databases
cHandler.execute("SHOW DATABASES")
results = cHandler.fetchall()
for item in results:
    print item[0]

#Display current database
cHandler.execute("SELECT DATABASE()")
results = cHandler.fetchall()
print "
Current Database
for item in results:
    print item[0]

#Select database
cHandler.execute("USE schedule")

#Display current database
cHandler.execute("SELECT DATABASE()")
results = cHandler.fetchall()
print "
Current Database
for item in results:
    print item[0]



Current Database

Current Database

Output from code

Creating a MySQL Database

Example . 

import MySQLdb
myDB = MySQLdb.connect(host="", port=3306)
cHandler = myDB.cursor()
cHandler.execute("CREATE DATABASE schedule")
cHandler.execute("CREATE TABLE Arrivals (city TEXT,
                           flight TEXT, time TEXT)")

Once you have connected to a MySQL database and got a SQL command cursor object, creating databases and tables is just a matter of sending the appropriately formatted SQL commands to the server.

To create a new database, use the execute(operation [, parameters]) function of the cursor object to initiate the CREATE DATABASE <database> SQL command. To create a new table, use the execute() function of the cursor object to initiate the CREATE Table <tablename> (<column name> <column type>, ...) SQL command.

To verify that the table has been created, use the SHOW TABLES SQL command to return a list of table entries available in the database.


The table entries that are returned are in the form of a list. The first entry in the list is the table name.

To verify structure of a specific table, use the DESCRIBE <tablename> SQL command to return a list of field entries included in the table.


The field entries that are returned are in the form of a list. The first entry in the list is the field name and the second is field type.


You must have appropriate permissions on the mySQL server to be able to create a database.

import MySQLdb

#Connect to MySQL Server
myDB = MySQLdb.connect(host="", port=3306)

#Get the cursor object
cHandler = myDB.cursor()

#Create database
cHandler.execute("CREATE DATABASE schedule")

#Select database
cHandler.execute("USE schedule")

#Create table
cHandler.execute("CREATE TABLE Arrivals (city TEXT,
                  flight TEXT, time TEXT)")

#Show created table
cHandler.execute("SHOW TABLES")
results = cHandler.fetchall()
print results

#Describe the table
cHandler.execute("DESCRIBE Arrivals")
results = cHandler.fetchall()
print results



(('city', 'text', 'YES', '', None, ''),
('flight', 'text', 'YES', '', None, ''),
('time', 'text', 'YES', '', None, ''))

Output from code

Adding Entries to a MySQL Database

Example . 

import MySQLdb
myDB = MySQLdb.connect(host="", port=3306, db="schedule")
cHandler = myDB.cursor()
sqlCommand = "INSERT INTO Arrivals 
   VALUES('%s', '%s', '%s')" % 
   (city, flights[x], times[x])

Once you have connected to a MySQL database and got a SQL command cursor object, adding entries to the database is just a matter of sending the appropriately formatted SQL commands to the server.

First, connect to the server using the MySQLdb modules connect function, and then use the MySQL database object to get a cursor object. In the sample code, entries are added one at a time by executing the INSERT INTO <tablename> VALUES (<data value>) SQL command using the execute function of the cursor object.


Remember to use the commit() function of the cursor object to flush pending requests to the SQL database so that the changes will be written to disk.

import MySQLdb

cities = ["Dallas", "Los Angeles", "New York"]
flights = ["1144", "1045", "1520"]
times = ["230pm", "320pm", "420pm"]

#Connect to database
myDB = MySQLdb.connect(host="", port=3306, db="schedule")

#Get cursor object
cHandler = myDB.cursor()

#Add entries to database
x = 0
for city in cities:
    sqlCommand = "INSERT INTO Arrivals 
    VALUES('%s', '%s', '%s')" % 
    (city, flights[x], times[x])
    x += 1

#View added entries
sqlCommand = "SELECT cities, flights, times FROM Arrivals"
results = cHandler.fetchall()
print results

#Commit changes to database


(('Dallas', '1144', '230pm'),
('Los Angeles', '1045', '320pm'),
('New York', '1520', '420pm'))

Output from code.

Retrieving Entries from a MySQL Database

Example . 

import MySQLdb
myDB = MySQLdb.connect(host="", port=3306, db="schedule")
cHandler = myDB.cursor()
sqlCommand = "SELECT * FROM Arrivals"
results = cHandler.fetchall()
for row in results:

Once you have connected to a MySQL database and got a SQL command cursor object, retrieving entries from the database is just a matter of sending the appropriately formatted SQL commands to the server.

First, connect to the server using the MySQLdb modules connect function, and then use the MySQL database object to get a cursor object. In the sample code, all entries are retrieved together by executing the SELECT * FROM <tablename> SQL command using the execute function of the cursor object.


The SELECT SQL command returns entries as a list of lists. Because we know that the field structure of the table is “city, flight, time,” each field can be accessed directly using index 0, 1, and 2, respectively.

import MySQLdb

#Connect to database
myDB = MySQLdb.connect(host="", 
                       port=3306, db="schedule")

#Get cursor object
cHandler = myDB.cursor()

#Send select request for specific entries
sqlCommand = "SELECT * FROM Arrivals 
 WHERE city = 'Dallas'"

#View results
results = cHandler.fetchall()
print results

#Send select request for all entries
sqlCommand = "SELECT * FROM Arrivals"

#View results
results = cHandler.fetchall()
print results

#Process rows into lists
cityList = []
flightList = []
timeList = []
for row in results:

print "
print "============================================="
x = 0
for flight in flightList:
    print ("Flight %s arrives from %s at %s" % 
           (flight, cityList[x],  timeList[x]))


(('Dallas', '1144', '230pm'),)

(('Dallas', '1144', '230pm'),
('Los Angeles', '1045', '320pm'),
('New York', '1520', '420pm'))

Flight 1144 arrives from Dallas at 230pm
Flight 1045 arrives from Los Angeles at 320pm
Flight 1520 arrives from New York at 420pm

Output from code

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