© Moritz Lenz 2019
Moritz LenzPython Continuous Integration and Deliveryhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-4281-0_2

2. Unit Testing in Python

Moritz Lenz1 
Fürth, Bayern, Germany
Many programmers manually test the code they are writing by calling the piece of code they are developing, printing the result to the console, and visually scanning the output for correctness. This works for simple tasks but suffers from some problems:
  • When the output gets large, it becomes harder to spot errors.

  • When the programmer tires, it is easy to miss subtly incorrect output.

  • When the implemented feature becomes larger, one tends to miss regressions in parts that were “tested” earlier.

  • Because the informal test scripts are generally only useful for the programmer who wrote them, their utility is lost to other developers.

Thus, unit testing was invented, in which one writes sample calls to pieces of code and compares the return value to the expected value.

This comparison is typically done in a way that produces little or no output when the test passes and very obvious output otherwise. A test harness can be used to run tests from several test scripts and only report the errors and a statistical summary of the passed tests.

2.1 Digression: Virtualenvs

To run the unit tests we are going to write, we require some additional tools that are available as Python packages. To install them, you should use a tool called a virtualenv . This is a Python directory that contains a Python interpreter, package management programs such as pip, as well as symbolic links to the base Python packages, thus giving you a pristine Python environment on which to build a customized, isolated virtual environment containing exactly the libraries you need. A virtualenv enables you to install any Python package you want; you don’t need root privileges in order to install a dependency for your application. You can activate one virtualenv within a given shell session and simply delete the directory when you don’t need it anymore.

Virtualenvs are used to isolate separate development environments from each other and from the system Python installation. To create one, you need the virtualenv tool, which typically comes with your Python installation or, on Linux distributions, can be installed through the package manager. On Debian-based systems, you can install it like so:
$ sudo apt-get install virtualenv
To create a virtualenv called venv, run
$ virtualenv -p python3 venv
This prepares a directory called venv with the necessary files. Your next step should be to activate it, as follows:
$ source venv/bin/activate
Once you have activated it, you can install packages into it, using pip, e.g.:
$ pip install pytest

When you are done, disable it with the command deactivate.

2.2 Getting Started with Unit Tests

To illustrate unit testing, let’s start with a single function and how to test it. The function I want to implement here is a binary search . Given a sorted list of numbers (we call it the haystack), search for another number (the needle) in it. If it’s present, return the index at which it was found. If not, raise an exception of type ValueError. You can find the code and tests for this example at https://github.com/python-ci-cd/binary-search .

We start by looking at the middle element of the haystack. If it happens to be equal to the needle, we are done. If it is smaller than the needle, we can repeat the search in the left half of the haystack. If it’s larger, we can continue the search in the right half of the haystack.

To keep track of the area inside the haystack that we need to search, we keep two indices, left and right, and in each iteration, move one of them closer to the other, cutting the space to be searched in half in each step.

This is what the first attempt at implementing this function looks like:
def search(needle, haystack):
    left = 0
    right = len(haystack) - 1
    while left <= right:
        middle = left + (right - left) // 2
        middle_element = haystack[middle]
        if middle_element == needle:
            return middle
        elif middle_element < needle:
            left = middle
            right = middle
    raise ValueError("Value not in haystack")

The First Test

Does it work? Who knows? Let’s find out by writing a test.
def test_search():
    assert search(2, [1, 2, 3, 4]) == 1,
        'found needle somewhere in the haystack'
This is a simple function that exercises the search function with sample inputs and uses assert to raise an exception if the expectation was not met. Instead of calling this test function directly, we use pytest, a command-line tool supplied by a Python package of the same name. If it is not available in your development environment, you can install it with the following command (remember to run it inside a virtualenv):
pip install pytest
When pytest is available, you can run it on the file containing both the search function and the test function, as follows:
$ pytest binary-search.py
==================== test session starts =====================
platform linux -- Python 3.5.2, pytest-3.3.2, py-1.5.2
rootdir: /home/moritz/examples, inifile:
collected 1 item
binary-search.py .                                    [100%]
================== 1 passed in 0.01 seconds ==================

The test run prints various pieces of information: These include details about the platform and version of the software involved, the working directory, and what pytest configuration file was used (none in this example).

The line collected 1 item then shows that pytest found one test function. The dot behind the file name in the next line shows the progress, with one dot for each test that has been executed.

In a terminal, the last line is shown in green, to indicate a passed test run. If we made a mistake, say, used 0 instead of 1, as the expected result, we’d get some diagnostic output, like the following:
========================== FAILURES ==========================
     def test_search():
>        assert search(2, [1, 2, 3, 4]) == 0,
             'found needle somewhere in the haystack'
E        AssertionError: found needle somewhere in the haystack
E        assert 1 == 0
E         + where 1 = search(2, [1, 2, 3, 4])
binary-search.py:17: AssertionError
================== 1 failed in 0.03 seconds ==================

This shows the test function that fails, both as source code and with values substituted in on both sides of the == operator in the assert call, showing exactly what went wrong. In a terminal with color support, the failed test and the status line at the bottom are shown in red, to make failed tests obvious.

Writing More Tests

Many bugs in code manifest themselves in edge cases, with empty lists or strings as inputs, numbers being zero, accessing the first and last element of lists, and so on. It is a good idea to think of these cases when writing tests and cover them. Let’s start with searching for the first and the last element.
def test_search_first_element():
    assert search(1, [1, 2, 3, 4]) == 0,
        'search first element'
def test_search_last_element():
    assert search(4, [1, 2, 3, 4]) == 3,
        'search last element'

The test for finding the first element passes, but the test for the last element hangs, that is, it runs indefinitely without terminating. You can abort the Python process by pressing the Ctrl and C keys simultaneously.

If function search can find the first but not the last element, there must be some kind of asymmetry in it. Indeed there is: determining the middle element uses the integer division operator //, which rounds positive numbers toward zero. For example, 1 // 2 == 0. This explains why the loop can get stuck: when right is equal to left + 1, the code sets middle to the value of left. If the branch left = middle is executed, the area of the haystack in which the function searches does not decrease in size, and the loop gets stuck.

There is an easy fix. Because the code has already determined that the element at index middle is not the needle, it can be excluded from the search.
def search(needle, haystack):
    left = 0
    right = len(haystack) - 1
    while left <= right:
        middle = left + (right - left) // 2
        middle_element = haystack[middle]
        if middle_element == needle:
            return middle
        elif middle_element < needle:
            left = middle + 1
            right = middle - 1
    raise ValueError("Value not in haystack")

With this fix in place, all three tests pass.

Testing the Unhappy Path

The tests so far focused on the “happy path,” the path in which an element was found and no error encountered. Because exceptions are not the exception (excuse the pun) in normal control flow, they should be tested too.

pytest has some tooling that helps you verify that an exception is raised by a piece of code and that it is of the correct type.
def test_exception_not_found():
    from pytest import raises
    with raises(ValueError):
        search(-1, [1, 2, 3, 4])
    with raises(ValueError):
        search(5, [1, 2, 3, 4])
    with raises(ValueError):
        search(2, [1, 3, 4])

Here, we test three scenarios: that a value was smaller than the first element in the haystack, larger than the last, and, finally, that it is between the first and the last element in size but simply not inside the haystack.

The pytest.raises routine returns a context manager . Context managers are, among other things, a neat way to wrap code (inside the with ... block) in some other code. In this case, the context manager catches the exception from the with block, and the test passes if it is of the right type. Conversely, the test fails if either no exception was raised or one of a wrong type, such as a KeyError, was.

As with the assert statements before, you can give the tests labels. These are useful both for debugging test failures and for documenting the tests. With the raises function, you can pass in the test label as a named argument called message.
def test_exception_not_found():
    from pytest import raises
    with raises(ValueError, message="left out of bounds"):
        search(-1, [1, 2, 3, 4])
    with raises(ValueError, message="right out of bounds"):
        search(5, [1, 2, 3, 4])
    with raises(ValueError, message="not found in middle"):
        search(2, [1, 3, 4])

2.3 Dealing with Dependencies

Not all code is as simple to test, as with the search function from the previous sections. Some functions call external libraries or interact with databases, APIs, or the Internet.

In unit tests, you should avoid doing those external actions, for several reasons.
  • The actions might have unwanted side effects, such as sending e-mails to customers or colleagues and confusing them or even causing harm.

  • You typically do not have control over external services, which means you do not have control over consistent responses, which makes writing reliable tests much harder.

  • Performing external actions, such as writing or deleting files, leaves the environment in a different state, which potentially leads to test results that cannot be reproduced.

  • Performance suffers, which negatively impacts the development feedback cycle.

  • Often, external services, such as databases or APIs, require credentials, which are a hassle to manage and pose a serious barrier to setting up a development environment and running tests.

How do you, then, avoid these external dependencies in your unit tests? Let’s explore some options.

Separating Logic from External Dependencies

Many applications get data from somewhere, often different sources, then do some logic with it, and maybe print out the result in the end.

Let’s consider the example of the application that counts keywords in a web site. The code for this could be the following (which uses the requests library ; you can install it with pip install requests in your virtualenv):
import requests
def most_common_word_in_web_page(words, url):
    finds the most common word from a list of words
    in a web page, identified by its URL
    response = requests.get(url)
    text = response.text
    word_frequency = {w: text.count(w) for w in words}
    return sorted(words, key=word_frequency.get)[-1]
if __name__ == '__main__':
    most_common = most_common_word_in_web_page(
        ['python', 'Python', 'programming'],

At the time of writing, this code prints Python as the answer, though this might change in future, at the discretion of the python.org maintainers.

You can find the sample code and tests at https://github.com/python-ci-cd/python-webcount .

This code uses the requests library to fetch the contents of a web page and accesses the resulting text (which is really HTML). The function then iterates over the search words, counts how often each occurs in the text (using the string.count method), and constructs a dictionary with these counts. It then sorts the lists of words by their frequency and returns the most commonly occurring one, which is the last element of the sorted list.

Testing most_common_word_in_web_page becomes tedious, owing to its use of the HTTP client requests. The first thing we can do is to split off the logic of counting and sorting from the mechanics of fetching a web site. Not only does this make the logic part easier to test, it also improves the quality of the code, by separating things that don’t really belong together, thus increasing cohesion.
import requests
def most_common_word_in_web_page(words, url):
    finds the most common word from a list of words
    in a web page, identified by its URL
    response = requests.get(url)
    return most_common_word(words, response.text)
def most_common_word(words, text):
    finds the most common word from a list of words
    in a piece of text
    word_frequency = {w: text.count(w) for w in words}
    return sorted(words, key=word_frequency.get)[-1]
if __name__ == '__main__':
    most_common = most_common_word_in_web_page(
        ['python', 'Python', 'programming'],
The function that does the logic, most_common_word, is now a pure function, that is, the return value only depends on the arguments passed to it, and it doesn’t have any interactions with the outside world. Such a pure function is easy enough to test (again, tests go into test/functions.py).
def test_most_common_word():
    assert most_common_word(['a', 'b', 'c'], 'abbbcc')
            == 'b', 'most_common_word with unique answer'
def test_most_common_word_empty_candidate():
    from pytest import raises
    with raises(Exception, message="empty word raises"):
        most_common_word([], 'abc')
def test_most_common_ambiguous_result():
    assert most_common_word(['a', 'b', 'c'], 'ab')
        in ('a', 'b'), "there might be a tie"
These tests are more examples for unit testing, and they also raise some points that might not have been obvious from simply reading the function’s source code.
  • most_common_word does not actually look for word boundaries, so it will happily count the “word” b three times in the string abbbcc.

  • The function will raise an exception when called with an empty list of keywords, but we haven’t bothered to specify what kind of error.1

  • We haven’t specified which value to return if two or more words have the same occurrence count, hence the last test using in with a list of two valid answers.

Depending on your situation, you might want to leave such tests as documentation of known edge cases or refine both the specification and the implementation.

Returning to the topic of testing functions with external dependencies, we have reached partial success. The interesting logic is now a separate, pure function and can be tested easily. The original function, most_common_word_in_web_page, is now simpler but still untested.

We have, implicitly, established the principle that it is acceptable to change code to make it easier to test, but it is worth mentioning explicitly. We will use it more in the future.

Dependency Injection for Testing

If we think more about what makes the function most_common_word_in_web_page hard to test, we can come to the conclusion that it’s not just the interaction with the outside world through the HTTP user agent requests but also the use of the global symbol requests. If we made it possible to substitute it for another class, it would be easier to test. We can achieve this through a simple change to the function under test. (Comments have been stripped from the example for brevity.)
def most_common_word_in_web_page(words, url,
    response = user_agent.get(url)
    return most_common_word(words, response.text)

Instead of using requests directly, the function now accepts an optional argument, user_agent, which defaults to requests. Inside the function, the sole use of requests has been replaced by user_agent.

For the caller, who calls the function with just two arguments, nothing changed. But the developer who writes the tests can now supply his/her own test double, a substitute implementation for a user agent that behaves in a deterministic way.
def test_with_test_double():
    class TestResponse():
        text = 'aa bbb c'
    class TestUserAgent():
        def get(self, url):
            return TestResponse()
    result = most_common_word_in_web_page(
        ['a', 'b', 'c'],
    assert result == 'b',
        'most_common_word_in_web_page tested with test double'
This test mimics just the parts of the requests API that the tested function uses. It ignores the url argument to the get method, so purely from this test, we can’t be sure that the tested function uses the user agent class correctly. We could extend the test double to record the value of the argument that was passed in and check it later.
def test_with_test_double():
    class TestResponse():
        text = 'aa bbb c'
    class TestUserAgent():
        def get(self, url):
            self.url = url
            return TestResponse()
    test_ua = TestUserAgent()
    result = most_common_word_in_web_page(
        ['a', 'b', 'c'],
    assert result == 'b',
        'most_common_word_in_web_page tested with test double'
    assert test_ua.url == 'https://python.org/'

The technique demonstrated in this section is a simple form of dependency injection .2 The caller has the option to inject an object or class on which a function depends.

Dependency injection is useful not just for testing but also for making software more pluggable. For example, you might want your software to be able to use different storage engines in different contexts, or different XML parsers, or any number of other pieces of software infrastructure for which multiple implementations exist.

Mock Objects

Writing test double classes can become tedious pretty quickly, because you often require one class per method called in the test, and all of these classes must be set up to correctly chain their responses. If you write multiple test scenarios, you either have to make the test doubles generic enough to cover several scenarios or repeat nearly the same code all over again.

Mock objects offer a more convenient solution. These are objects that you can easily configure to respond in predefined ways.
def test_with_test_mock():
    from unittest.mock import Mock
    mock_requests = Mock()
    mock_requests.get.return_value.text = 'aa bbb c'
    result = most_common_word_in_web_page(
        ['a', 'b', 'c'],
    assert result == 'b',
        'most_common_word_in_web_page tested with test double'
    assert mock_requests.get.call_count == 1
    assert mock_requests.get.call_args[0][0]
            == 'https://python.org/', 'called with right URL'
The first two lines of this test function import the class Mock and create an instance from it. Then the real magic happens.
mock_requests.get.return_value.text = 'aa bbb c'

This installs an attribute, get, in object mock_requests, which, when it is called, returns another mock object. The attribute text on that second mock object has an attribute text, which holds the string 'aa bb c'.

Let’s start with some simpler examples. If you have a Mock object m, then m.a = 1 installs an attribute a with value 1. On the other hand, m.b.return_value = 2 configures m, so that m.b() returns 2.

You can continue to chain, so m.c.return_value.d.e.return_value = 3 makes m.c().d.e() return 3. In essence, each return_value in the assignment corresponds to a pair of parentheses in the call chain.

In addition to setting up these prepared return values, mock objects also record calls. The previous example checked the call_count of a mock object, which simply records how often that mock has been called as a function.

The call_args property contains a tuple of arguments passed to its last call. The first element of this tuple is a list of positional arguments, the second a dict of named arguments.

If you want to check multiple invocations of a mock object, call_args_list contains a list of such tuples.

The Mock class has more useful methods. Please refer to the official documentation3 for a comprehensive list.


Sometimes, dependency injection is not practical , or you don’t want to risk changing existing code to get it under test. Then, you can exploit the dynamic nature of Python to temporarily override symbols in the tested code and replace them with test doubles—typically, mock objects.
from unittest.mock import Mock, patch
def test_with_patch():
    mock_requests = Mock()
    mock_requests.get.return_value.text = 'aa bbb c'
    with patch('webcount.functions.requests', mock_requests):
        result = most_common_word_in_web_page(
            ['a', 'b', 'c'],
    assert result == 'b',
        'most_common_word_in_web_page tested with test double'
    assert mock_requests.get.call_count == 1
    assert mock_requests.get.call_args[0][0]
            == 'https://python.org/', 'called with right URL'

The call to the patch function (imported from unittest.mock, a standard library shipped with Python) specifies both the symbol to be patched (temporarily replaced) and the test double by which it is replaced. The patch function returns a context manager. So, after execution leaves the with block that the call occurs in, the temporary replacement is undone automatically.

When patching an imported symbol , it is important to patch the symbol in the namespace that it was imported in, not in the source library. In our example, we patched webcount.functions.requests, not requests.get.

Patching removes interactions with other code, typically libraries. This is good for testing code in isolation, but it also means that patched tests cannot detect misuse of libraries that have been patched out. Thus, it is important to write broader scoped tests, such as integration tests or acceptance tests, to cover correct usage of such libraries.

2.4 Separating Code and Tests

So far, we’ve put code and tests into the same file, just for the sake of convenience. However, code and tests serve different purposes, so as they grow in size, it is common to split them into different files and, typically, even into different directories. Our test code now also loads a module on its own (pytest) , a burden that you don’t want to put on production code. Finally, some testing tools assume different files for test and code, so we will follow this convention.

When developing a Python application, you typically have a package name for the project and a top-level directory of the same name. Tests go into a second top-level directory called tests. For example, the Django web framework has the directories django and test, as well as a README.rst as the entry point for beginners, and setup.py for installing the project.

Each directory that serves as a Python module must contain a file called __init__.py, which can be empty or contain some code. Typically, this code just imports other symbols, so that users of the module can import them from the top-level module name.

Let’s consider a small application that, given a URL and a list of keywords, prints which of these keywords appears most often on web pages that the URL points to. We might call it webcount and put the logic into the file webcount/functions.py. Then, the file webcount/ __init__ .py would look like this:
from .functions import most_common_word_in_web_page
In each test file, we explicitly import the functions that we test, for instance:
from webcount import most_common_word_in_web_page

We can put test functions into any file in the test/ directory. In this instance, we put them into the file test/test_functions.py, to mirror the location of the implementation. The test_ prefix tells pytest that this is a file that contains tests.

Tweaking the Python Path

When you run this test with pytest test/test_functions.py, you will likely get an error like this :
test/functions.py:3: in <module>
    from webcount import most_common_word_in_web_page
E   ImportError: No module named 'webcount'

Python cannot find the module under test, webcount, because it is not located in Python’s default module loading path.

You can fix this by adding the absolute path of your project’s root directory to a file with the extension .pth into your virtualenv’s site-packages directory. For example, if you use Python 3.5, and your virtualenv is in the directory venv/, you could put the absolute path into the file venv/lib/python3.5/site-packages/webcount.pth. Other methods of manipulating the “Python path” are discussed in the official Python documentation.4

A pytest-specific approach is to add an empty file, conftest.py, to your project’s root directory. Pytest looks for files of that name and, on detecting their presence, marks the containing directory as a project to be tested and adds the directory to the Python path during the test run.

You don’t have to specify the test file when invoking pytest. If you leave it out, pytest searches for all test files and runs them. The pytest documentation on integration practices5 has more information on how this search works.

2.5 More on Unit Testing and Pytest

There are many more topics that you might encounter while trying to write tests for your code. For example, you might have to manage fixtures, pieces of data that serve as the baseline of your tests. Or you may have to patch functions from code that is loaded at runtime or do a number of other things that nobody prepared you for.

For such cases, the pytest documentation6 is a good starting point. If you want a more thorough introduction, the book Python Testing with pytest by Brian Okken (The Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2017) is worth reading.

2.6 Running Unit Tests in Fresh Environments

Developers typically have a development environment in which they implement their changes, run the automatic and sometimes manual tests, commit their changes, and push them to a central repository. Such a development environment tends to accumulate Python packages that are not explicit dependencies of the software under development, and they tend to use just one Python version. These two factors also tend to make test suites not quite reproducible, which can lead to a “works on my machine” mentality.

To avoid that, you need a mechanism to easily execute a test suite in a reproducible manner and on several Python versions. The tox automation project7 provides a solution: you supply it with a short configuration file, tox.ini, that lists Python versions and a standard setup.py file for installing the module. Then, you can just run the tox command .

The tox command creates a new virtualenv for each Python version, runs the tests in each environment, and reports the test status. First, we need a file setup.py.
# file setup.py
from setuptools import setup
    name = "webcount",
    version = "0.1",
    license = "BSD",
    packages=['webcount', 'test'],

This uses Python’s library setuptools to make the code under development installable. Usually, you’d include more metadata, such as author, e-mail address, a more verbose description, etc.

Then, the file tox.ini tells tox how to run the tests, and in which environments.
envlist = py35
deps = pytest
commands = pytest

The envlist in this example contains just py35 for Python 3.5. If you also want to run the tests on Python 3.6, you could write envlist = py35,py36. The key pypy35 would refer to the alternative pypy implementation of Python in version 3.5.

Now, calling tox runs the tests in all environments (here, just one), and at the end, reports on the status.
py35 runtests: PYTHONHASHSEED="3580365323"
py35 runtests: commands[0] | pytest
================== test session starts ==================
platform linux -- Python 3.5.2, pytest-3.6.3, py-1.5.4,
rootdir: /home/[...]/02-webcount-patched, inifile:
collected 1 item
test/test_functions.py .                         [100%]
=============== 1 passed in 0.08 seconds ================
py35: commands succeeded
congratulations :)

2.7 Another Sample Project: matheval

Many projects these days are implemented as web services, so they can be used through HTTP—either as an API or through an actual web site. Let’s consider a tiny web service that evaluates mathematical expressions that are encoded as trees in a JSON data structure. (You can find the full source code for this project at https://github.com/python-ci-cd/python-matheval/ .) As an example, the expression 5 * (4 - 2) would be encoded as the JSON tree ["*", 5, ["+", 4, 2]] and evaluate to 10.

Application Logic

The actual evaluation logic is quite compact (see Listing 2-1).
from functools import reduce
import operator
ops = {
    '+': operator.add,
    '-': operator.add,
    '*': operator.mul,
    '/': operator.truediv,
def math_eval(tree):
    if not isinstance(tree, list):
        return tree
    op = ops[tree.pop(0)]
    return reduce(op, map(math_eval, tree))
Listing 2-1

File matheval/evaluator.py: Evaluation Logic

Exposing it to the Web isn’t much effort either, using the Flask framework (see Listing 2-2).
from flask import Flask, request
from matheval.evaluator import math_eval
app = Flask(__name__)
@app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def index():
    tree = request.get_json(force=True)
    result = math_eval(tree);
    return str(result) + " "
if __name__ == '__main__':
Listing 2-2

File matheval/frontend.py: Web Service Binding

Once you have added the project’s root directory to a .pth file of your current virtualenv and installed the flask prerequisite , you can start a development server, like this:
$ python matheval/frontend.py
 * Serving Flask app "frontend" (lazy loading)
 * Environment: production
   WARNING: Do not use the development server in a production environment.
   Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Debug mode: on
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
For production usage, it is better to install gunicorn and then start the application as
$ gunicorn matheval.frontend:app
Unit testing the application logic is pretty straightforward, because it is a pure function (see Listing 2-3).
from matheval.evaluator import math_eval
def test_identity():
    assert math_eval(5) == 5, 'identity'
def test_single_element():
    assert math_eval(['+', 5]) == 5, 'single element'
def test_addition():
    assert math_eval(['+', 5, 7]) == 12, 'adding two numbers'
def test_nested():
    assert math_eval(['*', ['+', 5, 4], 2]) == 18
Listing 2-3

File test/test_evaluator.py: Unit Tests for Evaluating Expression Trees

The index route is not complicated enough to warrant a unit test on its own, but in a later chapter, we will write a smoke test that exercises it once the application is installed.

We need a small setup.py file to be able to run the tests through pytest (see Listing 2-4).
#!/usr/bin/env python
from setuptools import setup
      description='Evaluation of expression trees',
      author='Moritz Lenz',
      author_email='[email protected]',
      requires=['flask', 'pytest', 'gunicorn'],
Listing 2-4

File setup.py for matheval

Finally, we need an empty file conftest.py again and can now run the test.
$ pytest
==================== test session starts =====================
platform linux -- Python 3.6.5, pytest-3.8.0, py-1.6.0
rootdir: /home/moritz/src/matheval, inifile:
collected 4 items
test/test_evaluator.py ....                            [100%]
================== 4 passed in 0.02 seconds ==================

2.8 Summary

Unit tests exercise a piece of code in isolation, by calling it with sample inputs and verifying that it returns the expected result or throws the expected exception. With pytest, a test is a function whose name starts with test_ and contains assert statements that verify return values. You run these test files with pytest path/to/file.py, and it finds and runs the tests for you. It makes test failures very obvious and tries to provide as much context as possible to debug them.

Mock objects provide a quick way to create test doubles, and the patching mechanism provides a convenient way to inject them into the tested code.

The tox command and project create isolated test environments that make test suites reproducible and more convenient to test on multiple Python versions and implementations.

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