© Moritz Lenz 2019
Moritz LenzPython Continuous Integration and Deliveryhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-4281-0_8

8. A Virtual Playground for Automating Deployments

Moritz Lenz1 
Fürth, Bayern, Germany

In the following chapters, we will explore the tool Go continuous delivery (GoCD) and how to package, distribute, and deploy software with it. If you want to follow along and experiment with the things described in these chapters, you will require some machines on which you can do that.

If you don’t have the luxury of a public or private cloud in which you can run virtual machines (VMs) and try out the examples, you can use the tools introduced in this chapter to create a playground of VMs on your laptop or workstation. Even if you do have access to a cloud solution, you might want to use some of the scripts presented here, to set up and configure these machines.

8.1 Requirements and Resource Usage

The things we want to do in a virtual playground are
  • Build Debian packages.

  • Upload them to a local Debian repository.

  • Install the packages on one or more servers.

  • Run some lean and simple web services.

  • Run deployment and configuration scripts with Ansible.

  • Control everything via a GoCD server and agent.

Except for the last task, all of these tasks require very few resources. The GoCD server requires the most resources, with 1GB of RAM minimally and 2GB recommended. The Go server is also the one system that keeps persistent state (such as configuration and pipeline history) that you typically don’t want to lose.

So, the easiest approach, and the one I’m taking here, is to install the Go server on the host machine, which is the laptop or workstation that I typically work with.

Then there is one VM for running the Go agent, on which the Debian packages will be built. Two more VMs serve as the target machines on which the freshly built packages will be installed and tested. One of them serves as a testing environment, the second as a production environment.

For those three VMs, the defaults of a half GB of RAM that the tooling provides is quite sufficient. If you use this playground and don’t have enough RAM on the host machine, you can try to halve the RAM usage of those VMs. For the target machines, even 200MB might be enough to get started.

8.2 Introducing Vagrant

Vagrant is an abstraction layer over classical virtualization solutions, such as KVM and VirtualBox. It offers base images (called boxes) for your VM, manages the VMs for you, and offers a unified API for the initial configuration. It also creates a virtual private network that allows the host machines to talk to the VMs and vice versa.

To install Vagrant, you can download the installer from www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html , or if you use an operating system with a package manager, such as Debian or RedHat, you can install it through the package manager. On Debian and Ubuntu, you would install it with apt-get install vagrant (though avoid the 2.0 series and install 2.1 or newer versions from Vagrant’s web site, if only 2.0 is available through the package manger).

You should also install virtualbox in the same way, which acts as a back end for Vagrant. After you have installed Vagrant, run the following command:
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest

This installs a Vagrant plug-in that automatically installs guest tools inside Vagrant boxes, which improves configurability and reliability.

To use Vagrant, you write a small Ruby script called Vagrantfile , which instantiates one or more boxes as VMs. You can configure port forwarding, private or bridged networks, and share directories between the host and guest VMs.

The vagrant command-line tool allows you to create and provision the VMs with the vagrant up command, connect to a VM with vagrant ssh, obtain a status summary with vagrant status, and stop and delete the VMs again with vagrant destroy. Calling vagrant without any arguments gives you a summary of the options available.

../images/456760_1_En_8_Chapter/456760_1_En_8_Figa_HTML.jpg You might wonder why we use Vagrant VMs instead of Docker containers. The reason is that Docker is optimized to run a single process or process group. But for our use case, we have to run at least three processes: the GoCD agent and the application that we actually want to run there; Aptly, to manage a Debian repository; and an HTTP server, to allow remote access to the repository.

Network and Vagrant Setup

We’ll use Vagrant with a virtual private IP network with addresses from to When you assign one or more addresses of this range to a VM, Vagrant automatically assigns the host machine the address

I’ve added these lines to my /etc/hosts file. This isn’t strictly necessary, but it makes it easier to talk to the VMs.
# Vagrant go-server.local testing.local production.local go-agent.local
I’ve also added a few lines to my ∼/.ssh/config file.
Host 172.28.128.* *.local
    User root
    StrictHostKeyChecking no
    IdentityFile /dev/null
    LogLevel ERROR

../images/456760_1_En_8_Chapter/456760_1_En_8_Figb_HTML.jpgDo not do this for production machines. This is only safe on a virtual network on a single machine, with which you can be sure that no attacker is present, unless they have already compromised your machine.

Creating and destroying VMs is common in Vagrant land, and each time you create them anew, they will have new host keys. Without such a configuration, you’d spend a lot of time updating SSH key fingerprints.

../images/456760_1_En_8_Chapter/456760_1_En_8_Figc_HTML.jpg The Vagrantfile and Ansible playbook introduced here can be found in the deployment-utils repository on GitHub in the playground folder. To follow along, you can use it like this:

$ git clone https://github.com/python-ci-cd/deployment-utils.git

$ cd deployment-utils/playground

$ vagrant up

$ ansible-playbook setup.yml

Listing 8-1 shows the Vagrantfile that creates the boxes for the virtual playground.

Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
  config.vm.box = "debian/stretch"
    'testing'    => "",
    'production' => "",
    'go-agent'   => "",
  }.each do |name, ip|
    config.vm.define name do |instance|
        instance.vm.network "private_network", ip: ip,
            auto_config: false
        instance.vm.hostname = name + '.local'
  config.vm.provision "shell" do |s|
    ssh_pub_key = File.readlines("#{Dir.home}/.ssh/id_rsa.pub")
    s.inline = <<-SHELL
      mkdir -p /root/.ssh
      echo #{ssh_pub_key} >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
Listing 8-1

Vagrantfile for the Playground

This Vagrantfile assumes that you have an SSH key pair, and the public key is inside the .ssh/id_rsa.pub path below your home directory, which is the default location for RSA SSH keys on Linux. It uses Vagrant’s shell provisioner to add the public key to the authorized_keys file of the root user inside the VMs, so that you can log in via SSH on the guest machines. (Vagrant offers a vagrant ssh command for connecting without this extra step, but I find it easier to use the system ssh command directly, mostly because it is not tied to the presence of the Vagrantfile inside the current working directory.)

In the directory with the Vagrantfile you can then run
$ vagrant up

to spin up and provision the three VMs. It takes a few minutes when you do it the first time, because Vagrant has to download the base box first.

If everything went fine, you can check that the three VMs are running, by calling vagrant status, as follows:
$ vagrant status
Current machine states:
testing                   running (virtualbox)
production                running (virtualbox)
go-agent                  running (virtualbox)
This environment represents multiple VMs. The VMs are all
listed above with their current state. For more information
about a specific VM, run `vagrant status NAME`.
And (on Debian-based Linux systems) you should be able to see the newly created, private network.
$ ip route | grep vboxnet dev vboxnet1 proto kernel scope link

Now you can log in to the VMs with ssh [email protected] and with testing.local and production.local as host names.

8.3 Configuring the Machines

For configuring the VMs, we start with a small ansible.cfg file (Listing 8-2).
host_key_checking = False
inventory = hosts
Listing 8-2

ansible.cfg: A Configuration File for the Playground

../images/456760_1_En_8_Chapter/456760_1_En_8_Figd_HTML.jpg Disabling host key checking should only be done in trusted virtual networks for development systems and never in a production setting.

The VMs and their IPs are listed in the inventory file (Listing 8-3).
agent.local ansible_ssh_host=
testing.local ansible_ssh_host=
production.local ansible_ssh_host=
Listing 8-3

hosts Inventory File for the Playground

Then comes the playbook (Listing 8-4), which does all the configuration necessary to run a GoCD agent, an Aptly repository, and SSH access from the go-agent VM to the target VMs.
 - hosts: go-agent
   - group: name=go system=yes
   - name: Make sure the go user has an SSH key
     user: >
        name=go system=yes group=go generate_ssh_key=yes
   - name: Fetch the ssh public key, so we can distribute it.
        src: /var/go/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
        dest: go-rsa.pub
        fail_on_missing: yes
        flat: yes
   - apt: >
        package=apt-transport-https state=present
   - apt_key:
        url: https://download.gocd.org/GOCD-GPG-KEY.asc
        state: present
        validate_certs: no
   - apt_repository:
        repo: 'deb https://download.gocd.org /'
        state: present
   - apt: package={{item}} state=present force=yes
      - openjdk-8-jre-headless
      - go-agent
      - git
   - file:
       path: /var/lib/go-agent/config
       state: directory
       owner: go
       group: go
   - copy:
       src: files/guid.txt
       dest: /var/lib/go-agent/config/guid.txt
       owner: go
       group: go
   - name: Go agent configuration for versions 16.8 and above
        dest: /etc/default/go-agent
        regexp: ^GO_SERVER_URL=
        line: GO_SERVER_URL=https://{{ go_server }}:8154/go
   - service: name=go-agent enabled=yes state=started
- hosts: aptly
    - apt: package={{item}} state=present
       - ansible
       - aptly
       - build-essential
       - curl
       - devscripts
       - dh-systemd
       - dh-virtualenv
       - gnupg2
       - libjson-perl
       - python-setuptools
       - lighttpd
       - rng-tools
    - copy:
       src: files/key-control-file-gpg2
       dest: /var/go/key-control-file
    - command: killall rngd
      ignore_errors: yes
      changed_when: False
    - command: rngd -r /dev/urandom
      changed_when: False
    - command: gpg --gen-key --batch /var/go/key-control-file
        creates: /var/go/.gnupg/pubring.gpg
      become_user: go
      become: true
      changed_when: False
    - shell: gpg --export --armor > /var/go/pubring.asc
        creates: /var/go/pubring.asc
      become_user: go
      become: true
    - fetch:
        src: /var/go/pubring.asc
        dest: deb-key.asc
        fail_on_missing: yes
        flat: yes
    - name: Bootstrap aptly repos on the `target` machines
       src: ../add-package
       dest: /usr/local/bin/add-package
       mode: 0755
    - name: Download an example package to fill the repo with
       url: https://perlgeek.de/static/dummy.deb
       dest: /tmp/dummy.deb
    - command: >
           /usr/local/bin/add-package {{item}}
           stretch /tmp/dummy.deb
        - testing
        - production
      become_user: go
      become: true
    - user: name=www-data groups=go
    - name: Configure lighttpd to serve the aptly directories
           src: files/lighttpd.conf
           dest: /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/30-aptly.conf
    - service: name=lighttpd state=restarted enabled=yes
- hosts: target
    - authorized_key:
       user: root
       key: "{{ lookup('file', 'go-rsa.pub') }}"
    - apt_key:
           data: "{{ lookup('file', 'deb-key.asc') }}"
           state: present
- hosts: production
    - apt_repository:
        repo: >
           stretch main
        state: present
- hosts: testing
    - apt_repository:
           stretch main
        state: present
- hosts: go-agent
    - name: 'Checking SSH connectivity to {{item}}'
      become: True
      become_user: go
      command: >
         ssh -o StrictHostkeyChecking=No
         root@"{{ hostvars[item]['ansible_ssh_host'] }}" true
      changed_when: false
           - testing.local
           - production.local
Listing 8-4

File setup.yml: An Ansible Playbook for Configuring the Three VMs

This does a lot of stuff. It
  • Installs and configures the GoCD agent
    • It copies a file with a fixed UID to the configuration directory of the Go agent, so that when you tear down the machine and create it anew, the Go server will identify it as the same agent as before.

  • Gives the go user on the go-agent machine SSH access on the target hosts by
    • First making sure the Go user has an SSH key

    • Copying the public SSH key to the host machine

    • Later distributing it to the target machines using the authorized_key module

  • Creates a GPG key pair for the go user
    • Because GPG key creation uses lots of entropy for random numbers, and VMs typically don’t have that much entropy, it first installs rng-tools and uses that to convince the system to use lower-quality randomness. Again, this is something you should never do in a production setting.

  • Copies the public key of said GPG key pair to the host machine and distributes it to the target machines using the apt_key module

  • Creates some Aptly-based Debian repositories on the go-agent machine by
    • Copying the add-package script from the same repository to the go-agent machine

    • Running it with a dummy package to actually create the repositories

    • Installing and configuring lighttpd to serve these packages over HTTP

    • Configuring the target machines to use these repositories as a package source

  • Checks that the Go user on the go-agent machine can indeed reach the other VMs via SSH

After running the playbook with ansible-playbook setup.yml, you have a GoCD agent waiting to connect to a server. Installing a GoCD server is covered in the next chapter. After installing the GoCD server, you have to activate the agent in the web configuration and assign the appropriate resources (debian-stretch, build, and aptly, if you follow the examples from this book).

8.4 Summary

Vagrant helps you to set up a virtual playground for CD by managing VMs and a private network. We have seen an Ansible playbook that configures these machines to provide all the infrastructure you need to run a GoCD server on the host machine.

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