Chapter 10. Framework Utilities and Advanced Component Concepts

As you’ve already learned in earlier chapters, the Flex framework provides a large library of components, including layout containers and UI controls. However, in addition to the components themselves, the framework also provides libraries that offer you advanced features and functionality when working with those components. In this chapter, we’ll look at the features and functionality these libraries provide. Specifically, we’ll discuss tool tips, pop ups, cursor management, drag-and-drop, the ability to customize list-based items, and focus management and keyboard control.

Tool Tips

When an application contains graphics, it can often be helpful to users if you provide text-based descriptions to accompany the graphics. This is especially beneficial when the meaning of a particular UI element is not immediately obvious. It can also be useful for low-sighted and non-sighted users who rely on screen readers. Rather than cluttering the user interface with many text-based descriptions of graphics, however, many applications use tool tips, which are blocks of text that appear when the user moves the mouse over a visual element. In the following sections you’ll learn how to work with Flex tool tips.

Adding Tool Tips

All components that inherit from UIComponent (which includes all UI controls and layout containers) implement a toolTip getter/setter property, which allows you to assign a string to the object that it will use to display tool tips. You can set the property inline using MXML, as in the following example:

<mx:Button id="button" label="Tool Tip Example" toolTip="Display Tool Tip" />

You can also set the toolTip property in ActionScript:

button.toolTip = "Example of Tool Tips";

By default, the toolTip property value for a component is null. When the value is null or an empty string, no tool tip appears. When you assign the property a non-null value, the tool tip appears after a short delay once the user moves the mouse over the object and keeps the mouse over the object. The tool tip then disappears after a delay (customizing the delay is discussed in the “Customizing Tool Tip Settingsˮ sections in this chapter) or after the user moves the mouse outside the object, whichever occurs first.

You can also use data binding to set the value of a tool tip for an object. The following example uses data binding to update the value of the tool tip text for a button based on the text input value:

  <mx:Button id="button" label="Button" toolTip="{textInput.text}" />
  <mx:TextInput id="textInput" />

There are rules that determine the tool tip behavior for containers and child components. The innermost component always takes highest precedence. If the innermost component has a valid tool tip text value, the tool tip for that component will be triggered. If not, the trigger bubbles up to the container until either a valid tool tip text value is found or no more containers exist. The following simple example illustrates this behavior. Because the button has a tool tip text value, moving the mouse over the button will trigger that component’s tool tip. And because the text input has no tool tip text setting, the trigger will bubble up to the VBox container, displaying the container’s tool tip.

<mx:VBox toolTip="This is the VBox tool tip.">
  <mx:Button id="button" label="Button" toolTip="This is the button tool tip." />
  <mx:TextInput id="textInput" />

Navigator components such as accordions and tab navigators have a different default behavior in this regard. Whereas most container children will trigger the parent container tool tip, the children of navigator components do not. The only triggers for the container tool tips are the navigator elements corresponding to the containers. For example, in a tab navigator the tabs will trigger the tool tips for the corresponding containers. The following example illustrates this behavior. The accordion has two elements, each a VBox container. Each VBox specifies a toolTip value. Each VBox instance contains one button. The button within the first VBox does not specify a toolTip value, whereas the second does. If you test this code, you’ll see that the tool tips for the VBox containers are never triggered by the child buttons.

<mx:Accordion height="200" width="200">
  <mx:VBox toolTip="A">
    <mx:Button label="Button 1" />
  <mx:VBox toolTip="B">
    <mx:Button label="Button 2" toolTip="Button" />

Adding Tool Tips Programmatically

Although in most cases you will likely add tool tips using the toolTip property as described in the preceding section, you can also add tool tips programmatically using the mx.managers.ToolTipManager class. Using the static createToolTip() method you can add new tool tips. You need to specify three parameters: the text to display in the tool tip, the x coordinate for the tool tip, and the y coordinate for the tool tip. The coordinates are relative to the application itself, which means that values of 0 and 0 will place the tool tip in the upper left of the application. The following code adds a new tool tip to the application at 100, 100:

ToolTipManager.createToolTip("Example programmatic tool tip", 100, 100);

Clearly, using the toolTip property is simpler to implement, and therefore, in most cases it is preferable to use the toolTip property instead of the createToolTip() method. However, there are a few good reasons to use the createToolTip() method:

  • Flex will display only one tool tip at a time of the tool tips defined by the toolTip property of components. Therefore, if you want to display two or more tool tips simultaneously, you must define all of them or all except one of them using the createToolTip() method.

  • The createToolTip() method returns a reference to the new ToolTip object, which allows you to programmatically control that object.

Tool tips are instances of the mx.controls.ToolTip class, which is a UIComponent subclass. That means you can programmatically control ToolTip objects in much the same way as you can other sorts of components. The createToolTip() method returns a reference to the new tool tip, though the return type for createToolTip() is the interface mx.core.IToolTip rather than the concrete type of ToolTip.

If you programmatically create a tool tip, you will also need to programmatically remove it. You can remove tool tips using the ToolTipManager.destroyToolTip() method, which requires that you pass it the tool tip you want to remove. Typically you’ll call destroyToolTip() after the user moves the mouse outside of the UI element. You can call the destroyToolTip() method immediately after the mouse moves outside the element, or you can use a Timer object to add a slight delay.

Controlling Tool Tip Width and Line Formatting

By default, tool tips have a maximum width of 300 pixels, and the text automatically wraps at that width. You can see the default behavior with the following example:

<mx:Button id="button" label="Tool Tip" toolTip="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer commodo lacus sed dui. Pellentesque
est nisi, semper sit amet, feugiat eu, pellentesque id, erat." />

This example creates a button that has a tool tip with the default maximum width so that the text automatically wraps to form three lines.

You can control the maximum width of the tool tip using the static mx.controls.ToolTip.maxWidth property. The default value is 300, which accounts for the default width of 300 pixels. If you set the value of the property, it affects the width of all tool tips within the application that are displayed from that point forward, unless and until you assign a new value to the property. There is no API for controlling the maximum width of an individual tool tip when using the toolTip property to create the tool tip. If you’d like to control the width of an individual tool tip, you must create it using ToolTipManager.createToolTip(). The following example uses a button with a tool tip. Initially, the maximum width of the tool tip is set to the default. However, when the user clicks on the button, it sets the maximum width to 500. Mousing over the button again will display the tool tip text on just two lines.

<mx:Button id="button" label="Tool Tip" toolTip="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer commodo lacus sed dui. Pellentesque
est nisi, semper sit amet, feugiat eu, pellentesque id, erat."
click="mx.controls.ToolTip.maxWidth = 500" />

Tool tips use automatic word wrap to add soft line breaks when the text reaches the maximum width. If you want to add a hard line break, you can do so by inserting a newline character ( ), carriage return ( ), or form feed character (f) in the tool tip text when assigning the text using ActionScript. When using an MXML attribute, you should use the &#13; XML entity, as in the following example:

<mx:Button id="button" label="Tool Tip" toolTip="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit.&#13;Integer commodo lacus sed dui.&#13;Pellentesque
est nisi, semper sit amet, feugiat eu, pellentesque id, erat." />

Applying Styles to Tool Tips

You can customize the look of tool tips using styles. The Flex framework doesn’t provide a convenient way in which to set the styles of individual tool tips created using the toolTip property. You must set the tool tip style globally for all instances if you are going for convenience. You can do so by changing the ToolTip style definition. The following illustrates how to change the style definition using a Style tag:

  ToolTip {
    fontFamily: "_typewriter";
    backgroundColor: #FFFFFF;

You can use ActionScript to set the style using the StyleManager.getStyleDeclaration() method to retrieve the ToolTip declaration. You can then use setStyle() to change individual styles:

var toolTipDeclaration:CSSStyleDeclaration =
toolTipDeclaration.setStyle("fontFamily", "_typewriter");

If you want to use a specific font, and you want to ensure that the user will be able to view the tool tip with that specific font, you can embed the font. Embedding the font for tool tips works just as it would for any other text for which you use styles. The following example embeds a font called Georgia:

  @font-face {
    src: local("Georgia");
    fontFamily: GeorgiaEmbedded;
  ToolTip {
    fontFamily: GeorgiaEmbedded;
    backgroundColor: #FFFFFF;

Although setting tool tip styles globally is the more convenient way to style tool tips, it has the drawback of not allowing you to customize the appearance of individual tool tips. If you want to customize individual tool tips you must create the instances using the ToolTipManager.createToolTip() method as described in the previous section. You can then apply styles to the instances as you would other components, using the setStyle() method or the styleName property.

Customizing Tool Tip Settings

You can customize several global tool tip settings using the mx.managers.ToolTipManager class. Using the static enabled property you can enable and disable tool tips globally. This can be useful if, for example, you want to temporarily disable tool tips while the application is awaiting a response to a remote procedure call. The default value of the enabled property is true, which means that if you want tool tips enabled, you don’t have to do anything. If you want to disable tool tips, you can set the value to false:

ToolTipManager.enabled = false;

Of course, you’ll need to set the property to true again if you want to reenable tool tips:

ToolTipManager.enabled = true;

The showDelay, hideDelay, and scrubDelay static properties allow you to control the amount of delay before showing and hiding tool tips. The showDelay property controls the amount of time before a tool tip displays after a user moves the mouse over the object. The value is specified in milliseconds. The default value is 500, which means the tool tip displays half a second after the user moves the mouse over the object. The following sets the delay to one second:

ToolTipManager.showDelay = 1000;

Tool tips disappear after the user moves the mouse off an object. However, they can also disappear after a delay even while the mouse is still over the object. The hideDelay property determines the number of milliseconds before the tool tip disappears. The default value is 10000, which means the tool tip disappears after 10 seconds. Setting the value to 0 is the same as telling the tool tips to disappear as soon as they appear, so they are never shown. You can use a value of Infinity (a global constant) if you want the tool tips to remain visible as long as the mouse is over the object:

ToolTipManager.hideDelay = Infinity;

The scrubDelay property allows you to specify the amount of allowable delay between mousing out of one object and mousing over another object to omit the show delay on the second object. This is especially important if there is a long show delay. For example, if you have a line of buttons, each with tool tips, you may want the user to be able to scroll across the buttons quickly and read the tool tips. Without the scrub delay setting, the user would have to pause over each button for the show delay duration before he could see the tool tip. The scrub delay setting says that if the amount of time between mousing out of one object and mousing over a second object is less than a specified number of milliseconds, the application should display the tool tip for the second object immediately. The default value for scrubDelay is 100. The greater the value for scrubDelay, the more likely it is that the user will have to delay before showing the tool tip on objects after mousing over them in succession.


The ToolTipManager class also allows you to use a custom class as a tool tip. This is a very rare use case, and for that reason we won’t discuss it in detail. However, you can assign a DisplayObject class reference to the static toolTipClass property to use that class as the tool tip blueprint:

ToolTipManager.toolTipClass = CustomClass;

If you want to be able to use the custom class in the same way as a standard tool tip (e.g., set the tool tip text), the custom class must also implement mx.core.IToolTip. Because IToolTip extends IUIComponent, the most practical way to implement IToolTip is to first extend mx.core.UIComponent and then to implement just the specific interface defined by IToolTip.

Applying Effects

You can apply effects such as blurs, motion, and so on, to the showing and hiding of tool tips. You can use any effect that you can use with any Flex component. As with almost all other tool tip settings, using the most convenient and practical approach the effect settings apply globally to all tool tips. You can set the effect that gets applied when showing the tool tips by way of the ToolTipManager.showEffect property, and you can set the effect that gets applied when hiding the tool tips by way of the ToolTipManager.hideEffect property. Example 10-1 illustrates how this works, and it demonstrates that you can use not only single effects, but also composite effects.

Example 10-1. Applying composite effects

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""

  @font-face {
    src: local("Georgia");
    fontFamily: GeorgiaEmbedded;
  ToolTip {
    fontSize: 16;
    fontFamily: GeorgiaEmbedded;
    backgroundColor: #FFFFFF;


    import mx.managers.ToolTipManager;

    private function initializeHandler(event:Event):void {
      ToolTipManager.showEffect = toolTipShowEffect;
      ToolTipManager.hideEffect = toolTipHideEffect;


  <mx:Parallel id="toolTipShowEffect">
    <mx:Fade alphaFrom="0" alphaTo="1" duration="1000" />
    <mx:Blur blurXFrom="10" blurYFrom="10" blurXTo="0"
             blurYTo="0" duration="1000" />

  <mx:Parallel id="toolTipHideEffect">
    <mx:Fade alphaFrom="1" alphaTo="0" duration="1000" />
    <mx:Blur blurXFrom="0" blurYFrom="0" blurXTo="10"
             blurYTo="10" duration="1000" />

  <mx:Button id="button" label="Tool Tip" toolTip="Tool Tip Effect Example" />


You’ll notice that Example 10-1 embeds the font for the tool tips. This is because the font must be embedded to properly animate the alpha of the text. In this particular example, the blur portion of the effect causes the tool tips to be rendered as bitmap surfaces, lessening the need to embed the font. However, even with the bitmap surfaces enabled, the text can still quickly flash before fading in unless the font is embedded.

Although applying effects to tool tips globally is the most convenient approach, it is not the only way to apply effects. If you want to apply an effect to an individual tool tip, then you must construct the individual tool tip using the ToolTipManager.createToolTip() and apply the effect to the individual tool tip using the setStyle() method.

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