Building Applications

Once you’ve created a project and written some code, you’ll want to build the project, which means compiling it and deploying it. How you accomplish these tasks depends, in part, on what tools you’re using. The following sections discuss how to compile using the mxmlc compiler. If you’re using Flex Builder, you may want to skip directly to Compiling Using Flex Builder” later in this chapter, although it is always good to know about mxmlc, especially if you intend to use Ant or any build tool.

Compiling Using mxmlc

The mxmlc compiler is used to compile Flex applications (versus compc, which is used to compile components and libraries). When you use Flex Builder to compile, it automatically calls mxmlc (Flex Builder includes the SDK).

There are several ways you can use mxmlc, including from the command line, from a .bat or shell script, from an IDE, and from Apache Ant. Initially, we’ll look at using mxmlc from the command line since it’s the most basic way to use the compiler (though we’ll also look at using the compiler via Apache Ant later in this chapter). The compiler flags we’ll look at from the command line also apply to any other use of the compiler.

Configuring for Windows

When you want to work with mxmlc from the command line, it’s generally a good idea to make sure you add it to your system path. If you’re running Windows and you’re uncertain how to edit your system path, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click My Computer from the desktop or from the Start menu, and select Properties.

  2. Click the Advanced tab, and then click the Environment Variables button.

  3. In the System Variables list in the bottom part of the dialog, scroll until you see a variable called Path. Then edit the variable either by double-clicking on it or by selecting it and then clicking the Edit button.

  4. At the end of the existing value, add the path to the Flex SDK’s bin directory. If you’re using Flex Builder, the default location is C:Program FilesAdobeFlex Builder 3sdks<sdk version>. If you’re using the SDK and you installed the SDK in C:FlexSDK, the location is C:FlexSDKin. Windows uses a semicolon (;) as a delimiter. If necessary, add a semicolon between the existing value and the new addition.

  5. Click OK on each open dialog.

Configuring for OS X and Linux

For OS X and Linux, you’ll want to set the PATH environment variable in your shell. If you are using .bash or any shell that supports .profile files, you will want to add a .profile file in your user directory (or edit the file if it already exists). You can edit the file with any text editor that you want. If you are familiar with vi, for example, you can simply open a Terminal and type vi ~/.profile. The .profile should contain a line such as the following:

export PATH=$PATH:/Users/username/FlexSDK/bin

The preceding line of code assumes that you have installed the SDK in your user directory (you’ll need to change username to your actual username). If you’ve installed the SDK elsewhere, you should modify the path correspondingly. Also note that the preceding code assumes that you don’t want to add additional directories to your path. If you have an existing .profile file that already contains an export PATH line, you should simply append the Flex bin path to that line using a colon (:) as a delimiter. For example:

export PATH=$PATH:/existing/directories:/Users/username/FlexSDK/bin

Once you’ve edited the .profile you’ll need to run the following command from any existing Terminal window or command prompt:

source ~/.profile

Beginning with the command line

To use the compiler from the command line you simply specify the compiler name followed by the options. The only required option is called file-specs, and it allows you to specify the entry point to the application you want to compile, that is, the main MXML document (or ActionScript class):

mxmlc -file-specs SampleApplication.mxml

Notice that file-specs is preceded by a hyphen. All options are preceded by a hyphen.


You can get help for the compiler by running mxmlc with the help option:

mxmlc -help

The file-specs option is the default option for mxmlc. That means a value that is not preceded by an option flag will be interpreted as the value for file-specs. The following example is equivalent to the preceding example:

mxmlc SampleApplication.mxml

The examples that follow attempt to compile SampleApplication.mxml to SampleApplication.swf.

Specifying an output location

By default, mxmlc compiles the application to an .swf with the same name as the input file (i.e., SampleApplication.mxml compiles to SampleApplication.swf) in the same directory as the input file. However, you can specify an output path and .swf name using the output option. The following compiles SampleApplication.mxml to bin/main.swf:

mxmlc SampleApplication.mxml -output bin/main.swf

Specifying source paths

The source path is the path in which the compiler looks for required MXML and ActionScript files. By default, the compiler looks in the same directory as the compile target (the file specified by file-specs). This means it will also look in subdirectories for documents and classes that are in packages. However, any files located outside the same directory structure won't be found using the default source path compiler settings.

You can use the source-path option to specify one or more directories in which the compiler should look for the MXML and ActionScript files. You can specify a list of directories by using spaces between directories. The following example looks for files in the current directory as well as in C:FlexApplicationCommonLibraries:

mxmlc -source-path . C:FlexApplicationCommonLibraries -file-specs

Customizing the application background color

The default background color is the blue you see for most Flex applications. Use the default-background-color option to customize the background value. You can specify the value using 0x-prefixed hexadecimal representation in the form of RRGGBB. Use this in cases where you customize the appearance of an application and want the initial color seen by the user to match the overall look of your application. The following sets the default background color of SampleApplication to white:

mxmlc -default-background-color=0xFFFFFF SampleApplication.mxml


Note that the background color in this case is the background color of Flash Player. A Flex application being deployed to the Web has several places where its background is set. There is the background color in the HTML document, the .swf file, and the Flex root container. Setting the -default-background-colorph compiler setting will set only the background color of the .swf file. The most common way to set the background color for all three values is to set the root Application tag’s backgroundProperty style. Setting the value of this style will instruct the Flex compiler to set the values of the root container (Application), the .swf file, and the HTML document background if you are using the provided templates.

Changing script execution settings

Flash Player automatically places restrictions on script execution in an attempt to prevent applications from crashing client systems. This means that if too many levels of recursion occur, or if a script takes too long to execute, Flash Player will halt the script.

The default-script-limits option allows you to customize each of these settings. The option requires two values: one for the maximum level of recursion and one for the maximum script execution time. The default maximum level of recursion is 1000, and the default maximum script execution time is 60 seconds (you cannot specify a value larger than 60 for this parameter):

mxmlc -default-script-limits 200 15 -file-specs SampleApplication.mxml


Although it’s important to know about the existence of default-script-limits, it’s also important to know that it should rarely be used. If you have to increase the default-script-limits setting for an application to avoid an error, frequently it’s because there is a problem in the code or in the application logic.

Setting metadata

The .swf format allows you to encode metadata in the application file. The allowable metadata includes the following: title, description, creator, publisher, language, and date. You can set these values using options with the same names as the metadata elements:

mxmlc -title "Sample Application" -description "A Flex Sample Application" -file-
specs SampleApplication.mxml

Using incremental builds

By default, when you compile from the command line, mxmlc compiles a clean build every time. That means that it recompiles every source file, even if it hasn’t changed since you last compiled. That is because by default, mxmlc doesn’t have a way of knowing what has changed and what hasn’t.

There are times when a clean build is exactly the behavior you want from mxmlc. However, in most cases you’ll find that it’s faster to use incremental builds. An incremental build is one in which the compiler recompiles only those elements that have changed since you last compiled. For all other elements it uses the previously compiled versions. Assuming that not much has changed since the previous compile, an incremental build can be much faster than a clean build.

If you want to use incremental builds, you need a way to determine what things have changed between builds. When you set the -incremental option to true, mxmlc writes to a file in the same directory as the target file you are compiling, and it shares the same name. The name of the cache file is TargetFile_<#>.cache, in which the # is a number generated by the compiler. For example, the following might write to a file called SampleApplication_302345.cache (where the number is determined by the compiler):

mxmlc -incremental=true -file-specs SampleApplication.mxml

Storing compiler settings in configuration files

Although it is undoubtedly great fun to specify compiler options on the command line, you can also store settings in configuration files. You can then specify the configuration file as a single option from the command line. The load-config option lets you specify the file you want to load to use as the configuration file:

mxmlc -load-config=configuration.xml SampleApplication.mxml

By default, mxmlc uses a configuration file called flex-config.xml located in the frameworks directory of the SDK or Flex Builder installation. If you specify a value for the load-config option, that can override flex-config.xml. Many, though not all, of the settings in flex-config.xml are required. That means it’s important that you do one of the following:

  • Copy and modify the content of flex-config.xml for use in your custom configuration file. When you do so, you will likely have to modify several values in the file so that they point to absolute paths rather than relative paths. Specifically, you have to modify:

    • The <external-library-path> setting from the relative libs/playerglobal.swc to a valid path pointing to the actual .swc file

    • The <library-path> settings from libs and locale/{locale} to the valid paths pointing to those resources (you can keep the {locale} variable)

  • Load your custom file in addition to the default. When you use the = operator to assign a value to the load-config option, you load the file in place of the default. When you use the += operator, you load the file in addition to the default. Any values specified in the custom configuration file override the same settings in the default file:

    mxmlc -load-config+=configuration.xml SampleApplication.mxml

Configuration files must have exactly one root node, and that root node must be a <flex-config> tag. The <flex-config> tag should define a namespace, as in the following example:

<flex-config xmlns="">

Within the root node you can nest nodes corresponding to compiler options. You can configure any and every compiler option from a configuration file. However, the option nodes must appear in the correct hierarchy. For example, some option nodes must appear within a <compiler> tag, and others must appear within a <metadata> tag. You can determine the correct hierarchy from the compiler help.

The following is a list of the options returned by mxmlc -help list advanced:

-compiler.actionscript-file-encoding <string>
-compiler.context-root <context-path>
-compiler.defaults-css-files [filename] [...]
-compiler.defaults-css-url <string>
-compiler.define <name> <value>
-compiler.external-library-path [path-element] [...]
-compiler.fonts.languages.language-range <lang> <range>
-compiler.fonts.local-fonts-snapshot <string>
-compiler.fonts.managers [manager-class] [...]
-compiler.fonts.max-cached-fonts <string>
-compiler.fonts.max-glyphs-per-face <string>
-compiler.include-libraries [library] [...]
-compiler.keep-as3-metadata [name] [...]
-compiler.library-path [path-element] [...]
-compiler.locale [locale-element] [...]
-compiler.mxml.compatibility-version <version>
-compiler.namespaces.namespace <uri> <manifest>
-compiler.optimize <filename>
-compiler.source-path [path-element] [...]
-compiler.theme [filename] [...]
-debug-password <string>
-default-background-color <int>
-default-frame-rate <int>
-default-script-limits <max-recursion-depth> <max-execution-time>
-default-size <width> <height>
-dump-config <filename>
-externs [symbol] [...]
-frames.frame [label] [classname] [...]
-help [keyword] [...]
-include-resource-bundles [bundle] [...]
-includes [symbol] [...]
-licenses.license <product> <serial-number>
-link-report <filename>
-load-config <filename>
-load-externs <filename>
-metadata.contributor <name>
-metadata.creator <name> <text>
-metadata.description <text>
-metadata.language <code>
-metadata.localized-description <text> <lang>
-metadata.localized-title <title> <lang>
-metadata.publisher <name>
-metadata.title <text>
-output <filename>
-raw-metadata <text>
-resource-bundle-list <filename>
-runtime-shared-libraries [url] [...]
-runtime-shared-library-path [path-element] [rsl-url] [policy-file-url] 
[rsl-url] [policy-file-url]
-target-player <version>

You’ll notice that some of the options you already know, such as incremental and title, are prefixed (e.g., compiler.incremental and metadata.title). These prefixed commands are the full commands. The compiler defines aliases that you can use from the command line. That way, the compiler knows when you type incremental, you really mean compiler.incremental. However, when you use a configuration file, you must use the full option names. Prefixes translate to parent nodes. For example, the following sets the incremental option to true and the title option to Example:

<flex-config xmlns="">

In the options list you’ll notice that some options are followed by a value enclosed in <>. For example, the title option is followed by <text>. These values indicate that the option value should be a string. For example, as you can see in the preceding sample code, the <title> tag has a nested string value of Example. If an option is followed by two or more <value> values, the option node should contain child tags with the specified names. For example, the localized-title option is followed by <text> <lang>. Therefore, the following is an example of a configuration file that correctly describes the localized-title option:

<flex-config xmlns="">

If an option is followed by [value] [...], it means the option node must contain one or more tags with the name specified. For example, file-specs is followed by [path-element] [...]. This means that the following is a valid configuration file specifying a file-specs value:

<flex-config xmlns="">

The following example is also a valid configuration file. This time, it defines several target files to compile.

<flex-config xmlns="">

When an option is not followed by anything, it indicates that the value should be Boolean. For example, incremental is not followed by anything in the list.

If you would like to get more details on each compiler option, you can review the help documentation provided with Flex as well as issue a help command for a single command. For example, if you want to find what the -use-network command is for, you would issue:

mxmlc -help use-network

Using Ant

Using the compiler from the command line is not the best way to build applications, for the following reasons:

  • It’s inconvenient because you have to open a command line and type the command each time.

  • Because you have to type the command each time, there’s a greater chance of introducing errors.

  • Not only is opening a command line and typing a command inconvenient, but it’s also slow.

  • Compiling from the command line doesn’t allow you much in the way of features, such as copying and deploying files, testing for dependencies, and so on.

A standard tool used by application developers for scripting application builds is a program called Apache Ant. Ant is an open source tool that runs on Java to automate the build process. This includes testing for dependencies (e.g., the existence of directories), compiling, moving, and copying files, and launching applications. Although you can use .bat files or shell scripts to achieve many of Ant’s basic tasks, Ant is extremely feature-rich (it offers support for compressing and uncompressing archives, email support, and FTP support, to name just a few) and can better handle potential errors than .bat or shell scripts.

If you’re not familiar with Ant, the first thing you should do is to download and install Ant from Once you’ve installed Ant, you should add a new environment variable, called ANT_HOME, as well as the Ant bin directory to the system path. The ANT_HOME environment variable should point to the root directory of the Ant installation on the computer. For example, if Ant is installed at C:Ant on a Windows system, the ANT_HOME environment variable should point to C:Ant. Additionally, you should add the Ant bin directory to the system path. For example, if Ant is installed at C:Ant, add C:Antin to the system path.

Ant works by executing a set of tasks, and by default it does not include a task for compiling Flex applications. We could use a task to manually invoke the mxmlc compiler, as we would via the command line, but instead Adobe has provided us a set of Flex tasks to simplify Ant use. The tasks allow you to invoke mxmlc and compc and generate an HTML wrapper. The tasks are included within the SDK distribution in <sdk dir>ant. Installing the provided tasks is easy. You simply copy the <sdk dir>antlibflexTasks.jar file to your lib folder within your Ant installation. Once the file is installed, Ant will recognize the new tasks. Ant uses XML files named build.xml. The build.xml file for a project contains all the instructions that tell Ant how to compile and deploy all the necessary files (e.g., the application). The build.xml file consists of a <project> root node that contains nested target nodes. The project node allows you to define three attributes:


The name of the project


The name of the target to run when no other target is specified


The directory to use for all relative directory calculations

For our sample build.xml, the <project> node looks like this to start:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<project name="FlexTest" default="compile" basedir="./">

This says that the base directory is the directory in which the file is stored, and the default target is called compile. Once the <project> root node is set up, you need to instruct Ant to load the Flex tasks and set some basic properties that every Ant build file must contain:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<project name="FlexTest" default="compile" basedir="./">
    <taskdef resource="flexTasks.tasks"
    <property name="FLEX_HOME" value="C:/flex/sdk"/>
    <property name="APP_ROOT" value="myApp"/>

The basic setup of a build file is now complete. FLEX_HOME and APP_ROOT are Ant properties that will be useful when configuring tasks later on. As when you declare a variable in code, it is common practice to define properties in Ant in a single location toward the top and to reference them throughout, as we will see in a bit. You can declare any property you wish, but it is common to create at least these two. FLEX_HOME should point to the Flex sdk root, and APP_ROOT should reference your application directory.

Now that we have a basic build file ready, the final step is to set up a <target> within the <project> node. Multiple <target> nodes can exist within a build file, and each target node represents a named collection of tasks. Ant tasks could involve compiling an application, moving files, creating directories, launching applications, creating ZIP archives, using FTP commands, and so on. You can read all about the types of tasks available within Ant at The following defines the compile target for our sample build.xml file, which makes use of the newly installed task, mxmlc:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<project name="FlexTest" default="compile" basedir="./">
    <taskdef resource="flexTasks.tasks"
    <property name="FLEX_HOME" value="C:/flex/sdk"/>
    <property name="APP_ROOT" value="myApp"/>
    <target name="compile">
        <mxmlc file="${APP_ROOT}/FlexTest.mxm">
        <load-config filename="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/flex-config.xml"/>
        <source-path path-element="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks"/>

This compile target runs by default because it is set as the default for the project. When you run the Ant build, the compile target runs the mxmlc task. Nested within the <mxmlc> tag you specify the framework and Flex configuration using the <load-config> and <source-path> nodes. In this build file, we didn’t specify that you can place one or more <arg> tags that allow you to add arguments to the command. In this case, we’re simply adding the file-specs option when calling the compiler.

Once you have a valid build.xml file you can run it from the command line by running the ant command from the same directory as the file:


This runs the default target in the build.xml file located in the same directory. To run a nondefault target, you can specify the target name after the command. To run several targets, specify each target in a list, separated by spaces:

ant target1 target2

Ant integrates well with most IDEs and is often the preferred choice for build environments. Full coverage of Ant is beyond the scope of this book. For further information on Ant you can review, and for Flex-specific coverage you can review the documentation provided with the Flex SDK.

Compiling Using Flex Builder

If you work with Flex Builder, you can use the built-in options for building. Flex Builder automatically compiles your application for development purposes as you work, but the application produced by this automatic compilation is not suitable for deployment as it contains debug code that you will want to avoid for deployment unless you intend to debug in a production environment. To compile a production-ready application, use the Export Releaser Build option in the Project→Export release build menu item. By default, the compiled application will be placed in the bin-release folder of your Flex project.


Flex Builder runs the application in your default web browser unless you configure it to do otherwise. You can configure what web browser Flex Builder uses by selecting Window→Preferences→General→Web Browser.

Flex Builder builds all projects incrementally by default in debug mode within the bin-debug folder. That means it compiles only the elements that have changed since the last build. If you need to recompile all the source code, you need to clean the project, meaning that you instruct the compiler to recompile every necessary class, not just those that have changed since the last compile. You can do that by selecting Project→Clean. This opens the Clean dialog. The Clean dialog has two options: “Clean all projects” and “Clean projects selected below.” If you select “Clean projects selected below,” it cleans only the projects that you have selected in the list that appears in the dialog. Flex Builder then builds the project or projects the next time it is prompted, either by automatic triggers (saving a file) or when explicitly directed to run a build.

If you want to manually control a build, you must disable the automatic build feature by deselecting Project→Build Automatically. You can then select the Build All, Build Project, or Build Working Set option from the Project menu to manually run a build. The automatic build option is convenient for smaller projects that compile quickly. However, it’s frequently helpful to disable automatic build for larger projects that require more time to compile. In such cases, the automatic build feature can cause delays every time you save a file rather than allowing you to build on demand.

Publishing Source Code

Since Flex applications are compiled, the source code for the application is not available by default. This is in contrast with traditional HTML applications in which the user has the option to view the source code from the browser. Although not appropriate for all applications, you do have the option to publish the source code for Flex applications using a Flex Builder feature. When you publish the source code, the user can select a View Source context menu item from Flash Player. The menu option will launch a new browser window that allows the user to view the published source code.

From Flex Builder you can select Project→Export Release Build. The Export Release Build dialog will open, where you can enable the view source. You may also select which source elements you want to publish by clicking on the Choose Source Files button. By default, all project source code and assets are selected. You can also specify the subdirectory to which to publish the source code files. All the selected ActionScript and MXML files are saved as HTML files.

If the main application entry point is an MXML file, Flex Builder automatically adds the necessary code to enable the View Source context menu item. To manually enable the View Source context menu for an MXML document, you should add the viewSourceURL attribute to the <mx:Application> tag such that it points to the index.html page in the published source code directory.


If you're publishing the source code for an application that uses an ActionScript class as the main entry point, you'll have to enable the context menu item using ActionScript code. This step requires the com.adobe.viewsource.ViewSource class. You should then call the static addMenuItem() method, passing it a reference to the main class instance and the URL for the source code, like so:

ViewSource.addMenuItem(this, "sourcecode/index.html");
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