The Differences Between Traditional and Flex Web Applications

Many applications deployed on the Web use HTML as the user interface. Flex applications are similar in many respects, but they have distinct differences. If you’re used to building applications that use an HTML UI, it’s important to take a few moments to shift how you approach building applications when you start working with Flex. What works for HTML-based applications may or may not work for Flex applications.

Both traditional and Flex applications are generally n-tiered. The exact number and types of tiers an application has depend on many factors. Most traditional applications have, at a minimum, a data tier, a business tier, and a presentation tier. Flex applications have a data tier and a business tier; however, as noted earlier, they also introduce a client tier, which is what strongly differentiates them from traditional web applications. The client tier of Flex applications enables clients to offload computation from the server, freeing up network latency and making for responsive and highly interactive user interfaces.

Data tiers generally consist of databases or similar resources. Business tiers consist of the core application business logic. As an example, a business tier may accept requests from a client or presentation tier, query the data tier, and return the requested data.

In traditional applications, the presentation tier consists of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSP, ASP, PHP, or similar documents. Typically a request is made from the user’s web browser for a specific presentation tier resource, and the web server runs any necessary interpreters to convert the resource to HTML and JavaScript, which is then returned to the web browser running on the client computer. Technically the HTML rendered in the browser is a client tier in a traditional web application. However, since the client tier of a traditional web application is stateless and fairly unresponsive, it is generally not considered a full-fledged tier. (The exception to that generalization is the case of Ajax applications, which use client-side JavaScript and XML to build responsive and sophisticated client tiers.)

Flex applications generally reside embedded within the presentation tier. In addition, Flex applications can integrate with the presentation tier to create tightly coupled client-side systems. Flex applications use Flash Player to run sophisticated client-tier portions of the application. The Flex application client is stateful, which means it can make changes to the view without having to make a request to the server. Furthermore, the Flex application client is responsive. For example, Flash Player can respond to user interaction such as mouse movement, mouse clicks, and keyboard presses, and it can respond to events such as notifications from the business tier when data is returned or pushed to the client. Flash Player also can respond to timer events. Since Flash Player is a smart client, it is capable of saving on network overhead and bandwidth usage by managing client-side logic without having to consult the business tier. For example, Flex applications can walk the user through a step-based or wizard-like interface, collect and validate data, and allow the user to update and edit previous steps, all without having to make requests to the business tier until the user wants to submit the data. All of this makes Flex clients potentially far more compelling, responsive, and engaging than traditional web applications.

Because the Flex application client tier is so much more sophisticated than the presentation tier of a traditional web application, the Flex client tier requires significantly more time and resources to build successfully. A common mistake is to assume that Flex client tiers require the same time and resources as a traditional web application presentation tier. Successful Flex client tiers often require the same time and resources during design, implementation, and testing phases as the business tier.

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