Distributing AIR Applications

Distributing AIR applications involves the following basic aspects:

  • Creating .air files

  • Allowing users to install the application

In the following sections, we’ll look at each of these topics in more detail.

Creating Installers

AIR application installers are .air files, which contain all the files necessary to run the AIR application. All installers must be digitally signed, which ensures the integrity of the installation file (meaning a user will know the installation file has not been altered since it was published). You can digitally sign an installer using a certificate. Certificates can be of two types: a self-signed certificate or a certificate from a certificate authority (CA) such as VeriSign. When you sign an installer using a self-signed certificate, the installer will display the publisher as unknown. But, if you use a certificate from a CA, the installer will display the identity of the publisher contained in the certificate.

If you want to use a certificate from a CA, you must purchase the certificate. If you want to use a self-signed certificate, you can create the certificate yourself using the Flex SDK, which we’ll look at in the following section.

Creating a self-signed certificate

You can create a self-signed certificate using the Flex SDK. If you are using Flex Builder, you can create a certificate while exporting the installer using the Create Self-Signed Digital Certificate dialog described in the following section. Otherwise, if you’re not using Flex Builder, you’ll need to run a command from the command line.

To create a certificate from the command line, use adt with the certificate option. The syntax is as follows:

adt -certificate -cn certificateName keyType pfxFile password

The certificate name is simply an arbitrary name you assign to the certificate. For self-signing certificates created using adt the key type should always be either 1024-RSA or 2048-RSA. Certificates created using adt are stored in .pfx files, and you must specify the file to which to save the certificate. Furthermore, certificates must have passwords. The following line of code creates a certificate:

adt -certificate -cn Example 1024-RSA certificate.pfx r5t6b3

Creating an .air file using Flex Builder

Flex Builder has a wizard that walks you through the steps of creating an .air file for an AIR application. You can select the Project→Export Release Build option from the application menus to open the Export Release Build window. The wizard has three steps:

Step 1: Project settings

In this step, you must select the Flex project to export and the name of the .air file to export.

Step 2: Digital signature

In this step, you must select a certificate to use, and you must specify the password for the certificate. If you don’t have a certificate, you can click the Create button to create a new self-signed certificate.

Step 3: Files to include

In this step, you select the files to include in the .air file. Remember that an .air file is the installer, and it must include all the files necessary to run the application. At a minimum, this will require the main .swf file and the descriptor XML file. However, depending on what else your application requires you may need to include additional files.

Creating an .air file using the SDK

When you want to create an .air file using the Flex SDK, you can use adt from the command line. In this case, you use adt with the package option. The syntax is as follows:

adt -package SIGNING_OPTIONS airFile descriptor FILES_TO_INCLUDE

The signing options vary depending on the type of keystore used for the certificate, and we’ll see one example of this in a minute. The output of running adt in this way is an .air file, and you must specify the name of the .air file to output. To create an .air file you must specify a descriptor file. You can also specify the files to include in the installer; those files will always include at least one file: the main .swf.

The signing options are different based on the types of keystores used, and the various options are too numerous to list in detail in this chapter. You can read more about signing options at the website http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/html/CommandLineTools_5.html. For the purposes of this chapter, we’ll look at just one specific example, which is the case of a self-signed certificate created using adt. In that case, the signing options are as follows:

-storetype pkcs12 -keystore pfxFile

The storetype in this case tells adt that the certificate is of type pkcs12, and the keystore tells adt where to find the file in which the certificate is stored.

Therefore, the following command will create an .air file called Example.air using a self-signed certificate called certificate.pfx:

adt -package -storetype pkcs12 -keystore certificate.pfx Example.air
Example-descriptor.xml Main.swf


Once you run the preceding command, you will be prompted for the password for the certificate.

Creating a Badge

After you’ve created an .air file, you can distribute it to anyone with the AIR runtime, and he can install the AIR application simply by double-clicking on the .air file. That means one strategy for deploying applications is to email an .air file or make the .air file available for download. However, if the user does not already have the AIR runtime installed, his system will not know what to do with the .air file. Therefore, you may prefer to use the seamless install feature.

The seamless install feature allows users to click a badge on a web page to install an AIR application. A badge is merely a web-based .swf that does the following:

  1. It detects whether the user has the AIR runtime installed.

  2. If the user does not have the AIR runtime installed, he is presented an option to install the runtime from the badge.

  3. Once it is determined that the user has the AIR runtime, the AIR application is installed.

You can create a custom badge .swf file. The steps are as follows:

  1. Create a standard Flex web project.

  2. Use a flash.display.Loader object to load a .swf file from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/browserapi/air.swf, and load the .swf into ApplicationDomain.currentDomain.

  3. Use a UI mechanism (such as a button click) to trigger the installation sequence.

  4. Call the installApplication() method of the content property of the loader.

The air.swf file on the Adobe.com server contains a few methods you can use to create a seamless install badge, the most important of which is the installApplication() method. To use this and the other methods on the server you must load the .swf into the current application domain. You can then call the methods from the content property of the loader. The installApplication() method requires two parameters: the path to the .air file and the required AIR runtime version (as a string). Example 21-14 is an example of a badge.

Example 21-14. A basic AIR badge

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute"

            private var _loader:Loader;

            private function creationCompleteHandler():void {
                _loader = new Loader();
                 var context:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext();
                 context.applicationDomain = ApplicationDomain.currentDomain;
                 _loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, initHandler);
                 _loader.load(new URLRequest("http://airdownload.adobe.com/

            private function initHandler(event:Event):void {
                button.enabled = true;

            private function install():void {
                (_loader.content as Object).installApplication("Example.air", "1.0");

    <mx:Button id="button" label="Install" enabled="false" click="install();" />
..................Content has been hidden....................

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