Component Implementation

Now that you have a good understanding of the component life cycle, we will discuss how to implement a component.

Throughout this chapter, you will develop a custom instant messenger status icon component (StatusIcon) that uses many of the features of the component framework. Figure 19-4 shows the finished component.

Finished StatusIcon component

Figure 19-4. Finished StatusIcon component

StatusIcon allows the user to set a name, status (available, busy, idle), and font color. It also should automatically resize to display the entire name and let the user data-bind to the value of the username, dispatch an event when the status is changed, and set icons for the different statuses.

Implementing the Constructor

The first step in building a component is to decide on the base class and constructor. For this component, we will use UIComponent. The UIComponent class gives us a basic implementation for writing a custom component and allows us to build on top of it as we please. Here are the beginnings of the component:

package com.oreilly.programmingflex.controls
    import mx.core.UIComponent;

    public class StatusIcon extends UIComponent
        public function StatusIcon()


In this chapter, you'll develope custom components using ActionScript. Although it's possible to build the same components in MXML, you will find that for custom components, you'll often opt to use ActionScript.

In this example, we have created the component’s main class, StatusIcon, which contains the basic implementation for the constructor. The constructor calls super() and nothing else. Also important to note is the fact that the constructor in a component should not have any required parameters because when used in MXML, there would be no way to pass such parameters to the constructor.

Although at this point the component doesn’t perform any useful function, it already has inherited many capabilities from the component framework, including the component life cycle. For every custom component, the constructor will be the starting point on which to build. The constructor is also the first thing to be called when a component is instantiated. Because of this, many things may not be ready for you to work with. For this reason, it is advisable that you do very little within the constructor and instead save most of the implementation for other steps in the component’s life cycle.

In addition to the constructor, every component overrides some or all four of the following methods: createChildren(), commitProperties(), measure(), and updateDisplayList(), which well cover shortly. These methods are called in that order during initialization, as shown in Figure 19-5.

UIComponent required methods, and their order

Figure 19-5. UIComponent required methods, and their order

The initialization step includes the call to the constructor as well as the createChildren(), commitProperties(), measure(), and updateDisplayList() methods. Within the initialization step, a validation step occurs. This validation step includes where the calls to the commitProperties(), measure(), and updateDisplayList() methods occur. This same validation step is used in the update phase as well, which occurs several times during the life of a component. The only difference between the validation step in the initialization and the update is that in the initialization step, all the methods are called. In the update phase, the methods that get called depend on many factors, which we will cover throughout different parts of this chapter.

Implementing createChildren()

The createChildren() method is called during the initialization phase. Its purpose is to attach subobjects to your component at the beginning of the life of the component. Unlike containers and components in Flex, in which a child needs to be a UIComponent (or needs to implement the IUIComponent interface), children of a custom component can be any type of Flash Player display object.

As you can see in Figure 19-5, createChildren() is called only once throughout a component’s life cycle. Because this method is typically called only once, it is ideal for adding children that are required through the life of a component, as instantiating new objects is one of the most intensive operations in Flash Player. The createChildren() method doesn’t have many rules. First you should call super.createChildren(). Then all you have to do is decide what children you would like to create early in the life of the component; typically these would include the children that will be needed throughout the life of the component, or at least at the beginning of the component’s life. Then you simply set their initial states, checking to ensure that the children have not been instantiated already (in cases where your component has been subclassed). Our StatusIcon component has two child objects: the status icon and the user’s label. In the createChildren() method, we will need to add both children to the display list because they are required at all times. To implement the createChildren() method, you override the UIComponent base class implementation. Here is the code to implement the createChildren() method:

private var IconAvailable:Class;
private var IconBusy:Class;
private var IconIdle:Class;

private var currentIcon:DisplayObject;
private var displayNameLabel:Label;

override protected function createChildren():void

    if(currentIcon == null)
        currentIcon = new IconAvailable();

    if(displayNameLabel == null)
        displayNameLabel = new Label();

In the createChildren() body, you call super.createChildren(), then instantiate both children and add them to the display list using addChild() while ensuring that the children have not already been instantiated. Notice that for the icon we referenced the IconAvailable bitmap class, and for the display name we used an existing Flex component, the Label component.

Understanding Invalidation

In addition to the initialization phase, during which a component automatically goes through a full validation, a component also goes through validation via update requests. An update request can occur when a user interacts with a component and triggers an event, when methods and properties are set, and when the application or parent it is a part of can interact with a component. To handle such interaction efficiently, the Flex component framework implements an invalidation routine.

Invalidation routines can handle several constraints and assumptions for you. For example, invalidation routines assume that when a component needs to be redrawn, only parts of it may need to be redrawn, not the entire component. Because of this, the component framework divides the view update routines into three types: those that update subobject properties, those that update component sizing, and those that update drawing.

To understand this better, let’s take the example of a component that is a child of another component. At some point within the component’s lifetime, its parent may ask to resize it. When that occurs, the component may not have to change any values or do any redrawing; instead, it may require only that a component measure its size. For this purpose, a specific invalidation method, invalidateSize(), and a corresponding validation method, measure(), are available. Figure 19-6 shows the invalidation methods and their corresponding validation methods.

Invalidation methods and their corresponding validation methods

Figure 19-6. Invalidation methods and their corresponding validation methods

You may be wondering why you need an invalidation method if you can call the validation method directly. The reason concerns another key aspect of invalidation, and it relates to Flash Player behavior.

Flash Player renders on a frame-by-frame basis. Thus, if a value is changed in the middle of a frame several times, although the value is set several times, only the last value set is rendered to the user in the next frame. For this reason, it is a waste to call a validation more than once per frame. Thus, the invalidation routines (also sometimes referred to as marking the component as dirty) have the job of merging changes needed together into a single frame that the component renders in the next frame during validation (the validation step). With this process, an invalidation method may be called several times during a single frame, and the corresponding validation method will be called only once in the next frame.

For this process to work properly, you will need to cache data changes and allow the validation methods to make the actual change. For component properties, you should follow the pattern of defining a private variable for every public property that will hold the new value until the validation methods are called. For the StatusIcon component, a property label is used to set the username by updating the values of the _displayNameLabel.text property. Rather than setting the _displayNameLabel.text property directly, however, we will store the new value in a private property, _label.


Another reason to have setter functions store values in a temporary property is that setter functions could be called before children are instantiated. If you attempt to set the value of the child immediately before the child is instantiated, this could cause an error.

Here are the label setter and getter functions for StatusComponent:

private var _label:String;

public function set label(value:String):void
    _label = value;

In the label setter function, we set the private _label property with the new value and then call the invalidation methods invalidateProperties() and invalidateSize(). Although we haven’t looked at how to implement the validation methods, it’s easy to understand that when the label value is changed, the value of the internal label component needs to change as well. Thus, when you call the invalidateProperties() method, the size of the component may change because of the new values of the label, so you call the invalidateSize() method. Although it may not be clear when to call which invalidation method, after reviewing how to implement the three invalidation methods, keeping in mind Figure 19-6 and what invalidation methods cause a call to what validation method, and gaining some experience, you will have a clear understanding when building your own component.

Implementing commitProperties()

The validation method that corresponds to calling the invalidateProperties() invalidation method, and the first validation method to be called during initialization, is commitProperties(). This method’s purpose is to commit any values typically set by using a setter function. Often the commitProperties() method is as simple as calling super.commitProperties() and setting the cached values:

override protected function commitProperties():void
    displayNameLabel.text = _label;

If your component contains many public properties, you may find that your commitProperties() method becomes inefficient as it attempts to set values for every value even though only a single value was changed. To work around this, it is recommended that you not only store the new value of the set data in a temporary property, but also track what has changed. You do so by declaring a Boolean property (also referred to as a dirty flag) for each public property that serves as a flag for the commitProperties() method to help it know how to conditionally set values. Here are the updated setter and the commitProperties() method which adds this optimization:

private var _label:String;
private var labelChanged:Boolean = false;

public function set label(value:String):void
    _label = value;
    labelChanged = true;

And here is the updated implementation of commitProperties():

override protected function commitProperties():void
        //reset to false as the value is being commited
        labelChanged = false;
        displayNameLabel.text = _label;

Sometimes when a component value is changed, it may require that new children be created or that existing children be removed. In addition to updating the values of existing children, the commitProperties() method also serves to add and remove children. Keep in mind that if a child is going to be required through the entire life of a component, it should be instantiated and added to the display list in the createChildren() method. In the StatusIcon component, this isn’t required, but if, for example, you wanted to display a label only if it contained a value, and that use case was the norm, you would add logic to handle such a case in the commitProperties() method.

Implementing measure()

When the invalidateSize() invalidation method is called, the corresponding validation method, measure(), will be called, and as with other validation methods, measure() is always called during the initialization phase of a component as well. The purpose of this method is to perform measurement calculation and define sizing information for the framework. Flex provides a sophisticated set of layout containers whose underlying implementation requires that each component perform appropriate size measurements. Specifically, the framework requires that a component specify the optimal size of the component and, optionally, the minimum size. In Chapter 6, we covered how to use containers to lay out components. With containers and components, you can specify the width and height of components explicitly, by percentage, or not at all, and the framework will automatically do its best to decide on the sizing for you. This is why the measure() method exists. If your component is used, and its size is not defined or is defined using constraint-based layout logic, your component will need to tell the layout containers what it would like its size to be (the default size). Also, when the layout logic is attempting to size a component, it will need to tell its container how small the component can be sized. Because of this, the measure() method also has a mechanism for defining the minimum size of the component.

Both the default and minimum sizes of the component are set to a width and height of zero. You may find that having a minimum width and height of zero is acceptable, but typically you will at least want to define the default width and height yourself. Defining the default and minimum values in the measure() method requires that you set the values of the measuredWidth, measuredHeight, and optionally, measuredMinWidth and measuredMinHeight properties:

measuredWidth, measuredHeight

These are the component’s default width and height. You should set these values to the width and height that your component requires.

measuredMinWidth, measuredMinHeight

These are the component’s minimum width and height. You will often set their values to the same as the measured value.

Here is the measure() method implemented for the StatusIcon component:

override protected function measure():void
    measuredHeight = measuredMinHeight = currentIcon.height;
    measuredWidth = measuredMinWidth = currentIcon.width + displayNameLabel.

In this measure() implementation, we override the existing implementation and call super.measure(). This is typically how most measure() implementations will begin. We also set measuredHeight, measuredMinHeight, measuredWidth, and measuredMinWidth. measuredHeight and measuredMinHeight are set to the height of the icon image, and measuredWidth and measuredMinWidth are set to the total width of the children within the component (icon and label).

When performing measurement in order to decide on sizing, you will often need to retrieve the size of the children along with any chrome/padding that needs to be taken into account. As a general rule, you will typically use the children’s width and height properties to retrieve the size values of children that do not inherit from UIComponent. For children that do inherit from UIComponent, you will want to use the getExplicitOrMeasuredWidth() and getExplicitOrMeasuredHeight() methods.

Implementing updateDisplayList()

The last validation method is updateDisplayList(). This validation method is called as a result of calling the invalidateDisplayList() invalidation method, and by the Flex framework internally (typically the LayoutManager class). The purpose of this validation method is to lay out the contents of the component and perform any needed drawing and redrawing. Typically this method contains a lot of the implementation of a component.

In StatusComponent, we will implement the basic updateDisplayList() method. The method will position the displayNameLabel and then set its size:

override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number,
    displayNameLabel.move(currentIcon.x + currentIcon.width,0);

The updateDisplayList() method is implemented by overriding the existing implementation. Notice that this method receives two arguments: unscaledWidth and unscaledHeight. You begin by calling super.updateDisplayList(), passing in the two arguments. Then typically you will perform any drawing API rendering before measuring and positioning children.


The updateDisplayList() method can get very long, especially when you need to handle many children and styles. For this reason, you may want to break up parts of the method into smaller functions.

In the measure() validation method we retrieved the size, and in the updateDisplayList() method we will set the size and position the children. When positioning and sizing children, if a child does not inherit from UIComponent, you'll want to use the x and y properties for positioning and the width and height properties for sizing. If a child does inherit from UIComponent, you should use the setActualSize(width,height) method for sizing and the move(x,y) method for positioning.

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