Chapter 9. What’s Coming Next for Entity Framework

So far, this book has walked through all the DbContext API functionality that was available at the time of writing. The companion to this book, Programming Entity Framework: Code First, covers the remainder of the functionality that was available in the EntityFramework NuGet package at the time of writing. However, there are some notable features that will soon be available for preview.

The Entity Framework team has indicated that they are about to release Entity Framework 5.0 (EF 5.0), which will include some long-awaited features, including support for enum properties and spatial data.

Understanding Entity Framework’s Version Numbers

Historically, Entity Framework releases have been strongly tied to .NET Framework releases. The first version of Entity Framework shipped with .NET 3.5 SP1. The second release was included in .NET 4 and was named Entity Framework 4 (EF 4), to align with the .NET version. The DbContext API and Code First were released out-of-band of the .NET Framework as EF 4.1. This number was chosen to indicate that it was a small update that built on the functionality in .NET 4.

When the time came to ship bug fixes for EF 4.1, the team released EF 4.1 Update 1. This release, and some other releases from Microsoft, caused some confusion in the community about how releases are versioned. Based on this feedback, the Entity Framework team has now adopted semantic versioning for its releases. You can read more about semantic versioning at

After adopting semantic versioning, the Entity Framework team released EF 4.2, which included some bug fixes. They then released EF 4.3, which included the new Code First Migrations feature, along with a handful of high-priority bug fixes.

Entity Framework 5.0

EF 5.0 introduces a set of long-awaited features and makes use of some work the Entity Framework team has done in the next version of the .NET Framework (.NET 4.5). Entity Framework 5.0 will become available as an update to the EntityFramework NuGet package. At the time of writing, a prerelease version of EF 5.0 was not yet available. The Entity Framework team has indicated they will be making the first preview of EF 5.0 available shortly after the next preview of .NET 4.5 is released. The rest of this section provides a brief overview of the major features that the Entity Framework team has indicated will be in the EF 5.0 release.

Entity Framework 5.0 is dependent on .NET 4.5 because a number of the new features required changes to the core Entity Framework components. These core components, including ObjectContext and other related types, are still part of the .NET Framework. For example, adding enum support to the DbContext API and Code First required adding enum support to ObjectContext. The Entity Framework team is working to move more of these core components out of the .NET Framework in the future. This would enable more features to be added without updates to the .NET Framework.


Developers have been asking for support for enum properties in Entity Framework since it was first released. This feature will allow you to define a property on a domain class that is an enum type and map it to a database column of an integer type. Entity Framework will then convert the database value to and from the relevant enum as it queries and saves data.

Spatial Data

SQL Server 2008 introduced support for geometry and geography data types. A set of operators is also included to allow queries to analyze spatial data. For example, a query can filter based on the distance between two geographic locations. EF 5.0 will allow new spatial data types to be exposed as properties on your classes and map them to spatial columns in your database. You will also be able to write LINQ queries that make use of the spatial operators to filter, sort, and group based on spatial calculations performed in the database.

Performance Improvements

EF 5.0 will include some updates and a new feature to enhance performance. The most notable new feature is automatic caching of compiled LINQ queries. When Entity Framework runs a LINQ query, it goes through a process of converting your LINQ query into SQL to be executed in the database. This process is known as query compilation and is an expensive operation, especially for complex queries. In the past you could use compiled queries to make Entity Framework cache the compiled query and reuse it, potentially with different parameters. In EF 5.0 the compiled query will be automatically cached and reused if you run the same query again, even if you have different parameter values in the query.

For example, if you run a LINQ query for all Locations where the DestinationId is equal to a value stored in an integer variable, Entity Framework will cache the translation that knows how to select a set of Locations filtered by DestinationId. If you later run another query for all Locations where the DestinationId is equal to a value stored in a different integer variable, Entity Framework will reuse the cached translation, even if the value stored in the variable is different than the first query.

EF 5.0 will also include improvements to the SQL it generates. The SQL will be simpler to read and will result in performance gains. In particular, there are improvements to make querying faster when working with an inheritance hierarchy that is mapped using the table-per-type (TPT) strategy.

Multiple Result Sets from Stored Procedures

Entity Framework allows you to use stored procedures to query for data and to insert, update, and delete data. Previously, when selecting data, the stored procedure could only return a single result set. EF 5.0 will allow you to use a stored procedure that returns multiple result sets. The different result sets can represent data for different entity types or projections.


While Entity Framework supports mapping to stored procedures, this functionality is not supported in Code First. The Entity Framework team is not planning to add stored procedure support to Code First in EF 5.0. They have indicated that there are no definite plans around when this will be added.

Table Value Functions

Table Value Functions (TVFs) are functions in the database that return a well-known result set. TVFs are composable and can therefore be included in a query in much the same way a table can. EF 5.0 allows you to include TVFs in your model and define a function on your context that represents the TVF. This function can then be used in a LINQ query in the same way you would use a DbSet. TVFs will not be supported in Code First in EF 5.0.

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