ALIAKSANDR BEDRYTSKI is a passionate software engineer at Worldline Lyon, France. Even though it's been more than four years since he discovered Scala, he's still in love with the language and is trying to push its boundaries every day. In his spare time he's learning something new about space, physics, and bleeding edge technologies. He is currently working as a lead developer on a data-analysis project featuring Hadoop, Spark-Scala, Hive, and other Big Data tools.

JANEK BOGUCKI is a co-founder at Inferess Inc. and principal consultant (Machine Learning and Scala) at Combination One. He has a background in mathematics with an ongoing interest in computer science, data science, machine learning, graph theory, and development methodologies. He lives in Kent, UK with his wife Rebecca, son Theo, two cats, one dog, and a variable number of chickens.

ALESSANDRO LACAVA holds a degree in telecommunications engineering. He's had extensive experience with OOP before becoming very passionate about functional programming. He is currently working as a lead designer and developer on different types of applications using mainly, but not only, Scala. He's also a contributor of pretty famous open source projects, such as shapeless and cats.

MATTHEW DE DETRICH is a tech lead for Monetise Pty Ltd, where he primarily works on full stack applications with backends written in Scala. Matthew has a passion for designing, building, and integrating complex multi-domain systems from the ground up. In his spare time he is exploring new developments in the Scala space, such as Scala.js.

BENJAMIN NEIL is a full stack engineer at AppThis LLC. He is a polyglot engineer who has had the privilege of working the past eight years making websites, services, and tools for amazing companies. He is obsessed with Scala, Vim, DevOps, and making services scale smoothly.

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