JEREMY WOULD LIKE TO THANK God, first and foremost, for granting him the gifts that he has in order to do the things that he loves. Secondly, Jeremy thanks his family for being so supportive and understanding of him locking himself in his office to frantically write on evenings and weekends. Next, thanks to Christina Rudloff and Troy Mott for all the hard work they've done to put this project together and for inviting him onto this writing team, and thanks also to all the authors who helped make this project a reality. Finally, thanks to all the technical reviewers for taking the time to read and provide valuable feedback in the early stages of this book.

NICK WOULD LIKE TO THANK EVERYONE involved in making this book a reality: Troy and Christina for organizing, his fellow authors for writing and reviewing, and the technical reviewers for great feedback. He would also like to thank DataStax for giving him a chance to write Clojure professionally.

MICHAEL WOULD LIKE TO THANK LARA, Charlotte, and Juliette for their love, support, and understanding; Keith for his valuable assistance; Christina and Troy for their patience and the opportunity to write about a terrific subject; and Rich for creating something so interesting to write about—not to mention work with.

JUSTIN WOULD LIKE TO THANK HIS FAMILY for bootstrapping him and, among countless other things, encouraging his love of books and computers. He would also like to thank his many brilliant friends and colleagues at Puppet Labs, where he has been inspired and challenged to master Clojure bit by bit, day by day.

TIMOTHY WOULD LIKE TO THANK SHIN Nee for being the ultimate collaborator. He would like to thank you, the reader, for exploring how programming can be better; the Clojure community for providing a friendly, helpful, and pleasant ecosystem to exist in; and his parents for the many opportunities they crafted into his life.

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