
HTML5 is brand new. Indeed, it isn't even completely finished yet. And if you listen to some ornery pundits, they'll tell you that HTML5 won't be ready for ten years or more!

Why, then, would anyone think that now's the time for a book called Pro HTML5 Programming? That's easy. Because for anyone who's looking for an extra edge to make your web application stand above the rest, the time for HTML5 is right now. The authors of this book have been working with, developing, and teaching HTML5 technologies for more than two years now and can claim with certainty that adoption of the new standards is accelerating at dizzying speeds. Even over the course of writing this book, we've been forced to continually update chapters and reevaluate our assumptions about what is ready to use.

Most users don't really understand the power that's available in the browsers they are now using. Yes, they might notice some minor interface enhancement after their favorite browser has automatically updated. But they might have no idea that this new browser version just introduced a free-form drawing canvas or real-time network communication, or any number of other potential upgrades.

With this book, we aim to help you unlock the power HTML5.

Who This Book Is For

The content in this book is intended for the experienced web application developer who is familiar with JavaScript programming. In other words, we won't be covering the basics of web development in this text. There are many existing resources to get you up to speed in the fundamentals of web programming. That said, if you see yourself in any of the following bullets, this book will likely provide you with useful insight and information you are looking for:

  • You sometimes find yourself thinking, “If only my browser could. . .”
  • You find yourself using page source and developer tools to dissect a particularly impressive website.
  • You enjoy reading the release notes of the latest browser updates to find out what's new.
  • You are looking for ways to optimize or streamline your applications.
  • You are willing to tailor your website to provide the best possible experience for users on relatively recent browsers.

If any of these apply to you, this book may be a good fit with your interests.

While we take care to point out the limitations of browser support where appropriate, our aim is not to give you elaborate workarounds to make your HTML5 application run seamlessly on a ten-year-old browser. Experience has shown that the workarounds and baseline browser support are evolving so rapidly that a book like this is not the best vehicle for such information. Instead, we will focus on the specification of HTML5 and how to use it. Detailed workarounds can be found on the Internet and will become less necessary over time.

An Overview of This Book

The thirteen chapters of this book cover a selection of popular, useful, and powerful HTML5 APIs. In some cases, we have built on the capabilities introduced in earlier chapters to provide you with richer demonstrations.

Chapter 1, “Introduction to HTML5,” starts off with the background of past and current versions of the HTML specification. The new high-level semantic tags are presented, along with basic changes and the rationale behind all the recent developments in HTML5. It's good to know this terrain.

Chapter 2, “Using the Canvas API”, Chapter 3, “Working with SVG,” and Chapter 4, “Working with Audio and Video,” describe the new visual and media elements. In these chapters, the focus is on finding simpler ways to spruce up your user interface without plugins or server-side interaction.

Chapter 5, “Using the Geolocation API,” introduces a truly new feature that was not easily emulated before now—the ability for an application to identify the user's current location and use that to customize the experience. Privacy is important here, so we cover some of the caveats, as well.

The next two chapters, “Using the Communication APIs” and “Using the WebSocket API,” present increasingly powerful ways that HTML5 lets you communicate with other websites and stream real-time data to an application with both simplicity and minimal overhead. The techniques in these chapters will enable you to simplify the many overly complex architectures deployed on the Web today.

Chapter 8, “Using the Forms API,” presents you with minimal tweaks you can make to your desktop or mobile web applications today to increase usability, as well as more fundamental changes you can make to detect page entry errors in very common usage scenarios. Chapter 9, “Using the Drag and Drop API,” elaborates on the new Drag and Drop API features and shows how you can use them.

Chapters 10, 11, and 12—“Using the Web Workers API,” “Using the Storage API,” and “Creating Offline Web Applications”—deal with the internal plumbing of your applications. Here, you will find ways to optimize the existing functionality to obtain better performance and better data management.

Finally, Chapter 13, “The Future of HTML5,” will give you a tasty preview of what's still to come.

Example Code and Companion Web Site

The code for the examples shown in this book is available online in the Source Code section of the Apress web site. Visit, click Source Code, and look for this book's title. You can download the source code from this book's home page. In addition, we are hosting a companion site for the book at, from which you can also download the sample code and some practical extras.

Contacting the Authors

Thank you for buying this book. We hope you enjoy reading it and that you find it a valuable resource. Despite our best effort to avoid errors, we realize that things sometimes slip through the cracks, and we'd like to express, in advance, our regrets for any such slip-ups. We welcome your personal feedback, questions, and comments regarding this book's content and source code. You can contact us by sending us e-mail at [email protected].

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