Transmission Plan Evaluation: Assessment of System Reliability

N. Dag Reppen

Niskayuna Power Consultants, LLC

James W. Feltes

Siemens Power Technologies International

17.1    Bulk Power System Reliability and Supply Point Reliability

Bulk Transmission Systems Reliability Is Evaluated Using Deterministic Reliability CriteriaSupply Point Reliability Is Evaluated Using Either Deterministic or Probabilistic Reliability Criteria

17.2    Methods for Assessing Supply Point Reliability

Reliability Measures—Reliability IndicesSystem IndicesCost of Interruptions to ConsumersOutage Models

17.3    Probabilistic Reliability Assessment Methods

Contingency Enumeration ApproachComparison of Contingency Enumeration and Monte Carlo Simulation

17.4    Application Examples

Calculation of the Reliability of Electric Power Supply to a Major Industrial ComplexLocal Area Reliability


17.1  Bulk Power System Reliability and Supply Point Reliability

Transmission systems must meet performance standards and criteria that ensure an acceptable level of quality of electric service. Service quality means continuity of supply and constancy of voltage waveform and power system frequency. Frequency is typically not an issue in large interconnected systems with adequate generation reserves. Similarly, voltage quality at the consumer connection is typically addressed at the distribution level and not by reinforcing the transmission system. This leaves continuity of power supply as the main criterion for acceptable transmission system performance.

Requirements for continuity of supply are traditionally referred to as power system reliability. Reliability criteria for transmission systems must address both local interruptions of power supply at points in the network as well as widespread interruptions affecting population centers or entire regions. Local and widespread interruptions are typically caused by different types of events and require different evaluation approaches.

Additional transmission facilities will virtually always increase reliability, but this remedy is constrained by the cost of new facilities and environmental impacts of new construction. Reliability objectives, therefore, must be defined explicitly or implicitly in terms of the value of reliable power supply to the consumer and to society at large. Reflecting the different concerns of local interruptions and widespread interruptions, reliability objectives are different for the bulk transmission system than for the local area transmission or subtransmission systems supplying electric power to electric distribution systems. These two aspects of power system reliability will be referred to as bulk power system reliability (Endrenyi et al., 1982, Parts 1 and 2) and supply point reliability.

17.1.1  Bulk Transmission Systems reliability Is Evaluated Using Deterministic reliability Criteria

A distinguishing characteristic of bulk transmission systems is that severe disturbances arising in them can have widespread impact. Major failures of bulk transmission systems have resulted in interruption of thousands of MW of load and interruption of service to millions of customers. Three important characteristics of reliable bulk transmission system performance are

1.  Low risk of widespread shutdown of the bulk transmission system

2.  Confinement of the extent of bulk transmission system shutdown when it occurs

3.  Rapid restoration of operation following shutdown of the bulk transmission system

Most interconnected systems have reliability criteria and design standards that explicitly aim at limiting the risk of widespread shutdowns or blackouts. Such criteria may call for transmission reinforcements or limitations of power transfers across the system. The two other characteristics are addressed by sharpening operating command and control functions and improving control and communication facilities. Therefore, transmission system plans are typically evaluated with respect to reliability criteria that are aimed at limiting the risk of system shutdowns.

The U.S. National Electric Reliability Council (NERC), formed in response to the 1965 Northeast blackout, has developed basic design criteria aimed at reducing the risk of “instability and uncontrolled cascading” that may lead to system blackouts. The various regional reliability councils have interpreted these requirements in various ways and produced additional criteria and guides to address this problem (NERC, 1988). Deterministic criteria for bulk power systems will typically include the following requirements:

1.  Test criteria for simulated tests aimed at avoiding overload cascading and instability, including voltage collapse. These test criteria specify in generic form:

a.  The system conditions to be tested: e.g., peak load conditions, lines or generators assumed out on maintenance, transfer levels

b.  The type of failure that initiates a disturbance: e.g., type and location of short circuit

c.  Assumptions to be applied regarding the operation of protection systems and other control systems

d.  The allowable limits of system response: line and transformer loading limits, high and low voltage limits, and criteria for stable operation
The system must be reinforced to meet these criteria.

2.  Requirements to test extreme contingencies such as the simultaneous outage of two or more parallel lines or the loss of entire substations. These tests are made to determine and understand the vulnerability of the system to such events. When critical extreme contingencies are identified, steps should be taken to minimize the risk of occurrence of such events.

3.  Criteria and guides for protection system design to reduce the risk of critical protection initiated disturbances and for protection misoperation that may aggravate a serious system condition.

Evaluations of the system response to specified severe but rare types of failure events are labeled deterministic. The likelihood of the event specified is not considered, except in a qualitative way when the criteria were created. Since only a small subset of all potentially critical events can be tested, the tests are sometimes referred to as “umbrella” tests. A system that passes these selected tests is believed to have a degree of resiliency that will protect it not only for the specific disturbances simulated, but also for a multitude of other disturbances of similar type and severity.

17.1.2  Supply Point Reliability Is Evaluated Using Either Deterministic or Probabilistic reliability Criteria

Reliability objectives at the local area transmission or subtransmission level focus on the reliability of supply to specific supply points as shown in Figure 17.1. Statistically, the reliability of supply may be expressed in terms of the frequency of occurrence of load interruptions, the amount of load interrupted, and the duration of the interruptions. Frequency of interruptions and MWh not served over a period such as a year are commonly used measures for the observed or predicted reliability of power supply to a particular node in a transmission system. Probabilistic reliability methods are required to predict reliability in these terms (Endrenyi, 1978; Billinton and Allan, 1984; Salvaderi et al., 1990). These methods will typically consider more likely events rather than the more extreme and very rare events that can lead to system shutdown. This is justified since system shutdown occurrences are not frequent enough to significantly impact the reliability measures calculated.

While it is practical to perform probabilistic calculations to assess supply point reliability, deterministic simulation tests are also commonly used. As a minimum, deterministic criteria call for load flow testing of all single line and single transformer outages. This is referred to as single contingency testing or N – 1 testing. For each of these outages, no line or transformer shall exceed its emergency rating, and no voltage shall violate specified high and low emergency voltage limits. Violation of these criteria calls for system reinforcements. Exceptions are typically made for supply points with low peak demand where it is judged to be too expensive to provide for redundant service. Some utilities use a peak load criterion such as 25 MW, above which redundant transmission connections to a supply point are called for.


FIGURE 17.1  Prediction of supply point reliability.

17.2  Methods for Assessing Supply Point reliability

Supply point reliability may be assessed in four different ways in order of increasing complexity:

1.  Deterministic: System alternatives must meet criteria specifying allowable system response to specified contingencies.

2.  Probabilistic—System Trouble: System alternatives must meet criteria specified in terms of probabilistic reliability indices reflecting risk of unacceptable system response.

3.  Probabilistic—Consumer Impact: Same as (2), but criteria are specified in terms of consumer impact such as risk of supply interruption or risk of load curtailment.

4.  Cost/Benefit Analysis: This approach is based on the concept that the proper level of service reliability should be defined by the balance of incremental worth of service reliability improvement and incremental cost of providing that improvement. The approach is also referred to as “effectiveness analysis” or “value-based” reliability assessment.

The limitation of the deterministic approach (1) is that it considers only the initial system problems for a few contingencies. These contingencies have typically been selected by committee based on a mixture of judgment, tradition, and experience. If the selected contingencies do not cover all important reliability concerns, the resulting system may be unreliable. If the selected contingencies put undue emphasis on severe but rare events, an unnecessarily expensive system alternative may be selected.

The probabilistic approach (2) aims at eliminating the dependency on judgment in the selection of contingencies by attempting to look at all significant contingencies. In addition, it weighs the importance of the results for each contingency according to the severity of the system problems caused by each contingency and the frequency of occurrence of each contingency.

Approach (3) looks deeper into the problem, in that it is concerned with the impact on the consumer. However, the criteria used to define an acceptable level of reliability are still judgmental. For example, how many interruptions per year would be acceptable or what percentage of total MWh demand is it acceptable to interrupt or curtail? In the cost/benefit approach (4), the criterion for acceptable reliability is implicit in the methodology used.

17.2.1  Reliability Measures—Reliability Indices

Reliability can be measured by the frequency of events having unacceptable impacts on the system or on the consumer, and by the severity and duration of the unacceptable impacts. Thus, there are three fundamental components of reliability measures:

1.  Frequency of unacceptable events

2.  Duration of unacceptable events

3.  Severity of unacceptable events

From these, other measures, such as probability of unacceptable events, can be derived. An expectation index, such as the loss of load expectation (LOLE) index commonly used to measure the reliability of a generating system is, in its nature, a probability measure. While probability measures have proved useful in generation reliability assessment, they may not be as meaningful in assessing the reliability of a transmission system or a combined generation/transmission system. It is, for example, important to differentiate between 100 events which last 1 s and 1 event which lasts 100 s. Since probability measures cannot provide such differentiation, it is often necessary to apply frequency and duration measures when assessing the reliability of transmission systems.

Probabilistic reliability measures or indices can express the reliability improvements of added resources and reinforcements quantitatively. However, several indices are required to capture various reliability aspects. There are two major types of indices: system indices and consumer or load indices (Guertin et al., 1978; Fong et al., 1989). The former concerns itself with system performance and system effects, the latter with the impact on the consumer. The reliability cost measure used in cost/benefit analysis may be classified as a consumer index.

17.2.2  System Indices

Indices suitable for transmission system reliability evaluation may be divided into system problem indices and load curtailment indices.

System problem indices measure frequency, duration, probability, and severity of system problems. Some examples:

•  Frequency of circuit overloads (overloads/year)

•  Average duration of circuit overloads (hours)

•  Probability of circuit overloads

Load curtailment indices measure severity in terms of load interrupted or curtailed. The salient characteristic of these indices is that the severity of any event, regardless of the system problems resulting from the event, is expressed in terms of load curtailment. From the three fundamental reliability measures (frequency, duration, and load curtailment), a series of derived reliability indices may be defined as illustrated by the following examples.

Basic Annual Indices

•  Frequency of load curtailment F=iFi(year1)

•  Hours of load curtailment D=iFiDi(hyear1)

•  Power curtailed C=iFiCi(MWyear1)

•  Energy curtailed E=iFiDiCi(MWhyear1)


Fi = Frequency of event i (year−1)

Di = Duration of event i (h)

Ci = MW load curtailed for event i (MW)

i = All events for which Ci > 0

Energy curtailment (E), expressed in MWh not served, is often referred to as Energy Not Served (ENS), Expected Energy Not Served (EENS), or Expected Unserved Energy (EUE).

Load curtailment indices are sometimes normalized to system size. Two commonly used indices are

•  Power interruption index CN = C/CMX (year−1)

•  Energy curtailment index EN = E/CMX (h year−1)

where CMX = peak load for system, area, or bus.

EN × 60 is referred to as system minutes, the equivalent number of minutes per year of total system shutdown during peak load conditions.

17.2.3  Cost of Interruptions to Consumers

The fact that a sudden interruption of very short duration can have a significant impact and that an outage of 4 h may have a significantly more severe impact than two outages of 2 h each, illustrates the limitations of simple aggregated reliability measures such as MWh not served. This is an important limitation since the various transmission reinforcement options considered may have dramatically different impacts as far as interruption durations are concerned. Since it is difficult to use a multiparameter measure when comparing reinforcement alternatives, a single aggregate measure is much preferred as long as it includes the main reliability factors of concern. The concept of cost to consumers of unreliability expressed in dollars per year has emerged as a practical measure of reliability when comparing transmission reinforcement alternatives. As a measure, reliability cost has the additional important advantage that it can be aggregated with installation cost and operating cost to arrive at a minimum “total cost” design in a cost/benefit analysis.


FIGURE 17.2  Illustration of customer damage functions for residential, commercial, and industrial load for process-oriented industrial load. The cost of very short duration outages may be much higher than shown here.

Conceptually, the annual reliability cost for a group of customers is the aggregated worth the customers put on avoiding load interruptions. In some cases the costs are tangible, allowing reliable dollar cost estimates; in other instances the impacts of interruptions are intangible and subjective, but still real in the eyes of the consumer. Surveys aimed at estimating what consumers would be willing to pay, either in increased rates or for backup service, have been used in the past to estimate the intangible costs of load interruptions. The results of these investigations may be expressed as Customer Damage Functions (CDF), as illustrated in Figure 17.2 (Mackay and Berk, 1978; Billinton et al., 1983).

Customer damage functions can be used to estimate the dollar cost of any particular load interruption given the amount of load lost and the duration of the interruption. If a customer damage function can be assigned for each supply point, then a cost of interrupted load may be determined.

17.2.4  Outage Models

Generation and transmission outages may be classified in two categories—forced outages and scheduled outages. While forced outages are beyond the control of the system operators, scheduled outages can usually be postponed if necessary to avoid putting the system in a precarious state. These two outage categories must, therefore, be treated separately (Forrest et al., 1985).


FIGURE 17.3  Sample system illustrating outage types.  Forced Outage Models

The variety and characteristics of forced outage events may be illustrated with reference to Figure 17.3. Transmission lines and transformers that can be isolated from the system by the opening of circuit breakers are referred to as “elements.”

Three categories of forced outage events are recognized:

1.  Single Component Outage Event—The outage event involves only one element. For example, a fault on circuit 1, cleared by circuit breakers in a normal manner, would only affect circuit 1.

2.  Common Mode Outage Event—This is a multiple element outage event where a single initiating cause results in multiple element outages where the outages are not consequences of each other. For example, a single lightning stroke taking out both circuits of the double circuit line exiting substation B would be a common mode outage. This event results in the simultaneous outage of circuits 1 and 7.

3.  Substation-Related Outage Events—This is a multiple element outage event that depends on the protection system response to a fault on a component in the substation or on an element connected to the substation. Examples of substation-related outage events are:

a.  Stuck breaker—if the breaker common to circuits 1 and 6 is stuck, a fault on either circuits 1 and 6 would result in both circuits out.

b.  Tapped circuits—a fault on circuit 2 would result in circuits 2–4 going out together.

c.  Breaker fault—if there is a fault on the breaker common to circuits 1 and 6, both circuits 1 and 6 would be outraged.

d.  Bus section fault—a fault on the bus section in substation B would outage circuits 1 and 7.

A common mode outage event may be combined with substation-related outage events. For example, a common mode failure of circuits 1 and 2 would result in an outage event encompassing circuits 1–4. Two or more independent outage events from either of the three outage categories may overlap in time, creating more complex outages. Accurate tools for the prediction of reliability measures include most if not all of these outage types.

17.3  Probabilistic Reliability Assessment Methods

Probabilistic reliability assessment tools falls in one of two categories (Endrenyi et al., 1982a,b):

1.  The contingency enumeration method

2.  The Monte Carlo method

In general, the contingency enumeration method is capable of looking at severe and rare events such as transmission events in great detail, but cannot practically look at many operating conditions. In contrast, the Monte Carlo methods are capable of looking at operating conditions in great detail (Noferi et al., 1975). However, from a computational standpoint, it is not possible to capture with precision the impact of infrequent but severe transmission contingencies. Thus, the two methods are capturing different aspects of the reliability problem.

17.3.1  Contingency Enumeration approach

The contingency enumeration approach to reliability analysis includes the systematic selection and evaluation of disturbances, the classification of each disturbance according to failure criteria, and the accumulation of reliability indices. Contingency enumeration techniques are structured so as to minimize the number of disturbances that need to be investigated in detail. This is achieved by testing, to the extent possible, only those disturbances that are sufficiently severe to cause trouble and sufficiently frequent to impact the risk indices to be computed.

The contingency enumeration approach is structured as shown in Figure 17.4. For a specific predisturbance condition, a contingency is selected and tested to determine whether the contingency causes any immediate system problem such as a circuit overload or a bus voltage out of limits. If it does not, a new contingency is selected and tested.

The occurrence of a system problem may by itself be logged as a failure. However, in many cases, it will be possible to adjust generation or phase shifters to relieve overloads and to adjust generator voltages or transformer taps to bring bus voltages back within range. It is, therefore, of interest to determine whether it is possible to eliminate a system problem by such corrective actions. A failure is logged when corrective actions, short of curtailing consumer loads, are insufficient to eliminate the system problems. The severity of such system problems may be assessed by computing the amount and location of load curtailment necessary to eliminate the problem. In this way, it is possible to compute supply point reliability indices that measure the frequency, duration, and amount of expected load curtailment.


FIGURE 17.4  Contingency enumeration approach.  Monte Carlo Approach

Monte Carlo methods (Oliveira et al., 1989) may be sequential or non-sequential. The sequential approach simulates the occurrences of random events through time, recognizing the statistical properties of the various types of events. Typically, the time functions of load and planned generation schedules are established for a period of a year. Starting at the beginning of the year, a sequence of forced shutdown and restoration of transmission and generating equipment is then determined based on random sampling in accordance with the statistical characteristics of the equipment failure processes. The response of the power system during equipment outages is simulated by power flow solutions. Whenever a system condition violating predefined failure criteria is encountered, the occurrence and characteristic of this failure is recorded. At the end of 1 year of simulation, parameters describing the “observed” reliability of the system can be determined. These parameters may include frequency of equipment overload, frequency of voltage violations, MWh not served, average duration and severity of specified types of failures, etc. This process is illustrated in Figure 17.5.

One year of simulation constitutes one particular sample scenario governed by the random properties of equipment failure. In order to obtain a measure of the inherent reliability of the system, it is necessary to repeat the simulation over the annual period many times and calculate the reliability measures as the mean of the results obtained over the repeated annual simulations. For reliable systems, several hundred annual simulations may be required to obtain convergence in the reliability measures calculated.


FIGURE 17.5  Possible computational sequence for Monte Carlo method.

When using the sequential approach, it is possible to model time dependencies between key variables. This allows elaborate modeling of energy-limited resources such as hydro plants and pumped hydro. It is also possible to simulate environmental effects such as the occurrence of lightning storms that may impact the failure rate of transmission equipment. A brute-force sequential Monte Carlo simulation would be prohibitively time-consuming when applied to large systems. Practical techniques rely on special sampling techniques and acceptable approximations in power system modeling.

If time dependencies are not essential, the non-sequential approach may be used. In this case, hours of simulation may be selected at random rather than in sequence. For a specific hour, a precontingency state is established including bus loads and matching generation dispatch. When it can be used, the nonsequential approach is typically much faster than the sequential approach.

17.3.2  Comparison of Contingency Enumeration and Monte Carlo Simulation

From the preceding discussion, it is clear that the Monte Carlo method differs from the contingency enumeration method in the way power system states including load, generation dispatch, and component outages are selected. The actual network solution and corrective action models used may be the same or similar for both methods. The major advantage of the Monte Carlo method is the ease with which comprehensive statistics of power system states can be included. This makes the method suitable for computing period reliability indices such as annual indices (CIGRE, 1992).

The Monte Carlo method may not be suitable for estimating the probability or frequency of occurrence of infrequent events. The contingency enumeration method may, therefore, be a more practical approach in system design. In comparing system alternatives to strengthen a local area, the Contingency Enumeration approach will provide consistent and real differences in reliability indices computed for specific situations. Unless the reliability of the alternatives are far apart, it would be very time-consuming and perhaps impractical to obtain acceptable differences in reliability by means of the Monte Carlo method. One way to mitigate this problem is to remove time-consuming calculations from the inner loop of the Monte Carlo calculations. In one approach, which is used to assess the reliability of supply to load centers, the impact of rare transmission failures are obtained from precomputed lookup tables of transmission import limits. Using this approach and various sampling techniques, several thousand years of operation can be simulated in minutes.

17.4  Application Examples

The techniques described above are presently used for transmission planning by major utilities. The following examples illustrate some of these methods. The first example uses contingency enumeration while the second example uses Monte Carlo techniques.

17.4.1  Calculation of the reliability of Electric Power Supply to a Major Industrial Complex

Contingency enumeration techniques were used to assess the reliability of the power supply to a major manufacturing complex (Reppen et al., 1990). In this analysis, the reliability concerns encompassed system events and conditions that are capable of disturbing or shutting down all or portions of the manufacturing processes. The events of concern included initial interruptions, sustained interruptions, overloads, voltage violations, voltage collapse, and overload cascading. The reliability effects of possible system reinforcements in the immediate local power supply area and in the main grid supplying this area were evaluated by a comprehensive probabilistic reliability analysis.

The characteristics of the power system were radial feeds to the plant with provisions for automatic and manual switchover to alternative supply in case of loss of voltage on primary supply feeders, an extensive local 132 kV system, and a regional 300 and 420 kV transmission system. Contingency enumeration methods allow detailed modeling of the network, including the modeling of automatic responses of the power system to disturbances such as special relaying schemes for line tripping, generation runback, and load transfer.

Three typical categories of outages—single element outages, independent overlapping outages of multiple elements, and dependent multiple element outages—were considered in the reliability studies. The term “element” encompasses generating units as well as “transmission elements” such as transmission lines, transformers, capacitor banks, and static var devices. The reliability computations included network analysis of outages, classification of failure events according to type and severity, and calculation of reliability indices. Reliability indices representing the predicted frequency of each of the types of failure events were computed as well as load interruption and energy curtailment indices. The indices computed are referred to as annualized indices reflecting the reliability level that would be experienced if the precontingency condition considered should exist for an entire year.

The full analysis included assessment of existing power supply conditions, impact of system reconfiguration on the reliability of supply, reliability effects of system reinforcements, and impact of conditions in the main grid. Here we will concentrate on the reliability effects of system reinforcements. Two reinforcements were analyzed: construction of a new 132 kV line completing a loop at some distance from the plant and construction of a 300 kV ring connecting several of the power supply buses to the plant.

Figure 17.6 presents the results of the investigation using the energy curtailment index defined earlier. The energy curtailment index aggregates the expected loss of energy on an annualized basis. The results indicate that reinforcement A (the remote line) has no significant effect on the reliability of power supply to the plant. Reinforcement B (the 300 kV ring) provides a substantial overall improvement, although there is no significant improvement in the energy curtailment index for the winter case.

While some of the suggested means of improving reliability could have been predicted prior to the analysis, the relative effectiveness of the various actions would not be apparent without a formal reliability analysis. Performing a reliability analysis of this type gives excellent insights into the dominating failure phenomena that govern system performance. The detailed contingency information available promotes understanding of the way systems fail, while the reliability indices computed provide the perspective necessary to make appropriate system design decisions.


FIGURE 17.6  Benefit of system reinforcements. Annualized energy curtailment (MWh/year). Sustained interruptions only.

17.4.2  Local Area Reliability

The second example considers the task of improving the reliability of electric power to a local area such as a city, major industrial complex, or other load center (Reppen, 1998). In simple terms, the reliability of the supply is a function of the following parameters:

•  The load in the area as it fluctuates over time.

•  The maximum amount of power that can be imported from the main grid. This import limit varies by maintenance and forced outage of transmission and generating equipment.

•  Maximum available local generation at any particular time as it is affected by generation maintenance and forced outages.

At any particular time, load curtailment will occur if the load exceeds the maximum import capability into the area plus the maximum generation available in the area. Therefore, reliability of supply to consumers in the area can be measured in terms of statistics of load curtailment. Popular load curtailment measures include frequency of interruptions and energy not served (MWh/year). In addition, the expected annual customer interruption cost can be predicted using Monte Carlo techniques that simulate system conditions repeatedly over a time period to develop reliability measures by aggregating and averaging the impacts of individual load curtailment events. This allows the use of interruption cost functions (customer damage function) to estimate the expected annual cost of load interruptions.

Accepting calculated annual interruption costs as a realistic measure of the economic impact on the consumer, one might declare a system reinforcement alternative to be justified from a reliability standpoint if the reduction in interruption cost is greater than the net cost of investment and operation. While such a criterion may not necessarily be appropriate in all cases, it should provide a relevant benchmark in most environments.

Figure 17.7 shows key components of the power supply picture for a small city with a peak load of 210 MW. The city is supplied by two generators totaling 150 MW, and by a 138 kV double circuit transmission line from the main grid. Prime reinforcement options are as follows:

1.  Add a new single circuit transmission line as indicated in Figure 17.7.

2.  Add one gas turbine generator of size to be determined.

3.  Add two identical gas turbine generators of size to be determined.

Key questions of interest are

1.  Can the line addition be justified on the basis of savings in customer interruption cost?

2.  What generator capacities will produce the same reliability improvements as the line addition?

3.  What size generators can be justified on the basis of customer interruption?

Figure 17.8 shows results obtained from the Monte Carlo calculations along with the annual fixed charges for investment cost and net annual operating costs. Significant observations that can be made from Figure 17.8 are

•  The additions of a new 138 kV line, a 50 MW generator, or two 25 MW generators have approximately the same interruption cost savings. However, the reason for this is that all three alternatives are an effective overkill, reducing the interruption cost to almost 0. If load is anticipated to grow, the line addition will be the better performer at a lower cost.

•  One 15–25 MW generator would give much improved performance and at a cost which can be justified (marginally) based on reliability worth as expressed by the interruption cost curves.

•  The line addition is clearly the most cost-effective alternative.


FIGURE 17.7  Power supply configuration for a small city.


FIGURE 17.8  Annual savings in cost of interruption vs. annual combined investment and operating costs of transmission and generation reinforcements and short term measures. Measures in the upper left triangle can be justified on account of savings in interruption cost.

The first set of calculations compared the benefit of reinforcement by transmission or generation. While such additions are typically the most powerful reinforcements from the standpoint of improved reliability, they are typically also the most expensive. In addition, when dealing with small local systems, the natural or cost-effective line and generation additions are often more than what’s needed to satisfy reliability needs for the next few years. This is particularly true for low load growth scenarios. Thus, there is a need for less expensive alternatives that typically will have smaller incremental reliability benefits than the addition of transmission lines and generators. The results of four such alternatives are shown in Figure 17.8:

1.  Improve reliability performance of existing generators

2.  Improve grounding of transmission lines

3.  Introduce live line maintenance

4.  Interruptible load contracts

All of the short term measures except live line maintenance can be justified as the annual interruption cost is greater than the total expense associated with the reliability improvement. Also, live line maintenance and transmission line grounding have too small an impact to be of interest.

The most cost effective short term measure comes from improvements in the reliability performance of the 100 MW generator, closely followed by interruptible load contracts. If both of these short term measures are taken, the reliability improvement matches that obtainable from the addition of a 25 MW gas turbine generator and at a much lower cost.

This example illustrates how it is possible to use Monte Carlo reliability calculations to predict and compare the benefit-cost trade-off of transmission and generation reinforcements and various short term measures.


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Salvaderi, L., Allan, R., Billinton, R., Endrenyi, J., Mc Gillis, D., Lauby, M., Manning, P., and Ringlee, R., State of the Art of Composite-System Reliability Evaluation, CICRE Session, paper 38-104, Paris, August 26–September 1, 1990.

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