15 I Slipped a Little, but Laphroaig was there


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Neighbors, please join me in reading this sixteenth release of the International Journal of Proof of Concept or Get the Fuck Out, a friendly little collection of articles for ladies and gentlemen of distinguished ability and taste in the field of reverse engineering and the study of weird machines. This release is a gift to our fine neighbors in Montréal and Las Vegas.

After our paper release, and only when quality control has been passed, we will make an electronic release named pocorgtfo15.pdf. It is a valid PDF document and a ZIP file of the relevant source code. Those of you who have laser projection equipment supporting the ILDA standard will find that this issue can be handily projected by your laser beams.

At BSides Knoxville in 2015, Brandon Wilson gave one hell of a talk on how he dumped the cartridge of Pier Solar, a modern game for the Sega Genesis; the lost lecture was not recorded and the slides were never published. After others failed with traditional cartridge dumping techniques, Brandon jumped in to find that the cartridge only provides the first 32 kB until an unlock sequence is executed, and that it will revert to the first 32 KB if it ever detects that the CPU is not executing from ROM. On page 152, Brandon will explain his nifty tricks for avoiding these protection mechanisms, armed with only the right revision of Sega CD, a serial cable, and a few cheat codes for the Game Genie.

Pastor Laphroaig is back on page 174 with a sermon on alternators, Studebakers, and bug hunting in general. This allegory of a broken Ford might teach you a thing or two about debugging, and why all the book learning in the world won’t match the experience of repairing your own car.

Page 180 by Saumil Shah reminds us of those fine days when magazines would include type-in code. This particular example is one that Saumil authored twenty-five years ago, a stub that produces a self-printing COM file for DOS.


Don A. Bailey presents on page 182 an introduction to writing shellcode for the new RISC-V architecture, a modern RISC design which might not yet have the popularity of ARM but has much finer prospects than MIPS.

Our longest article for this issue, page 199 presents the monumental task of cracking Gumball for the Apple ][. Neighbors 4am and Peter Ferrie spent untold hours investigating every nook and cranny of this game, and their documentation might help you to preserve a protected Apple game of your own, or to craft some deviously clever 6502 code to stump the finest of reverse engineers.

Evan Sultanik has been playing around with the internals of Git, and on page 292 he presents a PDF which is also a Git repository containing its own source code.

Rob Graham is our most elusive author, having promised an article for PoC∥GTFO 0x04 that finally arrived this week. On page 308 he will teach you how to write Ethernet card drivers in userland that never switch back to the kernel when sending or receiving packets. This allows for incredible improvements to speed and drastically reduced memory requirements, allowing him to portscan all of /0 in a single sweep.

Ryan Speers and Travis Goodspeed have been toying around with MIPS anti-emulation techniques, which this journal last covered in PoC∥GTFO 6:6 by Craig Heffner. This new technique, found on page 332, involves abusing the real behavior of a branch-delay slot, which is a bit more complicated than what you might remember from your Hennessy and Patterson textbook.

Page 344 describes how BSDaemon and NadavCH reproduced the results of the Gynvael Coldwind’s and Jur00’s Pwnie-winning 2013 paper on race conditions, using Intel’s SAE tracer to not just verify the results, but also to provide new insights into how they might be applied to other problems.

Chris Domas, who the clever among you remember from his Movfuscator, returns on page 354 to demonstrate that X86 is Turing-complete without data fetches.

Tobias Ospelt shares with us a nifty little tale on page 359 about the Java Key Store (JKS) file format, which is the default key storage method for both Java and Android. Not content with a simple proof of concept, Tobias includes a fully functional patch against Hashcat to properly crack these files in a jiffy.

There’s a trick that you might have fallen prey to: sometimes there’s a perfectly innocent thumbnail of an image, but when you click on it to view the full image, you are hit with different graphics entirely. On page 375, Hector Martin presents one technique for generating these false thumbnail images with gAMA chunks of a PNG file.


15:02 Pier Solar and the Great Reverser

by Brandon L. Wilson

Hello everyone!

I’m here to talk about dumping the ROM from one of the most secure Sega Genesis game ever created.

This is a story about the unusual, or even crazy techniques used in reverse engineering a strange target. It demonstrates that if you want to do something, you don’t have to be the best or the most qualified person to do it—you should do what you know how to do, whatever that is, and keep at it until it works, and eventually it will pay off.

First, a little background on the environment we’re talking about here. For those who don’t know, the Sega Genesis is a cartridge-based, 16-bit game console made by Sega and released in the US in 1989. In Europe and Japan, it was known as the Sega Mega Drive.

As you may or may not know, there were three different versions of the Genesis. The Model 1 Genesis is on the left of Figure 15.11. Some versions of this model have an extension port, which is actually just a third controller port. It was originally intended for a modem add-on, which was later scrapped.


Figure 15.11: Sega Genesis models 1, 2, and 3.

Some versions of the Model 1, and all of the Model 2 devices, include a cartridge protection mechanism called the TMSS, or TradeMark Security System. Basically this was just some extra logic to lock up some of the internal Genesis hardware if the word “SEGA” didn’t appear at 0x100 in the ROM and if the ASCII bytes representing “S”, “E”, “G”, “A” weren’t written to a hardware register at 0xA14000. Theoretically only people with official Sega documentation would know to put this code in their games, thereby preventing unlicensed games, but that of course didn’t last long•


And then there’s the Model 3 of my childhood living room, which generally sucked. It doesn’t support the Sega CD, Game Genie, or any other interesting accessories.

There was also a not-as-well-known CD add-on for the Genesis called the Sega CD, or the Mega CD in Europe and Japan, released in 1992. It allowed for slightly-nicer-looking CD-based games as an attempt to extend the Genesis’ life, but like many other attempts to do so, that didn’t really work out.

Sega CD has its own Motorola 68k processor and a second BIOS, which gets executed if you don’t have a cartridge in the main slot on top. That way you can still play all your old Genesis games, but if you didn’t have one of those games inserted, it would boot off the Sega CD BIOS and then whatever CD you inserted.


There were two versions of the Sega CD. The was shaped to fit the Model 1 Genesis, and while the second was modeled for the shape of the Model 2, it would fit either model.


So finally we get to the game itself, a game called Pier Solar. It was released in 2010 and is a “homebrew” game, which means it was programmed by a bunch of fans of the Genesis, not in any way licensed by Sega. Rather than just playing it in an emulator, they took the time to produce an actual cartridge with a fancy case, a printed manual, and all the other trimmings of a real game.

It’s unique in that it is the only game ever to use the Sega CD add-on for an enhanced soundtrack while you’re playing the game, and it has what they refer to as a “high-density” cartridge, which means it has an 8MB ROM, larger than any other Genesis game ever made.

It’s also unique in that its ROM had never been successfully dumped by anyone, preventing folks from playing it on an emulator. The lack of a ROM dump was not from lack of trying, of course.

Taking apart the cartridge, you can see that they’re very, very protective of something. They put some sort of black epoxy over the most interesting parts of the board, to prevent analysis or direct dumping of what is almost certainly flash memory.

Since they want to protect this, it’s our obligation to try and understand what it is and, if necessary, defeat it. I can’t help it; I see something that someone put a lot of effort into protecting, and I just have to un-do it.


I have no idea how to get that crud off, and I have to assume that since they put it on there, it’s not easy to remove. We have to keep in mind, this game and protection were created by people with a long history of disassembling Genesis ROMs, writing Genesis emulators, and bypassing older forms of copy protection that were used on clones and pirate cartridges. They know what people are likely to try in order to dump it and what would keep it secure for a long time.

So we’re going to have to get creative to dump this ROM.

There are two methods of dumping Sega Genesis ROMs. The first would be to use a device dedicated to that purpose, such as the Retrode. Essentially it pretends to be a Sega Genesis and retrieves each byte of the ROM in order until it has them all.

Unfortunately, when other people applied this to the 8MB Pier Solar, they reported that it just produces the same 32KB over and over again. That’s obviously too small, so they must have some hardware under that black crud that ensures it’s actually running in a Sega Genesis.

So, we turn to the other main method of dumping Genesis ROMs, which involves running a program on the Genesis itself to read the inserted cartridge’s data and output it through one of the controller ports, which as I mentioned before is actually just a serial port. The people with the ability to do this also reported the same 32KB mirrored over and over again, so that doesn’t work either.

Where’s the rest of the ROM data? Well, let’s take a step back and think about how this works. When we do a little Googling, we find that “large” ROMs are not a new thing on the Genesis. Plenty of games would resort to tricks to access more data than the Genesis could normally.

The system only maps four megabytes of cartridge memory, probably because Sega figured, “Four megs is enough ROM for anybody!” So it’s impossible for it to directly reference memory beyond this region. However some games, such as Super Street Fighter 2, are larger than that. That game in particular is five megabytes.

They get access to the rest of the ROM by using a really old trick called bank switching. Since they know they can only address 4MB, they just change which 4MB is visible at any one time, using external hardware in the cartridge. That external hardware is called a memory mapper, because it “maps” various sections of the ROM into the addressable area. It’s a poor man’s MMU.

So the game itself can communicate with the cartridge and tell the mapper “Hey, I need access to part of that last megabyte. Put it at address 0x300000 for me.” When you access the data at 0x300000, you’re really accessing the data at, say, 0x400000, which would normally be just outside of the addressable range. All this is documented online, of course. I found it by Googling about Genesis homebrew and programming your own games.


So where does this memory mapper live? It’s in the game cartridge itself. Since the game runs from the Genesis CPU, it needs a way to communicate with the cartridge to tell it what memory to map and where.

All Genesis I/O is memory-mapped, meaning that when you read from or write to a specific memory address, something happens externally. When you write to addresses 0xA130F3 through 0xA130FF, the cartridge hardware can detect that and take some kind of action. So for Super Street Fighter 2, those addresses are tied to the memory mapper hardware, which swaps in blocks of memory as needed by the game.

Pier Solar does the same thing, right? Not exactly; loading up the first 32KB in IDA Pro reveals no reads or writes here, nor to anywhere else in the 0xA130xx range for that matter. So now what?

Well, and this is something important that we have to keep in mind, if the game’s code can access all the ROM data, then so can our code. Right? If they can do it, we can do it.


So the question becomes, how do we run code on a Sega Genesis? The same way others tried dumping the ROM—through what’s called the Sega CD transfer cable. This is an easy-to-make cable linking a PC’s parallel port with one of the Genesis’ controller ports, which as I said before is just a serial port. There are no resistors, capacitors, or anything like that. It’s literally just the parallel port connector, a cut-up controller cable, and the wire between them. The cable pinout and related software are publicly available online.0

As I mentioned before, while the Sega CD is attached, the Genesis boots from the top cartridge slot only if a game is inserted. Otherwise, it uses the BIOS to boot from the CD.

Since they weren’t too concerned with CD piracy way back in 1992, there is no protection at all against simply burning a CD and booting it. We burn a CD with a publicly-available ISO of a Sega CD program that waits to receive a payload of code to execute from a PC via the transfer cable. That gives us a way of writing code on a PC, transferring it to a Sega Genesis + Sega CD, running it, and communicating back and forth with a PC. We now have ourselves a framework for dumping the ROM.

Great, we found some documentation online about how to send code to a Genesis and execute it, now what? Well, let’s start with trying to understand what code for this thing would even look like. Wikipedia tells us that it has two processors. The main processor is a Motorola 68000 CPU running at 7.6MHz, and it can directly access the other CPU’s RAM.

The second CPU is a Zilog Z80 running at 4MHz, whose sole purpose is to drive the Yamaha YM2612 FM sound chip. The Z80 has its own RAM, which can be reset or controlled by the main Motorola 68000. It also has the ability to access cartridge ROM—so typically a game would play sound by transferring over to the Z80’s RAM a small program that reads sound data from the cartridge and dumps it to the Yamaha sound chip. So when the game wanted to play a sound, the Motorola 68k would reset the Z80 CPU, which would start executing the Z80 program and playing the sound.


So anyway, combined that’s 72KB of RAM: 64KB for the 68k and 8KB for the Z80.

Documentation also tells us the memory map of the Genesis. The first part we’ve already covered, that we can access up to 0x400000, or 4MB, of the cartridge memory. The next useful area starts at 0xA00000, which is where you would read from or write to the Z80’s RAM.

After that is the most important area, starting at 0xA10000, which is where all the Genesis hardware is controlled. Here we find the registers for manipulating the two controller ports, and the area I mentioned earlier about communicating directly with the hardware in the cartridge.


We also have 64KB of Motorola 68k RAM, starting at address 0xFF0000. This should give you an idea of what code would look like, essentially reading from and writing to a series of memory mapped I/O registers.

Reports online are that the standard Sega CD transfer cable ROM dumping method doesn’t work, but since we have the source code to it, let’s go ahead and try it ourselves. To do that, I needed an older Genesis and Sega CD. I went to a flea market and picked up a Model 1 Sega Genesis and Model 2 Sega CD for a few dollars, then soldered together a transfer cable.

We now have the Sega Genesis attached to the Sega CD and our boot CD inserted, we then cover up the “cartridge detect” pin with tape, so that it won’t detect an inserted cartridge. It will boot to the Sega CD.

As the system turns on, the Sega CD and then our burned boot CD starts up. Then the ROM dumping program is transferred over from the PC and executed on the Genesis.

The dump is transferred back to the PC via the transfer cable. We take a look at it in a hex editor, but the infernal thing is still mirrored.

Why is this happening? Well, we’re reading the data off the cartridge using the Genesis CPU, the same way the game runs, so maybe the cartridge hardware requires a certain series of instructions to execute first? I mean, a certain set of values might need to be written to a certain address, or a certain address might need to be read.

If that’s the case, maybe we should let the game boot as much as possible before we try the dump. But, if the game has booted, we’re going to need to steal control away from it, which means we need to change how it runs.

Enter the Game Genie, which you might remember from when you were a kid. You’d plug your game into the cartridge slot on top of the Game Genie, then put that in your Genesis, turn it on, flip through a code book and enter your cheat codes, then hit START and cheat to your heart’s content.

As it turns out, this thing is actually very useful. What it really does is patch the game by intercepting attempts to read cartridge ROM, changing them before they make it to the console for execution. The codes are address/value pairs! For example, if there’s a check in a game to jump to a “you’re dead” subroutine when your health is at zero, you could simply NOP out that Motorola 68k assembly instruction. It will never take that jump, and your character will never die.

Those of you who grow up with this thing might remember that some games had a “master” code that was required before any other codes. That code was for defeating the ROM checksum check that the game does to make sure it hasn’t been tampered with. So once you entered the master code, you could make all the changes you wanted.

Since the code format is documented,1 we can easily make a Game Genie code that will change the value at a certain address to whatever we specify. We can make minor changes to the game’s code while it runs.

Due to the way the Motorola 68k works, we can only change one 16-bit word at a time, never just a single byte. No big deal, but keep it in mind because it limits the changes that we can make.

Well, that’s nice in theory, but can it really work with this game? First we fire up the game with the Game Genie plugged in, but don’t enter any codes, just to see if the cartridge works while it’s attached.

Yes, it does, so next we fire up the game, again with the Game Genie plugged in, but this time we enter a code that, say, locks up hard. Now, that’s not the best test in the world, since the code could be doing something we don’t understand, but if the game suddenly won’t boot, we know at least we’ve made an impact.

Now, according to online documentation, the format of a Genesis ROM begins with a 256-byte interrupt vector table of the Motorola 68k, followed by a 256-byte area holding all sorts of information about the ROM, such as the name of the game, the author, the ROM checksum, etc. Then finally the game’s machine code begins at address 0x0200.

If we make a couple of Game Genie codes that place the Motorola 68k instruction “jmp 0x0200” at 0x200, the game will begin with an infinite loop. I tried it, and that’s exactly what happened. We can lock the game up, and that’s a pretty strong indication that this technique might work.

Getting back to our theory: if the game needs to execute a special set of instructions to make the 32KB mirroring stop, we need to let it run and then take back control and dump the ROM. How do we know when and where to do that? We fire up a disassembler and take a look.


It is at 0x000F14 that the code takes its first jump outside of the first 32KB, to address 0x00E000. So assuming this code executes properly, we know that at the moment the game takes that jump, the mirroring is no longer occurring. That’s the safest moment to take control. We don’t yet have any idea what happens once it jumps there, as this first 32KB is all we have to study and work with.

So we can make 16-bit changes to the game’s code as it runs via the Game Genie, and separately, we can run code on the Genesis and access at least part of the cartridge’s ROM via the Sega CD. What we really need is a way to combine the two techniques.

So then I had an idea: What if we booted the Sega CD and wrote some 68k code to embed a ROM dumper at the end of 68k RAM, then insert the Game Genie and game while the system is on, then hit the RESET button on the console, which just resets the main 68k CPU, which means our ROM dumper at the end of 68k RAM is still there It should then go to boot the Game Genie this time instead of the Sega CD, since there’s now a cartridge in the slot, then enter Game Genie codes to make the game jump straight into 68k RAM, then boot the game, giving us control?

That’s quite a mouthful, so let’s go over it one more time.

  • We write some 68k shellcode to read the ROM data and push it out the controller port back to the PC.
  • To run this code, we boot the Sega CD, which receives and executes a payload from the PC.
  • This payload copies our ROM dumping code to the end of 68k RAM, which the 32KB dump doesn’t seem to use.
  • We insert our Game Genie and game into the Genesis. This makes the system lock up, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing, as we’re about to reset anyway.
  • We hit the RESET button on the console. The Genesis starts to boot, detects the Game Genie and game cartridge so it boots from those instead of the CD.
  • We enter our Game Genie codes for the game to jump into 68k RAM and hit START to start the game, aaaand
  • Attempting this technique, the system locks up just as we should be jumping into the payload left in RAM. But why?

I went over this over and over and over in my head, trying to figure out what’s wrong. Can you see what’s wrong with this logic?

Yeah, so, I failed to take into account anything the Game Genie might be doing to mess with our embedded ROM dumping code in the 68K’s RAM. When you disassemble the Game Genie’s ROM, you find that one of the first things it does is wipe out all of the 68K’s RAM.


We can’t leave code in main CPU RAM across a reboot because of the very same Game Genie that lets us patch the ROM to jump into our shellcode. So what do we do?

We know we can’t rely on our code still being in 68k RAM by the time the game boots, but we need something, anything to persist after we reset the console. Well, what about Z80’s RAM?

Studying the Game Genie ROM reveals that it puts a small Z80 sound program in Z80 RAM, for playing the code entry sound effects. This program is rather small, and the Game Genie doesn’t wipe out all of Z80 RAM first. It just copies in this little program, leaving the rest of Z80 memory alone.

So instead of putting our code at the end of 68K RAM, we can instead put it at the end of Z80 RAM, along with a little Z80 code to copy it back into 68k RAM. We can make a sequence of Game Genie codes that patches Pier Solar’s Z80 program to jump right to the end of Z80 RAM, where our Z80 code will be waiting. We’ll then be free to copy our 68k code back into 68k RAM, hopefully before the Game Genie makes the 68k jump there.


With this new arrangement, we get control of the 68K CPU after the game has booted! But the extracted data is still mirrored, even though we are executing the same way the real game runs.

Okay, so what are the differences between the game’s code and our code?

We’re using a Game Genie, maybe the game detects that? This is unlikely, as the game boots fine with it attached. If it had a problem with the Game Genie, you’d think it wouldn’t work at all.

Well, we’re running from RAM, and the game is running from ROM. Perhaps the cartridge can distinguish between instruction fetches of code running from ROM and the data fetches that occur when code is running from RAM?

Our only ability to change the code in ROM comes from the Game Genie, which is limited to five codes. A dumper just needs to write bytes in order to 0xA1000F, the Controller 2 UART Transmit Buffer, but code to do that won’t fit in five codes.


Luckily there is a cheat device called the Pro Action Replay 2 which supports 99 codes. These are extremely rare and were never sold in the States, but I was able to buy one through eBay. Unfortunately, the game doesn’t boot with it at all, even with no codes. It just sits at a black screen, even though the Action Replay works fine with other cartridges.

So now what? Well, we think that the CPU must be actively running from ROM, but except for minor patches with the Game Genie, we know our code can only run from RAM. Is there any way we can do both? Well, as it turns out, we already have the answer.

We have two processors, and we were already using both of them! We can use the Game Genie to make the 68k spin its wheels in an infinite loop in ROM, just like the very first thing we tried with it, while we use the other processor to dump it.

We were overthinking the first (and second) attempts to get control away from the game, as there’s no reason the 68K has to be the one doing the dumping. In fact, having the Z80 do it might be the only way to make this work.

So the Z80 dumper does its thing, dumping cartridge data through the Sega CD’s transfer cable while the 68K stays locked in an infinite loop, still fetching instructions from cartridge hardware! As far as the cartridge is concerned, the game is running normally.

And YES, finally, it works! We study the first 4MB in IDA Pro to see how the bank switching works. As luck would have it, Pier Solar’s bank switching is almost exactly the same as Super Street Fighter 2.

Armed with that knowledge, we can modify the dumper to extract the remaining 4MB via bank switching, which I dumped out in sixteen pieces very slowly, through lots and lots and lots of triggering this crazy boot procedure. I mean, I can’t tell you how excited I was that this crazy mess actually worked. It was like four o’clock in the morning, and I felt like I was on top of the world. That’s why I do this stuff; really, that payoff is so worth it. It’s just indescribable.

Now that I had a complete dump, I looked for the ROM checksum calculation code and implemented it PC-side, and it actually matched the checksum in the ROM header. Then I knew it was dumped correctly.

Now begins the long process of studying the disassembly to understand all the extra hardware. For example, the save-state hardware is just a serial EEPROM accessed by reads and writes to a couple of registers.

So now that we have all of it, what exactly can we say was the protection? Well, I couldn’t tell you how it works at a hardware level other than that it appears to be an FPGA, but, disassembly reveals these secrets from the software side.

The first 32KB is mirrored over and over until specific accesses to 0x18010 occur. The mirroring is automatically re-enabled by hardware if the system isn’t executing from ROM for more than some unknown amount of time.


The serial EEPROM, while it doesn’t require a battery to hold its data, does prevent the game from running in emulators that don’t explicitly support it. It also breaks compatibility with those flash cartridges that people use for playing downloaded ROMs on real consoles.

Once I got the ROM dumped, I couldn’t help but try to get it working in some kind of emulator, and at the time DGen was the easiest to understand and modify, so I did the bare minimum to get that working. It boots and works for the most part, but it has a few graphical glitches here and there, probably related to VDP internals I don’t and will never understand.2 Eventually somebody else came along and did it better, with a port to MESS.

Don’t think anything is beyond your abilities: use the skills you have, whatever they may be. Me, I do TI graphing calculator programming and reverse engineering as a hobby. The two main processors those calculators use are the Motorola 68K and Zilog Z80, so this project was tailor-made for me. But as far as the hardware behind it, I had no clue; I just had to make some guesses and hope for the best.

“This isn’t the most efficient method” and “Nobody else would try this method.” are not reasons to not work on something. If anything, they’re actually reasons to do it, because that means nobody else bothered to try it, and you’re more likely to be first. Crazy methods work, and I hope this little endeavor has proven that.


15:03 A Sermon on Alternators, Voltmeters, and Debugging

by Pastor Manul Laphroaig, who is not certified by ASE.

I have a story to tell, and it’s not a very flattering one.

A few years back, when I was having a bad day, I bought a five hundred dollar Mercedes and took to the open road. It had some issues, of course, so a hundred miles down the road, I stopped in rural Virginia and bought a new stereo. This was how I learned that installing a stereo in a Walmart parking lot looks a lot like stealing a stereo from a Walmart parking lot.0

I also learned rather quickly that my four courses of auto-shop in high school amounted to a lot of book knowledge and not that much practical knowledge. My buddies who bought old cars and fixed them first-hand learned—and still know—a hell of a lot more about their machines that I ever will about mine. When squirrels chewed through the wiring harness, when metal flakes made the windshield wiper activate on its own, when the fuel line was cut by rubbish in the street as I was tearing down the Interstate at Autobahn speeds, I often took the lazy way out and paid for a professional to repair it.

But while it’s true that you learn more by building your own birdfeeder, that’s not the purpose of this sermon. Today I’d like to tell you about some alternator trouble. Somehow, someway, by some mechanism unknown to gods and men, this car seemed to be killing every perfectly good alternator that was placed inside of it, and no mechanic could figure out why.


It went like this: I’d be off having adventures, then drop into town to pick up my wheels. Having been away for so long, the battery would be dead. “No big deal,” I’d say and jump-start the engine. After the engine caught, I’d remove the cables, and soon enough the battery would be dead again, the engine with it. So I’d switch to driving my Ford and send my car to the shop.1

The mechanics at the shop would test the alternator, and it’d look good. They’d test the battery, and it’d look good. Then they’d start the car, and the alternator’s voltage would be low, so they’d replace it out of caution. No one knew the root cause, but the part’s under warranty, and the labor is cheap, so who cares?

What actually happened is this: The alternator doesn’t engage until the engine revs beyond natural idling or starting. The designers must have done this to reduce the load on the starter motor, but it has the annoying side effect of letting the battery run to nothing after a jump start. The only indication to the driver is that the lights are a little dim until the gas is first pressed.

I learned this by accident after installing a voltmeter. Setting aside for the moment how absurd it is that a car ships without one, let’s consider how the mechanics were fooled. In software terms, we’d say that they were confronted with a poorly reproducible test case; they were bug-hunting from anecdotes, from hand-picked artisanal data. This always ends in disaster, whether it’s a frustrated software maintainer or a mechanic who becomes an unknowing accomplice to four counts of warranty fraud.

So what mistakes did I make? First, I outsourced my understanding to a shop rather than fixing my own birdfeeder. The mechanic at the shop would see my car once every six months, and he’d forget the little things. He never noticed that the lights were slightly dimmer before revving the engine, because he never started the car at night. To really understand something, you ought to have a deep familiarity with it; a passing view is bound to give you a quick little fix, or an exploit that doesn’t always achieve continuation on its target.


Further, he never noticed that the battery only died after a jumpstart, but never in normal use, because all of the cars that he sees have already exhibited one problem or another and most of them were daily drivers. Whenever you are hunting a rare bug, consider the pre-existing conditions that brought that crash to your attention.2

Getting back to the bastard who designed a car with a single idiot light and no voltmeter, the single handiest tool to avoid these unnecessary repairs would have been to reproduce the problem when the car wasn’t failing. Rather than spending months between the car failing to start, a voltmeter would have shown me that the voltage was low only before the engine was first revved up! In the same way, we should use every debugging tool at our disposal to make a problem reproducible in the shortest time possible, even if that visibility doesn’t end in the problem that was first reported.

Paying attention to the voltage during a few drives would have revealed the real problem, even when the battery is sufficiently charged that the engine doesn’t die. For this reason, we should be looking for the root cause of EVERYTHING, never settling for the visible effects.

We who play with computers have debugging tools that the best mechanics can only dream of. We have checkpoint-restart debuggers which can take a snapshot just before a failure, then repeatedly execute a crash until the cause is known. We have strace and dtrace and ftrace, we have disassemblers and decompilers, we have tcpdump and tcpreplay, we have more hooks than Muad’Dib’s Fedaykin!

We can deluge the machine with a thousand core dumps, then merge them into a single test case that reproduces a crash with crystal clarity; or, if we prefer, a proof of concept that escapes from the deepest sandbox to the outer limits! Yet the humble alternator still has important lessons to teach us.


15:04 Text2Com Silver Jubilee Edition

specially re-mastered for PoCGTFO by Saumil Shah with kind assistance from Mr. Udayan Shah

Text2COM generates self-displaying README.COM files by prefixing a short sequence of DOS Assembly instructions before a text file. The resultant file is an MS-DOS .COM program which can be executed directly from the command prompt.

The Text2COM code displays the contents of the appended file page by page. The executable code is created by is created by MS-DOS’s DEBUG program.

Then take any text file and concatenate it with README.BIN and store the resultant file as README.COM. You now have a self-displaying README.COM file!



15:05 RISC-V Shellcode

by Don A. Bailey

RISC-V is a new and exciting open source architecture developed by the RISC-V Foundation. The Foundation has released the Instruction Set Architecture open to the public, and a Privilege Architecture Model that defines how general purpose operating systems can be implemented. Even more exciting than a modern open source processing architecture is the fact that implementations of the RISC-V are available that are fully open source, such as the Berkeley Rocket Chip0 and the PULPino.1

To facilitate silicon development, a new language developed at Berkeley, Chisel,2 was developed. Chisel is an open-source hardware language built from Scala, and synthesizes Verilog. This allows fast, efficient, effective development of hardware solutions in far less time. Much of the Rocket Chip implementation was written in Chisel.

Furthermore, and perhaps most exciting of all, the RISC-V architecture is 128-bit processor ready. Its ISA already defines methodologies for implementing a 128-bit core. While there are some aspects of the design that still require definition, enough of the 128-bit architecture has been specified that Fabrice Bellard has successfully implemented a demo emulator.3 The code he has written as a demo of the emulator is, perhaps, the first 128-bit code ever executed.

Binary Exploitation

To compromise a RISC-V application or kernel in the traditional memory corruption manner, one must understand both the ISA and the calling convention for the architecture. In RISC-V, the term XLEN is used to denote the native integer size of the base architecture, e.g. XLEN=32 in RV32G. Each register in the processor is of XLEN length, meaning that when a register is defined in the specification, its format will persist throughout any definition of the RISC-V architecture, except for the length, which will always equate to the native integer length.

General Registers

In general, RISC-V has 32 general (or x) registers: x0 through x31.4 These registers are all of length XLEN, where bit zero is the least-significant-bit and the most-significant-bit is XLEN-1. These registers have no specific meaning without the definition of the Application Binary Interface (ABI).

The ABI defines the following naming conventions to contextualize the general registers, shown in Figure 15.12.5

Floating-Point Registers

RISC-V also has 32 floating point registers fp0 through fp31, shown in Figure 15.13. The bit size of these registers is not XLEN, but FLEN. FLEN refers to the native floating point size, which is defined by which floating point extensions are supported by the implementation. If the ‘F’ extension is supported, only 32-bit floating point is implemented, making FLEN=32.6 If the ‘D’ extension is supported, 64-bit floating point numbers are supported, making FLEN=64.7 If the ‘Q’ extension is supported, quad-word floating point numbers are supported, and FLEN extends to 128.8


Figure 15.12: Naming conventions for general registers according to the current ABI.

Calling Convention

Like any Instruction Set Architecture (ISA), RISC-V has a standard calling convention. But, because of the RISC-V’s definition across multiple architectural subclasses, there are actually three standardized calling conventions: RVG, Soft Floating Point, and RV32E.


Figure 15.13: Floating point register naming convention according to the current ABI.

Naming ConventionsRISC-V’s architecture is somewhat reminiscent of the Plan 9 architecture naming style, where each architecture is assigned a specific alphanumeric A through Z or 0 through 9. RISC-V supports 24 architectural extensions, one for each letter of the English alphabet. The two exceptions are G and X. The G extension is actually a mnemonic that represents the RISC-V architecture extension set IMAFD, where I represents the base integer instruction set, M represents multiply/divide, A represents atomic instructions, F represents single-precision floating point, and D represents double-precision floating point. Thus, when one refers to RVG, they are indicating the RISC-V (RV) set of architecture extensions G, actually referring to the combination IMAFD.9

This colloquialism also implies that there is no specific architectural bit-space being singled out: all three of the 32-bit, 64-bit, and 128-bit architectures are being referenced. This is common in description of the architectural standard, software relevant to all architectures (a kernel port), or discussion about the ISA. It is more common, in development, to see the architecture described with the bit-space included in the name, e.g. RV32G, RV64G, or RV128G.

It is also worth noting that it is defined in the specification and core register set that an implementation of RISC-V can support all three bit-spaces in a single processor, and that the state of the processor can be switched at run-time by setting the appropriate bit in the Machine ISA Register (MISA).10

Thus, in this context, the RVG calling convention denotes the model for linking one function to another function in any of the three RISC-V bit-spaces.

RVGRISC-V is little-endian by definition and big or bi-endian systems are considered non-standard.11 Thus, it should be presumed that all RISC-V implementations are little-endian unless specifically stated otherwise.

To call any given function there are two instructions: Jump and Link and Jump and Link Register. These instructions take a target address and branch to it unconditionally, saving the return address in a specific register. To call a function whose address is within 1MB of the caller’s address, the jal instruction can be used:


To call a function whose address is either generated dynamically, or is outside of the 1MB target range, the jalr instruction must be used:


In both of the above examples, bits 7 through 11 of the encoded opcode equate to 0b00001. These bits indicate the destination register where the return address is stored. In this case, 1 is equivalent to register x1, also known as the return address register: ra. In this fashion, the callee can simply perform their specific functionality and return by using the contents of the register ra.

Returning from a function is even simpler. In the RISC-V ABI, we learned earlier that the return address is presumed to be stored in ra, or, general register x1. To return control to the address stored in ra, we simply use the Jump and Link Register instruction, with one slight caveat. When returning from a function, the return address can be discarded. So, the encoded destination register for jalr is x0. We learned earlier that x0 is hardwired to the value zero. This means that despite the return address being written to x0, the register will always read as the value zero, effectively discarding the return address.

Thus, a return instruction is colloquially:

204002a8:   00008067   ret

Which actually equates to the instruction:


Local stack space can be allocated in a similar fashion to any modern processing environment. RISC-V’s stack grows downward from higher addresses, as is common convention. Thus, to allocate space for automatics, a function simply decrements the stack pointer by whatever stack size is required.


In the above example, a standard addi instruction (highlighted in red) is used to both create and destroy a stack frame of 32 bytes. Four of these bytes are used to store the value of ra. This implies that this function, arch_main, will make calls to other functions and will require the use of ra. The lines highlighted in green depict the saving and retrieval of the return address value.

This fairly standard calling convention implies that binary exploitation can be achieved, but has several caveats. Like most architectures, the return address can be overwritten in stack memory, meaning that standard stack buffer overflows can result in the control of execution. However, the return address is only stored in the stack for functions that make calls to other functions.

Leaf functions, functions that make no calls to other functions, do not store their return address on the stack. These functions, similar to other RISC architectures, must be attacked (1) by overwriting the previous function’s stack frame or stored return address, (2) by overwriting the return address value in register ra, or (3) by manipulating application flow by attacking a function-specific feature such as a function pointer

Soft-Float Calling ConventionWith regard to the threat of exploitation, the RISC-V soft-float calling convention has little effect on an attacker strategy. The jal/jalr and stack conventions from RVG persist. The only difference is that the floating point arguments are passed in argument registers according to their size. But, this typically has little effect on general exploitation theory and will only be abused in the event that there is an application-specific issue.

It is notable, however, that implementations with hard-float extensions may be vulnerable to memory corruption attacks. While hard-float implementations use the same RVG calling conventions as defined above, they use floating point registers that are used to save and restore state within the floating point ecosystem. This may provide an attacker an opportunity to affect an application in an unexpected manner if they are able to manipulate saved registers (either in the register file or on the stack).

While this is application specific and does not apply to general exploitation theory, it is interesting in that the RISC-V ABI does implement saved and temporary registers specifically for floating point functionality.

RV32E Calling ConventionIt’s important to note the RV32E calling convention, which is slightly different from RVG. The E extension in RISC-V denotes changes in the architecture that are beneficial for 32-bit Embedded systems. One could liken this model to ARM’s Cortex-M as a variant of the Cortex-A/R, except that RVG and RV32E are more tightly bound.

RV32E only uses 16 general registers rather than 32, and never has a hard-floating point extension. As a result, exploit developers can expect the call and local stack to vary. This is because, with the reduced number of general registers, there are less argument registers, save registers, and temporaries.

  • 6 argument registers, x10 to x15.
  • 2 save registers, x8 and x9.
  • 3 temporary registers, x5 to x7.

As described earlier, the general RVG model is

  • 8 argument registers.
  • 12 save registers.
  • 7 temporary registers.

Functions defined with numbers of arguments exceeding the argument register count will pass excess arguments via the stack. In RV32E this will obviously occur two arguments sooner, requiring an adjustment to stack or frame corruption attacks. Save and temporary registers saved to stack frames may also require adjustments. This is especially true when targeting kernels.

The ‘C’ Extension Effect

The RISC-V C (compression) extension can be considered similar to the Thumb variant of the ARM ISA. Compression reduces instructions from 32 to 16 bits in size. For exploits where shellcode is used, or Return Oriented Programming (ROP) is required, the availability (or lack) of C will have a significant effect on the effects of an implant.

An interesting side effect of the C extension is that not all instructions are compressed. In fact, in the Harvest OS kernel (a Lab Mouse Security proprietary operating system), the compression extension currently only results in approximately 60% of instructions compressed to 16 bits.

Because the processor must evaluate the type of an instruction at every fetch (compressed or not) when compression is available, there is a CISC-like effect for exploitation. Valid compressed instructions may be encoded in the lower 16 bits of an existing 32-bit instruction. This means that someone, for example, implementing a ROP attack against a target may be able to find useful 16 bit opcodes embedded in intentional 32-bit opcodes. This is similar to a paper I wrote in 2002 that demonstrated that ROP on CISC architectures (then called return-to-text) could abuse long multi-byte opcodes to target useful bytes that represented beneficial opcodes not intended to be used by the compiler.12


Since the C extension is not a part of the RVG IMAFD extension set, it is currently unknown whether C will become a commonly implemented extension. Until RISC-V is more common and a key player arises in chip manufacturing, exploit developers should either target their payloads for specific machines or focus on the uncompressed instruction set.


Exploitation really isn’t so different from other RISC targets. Just like ARM, the compression extension isn’t necessary for ROP, but it can be handy for unintentionally encoded gadgets. While mitigations like -fstack-protection[-all] are supported, they require __stack_chk_{guard,fail}, which might be lacking on your target platform. For Linux targets, be sure to enable PIE, now, relro for ASLR and GOT hardening.

Building Shellcode

Building shellcode for any given architecture generally only requires understanding how to satisfy the following abstractions:

  • Allocating memory.
  • Locating static data.
  • Calling routines.
  • Returning from routines.
Allocating Memory

Allocating memory in RISC-V environments isn’t so strange. Since there is a stack pointer register (sp/x2), the programmer can simply take a chance and allocate memory on the stack. This presumes that there is enough available memory in the system, and that a fault won’t occur. If the exploitation target is a userland application in a typical operating system, this is always a reasonable gamble as even if allocating stack would fault, the underlying OS will generally allocate another page for the userland application. So, since the stack grows down, the programmer only needs to decrement the sp (round up to a multiple of four bytes) to create more space using system stack.

Some environments may allocate thread-specific storage, accessible through a structure stored in the thread pointer (tp/x4). In this case, simply dereference the structure pointed to by x4, and find the pointer that references thread-local storage (TLS). It’s best to store the pointer to TLS in a temporary register (or even sp), to make it easier to abuse.

As with most programming environments, dynamic memory is typically also available, but must be acquired through normal calling conventions. The underlying mechanism is usually malloc, mmap, or an analog of these functions.

Locating Static Data

Data stored within shellcode must be referenced as an offset to the shellcode payload. This is another normal shellcode construct. Again, RISC-V is similar to any other processing environment in this context. The easiest way to identify the address of data in a payload is to find the address in memory of the payload, or to write assembly code that references data at position independent offsets. The latter is my preferred method of writing shellcode, as it makes the most engineering sense. But, if you prefer to build address offsets within executable images, the usual shellcode self-calling convention works fine:


As you can see in the above code example, the first instruction performs a jump to the last instruction prior to static data. The last instruction is a jump-and-link instruction, which places the return address in ra. The return address, being the next instruction after jump-and-link, is the exact address in memory of the static data. This means that we can now reference chunks of that data as an offset of the ra register, as seen in the load-word instruction above at address 0x08, which loads the value 0x01020304 into register a1.

It’s notable, at this point, to make a comment about shellcode development in general. Artists generally write raw assembly code to build payloads, because it’s more elegant and it results in a much more efficient application. This is my personal preference, because it’s a demonstration of one’s connection to the code, itself. However, it’s largely unnecessary. In modern environments, many targets are 64-bit and contain enough RAM to inject large payloads containing encrypted blobs. As a result, one can even write position independent code (PIC) applications in C (and even C++, if one dares). The resultant binary image can be injected as its own complete payload, and it runs perfectly well.

But, for constrained targets with little usable scratch memory, primary loaders, or adversaries with an artistic temperament, assembly will always be the favorite tool of trade.

Calling Routines

Earlier in this document, I described the general RISC-V calling convention. Arguments are placed in the aN registers, with the first argument at a0, second at a1, and so-forth. Branching to another routine can be done with the jump-and-link (jal) instruction, or with the jump-and-link register (jalr) instruction. The latter instruction has the absolute address of the target routine stored in the register encoded into the instruction, which is a normal RISC convention. This will be the case for any application routine called by your shellcode.

The Linux syscall convention, in the context of RISC-V, is similar to other general purpose operating systems running on RISC-V processors, but it deviates from the generic calling convention by using the ecall instruction. This instruction, when executed from userland, initiates a trap into a higher level of privilege. This trap is processed as, of course, a system call, which allows the kernel running at the higher layer of privilege to process the request appropriately.

System call numbers are stored in register a7. Other arguments are stored in the standard fashion, in registers a0 through a6. System calls exceeding seven arguments are stored on the stack prior to the call. This convention is also true of general routine calls whose argument totals exceed available argument registers.

Returning from Routines

Passing arguments back from a routine is simple, and is, again, similar to any other conventional processing environment. Arguments are passed back in the argument register a0. Or, in the argument pair a0 and a1, depending on the context.

This is also true of system calls triggered by the ecall instruction. Values passed back from a higher layer of privilege will be encoded into the a0 register (or a0 and a1). The caller should retrieve values from this register (or pair) and treat the value properly, depending on the routine’s context.

One notable feature of RISC-V is its compare-and-branch instructions. Branching can be accomplished by encoding a comparison of registers, like other RISC architectures. However, in RISC-V, two specific registers can be compared along with a target in the event that the comparison is equivalent. This allows very streamlined evaluation of values. For example, when the standard system call mmap returns a value to its caller, the caller can check for mmap failure by comparing a0 to the zero register and using the branch-less-than instruction. Thus, the programmer doesn’t actually need multiple instructions to effect the correct comparison and branch code block; a single instruction is all that is required.

Putting it Together

The following example performs all actions described in previous sections. It allocates 80 bytes of memory on the stack, room for ten 64-bit words. It then uses the aforementioned bounce method to acquire the address of the static data stored in the payload. The system call for socket is then called by loading the arguments appropriately.

After the system call is issued, the return value is evaluated. If the socket call failed, and a negative value was returned, the _open_a_socket function is looped over.

If the socket call does succeed, which it likely will, the application will crash itself by calling a (presumably) non-existent function at virtual address 0x00000000.

As an example, the byte stored in static memory is loaded as part of the system call, only to demonstrate the ability to load code at specific offsets.



Big shout out to #plan9 for still existing after 17 years, TheNewSh for always rocking the mic, Travis Goodspeed for leading the modern zine revolution, RMinnich for being an excellent resource over the past decade, RPike for being an excellent role model, and my baby Pierce, for being my inspiration.

Source code and shellcode are available, of course.13

15:06 Cracking Gumball

by 4am and Peter Ferrie (qkumba, san inc)

Gumball is a 1983 arcade game by Robert Cook from a concept of Doug Carlston’s, published by Brøderbund Software. It runs on the Apple ][+ and later from a single-sided 5.25” floppy. Previously, it was cracked by Mr. Krac-Man and the Disk Jockey, along with other, uncredited releases. In this article, I’ll walk you through how I cracked the game, not so much to brag about it as to highlight the crazy tricks that it uses in its own defense.

Automated Tools Fail in Interesting Ways

Starting off with automated tools didn’t help much. COPYA immediately gave a disk read error, and Locksmith Fast Disk Backup couldn’t read any track, likely because this is not a 16-sector disk.

EDD 4-bit Copy seeks off of track zero, then hung with the drive motor on. This might be because early Brøderbund games loved using half tracks and quarter tracks, combined with runtime protection tracks.

Copy II+ Nibble Editor shows that T00 has a modified address prologue (D5 AA B5) and modified epilogues. T01+ appears to be 4-4 encoded, so that two nibbles on disk become one byte in memory, with a custom prologue/delimiter. In any case, it’s neither 13 nor 16 sectors.

This is decidedly not a single-load game: there is a classic crack that is a single binary, but it cuts out a lot of the introduction and some cut scenes later. All other cracks are whole-disk, multi-loaders. Combined with the early indications of a custom bootloader and 4-4 encoded sectors, this is not going to be a straightforward crack.

In Which We Brag About Our Humble Beginnings

I have two floppy drives, one in slot 6 and the other in slot 5. My “work disk” (in slot 5) runs Diversi-DOS 64K, which is compatible with Apple DOS 3.3 but relocates most of DOS to the language card on boot. This frees up most of main memory (only using a single page at $BF00..$BFFF), which is useful for loading large files or examining code that lives in areas typically reserved for DOS.

[S6,D1=original disk]
[S5,D1=my work disk]

The floppy drive code at $C600 is responsible for aligning the drive head and reading sector 0 of track 0 into main memory at $0800. Because the drive can be connected to any slot, the firmware code can’t assume it’s loaded at $C600. If the floppy drive card were removed from slot 6 and reinstalled in slot 5, the firmware code would load at $C500 instead.

To accommodate this, the firmware does some fancy stack manipulation to detect where it is in memory (which is a neat trick, since the 6502 program counter is not generally accessible). However, due to space constraints, the detection code only cares about the lower nibble of the high byte of its own address.

Stay with me, this is all about to come together and go boom.

$C600 (or $C500, or anywhere in $Cx00) is read-only memory. I can’t change it, which means I can’t stop it from transferring control to the boot sector of the disk once it’s in memory. BUT! The disk firmware code works unmodified at any address. Any address that ends with $x600 will boot slot 6, including $B600, $A600, $9600, &c.

*9600<C600.C6FFM                Copy drive firmware to $9600.
*9600G                          Execute it.

…reboots slot 6, loads game

Now then:

]PR#5 …
]CALL -151
96F8  4C 01 08   JMP $0801

That’s where the disk controller ROM code ends and the on-disk code begins. But $9600 is part of read/write memory. I can change it at will. So I can interrupt the boot process after the drive firmware loads the boot sector from the disk but before it transfers control to the disk’s bootloader.

96F8     A0 00   LDY #$00       Instead of jumping to on-disk code, copy boot
96FA  B9 00 08   LDA $0800,Y    sector to higher memory so it survives a
96FD  99 00 28   STA $2800,Y    reboot.
9700        C8   INY
9701     D0 F7   BNE $96FA

9703  AD E8 C0   LDA $C0E8      Turn off slot 6 drive motor.

9706  4C 00 C5   JMP $C500      Reboot to my work disk in slot 5.
…reboots slot 6…
…reboots slot 5…
]BSAVE BOOT0,A$2800,L$100

Now we get to trace the boot process one sector, one page, one instruction at a time.0

We Dip Our Toes Into an Ocean of Raw Sewage

]CALL -151

*800<2800.28FFM                Copy code back to $0800 where it was
801L                           originally loaded, to make it easier to follow.

0801     A2 00   LDX #$00      Immediately move this code to the input
0803  BD 00 08   LDA $0800,X   buffer at $0200.
0806  9D 00 02   STA $0200,X
0809        E8   INX
080A     D0 F7   BNE $0803
080C  4C 0F 02   JMP $020F

OK, I can do that too. Well, mostly. The page at $0200 is the text input buffer, used by both Applesoft BASIC and the built-in monitor (which I’m in right now). But I can copy enough of it to examine this code in situ.

020F     A0 AB   LDY #$AB      Set up a nibble translation table at $0800.
0211        98   TYA
0212     85 3C   STA $3C
0214        4A   LSR
0215     05 3C   ORA $3C
0217     C9 FF   CMP #$FF
0219     D0 09   BNE $0224
021B     C0 D5   CPY #$D5
021D     F0 05   BEQ $0224
021F        8A   TXA
0220  99 00 08   STA $0800,Y
0223        E8   INX
0224        C8   INY
0225     D0 EA   BNE $0211
0227     84 3D   STY $3D

0229     84 26   STY $26       #$00 into zero page $26 and #$03 into $27
022B     A9 03   LDA #$03      means we’re probably going to be loading data
022D     85 27   STA $27       into $0300..$03FF later, because ($26) points to
022F     A6 2B   LDX $2B       Zero page $2B holds the boot slot x16.
0231  20 5D 02   JSR $025D

025D        18   CLC           Read a sector from track  $00 (this is actually          
025E        08   PHP           derived from the code in the disk controller
025F  BD 8C C0   LDA $C08C,X   ROM routine at $C65C, but looking for an
0262     10 FB   BPL $025F     address prologue of “D5 AA B5” instead of “D5
0264     49 D5   EOR #$D5      AA 96”) and using the nibble translation table
0266     D0 F7   BNE $025F     we set up earlier at $0800.
0268  BD 8C C0   LDA $C08C,X
026B     10 FB   BPL $0268
026D     C9 AA   CMP #$AA
026F     D0 F3   BNE $0264
0271        EA   NOP
0272  BD 8C C0   LDA $C08C,X
0275     10 FB   BPL $0272

0277     C9 B5   CMP #$B5      #$B5 for third prologue nibble.
0279     F0 09   BEQ $0284
027B        28   PLP
027C     90 DF   BCC $025D
027E     49 AD   EOR #$AD
0280     F0 1F   BEQ $02A1
0282     D0 D9   BNE $025D
0284     A0 03   LDY #$03
0286     84 2A   STY $2A
0288  BD 8C C0   LDA $C08C,X
028B     10 FB   BPL $0288
028D        2A   ROL
028E     85 3C   STA $3C
0290  BD 8C C0   LDA $C08C,X
0293     10 FB   BPL $0290
0295     25 3C   AND $3C
0297        88   DEY
0298     D0 EE   BNE $0288
029A        28   PLP
029B     C5 3D   CMP $3D
029D     D0 BE   BNE $025D
029F     B0 BD   BCS $025E
02A1     A0 9A   LDY #$9A
02A3     84 3C   STY $3C
02A5  BC 8C C0   LDY $C08C,X
02A8     10 FB   BPL $02A5

02AA  59 00 08   EOR $0800,Y   Use the nibble translation table we set up
02AD     A4 3C   LDY $3C       earlier to convert nibbles on disk into bytes in
02AF        88   DEY           memory.
02B0  99 00 08   STA $0800,Y

02B3     D0 EE   BNE $02A3
02B5     84 3C   STY $3C
02B7  BC 8C C0   LDY $C08C,X
02BA     10 FB   BPL $02B7
02BC  59 00 08   EOR $0800,Y
02BF     A4 3C   LDY $3C

02C1     91 26   STA ($26),Y   Store the converted bytes at  $0300.
02C3        C8   INY
02C4     D0 EF   BNE $02B5

02C6  BC 8C C0   LDY $C08C,X   Verify the data with a one-nibble checksum.
02C9     10 FB   BPL $02C6
02CB  59 00 08   EOR $0800,Y
02CE     D0 8D   BNE $025D
02D0        60   RTS

Continuing from $0234. . .

0234  20 D1 02   JSR $02D1
02D1        A8   TAY           Finish decoding nibbles.
02D2     A2 00   LDX #$00
02D4  B9 00 08   LDA $0800,Y
02D7        4A   LSR
02D8  3E CC 03   ROL $03CC,X
02DB        4A   LSR
02DC  3E 99 03   ROL $0399,X
02DF     85 3C   STA $3C
02E1     B1 26   LDA ($26),Y
02E3        0A   ASL
02E4        0A   ASL
02E5        0A   ASL
02E6     05 3C   ORA $3C
02E8     91 26   STA ($26),Y
02EA        C8   INY
02EB        E8   INX
02EC     E0 33   CPX #$33
02EE     D0 E4   BNE $02D4
02F0     C6 2A   DEC $2A
02F2     D0 DE   BNE $02D2

02F4  CC 00 03   CPY $0300     Verify final checksum.
02F7     D0 03   BNE $02FC

02F9        60   RTS           Checksum passed, return to caller and
                               continue with the boot process.
02FC  4C 2D FF   JMP $FF2D     Checksum failed, print “ ERR ” and exit.

Continuing from $0237…

0237  4C 01 03   JMP $0301      Jump into the code we just read. 

This is where I get to interrupt the boot, before it jumps to $0301.

In Which We Do a Bellyflop Into a Decrypted Stack and Discover that I am Very Bad at Metaphors


96F8     A9 05   LDA #$05      Patch boot0 so it calls my routine instead of
96FA  8D 38 08   STA $0838     jumping to $0301.
96FD     A9 97   LDA #$97
96FF  8D 39 08   STA $0839

9702  4C 01 08   JMP $0801     Start the boot.

9705     A0 00   LDY #$00      (Callback is here.) Copy the code at $0300
9707  B9 00 03   LDA $0300,Y   to higher memory so it survives a reboot.
970A  99 00 23   STA $2300,Y
970D        C8   INY
970E     D0 F7   BNE $9707

9710  AD E8 C0   LDA $C0E8     Turn off slot 6 drive motor and reboot to my
9713  4C 00 C5   JMP $C500     work disk in slot 5.
*BSAVE TRACE,A$9600,L$116
…reboots slot 6…
…reboots slot 5…
]CALL -151


2301     84 48   STY $48

2303     A0 00   LDY #$00      Clear hi-res graphics screen 2,
2305        98   TYA
2306     A2 20   LDX #$20
2308  99 00 40   STA $4000,Y
230B        C8   INY
230C     D0 FA   BNE $2308
230E  EE 0A 03   INC $030A
2311        CA   DEX
2312     D0 F4   BNE $2308

2314  AD 57 C0   LDA $C057     and show it. (Appears blank.)
2317  AD 52 C0   LDA $C052
231A  AD 55 C0   LDA $C055
231D  AD 50 C0   LDA $C050

2320  B9 00 03   LDA $0300,Y   Decrypt the rest of this page to the stack page
2323     45 48   EOR $48       at $0100.
2325  99 00 01   STA $0100,Y
2328        C8   INY
2329     D0 F5   BNE $2320

232B     A2 CF   LDX #$CF      Set the stack pointer, and exit via RTS.
232D        9A   TXS
232E        60   RTS

96F8     A9 05   LDA #$05      Patch boot0 so it calls my routine instead of
96FA  8D 38 08   STA $0838     jumping to $0301.
96FD     A9 97   LDA #$97
96FF  8D 39 08   STA $0839

9702  4C 01 08   JMP $0801     Start the boot.

9705     A0 00   LDY #$00      (Callback is here.) Copy the code at $0300 to
9707  B9 00 03   LDA $0300,Y   higher memory so it survives a reboot.
970A  99 00 23   STA $2300,Y
970D        C8   INY
970E     D0 F7   BNE $9707

9710  AD E8 C0   LDA $C0E8     Turn off slot 6 drive motor and reboot to my
9713  4C 00 C5   JMP $C500     work disk in slot 5.

*BSAVE TRACE,A$9600,L$116
…reboots slot 6…
…reboots slot 5…
]CALL -151
2301     84 48   STY $48

2303     A0 00   LDY #$00      Clear hi-res graphics screen 2,
2305        98   TYA
2306     A2 20   LDX #$20
2308  99 00 40   STA $4000,Y
230B        C8   INY
230C     D0 FA   BNE $2308
230E  EE 0A 03   INC $030A
2311        CA   DEX
2312     D0 F4   BNE $2308

2314  AD 57 C0   LDA $C057     and show it. (Appears blank.)
2317  AD 52 C0   LDA $C052
231A  AD 55 C0   LDA $C055
231D  AD 50 C0   LDA $C050

2320  B9 00 03   LDA $0300,Y   Decrypt the rest of this page to the stack page
2323     45 48   EOR $48       at $0100.
2325  99 00 01   STA $0100,Y
2328        C8   INY
2329     D0 F5   BNE $2320

232B     A2 CF   LDX #$CF      Set the stack pointer, and exit with RTS.
232D        9A   TXS
232E        60   RTS

Oh joy, stack manipulation. The stack on an Apple ][ is just $100 bytes in main memory ($0100..$01FF) and a single byte register that serves as an index into that page. This allows for all manner of mischief—overwriting the stack page (as we’re doing here), manually changing the stack pointer (also doing that here), or even putting executable code directly on the stack.

The challenge is that I have no idea where execution continues next, because I don’t know what ends up on the stack page. I need to interrupt the boot again to see the decrypted data that ends up at $0100.

Mischief Managed

[first part is the same as the
previous trace]
9705     84 48   STY $48       Reproduce the decryption loop, but store the
9707     A0 00   LDY #$00      result at $2100 so it survives a reboot.
9709  B9 00 03   LDA $0300,Y
970C     45 48   EOR $48
970E  99 00 21   STA $2100,Y
9711        C8   INY
9712     D0 F5   BNE $9709

9714  AD E8 C0   LDA $C0E8     Turn off drive motor and reboot to my work
9717  4C 00 C5   JMP $C500     disk.

*BSAVE TRACE2,A$9600,L$11A
…reboots slot 6…
…reboots slot 5…
]CALL -151

The original code at $0300 manually reset the stack pointer to #$CF and exited via RTS. The Apple ][ will increment the stack pointer before using it as an index into $0100 to get the next address. (For reasons I won’t get into here, it also increments the address before passing execution to it.)


$012F + 1 = $0130, which is already in memory at $2130.

Code on the stack, another treat. (Remember, the stack is just a page in main memory. If you want to use that page for something else, it’s up to you to ensure that it doesn’t conflict with the stack functioning as a stack.)

2130     A2 04   LDX #$04
2132     86 86   STX $86
2134     A0 00   LDY #$00
2136     84 83   STY $83
2138     86 84   STX $84

Now ($83) points to $0400.

213A     A6 2B   LDX $2B       Get slot number. (x16)

213C  BD 8C C0   LDA $C08C,X   Find a 3-nibble prologue. (“BF D7 D5”)
213F     10 FB   BPL $213C
2141     C9 BF   CMP #$BF
2143     D0 F7   BNE $213C
2145  BD 8C C0   LDA $C08C,X
2148     10 FB   BPL $2145
214A     C9 D7   CMP #$D7
214C     D0 F3   BNE $2141
214E  BD 8C C0   LDA $C08C,X
2151     10 FB   BPL $214E
2153     C9 D5   CMP #$D5
2155     D0 F3   BNE $214A

2157  BD 8C C0   LDA $C08C,X   Read 4-4-encoded data.
215A     10 FB   BPL $2157
215C        2A   ROL
215D     85 85   STA $85
215F  BD 8C C0   LDA $C08C,X
2162     10 FB   BPL $215F
2164     25 85   AND $85

2166     91 83   STA ($83),Y   Store in $0400 (text page, but it’s hidden right
2168        C8   INY           now because we switched to hi-res graphics
2169     D0 EC   BNE $2157     screen 2 at $0314).

216B  0E 00 C0   ASL $C000     Find a 1-nibble epilogue (“D4”).
216E  BD 8C C0   LDA $C08C,X
2171     10 FB   BPL $216E
2173     C9 D4   CMP #$D4
2175     D0 B9   BNE $2130

2177     E6 84   INC $84       Increment target memory page.

2179     C6 86   DEC $86       Decrement sector count (initialized at $0132),
217B     D0 DA   BNE $2157     and exit with RTS.
217D        60   RTS

Wait, what? Ah, we’re using the same trick we used to call this routine—the stack has been pre-filled with a series of return addresses. It’s time to return to the next one.


$03FF + 1 = $0400, and that’s where I get to interrupt the boot.

Seek and Ye Shall Find

.  [same as previous trace]
9705     84 48   STY $48       Reproduce the decryption loop that was
9707     A0 00   LDY #$00      originally at $0320.
9709  B9 00 03   LDA $0300,Y
970C     45 48   EOR $48
970E  99 00 01   STA $0100,Y
9711        C8   INY
9712     D0 F5   BNE $9709

9714     A9 21   LDA #$21      Now that the stack is in place at $0100change
9716  8D D2 01   STA $01D2     the first return address so it points to a
9719     A9 97   LDA #$97      callback under my control (instead of
971B  8D D3 01   STA $01D3     continuing to $0400).

971E     A2 CF   LDX #$CF      Continue the boot.
9720        9A   TXS
9721        60   RTS

9722     A2 04   LDX #$04      (Callback is here.) Copy the contents of the
9724     A0 00   LDY #$00      text page to higher memory.
9726  B9 00 04   LDA $0400,Y
9729  99 00 24   STA $2400,Y
972C        C8   INY
972D     D0 F7   BNE $9726
972F  EE 28 97   INC $9728
9732  EE 2B 97   INC $972B
9735        CA   DEX
9736     D0 EE   BNE $9726

9738  AD E8 C0   LDA $C0E8     Turn off the drive and reboot to my work disk.
973B  4C 00 C5   JMP $C500

*BSAVE TRACE3,A$9600,L$13E
…reboots slot 6…
…reboots slot 5…
]CALL -151

I’m going to leave this code at $2400, since I can’t put it on the text page and examine it at the same time. Relative branches will look correct, but absolute addresses will be off by $2000.

2400     A0 00   LDY #$00      Copy three pages to the top of main memory.
2402  B9 00 05   LDA $0500,Y
2405  99 00 BD   STA $BD00,Y
2408  B9 00 06   LDA $0600,Y
240B  99 00 BE   STA $BE00,Y
240E  B9 00 07   LDA $0700,Y
2411  99 00 BF   STA $BF00,Y
2414        C8   INY
2415     D0 EB   BNE $2402

I can replicate that.

*FE89G FE93G ; disconnect DOS
*BD00<2500.27FFM ; simulate
copy loop
2417     A6 2B   LDX $2B
2419  8E 66 BF   STX $BF66
241C  20 48 BF   JSR $BF48

BF48  AD 81 C0   LDA $C081     Zap contents of language card.
BF4B  AD 81 C0   LDA $C081
BF4E     A0 00   LDY #$00
BF50     A9 D0   LDA #$D0
BF52     84 A0   STY $A0
BF54     85 A1   STA $A1
BF56     B1 A0   LDA ($A0),Y
BF58     91 A0   STA ($A0),Y
BF5A        C8   INY
BF5B     D0 F9   BNE $BF56
BF5D     E6 A1   INC $A1
BF5F     D0 F5   BNE $BF56
BF61  2C 80 C0   BIT $C080
BF64        60   RTS

Continuing from $041F…

241F  AD 83 C0   LDA $C083     Set low-level reset vectors and page 3 vectors
2422  AD 83 C0   LDA $C083     to point to $BF00—presumably The Badlands,
2425     A0 00   LDY #$00      from which there is no return.
2427     A9 BF   LDA #$BF
2429  8C FC FF   STY $FFFC
242C  8D FD FF   STA $FFFD
242F  8C F2 03   STY $03F2
2432  8D F3 03   STA $03F3
2435     A0 03   LDY #$03
2437  8C F0 03   STY $03F0
243A  8D F1 03   STA $03F1
243D     84 38   STY $38
243F     85 39   STA $39
2441     49 A5   EOR #$A5
2443  8D F4 03   STA $03F4

BF00     A9 D2   LDA #$D2      There are multiple entry points here: $BF00,
BF02  2C A9 D0   BIT $D0A9     $BF03, $BF06, and $BF09 (hidden in this listing
BF05  2C A9 CC   BIT $CCA9     by the “BIT” opcodes).
BF08  2C A9 A1   BIT $A1A9
BF0B        48   PHA

BF0C  20 48 BF   JSR $BF48     Zap the language card again.

BF12  20 58 FC   JSR $FC58
BF15  20 84 FE   JSR $FE84

BF18        68   PLA           Depending on the initial entry point, this
BF19  8D 00 04   STA $0400     displays a different character in the top left
                               corner of the screen.
BF1C     A0 00   LDY #$00      Now wipe all of main memory,
BF1E        98   TYA
BF1F  99 00 BE   STA $BE00,Y
BF22        C8   INY
BF23     D0 FA   BNE $BF1F
BF25  CE 21 BF   DEC $BF21

BF28  2C 30 C0   BIT $C030     while playing a sound.
BF2B  AD 21 BF   LDA $BF21
BF2E     C9 08   CMP #$08
BF30     B0 EA   BCS $BF1C

BF32  8D F3 03   STA $03F3     Munge the reset vector,
BF35  8D F4 03   STA $03F4

BF38  AD 66 BF   LDA $BF66     and reboot from whence we came.
BF3B        4A   LSR
BF3C        4A   LSR
BF3D        4A   LSR
BF3E        4A   LSR
BF3F     09 C0   ORA #$C0
BF41     E9 00   SBC #$00
BF43        48   PHA
BF44     A9 FF   LDA #$FF
BF46        48   PHA
BF47        60   RTS

Yeah, let’s try not to end up there.

Continuing from $0446…

2446     A9 07   LDA #$07
2448  20 00 BE   JSR $BE00

BE00     A2 13   LDX #$13      Entry Point #1

BE02  2C A2 0A   BIT $0AA2     Entry Point #2. (Hidden behind a BIT opcode,
                               but it’s “LDX #$0A”.)

BE05  8E 6E BE   STX $BE6E     Image Modify the code later based on which entry
                               point we called.

BE08  8D 90 BE   STA $BE90     The rest of this routine is a garden variety
BE0B  CD 65 BF   CMP $BF65     drive seek. The target phase (track × 2) is in
BE0E     F0 59   BEQ $BE69     the accumulator on entry.
BE10     A9 00   LDA #$00
BE12  8D 91 BE   STA $BE91
BE15  AD 65 BF   LDA $BF65
BE18  8D 92 BE   STA $BE92
BE1B        38   SEC
BE1C  ED 90 BE   SBC $BE90
BE1F     F0 37   BEQ $BE58
BE21     B0 07   BCS $BE2A
BE23     49 FF   EOR #$FF
BE25  EE 65 BF   INC $BF65
BE28     90 05   BCC $BE2F
BE2A     69 FE   ADC #$FE
BE2C  CE 65 BF   DEC $BF65
BE2F  CD 91 BE   CMP $BE91
BE32     90 03   BCC $BE37
BE34  AD 91 BE   LDA $BE91
BE37     C9 0C   CMP #$0C
BE39     B0 01   BCS $BE3C
BE3B        A8   TAY
BE3C        38   SEC
BE3D  20 5C BE   JSR $BE5C
BE40  B9 78 BE   LDA $BE78,Y
BE43  20 6D BE   JSR $BE6D
BE46  AD 92 BE   LDA $BE92
BE49        18   CLC
BE4A  20 5F BE   JSR $BE5F
BE4D  B9 84 BE   LDA $BE84,Y
BE50  20 6D BE   JSR $BE6D
BE53  EE 91 BE   INC $BE91
BE56     D0 BD   BNE $BE15
BE58  20 6D BE   JSR $BE6D
BE5B        18   CLC
BE5C  AD 65 BF   LDA $BF65
BE5F     29 03   AND #$03
BE61        2A   ROL
BE62  0D 66 BF   ORA $BF66
BE65        AA   TAX
BE66  BD 80 C0   LDA $C080,X
BE69  AE 66 BF   LDX $BF66
BE6C        60   RTS

BE6D     A2 13   LDX #$13      (The value of X may be modified depending
BE6F        CA   DEX           on which entry point was called.)
BE70     D0 FD   BNE $BE6F
BE72        38   SEC
BE73     E9 01   SBC #$01
BE75     D0 F6   BNE $BE6D
BE77        60   RTS
BE78  [01 30 28 24 20 1E 1D 1C]
BE80  [1C 1C 1C 1C 70 2C 26 22]
BE88  [1F 1E 1D 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C]

The fact that there are two entry points is interesting. Calling $BE00 will set X to #$13, which will end up in $BE6E, so the wait routine at $BE6D will wait long enough to go to the next phase (a.k.a. half a track). Nothing unusual there; that’s how all drive seek routines work. But calling $BE03 instead of $BE00 will set to #$0A, which will make the wait routine burn fewer CPU cycles while the drive head is moving, so it will only move half a phase (a.k.a. a quarter track). That is potentially very interesting.

Continuing from $044B…

244B     A9 05   LDA #$05
244D     85 33   STA $33
244F     A2 03   LDX #$03
2451     86 36   STX $36
2453     A0 00   LDY #$00
2455     A5 33   LDA $33
2457     84 34   STY $34
2459     85 35   STA $35

Now ($34) points to $0500.

245B  AE 66 BF   LDX $BF66     Find a 3-nibble prologue (“B5 DE F7”).
245E  BD 8C C0   LDA $C08C,X
2461     10 FB   BPL $245E
2463     C9 B5   CMP #$B5
2465     D0 F7   BNE $245E
2467  BD 8C C0   LDA $C08C,X
246A     10 FB   BPL $2467
246C     C9 DE   CMP #$DE
246E     D0 F3   BNE $2463
2470  BD 8C C0   LDA $C08C,X
2473     10 FB   BPL $2470
2475     C9 F7   CMP #$F7
2477     D0 F3   BNE $246C

2479  BD 8C C0   LDA $C08C,X   Read 4-4-encoded data into $0500+.
247C     10 FB   BPL $2479
247E        2A   ROL
247F     85 37   STA $37
2481  BD 8C C0   LDA $C08C,X
2484     10 FB   BPL $2481
2486     25 37   AND $37
2488     91 34   STA ($34),Y
248A        C8   INY
248B     D0 EC   BNE $2479
248B     D0 EC   BNE $2479
248D  0E FF FF   ASL $FFFF

2490  BD 8C C0   LDA $C08C,X   Find a 1-nibble epilogue (“D5”).
2493     10 FB   BPL $2490
2495     C9 D5   CMP #$D5
2497     D0 B6   BNE $244F
2499     E6 35   INC $35

249B     C6 36   DEC $36       3 sectors (initialized at $0451)
249D     D0 DA   BNE $2479

249F        60   RTS           Exit via RTS. 

We’ve read three more sectors into $0500+, overwriting the code we read earlier (but moved to $BD00+), and once again we simply exit and let the stack tell us where we’re going next.


$04FF + 1 = $0500, the code we just read. And that’s where I get to interrupt the boot.

Return of the Jedi

. *C500G                       Reboot because I disconnected and overwrote
…                              DOS to examine the previous code chunk at
]CALL -151                     $BD00+
.  [same as previous trace]

9714     A9 21   LDA #$21      Patch the stack again, but slightly later, at
9716  8D D4 01   STA $01D4     $01D4. (The previous trace patched it at
9719     A9 97   LDA #$97      $01D2.)
971B  8D D5 01   STA $01D5

971E     A2 CF   LDX #$CF      Continue the boot.
9720        9A   TXS
9721        60   RTS

9722     A2 04   LDX #$03      (Callback is here.) We just executed all the
9724     A0 00   LDY #$00      code up to and including the “RTS” at $049F, so
9726  B9 00 05   LDA $0500,Y   now let’s copy the latest code at $0500..$07FF
9729  99 00 25   STA $2500,Y   to higher memory so it survives a reboot.
972C        C8   INY
972D     D0 F7   BNE $9726
972F  EE 28 97   INC $9728
9732  EE 2B 97   INC $972B
9735        CA   DEX
9736     D0 EE   BNE $9726

9738  AD E8 C0   LDA $C0E8     Reboot to my work disk.
973B  4C 00 C5   JMP $C500

*BSAVE TRACE4,A$9600,L$13E
…reboots slot 6…
…reboots slot 5…
]CALL -151

Again, I’m going to leave this at $2500 because I can’t examine code on the text page. Relative branches will look correct, but absolute addresses will be off by $2000.


2500     A9 02   LDA #$02      Seek to track 1.
2502  20 00 BE   JSR $BE00

2505  AE 66 BF   LDX $BF66     Get slot number x16, set a long time ago, at
2508     A0 00   LDY #$00      $0419).
250A     A9 20   LDA #$20
250C     85 30   STA $30
250E        88   DEY
250F     D0 04   BNE $2515
2511     C6 30   DEC $30
2513     F0 3C   BEQ $2551

2515  BD 8C C0   LDA $C08C,X   Find a 3-nibble prologue. (“D5 FF DD”)
2518     10 FB   BPL $2515
251A     C9 D5   CMP #$D5
251C     D0 F0   BNE $250E
251E  BD 8C C0   LDA $C08C,X
2521     10 FB   BPL $251E
2523     C9 FF   CMP #$FF
2525     D0 F3   BNE $251A
2527  BD 8C C0   LDA $C08C,X
252A     10 FB   BPL $2527
252C     C9 DD   CMP #$DD
252E     D0 F3   BNE $2523


2530     A0 00   LDY #$00      Read 4-4-encoded data
2532  BD 8C C0   LDA $C08C,X
2535     10 FB   BPL $2532
2537        38   SEC
2538        2A   ROL
2539     85 30   STA $30
253B  BD 8C C0   LDA $C08C,X
253E     10 FB   BPL $253B
2540     25 30   AND $30

2542  99 00 B0   STA $B000,Y   into $B000. Hard-coded here, was not modified
2545        C8   INY           earlier unless I missed something.
2546     D0 EA   BNE $2532

2548  BD 8C C0   LDA $C08C,X   Find a 1-nibble epilogue (“D5”).
254B     10 FB   BPL $2548
254D     C9 D5   CMP #$D5
254F     F0 0B   BEQ $255C

2551     A0 00   LDY #$00      This is odd. If the epilogue doesn’t match, it’s
2553  B9 00 07   LDA $0700,Y   not an error. Instead, it appears that we
2556  99 00 B0   STA $B000,Y   simply copy a page of data that we read
2559        C8   INY           earlier (at $0700).
255A     D0 F7   BNE $2553

255C  20 F0 05   JSR $05F0     Execution continues here regardless.

25F0     A0 56   LDY #$56      Weird, but OK. This ends up calling $BE00
25F2     A9 BD   LDA #$BD      with A=$07, which will seek to track 3.5.
25F4        48   PHA
25F5     A9 FF   LDA #$FF
25F7        48   PHA
25F8     A9 07   LDA #$07
25FA        60   RTS

And now we’re on half tracks.


Continuing from $055F…

255F  BD 8C C0   LDA $C08C,X   Find a 3-nibble prologue (DD EF AD).
2562     10 FB   BPL $255F
2564     C9 DD   CMP #$DD
2566     D0 F7   BNE $255F
2568  BD 8C C0   LDA $C08C,X
256B     10 FB   BPL $2568
256D     C9 EF   CMP #$EF
256F     D0 F3   BNE $2564
2571  BD 8C C0   LDA $C08C,X
2574     10 FB   BPL $2571
2576     C9 AD   CMP #$AD
2578     D0 F3   BNE $256D

257A     A0 00   LDY #$00      Read a 4-4 encoded byte, where two nibbles on
257C  BD 8C C0   LDA $C08C,X   disk form one byte in memory.
257F     10 FB   BPL $257C
2581        38   SEC
2582        2A   ROL
2583     85 00   STA $00
2585  BD 8C C0   LDA $C08C,X
2588     10 FB   BPL $2585
258A     25 00   AND $00

258C        48   PHA           Push that byte to the stack. (WTF?)

258D        88   DEY           Repeat for $100 bytes.
258E     D0 EC   BNE $257C

2590  BD 8C C0   LDA $C08C,X   Find a 1-nibble epilogue (D5).
2593     10 FB   BPL $2590
2595     C9 D5   CMP #$D5
2597     D0 C3   BNE $255C

2599  CE 9C 05   DEC $059C Image
259C     61 00   ADC ($00,X)

Image Self-modifying code alert! WOO WOO. I’ll use this symbol whenever one instruction modifies the next instruction. When this happens, the disassembly listing is misleading because the opcode will be changed by the time the second instruction is executed.

In this case, the DEC at $0599 modifies the opcode at $059C, so that’s not really an ADC. By the time we execute the instruction at $059C, it will have been decremented to #$60, a.k.a. RTS.

One other thing: we’ve read $100 bytes and pushed all of them to the stack. The stack is only $100 bytes ($0100..$01FF), so this completely obliterates any previous values.

We haven’t changed the stack pointer, though. That means the RTS at $059C will still look at $01D6 to find the next return address. That used to be 4F 04, but now it’s been overwritten with new values, along with the rest of the stack. That’s some serious Jedi mind trick stuff.

In Which We Move Along

Luckily, there’s plenty of room at $0599. I can insert a JMP to call back to code under my control, where I can save a copy of the stack. (And $B000 as well, whatever that is.) I get to ensure I don’t disturb the stack before I save it, so no JSR, PHA, PHP, or TXS. I think I can manage that. JMP doesn’t disturb the stack, so that’s safe for the callback.

.  [same as previous trace]
9722     A9 4C   LDA #$4C      Set up a JMP $9734 at $0599.
9724  8D 99 05   STA $0599
9727     A9 34   LDA #$34
9729  8D 9A 05   STA $059A
972C     A9 97   LDA #$97
972E  8D 9B 05   STA $059B

9731  4C 00 05   JMP $0500     Continue the boot.


9734     A0 00   LDY #$00      (Callback is here.) Copy $B000 and $0100 to
9736  B9 00 B0   LDA $B000,Y   higher memory so they survive a reboot.
9739  99 00 20   STA $2000,Y
973C  B9 00 01   LDA $0100,Y
973F  99 00 21   STA $2100,Y
9742        C8   INY
9743     D0 F1   BNE $9736

9745  AD E8 C0   LDA $C0E8     Reboot to my work disk.
9748  4C 00 C5   JMP $C500

*BSAVE TRACE5,A$9600,L$14B
…reboots slot 6…
…reboots slot 5…
]CALL -151

Remember, the stack pointer hasn’t changed. Now that I have the new stack data, I can just look at the right index in the captured stack page to see where the bootloader continues once it issues the RTS at $059C. That’s part of the stack page I just captured, so it’s already in memory.


Next up we have another disk read routine! The fourth? Fifth? I’ve truly lost count.

2126  BD 8C C0   LDA $C08C,X   Find a 3-nibble prologue. (BF BE D4)
2129     10 FB   BPL $2126
212B     C9 BF   CMP #$BF
212D     D0 F7   BNE $2126
212F  BD 8C C0   LDA $C08C,X

2132     10 FB   BPL $212F
2134     C9 BE   CMP #$BE
2136     D0 F3   BNE $212B
2138  BD 8C C0   LDA $C08C,X
213B     10 FB   BPL $2138
213D     C9 D4   CMP #$D4
213F     D0 F3   BNE $2134

2141     A0 00   LDY #$00      Read 4-4-encoded data.
2143  BD 8C C0   LDA $C08C,X
2146     10 FB   BPL $2143
2148        38   SEC
2149        2A   ROL
214A  8D 00 02   STA $0200
214D  BD 8C C0   LDA $C08C,X
2150     10 FB   BPL $214D
2152  2D 00 02   AND $0200

2155  59 00 01   EOR $0100,Y   Decrypt the data from disk by using this
                               entire page of code in the stack page as the
                               decryption key. (More on this later.)
2158  99 00 00   STA $0000,Y   Store it in zero page.
215B        C8   INY
215C     D0 E5   BNE $2143

215E  BD 8C C0   LDA $C08C,X   Find a 1-nibble epilogue. (D5)
2161     10 FB   BPL $215E
2163     C9 D5   CMP #$D5
2165     D0 BF   BNE $2126

2167        60   RTS           Exit via RTS.

And we’re back on the stack again. The six 57 FF words and the following 22 01 word are the next return addresses.

21D0  F0 78 AD D8 02 85 25 01
21D8  57 FF 57 FF 57 FF 57 FF
21E0  57 FF 22 01 FF 05 B1 4C

$FF57 +1 = $FF58, which is a well-known address in ROM that is always an RTS instruction. So this will burn through several return addresses on the stack in short order, then finally arrive at $0123, in memory at $2123.

2123  6C 28 00   JMP ($0028)

...which is in the new zero page that was just read from disk.

And to think, we’ve loaded basically nothing of consequence yet. The screen is still black. We have three pages of code at $BD00..$BFFF. There’s still some code on the text screen, but who knows if we’ll ever call it again. Now we’re off to a zero page for some reason.


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