
defined expr

Tests whether the scalar expression has an actual value.

do { expr ; . . . }

Executes the block and returns the value of the last expression. See also the section Statements.

do filename

Executes filename as a Perl script. See also require in page 16.

eval { expr ; . . . }

Executes the code between { and }. Traps runtime errors as described with eval(expr) in page 30.

local [ our ] variable

Gives a temporary value to the named package variable, which lasts until the enclosing block, file, or eval exits. variable may be a scalar, an array, a hash, or an element (or slice) of an array or hash.

my varlist

varlist is a variable, or parenthesized list of variables. Creates a scope for the variables lexically local to the enclosing block, file, or eval.

my [ class ] varlist [ attributes ]

Experimental. Built-in attribute is :shared. Module Attribute::Handlers can be used to define additional attributes.

our varlist

Declares the variables to be a valid global within the enclosing block, file, or eval.

our [ class ] varlist [ attributes ]

Experimental. Built-in attributes are :shared and :unique. Module Attribute::Handlers can be used to define additional attributes.

ref expr

Returns the referent type if expr is a reference. Returns the package name if expr has been blessed into a package.

reset [ expr ]

expr is a string of single letters. All variables in the current package beginning with one of those letters are reset to their pristine state. If expr is omitted, resets ?? searches so that they work again.

state varlist

Like my, but does not reinitialize the variables upon reentry of the enclosing block.

state [ class ] varlist [ attributes ]

Experimental extension of state varlist.

undef [ lvalue ]

Undefines the lvalue. Always returns undef.

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