Where can you find instructions on this thing?

On a Linux box there are three places you can find more information about a command-line application:

  • The Help page: Almost all Unix and Linux applications have a help file that you can access by typing the application name and -h on the command line, for example, root@kali-01: ~# nmap -h.
  • The Man page: Here is a full manual for most modern command-line applications that you can access by typing man and the application name on the command line. For example, root@kali-01: ~# man rsync gets you a pretty good explanation of how to use Rsync, the secure and logged file transfer protocol. Man pages are of varying quality and many of them are actually written by rocket scientists, so a newbie may have to research how to read the manual page before it can be useful. The Nmap man page is clearly written with understandable examples to try out.
  • Info pages: For BASH shell built-ins, there is a group of info pages instead of man pages. To get at the info pages, type the word info and the application name. For example, root@kali-01: ~# info ls will present you with the info page for the command ls, which is the Linux version of the DOS command DIR

The -h command option presents you with in-line text in the terminal window, so you are returned to the command prompt immediately after the information scrolls past. The man and info commands launch the text reader, Less, so you can scroll up and down on the document, even though you are still in the terminal window. To exit from Less, just press the q key.

The Shift key is your friend in the Linux Terminal Emulator. If you want to scroll up and down in the terminal window, for instance, if the -h help file is longer than a single screen, just hold Shift + the up or down cursor key. The hot-key sequence for copy and paste is Shift + Ctrl + C and Shift + Ctrl + V, respectively. Ctrl + C closes the running application in the Bash shell, and Ctrl + V does nothing at all.

The following table is a truncated list of all the options in Nmap. This is the same information that you would get from the manual file on Nmap that is already installed on your Kali Linux installation:

Usage: nmap [Scan Type(s)] [Options] {target specification}


Can pass hostnames, IP addresses, networks, and so on

Example: atlantacloudtech.com, aarrrggh.com/26,; 10.1-16.0-255.1-254

-iL "inputfilename"

Input from list of hosts/networks.

-iR "num hosts"

Choose random targets.

--exclude "host1[,host2][,host3],...."

Exclude hosts/networks.

--excludefile "exclude_file

Exclude list from file.



List scan - simply list targets to scan.


Ping scan - disable port scan.


Treat all hosts as online; skip the ping for host discovery.

-PS [portlist]

TCP SYN discovery to given ports.

- PA [portlist]

TCP ACK discovery to given ports.

- PU [portlist]

UDP discovery to given ports.


SCTP discovery to given ports.


ICMP echo discovery probe.


ICMP timestamp discovery probe.


ICMP netmask request discovery probe.

-PO[protocol list]

IP Protocol Ping, as opposed to an ICMP ping.


Never do DNS resolution [default: sometimes].


Always resolve [default: sometimes].

Hacker Tip:

Resolving DNS gives you more information about the network, but it creates DNS-Request traffic, which can alert a sysadmin that there is something going on that is not entirely normal – especially if they are not using DNS in the network.

--dns-servers "serv1[,serv2],..."

Specify custom DNS servers.


Use the OS's DNS resolver. This is the default behavior.


Trace the hop path to each host. This would only make sense in large, complicated, segmented networks.



TCP SYN scan (you will use this one often).


TCP Connect() scan (you will use this one often).


TCP ACK scans.


TCP Window scans.


TCP Maimon scans.


UDP Scan.


TCP Null scan.


TCP FIN scan.


TCP Xmas scan. All flags set. Confuses the target machine.

--scanflags "flags"

Customize TCP scan flags, including those in the 9 rows below.


ECN-nonce concealment protection (experimental: see RFC 3540).


Congestion Window Reduced. Used to indicate that packets are being reduced in size to maintain traffic under congested network conditions.


ECN-Echo has a dual role, depending on the value of the SYN flag. It indicates the following:

If the SYN flag is set (1), that the TCP peer is ECN capable.

If the SYN flag is clear (0), that a packet with the Congestion Experienced flag in the IP header set is received during normal transmission (added to header by RFC 3168).


Indicates that the Urgent pointer field is significant.


Indicates that the Acknowledgment field is significant.


Push function. Asks to push the buffered data to the receiving application.


Reset the connection.


Synchronize sequence numbers.


No more data from sender.

-sI "zombie host[:probeport]"

Idle scan.


IP protocol scan.

-b "FTP relay host"

FTP bounce scan.


-p "port ranges"

Only scan specified ports, for example -p22; -p1-65535; -p U:53, 111, 137 ,T:21-25 ,80, 139 ,8080, S:9.


Fast mode - Scan fewer ports than the default scan.


Scan ports consecutively–don't randomize.

--top-ports "number"

Scan "number" most common ports.

--port-ratio "ratio"

Scan ports more common than "ratio".



Probe open ports to determine service/version info.

--version-intensity "level"

Set from 0 (light) to 9 (try all probes).


Limit to most likely probes (intensity 2).


Try every single probe (intensity 9).


Show detailed version scan activity (for debugging).



equivalent to–script=default.

--script="Lua scripts":

"Lua scripts" is a comma-separated list of directories, script-files, or script-categories that you enter here.


You provide arguments (or parameters) to scripts.


provide NSE script arguments from a file.


Show all data sent and received.


Update the script database.

--script-help="Lua scripts"

Show help about scripts. "Lua scripts" is a comma-separated list of script-files or script-categories.



Enable OS detection.


Limit OS detection to promising targets.


Guess OS more aggressively.


Options specifying time intervals are in seconds, or append 'ms' (milliseconds), 's' (seconds), 'm' (minutes), or 'h' (hours) to the value. For example 23ms).


Set timing template (higher is faster, and also noisier).

--min-hostgroup "size"

Parallel host scan group sizes.

--max-hostgroup "size"

Parallel host scan group sizes.

--min-parallelism "numprobes"

Probe parallelization.

--max-parallelism "numprobes"

Probe parallelization.

--min-rtt-timeout "time"

Specifies probe round trip time.

--max-rtt-timeout "time"

Specifies probe round trip time.

--initial-rtt-timeout "time"

Specifies probe round trip time.

--max-retries "tries"

Caps the number of port scan probe retransmissions.

--host-timeout "time"

Give up on target after this time interval.

--scan-delay "time"

Adjust delay between probes.

--max-scan-delay "time"

Adjust delay between probes.

--min-rate "number"

Send packets no slower than "number" per second.

--max-rate "number"

Send packets no faster than "number" per second.


-f; --mtu "value"

fragment packets (optionally w/given MTU).

-D "decoy1,decoy2[,ME],..."

Cloak a scan with decoys.

-S "IP_Address"

Spoof source address.

-e "iface"

Use specified interface.

-g/--source-port "portnum"

Use given port number.

--proxies "url1,[url2],..."

Relay connections through HTTP/SOCKS4 proxies.

--data-length "number"

Append random data to sent packets.

--ip-options "options"

Send packets with specified IP options.

--ttl "value"

Set the IP time-to-live field.

--spoof-mac "mac address/prefix/vendor name"

Spoof your MAC address.


Send packets with a bogus TCP/UDP/SCTP checksum.


-oN "file"

Output scan to the given filename in normal format.

-oX "file"

Output scan to the given filename in XML format.

-oS "file"

Output scan to the given filename in s|"rIpt kIddi3 format. This one is just for fun.

-oG "file"

Output scan to the given filename in Grepable format.

-oA "basename"

Output in the three major formats at once.


Increase verbosity level from 1-5. Use -vv (verbosity 2) –vvv (verbosity 3) and so on for greater effect.


Increase debugging level 0-6. You can repeat the "d" like verbosity levels, or use -d5 to save space in your command line. The default is -d0.


Display the reason a port is in a particular state.


Only show open (or possibly open) ports.


Show all packets sent and received.


Print host interfaces and routes (for debugging).


Log errors/warnings to the normal-format output file.


Append to rather than clobber specified output files.

--resume "filename"

Resume an aborted scan.

--stylesheet "path/URL"

XSL stylesheet to transform XML output to HTML.


Reference stylesheet from Nmap.org for more portable XML.


Prevent associating XSL stylesheet with XML output.



Enable IPv6 scanning.


Enable OS detection, version detection, script scanning, and traceroute. This is a shortcut for -sS -sV --traceroute -O. Wolf's favorite scanning option.

--datadir "dirname"

Specify custom Nmap data file location.


Send using raw Ethernet frames.


Send using raw IP packets.


Assume that the user is fully privileged.


Assume the user lacks raw socket privileges


Print Nmap version number. Doesn't work in conjunction with other options.


Print the help summary page.


nmap -v -A boweaver.com

nmap -v -sn

nmap -v -iR 10000 -Pn -p 80


Hacker Tip:

You can construct custom Nmap scanning strings and copy them into Zenmap so you get the benefits of the Zenmap interface.

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