• Abby
  • accountability
  • Action
  • Aitkens, Mr
  • archetypes
  • agility
  • authenticity
  • automation
  • autonomy
  • ‘Back to School' Fable; see also bank-building assignment
    • — 10 years on
  • Betsy (Liz)
  • Betsy's team
  • Big New Words
  • bank-building assignment see also separate entries under names of participants
    • — Big New Words
    • — Big Questions
    • — candy jar
    • — choosing names
    • — choosing teams
    • — do (ing)
    • — excursion
    • — introduction to
    • — leadership lessons
    • — On Board game
    • — parents participation
    • — PLOT; see also leadership; operations; purpose; technology
    • — presentations
    • — purpose of the bank
    • — regulators
    • — social responsibility
  • BHAGs (Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals); see also vision
  • bias
    • — cognitive
    • — social and psychological
  • blind spots
  • Bobby
  • Bobby's team
  • Bob the Banker (Bobby's dad)
    • — changing attitudes
    • — Lighthouse
    • — talk to class
  • bonuses
  • celebration
  • change
    • — torch-bearer for
  • choice
  • collaboration
  • community; see also constituents
    • — building
  • connection
  • constituents; see also community; customers; employees; shareholders
  • corporate keystone cops
  • courage
  • creativity
  • customer(s) see also constituents
    • — connection with
    • — focus on
    • — purpose and
    • — serving
  • dialogue, business
  • digitisation
  • diversity
  • Doogan, Mrs (Janet)
  • efficiency vs effectiveness
  • employee(s)
    • — attitudes
    • — loyalty
    • — on-purpose
    • — retention
    • — talented team, assembling
  • ethics and ethical behaviour
  • fables, using
  • fairness
  • fear
  • foundations
  • globalisation
  • #flearn
  • Hehman, father of twins
  • Hehman brothers
  • hierarchy
  • holacracy ...
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