How it works...

On the runbot screen, you will get extra control over the builds. You can connect to the previous builds from here. Different colors show the status of the build. Green means that everything is fine; yellow indicates a warning, which can be ignored, but it is recommended that you fix it. Red means there is a critical issue that you have to fix before merging the development branch into the production. Red and yellow branches show the exclamation icon, (!), near the connect button. When you click on this, you will get a popup with the error and warning log. Usually, you need to search the installation log files to find the error or warning logs, but this popup will filter out the other logs and only display the error and warning logs. This means that whenever a build goes red or yellow, you should come here and fix the errors and warnings before merging them into the production.

Inactive development branches are destroyed after some time. Normally, a new build will be created when you add a new Commit button. If you want to reactivate the build without a new commit, however, you can use the rebuild button on the right side. The builds for the staging branches are also destroyed after some time, apart from the last one, which will remain active.

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