How to do it...

Perform the following steps to make an RPC call to the server and display the result in a tooltip:

  1. Add the willStart method and set colorGroupData in the RPC call:
  willStart: function () {
var self = this;
this.colorGroupData = {};
var colorDataDef = this._rpc({
model: this.model,
method: 'read_group',
domain: [],
fields: ['color'],
groupBy: ['color'],
}).then(function (result) {
_.each(result, function (r) {
self.colorGroupData[r.color] = r.color_count;
return $.when(this._super.apply(this, arguments), colorDataDef);
  1. Update _renderEdit and set up a bootstrap tooltip on pills:
    _renderEdit: function () {
var pills = qweb.render('FieldColorPills', {widget: this});
  1. Update the FieldColorPills template and add the tooltip data:
<t t-name="FieldColorPills">
<t t-foreach="widget.totalColors" t-as='pill_no'>
<span t-attf-class="o_color_pill o_color_#{pill_no} #{widget.value === pill_no and 'active' or ''}"
t-attf-title="This color is used in #{widget.colorGroupData[pill_no] or 0 } books."

Update the module to apply the changes. After the update, you will be able to see a tooltip on the pills, as shown in the following screenshot:

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