Getting ready

In this recipe, we will use the my_library add-on module from Chapter 4, Creating Odoo Add-On Modules.

Modify the model, as shown in the following model definition:

class LibraryBook(models.Model):
_name = ''

name = fields.Char('Title', required=True)
date_release = fields.Date('Release Date')
pages = fields.Integer('Number of Pages')
cost_price = fields.Float('Book Cost')
category_id = fields.Many2one('')
author_ids = fields.Many2many('res.partner', string='Authors')

Add the model. For simplicity, we will just add it to the same file:

class BookCategory(models.Model):
_name = ''

name = fields.Char('Category')
description = fields.Text('Description')

We will be using the model and getting an average cost price per category.

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