

Absolute Layout, 198, 206

Absolute Layout library, 199

Absolute Path option, 186

absolute paths, 55, 186

Abstract Controller option, 270

accessor (getter) method, 392, 418–419

Add JAR/Folder tab, 51, 53, 56, 183, 186

Add Library tab, 51, 52, 56, 183–185

Add Project tab, 51, 183

AJAX framework, 273

alignment, 344

Allow Offline option, 234

anchors, 209

annotation glyphs, 358, 359, 367

annotations, displaying in CVS, 112–113

Annotations panel, 352, 353


configuring, 9, 10–13

considerations, 146

described, 10, 145

running targets, 148, 149–150

templates, 146

versions, 11

vs. Maven, 145–146

Ant files

example of, 10–11

naming patterns, 149

profiling and, 541

targets/action mappings, 81, 89–90

Ant scripts

build hooks, 150–152

considerations, 146

custom properties, 152

customizing, 150–152

main, 148

troubleshooting, 152

unit tests and, 524, 526

Ant tab, 9, 10–13

Ant targets, 148, 149–150

Apache Ant. See Ant

Apache Commons IO library, 56–57

Apache Geronimo server, 281

Apache MyFaces, 273

Apache Tomcat server, 281, 293

APIs (application program interfaces)

deprecated, 289

Java EE, 173

Java SE, 180

Refactoring API, 389

Appearance tab, 9, 13

Applet Descriptor option, 235

Application Descriptor option, 235

Application Frameworks Forums, 269

application program interfaces. See APIs

application servers, 279, 281, 282–284. See also servers

application shell, 196

applications. See also projects

attaching profilers to, 541–547

basic, 195

database, 195–197, 199

debugging. See debugging

dependencies, 25, 46–55

desktop. See desktop applications

enterprise, 262, 294, 534

JWS, 234–240

local. See desktop applications

monitoring, 547–558

optimizing, 535–537

profiling, 537

remote. See web applications

templates. See templates

testing. See unit testing

undeploying, 295–296

VWJ, 275–279

web. See web applications

Attach Profiler option, 538, 541–547

Automatic Internationalization option, 18

Available Plugins tab, 36

AWG components, 203, 218

AWG GUI Forms, 193, 205

AWT, described, 193

AWT GUIs, 191


Beans Binding

considerations, 16, 17, 198

JavaBeans and, 225–227

overview, 222–223

synthetic properties, 227–228

using, 223–229

Beans Binding library, 198, 199

Beans category, 203

best practices refactorings, 392, 393–402

binding. See Beans Binding

Binding category, 204

Border Layout, 206

Box Layout, 206

brace placement, 344

branching, 95, 110–112, 130

breakpoint glyphs, 475, 476, 477

breakpoint markers, 475


applying conditions to, 484

behavior of, 22

class, 478–479

described, 475

dynamic creation of, 22

exception, 479–480

field, 483

line, 476, 477–478

listing, 491

method, 480–481

nonline, 476

setting, 475–485

thread, 482

Breakpoints window, 491


configuring, 7–8

default, 7–8

displaying at runtime, 293

Firefox, 8, 83, 498, 499, 500

Internet Explorer, 8, 498–499

JavaScript and, 24, 25

selecting, 7–8

supported by NetBeans, 24, 25

Bugzilla, 20

build changes, 147

build failures, 531

build files/processes, 93, 145–154

build hooks, 150–152

build settings, 288–293

build systems. See Ant; Maven

build-impl.xml file, 148, 151

build.xml file, 147, 148, 151, 286, 288

business logic, 279

byte code, 533, 535, 538, 566


C++ editor, 340

C++ plugins, 34

cache files, 44

calibration, 538–540

Call Stack window, 489–490

camel case navigation, 343–344

capitalization settings, 14

Card Layout, 206

cast creation, 366–367

Change Method Parameters command, 392, 402–404

Checkstyle plugin, 496

class breakpoints, 478–479

class importing hints, 363–364

class libraries, 50–51, 263

class variables, 18


copying, 399

fully qualified names, 20

loaded, 490–491

moving between packages, 398–399

moving to subclasses, 407

moving up, 412–413

multiple copies of, 54

naming/renaming, 20, 392, 396–397

testing with JUnit, 517, 519–523

Classpath tab, 50

classpaths, 180–190

code completion, 83

compilation and, 180–184, 188, 190

compile, 48, 181, 188

compile test, 48, 181, 188

considerations, 181

debugging and, 48–49, 180, 183, 190

desktop applications, 180–190

differences between, 188–189

editing, 182–187, 184

free-form projects, 84–85

Java EE projects, 188

Java SE projects, 188–189

Java Web, 188

managing, 180–190

multiple, 181

populating, 190

problems with, 189

project type and, 188–189

relationships between, 181, 182

removing entries, 51, 184

run, 188

run tests, 188

test, 48, 181, 188, 524

types, 48–49, 181–182

variables, 189–190

code. See also scripts

after-all-set, 215

auto-completion. See code completion

custom creation, 215

customizing, 216–218

debugging. See debugging

errors in. See errors

expanded, 20

folded, 20, 343

generating, 215, 368–375

history, 30, 31–32

inefficient, 28

locked, 213–214

navigating, 213–218

post-adding, 215

post-creation, 215

post-declaration, 215

post-init, 215

post-listeners, 215

pre-adding, 215

pre-creation, 215

pre-declaration, 215

pre-init, 215

refactoring. See refactoring

renaming items in, 396–397

safely deleting elements in, 399–402

simplifying, 402–404

spacing in, 344

stepping through, 485–487

templates. See templates

using existing, 172–179, 260–264

version control. See version control systems

Code category, 204

code completion

classpaths, 83

Code Customizer, 217, 218

described, 368

libraries and, 151

list box stimuli, 369

settings, 344–346

source level and, 82

usage, 368–369

Code Completion panel, 344–346

code completion popups, 344–346, 368–369

Code Customizer, 216–218

code folding, 20, 343

code profilers. See profilers

code properties, 217, 218

Code Templates panel, 346–347, 370–371

code wrapping, 344

Codebase option, 234

Codebase Preview option, 234


background/foreground, 351, 352–354

error marks, 360–361

file version status, 99, 101

in GUI editor, 20

highlighting, 351–354

settings, 350, 351–354

color-blindness-profile request, 351

compilation, 180–184, 188, 190

compilation errors, 60, 531

compile classpath, 48, 181, 188

compile test classpath, 48, 181, 188

compilers, 289, 535, 566

compile/runtime classpath, 48

Compiling panel, 289

Component Descriptor option, 235

component tags, 278

Concurrent Versions System. See CVS

configuration, 3–63. See also Options window

Ant, 9, 10–13

appearance, 9, 13

code profiler, 10, 28–29

colors, 7

debugger, 10, 20–24

editor, 7

Editor panel, 341–349

external libraries, 49–51

file comparison, 9, 13–15

file settings, 9, 15

fonts, 7

Fonts & Colors panel, 350–354

general, 7–8

GUI Builder, 9, 16–20

import/export functionality, 7

issue tracking, 10, 20, 21

JavaScript, 10, 20–24

JDK, 57–63

keyboard shortcuts, 354–356

keymap, 7, 354–356

libraries, 49–51, 56–57

Maven, 10, 24–27

miscellaneous, 7, 9–34

Plugin Manager, 34–42

proxy settings, 8–9

shortcut keys, 7

Source Editor, 341–356

tasks, 10, 30

usage statistics, 9

versioning, 10, 30–34

web browsers, 7–8

configuration directories, 43–46

configuration files, 15, 43–46, 270

configuration groups, 6–34

Connection mode, 202

constants, 375, 415

constructors, 22, 213, 369, 416–417, 486


adding to library, 56

changes to, 101

merged, 115

new, 101

static, 444

WAR, 290

WEB-INF, 86, 263

content panel, 6

context path, 86, 293

Continue command, 487

continuous integration server, 528–532

control properties, 207

Convert Anonymous To Inner command, 414

cookies, 453, 458–459

Copy command, 399

Copy To Libraries Folder option, 186

CPU performance, 559–568

Create, Read, Update, Delete. See CRUD

CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete), 192

CRUD form, 316

CRUD operations, 196

Custom MBeans, 294

Customize Library dialog box, 186, 187

CVS (Concurrent Versions System), 102–116. See also version control systems

annotation display, 112–113

branching, 110–112

checking out projects, 104–107

committing changes, 109–110

considerations, 30

displaying changes, 107–109

displaying revisions, 113

history searches, 113–114

importing projects into, 103–104

overview, 31, 96, 102

project roots, 103, 105, 107

resolving conflicts, 114–116

reverting changes, 114

tagging, 110–112

updating projects, 109

CVS Root, 103, 105, 107


data binding, 191. See also Beans Binding

data usage, 349

database applications, 195–197, 199

database connections, 196, 316–319

database connectivity, 310–311

Database Explorer, 312–319

considerations, 310, 311–312

context menus, 328

described, 312

integration, 327–328

interfacing with database via, 320, 324–325

database integration, 316, 327–328


considerations, 310

debug mode, 327

Java, 318–319

JDBC-supported, 316–318

SQL Editor, 319–323

support components, 319–328

working with, 310–329

Debug menu, 473, 475, 485

debug mode, 327

Debugger Console, 22

debuggers, 471–500

active, 497

alternate platforms, 496

attaching, 495–497

configuring, 10, 20–24

Firebug, 498, 499

Java Debugger, 10, 20–24

JDPA, 495–496

local, 472–494

remote, 494–500

requirements for, 499

settings, 10, 20–24, 497


breakpoints. See breakpoints

classpaths and, 48–49, 180, 183, 190

client-side, 497–500

considerations, 472, 473

desktop applications, 472–494

with external libraries, 46–57

free-form projects, 93–95

information about, 289

JVM and, 495

listing sessions, 491–492

local, 472–494

local vs. remote, 494–497

opening project in IDE, 495

remote, 494–500

server-side, 497, 500

session states, 491

starting session, 473–475, 495

vs. profiling, 533

web applications, 497–500

debugging support windows, 487–494

Debugging window, 493


adding projects as, 51, 52, 183, 184

applications, 25, 46–55

folders, 186

JAR files, 186, 198, 199, 238

libraries, 46–55, 182, 186, 187, 198

moving up/down, 51, 54, 184, 404

reordering, 51, 54

deployment descriptors, 279–280

deprecated APIs, 289

Design mode, 201, 202

desktop applications, 171–255. See also Java SE projects

Beans Binding, 222–229

choosing project, 174

choosing sources/test packages, 176

classpaths, 180–190

creating executable JARs, 231–234

creating forms, 191–230

creating from existing sources, 172–179

debugging, 472–494

deplying via Java Web Start, 234–240

event listeners, 218–222

GUI Builder. See GUI Builder

includes/excludes, 176–178

internationalization support, 229–230

monitoring, 547–558

navigating generated code, 213–218

packaging/distributing projects, 230–240

project dependencies, 198–199

specifying name/location, 174–175

templates, 180–181, 192, 195

working with layouts, 205–213

diagnostic glyphs, 358, 359, 367

diagnostic highlighting, 358–360

diagnostic icons, 357–358

diagnostic marks, 360–361

diff engine, 13–15, 100

Diff panel, 352–354

Diff tab, 9, 13–15

diff utility

overview, 100–102

settings, 352–354

Dig, Danny, 389


configuration, 43–46

deleting empty, 31

home, 43, 44

ignoring, 15–16

NetBeans versions and, 5

NetBeans-specific, 44

pruning, 31

source, 263

standard projects, 147–148

test, 263

dist file, 147

Documenting panel, 290–292

documents. See files

Downloaded tab, 37


JDBC, 188, 313–315

registrations, 313–315

dynamic resizing, 206–212


Edit button, 8, 54, 186

Edit Jar Reference Library dialog box, 186, 187

Edit tab, 51, 54, 184

editable fields, 368, 371, 372

Editor configuration group, 7

editor hints, 347, 348, 362–367

Editor panel configurations, 341–349

Editor window, 200–201, 204, 212

EJB projects, 188, 195

EJB-QL (Enterprise JavaBeans Query Language), 203


refactoring commands and, 393

renaming, 392, 396–397

safely deleting, 399–402

Encapsulate Fields command, 418–419

enterprise applications, 262, 294, 534

Enterprise JavaBeans Query Language. See EJB-QL

Entity Manager, 203

Ergonomics feature, 535, 536

error marks, 360–361

error stripe diagnostic marks, 360–361

errors. See also troubleshooting

annotation glyphs, 358, 359, 367

client, 442

compilation, 60, 531

correcting, 357–362

diagnostic icons, 357–358

fatal, 533

in files, 360

highlighting, 357, 358–360

linked to source code, 361–362

mismatching certificates, 238

out of memory, 29, 46

server, 442

error/warning icons, 357–358

event listeners, 218–222

events, 204, 207, 218, 219

Events category, 204

exception breakpoints, 479–480

Export button, 7

Export dialog box, 7, 8

export/import functionality, 7, 8

expressions, evaluating, 204, 484, 486

Extensible Markup Language. See XML

extensions, file, 15, 340

Extract Interface command, 407–409

Extract Superclass command, 409–410


Facelets, 271, 272

faces-config.xml file, 280

fatal errors, 533

field breakpoints, 483


editable, 368, 371, 372

encapsulating, 418–419

introducing new statements for, 416

missing, 365–366

moving to subclasses, 407

moving to superclasses, 404–406

renaming, 392, 396–397

file associations, 15

file comparisons, 13–15

file diffutility. See diff utility

file difference engine, 13–15

file extensions, 15, 340


Ant. See Ant files

build, 93, 145–154

cache, 44

comparing. See diff utility

configuration, 15, 43–46, 270

deploy on save, 293

encoded, 83

errors in, 360

HTML, 15, 79, 235, 444

ignoring, 15–16

JAR. See JAR files

JNLP, 235–238

JSF, 271–272, 277, 278

JSP, 289

NBM, 35

recent, 13

safely deleting, 399–402

searching history of, 113–114

serializing components, 215

settings, 9, 15

source, 147

standard projects, 147–148

templates, 371

test, 147

WAR, 290, 294, 295, 529


XML, 270, 279, 526–527

ZIP, 627

Files tab, 9, 15–16

filter sets, 562

Find Usages command, 392, 395–396

FindBugs plugin, 496

Firebug debugger, 498, 499

Firefox browser, 8, 83, 498, 499, 500

firewalls, 8

Flow Layout, 206

Fold Generated Code option, 20


adding to projects, 51, 53, 56, 183, 186

dedicated, 174, 263

dependencies, 186

JAR, 51, 53

libraries, 50–56, 174, 183–186, 262, 263

project, 80, 174, 176, 186, 262

sources package, 263

test package, 263

web, 86, 263

Fonts & Colors configurations, 7, 350–354

Formatting panel, 344


AWG GUI, 193, 205

creating with GUI Builder, 191–230

creating with layouts, 205–213

dynamic screen resizing, 206–212

layouts, 205–213

properties, 220

resource bundles, 229–230

Swing GUI, 193, 205

templates, 193

types of, 205

Fowler, Martin, 389, 421

Free Design layout

creating, 212–213

guidelines, 208–209

overview, 201, 206, 207–210

free-form projects, 78–95. See also projects

classpaths, 84–85, 188

considerations, 53, 78–79, 178, 188

creating, 79–87, 94–95, 153–154

debugging, 93–95

as dependencies, 53

JUnit integration, 91

names, 80

overview, 78–79

profiling, 91–92

settings, 87–90

vs. Java SE projects, 173

free-form web applications, 85–87


garbage collectors

memory analysis and, 577, 578, 580

overview, 535–536

types of, 536

General configuration group, 7–8

General panel, 342–344

generalization/realization refactorings, 392, 404–411

Generate Components As group, 18

Generate Debugging Info property, 473 file, 147, 148

getter (accessor) method, 392, 418–419

Git system, 96

GlassFish application servers

considerations, 268

deployment to, 293–294

HSSM setup, 444–445

monitoring HTTP requests, 446–447

Sun GlassFish Server, 281

undeployment, 295

Global Filters, 562–563

global libraries, 50–53, 56–57, 562

Grails framework, 266

graphical user interfaces. See GUIs

Grid Layout, 207

Gridbag Layout, 206, 210–211, 213

GridBag layout manager, 210–211, 213

GridBagLayout Customizer, 207, 210–211

Groovy editor, 340

Groovy language, 266

Group Layout, 198

GroupLayout class, 198

GroupLayout code, 18

GUI assistant, 20

GUI Builder

Beans Binding, 222–229

considerations, 192–193, 195

creating forms with, 191–230

GUI Editor, 192–204

navigating, 199–204

navigating generated code, 213–218

overview, 16–20

GUI Builder tab, 9, 16–20

GUI Editor, 20, 192–204

GUI Editor toolbar, 201

guidelines, 208–209

Guiding Line Color option, 20

GUIs (graphical user interfaces). See also user interfaces

internationalization, 191–192

templates, 193, 195


heap dumps, 29, 574, 587–588, 593


analysis, 29

memory leaks and, 548

settings, 535, 536–537

size, 46

HeapWalker, 28, 29, 587–594

HeapWalker instances, 591

HelloWorld project, 371–372

Hibernate classes, 49

Hibernate tool, 25

highlighting errors, 357, 358–360

Highlighting panel, 351–352

highlighting settings, 350, 351–354


editor, 347, 348, 362–367

Java, 366

live code templates, 372–374

Hints panel, 347, 348

history, local, 30, 31–32, 98, 141–145

history searches

CVS, 113–114

SQL commands, 323

Subversion, 125–126

home directory, 43, 44

HSSM (HTTP Server-Side Monitor), 437–460

overview, 438–459

setting up, 443–447

using, 447–460

HSSM records

analyzing, 451–456

managing, 448–451

replaying, 456–460

HTML editor, 340

HTML files, 15, 79, 235, 444

HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol), 438, 439–443

HTTP headers, 440, 441, 455, 459–460

HTTP Monitor. See HSSM

HTTP request methods, 440

HTTP request monitoring. See HSSM

HTTP response status codes, 440–443

HTTP Server-Side Monitor. See HSSM

HTTP stack, 439

HTTP standard, 450

Hudson instances, 529–530

Hudson jobs, 513

Hudson servers, 513, 528–532

HyperText Transfer Protocol. See HTTP


ICEfaces, 265, 273–275

Icon option, 234

IDE/server integration, 284–285

IE (Internet Explorer), 8

Import button, 7

import statements, 363–364

import/export functionality, 7, 8

importing libraries, 56–57, 184

importing projects

into CVS, 103–104

into Mercurial, 134–135

into Subversion, 119–122

include patterns, 177

indents, 344

inherited methods, 366–367

initComponents method, 213

Inspector window, 204

Install4j program, 232

installation, 43

Installed tab, 38–39

instrumentation schemes, 565


copying, 399

creating, 407–409

moving between packages, 398–399

renaming, 392, 396–397

user. See user interfaces

internationalization, 18, 191–192, 229–230

Internet Explorer (IE), 8, 498–499

Introduce Constant command, 415

Introduce Field command, 416

Introduce Method command, 416–417

Introduce Variable command, 414

Inversion of Control. See IoC

IoC Container, 270

IoC (Inversion of Control) principle, 270

Issue tracking tab, 10, 20, 21

IzPack program, 232


JAR archives, 35

Jar Bundler, 232

JAR files

adding to projects, 51, 53, 56, 183, 186

dedicated library folder for, 263

dependencies, 186, 198, 199, 238

double-clickable, 231

executable, 231–234, 240

paths to, 54

RXTX, 47

JAR folders, 51, 53

Java 4.5 annotations, 516

Java applications. See applications

Java Business Integration (JBI) Service Assemblies, 294

Java Community Process, 271

Java databases. See databases

Java DB database server, 318–319

Java Debug Interface (JDI), 495

Java Debug Wire Protocol (JDWP), 496

Java Debugger, 10, 20–24. See also debuggers

Java Development Kit. See JDK

Java editor, 340

Java EE (Enterprise Edition), 86, 263, 293

Java EE APIs, 173

Java EE projects, 86, 146–150, 188, 273

Java EE web applications. See web applications

Java elements

refactoring commands and, 393

renaming, 392, 396–397

safely deleting, 399–402

Java Enterprise Edition. See Java EE

Java Free-Form Project template, 79

Java free-form projects. See free-form projects

Java heap dumps, 29, 574, 587–588, 593

Java heap size, 46

Java hints, 366

Java language

configurable items in, 344

licensing issues, 58

templates. See templates

versions, 58

Java layouts, 205–213

Java Management Extension (JMX), 547

Java ME projects, 188

Java Persistence API (JPA), 48–49, 195

Java Persistence category, 203

Java Platform Debugger Architecture (JPDA), 495–496

Java Platform Manager, 58–63

Java platforms, 51, 58–63, 183, 198

Java Properties editor, 340

Java Runtime Environments (JREs), 45, 154, 155

Java SE (Standard Edition), 172–173, 180

Java SE APIs, 180

Java SE desktop applications. See desktop applications

Java SE projects

Beans Binding, 222–229

choosing location, 174–175, 195

classpath types, 181–182

classpaths. See classpaths

configuring libraries for, 173, 191, 198–199

considerations, 147, 149, 150, 173, 178, 180

creating, 174–179

dependencies, 198–199

deploying, 234–240

differences between classpaths, 188–189

editing classpaths, 182–187

executable JAR files, 231–234

generating event listeners, 218–222

internationalization, 229–230

Java layouts, 205–213

naming, 174, 175, 195

navigating generated code, 213–218

packaging/distributing, 230–240

templates, 180–181

vs. free-form projects, 173

Java Source Code Editor, 277

Java Specification Request. See JSR

Java Standard Edition. See Java SE

Java Virtual Machine. See JVM

Java web applications. See web applications

Java Web Start (JWS), 232, 234–240

JavaBeans, 225–227

java.class.path property, 189


settings, 290–292

using, 56–59

JavaFX projects, 188, 6:s

JavaRanch, 269


settings, 10, 20–24

versions, 24

web browsers and, 24, 25

JavaScript tab, 10, 20–24

JavaServer Faces. See JSF

JavaServer Pages. See JSP

JBI (Java Business Integration) Service Assemblies, 294

JBoss server, 281

JBuddy Messenger, 547

JButton events, 219

JDBC driver registrations, 313–315

JDBC drivers, 188, 313–315

JDBC-supported databases, 316–318

JDI (Java Debug Interface), 495

JDK (Java Development Kit), 57–63

adding/removing, 58–62

alternative implementations, 58

configuring into projects, 154–157

considerations, 45

developing with, 57–63

versions, 57–58, 154, 156–157

JDWP (Java Debug Wire Protocol), 496

Jerry server, 281

jhat tool, 587, 591

JIT (just-in-time) compiler, 535, 566

jmap tool, 587

Jmol application

considerations, 173

described, 178

exercise, 178–179

running, 240

JMX (Java Management Extension), 547

JNLP files, 235–238

JPA (Java Persistence API), 48–49, 195

JPA Query, 203

JPDA (Java Platform Debugger Architecture), 495–496

JREs (Java Runtime Environments), 45, 154, 155

JRockit, 58

JSF (JavaServer Faces), 265, 271–279

JSF editor, 340

JSF files, 271–272, 277, 278

JSF framework, 265, 268

JSF libraries, 268, 272

JSF specification, 269, 273

JSP (JavaServer Pages), 281, 289

JSP Editor, 277, 340

JSP files, 289

JSP specification, 281

JSR (Java Specification Request), 281

JSR 295. See Beans Binding

JSR specification, 281

JUnit, 512–532. See also unit testing

basics, 513–515

continuous integration support, 528–532

creating tests/test suites, 517–523

executing tests, 526

execution options, 525

Hudson servers, 528–532

rerunning tests, 526

resources, 515

running tests, 524–527, 528

templates, 517

test results, 525–527

testing for existing classes, 517, 519–523

unit testing classpath, 518, 524

unit testing with Hudson, 532

versions, 515–517, 519

JUnit integration, 91

JUnit reports, 526–527

just-in-time (JIT) compiler, 535, 566

JVM (Java Virtual Machine)

calibration, 538–540

debugging and, 495

garbage collectors, 535–536

heap size, 535, 536–537

optimizing, 535

SunSpots and, 42

JVM TI (JVM Tools Interface), 496

JVM Tools Interface (JVM TI), 496

JWS (Java Web Start), 232, 234–240


Kenai project, 311

keyboard shortcuts, 629–638, 354–356

Keymap configuration group, 7

Keymap panel configurations, 354–356

Keymap profiles, 355

keywords, 350, 351


language categories, 350

Layout Generation Style option, 18

layout managers, 205–213


Java, 205–213

overview, 205–206

working with, 205–213


adding, 51, 52–54, 183, 184–185

adding content to, 56

adding to projects, 47, 51, 52, 56, 183–185

Apache Commons IO, 56–57

Beans Binding, 198, 199

class, 50–51, 263

configuring, 49–51, 56–57

considerations, 50

creating, 50–51, 184

debugging with, 46–57

dependencies, 46–55, 182, 186, 187, 198

editing, 51, 54

external, 46–57, 49

global, 50–53, 56–57, 562

importing, 56–57, 184

Java EE, 262, 263–264

Java SE, 173, 191, 198–199

JSF, 268, 272

layout, 185

listed, 50

location, 50, 55

naming, 50

paths to, 54–57

project, 51–54, 174, 183

removing, 51, 54

reordering dependencies, 51, 54

selecting, 50–51

server, 50–51

shared, 47, 53, 54–57

splitting, 47

storage of, 174, 262

Test Libraries, 517

web frameworks, 268, 269

libraries folder, 50–56, 174, 183–186, 262, 263

Library classpath, 50, 51

Library Manager, 49–51

light bulb glyph, 362–364

line breakpoints, 476, 477–478

lines, blank, 344

Linux systems

installing NetBeans on, 627

settings. See Options window

LiquiBase, 328, 529

Listener Generation Style option, 18

listener logic, 18

listeners, 18, 218–222

live code templates, 368, 372–375

Live Results view, 566, 567, 582–584

Loaded Classes window, 490–491

local applications. See desktop applications

local debugging, 472–494

Local History feature, 30–32, 98, 141–145

local variables, 215

localization, 229–230

locked code, 213–214


Mac OS X

installers, 232

installing NetBeans on, 624–627

preferences. See Options window

macro settings, 344, 345

Macros panel, 347, 349

Mark Occurrences panel, 347, 348

Matisse. See GUI Editor


goal definitions, 26, 27

overview, 24–26, 145–146

settings, 10, 24–27

versions, 26

vs. Ant, 145–146

Maven Pom (Project Object Model), 25

Maven tab, 10, 24–27

member variable declaration, 213

member variables, 213


allocation, 584–587

monitoring usage, 548

out of memory errors, 29, 46

usage overview, 577–587

memory analysis, 577–580

memory dumps, 28

Memory (GC) graph, 550–551, 553

Memory Heap graph, 550, 10;43

memory leaks, 28, 29, 548, 590

memory profiling, 577–587

described, 577, 587

initiating session, 577

searching for String instances, 593–594

settings, 577–578

memory snapshots

comparing, 584–585

evaluating, 586–587

Mercurial, 32–33. See also version control systems

cloning projects, 135–137, 141

committing changes, 137–138

displaying changes, 139–140

initializing/importing projects, 134–135

overview, 96, 133–134

reverting changes, 139

settings, 134

updating projects, 138–139

method breakpoints, 480–481

method stepping, 20, 22–23


changing signature, 402–404

inherited, 366–367

introducing, 416–417

missing, 364–365

moving to subclasses, 407

moving to superclasses, 404–406

naming/renaming, 219, 392, 396–397

root, 534, 567, 569–571, 579

synthetic, 22

MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions), 15

MIME types, 16

Miscellaneous configuration group, 7, 9–34

Model-View-Controller (MVC), 265

modules. See plugins


desktop applications, 547–558

memory usage, 548

performing, 548–549

settings, 548–550

thread usage, 548

Move command, 392, 398–399

Move Down tab, 51, 184, 492

Move Inner To Outer command, 412–413

Move Up tab, 51, 184, 404, 492

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions. See MIME

mutator (setter) method, 392, 418–419

MVC (Model-View-Controller), 265

MySQL Sakila database, 320, 324–326

MySQL server integration, 320

N file, 55

.nbm extension, 35

NBM files, 35

nbproject directory, 147, 148

.netbeans directory, 43, 44

NetBeans IDE

advantages of, 4

appearance, 9, 13, 14

becoming proficient in, 4

configuring. See configuration

initiating profiling sessions, 537

installing, 43, 617–627

issue tracking, 20, 21

keyboard shortcuts, 629–638, 354–356

multiple instances of, 44

new features, 612–616

OS Independent Zip, 627

overview, 4

plugins for. See plugins

resetting defaults, 5

supported technologies, 611

uninstalling, 43

versions, 5, 44, 609–616

NetBeans Keymap, 629–638

NetBeans Modules projects, 146, 147

NetBeans Plugin Portal, 40, 271, 274, 282

NetBeans Profiler, 533–594. See also profiling

attaching profiler, 541–547

calibration, 538–540

capuring snapshots, 567–568, 580–582

CPU performance, 559–568

HeapWalker, 587–594

launching, 537–541

monitoring desktop applications, 547–558

overview, 512, 533–535

profiling points, 569–576

root methods, 570–571

Telemetry Overview, 550–554

thread monitoring, 554–556

viewing live results, 582–584

netbeans.conf file, 43–46

Null Layout, 207


object allocations, 578, 580–582

Object Query Language (OQL), 534, 588–594

OpenJDK, 58

OpenSolaris systems, 623–624

operating systems. See also specific operating systems

appearance of, 13

calibration comparisons, 540

environment settings, 588

versions, 589

Options window, 5–34. See also configuration

Editor configuration group, 7

Editor panel, 341–349

Fonts & Colors configuration group, 7

Fonts & Colors panel, 350–354

General configuration group, 7–8

Import/Export buttons, 7

Keymap configuration group, 7

Keymap panel, 354–356

Miscellaneous configuration group, 7, 9–34

overview, 5–7

panel selectors, 341

Source Editor, 341–356

OQL (Object Query Language), 534, 588–594

Oracle ADF Faces, 273

Oracle GlassFish Server, 281

Oracle OC4J server, 281

Oracle WebLogic server, 281, 283

organizational refactorings, 392, 412–419

OutOfMemoryError options, 29, 46

Output window

diagnostic messages, 361–362

SQL Command Execution window, 326–327

OW2 JonAS server, 281


Package Maker, 232


moving classes between, 398–399

renaming, 392, 396–397

Packaging panel, 290

PageFlow mode, 280

Palette window, 203

Path From Variable option, 186

path variables, 189–190


absolute, 55, 186

context, 86, 293

relative, 186

from variables, 186

Pause command, 487

Perforce system, 96


analysis of, 559–568

CPU, 559–568

heap size and, 537

monitoring, 566–567

problems with, 533

settings, 559–565

PHP editor, 340

pid (process identifier), 587

Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs), 270

Plugin Manager, 34–42, 96, 282


activated, 39

adding to list, 37

available, 35, 36, 40

C++, 34

checking for, 34

Checkstyle, 496

considerations, 34

deactivated, 38, 39

downloaded, 37

FindBugs, 496

information about, 36, 40

installed, 35, 36, 38–39

listed, 35, 38

location of, 44

managing, 34–42, 96, 282

manually downloaded, 35

NetBeans Plugin Portal, 40, 271, 273, 282

PMD, 496

searching for, 38

server-support, 282

settings, 34–42

status of, 38, 39

SunSpot, 42

uninstalled, 36, 39

updates, 34, 35, 36, 40

Visual Web ICEfaces, 273

PMD plugin, 496

POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects), 270

preferences. See Options window

private directory, 148 file, 148, 152

Procedures node, 327

process identifier (pid), 587

Profile Main Project option, 537–541

Profiler tab, 10, 28–29

profilers. See also NetBeans Profiler

attaching to applications, 541–547

configuring, 10, 28–29

profiling, 532–594

calibration, 538–540

controls, 551–552

CPU performance, 559–568

described, 512

free-form projects, 91–92

Java applications, 537

local, 542

memory. See memory profiling

monitoring desktop applications, 547–558

options for, 537–538

purpose of, 533

remote, 542

vs. debugging, 533

profiling points, 569–576

profiling sessions, 551–552

programs. See applications

project folders, 80, 174, 176, 186, 262

project libraries, 51–54, 174, 183

Project Properties dialog box, 49, 155, 182, 288–293 file, 147, 152

projects. See also applications

adding as dependency, 51, 52, 183, 184

adding folders to, 51, 53, 56, 183, 186

adding JAR files to, 51, 53, 56, 183, 186

adding libraries to, 47, 51, 52, 56, 183–185

configuring JDK into, 154–157

creating, 174, 175

dependencies, 198–199

EJB, 188, 195

free-form. See free-form projects

HelloWorld, 371–372

includes/excludes, 176–178

Java EE, 86, 146, 147, 188, 273

Java ME, 188

Java SE. See Java SE projects

JavaFX, 188, 340

location, 174, 175

names, 80, 174, 175

NetBeans Modules, 146, 147

setting as main project, 174, 262

sharing, 54

standard, 147–149, 524

structure, 147–149

templates. See templates

types of, 147

version control. See version control systems

web free-form, 78, 79, 146

Projects window, 357–358


Ant scripts, 152

Beans Binding, 227–228

code, 217, 218

servers, 284

settings, 200, 204, 217–220

synthetic, 227–228

Properties category, 204

Properties window, 200, 204, 217–220

proxy settings, 8–9, 105

Pull Up command, 404–406

Push Down command, 407


Quick Filter, 561–562


Rational ClearCase system, 96

Redo command, 420

refactoring, 387–421

architecture, 389–391

best practices, 392, 393–402

categories/descriptions, 391–393

common processes, 421

considerations, 399, 406, 418

examples of, 388

generalization/realization, 392, 404–411

Java elements, 393

management, 393, 419–421

organizational, 392, 412–419

overview, 388–389

process flow, 389–390

purpose of, 388

refactoring management, 393, 419–421

resources for, 389

simplication, 392, 402–404

undo/redo functions, 420

Refactoring API, 389

refactoring catalog, 421

refactoring commands, 392–420. See also specific commands

Relative Path option, 186

relative paths, 186

relative URLs, 293

remote debugging, 494–500

Remove tab, 51, 184

Rename command, 392, 396–397

repositories, 25–26

request URI, 458

resource bundles, 18, 229–230

RichFaces Palette, 265, 273

root methods, 534, 567, 569–571, 579

Ruby editor, 340

run classpath, 48, 181–182, 188

Run panel, 293

run test classpath, 48, 181, 182, 188

Run To Cursor command, 486–487

RXTX JAR files, 47

RXTX library, 47


Safely Delete command, 399–402

Sakila database, 320, 324–326

scripts. See also code

Ant. See Ant scripts

build, 241

database, 529

SQL, 310

start, 542

SDKs (software development kits), 58


in CVS, 113–114

history. See history searches

plugins, 38

SQL commands, 323

for String instances, 593–594

in Subversion, 125–126

for ToDo notes, 30

Selection Border Color option, 20

Selection mode, 202

Self-Signed option, 235

server instances, 281–285

server libraries, 50–51

server log file, 284


Apache Geronimo, 281

Apache Tomcat, 281, 293

application, 279, 281, 282–284

continuous integration, 528–532

controlling, 284–285

debug mode, 284

external, 446

GlassFish. See GlassFish application servers

Hudson, 513, 528–532

profile mode, 284

properties, 284

refreshing, 284

registered, 263, 284

removing instances, 284

settings, 262–263

SJSAS, 444–445

starting/stopping, 284

supported, 281

target, 263, 272, 293

Tomcat Web Server, 443–444

updates to, 284, 285

web, 279, 281–285, 443–448

WebLogic, 281, 283

server-support plugins, 282

Services window, 310, 311

Servlet specification, 281

Sessions window, 491–492

Set Component Names option, 18

setter (mutator) method, 392, 418–419

Settings tab, 39–41

shared libraries, 47

shortcuts. See keyboard shortcuts

Show Assistant option, 20

Simple Form Controller option, 270

simplication refactorings, 392, 402–404

SJSAS (Sun Java System Application Server), 444–445


capturing manually, 581

capturing via profile points, 581, 582

capuring, 567–568, 580–582

object allocations, 580–582

of profile data, 567–568

saving, 568

settings, 28, 568

software development kits (SDKs), 58

source code. See code

source directories, 263

Source Editor, 339–376

annotation glyphs, 358, 359, 367

build/compile messages, 361–362

camel case navigation, 343–344

changing behavior of, 356

code completion, 344–346, 368–369

code folding, 343

diagnostic highlighting, 358–360

diagnostic icons, 357–358

editor hints, 347, 348, 362–367

error correction, 357–362

error stripe diagnostic marks, 360–361

generating code, 368–375

language editors in, 340

macros, 347, 349

modifying behavior of, 341–356

overview, 340

settings, 341–356

source files, 147

Source mode, 201

Source view, 201, 220

sources, 181

sources package folders, 263

Sources window, 492–493

Spring Framework, 265, 268, 270

Spring Source, 270

Spring Web MVC, 265

Spring XML configuration file, 270

SQL Editor, 319–323

SQL scripts, 310

SQL Table Viewer, 325–326

src file, 147

static initializers, 22

step filters, 20, 22–23

Step Into command, 486

Step Into Next Method command, 486

Step Out command, 486

Step Over command, 486

Step Over Expression command, 486

String instances, 593–594

Struts Framework, 265, 268–270

Subversion. See SVN

Sun GlassFish Server, 281

Sun Java System Application Server (SJSAS), 444–445

Sun Java System Web Server, 281

SunSpot plugin, 42


creating, 409–410

moving fields/methods to, 404–406

supertypes, converting types to, 410–411

SVN (Subversion), 116–132. See also version control systems

checking out projects, 122–123, 132

commiting changes, 127

copying items, 130–132

displaying changes, 124–125

file locking and, 194

history searches, 125–126

importing projects into, 119–122

overview, 96, 116–117

project relocation, 123–124

resolving conflicts, 128–130

reverting changes, 125

settings, 33–34, 117–118, 130, 131

updating projects, 126–127

versions, 117

Swing Application Framework, 193, 199

Swing Application Framework library, 199

Swing components, 191, 203, 218, 222, 229

Swing controls, 193, 203, 224, 227

Swing GUI Forms, 193, 205

Swing GUIs, 191

Swing Layout Extensions library, 198, 199

Swing widgets, 203

Syntax panel, 350–351

synthetic methods, 22

System.currentTimeMillis(), 539


TAB key behaviors, 344, 345

tables, working with, 325–326, 327

Tables node, 327

tagging, 95, 110–112, 130

Tapestry framework, 271

target server, 263, 272, 293


Ant, 148, 149–150

listed, 149, 150

XML, 286, 287–288

task settings, 10, 30

tasks, described, 30

Tasks tab, 10, 30

TCP ports, 28

telemetry information, 550–554

Telemetry Overview, 550–554


Ant, 146

applications, desktop, 180–181, 192, 195

applications, free-form, 78–79, 146

applications, web, 270–272, 276, 278

code, 639–648, 346–347, 370–371, 375

facelets, 271

files, 371

forms, 193

free-form projects, 78–79, 146

GUI, 193, 195

JUnit, 517

JWS, 235

live code, 368, 372–375

projects, 146, 147, 328

test classpaths, 48, 181, 188, 524

test dependencies, 48

test directories, 263

test file, 147

test files, 147

Test Libraries, 517

test package folders, 263

test sources, 181

testing. See JUnit; unit testing

text field binding, 224–225, 229

thread breakpoints, 482

thread leaks, 548


in current debugging session, 492, 493

deadlocking, 557–558

debugger, 22

monitoring usage, 548

states, 492, 555

timeline, 555

viewing, 554–556

Threads window, 492

Threads/Loaded Classes graph, 550–551, 554

ToDo notes, 30

Tomcat Web Server, 443–444

tooltips, 360–361, 363

TopLink Essentials, 199

TopLink Essentials library, 199

troubleshooting. See also errors

Ant scripts, 152

classpath problems, 189

debugger and, 20

locked code, 213–214

performance problems, 533

type parameters, 215

types, converting to supertypes, 410–411


UIs. See user interfaces

undeployment, 295–296

Undo command, 420

uninstalling NetBeans, 43

unit testing, 512–532. See also JUnit

creating tests/test suites, 517–523

described, 512

failed tests, 531

test suites, 514–515

universal resource locators (URLs), 13, 293


plugins, 34, 35, 36, 40

servers, 284, 285

Updates tab, 34, 35

URLs (universal resource locators), 13, 293

usage statistics, 9

Use Supertype Where Possible command, 410–411

user interfaces (UIs). See also GUI entries

basic, 196

binding to beans, 225–227

creating, 193, 206, 213

dynamic screen resizing, 206–212

editing, 193

JSF and, 271–273

layouts, 205–213

library configuration, 49

settings, 13


varargs (variable arguments), 404

variable arguments (varargs), 404

variable formatters, 20, 23–24


classes, 18

classpaths, 189–190

formatting, 20, 23–24

introducing new statements for, 414

local, 215

members, 213

missing, 365–366

modifiers, 215

names, 215

paths, 189–190

paths from, 186

unknown, 189

Variables Modifier option, 18

Variables window, 488–489

VCSs. See version control systems-verbose flag, 189

version control systems (VCSs), 92–145

best practices, 96

Concurrent Versions System. See CVS

diff utility. See diff utility

listed, 96

Local History feature, 30, 31–32, 98, 141–145

Mercurial. See Mercurial

overview, 10, 95–98

Subversion. See SVN

version control submenus, 97–98

visual feedback, 99

versioning settings, 10, 30–34

Versioning tab, 10, 30–34

Views node, 327

virtual machine. See VM

Visual Designer, 277

visual editors, 279–280

visual web frameworks, 272–281

Visual Web ICEfaces Framework, 265, 273–275

Visual Web JSF. See VWJ

VM (virtual machine) options, 293

VM Telemetry Overview, 550–554

VWJ applications, 275–279

VWJ (Visual Web JSF) framework, 265, 272–281

VWJ toolset, 276


WAR content, 290

WAR file, 290, 294, 295, 529

warning/error icons, 357–358

Watches window, 489

web applications, 259–297. See also applications

adding web frameworks, 266–268

build settings, 288–293

choosing location, 262

choosing project, 261

choosing sources/libraries, 263–264

common development tasks, 286–288

creating from existing sources, 260–264

debugging, 497–500

deploying, 293–294

free-form, 85–87

IDE/server integration, 284–285

JSF applications, 275–279

naming, 262

NetBeans frameworks, 265–272

server instances, 281–285

server-related settings, 262–263

templates, free-form, 78, 79, 146

templates, Java EE, 270, 271–272, 276, 278

undeploying, 295–296

using web frameworks, 268–272

visual editors, 279–280

visual web frameworks, 272–281

web browsers

configuring, 7–8

default, 7–8

displaying at runtime, 293

Firefox, 8, 83, 498, 499, 500

Internet Explorer, 8, 498–499

JavaScript and, 24, 25

selecting, 7–8

supported by NetBeans, 24, 25

web folders, 263

web frameworks, 265–272. See also specific frameworks

adding, 266–268

concepts, 268–272

described, 265

legacy, 271

libraries, 268, 269

listed, 265

Web Free-Form Application template, 78, 79, 146

web free-form projects, 85–87, 146

web servers, 279, 281–285, 443–448. See also servers

WEB-INF content, 86, 263

WebLogic server, 281, 283

WebSphere Real Time, 58

whitespace settings, 14

wildcards, 176, 177, 478

windows, working with, 13

Windows systems

installing NetBeans on, 620–623

settings. See Options window

Wireshark, 456

Woodstock framework, 272, 275–277

wrench icon, 357

WYSIWYG editors, 191, 273


xHTML editor, 340

XHTML files, 15

XML (Extensible Markup Language), 9, 10–13

XML configuration files, 15, 270

XML editor, 340

XML files, 279, 526–527

XML form files, 193–194

XML mode, 280

XML reports, 526–527

XML targets, 286, 287–288


ZIP archives, 35

ZIP files, 627

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