



Part I
NetBeans IDE Fundamentals


1 General Configurations

Configuring IDE Functionality

    Options Window

    Plugin Manager

    Exercise 1-1: Installing the Sun SPOT NetBeans Plugin

Working with Configuration Files and Directories

    Exercise 1-2: Changing the Default Java Heap Size

Debugging with External Libraries

    Classpath Types

    Library Manager

    Project Libraries

    Library Sharing

    Exercise 1-3: Configure a Global Library and Import

Developing with the JDK

    Exercise 1-4: Configuring a Second JDK

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2 Builds and Controls

Understanding Free-Form Projects

    Creating a Project

    Editing Project Properties

    Integrating JUnit



    Exercise 2-1: Creating a Free-Form Project

Using Version Control Systems

    Visual Feedback

    File Diff Utility



    Exercise 2-2: Checking Out a Subversion Project


    Exercise 2-3: Creating a Mercurial Project and Cloning

    Local History

    Exercise 2-4: Experimenting with Local History

Working with Build Files and Processes

    Project Structure

    Running Targets

    Customizing Ant Scripts

    Exercise 2-5: Creating a Free-Form Project

Configuring the JDK into the Project

    Exercise 2-6: Back in Time to an Older JDK

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3 Java SE Desktop Applications

Creating Desktop Applications from Existing Sources

    Step 1: Choose Project

    Step 2: Name And Location

    Step 3: Existing Sources

    Step 4: Includes & Excludes

    Exercise 3-1: Creating a Java Program with Existing Sources

Managing Classpaths for Compilation and Debugging

    Understanding Classpath Types

    Editing Java SE Project Classpaths

    Understanding Project Classpath Differences

    Configuring Classpath Variables

    Exercise 3-2: Managing the Classpath

Creating Forms with the GUI Builder

    Touring the Editor

    Creating Forms and Adding Components

    Working with Layouts

    Exercise 3-3: Free Design Layout

    Exercise 3-4: Free Design Layout Using GridBag Layout

    Navigating Generated Code

    Generating Event Listeners

    Understanding Beans Binding

    Exercise 3-5: Beans Binding and JavaBeans

    Exercise 3-6: Beans Binding and Swing Components

    Understanding Internationalization Support

Packaging and Distributing Java Desktop Projects

    Creating an Executable JAR

    Deploying via Java Web Start

    Exercise 3-7: Using Java Web Start

    Exercise 3-8: Creating an Executable JAR

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Part II
NetBeans IDE Development Support


4 Java EE Web Applications

Creating Web Applications from Existing Sources

    Step 1: Choose Project

    Step 2: Name And Location

    Step 3: Server And Settings

    Step 4: Existing Sources And Libraries

    Exercise 4-1: Creating a Web Program with Existing Sources

Adding and Using NetBeans-Available Web Frameworks

    Adding Web Frameworks

    Understanding Web Frameworks

    Exercise 4-2: Making Use of JavaServer Faces Libraries

Understanding the Visual Web JSF Framework

    Visual Web Frameworks

    Exercise 4-3: Working with a Visual Web JSF Sample Application

    Deployment Descriptor Visual Editors

Working with Server Instances


    Exercise 4-4: Integrating an Application Server with a NetBeans Server Plugin

    IDE/Server Integration

Building and Deploying Web Applications

    Common Development Tasks

    Configuring Build Settings

    Deployment Processes

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5 Database Connectivity

Working with Databases in the IDE

    Database Explorer

    Exercise 5-1: Registering a JDBC Driver

    Database Support Components

    Exercise 5-2: Interfacing with the Sakila Database Through the Database Explorer

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6 Source Editor

Modifying Behavior of the Source Editor

    Editor Panel Configurations

    Fonts & Colors Panel Configurations

    Keymap Panel Configurations

    Exercise 6-1: Changing Behavior of the Source Editor

Understanding Error Highlighting and Correction

    Projects Window Diagnostic Icons

    Source Editor Left Margin Annotation Diagnostic Glyphs

    Source Editor Diagnostic Highlighting

    Exercise 6-2: Highlighting Errors in Source Code and Related Files

    Error Stripe Diagnostic Marks

    Output Window Diagnostic Messages

Using Editor Hints

    Class Importing Hints

    Missing Methods, Fields, and Variable Hints

    Inherited Methods Implementation Hints

    Exercise 6-3: Inserting a Cast from an Editor Hint

    Exercise 6-4: Producing Annotation Glyph Icons in the Left Margin

Generating Code

    Code Completion

    Code Templates

    Exercise 6-5: Creating a HelloWorld Project in 30 Seconds

    Live Code Templates

    Exercise 6-6: Writing Descriptions for Code Templates

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7 Refactoring Support

NetBeans Refactoring Architecture

    Exercise 7-1: Understanding the NetBeans Refactoring Process

Refactoring Source Code

    Best Practices Refactorings

    Simplification Refactorings

    Generalization and Realization Refactorings

    Organizational Refactorings

    Refactoring Management

    Exercise 7-2: Becoming Familiar with the Refactoring Catalog

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Part III
NetBeans IDE Application Tools


8 HTTP Server-Side Monitor

Using the HTTP Server-Side Monitor

    The HyperText Transfer Protocol Standard

    HTTP Server-Side Monitor Setup

    Exercise 8-1: Monitoring HTTP Requests Against GlassFish

    HTTP Server-Side Monitor Usage

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9 Local and Remote Debuggers

Debugging Local Applications

    Session Establishment

    Breakpoint Settings

    Exercise 9-1: Applying Conditions to Breakpoints

    Code Stepping

    Debugging Support Windows

Debugging Remote Applications

    Differences Between Local and Remote Debugging

    Web Application Debugging

    Exercise 9-2: Debugging Various Files in a Web Application

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    Self Test Answers

10 Testing and Profiling

Testing Applications with JUnit

    Understanding JUnit Basics and Versions

    Creating JUnit Tests and Suites

    Managing Testing Classpath

    Running JUnit Tests

    Exercise 10-1: Running Unit Tests

    Exercise 10-2: Creating Unit Test

    Configuring Continuous Integration Support

    Exercise 10-3: Unit Testing with Hudson

Using the NetBeans Profiler

    Optimizing Java Applications

    Launching the Profiler

    Attaching a Profiler to a Local Application

    Exercise 10-4: Attaching the Profiler

    Monitoring a Desktop Application

    Exercise 10-5: Deadlocking Thread

    Understanding CPU Performance

    Using Profiling Points

    Understanding Memory Usage

    Exercise 10-6: Memory Profiling

    Using the HeapWalker

    Exercise 10-7: Memory Profiling

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    Self Test Answers


Part IV


A NetBeans Versions

NetBeans IDE Versions

    Supported Technologies

    New Features


B NetBeans Installations

NetBeans IDE Installations

    Microsoft Windows


    Mac OS X


    OS Independent Zip


C NetBeans Keymap

NetBeans IDE 6.1 Keymap

    File Shortcuts

    Code Folding Shortcuts

    Navigation Shortcuts

    Source Shortcuts

    Refactoring Shortcuts

    Run Shortcuts

    Debugging Shortcuts

    Debugging Window Shortcuts

    Profiling Shortcuts

    Window Shortcuts

    Traditional Editor Functions Shortcuts


    Help Shortcuts

    Function Key Shortcuts

    Shortcut Reference Documentation


D NetBeans Code Templates

NetBeans IDE 6.1 Code Templates

    Java Code Templates


E About the Download

About the Download

Steps to Download MasterExam

    System Requirements


Bonus Appendixes

NetBeans IDE Installation Bundles


Removing Installation

Technical Support

    LearnKey Technical Support





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