
accountability/responsibility, 56

aha moments, 41

alignment, organizational, 58–60

angels, serving, 32, 37. See also ethical dilemmas

appreciation/gratitude, 90

audience, understanding your, 76–81, 82–85. See also communication

authenticity, 77–78

Baby Doc (Jean-Claude Duvalier), 29

balance, reflection between action and, 44

behavior, modeling, 92–93

Blaikie, Ann, 89

capital. See funding sources

CEOs, 46–47

choices, ethical, 33–36

clarity, strategic, 58–60


connecting with others through, 75–76

language issues of, 74–75

styles of, 81–85

understanding your audience, 82–85

unspoken, 76

of your vision, 77–81

company vision. See vision

compromise, 34–35

core values. See values

courage, 54

credibility, 59

decision making, ethical dilemmas of, 31–36

defining moments, 41

devils, dealing with, 28–32, 39. See also ethical dilemmas

discipline, 72

joy in, 64–65, 67–68

practicing, 68–71

procrastination as enemy of, 66–67


embracing power of, 53–56, 61

Mother Teresa’s, 52–53

productive use of, 58–60

dreams, power of, 14–15

Duvalier, Jean-Claude (Baby Doc), 29

effectiveness, operational, 58–60

emotional readiness to begin, 43, 44–45


assessing satisfaction of, 58–60

valuing, 6

endorsements, 34

ethical dilemmas

funding sources, 28–31

guiding principles for, 33–36

financial readiness to begin, 43, 45–47

focusing on an issue, 22–23, 100–101

funding sources

choices about, 33–36

ethical dilemmas of, 28–29, 29–32

raising capital, 35–36, 46–47

gratitude/appreciation, 90

Home for the Dying, 41–42

hospices, 16–17, 44–45

joy of discipline, 64–65, 67–68, 69–70

Keating, Charles, 29

language issues of communication, 77–81. See also communication


adjusting communication style, 81–85

applying powers of silence, 99–100

assessment by, 58–60

communication skills of, 80

embracing questions/doubts of others, 55–56

funding efforts by, 46–47

interactions with others, 92–93

making compromises, 34–35

readiness of, 42–43, 47

roles of, 21–23

valuing others, 90–93

as voice of vision, 23–24


decision making factors, 43

by example, 21, 66

reactions to style of, 81–82

standards of, xii

Lincoln Savings and Loan, 29

listening/observing in communication, 77

meditation, 96–97

message communication, 77–81

Missionaries of Charity, 112–114

about, ix–x

alignment between vision and action, 20

eight principles of, xi (See also Teresa Principles)

ethical dilemmas, 29–31

founding and mission of, 11–12, 16–17

power of, 24

volunteering with, 113–114

Morphew, Clark, 31

Mother Teresa

communication issues for, 74–75, 76–79, 85

discipline of, 65

doubts of, 53–56

dream/vision of, 14–15

focus of, 31

impact on others of, 88

leading by example, 21

life of, x–xi, 15–17

milestone dates, 11–12

Nobel Peace Prize, 90

persistence and strength of, 52–53

position on endorsements/ recommendations, 33–34

power of silence to, 98–99

principles of (See Teresa Principles)

value of people to, 89, 91

website, 114

Muggeridge, Malcolm, 74

Murphy, Richard, 7

MyChanges website, 108

nonprofit organizations, 43, 48

observing/listening in communication, 77

operational issues

effectiveness, 58–60

readiness to begin, 43, 47–48

organizational alignment, 58–60

Paul VI, Pope, 16–17

perseverance, 52, 54

prayer, 96–97, 98–99

Prem Dan, 44–45

preparation, 44. See also readiness to begin

principles. See also Teresa Principles

challenges to your, 31–32, 35

guidance for ethical dilemmas, 33–39

procrastination, 66–67


embracing, 55–56

processing through, 56–58

quieting your mind, 96–102

Quote Book, 70–71

readiness to begin, 41, 42–49, 50

Redmoon, Ambrose, 54


balance between action and, 44

power of silence for, 96–102

respect, 92–93

responsibilities, taking care of your, 66–67

responsibility/accountability, 56

risk, understanding, 43, 45–46, 54

Shanti Nagar (City of Peace), 16–17

silence, 96–102

simplicity of vision, 19–20

Sisters of Charity, volunteering with, 113–114

Something Beautiful for God (documentary), 74

Stern magazine, 30

strategic clarity, 58–60

Teresa, Mother. See Mother Teresa

Teresa Principles, xi

benefiting from, 104–108

communication, 86

description of concepts of, 106–107

discipline, 72

dreaming/speaking the vision, 25

embracing power of doubt, 61

ethical dilemmas, 37

picking your moment, 50

treatment of others, 94

using silence, 102

truth, quest for, 57–58


collaborative focus on, 22–23

drawing the line, 33, 37 (See also ethical dilemmas)

identifying your core, 18–19

valuing others

appreciation and gratitude, 89

paying attention, 90–93

Vatican Bank, 30


articulation of, 20–23, 24

communication of, 77–81

incorporating the company’s, 22–23

leader as voice of, 23–24

Mother Teresa’s, 16–17

readiness to launch your, 42–49

setting up your, 18–19

simplicity of, 19–20

using doubt to realize your, 59


Mother Teresa’s, 114

MyChanges, 108

Wooding, Dan, 88

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