© Adam L. Davis 2020
A. L. DavisModern Programming Made Easyhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5569-8_15

15. Input/Output

Adam L. Davis1 
Oviedo, FL, USA

Many times when developing an application, you need to read or write from files or a network connection. These things are generally referred to as input and output or I/O for short.

In this chapter, we will cover some of the utilities available for I/O within Java and the JVM.


In Java, the java.io.File class is used to represent files and directories. For example:
1   File file = new  File("path/file.txt");
2   File dir = new File("path/"); //directory

Java 7 added several new classes and interfaces for manipulating files and file systems under the java.nio package. This new application program interface (API ) allows developers to access many low-level OS operations that were not available from the Java API before, such as the WatchService and the ability to create links (in Linux/Unix operating systems).

Paths are used to more consistently represent file or directory paths.
1    Path path = Paths.get("/path/file");
This is shorthand for the following:
1   Path path = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath("/path/file");
The following list defines some of the most important classes and interfaces of the API:
  • Files: This class consists exclusively of static methods that operate on files, directories, or other types of files.

  • Paths: This class consists exclusively of static methods that return a path by converting a path string or URI.

  • WatchService: An interface for watching various file system events, such as create, delete, and modify.

Reading Files

To read a text file in Java, you can use BufferedReader . For example:
1   public void readWithTry() {
2     Charset utf = StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
3     try (BufferedReader reader = Files.newBufferedReader      (path, utf)) {
4       for (String line = br.readLine(); line!=null; line =         br.readLine())
5          System.out.println(line);
6      } catch (IOException e) {
7        e.printStackTrace();
8     }
9   }

The automatic resource management feature of Java makes dealing with resources, such as files, much easier. Before Java 7, programmers needed to explicitly close all open streams, causing some very verbose code. By using the preceding try statement, BufferedReader will be closed automatically.

However, in Groovy, this can be reduced to one line (leaving out exception handling), as follows:
1   println path.toFile().text

A getText() method is added to the File class in Groovy that simply reads the whole file. A getBytes() method is also available for reading bytes from a file.

Writing Files

Writing files is similar to reading them. For writing to text files, you should use PrintWriter . It includes the following methods (among others):
  • print(Object): Prints the given object directly calling toString() on it

  • println(Object): Prints the given object and then a newline

  • println(): Prints the newline character sequence

  • printf(String format, Object...args): Prints a formatted string using the given input

For example, you can use PrintWriter to easily write to a file as follows:
1   public void printWithTry() {
2           try (FileOutputStream fos = new             FileOutputStream("books.txt");
3                 PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(fos)) {
4                    pw.println("Modern Java");
5            } catch (IOException e) {
6                     // log the exception
7            }
8   }
There are other ways to output to files, such as DataOutputStream, for example:
1   public void writeWithTry() {
2           try (FileOutputStream fos = new             FileOutputStream("books.txt");
3                 DataOutputStream dos = new                   DataOutputStream(fos)) {
4                    dos.writeUTF("Modern Java");
5            } catch (IOException e) {
6                     // log the exception
7            }
8   }

DataOutputStream allows an application to write primitive Java data types to an output stream. You can then use DataInputStream to read the data back in. If you’re just dealing with text, you can use PrintWriter and BufferedReader instead.

In Groovy, you can more easily write to files, as follows:
1   new File("books.txt").text = "Modern Java"
2   new File("binary.txt").bytes = "Modern Java".bytes

Groovy adds a setText method and a setBytes to the File class, which allows this syntax to work.

Downloading Files

Although you might not ever do this in practice, it’s fairly simple to download a web page/file in code.

The following Java code opens an HTTP connection on the given URL (https://www.google.com, in this case), reads the data into a byte array, and prints out the resulting text.
 1   URL url = new URL("https://www.google.com");
 2   InputStream input = (InputStream) url.getContent();
 3   ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
 4   int n = 0;
 5   byte[] arr = new  byte[1024];
 7   while  (-1 != (n = input.read(arr)))
 8       out.write(arr, 0, n);
10   System.out.println(new String(out.toByteArray()));
However, in Groovy, this also can be reduced to one line (leaving out exceptions).
1   println "https://www.google.com".toURL().text

A toURL() method is added to the String class, and a getText() method is added to the URL class in Groovy.


After reading this chapter, you should understand how to
  • Explore the file system in Java

  • Read from a file

  • Write to a file

  • Download the Internet

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