

##### error code, Excel, 223

+ (addition) operator, 210211

* (asterisk), starting paragraphs with, 98

& (concatenation) operator, 210211

/ (division) operator, 210211

^ (exponentiation) operator, 210211

- (hyphens), using to draw lines, 101

* (multiplication) operator, 210211

- (negation) operator, 210211

% (percentage) operator, 210211

- (subtraction) operator, 210211

~ (tildes), using to draw lines, 101

_ (underscores), using to draw lines, 101


A to Z sorting

bulleted list items, 100

Excel, 250

worksheet data, 252

absolute references, 207

accessibility features, alt text, 339340

Account attribute, messages, 459

account information, managing, 1923

AccreditPictures presentation, 363

Active, Calendar module, 482

active tab, 7

adapting procedures, 1415

AddAudio presentation, 403

addition (+) operator, 210211

AddRemoveSlides presentation, 323

Address Block merge field, 178180

address boxes, messages, 412

address lists, messages, 415

AddVideo presentation, 403404

ADTS audio format, 386

AGGREGATE function and formula, 238, 240242

aligning text, 8687. See also text

alignment, configuring, 7778

All Items tab, messages, 438439

Alt key. See keyboard shortcuts

alt text, accessibility feature, 339340

alternative data sets, 269274, 289290

angle handle, shapes, 354

AnimateSlides presentation, 401

animation effects, 369371, 378383

Animation Pane, 376

animations. See also PowerPoint 2019

“build slides,” 373

effects in PowerPoint, 374

objects on slides, 374376

overview, 368, 372, 401403

selecting, 376

using, 377378

app settings, managing, 10, 2427

app window. See also backgrounds and themes; Office apps

displaying, 5

maximizing, 17

resizing, 42

ApplyStyles document, 117118

ApplyThemes presentation, presentations, 324


converting events, 496497

converting to meetings, 496

creating from email messages, 496

modifying, 500

recurrences, 501502

scheduling, 488493, 513514

arguments. See also Function Arguments dialog box

col_index_num, 262

fv, 202, 208

lookup_value, 262

nper, 202, 208

pv, 202, 208

range_lookup, 262

rate, 202, 208

table_array, 262

type, 202, 208

array formulas, 220221, 230. See also formulas

arrows and buttons, 89

artistic effects, 94, 337. See also effects

ascending and descending order

bulleted list items, 100

Excel, 250

worksheet data, 252

asterisk (*), starting paragraphs with, 98

attaching files to messages, 424428, 448. See also files

attachments, displaying, 432435, 449

Attachments attribute, messages, 459

attribution, pictures, 337340, 363

AU audio format, 386

audio clips

bookmarks, 384385

slides, 386392, 403

AuditFormulas workbook, 230

AutoCalculate, Excel, 237238, 241242. See also calculating values

Auto-Complete list, messages, 415

AutoCorrect Options button, 98

AutoFormat As You Type, 101

AutoFormat option, 141


calendars, 497, 500501

meetings, 507

AVERAGE function, 202, 237, 240

AVERAGEIF and AVERAGEIFS functions, 202, 213214, 216217, 237, 240


backgrounds, removing from pictures, 335336

backgrounds and themes, 2122, 110. See also app window; slide backgrounds

Backstage view, 10, 3840

balloons, displaying markup, 128

Bar tab, 87

Bcc box, messages, 410

Bids and Quotes category, template, 51

Black theme, 21

blank documents, creating, 49

BMP (bitmap) format, 330

bold text, 93

bookmarks, PowerPoint, 384385

Border Lines, 101

borders and shading, 85

Browse feature, 65

Budgets category, template, 51

“build slides,” 373. See also slides

BuildFormulas workbook, 228

BuildSolverModel workbook, 291292

bulleted lists, 98, 100, 373. See also lists

Business category, template, 51


and commands, 8, 1213, 15

moving on Quick Access Toolbar, 31


Cached Exchange Mode, messages, 438, 440

calculating values, 228. See also AutoCalculate

Calculation Options, Excel, 218

Calculations category, template, 51

calendar items

configuring, 515

converting, 493, 496497, 514

options, 497502

Calendar module

arrangements, 483

Date Navigator, 486487

default settings, 488

holidays, 494495

ScreenTips, 490

task list, 488

time periods, 484

views, 482485, 513

weeks, 484

Call or Call All, messages, 441

capturing screens, 345348, 364

case of text, 94, 97


Outlook, 463467, 470471

Quick Click, 465, 467, 471

Categories attribute, messages, 460

category filters, 51

Cc box, messages, 410

cell color, sorting by, 254. See also colors

cell ranges, value sets, 244246

cell references, absolute, 207


adding in Excel, 204205

blank values, 215

counting nonblank, 215

dependents, 223

Center tab, 8687

ChangeBackgrounds presentation, 324325

changes. See also content changes; Track Changes feature

preventing, 146

recommending against, 145

ChangeTheme document, 118

character formatting, 9097, 115116

character spacing, 96

characters. See also nonprinting characters

navigating, 53

superscript and subscript, 94

Charts category, template, 51

Chat button and pane, 151, 153

Check Document tool, 134

Clipboard group, 95

Close button, 6

closing files, 67, 72

cloud storage, connecting to, 2223, 66. See also OneDrive; storage locations

Cloud storage menu button, 6

coauthoring documents, 149153, 158

col_index_num argument, 262

collaboration commands, displaying, 121. See also commands; Track Changes feature

collaboration tools, 1011

collapsing groups of messages, 9, 461, 463

Color Categories dialog box, 467

Color category, Outlook, 465

color palette, slide backgrounds, 313, 316

Colorful theme, 21

colors. See also cell color

document themes, 109111

specifying for comments, 122

specifying for tracked changes, 124

columns, sorting in Excel, 252

combining documents, 135139

command groups, removing from tabs, 34

commands. See also collaboration commands; keyboard shortcuts

adding to custom groups, 35

adding to Quick Access Toolbar, 2730, 41

listing, 28

using, 79, 14


activating for editing, 131

deleting, 132

inserting in documents, 120122

navigating, 130131

Resolved, 132

responding to, 130132

reviewing, 130132

Scenario Manager, 270

Simple Markup view, 129

user name and initials, 25, 27

Comments command, 10

Compact spacing, 79

comparing documents, 135139, 156157. See also reviewing documents

composition window, messages, 412

compressing media, 395397

concatenation (&) operator, 210211

conditional formulas, 212217. See also formulas


cloud storage, 2223

social media, 2223

connectors, shapes, 360


adding with Solver, 284

editing with Solver, 285

Contact Cards, messages, 436437

content changes. See also changes; Track Changes feature

controlling, 157

restricting access, 144149

restricting actions, 139144

content templates, 48. See also design templates; templates

ControlChanges document, 157

conversations, displaying and managing, 453459. See also messages

copies of files, saving, 66


formatting to text, 95

formulas, 209

and importing slides, 298303

and pasting formulas, 205206

copyrighted pictures, 328

COUNT function, 202, 213, 215, 238, 240

COUNTA function, 213, 239240

COUNTBLANK function, 213

COUNTIF function, 213215

COUNTIFS function, 213214, 216

CreateArrayFormulas workbook, 230

CreateConditionalFormulas workbook, 229

CreateEnvelopes document, 193

CreateLists document, 116117

CreateNames workbook, 228

CreateScenarios workbook, 289

CreateSections presentation, 325

Creative Commons licensing, pictures, 338

cropping pictures, 333334

Ctrl key. See keyboard shortcuts

cursor movement, 53

custom lists, sorting, 255257, 265. See also lists

CustomizeAnimation presentation, 402403


Dark Gray theme, 21


examining, 268269

summarizing, 214

data analysis, descriptive statistics, 286287

data lists, removing subtotals, 261

data sources. See also Recipients list

contents, 168

creating, 172

duplicate records, 175

fields, 168, 177180

mail merge, 168176

recipients, 169, 173175

refining records, 173176

refreshing data, 177

selecting, 169171

sorting records, 176

data tables, Excel, 274278, 290

Database category, template, 51

data-validation rules, Excel, 244246

date and time, displaying in Excel, 208

Date Navigator, 486487

Day arrangement, Calendar module, 482, 485

Decimal tab, 8687

DefineDataTables workbook, 290


alternative data sets, 273

categories (Outlook), 471

comments, 132

constraints with Solver, 286

custom themes, 113

and hiding slides, 304305

sections of slides, 321

sorting rules in Excel, 255

tracked changes, 133

deletions, tracking changes, 123

descending and ascending order

bulleted list items, 100

Excel, 250

worksheet data, 252

descriptive statistics, Excel, 286287, 292

Design Ideas pane, PowerPoint, 345

design templates, previewing, 4950. See also content templates; design templates

dialog box launcher, 7

Display for Review options, 126. See also Review tab

display rulers, 58, 60


collaboration commands, 121

file properties, 61

open files, 60

DisplayViews presentation, 71

distribution lists, messages, 437

#DIV/0! error code, Excel, 223

division (/) operator, 210211

.docm files, 62

Document Formatting gallery, 104

document markup, displaying and reviewing, 126130, 155156

document themes, changing, 109113, 118. See also themes

documents. See also files; Word documents

ApplyStyles, 117118

ChangeTheme, 118

coauthoring, 149153, 158

comparing and merging, 134139, 156157

comparing versions, 138139

ControlChanges, 157

CreateEnvelopes, 193194

CreateLists, 116117

creating, 49

FormatCharacters, 115116

FormatParagraphs, 114115

going to beginning and end, 53

InsertFields, 192

marking up, 154155

RefineData, 192

ReviewComments, 155156

saving, 66

splitting into panes, 60

StartMerge, 191

TrackChanges, 154155

.docx files, 62

.dotm files, 62

.dotx files, 62

double lines, drawing, 101

Double spacing, 79

Draft view, Draft, 56

drafts, messages, 421

drawing shapes, 351352, 365366

DrawShapes presentation, 365366

duplicate records, removing from recipients list, 175


editing, restricting, 140143

EditPictures presentation, 363

Education category, template, 51

effects, applying to fonts, 9293. See also artistic effects

email messages. See also conversations; Inbox; new messages; Outlook 2019

adding people to conversations, 412

address boxes, 412

address lists, 415

All Items tab, 438439

arranging by attributes, 459463, 479

attaching files, 424428

Auto-Complete list, 415

Bcc box, 410

Cached Exchange Mode, 438, 440

Call or Call All, 441

categories, 467

categorizing items, 479

Cc box, 410

closing after responding, 443

collapsing groups, 461

composition window, 412

Contact Cards, 436437

creating, 410414

creating and sending, 447448

creating appointments from, 496

displaying, 430432, 449

displaying and managing, 478

displaying participant information, 436440, 449

distribution lists, 437

drafts, 421

entering content, 413

folders, 471473, 476, 480

formatting, 409, 413414

Forward options, 441, 443

From list, 420

grouping and ungrouping, 462463

IM (instant messaging), 442

@mentioning feature, 413

mail merge, 166167

Message body box, 411

Organization section, 437, 439

People Pane, 438

presence icon, 436

Preview view, 462

printing, 474475

recalling, 444445

Recipient, 410

Recipients list, 416418

removing from conversations, 457458

Reply options, 440, 442443

resending, 444445

resolution process, 411

responding to, 440443, 450

saving and sending, 419423

Sent Items folder, 419, 423, 444445

Single view, 462

sorting, 461462

Subject box, 411, 413

To box, 410

troubleshooting addressing, 414418

verifying sending, 423

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) calls, 441

Emphasis animations, PowerPoint, 370, 374

Encrypted protection, 145, 149

entering content, messages, 413

Entrance animations, PowerPoint, 369, 374, 379

envelopes, generating, 183187

Error Checking dialog box, 224


in calculations, 222226

checking in Word, 134

display options, 226

finding and correcting, 230

formulas, 225


converting appointments, 496

converting to appointments, 497

modifying, 500

recurrences, 501502

scheduling, 488493, 513514

Events category, template, 51

Evolutionary solving method, 282

Excel 2019. See also formulas; workbooks; worksheets

absolute references, 207

adding cells, 204205

adding formulas to columns, 207

alternative data sets, 269274

app options, 43

arguments, 202

array formulas, 220221, 230

AutoCalculate, 237238, 241242

Calculation Options, 218

conditional formulas, 212217

data tables, 274278, 290

data-validation rules, 244246

date and time, 208

descriptive statistics, 286287, 292

errors in calculations, 222226

file properties, 72

file types, 62

formulas, 208

functions, 202

Goal Seek, 278280, 290

hiding groups of rows, 259

iterative calculation options, 219, 229

LimitData workbook, 247

named ranges, 198, 209, 228

operators and precedence, 210211

options, 25, 217218

organizing data into levels, 257261, 266

overview, 197, 231, 249, 267

Quick Access Toolbar, 4445

Quick Analysis Lens, 268269, 289

relative references, 205206

removing tracer arrows, 225

Scenario Manager, 270274, 289290

search filter, 233235

Solver, 280286, 291292

Subtotal dialog box, 258

SummarizeValues workbook, 247248

summarizing data, 229

table columns, 209

Top 10 filter, 233, 235

turning off Home page, 25, 27

unique values in data sets, 243

ValidateData workbook, 248

value sets for cell ranges, 244246

views, 57

Watch Window, 225226

Exit animations, PowerPoint, 370371, 374, 379

exponentiation (^) operator, 210211


Facebook, connecting to, 23

fading in and out, audio clips, 390

fax messages, sending via email, 426

Feedback page, displaying, 3841, 46

fields, data sources, 177180

File Explorer, 423

file name and location, 6

file properties, displaying and editing, 6061, 64, 67, 72

file size, decreasing, 395397

file storage folder, accessing, 55. See also storage locations

File tab, 7

file types, compatibility, 6263

files. See also attaching files to messages; documents; open files; recent files

accessing, 21

basing on templates, 50

closing, 67, 72

creating, 4851, 70

managing, 10

naming, 65, 67

navigating, 56, 7071

opening, 5256, 67, 7071

opening and navigating, 7071

Quick Access Toolbar, 30, 41

saving, 6567, 72

saving and closing, 6467

views, 5660, 71

filtering worksheets, 232236

filters, applying to categories, 51

Financial Management category, template, 51

First Line Indent, 8283

FLAC audio format, 386

Flag: Start Date or Due Date attribute, messages, 460

Focused Inbox, 452453


creating, 65

messages, 471473, 476

font color, 94

Font dialog box, 96


document themes, 109111

presentations, 308

using, 9193

Food and Nutrition category, template, 51

form letters, mail merge, 162163

Format Background pane, PowerPoint, 313

Format Painter, 95

Format Shape pane, 353

FormatCharacters document, 115116

FormatParagraphs document, 114


copying to text, 95

messages, 409, 413414

pictures, 332337

repeating, 96

restricting, 139140

shapes, 356359

text while typing, 101

tracking changes, 123

using Quick Analysis Lens, 269

formulas. See also array formulas; conditional formulas; Excel 2019; functions

adding to columns in Excel, 207

calculating values, 228

copying and pasting, 205, 209

creating, 208

errors, 225

evaluating, 226

overview, 203204

pictures, 363

precedents, 223, 225

Forward options, messages, 441, 443

framing pictures, 334335

From attribute, messages, 460

From list, messages, 420

Function Arguments dialog box, 212. See also arguments

functions. See also formulas

AGGREGATE, 238, 240241

AVERAGE, 202, 237, 240

AVERAGEIF and AVERAGEIFS, 213214, 216217

COUNT, 202, 213, 215, 238, 240

COUNTA, 213, 239240


COUNTIF, 213215

COUNTIFS, 213214, 216


IF, 212, 214

IFERROR, 213214, 217

inserting, 215

LARGE, 240

MAX, 202, 239240


MIN, 202, 239240


NOW, 202



PMT, 202203, 208

PRODUCT, 239240



RAND, 236237

SMALL, 241

STDEV.P, 239240

STDEV.S, 239240

SUBTOTAL, 238239

SUM, 202, 204, 237, 239240

SUMIF, 213214, 216


VAR.P, 239240

VAR.S, 239240

VLOOKUP, 261264

fv argument, 202, 208


gallery content

Document Formatting, 104

effects, 92

scrolling and expanding, 9

GIF (Graphics Interchange Format), 330

Goal Seek, Excel, 278280, 290. See also Solver

gradients, slide backgrounds, 311, 314315


defined, 327

formats, 330331

Greeting Line merge field, 178, 180

GRG Nonlinear solving method, 282

gridlines, 58, 60

group buttons, 13

grouping and ungrouping messages, 462463

groups, 78

customizing, 35

renaming, 35

guides, displaying and hiding, 60


handles, shapes, 354

hanging indents, 84

Help feature, 3637, 46

hidden characters, 58, 86


and deleting slides, 304305

and displaying tabs, 3334

groups of rows in Excel, 259

ribbon, 13, 17

highlighting text, 95

HLOOKUP function, 264

holidays, adding to calendars, 494495

Home pages, enabling and disabling, 25, 27

HSL (Hue, Saturation, Luminescence) values, 316

HTML message format, 408

hyperlinks, presentations, 398399

hyphens (-), using to draw lines, 101


icon library, 348350, 365

IF function, 212, 214

IFERROR function, 213214, 217

IM (instant messaging), 442


artistic effects, 337

attribution, 337340, 363

copyrights, 328

Creative Commons licensing, 338

cropping, 333334

editing and formatting, 332337, 363

framing, 334335

inserting, 329330, 362

moving, 331, 362

online storage locations, 329

removing backgrounds, 335336

resizing, 332, 362

selecting for editing, 331

Importance attribute, messages, 460

inactive tabs, 7

Inbox. See also messages; Outlook 2019

Focused Inbox, 452453

Junk Mail filter, 452

overview, 451

primary content, 452453

subfolders, 472

indents, configuring, 76, 8284

Industry category, template, 51

Insert Function dialog box, 215

Insert Picture dialog box, 329

InsertFields document, 192

InsertIcons presentation, 365


pictures, 362

screen clippings, 345348

insertions, tracking changes, 123

InsertPictures presentation, 362

InsertScreens presentation, 364

integer programming, 282

invited events, 497

italic text, 93

iterative calculation options, 229


JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) format, 331

Junk Mail filter, Inbox, 452


keyboard shortcuts. See also commands; Shortcut key category

appointments, 491

array formulas, 220

bold text, 93

case options for text, 94

cells in Excel, 205

copying and pasting, 209

cursor movement, 53

folders, 473

Help pane, 38

italic text, 93

line breaks, 88

meeting windows, 506

months in Calendar module, 485

paragraph marks, 88

pasting, 209

redisplaying ribbon, 19

repeating formatting, 96

ribbon tabs, 18

Save, 14

Track Changes feature, 124

underlined text, 93

work week schedule, 485

keys and buttons, 15


labels, mail merge, 163166

Labels function, 187189

LARGE function, 240

Left indent, 76, 8283

Left tab, 8687

letters, mail merge, 162163

levels, organizing Excel data, 257261, 266

LimitData workbook, 247

line breaks, 86, 88

line spacing, 7879


drawing, 101

scrolling, 53

links, presentations, 398399

List, Calendar module, 482

lists. See also bulleted lists; custom lists; numbered lists

creating and modifying, 97102, 116117

modifying indentation, 99

multiple levels, 99

starting at predefined numbers, 102

Live Preview feature, 9

enabling and disabling, 25

locations, displaying, 52

Lock Tracking option, 125

Logs category, template, 51

lookup_value argument, 262

LookupData workbook, 266

looping audio clips, 391

lowercase and uppercase text, 94, 97


magnification, changing, 17, 5859

mail merge. See also merging documents; Word documents

data sources, 160, 168176, 192

email messages, 166167

envelopes and labels, 182189, 193194

fields, 160, 177180, 192

labels, 163166

letters, 162163

placeholders, 162

previewing and completing, 180182, 193

process, 160161, 190191

Recipients list, 173174

records, 160

refreshing data, 177

starting, 161

Mail module, 472

mailing address, saving, 185186

mailing labels, 187189

ManageMultipleScenarios workbook, 289290

marking up documents, 154155. See also Track Changes feature; Word documents

MAX function, 202, 239240

Maximize button, 6, 17

media, compressing, 395397

MEDIAN function, 240

meeting requests, responding, 509511, 516

meetings. See also Outlook 2019

availability, 507

canceling, 508509

converting appointments, 496

modifying, 500

Propose New Time, 511

recurrences, 501502

Room Finder, 503504

scheduling and changing, 502509, 515516

@mentioning feature, Outlook 2019, 412413

merging documents, 135139, 156157. See also mail merge

Message body box, messages, 411

message formats, 408

messages. See also conversations; Inbox; new messages; Outlook 2019

adding people to conversations, 412

address boxes, 412

address lists, 415

All Items tab, 438439

arranging by attributes, 459463, 479

attaching files, 424428

Auto-Complete list, 415

Bcc box, 410

Cached Exchange Mode, 438, 440

Call or Call All, 441

categories, 467

categorizing items, 479

Cc box, 410

closing after responding, 443

collapsing groups, 461

composition window, 412

Contact Cards, 436437

creating, 410414

creating and sending, 447448

creating appointments from, 496

displaying, 430432, 449

displaying and managing, 478

displaying participant information, 436440, 449

distribution lists, 437

drafts, 421

entering content, 413

folders, 471473, 476, 480

formatting, 409, 413414

Forward options, 441, 443

From list, 420

grouping and ungrouping, 462463

IM (instant messaging), 442

mail merge, 166167

@mentioning feature, 413

Message body box, 411

Organization section, 437, 439

People Pane, 438

presence icon, 436

Preview view, 462

printing, 474475

recalling, 444445

Recipient, 410

Recipients list, 416418

removing from conversations, 457458

Reply options, 440, 442443

resending, 444445

resolution process, 411

responding to, 440443, 450

saving and sending, 419423

Sent Items folder, 419, 423, 444445

Single view, 462

sorting, 461462

Subject box, 411, 413

To box, 410

troubleshooting addressing, 414418

verifying sending, 423

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) calls, 441

Microsoft Download Center, 63

MIDI format, 386

MIN function, 202, 239240

Mini Toolbar

character formatting, 91

enabling and disabling, 2526

Minimize button, 6

MKA audio format, 386

MODE.SNGL function, 240

Month arrangement, Calendar module, 483, 485

Monthly category, template, 51

morphing slide content, 378

Motion Path animations, PowerPoint, 370371

Mouse mode, 16

moved content, tracking changes, 123


buttons on Quick Access Toolbar, 31

and modifying shapes, 354356

pictures, 331, 362

Quick Access Toolbar, 30, 41

MP3 and MP4 audio formats, 386

multiplication (*) operator, 210211


Name category, Outlook, 465

#NAME? error code, Excel, 223

named ranges, Excel, 209, 228

naming files, 65, 67

navigating files, 7071

Navigation pane, 5356, 108

negation (-) operator, 210211

new messages, notifications. See also messages

next page, 53

nonprinting characters, 58, 60. See also characters

Normal view

Excel, 57

PowerPoint, 57

notes, Outlook, 468469

Notes Page view, PowerPoint, 57

notifications, new messages, 426

NOW function, 202

nper argument, 202, 208

number style, changing, 100

numbered lists, 98, 102. See also lists


Office 2019

account information, 1923

app options, 43

Backstage view, 10

collaboration tools, 1011

feedback, 3640, 46

Help tab, 3640, 46

Options, 2427

overview, 407

procedural instructions, 1415

Quick Access Toolbar, 2731, 4445

ribbon, 79, 1213, 1619, 3136, 45

status bar, 1113, 1619

title bar, 56

user interface, 45, 42

Office apps, suggesting changes, 40. See also app window

Office updates, managing, 23

OneDrive. See also cloud storage

accessing, 2122

saving files, 6869

using, 150, 152

online storage locations, 329

open files, displaying, 60. See also files

Open spacing, 79

opening files, 5456, 67, 7071

operators and precedence, 210211

Options, selecting, 2427, 43

Organization section, messages, 437

OrganizeData workbook, 266

outdenting paragraphs, 8384

outline levels, 107108

Outline view, PowerPoint, 57

Outline view, Word, 56

Outlook 2019. See also Inbox; meetings; messages

categorizing items, 463467

data sources, 170

default email app, 423

From File Explorer option, 423

From an Office app option, 423

From Outlook option, 423

Mail module, 472

@mentioning feature, 412

options, 25

overview, 407409

Outlook notes, storing information, 468469


Page Break Preview view, Excel, 57

Page Layout view, Excel, 57

Page Up and Page Down, 53

paragraph alignment, 78

Paragraph dialog box, 7778

paragraph formatting

alignment, 7778

applying, 7677

borders, 85

indents, 8284

overview, 113114

vertical spacing, 7881

paragraph indents, 82

paragraph marks, 88

paragraph spacing, 7880

paragraph styles, outline levels, 107


borders and shading, 85

converting to lists, 98

indenting and outdenting, 8384

participant information, displaying in messages, 436440, 449

passwords, 144149

People Pane, messages, 438439

percentage (%) operator, 210211

PERCENTILE.EXC function, 241

PERCENTILE.INC function, 241

PerformGoalSeekAnalysis workbook, 290

PerformQuickAnalysis, workbook, 289

Personal category, template, 51

photo albums, 340345, 364

photos. See pictures


artistic effects, 337

attribution, 337340, 363

copyrights, 328

Creative Commons licensing, 338

cropping, 333334

editing and formatting, 332337, 363

framing, 334335

inserting, 329330, 362

moving, 331, 362

online storage locations, 329

removing backgrounds, 335336

resizing, 332, 362

selecting for editing, 331

pie charts, 373

Pin The Ribbon button, 18

pixels, defined, 330

Plain Text message format, 408

PMT function, 202203, 208

PNG (Portable Network Graphic) format, 331

PowerPoint 2019. See also animations; presentations; slides

bookmarks, 384385

file types, 63

Format Background pane, 313

help and feedback, 46

options, 25

photo albums, 340345

screen clippings, 345

text boxes, 296

themes, 305309

turning off Home page, 25, 27

views, 57

and Word style conversion, 300, 303

precedence and operators, 210211

presence icon, messages, 436

presentations. See also PowerPoint 2019; slides

AccreditPictures, 363

AddAudio, 403

AddRemoveSlides, 323

AddVideo, 403404

AnimateSlides, 401

ApplyThemes, 324

ChangeBackgrounds, 324325

CreateSections, 325

CustomizeAnimation, 402403

Design Ideas pane, 345

DisplayViews, 71

dividing into sections, 317319, 325

DrawShapes, 365366

EditPictures, 363

effect styles, 309

font sets, 308

InsertIcons, 365

InsertPictures, 362

InsertScreens, 364

non-theme colors, 316

overview, 295, 367

RearrangeSlides, 326

rearranging slides and sections, 319321

saving, 66

setting formatting, 358

themes, 305309

URLs of websites, 398399

Presenter view, PowerPoint, 57


Calendar module, 482

messages, 462

previous page, 53

Print Layout view, Word, 56


mailing labels, 189

messages, 474475

and saving envelopes, 187

privacy, calendars, 498

procedures, adapting, 1415

PRODUCT function, 239240

Profit and Loss, template, 51

Projects, template, 51

properties. See file properties

Propose New Time, meetings, 511

pv argument, 202, 208


QUARTILE.EXC function, 241

QUARTILE.INC function, 241

Quick Access Toolbar. See also ribbon

adding commands, 29

customizing, 2731, 4445

locating, 6

moving, 30, 41

moving buttons, 31

resetting to default, 31

separator, 31

Quick Analysis Lens, Excel, 268269, 289

Quick Click category, 465, 467, 471


RAND function, 236237

RANDBETWEEN function, 236237

range_lookup argument, 262

rate argument, 202, 208

Read Mode view, Word, 56

Reading pane, meeting request, 509

Reading view, PowerPoint, 57

RearrangeSlides presentation, presentations, 326

recent files, opening, 54. See also files

Recent list, 64

Recipients list. See also data sources

excluding records, 176

messages, 410, 416418

records in data sources, excluding from recipients list, 176

recurrence, calendars, 498, 501

#REF! error code, Excel, 223

RefineData document, 192

relative references, 205207

Relaxed spacing, 79

reminders, calendars, 498, 501


groups, 35

tabs, 34

Reply options, messages, 440, 442443

resending messages, 444445

resetting, Quick Access Toolbar, 31


pictures, 332, 362

screen, 5253

shapes, 355

Resolved comments, 132


access using passwords, 144149

actions, 139144

editing, 140143

formatting, 139140

styles, 141142

restrictions, removing, 143144

Review tab, Lock Tracking, 125. See also Display for Review options

ReviewComments document, 155156

reviewers, displaying markup, 129

reviewing comments, 130132. See also comparing documents

Revisions pane, 127130

RGB (Red, Green, Blue) values, 316

ribbon. See also Quick Access Toolbar

customizing, 3136, 45

hiding and displaying, 13, 1719

redisplaying, 19

resetting, 36

using, 5, 79, 1213, 1619

Ribbon Display Options button, 6

Rich Text message format, 408

Right indent, 82

Right tab, 8687

Room Finder, meetings, 503504

rotate handle, shapes, 354

rotating shapes, 355356


hidden and filtered, 237244

hiding in Excel, 259

listing at random, 236237

sorting in worksheets, 251


displaying, 83

displaying and hiding, 60

indent markers, 82


Save As dialog box, 65


and closing files, 6468, 72

copies of files, 66

documents, 14

drafts of messages, 421

envelopes, 187

files, 6667, 72

files to OneDrive, 68

mailing address, 185186

mailing labels, 189

messages, 419423

Scenario Manager, Excel, 270274, 289290

Schedule view, Calendar module, 483

schedules, displaying daily, 485


appointments, 488493, 513514

and changing meetings, 502509, 515516

events, 488493

overview, 481

Scheduling Assistant page, 504505


resizing, 5253

scrolling, 53

screen clippings, capturing and inserting, 345348, 364

screen resolution, 13, 17


Calendar module, 490

shapes, 351

using, 8, 2526

scroll arrows, 13

scroll bar, displaying, 70

scrolling, 53

search filter, Excel, 233235


dividing presentations, 317319

presentations, 325

rearranging, 319321, 326

sending messages, 419423, 447448

Sent Items folder, messages, 419, 423, 444445

SetIterativeOptions, workbooks, 229

settings, managing, 10

shading and borders, 85


changing, 356

connecting, 360

copying formatting, 358

drawing and modifying, 351352, 365366

formatting, 356359

formatting commands, 353

grouping and ungrouping, 359

moving and modifying, 354356

moving on slides, 355

regrouping, 359

resizing, 355

rotating and flipping, 355356

Share pane, 150, 152

SharePoint sites, accessing, 2122

Shift key. See keyboard shortcuts

Shortcut key category, Outlook, 465. See also keyboard shortcuts

shortcuts, viewing, 12

Simple Markup view, comments, 129

Simplex LP solving method, 282

Single view, messages, 462

Size attribute, messages, 460

size handles, shapes, 354

slide backgrounds, 310315, 317, 324325. See also backgrounds

slide content, morphing, 378

slide layouts, 296298

Slide Sorter view, PowerPoint, 57

slides. See also “build slides”; PowerPoint 2019; presentations

adding and removing, 323

animating, 401403

audio clips, 386392, 403

copying and importing, 298303

creating shapes, 352

hiding, unhiding, and deleting, 304305

inserting, 297298

moving shapes, 355

patterned backgrounds, 317

rearranging, 319321, 326

textured backgrounds, 315

themes, 299

Tile And Content layout, 297

using, 386392

video clips, 391395, 403404

SMALL function, 241

social media, connecting to, 2223

soft returns, 86

Solver, Excel, 280286, 291292. See also Goal Seek

SortCustomData workbook, 265

SortData workbook, 265


bulleted lists, 100

custom lists, 255257, 265

messages, 461462

records in data sources, 176

rows in worksheets, 251

worksheet data, 250255, 265

spacing. See character spacing; vertical spacing

spelling, checking, 134

splitting documents and workbooks, 60

StartMerge document, 191

status bar, 5, 1113, 1619, 42

STDEV.P function, 239240

STDEV.S function, 239240

storage locations, 2122. See also cloud storage; file storage folder

Strikethrough button, 93

StructureContent document, 114115


applying to text, 102108, 117118

restricting, 141142

Word and PowerPoint, 300

Subject attribute, messages, 460

Subject box, messages, 411, 413

subscription, managing, 23

Subtotal dialog box, Excel, 258

SUBTOTAL function and formula, 238239, 242

subtotals, removing from data lists, 261

subtraction (-) operator, 210211

SUM function, 202, 204, 237, 239240

SUMIF function, 213214, 216

SUMIFS function, 213

SummarizeValues workbook, 247248

summarizing data, Excel, 214, 229, 241242

superscript and subscript characters, 94

SVG (Scalable Vector Graphic) format, 331, 350


tab characters, 86, 88

table columns, referring to, 209

Table Tools, 7

table_array argument, 262

tables, using Quick Analysis Lens, 269


active and inactive, 7

aligning, 8889

hiding and displaying, 33

removing command groups, 34

renaming, 34

setting, 87

using, 42

target value, finding, 280. See also values

task list, Calendar module, 488

Tell Me feature, 36, 3839, 46

templates. See also content templates; design templates

basing files on, 50

storing styles, 103

text. See also aligning text

adding to shapes, 351352

bold, italic, and underlined, 93

case, 97

copying formatting to, 95

formatting on shapes, 358

formatting while typing, 101

highlighting, 95

Strikethrough button, 93

styles, 102108, 117118

uppercase and lowercase, 94

text boxes, PowerPoint, 296

textured backgrounds, slides, 315

themes. See also document themes

and backgrounds, 2122

non-theme colors, 316

PowerPoint, 305309

presentations, 324

using with slides, 299

thumbnails, 9

Tight spacing, 79

tildes (~), using to draw lines, 101

Tile And Content layout, slides, 297

time and date, displaying in Excel, 208

time zones, calendars, 497, 499500

title bar, 56

To attribute, messages, 460

To box, messages, 410

tool tabs, 7

Top 10 filter, Excel, 233, 235

totals, using Quick Analysis Lens, 269

Touch mode, 16

touchscreen devices, 16

tracer arrows, 223, 225

Track Changes feature, 123125, 130. See also changes; collaboration commands; content changes; marking up documents; Word documents

TrackChanges document, 154155

tracked changes, reviewing and processing, 132134

Trim Audio dialog box, 389

trimming audio and video, 395

type argument, 202, 208

Type attribute, messages, 460


underlined text, 93

underscores (_), using to draw lines, 101

Unencrypted protection, 145

unique values, finding in data sets, 243. See also values

Unlock Tracking option, 125

updates, managing, 23

uppercase and lowercase text, 94, 97

URLs of websites, presentations, 398399

UseDescriptiveStatistics workbook, 292

user badge, checking, 151

user identification, changing, 27, 41


ValidateData workbook, 248

validation rules, Excel, 244246

#VALUE! error code, Excel, 223

value sets for cell ranges, Excel, 244246

values, summarizing, 241242. See also target value; unique values

variables, data tables, 275276

VAR.P function, 239240

VAR.S function, 239240

vector graphics, 331, 350

versions of documents, comparing, 138139

vertical spacing, 7881

video clips

bookmarks, 384385

slides, 391395, 403404

View Shortcuts toolbar, 12, 58

viewing content, 5253


displaying, 5657, 67, 71

options, 58

switching, 58

VLOOKUP function, 261264

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) calls, messages, 441


Watch Window, Excel, 225226

WAV audio format, 386

Web Layout views, Word, 56


Microsoft Download Center, 63

OneDrive, 69

Week arrangement, Calendar module, 483, 485

weeks, Calendar module, 484

White theme, 21

window management options, 6

WMA audio format, 386

Word 2019

options, 25

overview, 119

and PowerPoint style conversion, 300, 303

turning off Home page, 25, 27

Word documents. See also documents; mail merge; marking up documents; Track Changes feature

browsing by object, 56

file types, 62

mail merge, 191

navigating, 7071

Navigation pane, 56

ribbon, 45

user interface, 42

Work Week arrangement, Calendar module, 482, 485

workbooks. See also Excel 2019

AuditFormulas, 230

BuildFormulas, 228

BuildSolverModel, 291292

CreateArrayFormulas, 230

CreateConditionalFormulas, 229

CreateNames, 228

CreateScenarios, 289

DefineDataTables, 290

LimitData, 247

LookupData, 266

ManageMultipleScenarios, 289290

OrganizeData, 266

PerformGoalSeekAnalysis, 290

PerformQuickAnalysis, 289

recalculating, 219

saving, 66

SetIterativeOptions, 229

SortCustomData, 265

SortData, 265

splitting into panes, 60

SummarizeValues, 247248

UseDescriptiveStatistics, 292

ValidateData, 248

worksheet data, sorting, 250255, 265

worksheets. See also Excel 2019

filtering, 232236

hidden and filtered rows, 237244

listing rows at random, 236237

looking up information, 261264, 266

recalculating, 219

summarizing data, 237244


.xlam files, 62

.xlsb files, 62

.xlsm files, 62

.xlsx files, 62

.xltm files, 62

.xltx files, 62

.xml files, 62


YouTube, connecting to, 21, 23


Z to A sorting

bulleted list items, 100

Excel, 250

worksheet data, 252

zigzag line, drawing, 101

Zoom controls, 5859

Zoom slider and button, 12

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