
Colin Spence

I would like to start off by thanking Rand Morimoto and Sams Publishing for giving me the chance to revise the first edition of this book, and keep it up-to-date with all of the developments in the SharePoint world. Thanks to Neil Rowe from Sams Publishing for backing the project and “cracking the whip” when needed. I'd also like to thank Lynn Langfeld who wrote a number of chapters in the first revision for her contributions, although she wasn't able to take part in the second edition. Michael Noel deserves special thanks for jumping in with both feet when his plate was already overflowing with other projects. Also thanks to Robert Foster for his hard work as technical editor. Most importantly my wife Nancy deserves special thanks for encouraging me to take on this project and supporting me during the process.

Michael Noel

A book of this magnitude does not develop in a vacuum. On the contrary, there are always a whole host of people sacrificing their blood, sweat, tears, and free time to make it a reality, and it is these people that I really must thank. To start, I'd like to thank my co-author Colin Spence, who drove the vision for this book and constantly sought to make this revision even better than the last. In addition, a big thanks goes out to Rand Morimoto, who provided much needed technical insight, inspiration, and guidance to both revisions of this book. And as much as I hate to say it, thanks to Neil Rowe at Sams Publishing for keeping us on track and making sure the book was released this century.

Of course, thanks once again to the dear people in my life who directly suffered while I wrote—my wife Marina, my daughter Julia, my mother-in-law Liza and my father-in-law Val. Thanks for putting up with me once again!

A final thanks to you the Reader—your comments and advice helped to develop this book into what it is today. I hope you will find useful information that you can use in your own SharePoint implementations and that you enjoy this latest revision!

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