Somewhere along the way, I felt a sincere calling to make. Through the support, encouragement, and appreciation of others, that calling grew to become my life’s work. I am here now, able to share my trajectory within this medium thanks to the brilliance and generosity of many individuals.

First, thank you to my parents, Awilda and Arturo, who, amidst their busy lives as scientists, recognized the importance of art in our world and always nurtured my restless creative spark. Gracias to my sister Mariana (@zuccudesign) and my brother Arturo (@potsxpancho), both artists in their own right and always a source of encouragement and solidarity—especially when I have needed wind under my sails during uncertain times.

To my daughters Eva and Paloma, by far the most stunning and fascinating creations in my universe. Thank you for continuing in the lineage of making with your brilliance and for contributing every day to how I understand our changing world. Paloma, gracias for being my patient process photographer for this book, eres una estrella. Eva, tus creaciones me elevan e inspiran a diario a seguir en este camino creativo, eres mi musa.

To my partner, Ian, you are my light. Thank you for your brilliant contributions to my writing, for all your encouragement when my well ran dry, and for your unwavering commitment to our family. Es mi gran alegría caminar a tu lado.

This book would not exist without the ongoing support of all the incredible individuals that have come through my studio throughout the years. In particular, thank you to Shae Bishop (@shae_bishop), who honored me with his extraordinary assistance for over half a decade and allowed me to evolve my techniques and ideas in unimaginable ways. Por siempre estaré agradecida. There is no way I could have extracted, organized, and polished all the material for this book without the ongoing support and genius of Sophie Gibson. As an intern, Sophie came unexpectedly into my life and gradually became an incomparable asset across all aspects of my operation. I love and respect her deeply and feel grateful for all our collaborations.

I am incredibly grateful to all the artists that agreed to participate in this book. You are the reason I persist within this medium. You nourish and inspire me, and through your creations, I can understand the essential value of figurative sculpture in and for our world. Gracias absolutas.

To my community of makers in Puerto Rico and Penland, thank you. You are beacons, sharing how to build and sustain a life grounded in making. The tide that values the cultural legacy created by artists and makers raises us all. Compartimos un camino. Thank you to those who have moved my work into the world, in particular Paco and Mildred Gonzalez from Pamil Fine Art, Leslie Ferrin, Lauren Harkey, Christie Taylor, and Ann Nathan.

Thank you to all my teachers: Jaime Suárez, Toni Hambleton, Tonita Hambleton, Lorraine de Castro, Bernardo Hogan, Susana Espinosa, Wayne Higby, John Gill, Andrea Gill, Walter McConnell, Linda Sikora, Jimmy Clark, Paulus Berensohn, Robert Bodem, Lotta Bloker, Sergei Isupov, and Tom Spleth. I stand on your shoulders.

Gracias to The Quarto Group for the opportunity to share my story and my process. In particular, thank you to Thom O’Hearn for believing in my contribution and supporting me throughout months of writing with his resolute and reassuring guidance that kept me on task. Thank you to Heather Godin for working through all the dizzying design considerations that comprise this edition. Thank you to Meredith Quinn, my project editor, for your kind support and rigorous examination of the writing.

To those who have walked alongside me for parts of this journey and are no longer here, I hold your gifts close and think of you often. Thank you.

To all my students, you have been my most outstanding teachers, and this is for you. May this book offer guidance and inspiration and encourage you to find a sculptural voice that shares your unique story with the world.

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