Unit testing using Karma

Karma is an open source JavaScript command-line tool, which is used to spawn a web server to load an application's source code and execute the test. We can configure Karma to run from different browsers. Karma is a command-line tool and will show the results of the application on the command line when the application runs in the browser. Karma is a Node.js application that can be installed through the npm package manager using the following code:

$ npm install --save-dev karma
We used the following command to execute the karma 
$ karma start karma.conf.js
We needs to test the following AngularJS's controller
var app = angular.module('myApp', [])
app.controller('ctrlMain', function($scope) {
  $scope.name = "Mohammad Majid";
  $scope.sayHello = function() {
    $scope.greeting = "Hello " + $scope.name;

First, we need to create an actual test file that will be used in the Jasmine framework, since it works well with Karma. Add the following code to the test file:

describe('Unit: ctrlMain', function() {
  // Load the module with MainController
  var ctrl, scope;
  // inject the $controller and $rootScope services
  // in the beforeEach block
  beforeEach(inject(function($controller, $rootScope) {
    // Create a new scope that's a child of the $rootScope
    scope = $rootScope.$new();
    // Create the controller
    ctrl = $controller('ctrlMain', {
      $scope: scope

The preceding code will be used to test the function sayHello() method simply prepends the $scope.name variable to a $scope.greeting variable.

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