action-forcing events, 192193

activity patterns, 181182


cultural, 8893, 101

dynamic, 140, 145147

advice networks, 30

agendas, 65, 94, 97

alliances, 6465

blocking, 6869, 7273

building, 75

creating supportive, 3

winning, 68

alternatives, 7374

ambiguity, 16, 19

analysts, 96

assimilation process, for new leaders, 5052, 102

attitudes, changing, 161163


establishing your, 46

mistaking titles for, 94, 97

positional, 2021

behaviors, changing, 161163

benchmarking, 159

blocking alliances, 6869, 7273


conversations to have with new, 99100

as stakeholder, 95

transition support by, 196197

working with new, 5556

bridge building, 163

business architecture, 133

business consultants, 160

business culture. See organizational culture

business environment

dynamic adaption to, 145147

external, 133, 135137, 140, 145147

internal, 133, 135, 138

business model, 139, 140144

business portfolio challenge, 5

business practices, local, 116119

business situations, 100

assessment of, 155

change strategy for, 158163

STARS framework and, 167168

business strategy, 136147

business system analysis, 133147

business unit leaders, 2429

career-development pathways, 3234

career transitions

acceleration systems for, 189197

to business unit leader, 2529

challenges of, 1, 36

common, 45

failed, 1

just-in-time support for, 191192

successful, 1

challenges. See also specific types

core, 36

organizational-change, 78

personal adaptive, 7


aggressive approach to, 8687

alternatives to, 7374

in attitudes and behaviors, 161163

cultural, 93

execution of, 176183

momentum for, 7576

organizational, 78

personal, 7

turnaround versus realignment, 155158

change strategy, 158163

C-level executives, 24

communication channels, 21

companies. See organizations

competencies, level-specific, 16, 2225

competency models, 3132

competitive intelligence, 122123

complementary teams, 166167

complexity, 16, 19

compliance issues, in international moves, 116119

conflict, 91

core processes, 147, 149

corporate culture, 8893, 101

corporate diplomacy, 5977

alliances and, 6465

challenge, 6263

checklist for, 7677

defined, 63

developing influence strategy and, 7376

influence landscape and, 6773

influence objectives and, 6667

overview, 6364

scenario of, 5962

corporate structure, 9596

course-adjustment conversation, 100

Critical Career Crossroads framework, 23

cross-functional teams, 26

cultural adaptation, 8893, 101

cultural interpreters, 92

cultural norms, identifying, 91


corporate, 8893, 101

understanding foreign, 124126

work, 138

customers, 96

decision makers, strategy for influencing, 7376

decision making

fair process for, 4748

influence and, 2021

delegation, 1920

delivery mode, for transition support, 195196

diplomacy. See corporate diplomacy

direct reports, 95

Drucker, Peter, 19

ethics, 117119

execution, 91, 176183


alignment of, 97100, 102104

conversation about, 100

managing, 111

negotiation of, 99

stakeholder, 137

unspoken, 98

external customers, 96

external environment, 133, 135137, 140, 145147

external suppliers, 96

facts, versus opinions, 159

families, internal moves and, 112113

family support networks, 113

First 90 Days, The (Watkins), 2, 35

First 90 Days Framework, 23

first impressions, 114116

FOGLAMP project-planning template, 183, 184

foreign cultures, 124126

front lines, distance from, 17

front-line supervisors, 23

fulcrum issues, 18

function leaders

competencies and traps for, 23

transitions to business unit leadership by, 2529

globalization, 110. See also international move challenge

government, 96

group leaders, 24

heroes, 164166

immune system, company’s, 8588

impact horizon, 16, 1819

incentives, 145, 162

incrementalism, 75

influence, 2021, 6263

as cultural norm, 91

informal, 95

landscape, mapping, 6773

strategy for, 7376

influence networks, 6972

influence objectives, 6667

influential players, 6768

information systems, 122

interests, 73

internal customers, 96

internal environment, 133, 135, 138

internal suppliers, 96

international move challenge, 5, 7, 107127

arrivals and, 114116

checklist for, 126127

compliance issues and, 116119

families and, 112113

overview, 110112

principles for successful, 111126

scenario of, 107110

stereotypes and, 115

strategic priorities and, 121123

team building and, 119121

tourist syndrome and, 124126

Kaplan/Norton Balanced Scorecard, 143

Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth, 4445


assimilation process for new, 5052, 102

transition-acceleration systems for new, 189197


assessment, 168

project, 182183

leadership presence, 22

leadership style, 99, 163167

leadership teams, 3, 147, 148

leading-former-peers challenge, 67, 3757

checklist for, 5657

establishment of authority and, 46

new leader assimilation process and, 5052

off-site meetings and, 4851

overview, 4041

relationship engineering and, 4151

scenario of, 3740

working with new peers and boss, 5356

learning, 2, 88

level-specific competencies, 16, 2225

low-hanging fruit trap, 179

manager of supervisors, 23

media, 96


as cultural norm, 91

off-site, 4851

one-on-one, 54, 76

summit, 76

metrics, 162

mission definition, 141143, 145


advice, 30

family support, 113

influence, 6970

new, following promotion, 5356

new leader assimilation process, 5052, 102

nonprofit sector, 96

North American manufacturing operations, 156

off-site meetings, 4851

onboarding challenge, 5, 7, 79105

aligning expectations and, 97100, 102104

checklist for, 104105

creating onboarding systems, 100104

cultural adaptation and, 8893, 101

making political connections and, 9397, 101102

organizational immunology and, 8588

overview, 8485

recruitment and, 103104

scenario of, 7984

STARS framework and, 168

support for, 194

one-on-one meetings, 54, 76

operating framework, 144145

opinions, versus facts, 159

opponents, 7073, 160161

organizational alignment, 139, 144145

organizational architecture, 147149

organizational-change challenge, 5, 78, 1516

statement of, 13

organizational climate, 138

organizational culture, 8893, 101

organizational design, 27

organizational immunology, 8588

organizational politics, 17, 2021

organizational structure, 147, 148

organizational thermodynamics, 177


joining new, 5

political dynamics within, 6970

realignment of, 5

transition-acceleration systems for, 189197

turning around, 5

outside constituencies, 28

outward focus, in realignments, 159

overmanagement, 1819


leading former (see leading-former-peers challenge)

reenlisting former, 4446

as stakeholders, 95

working with new, 5355

performance metrics, 162

personal adaptive challenge, 7

of promotions, 2930

STARS and, 183, 185187

perspective, broadening your, 1819

persuadeables, 71

playgrounds, 33

political connections, 9397, 101102

political dynamics, 6970

politics, organizational, 17, 2021

positional authority, 2021

priorities, strategic, 121123, 143

problem finding, 28


focusing on, 8788

raising awareness of, 158161

shared diagnosis of, 161

problem-solving skills, 28

project leadership, 182183

promotions, 4. See also leading-former-peers challenge

from within, 160

broadening impact horizon and, 16, 1819

to business unit leader, 2529

challenges of, 7, 1135

checklist for, 3435

communication channels and, 21

disappointed former peers and, 4446

distance from front lines and, 17

early rites of passage in, 4344

ensuring successful, 3134

increased scrutiny and, 17, 22

increasing complexity and, 16, 1920

level-specific competencies and, 16, 2225

organizational politics and, 17, 2021

personal adaptive challenge of, 2930

scenario of, 1115

support for, 194

working with new peers and boss and, 5356

reactive coalition building, 63

realignment challenge, 5, 151169

change strategy for, 158163

checklist for, 169

leadership style for, 163167

overview, 155158

scenario of, 151154

STARS framework and, 167168

versus turnaround challenge, 155158

recognition, 91

recognize-recover-recalibrate (R3) loop, 92


integrating with onboarding, 103104

STARS framework and, 168

relationship engineering, 4151

relationships, 64, 65, 9394

resource allocation, 100

results, achievement of, 91

role holders, 2829

role models, 2829

rule makers, 96

self-promotion, 15

sequencing, 75

shuttle and summit diplomacy, 76

skill sets, 147, 148

stakeholders, 9497, 137

STARS model, 78, 132, 167168

STARS portfolio analysis, 174176

STARS portfolio challenge, 171188

checklist for, 187188

driving execution and, 176183

overview, 174176

personal adaptive challenge and, 183, 185187

scenario of, 171173

stepping-stones, 33

stewards, 164166

strategic intent, 2627

strategic priorities, 121123, 143

strategic thinking, 27

successes, early, 163, 177182

succession planning, 168

suppliers, 96

supporters, 70, 72, 73

support networks, 113


bringing in own, 87

management, 168

team development, 168


bringing in own people for, 87

building complementary, 166167

cross-functional, 26

international moves and building, 119121

leadership, 147, 148

project, 183

3-D Business Strategy, 139147

titles, mistaking for authority, 94, 97

transition-acceleration systems, 189197

transitions. See career transitions

turnaround challenge, 5, 7, 93, 129150

business strategy and, 136147

business system analysis and, 133147

checklist for, 149150

organizational architecture and, 147149

overview, 132133

versus realignment challenge, 155158

scenario of, 129132

unethical situations, 118119

U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, 117

vertical relationships, 9394

visibility, 17, 22

vision, 145

winning alliances, 68

wins, early, 3, 163, 177182

work culture, 138

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