

# (Count), 16

$ (Dollar Terms), 16

% (Percentage), 16

% of Organic Sites Stocking the Brand, 210


Aaker, David

Brand Equity Metrics, 142143

BrandAsset® Valuator, 142144

AAU (Awareness, Attitudes and Usage), 44

Ad Awareness, 46

Attitudes, 46

Awareness, 4546

cautions, 4748

complications, 4748

construction, 4547

customer/non-customer responses, 4748

data sources, 4748

framing/administering questions, 47

Geo-clustering, 4849

Knowledge, 46

lagging indicators, 48

leading indicators, 48

purpose of, 4445

Q scores, 48

related metrics/concepts, 4849

Top of Mind, 22, 46

triangulating customer data, 48

usage, 47

A/B testing, 415

Abandonment Rate, 344, 360

cautions, 363

Clickstreams, 361

complications, 363364

construction, 363

Conversion Rate, 363

cookies, 364

data sources, 363364

defined, 363

purpose of, 360363

Abnormal Returns, 397399

above the fold, 228229

Acceptors/Accepters, Penetration, 36

active customers, Penetration, 3536

Active Users (Monthly/Daily), 373

ACV (All Commodity Volume), 208

ACV on Display, 217

ACV on Promotion, 217

Breadth of Distribution, 217

cautions, 216

complications, 216

construction, 212213

data sources, 216

defined, 210

Facing, 216

Features in Store, 217

Inventory, 217

pull marketing, 211

purpose of, 211

push marketing, 211

related metrics/concepts, 216217

Share of Shelf, 216

Store Versus Brand Measures, 216217

Ad Awareness, 22, 46

Ad rank, 359

advertising, testing, 416418

Advertising and Sponsorship metrics, 1516, 303304

Advertising Elasticity of Demand, 306, 327

cautions, 331332

complications, 331332

construction, 328331

data sources, 331332

Dorfman-Steiner Theorem, 329330, 332

purpose of, 327

Average Frequency, 305, 311

CPM, 304, 312

construction, 313

CPP, 313

data sources, 313

defined, 312

purpose of, 312

related metrics/concepts, 313

Effective Frequency, 306, 323

cautions, 325

complications, 325

construction, 324325

data sources, 325

defined, 324

purpose of, 323324

Effective Reach, 305, 323

cautions, 325

complications, 325

construction, 324325

data sources, 325

defined, 324

purpose of, 323324

Equivalent Media Value from Sponsorship, 306, 334336

Frequency Response Functions, 318

cautions, 322323

complications, 322323

construction, 320322

data sources, 322323

defined, 319

Learning curve, 305

Learning Curve Response, 319321

Linear function, 305

Linear Response, 319321

overview of, 305

purpose of, 319320

related metrics/concepts, 323

Threshold function, 305

Threshold Response, 319322

Wear-in frequency, 323

Wear-out frequency, 323

GRP, 304, 307

cautions, 311312

complications, 311312

data sources, 311312

defined, 309

purpose of, 308

Reach, 307, 311

total ratings, 307

TRP, 309311

Impressions, 304

cautions, 311312

Clickthroughs, 352

complications, 311312

construction, 308309

data sources, 311312

defined, 308

Exposures, 307308

gross impressions, 314, 348

OTS, 307308

Pageviews, 345348

purpose of, 307308

total exposures, 314

Net Reach, 305, 314. See also Reach

cautions, 318

complications, 318

data sources, 318

defined, 316

overlap, 316318

purpose of, 314318

Venn diagrams, 316317

ROAS, 306, 332334

Share of Voice, 306, 325

cautions, 326327

complications, 326327

construction, 326

data sources, 326327

defined, 326

purpose of, 326

Sponsorship metrics, 334

Sponsorship ROI, 306, 336339

Advertising as a Percentage of Sales, 103

Advertising Elasticity of Demand, 306, 327

cautions, 331332

complications, 331332

construction, 328331

data sources, 331332

Dorfman-Steiner Theorem, 329330, 332

purpose of, 327

Advocacy, 210, 233

All Commodity Volume. See ACV

apps (applications), Rank of App in App Store, 229

Armstrong and the value of information in testing, Scott, 6

assessing performance, marketing metrics x-rays

Big Tobacco Company scenario, 409412

comparing firms on customer metrics, 405, 406

customer attitudes/awareness of two firms, 405, 406

customer profitability of two firms, 405

grandparent’s savings scenario, 403406

Prestige Luggage scenario, 407409

attracting/retaining customers, performance monitoring, 162

auctions, second-price, 244

availability of data, metrics, 3

Average Acquisition Cost, 161

construction, 182, 183

data sources, 183184

defined, 182

purpose of, 182

Average Frequency, 305, 311, 315

Average Margins

construction, 89

data sources, 92

defined, 8788

purpose of, 8889

SKU, 8889

Average Price Charged, 240

Average Price Displayed, 240241

Average Price Paid, 239

Average Price per Unit, 69

construction, 89

data sources, 92

defined, 8788

purpose of, 8889

SKU, 8889

Average Retention Cost, 161

construction, 182, 183

data sources, 183184

defined, 182

purpose of, 182

Average Revenue per User, 373

Awareness, 22, 4546

Awareness, Attitudes and Usage. See AAU

awareness in sales projection models, lack of, 118119


balanced territories, effects of, 188189

Baseline Sales, 281

cautions, 288289

complications, 288289

construction, 283288

data sources, 288289

defined, 282283

long-term effects of promotions, 289

purpose of, 283

basis points, 134

BAV Group, BrandAsset Valuator, 143144

BCG Matrix, 2728

BDI (Brand Development Index), 20, 31

complications, 33

construction, 32

data sources, 33

purpose of, 31

benchmark ROAS®, 333

Best Global Brands report, 146

Big Tobacco Company scenario (performance assessments), 409412

Borden Jr. and Marketing Mix Models, Neil, 429

Bounce Rate

email, 374375

website, 344

cautions, 365367

complications, 365367

construction, 365

data sources, 365367

defined, 364, 365

first-click attribution, 366367

last-click attribution, 366367

linear attribution, 366367

purpose of, 365

Brand Development Index. See BDI

Brand Equity 10, 142143

Brand Equity Metrics, 115

brand equity, 141142

Brand Equity 10, 142143

Brand Evaluation Model, 146147

Brand Finance, 144145

Brand Identity, 148

Brand Image, 148

Brand Position, 148

brand ratings, 144145

brand value, 140142

BrandAsset® Valuator, 142144

BrandZ, 145146

cautions, 148

complications, 148

Conjoint Analysis, 147

construction, 142147

data sources, 148

defined, 140

Product Differentiation, 148

purpose of, 140142

Ramsellar, 144

related metrics/concepts, 148

“Royalty Relief,” 144

Brand Evaluation Model, 146147

Brand Finance, 144145

Brand Identity, 148

Brand Image, 148

Brand on Landing Page, 229

Brand Penetration, 21

Brand Position, 148

brand ratings, 144145

brand value, 140142

Brand Versus Store Measures, 216217

BrandAsset® Valuator, 142144

BrandZ, 145146

Breadth of Distribution, 217

breakage, 292

Break-Even Number of Employees, 187

Break-Even Sales Level, 70

cautions, 107108

complications, 107108

construction, 105107

data sources, 107108

defined, 104

earnings impact of marketing activity, 104

incremental investments, 107

Payback Period, 108

purpose of, 104

related metrics/concepts, 108

Business Week, margins, 67

buying power, 189


CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate), 115

basis points, 134

Compounding Growth, Value at Future Period, 132

construction, 130133

data sources, 133134

defined, 129

Life Cycles, 134

measuring growth, 130

percentage points, 133

purpose of, 130

related metrics/concepts, 134

calculating prices at distribution level, 78

Cannibalization Rate, 115, 134137

cautions, 138139

complications, 138139

data sources, 138139

defined, 134

cars, Market for Small Urban Cars example, Relative Market Share, 2829

Category Development Index. See CDI

Category Penetration, 21

Category Performance Ratio, 208, 215216

CDI (Category Development Index), 21, 31

complications, 33

construction, 32

data sources, 33

purpose of, 31

related metrics/concepts, 33

Channel Dependencies

Advocacy, 233

cautions, 233

complications, 233

construction, 233

Cross-Channel Conversions, 233

Cross-Channel Delivery/Returns, 233

Cross-Channel Support, 233

data sources, 233

defined, 231

purpose of, 231233

showrooming, 232

webrooming, 232

Channel Management metrics, 15, 207

% of Organic Sites Stocking the Brand, 210

Advocacy, 210, 233

ACV, 208

ACV on Display, 217

ACV on Promotion, 217

Breadth of Distribution, 217

cautions, 216

complications, 216

construction, 212213

data sources, 216

defined, 210

Facing, 216

Features in Store, 217

Inventory, 217

pull marketing, 211

purpose of, 211

push marketing, 211

related metrics/concepts, 216217

Share of Shelf, 216

Store Versus Brand Measures, 216217

Category Performance Ratio, 208

Channel Dependencies

Advocacy, 233

cautions, 233

complications, 233

construction, 233

Cross-Channel Conversions, 233

Cross-Channel Delivery/Returns, 233

Cross-Channel Support, 233

data sources, 233

defined, 231

purpose of, 231233

showrooming, 232

webrooming, 232

Clicks to Product, 209

DPP, 209

construction, 225226

data sources, 227

defined, 223224

Direct Product Costs, 225

purpose of, 224

related metrics/concepts, 227

Shopping Basket Margin, 227


construction, 225

data sources, 227

defined, 223224

Direct Product Costs, 225

purpose of, 224

related metrics/concepts, 227

Shopping Basket Margin, 227

Inventories, 209

cautions, 221222

complications, 221222

construction, 218221

Consumer Off-Take, 223

data sources, 221222

Deductions, 223

defined, 217

Diverted Merchandise/Goods, 223

FIFO, 222

Inventory Days, 220221

Inventory Turns, 219220

LIFO, 222

Misshipments, 222

Net Out-of-Stocks, 219

Obsolescence, 223

Percentage On-Time Delivery, 219

Pipeline Sales, 223

purpose of, 218

Rain Checks/Make-Goods on Promotions, 222

related metrics/concepts, 218

service levels, 219

Shrinkage, 223

Markdowns, 209

construction, 225

data sources, 227

defined, 223224

Direct Product Costs, 225

purpose of, 224

related metrics/concepts, 227

Shopping Basket Margin, 227

Numeric Distribution, 208

Breadth of Distribution, 217

cautions, 216

complications, 216

construction, 208

data sources, 216

defined, 210

Facing, 216

Features in Store, 217

Inventory, 217

pull marketing, 211

purpose of, 211

push marketing, 211

related metrics/concepts, 216217

Share of Shelf, 216

Store Versus Brand Measures, 216217

Online Distribution metrics

above the fold, 228229

Brand on Landing Page, 229

cautions, 229

Clicks to Product, 229

complications, 229

construction, 228229

data sources, 229

defined, 228

purpose of, 228

Rank of App in App Store, 229

Rank of Brand/SKU, 229

SERP, 228

Out-of-Stock, 208

cautions, 221222

complications, 221222

construction, 218221

Consumer Off-Take, 223

data sources, 221222

Deductions, 223

defined, 217

Diverted Merchandise/Goods, 223

FIFO, 222

Inventory Days, 220221

Inventory Turns, 219220

LIFO, 222

Misshipments, 222

Net Out-of-Stocks, 219

Obsolescence, 223

Percentage On-Time Delivery, 219

Pipeline Sales, 223

purpose of, 218

Rain Checks/Make-Goods on Promotions, 222

related metrics/concepts, 218

service levels, 219

Shrinkage, 223

PCV, 208

Breadth of Distribution, 217

Category Performance Ratio, 215216

cautions, 216

complications, 216

construction, 213216

data sources, 216

defined, 210

Facing, 216

Features in Store, 217

Inventory, 217

Net Out-of-Stocks, 219

pull marketing, 211

purpose of, 211

push marketing, 211

related metrics/concepts, 216217

Share of Shelf, 216

Store Versus Brand Measures, 216217

Total Distribution, 215

Search and Distribution metrics

cautions, 231

complications, 231

construction, 230231

data sources, 231

defined, 230

online accessibility to product, 230

PLA, 230, 231

purpose of, 230

sponsored sites, 231

Total Distribution, 208

Channel Margins, 69

Average Margins, 8487

calculating prices at distribution level, 78

cautions, 8283

complications, 8283

construction, 7980

data sources, 8283

defined, 77

First Channel Member’s Selling Price, 8082

Hybrid (Mixed) Channel Margins, 8384

purpose of, 78

related metrics/concepts, 8387

Choice Modeling, 150151

Clicks to Product, 209, 229

Clickstreams, 361

Clickthrough Rate, 342

cautions, 353354

Clickthroughs, 352

complications, 353354

construction, 352

data sources, 353354

defined, 351

purpose of, 352

Cluster Analysis, 155156

cohort and incubate, Customer Lifetime Value, 173174

Cold Leads, Sales Pipeline, 202

commissioned sales costs, Marketing Spending, 101102

Common Language Marketing Dictionary, 5

Company Profit from New Products, 129

comparing territories, 189190

Compensation, 186

cautions, 200201

complications, 200201

construction, 199200

data sources, 200201

defined, 198

purpose of, 198199

compensatory/non-compensatory consumer decisions, 151153

Competitor Reaction Elasticity, 268

cautions, 272

complications, 272

construction, 270271

data sources, 272

prisoner’s dilemma pricing, 272278

purpose of, 268270

Complaints, Number of

Customer Satisfaction, 52

Willingness to Recommend, 52

Compounding Growth, Value at Future Period, 132

concepts, 4

Conjoint Analysis, 147, 150151, 244

Conjoint Utilities, 115

cautions, 153154

Choice Modeling, 150151

compensatory/non-compensatory consumer decisions, 151153

complications, 153154

Conjoint Analysis, 150151

construction, 150153

data sources, 153154

defined, 149

purpose of, 149150

relative consumer preferences for product attributes, 149150

segment identification based on conjoint utilities, 154155

Conjoint Utilities and Volume Projection, 116

cautions, 157158

complications, 157158

data sources, 157158

defined, 157

market share projections, 157

purpose of, 157

sales volume projections, 157

Constant Elasticity, 252255

Consumer Beliefs, 22

consumer decisions, compensatory/non-compensatory, 151153

Consumer Off-Take, 223

consumer preferences for product attributes, 149150

Contribution Margin, 70

Contribution per Unit, 70

cautions, 107108

complications, 107108

construction, 105107

data sources, 107108

defined, 104

earnings impact of marketing activity, 104

Payback Period, 108

purpose of, 104

related metrics/concepts, 108

Conversion Rate, 363

cookies, 364

Cost per Click, 342

Ad rank, 359

cautions, 357

complications, 357

construction, 356357

Cost per Customer Acquired, 357

data sources, 357

defined, 355

purpose of, 355356

search engines, 358360

Cost per Customer Acquired, 357

Cost per Friend (Like), 368

Cost per Impression, 343

Ad rank, 359

cautions, 357

complications, 357

construction, 356357

Cost per Customer Acquired, 357

data sources, 357

defined, 355

purpose of, 355356

search engines, 358360

Cost per Order, 343

Ad rank, 359

cautions, 357

complications, 357

construction, 356357

Cost per Customer Acquired, 357

data sources, 357

defined, 355

purpose of, 355356

search engines, 358360

Cost per Point (CPP), 313

Cost per Thousand Impressions. See CPM

Costs for Coupons and Rebates, 281

breakage, 292

cautions, 292

complications, 292

construction, 291292

data sources, 292

defined, 290

mail-in rebates, 292293

purpose of, 291

related metrics/concepts, 292293

Total Coupon Cost, 291

Count (#), 16

counting customers, 162165


Costs for Coupons and Rebates, 281

breakage, 292

cautions, 292

complications, 292

construction, 291292

data sources, 292

defined, 290

mail-in rebates, 292293

purpose of, 291

related metrics/concepts, 292293

Total Coupon Cost, 291

Percentage Sales with Coupon, 281

breakage, 292

cautions, 292

complications, 292

construction, 291292

data sources, 292

defined, 290

mail-in rebates, 292293

purpose of, 291

related metrics/concepts, 292293

Total Coupon Cost, 291

Total Coupon Cost, 291

CPE (Cost Per Engagement), 375

CPM rates (Cost per Thousand Impressions), 304, 312

construction, 313

Cost per Point (CPP), 313

data sources, 313

defined, 312

purpose of, 312

related metrics/concepts, 313

CPP (Cost per Point), 313

Cross Elasticity, 268

cautions, 272

complications, 272

construction, 270271

data sources, 272

prisoner’s dilemma pricing, 272278

purpose of, 268270

Cross-Channel Conversions, 233

Cross-Channel Delivery/Returns, 233

Cross-Channel Support, 233

curves (demand schedules), 244, 252255

Customer Lifetime Value, 89, 161

cautions, 176178

cohort and incubate, 173174

complications, 176178

construction, 175, 179180

data sources, 176178, 180181

defined, 172, 178

Infinite Horizon Assumption, 177178

with Initial Margin, 177

newly acquired customers, lifetime value of, 178179

purpose of, 172174, 178179

Customer Profit, 160

cautions, 171172

complications, 171172

construction, 168170

data sources, 171172

defined, 167

profitability of individual customers, 167168

purpose of, 167168

whale curves, 168170

Customer Profitability metrics, 15, 159160

Average Acquisition Cost, 161

construction, 182183

data sources, 183184

defined, 182

purpose of, 182

Average Retention Cost, 162

construction, 182183

data sources, 183184

defined, 182

purpose of, 182

Customer Lifetime Value, 161

cautions, 176178

cohort and incubate, 173174

complications, 176178

construction, 175, 179180

data sources, 176178, 180181

defined, 172, 178

Infinite Horizon Assumption, 177178

with Initial Margin, 177

lifetime value of newly acquired customers, 178179

purpose of, 172174, 178179

Customer Profit, 160

cautions, 171172

complications, 171172

construction, 168170

data sources, 171172

defined, 167

profitability of individual customers, 167168

purpose of, 167168

whale curves, 168170

Customers metric, 160, 162

attracting/retaining customers, performance monitoring, 162

cautions, 165

complications, 165

construction, 162165

counting customers, 162165

data sources, 165

defining properly, importance of, 165167

purpose of, 162

Prospect Lifetime Value, 161

construction, 179180

data sources, 180181

defined, 178

lifetime value of newly acquired customers, 178179

purpose of, 178179

Recency, 160, 162

attracting/retaining customers, performance monitoring, 162

cautions, 165

complications, 165

construction, 162165

counting customers, 162165

data sources, 165

defining properly, importance of, 165167

purpose of, 162

Retention Rate, 160, 162

attracting/retaining customers, performance monitoring, 162

cautions, 165

complications, 165

construction, 162165

counting customers, 162165

data sources, 165

defining properly, importance of, 165167

purpose of, 162

Customer Satisfaction, 23, 49

construction, 5051

data sources, 5152

Number of Complaints, 52

purpose of, 4950

related metrics/concepts, 52

Trade Satisfaction, 52


Acceptors/Accepters, Penetration, 36

active customers, Penetration, 3536

attracting/retaining customers, performance monitoring, 162

counting, 162165

defining properly, importance of, 165167

Ever-tried customers, Penetration, 36

firing, 168

growing, 168

newly acquired customers, lifetime value of, 178179

overservicing, 188

profitability of individual customers, 167168

Prospects, 203

Recency, 164

retention, 164

Retention Rate, 164165

rewarding, 167

under-servicing, 187188

tiers of customers, 167168

Customers metric, 160, 162

attracting/retaining customers, performance monitoring, 162

cautions, 165

complications, 165

construction, 162165

counting customers, 162165

data sources, 165

defining properly, importance of, 165167

purpose of, 162


dashboard (portfolio) of metrics, 3

data availability, metrics, 3

decisions/objectives, monitoring relationships between, 429432

decomposing metrics, 424426

Decomposition of Market Share, 21, 3435

Deductions, 223, 299


Linear Demand, 245248, 256264

Price Elasticity of Demand, 237, 248

cautions, 255

complications, 255

Constant Elasticity, 252255

construction, 249252

data sources, 255

defined, 249

demand schedules (curves), 252255

purpose of, 237

demand schedules (curves), 244, 252255

difficult to measure metrics, estimating, 428

Direct Product Costs, 225

Direct Product Profitability. See DPP

Discounted Trial, 128129


Breadth of Distribution, 217

Search and Distribution metrics

cautions, 231

complications, 231

construction, 230231

data sources, 231

defined, 230

online accessibility to product, 230

PLA, 230231

purpose of, 230

sponsored sites, 231

workloads, Sales Pipeline, 201

distribution level, calculating prices at distribution level, 78

districts, Sales Force Management metrics, 192193

Diverted Merchandise/Goods, 223

Dollar Terms ($), 16

Dorfman-Steiner Theorem, 329330, 332

Double Jeopardy

Share of Requirements, 38

Usage Index, 4144

Downloads, 345, 370372

DPP (Direct Product Profitability), 209

construction, 225226

data sources, 227

defined, 223224

Direct Product Costs, 225

purpose of, 224

related metrics/concepts, 227

Shopping Basket Margin, 227

Drucker on margins, Peter, 67

Dupont Model, The, 421423


EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization), 378, 380

cautions, 381

complications, 381

construction, 381

data sources, 381

NOPAT, 382

purpose of, 378

related metrics/concepts, 382

Economic Profit. See EVA

EDA (Electrodermal Activity), 61

EDLP (Every Day Low Prices), 299

EEG (Electroencephalography), 58, 64

Effective Frequency, 306, 323

cautions, 325

complications, 325

construction, 324325

data sources, 325

defined, 324

purpose of, 323324

Effective Reach, 305, 323

cautions, 325

complications, 325

construction, 324325

data sources, 325

defined, 324

purpose of, 323324

Email Clickthrough, 345

Bounce Rate, 374375

cautions, 376377

complications, 376377

construction, 375

CPE, 375

data sources, 376377

defined, 374

Email Open Rate, 375

Email Unsubscribe Rate, 375

purpose of, 374

email metrics. See Online, Email, and Mobile metrics

Email Unsubscribe Rate, 375

EMG (Electromyography), 61


Break-Even Number of Employees, 187

Compensation, 199200

cautions, 200201

complications, 200201

data sources, 200201

defined, 198

purpose of, 198199

Engagement Rate, 370

EPS ratios, 400

Equity, Market Value of, 397

Equivalent Media Value from Sponsorship, 306, 334336

estimating difficult to measure metrics, 428

EVA (Economic Value Added), 89, 378, 383385


sales personnel, 191

valuation versus evaluation, 142

Every Day Low Prices (EDLP), 299

Ever-Tried, 36, 128129

Evoked Set, 129

Exposures, 307308

eye tracking, 5960, 64


Facing, 216

FACS (Facial Action Coding System), 59, 64

Fair Share Draw, 115, 137138

cautions, 138139

complications, 138139

data sources, 138139

defined, 134

Features in Store, 217

FIFO (First In, First Out), 222

Finance. See Marketing and Finance metrics

Financial Market Measures, TSR

cautions, 399

complications, 399

construction, 398

data sources, 399

defined, 397

Market Capitalization, 397

purpose of, 397

financial metrics and marketing metrics, 412

Financial Value Attributable to Marketing, 392

firing customers, 168

firm performance

comparing firms on customer metrics, 405406

customer attitudes/awareness of two firms, 405406

customer profitability of two firms, 405

Dupont Model, The, 421423

modeling, 421424

profit margins, 421

return on sales, 421

First Channel Member’s Selling Price, 8082

first-click attribution, 366367

First-Time Triers in Period T, 117

fixed costs. See Variable and Fixed Costs

fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging), 58, 64

fold, above the, 228229

Forced Trial, 128

Forecasted Sales Increase for District, 192

forecasting sales, Sales Pipeline, 201


Average Frequency, 311, 315

calculating, 315

Effective Frequency, 323

cautions, 325

complications, 325

construction, 324325

data sources, 325

defined, 324

purpose of, 323324

Reach and, 314315

Frequency Response Functions, 318

cautions, 322323

complications, 322323

construction, 320322

data sources, 322323

defined, 319

Learning curve, 305

Learning Curve Response, 319321

Linear function, 305

Linear Response, 319321

overview of, 305

purpose of, 319320

related metrics/concepts/concepts, 323

Threshold function, 305

Threshold Response, 319322

Wear-in frequency, 323

Wear-out frequency, 323

Friends/Followers/Supporters, 344

cautions, 368370

complications, 368370

construction, 368

Cost per Friend (Like), 368

data sources, 368370

defined, 367

Engagement Rate, 370

Outcomes per Friend, 368

purpose of, 367368

related metrics/concepts/concepts, 370


Geo-clustering, Awareness, Attitudes and Usage (AAU), 4849

GMROII (Gross Margin Return on Inventory Investment), 209

construction, 225

data sources, 227

defined, 223224

Direct Product Costs, 225

purpose of, 224

related metrics/concepts/concepts, 227

Shopping Basket Margin, 227

Google Analytics

Bounce Rate, 367

Sessions, 363

grandparent’s savings scenario (performance assessments), 403406

gross impressions, 314, 348

Gross Margin, 77, 262264

Gross Margin Return on Inventory Investment. See GMROII

Gross Model, The, 415416

GRP (Gross Rating Points), 304, 307

cautions, 311312

complications, 311312

data sources, 311312

defined, 309

purpose of, 308

Reach, 307, 311

total ratings, 307

TRP, 309311

growing customers, 168

GSR (Galvanic Skin Response), 61


heart rates, neuroscience, 61

Herfindahl Index, Relative Market Share, 2930

Hierarchy of Effects, 22, 4449

HI-LO (High-Low), 300

Hits, 347

Hybrid (Mixed) Channel Margins, 8384


I (Index), 17

IAT (Implicit Association Tests), 61

identities of systems, 424425

decomposing metrics, 424426

difficult to measure metrics, estimating, 428

law of large (and not-so-large) numbers, 426428

Marketing Mix Models, 429432

related metrics/concepts/concepts, 433

relationships between decisions/objectives, monitoring, 429432

Impressions, 304

cautions, 311312

Clickthroughs, 352

complications, 311312

construction, 308309

data sources, 311312

defined, 308

Exposures, 307

defined, 308

purpose of, 307308

gross impressions, 314, 348

OTS, 307

defined, 308

purpose of, 307308

Pageviews, 345348

purpose of, 307308

total exposures, 314

incremental investments, Break-Even Sales Level, 107

Incremental Sales (Promotional Lift), 281

cautions, 288289

complications, 288289

construction, 283288

data sources, 288289

defined, 282283

long-term effects of promotions, 289

purpose of, 283

incubate, cohort and, Customer Lifetime Value, 173174

Index (I), 17

Infinite Horizon Assumption, 177178

information, value of, 57, 412414

Initial Margin, Customer Lifetime Value with, 177

inputs, linear cost models, 98


Best Global Brands report, 146

Brand Evaluation Model, 146147

interest creation, Sales Pipeline, 202

Inventories, 209

cautions, 221222

complications, 221222

construction, 218221

Consumer Off-Take, 223

data sources, 221222

Deductions, 223

defined, 217

Diverted Merchandise/Goods, 223

FIFO, 222

Inventory Days, 220221

Inventory Turns, 219220

LIFO, 222

Misshipments, 222

Net Out-of-Stocks, 219

Obsolescence, 223

Percentage On-Time Delivery, 219

Pipeline Sales, 223

purpose of, 218

Rain Checks/Make-Goods on Promotions, 222

related metrics/concepts, 218

service levels, 219

Shrinkage, 223

Inventory, 217

Inventory Days, 220221

Inventory Turns, 219220

investments (incremental), Break-Even Sales Level, 107

Invoice Price, 297

IRR (Internal Rate of Return), 379

cautions, 389390

complications, 389390

construction, 388389

data sources, 389390

defined, 386

ISO 20671: Brand Evaluation-Principles and Fundamentals, 11

J — K

Kaplan, Robert, whale curves, 168170

Kelvin, Lord, 12

Knowledge, 22, 46


lack of awareness, sales projection models, 118119

lagging indicators, AAU, 48

last-click attribution, 366367

law of large (and not-so-large) numbers, 426428

leading indicators, AAU, 48

Leads (Cold/Warm), Sales Pipeline, 202

Learning curve, 305

Learning Curve Response, 319321

Life Cycles, 134

lifetime value of newly acquired customers, 178179

LIFO (Last In, First Out), 222

Likeability, 23

Likes, 344

cautions, 368370

complications, 368370

construction, 368

Cost per Friend (Like), 368

data sources, 368370

defined, 367

Engagement Rate, 370

Outcomes per Friend, 368

purpose of, 367368

related metrics/concepts, 370

linear attribution, 366367

linear cost models, 98

Linear Demand, 245248, 256264

Linear function, 305

Linear Response, 319321

List Price, 297

L.L. Bean, counting customers, 163164



cautions, 221222

complications, 221222

construction, 218221

Consumer Off-Take, 223

data sources, 221222

Deductions, 223

defined, 217

Diverted Merchandise/Goods, 223

FIFO, 222

Inventory Days, 220221

Inventory Turns, 219220

LIFO, 222

Misshipments, 222

Net Out-of-Stocks, 219

Obsolescence, 223

Percentage On-Time Delivery, 219

Pipeline Sales, 223

purpose of, 218

Rain Checks/Make-Goods on Promotions, 222

related metrics/concepts, 218

service levels, 219

Shrinkage, 223


cautions, 221222

complications, 221222

construction, 218221

Consumer Off-Take, 223

data sources, 221222

Deductions, 223

defined, 217

Diverted Merchandise/Goods, 223

FIFO, 222

Inventory Days, 220221

Inventory Turns, 219220

LIFO, 222

Misshipments, 222

Net Out-of-Stocks, 219

Obsolescence, 223

Percentage On-Time Delivery, 219

Pipeline Sales, 223

purpose of, 218

Rain Checks/Make-Goods on Promotions, 222

related metrics/concepts, 218

service levels, 219

Shrinkage, 223

Loyalty, 23


mail-in rebates, 292293

Major Metrics List, 1314

Advertising and Sponsorship metrics, 1516

Channel Management metrics, 15

Customer Profitability metrics, 15

Margins and Profits metrics, 14, 6768

Marketing and Finance metrics, 16

Online, Email, and Mobile metrics, 16

Pricing Strategy metrics, 15

Product and Portfolio Management metrics, 14, 113114

Promotion metrics, 15

Sales Force Management metrics, 15

Share of Hearts, Minds, and Markets metrics, 14

Make-Goods on Promotions/Rain Checks, 222

Margin, 68

cautions, 7477

complications, 7477

construction, 7274

data sources, 7477

Gross Margin, 77

margins as percentage of costs, 7475

markups or margins, 7577

selling prices, 74

Unit Margin versus, 71

units, defined, 71

various costs included, 77

Margin on New Products, 129

Margins and Profits metrics, 14, 6768

Average Price per Unit, 69

construction, 89

data sources, 92

defined, 8788

purpose of, 8889

SKU, 8889

Break-Even Sales Level, 70

cautions, 107108

complications, 107108

construction, 105107

data sources, 107108

defined, 104

earnings impact of marketing activity, 104

incremental investments, 107

Payback Period, 108

purpose of, 104

related metrics/concepts, 108

Business Week, 67

Channel Margins, 69

Average Margins, 8487

calculating prices at distribution level, 78

cautions, 8283

complications, 8283

construction, 7980

data sources, 8283

defined, 77

First Channel Member’s Selling Price, 8082

Hybrid (Mixed) Channel Margins, 8384

purpose of, 78

related metrics/concepts, 8387

Contribution Margin, 70

Contribution per Unit, 70

cautions, 107108

complications, 107108

construction, 105107

data sources, 107108

defined, 104

earnings impact of marketing activity, 104

Payback Period, 108

purpose of, 104

related metrics/concepts, 108

data sources, 7477

Drucker, Peter, 67

Margin, 68

cautions, 7477

complications, 7477

construction, 7274

data sources, 7477

Gross Margin, 77

margins as percentage of costs, 7475

markups or margins, 7577

selling prices, 74

Unit Margin versus, 71

units, defined, 71

various costs included, 77

margins, defined, 71

Marketing Spending, 69

Advertising as a Percentage of Sales, 103

cautions, 102103

commissioned sales costs, 101102

complications, 102103

construction, 101102

data sources, 102103

defined, 99

Marketing as a Percentage of Sales, 103

purpose of, 99101

related metrics/concepts, 103

Slotting Allowances, 103

Price per Statistical Unit, 69, 8992

data sources, 92

defined, 8788

SKU, 89

Target Revenues, 70

cautions, 110

complications, 110

construction, 109110

data sources, 110

defined, 108

purpose of, 109

related metrics/concepts, 110111

Target Volume, 70

cautions, 110

complications, 110

construction, 109110

data sources, 110

defined, 108

purpose of, 109

related metrics/concepts, 110111

Unit Margin, 68

cautions, 7477

complications, 7477

construction, 7274

defined, 71

Gross Margin, 77

Margin versus, 71

margins as percentage of costs, 7475

markups or margins, 7577

selling prices, 74

various costs included, 77

Variable and Fixed Costs, 69

classification of costs depending on context, 98

construction, 9397

cost changes with volume, 93

data sources, 9799

defined, 93

linear cost models, 98

purpose of, 93

total cost per unit, 9697, 9899

Markdowns, 209

construction, 225

data sources, 227

defined, 223224

Direct Product Costs, 225

purpose of, 224

related metrics/concepts, 227

Shopping Basket Margin, 227

Market Capitalization, 397

Market Concentration, 29

Market for Small Urban Cars example, Relative Market Share, 2829

market share, 1920, 24

AAU, 44

Ad Awareness, 46

Attitudes, 46

Awareness, 4546

cautions, 4748

complications, 4748

construction, 4547

customer/non-customer responses, 4748

data sources, 4748

framing/administering questions, 47

Geo-clustering, 4849

Knowledge, 46

lagging indicators, 48

leading indicators, 48

purpose of, 4445

Q scores, 48

related metrics/concepts, 4849

Top of Mind, 22, 46

triangulating customer data, 48

usage, 47

Ad Awareness, 22, 46

Awareness, 22, 4546

BDI, 20, 31

complications, 33

construction, 32

data sources, 33

bias in reported shares, 26

Brand Penetration, 21

Category Penetration, 21

cautions, 2526

CDI, 21, 31

complications, 33

construction, 32

data sources, 33

purpose of, 31

related metrics/concepts, 33

complications, 2526

construction, 2425

Consumer Beliefs, 22

Customer Satisfaction, 23, 49

construction, 5051

data sources, 5152

Number of Complaints, 52

purpose of, 4950

related metrics/concepts, 52

Trade Satisfaction, 52

data parameters, 2526

data sources, 2526

decomposing market share, Penetration, 3435

Decomposition of Market Share, 21

defined, 24

Hierarchy of Effects, 22, 4449

indicators of future changes in shares, 2023

Knowledge, 22, 46

Likeability, 23

Loyalty, 23

market definitions, 25

Net Promoter, 23, 53

cautions, 5455

complications, 5455

construction, 53

data sources, 5455

NPS, 5355

purpose of, 53

Neuro-marketing Measures, 23

cautions, 63

complications, 63

construction, 5761

data sources, 63

neuroscience and, 5761

purpose of, 57

usage, 6163

Penetration, 33

Acceptors/Accepters, 36

active customers, 3536

cautions, 35

complications, 35

construction, 34

data sources, 35

decomposing market share, 3435

Ever-tried customers, 36

related metrics/concepts, 3536

Penetration Share, 21

projections, 157

Purchase Habits, 22

Purchase Intentions, 22

purpose of, 24

related metrics/concepts, 26

Relative Market Share, 20, 27

BCG Matrix, 2728

cautions, 30

complications, 30

construction, 2829

data sources, 30

Herfindahl Index, 2930

Market Concentration, 29

Market for Small Urban Cars example, 2829

Market Share Rank, 30

Market Share-Small Urban Cars example, 29

purpose of, 2728

related metrics/concepts, 2930

Share of Category, 30

Three- (Four-) Firm Concentration Ratio, 29

Revenue Market Share, 20, 25

Served Market, 26

Share of Requirements, 21, 36

cautions, 38

complications, 38

construction, 3738

data sources, 38

Double Jeopardy, 38

Number of Brands Purchased, 39

purpose of, 37

related metrics/concepts, 3940

Repeat Rate, 39

Repurchase Rate, 39

retention rates, 3940

Solo Usage Percentages, 39

time periods measured, signal-to-noise ratios, 26

Top of Mind, 22, 46

Unit Market Share, 20, 2425

Usage Index, 21, 40

cautions, 41

complications, 41

construction, 4041

data sources, 41

Double Jeopardy, 4144

purpose of, 40

related metrics/concepts, 44

Wal-Mart, 19

Willingness to Recommend, 23

construction, 5051

data sources, 5152

Number of Complaints, 52

purpose of, 4950

related metrics/concepts, 52

Trade Satisfaction, 52

Willingness to Search, 23, 55

cautions, 56

complications, 56

construction, 56

data sources, 56

purpose of, 5556

Market Share Rank, Relative Market Share, 30

Market Share-Small Urban Cars example, Relative Market Share, 29

Market to Book Ratio, 379, 399

cautions, 402

complications, 402

construction, 400402

data sources, 402

purpose of, 400

Market Value of Equity, 397


dashboards, 410411

decisions/objectives, monitoring relationships between, 429432

Financial Value Attributable to Marketing, 392


Inventories, 217223

Out-of-Stock, 217223

omni-channel marketing, 910

pull marketing, 211

push marketing, 211

ROIMI, 392

search engine marketing, 358

Marketing and Finance metrics, 16, 377378

EBITDA, 378, 380

cautions, 381

complications, 381

construction, 381

data sources, 381

NOPAT, 382

purpose of, 378

related metrics/concepts, 382

EPS ratio, 400

EVA, 378, 383385

IRR, 379

cautions, 389390

complications, 389390

construction, 388389

data sources, 389390

defined, 386

Market to Book Ratio, 379, 399

cautions, 402

complications, 402

construction, 400402

data sources, 402

purpose of, 400

MROI, 379

cautions, 394395

complications, 394395

construction, 391394

data sources, 394395

defined, 390391

Financial Value Attributable to Marketing, 392

Media Exposure Return on Marketing Investment, 395396

purpose of, 391

related metrics/concepts, 395396

ROIMI, 392

Net Profit, 378

cautions, 381

complications, 381

construction, 380

data sources, 381

defined, 380

NOPAT, 382

purpose of, 378

related metrics/concepts, 382

NPV, 379

cautions, 389390

complications, 389390

construction, 387389

data sources, 389390

defined, 386

spreadsheets, 390

Payback, 379

cautions, 389390

complications, 389390

construction, 386387

data sources, 389390

defined, 386

purpose of, 386

PE ratios, 379, 399

cautions, 402

complications, 402

construction, 400402

data sources, 402

purpose of, 400

Price to Book ratio, 401

ROI, 378, 382383

ROS, 378, 380

cautions, 381

complications, 381

construction, 381

data sources, 381

NOPAT, 382

purpose of, 378

related metrics/concepts, 382

Tobin’s q, 401

TSR, 379

cautions, 399

complications, 399

construction, 398

data sources, 399

defined, 397

Market Capitalization, 397

purpose of, 397

Marketing as a Percentage of Sales, 103

marketing metrics, 2, 403

A/B testing, 415

assessing performance, grandparent’s savings scenario, 403404

assessing performance with x-rays

Big Tobacco Company scenario, 409412

comparing firms on customer metrics, 405, 406

customer attitudes/awareness of two firms, 405, 406

customer profitability of two firms, 405

grandparent’s savings scenario, 403406

Prestige Luggage scenario, 407409

financial metrics and, 412

Gross Model, The, 415416

information, value of, 412414

systems of identities, 424425

decomposing metrics, 424426

estimating difficult to measure metrics, 428

law of large (and not-so-large) numbers, 426428

Marketing Mix Models, 429432

monitoring relationships between decisions/objectives, 429432

related metrics/concepts, 433

testing, 415

advertising, 416418

reliability testing, 414415

Marketing Mix Models, 429432

Marketing Spending, 69

Advertising as a Percentage of Sales, 103

cautions, 102103

commissioned sales costs, 101102

complications, 102103

construction, 101102

data sources, 102103

defined, 99

Marketing as a Percentage of Sales, 103

purpose of, 99101

related metrics/concepts, 103

Slotting Allowances, 103

markups or margins, 7577

MASB (Marketing Accountability Standards Board), 10, 11

ISO 20671: Brand Evaluation-Principles and Fundamentals, 11

YouTube channel, 1011

Maximum Reservation Price, 246

measuring metric data, 5

concepts, 4

“source credibility,” 4

Media Display Time, 342

cautions, 350351

complications, 350351

construction, 349

data sources, 350351

defined, 348349

Media Interaction Time, 351

purpose of, 349

related metrics/concepts, 351

rich media, 349

Video Interactions, 351

Media Exposure Return on Marketing Investment, 395396

Media Interaction Rate, 342

cautions, 350351

complications, 350351

construction, 350

data sources, 350351

defined, 348349

Media Interaction Time, 351

purpose of, 349

related metrics/concepts, 351

rich media, 349

Video Interactions, 351

Media Interaction Time, 351

metrics, 433434

AAU, 44

Ad Awareness, 46

Attitudes, 46

Awareness, 4546

cautions, 4748

complications, 4748

construction, 4547

customer/non-customer responses, 4748

data sources, 4748

framing/administering questions, 47

Geo-clustering, 4849

Knowledge, 46

lagging indicators, 48

leading indicators, 48

purpose of, 4445

Q scores, 48

related metrics/concepts, 4849

Top of Mind, 22, 46

triangulating customer data, 48

usage, 47

Ad Awareness, 22, 46

Advertising and Sponsorship metrics, 1516, 303304

Advertising Elasticity of Demand, 306, 327332

Average Frequency, 305, 311

CPM, 304

Effective Frequency, 306, 323325

Effective Reach, 305, 323325

Equivalent Media Value from Sponsorship, 306, 334336

Frequency Response Functions, 305, 318323

GRP, 304, 307312

Impressions, 304, 307312, 345348, 352

Net Reach, 305, 314318

ROAS, 306, 332334

Share of Voice, 306, 325327

Sponsorship ROI, 306, 336339

Average Price per Unit, 69

construction, 89

data sources, 92

defined, 8788

purpose of, 8889

SKU, 8889

Awareness, 22, 4546

BDI, 20, 31

complications, 33

construction, 32

data sources, 33

purpose of, 31

Brand Penetration, 21

Break-Even Sales Level, 70

cautions, 107108

complications, 107108

construction, 105107

data sources, 107108

defined, 104

earnings impact of marketing activity, 104

incremental investments, 107

Payback Period, 108

purpose of, 104

related metrics/concepts, 108

Category Penetration, 21

CDI, 21, 31

complications, 33

construction, 32

data sources, 33

purpose of, 31

related metrics/concepts, 33

Channel Management metrics, 15, 207

% of Organic Sites Stocking the Brand, 210

ACV, 208, 210213, 216217

Advocacy, 210, 233

Category Performance Ratio, 208

Channel Dependencies, 231233

Clicks to Product, 209

DPP, 209, 223227

GMROII, 209, 223227

Inventories, 209, 217223

Markdowns, 209, 223227

Numeric Distribution, 208, 210212

Online Distribution metrics, 228229

Out-of-Stock, 208, 217223

PCV, 208, 213217, 219

Search and Distribution metrics, 230231

Total Distribution, 208

Channel Margins, 69

Average Margins, 8487

calculating prices at distribution level, 78

cautions, 8283

complications, 8283

construction, 7980

data sources, 8283

defined, 77

First Channel Member’s Selling Price, 8082

Hybrid (Mixed) Channel Margins, 8384

purpose of, 78

related metrics/concepts, 8387

choosing the right numbers, 3

concepts, 4

Consumer Beliefs, 22

Contribution Margin, 70

Contribution per Unit, 70

cautions, 107108

complications, 107108

construction, 105107

data sources, 107108

defined, 104

earnings impact of marketing activity, 104

Payback Period, 108

purpose of, 104

related metrics/concepts, 108

Customer Lifetime Value, 89

Customer Profitability metrics, 15, 159160

Average Acquisition Cost, 161, 182184

Average Retention Cost, 162, 182184

Customer Lifetime Value, 161, 172181

Customer Profit, 160, 167172

Customers metric, 160, 162167

Prospect Lifetime Value, 161, 178181

Recency, 160, 162167

Retention Rate, 160, 162167

Customer Satisfaction, 23, 49

construction, 5051

data sources, 5152

Number of Complaints, 52

purpose of, 4950

related metrics/concepts, 52

Trade Satisfaction, 52

dashboard (portfolio) of metrics, 3

data availability, 3

decomposing metrics, 424426

Decomposition of Market Share, 21

defined, 1

difficult to measure metrics, estimating, 428

EVA, 89

Hierarchy of Effects, 22, 4449

Knowledge, 22, 46

Likeability, 23

Loyalty, 23

Margin, 68

cautions, 7477

complications, 7477

construction, 7274

data sources, 7477

Gross Margin, 77

margins as percentage of costs, 7475

markups or margins, 7577

selling prices, 74

Unit Margin versus, 71

units, defined, 71

various costs included, 77

Margins and Profits metrics, 14, 6768

Average Price per Unit, 69, 8792

Break-Even Sales Level, 70, 104108

Business Week, 67

Channel Margins, 69, 7787

Contribution Margin, 70

Contribution per Unit, 70, 104108

Drucker, Peter, 67

Margin, 68, 7177

margins, defined, 71

Marketing Spending, 69, 99103

Price per Statistical Unit, 69, 8792

Target Revenues, 70, 108111

Target Volume, 70, 108111

Unit Margin, 68, 7177

Variable and Fixed Costs, 69, 9399

Market Concentration, 29

market share, 1920, 24

AAU, 4449

Ad Awareness, 22, 46

Awareness, 22, 4546

bias in reported shares, 26

BDI, 20, 3133

Brand Penetration, 21

Category Penetration, 21

CDI, 21, 3133

cautions, 2526

complications, 2526

construction, 2425

Consumer Beliefs, 22

Customer Satisfaction, 23, 4952

data parameters, 2526

data sources, 2526

decomposing market share, 3435

Decomposition of Market Share, 21

defined, 19

Hierarchy of Effects, 22, 4449

indicators of future changes in shares, 2023

Knowledge, 22, 46

Likeability, 23

Loyalty, 23

market definitions, 25

Net Promoter, 23, 5355

Neuro-marketing Measures, 23, 5763

Penetration, 3336

Penetration Share, 21

Purchase Habits, 22

Purchase Intentions, 22

purpose of, 24

related metrics/concepts, 26

Relative Market Share, 20, 2730

Revenue Market Share, 20, 25

Served Market, 26

Share of Requirements, 21, 3640

time periods measured, signal-to-noise ratios, 26

Top of Mind, 22, 46

Unit Market Share, 20, 2425

Usage Index, 21, 4044

Wal-Mart, 19

Willingness to Recommend, 23, 4952

Willingness to Search, 23, 5556

Marketing and Finance metrics, 16, 377378

EBITDA, 378, 380382

EVA, 378, 383385

IRR, 379, 386, 388390

Market to Book Ratio, 379, 399402

MROI, 379, 390396

Net Profit, 378, 380382

NPV, 379, 386390

Payback, 379, 386387, 389390

PE ratios, 379, 399402

ROI, 378, 382383

ROS, 378, 380382

TSR, 379, 397399

marketing metrics, 2

Marketing Spending, 69

Advertising as a Percentage of Sales, 103

cautions, 102103

commissioned sales costs, 101102

complications, 102103

construction, 101102

data sources, 102103

defined, 99

Marketing as a Percentage of Sales, 103

purpose of, 99101

related metrics/concepts, 103

Slotting Allowances, 103

mastering, 7

measuring data, 5

concepts, 4

“source credibility,” 4

translating concepts into metrics, 4

need for, 12

Net Promoter, 23, 53

cautions, 5455

complications, 5455

construction, 53

data sources, 5455

NPS, 5355

purpose of, 53

Neuro-marketing Measures, 23

cautions, 63

complications, 63

construction, 5761

data sources, 63

neuroscience and, 5761

purpose of, 57

usage, 6163

Online, Email, and Mobile metrics, 16, 341342

Abandonment Rate, 344, 360364

Bounce Rate (website), 344, 364367

Clickthrough Rate, 342, 351354

Cost per Click, 342, 355360

Cost per Impression, 343, 355360

Cost per Order, 343, 355360

Downloads, 345, 370372

Email Clickthrough, 345, 374376

Friends/Followers/Supporters, 344, 367370

Likes, 344, 367370

Media Display Time, 342, 348351

Media Interaction Rate, 342, 348351

Mobile Metrics, 345, 372374

Pageviews, 342, 345348

Value of a Like, 344, 367370

Visitors, 343, 360364

Visits, 343, 360364

Penetration, 33

Acceptors/Accepters, 36

active customers, 3536

cautions, 35

complications, 35

construction, 34

data sources, 35

decomposing market share, 3435

Ever-tried customers, 36

related metrics/concepts, 3536

Penetration Share, 21

portfolio (dashboard) of metrics, 3

Price per Statistical Unit, 69, 8992

data sources, 92

defined, 8788

SKU, 89

Pricing Strategy metrics, 15, 235236

Competitor Reaction Elasticity, 268278

Cross Elasticity, 268278

Optimal Price, 237, 255267

Own Price Elasticity, 268278

Percent Good Value, 236, 242248

Price Elasticity of Demand, 237, 248255

Price Premium, 236, 238242

Reservation Price, 236, 242248

Residual Elasticity, 237, 268278

Product and Portfolio Management metrics, 14, 113114

Brand Equity Metrics, 115, 140148

CAGR, 115, 129134

Cannibalization Rate, 115, 134139

Conjoint Utilities, 115, 149154

Conjoint Utilities and Volume Projection, 116, 157158

Fair Share Draw, 115, 134139

Penetration, 114, 116129

Repeat Volume, 114, 116129

Segment Utilities, 116, 154157

Trial, 114, 116129

Volume Projections, 114, 116129

Year-on-Year Growth, 115, 129134

Profitability metrics, 223227

Promotion metrics, 15, 279280

Baseline Sales, 281, 282289

Costs for Coupons and Rebates, 281, 290293

Incremental Sales (Promotional Lift), 281, 282289

Pass-Through, 282, 293296

Percent Sales on Deals, 281, 294

Percentage Sales with Coupon, 281, 290293

Price Waterfall, 282, 296301

Redemption Rates, 281, 290293

Purchase Habits, 22

Purchase Intentions, 22

Relative Market Share, 20, 27

BCG Matrix, 2728

cautions, 30

complications, 30

construction, 2829

data sources, 30

Herfindahl Index, 2930

Market Concentration, 29

Market for Small Urban Cars example, 2829

Market Share Rank, 30

Market Share-Small Urban Cars example, 29

purpose of, 2728

related metrics/concepts, 2930

Share of Category, 30

Three- (Four-) Firm Concentration Ratio, 29

Revenue Market Share, 20, 25

ROI, 89

Sales Force Management metrics, 15, 185

Break-Even Number of Employees, 187

Compensation, 186, 198201

Sales Force Effectiveness, 186, 194197

Sales Funnel, 187, 201205

Sales Goal, 186, 190194

Sales Pipeline, 187, 201205

Sales Potential Forecast, 186

Workload, 186190

Served Market, 26

Share of Category, Relative Market Share, 30

Share of Hearts, Minds, and Markets metrics, 14

AAU, 4449

Ad Awareness, 22, 46

Awareness, 22, 4546

BDI, 20, 3133

Brand Penetration, 21

Category Penetration, 21

CDI, 21, 3133

Consumer Beliefs, 22

Customer Satisfaction, 23, 4952

Decomposition of Market Share, 21

Hierarchy of Effects, 22, 4449

indicators of future changes in shares, 2023

Knowledge, 22, 46

Likeability, 23

Loyalty, 23

market share, 1920, 2426

Net Promoter, 23, 5355

Neuro-marketing Measures, 23, 5763

Penetration, 3336

Penetration Share, 21

Purchase Habits, 22

Purchase Intentions, 22

Relative Market Share, 20, 2730

Revenue Market Share, 20, 25

Share of Requirements, 21, 3640

Top of Mind, 22, 46

Unit Market Share, 20, 2425

Usage Index, 21, 4044

Wal-Mart, 19

Willingness to Recommend, 23, 4952

Willingness to Search, 23, 5556

Share of Requirements, 21, 36

cautions, 38

complications, 38

construction, 3738

data sources, 38

Double Jeopardy, 38

Number of Brands Purchased, 39

purpose of, 37

related metrics/concepts, 3940

Repeat Rate, 39

Repurchase Rate, 39

retention rates, 3940

Solo Usage Percentages, 39

SKU Profitability metrics, 223227

sponsorship metrics, 9

Target Revenues, 70

cautions, 110

complications, 110

construction, 109110

data sources, 110

defined, 108

purpose of, 109

related metrics/concepts, 110111

Target Volume, 70

cautions, 110

complications, 110

construction, 109110

data sources, 110

defined, 108

purpose of, 109

related metrics/concepts, 110111

Top of Mind, 22, 46

“Top Ten” metrics, 79

Unit Margin, 68

cautions, 7477

complications, 7477

construction, 7274

data sources, 7477

defined, 71

Gross Margin, 77

Margin versus, 71

margins as percentage of costs, 7475

markups or margins, 7577

selling prices, 74

various costs included, 77

Unit Market Share, 20, 2425

Usage Index, 21, 40

cautions, 41

complications, 41

construction, 4041

data sources, 41

Double Jeopardy, 4144

purpose of, 40

related metrics/concepts, 44

value of information, 57

Variable and Fixed Costs, 69

classification of costs depending on context, 98

construction, 9397

cost changes with volume, 93

data sources, 9799

defined, 93

linear cost models, 98

purpose of, 93

total cost per unit, 9699

Willingness to Recommend, 23

construction, 5051

data sources, 5152

Number of Complaints, 52

purpose of, 4950

related metrics/concepts, 52

Trade Satisfaction, 52

Willingness to Search, 23, 55

cautions, 56

complications, 56

construction, 56

data sources, 56

purpose of, 5556

Middlemen, 294

Millward Brown, BrandZ, 145146

Misshipments, 222

Mixed Channel Margins. See Hybrid (Mixed Channel Margins)

mobile devices. See Online, Email, and Mobile metrics

Mobile Metrics, 345, 372

Active Users (Monthly/Daily), 373

Average Revenue per User, 373

cautions, 373374

complications, 373374

construction, 373

data sources, 373374

defined, 372

Session Length, 373

Store Visits, 373

modeling firm performance, 421424

monitoring relationships between decisions/objectives, 429432

motivating/evaluating, sales personnel, 191

MROI (Marketing Return on Investment), 379

cautions, 394395

complications, 394395

construction, 391394

data sources, 394395

defined, 390391

Financial Value Attributable to Marketing, 392

Media Exposure Return on Marketing Investment, 395396

purpose of, 391

related metrics/concepts, 395396

ROIMI, 392

Multi-Period Investments

IRR, 386

cautions, 389390

complications, 389390

construction, 388389

data sources, 389390

NPV, 386, 389

cautions, 389390

complications, 389390

construction, 387388

data sources, 389390

spreadsheets, 390

Payback, 386

cautions, 389390

complications, 389390

construction, 386387

data sources, 389390

MWB (Maximum Willing to Buy), 246


Net Out-of-Stocks, 219

Net Price, 297298

Net Profit, 378

cautions, 381

complications, 381

construction, 380

data sources, 381

defined, 380

NOPAT, 382

purpose of, 378

related metrics/concepts, 382

Net Promoter, 23, 53

cautions, 5455

complications, 5455

construction, 53

data sources, 5455

NPS, 5355

purpose of, 53

Net Reach, 305, 314. See also Reach

cautions, 318

complications, 318

data sources, 318

defined, 316

overlap, 316318

purpose of, 314318

Venn diagrams, 316317

Neuro-marketing Measures, 23

cautions, 63

complications, 63

construction, 5761

data sources, 63

neuroscience and, 5761

purpose of, 57

usage, 6163

Neuro-metrics, 64


EDA, 61

EEG, 58, 64

EMG, 61

eye tracking, 5960, 64

FACS, 59, 64

fMRI, 58, 64

GSR, 61

heart rates, 61

IAT, 61

Neuro-marketing Measures, 5761

Neuro-metrics, 64

response latencies (time delays), 61

SCR, 61

newly acquired customers, lifetime value of, 178179

non-compensatory/compensatory consumer decisions, 151153

NOPAT (Net Operating Profit After Tax), 382

NPS (Net Promoter Scores), Net Promoter, 5355

NPV (Net Present Value), 379

cautions, 389390

complications, 389390

construction, 387388

data sources, 389390

defined, 386, 389

spreadsheets, 390

Number of Brands Purchased, Share of Requirements, 39

Number of Complaints

Customer Satisfaction, 52

Willingness to Recommend, 52

Number of New Products, 129

Numeric Distribution, 208

Breadth of Distribution, 217

cautions, 216

complications, 216

construction, 211212

data sources, 216

defined, 210

Facing, 216

Features in Store, 217

Inventory, 217

pull marketing, 211

purpose of, 211

push marketing, 211

related metrics/concepts, 216217

Share of Shelf, 216

Store Versus Brand Measures, 216217


objectives/decisions, monitoring relationships between, 429432

Obsolescence, 223

omni-channel marketing, 910, 228

Online, Email, and Mobile metrics, 16, 341342

Abandonment Rate, 344, 360

cautions, 363

Clickstreams, 361

complications, 363364

construction, 363

Conversion Rate, 363

cookies, 364

data sources, 363364

defined, 363

purpose of, 360363

Bounce Rate (website), 344

cautions, 365367

complications, 365367

construction, 365

data sources, 365367

defined, 364365

first-click attribution, 366367

last-click attribution, 366367

linear attribution, 366367

purpose of, 365

Clickthrough Rate, 342

cautions, 353354

Clickthroughs, 352

complications, 353354

construction, 352

data sources, 353354

defined, 351

purpose of, 352

Cost per Click, 342

Ad rank, 359

cautions, 357

complications, 357

construction, 356357

Cost per Customer Acquired, 357

data sources, 357

defined, 355

purpose of, 355356

search engines, 358360

Cost per Impression, 343

Ad rank, 359

cautions, 357

complications, 357

construction, 356357

Cost per Customer Acquired, 357

data sources, 357

defined, 355

purpose of, 355356

search engines, 358360

Cost per Order, 343

Ad rank, 359

cautions, 357

complications, 357

construction, 356357

Cost per Customer Acquired, 357

data sources, 357

defined, 355

purpose of, 355356

search engines, 358360

Downloads, 345, 370372

Email Clickthrough, 345

Bounce Rate, 374, 375

cautions, 376377

complications, 376377

construction, 375

CPE, 375

data sources, 376377

defined, 374

Email Open Rate, 375

Email Unsubscribe Rate, 375

purpose of, 374

Friends/Followers/Supporters, 344

cautions, 368370

complications, 368370

construction, 368

Cost per Friend (Like), 368

data sources, 368370

defined, 367

Engagement Rate, 370

Outcomes per Friend, 368

purpose of, 367368

related metrics/concepts, 370

Likes, 344

cautions, 368370

complications, 368370

construction, 368

Cost per Friend (Like), 368

data sources, 368370

defined, 367

Engagement Rate, 370

Outcomes per Friend, 368

purpose of, 367368

related metrics/concepts, 370

Media Display Time, 342

cautions, 350351

complications, 350351

construction, 349

data sources, 350351

defined, 348349

Media Interaction Time, 351

purpose of, 349

related metrics/concepts, 351

rich media, 349

Video Interactions, 351

Media Interaction Rate, 342

cautions, 350351

complications, 350351

construction, 350

data sources, 350351

defined, 348349

Media Interaction Time, 351

purpose of, 349

related metrics/concepts, 351

rich media, 349

Video Interactions, 351

Mobile Metrics, 345, 372

Active Users (Monthly/Daily), 373

Average Revenue per User, 373

cautions, 373374

complications, 373374

construction, 373

data sources, 373374

defined, 372

Session Length, 373

Store Visits, 373

Pageviews, 342, 346347

cautions, 347348

complications, 347348

construction, 347

data sources, 347348

defined, 346

Hits, 347

Value of a Like, 344

cautions, 368370

complications, 368370

construction, 368

Cost per Friend (Like), 368

data sources, 368370

defined, 367

Engagement Rate, 370

Outcomes per Friend, 368

purpose of, 367368

related metrics/concepts, 370

Visitors, 343, 360

cautions, 363

Clickstreams, 361

complications, 363364

construction, 363

Conversion Rate, 363

cookies, 364

data sources, 363364

defined, 363

purpose of, 360363

Visits, 343, 360

cautions, 363

Clickstreams, 361

complications, 363364

construction, 363

Conversion Rate, 363

cookies, 364

data sources, 363364

defined, 363

purpose of, 360363

online accessibility to product, Search and Distribution metrics, 230

Online Distribution metrics

above the fold, 228229

Brand on Landing Page, 229

cautions, 229

Clicks to Product, 229

complications, 229

construction, 228229

data sources, 229

defined, 228

purpose of, 228

Rank of App in App Store, 229

Rank of Brand/SKU, 229

SERP, 228

online resources, MASB, 1011

Optimal Price, 237

cautions, 264, 267

complications, 264

construction, 256264

data sources, 264

defined, 255

Linear Demand, 256264

Optimal Price Relative to Gross Margin, 262264

Price Tailoring (Price Discrimination), 264267

purpose of, 256

regulations, 267

related metrics/concepts, 264267

Robinson-Patman Act, 267

OTS (Opportunities-To-See), 307

defined, 308

purpose of, 307308

Outcomes per Friend, 368

Out-of-Stock, 208

cautions, 221222

complications, 221222

construction, 218221

Consumer Off-Take, 223

data sources, 221222

Deductions, 223

defined, 217

Diverted Merchandise/Goods, 223

FIFO, 222

Inventory Days, 220221

Inventory Turns, 219220

LIFO, 222

Misshipments, 222

Net Out-of-Stocks, 219

Obsolescence, 223

Percentage On-Time Delivery, 219

Pipeline Sales, 223

purpose of, 218

Rain Checks/Make-Goods on Promotions, 222

related metrics/concepts, 222223

service levels, 219

Shrinkage, 223

outputs, linear cost models, 98

overlap, Net Reach, 316318

overservicing, 188

Own Price Elasticity, 268

cautions, 272

complications, 272

construction, 270271

data sources, 272

prisoner’s dilemma pricing, 272278

purpose of, 268270


Pageviews, 342, 346347

cautions, 347348

complications, 347348

construction, 347

data sources, 347348

defined, 346

Hits, 347

paid search marketing, search engines, 358

Pass-Through, 282, 293294

cautions, 295296

complications, 295296

construction, 294

data sources, 295296

defined, 294

purpose of, 294

Payback, 379

cautions, 389390

complications, 389390

construction, 386387

data sources, 389390

defined, 386

purpose of, 386

Payback Period

Break-Even Sales Level, 108

Contribution per Unit, 108

PCV (Product Category Volume), 208

Breadth of Distribution, 217

Category Performance Ratio, 215216

cautions, 216

complications, 216

construction, 213216

data sources, 216

defined, 210

Facing, 216

Features in Store, 217

Inventory, 217

Net Out-of-Stocks, 219

pull marketing, 211

purpose of, 211

push marketing, 211

related metrics/concepts, 216217

Share of Shelf, 216

Store Versus Brand Measures, 216217

Total Distribution, 215

PE ratios, 379, 399

cautions, 402

complications, 402

construction, 400402

data sources, 402

purpose of, 400

Percentage On-Time Delivery, 219

Penetration, 33, 114

Acceptors/Accepters, 36

active customers, 3536

cautions, 35, 124128

Company Profit from New Products, 129

complications, 35, 124128

construction, 34, 117118

data sources, 35, 124128

decomposing market share, 3435

defined, 116

Discounted Trial, 128129

distribution, 119121

Ever-Tried, 128

Ever-tried customers, 36

Evoked Set, 129

Forced Trial, 128

lack of awareness, sales projection models, 118119

Margin on New Products, 129

Number of New Products, 129

purpose of, 116117

related metrics/concepts, 3536, 128129

Repeat Volume, 121122

Revenue from New Products, 129

Target Market Fit, 129

Total Volume, 122124

Trial Rate, 117

Trial Volume, 118

Variations on Trial, 128

Penetration Share, 21

Percent Good Value, 236, 242

Conjoint Analysis, 244

construction, 243244

data sources, 244

defined, 243

demand schedules (curves), 244

Linear Demand, 245248

Maximum Reservation Price, 246

MWB, 246

Price-Quantity Relationship, 243244

purpose of, 242

second-price auctions, 244

Percent Sales on Deals, 281

Percentage (%), 16

Percentage of Organic Sites Stocking the Brand, 210

Percentage Margins. See Margins

percentage points, 133

Percentage Sales on Deal, 294

Percentage Sales with Coupon, 281

breakage, 292

cautions, 292

complications, 292

construction, 291292

data sources, 292

defined, 290

mail-in rebates, 292293

purpose of, 291

related metrics/concepts, 292293

Total Coupon Cost, 291


assessing with marketing metrics x-rays

Big Tobacco Company scenario, 409412

comparing firms on customer metrics, 405406

customer attitudes/awareness of two firms, 405406

customer profitability of two firms, 405

grandparent’s savings scenario, 403406

Prestige Luggage scenario, 407409

firm performance

comparing firms on customer metrics, 405406

customer attitudes/awareness of two firms, 405406

customer profitability of two firms, 405

Dupont Model, The, 421423

modeling, 421424

profit margins, 421

return on sales, 421

measuring Sales Force Effectiveness, 194

performance monitoring in attracting/retaining customers, 162

Pipeline Sales, 223

PLA (Product Listing Ads), 230231

portfolio (dashboard) of metrics, 3

Post-Purchase phase, Sales Pipeline, 203204

Pre-Purchase stage, Sales Pipeline, 203

Prestige Luggage scenario (performance assessments), 407409

Price Discrimination (Price Tailoring), 300301

Price Elasticity of Demand, 237, 248

cautions, 255

complications, 255

Constant Elasticity, 252255

construction, 249252

data sources, 255

defined, 249

demand schedules (curves), 252255

purpose of, 237

Price of a Specified Competitor, 239

Price per Statistical Unit, 69, 8992

data sources, 92

defined, 8788

SKU, 89

Price Premium, 236

Average Price Charged, 240

Average Price Displayed, 240241

Average Price Paid, 239

cautions, 241242

complications, 241242

construction, 238241

data sources, 241242

defined, 238

Price of a Specified Competitor, 239

purpose of, 238

related metrics/concepts, 242

Theoretical Price Premium, 242

Price Tailoring (Price Discrimination), 264267

Price to Book ratio, 401

Price Waterfall, 282, 296

cautions, 298299, 301

complications, 298299

construction, 297298

data sources, 298299

Deductions, 299

defined, 297

EDLP, 299

HI-LO, 300

Invoice Price, 297

List Price, 297

Net Price, 297298

Price Discrimination (Price Tailoring), 300301

purpose of, 296297

related metrics/concepts, 299301

Price-Quantity Relationship, 243244


calculating at distribution level, 78

First Channel Member’s Selling Price, 8082

Pricing Strategy metrics, 15, 235236

Competitor Reaction Elasticity, 268

cautions, 272

complications, 272

construction, 270271

data sources, 272

prisoner’s dilemma pricing, 272278

purpose of, 268270

Cross Elasticity, 268

cautions, 272

complications, 272

construction, 270271

data sources, 272

prisoner’s dilemma pricing, 272278

purpose of, 268270

Optimal Price, 237

cautions, 264, 267

complications, 264

construction, 256264

data sources, 264

defined, 255

Linear Demand, 256264

Price Tailoring (Price Discrimination), 264267

purpose of, 256

regulations, 267

related metrics/concepts, 264267

Robinson-Patman Act, 267

Optimal Price Relative to Gross Margin, 262264

Own Price Elasticity, 268

cautions, 272

complications, 272

construction, 270271

data sources, 272

prisoner’s dilemma pricing, 272278

purpose of, 268270

Percent Good Value, 236, 242

Conjoint Analysis, 244

construction, 243244

data sources, 244

defined, 243

demand schedules (curves), 244

Linear Demand, 245248

Maximum Reservation Price, 246

MWB, 246

Price-Quantity Relationship, 243244

purpose of, 242

second-price auctions, 244

Price Elasticity of Demand, 237, 248

cautions, 255

complications, 255

Constant Elasticity, 252255

construction, 249252

data sources, 255

defined, 249

demand schedules (curves), 252255

purpose of, 237

Price Premium, 236

Average Price Charged, 240

Average Price Displayed, 240241

Average Price Paid, 239

cautions, 241242

complications, 241242

construction, 238241

data sources, 241242

defined, 238

Price of a Specified Competitor, 239

purpose of, 238

related metrics/concepts, 242

Theoretical Price Premium, 242

Reservation Price, 236, 242

Conjoint Analysis, 244

construction, 243244

data sources, 244

defined, 243

demand schedules (curves), 244

Linear Demand, 245248

Maximum Reservation Price, 246

MWB, 246

Price-Quantity Relationship, 243244

purpose of, 242

second-price auctions, 244

Residual Elasticity, 237, 268

cautions, 272

complications, 272

construction, 270271

data sources, 272

prisoner’s dilemma pricing, 272278

purpose of, 268270

prisoner’s dilemma pricing, 272278

Product and Portfolio Management metrics, 14, 113114

Brand Equity Metrics, 115

brand equity, 141142

Brand Equity 10, 142143

Brand Evaluation Model, 146147

Brand Finance, 144145

Brand Identity, 148

Brand Image, 148

Brand Position, 148

brand ratings, 144145

brand value, 140142

BrandAsset® Valuator, 142144

BrandZ, 145146

cautions, 148

complications, 148

Conjoint Analysis, 147

construction, 142147

data sources, 148

defined, 140

Product Differentiation, 148

purpose of, 140142

Ramsellar, 144

related metrics/concepts, 148

“Royalty Relief,” 144

CAGR, 115

basis points, 134

Compounding Growth, Value at Future Period, 132

construction, 130133

data sources, 133134

defined, 129

Life Cycles, 134

measuring growth, 130

percentage points, 133

purpose of, 130

related metrics/concepts, 134

Cannibalization Rate, 115, 134137

cautions, 138139

complications, 138139

data sources, 138139

defined, 134

Conjoint Utilities, 115

cautions, 153154

Choice Modeling, 150151

compensatory/non-compensatory consumer decisions, 151153

complications, 153154

Conjoint Analysis, 150151

construction, 150153

data sources, 153154

defined, 149

purpose of, 149150

relative consumer preferences for product attributes, 149150

Conjoint Utilities and Volume Projection, 116

cautions, 157158

complications, 157158

data sources, 157158

defined, 157

market share projections, 157

purpose of, 157

sales volume projections, 157

Fair Share Draw, 115, 137138

cautions, 138139

complications, 138139

data sources, 138139

defined, 134

Penetration, 114

cautions, 124128

Company Profit from New Products, 129

complications, 124128

construction, 117118

data sources, 124128

defined, 116

Discounted Trial, 128129

distribution, 119121

Ever-Tried, 128

Evoked Set, 129

Forced Trial, 128

lack of awareness, sales projection models, 118119

Margin on New Products, 129

Number of New Products, 129

purpose of, 116117

related metrics/concepts, 128129

Repeat Volume, 121122

Revenue from New Products, 129

Target Market Fit, 129

Total Volume, 122124

Trial Rate, 117

Trial Volume, 118

Variations on Trial, 128

Repeat Volume, 114

cautions, 124128

Company Profit from New Products, 129

complications, 124128

construction, 117118

data sources, 124128

defined, 116

Discounted Trial, 128129

distribution, 119121

Ever-Tried, 128

Evoked Set, 129

Forced Trial, 128

lack of awareness, sales projection models, 118119

Margin on New Products, 129

Number of New Products, 129

purpose of, 116117

related metrics/concepts, 128129

Repeat Volume, 121122

Revenue from New Products, 129

Target Market Fit, 129

Total Volume, 122124

Trial Rate, 117

Trial Volume, 118

Variations on Trial, 128

Segment Utilities, 116

cautions, 156157

Cluster Analysis, 155156

complications, 156157

construction, 155156

data sources, 156157

defined, 154

purpose of, 154155

segment identification based on conjoint utilities, 154155

Trial, 114

cautions, 124128

Company Profit from New Products, 129

complications, 124128

construction, 117118

data sources, 124128

defined, 116

Discounted Trial, 128129

distribution, 119121

Ever-Tried, 128

Evoked Set, 129

Forced Trial, 128

lack of awareness, sales projection models, 118119

Margin on New Products, 129

Number of New Products, 129

purpose of, 116117

related metrics/concepts, 128129

Repeat Volume, 121122

Revenue from New Products, 129

Target Market Fit, 129

Total Volume, 122124

Trial Rate, 117

Trial Volume, 118

Variations on Trial, 128

Volume Projections, 114

cautions, 124128

Company Profit from New Products, 129

complications, 124128

construction, 117118

data sources, 124128

defined, 116

Discounted Trial, 128129

distribution, 119121

Ever-Tried, 128

Evoked Set, 129

Forced Trial, 128

lack of awareness, sales projection models, 118119

Margin on New Products, 129

Number of New Products, 129

purpose of, 116117

related metrics/concepts, 128129

Repeat Volume, 121122

Revenue from New Products, 129

spreadsheets, 123124

Target Market Fit, 129

Total Volume, 122124

Trial Rate, 117

Trial Volume, 118

Variations on Trial, 128

Year-on-Year Growth, 115

basis points, 134

Compounding Growth, Value at Future Period, 132

construction, 130133

data sources, 133134

defined, 129

Life Cycles, 134

measuring growth, 130

percentage points, 133

purpose of, 130

related metrics/concepts, 134

product attributes, relative consumer preferences for, 149150

Product Category Volume. See PCV

Product Differentiation, 148

profit margins, 421

Profitability metrics, 223227

profitability of individual customers, 167168

Promotion metrics, 15, 279280

Baseline Sales, 281

cautions, 288289

complications, 288289

construction, 283288

data sources, 288289

defined, 282283

long-term effects of promotions, 289

purpose of, 283

Costs for Coupons and Rebates, 281

breakage, 292

cautions, 292

complications, 292

construction, 291292

data sources, 292

defined, 290

mail-in rebates, 292293

purpose of, 291

related metrics/concepts, 292293

Total Coupon Cost, 291

Incremental Sales (Promotional Lift), 281

cautions, 288289

complications, 288289

construction, 283288

data sources, 288289

defined, 282283

long-term effects of promotions, 289

purpose of, 283

Pass-Through, 282, 293, 294

cautions, 295296

complications, 295296

construction, 294

data sources, 295296

defined, 294

purpose of, 294

Percent Sales on Deals, 281, 294

Percentage Sales with Coupon, 281

breakage, 292

cautions, 292

complications, 292

construction, 291292

data sources, 292

defined, 290

mail-in rebates, 292293

purpose of, 291

related metrics/concepts, 292293

Total Coupon Cost, 291

Price Waterfall, 282, 296

cautions, 298299, 301

complications, 298299

construction, 297298

data sources, 298299

Deductions, 299

defined, 297

EDLP, 299

HI-LO, 300

Invoice Price, 297

List Price, 297

Net Price, 297298

Price Discrimination (Price Tailoring), 300301

purpose of, 296297

related metrics/concepts, 299301

Redemption Rates, 281

breakage, 292

cautions, 292

complications, 292

construction, 291292

data sources, 292

defined, 290

mail-in rebates, 292293

purpose of, 291

related metrics/concepts, 292293

Total Coupon Cost, 291

Promotional Lift (Incremental Sales), 281

cautions, 288289

complications, 288289

construction, 283288

data sources, 288289

defined, 282283

long-term effects of promotions, 289

purpose of, 283

promotions, Rain Checks/Make-Goods on Promotions, 222

Prospect Lifetime Value, 161

construction, 179180

data sources, 180181

defined, 178

newly acquired customers, lifetime value of, 178179

purpose of, 178179

Prospects, Sales Pipeline, 203

pull marketing, 211

Purchase Habits, 22

Purchase Intentions, 22

Purchase phase, Sales Pipeline, 203

push marketing, 211


Q scores, Awareness, Attitudes and Usage (AAU), 48


R (Rating), 17

Rain Checks/Make-Goods on Promotions, 222

Rank of App in App Store, 229

Rank of Brand/SKU, 229

Rating (R), 17

ratings points, 307

Reach, 307, 311. See also Net Reach

defined, 315

Frequency and, 314315


Costs for Coupons and Rebates, 281

breakage, 292

cautions, 292

complications, 292

construction, 291292

data sources, 292

defined, 290

mail-in rebates, 292293

purpose of, 291

related metrics/concepts, 292293

Total Coupon Cost, 291

mail-in rebates, 292293

Recency, 160, 162

attracting/retaining customers, performance monitoring, 162

cautions, 165

complications, 165

construction, 162165

counting customers, 162165

customers, 164

data sources, 165

defining properly, importance of, 165167

purpose of, 162

Redemption Rates, 281

breakage, 292

cautions, 292

complications, 292

construction, 291292

data sources, 292

defined, 290

mail-in rebates, 292293

purpose of, 291

related metrics/concepts, 292293

Total Coupon Cost, 291


Optimal Price, 267

Price Waterfall, 301

relationships between decisions/objectives, monitoring, 429432

relative consumer preferences for product attributes, 149150

Relative Market Share, 20, 27

BCG Matrix, 2728

cautions, 30

complications, 30

construction, 2829

data sources, 30

Herfindahl Index, 2930

Market Concentration, 29

Market for Small Urban Cars example, 2829

Market Share Rank, 30

Market Share-Small Urban Cars example, 29

purpose of, 2728

related metrics/concepts, 2930

Share of Category, 30

Three- (Four-) Firm Concentration Ratio, 29

reliability testing, 414415

Repeat Rate, Share of Requirements, 39

Repeat Volume, 114, 121122

cautions, 124128

Company Profit from New Products, 129

complications, 124128

construction, 117118

data sources, 124128

defined, 116

Discounted Trial, 128129

distribution, 119121

Ever-Tried, 128

Evoked Set, 129

Forced Trial, 128

lack of awareness, sales projection models, 118119

Margin on New Products, 129

Number of New Products, 129

purpose of, 116117

related metrics/concepts, 128129

Repeat Volume, 121122

Revenue from New Products, 129

Target Market Fit, 129

Total Volume, 122124

Trial Rate, 117

Trial Volume, 118

Variations on Trial, 128

Repurchase Rate, Share of Requirements, 39

Reservation Price, 236, 242

Conjoint Analysis, 244

construction, 243244

data sources, 244

defined, 243

demand schedules (curves), 244

Linear Demand, 245248

Maximum Reservation Price, 246

MWB, 246

Price-Quantity Relationship, 243244

purpose of, 242

second-price auctions, 244

Residual Elasticity, 237, 268

cautions, 272

complications, 272

construction, 270271

data sources, 272

prisoner’s dilemma pricing, 272278

purpose of, 268270

response bias, 52

response latencies (time delays), 61

retaining customers

counting customers, 164

performance monitoring, 162

Retention Rate, 160, 162

attracting/retaining customers, performance monitoring, 162

cautions, 165

complications, 165

construction, 162165

counting customers, 162165

data sources, 165

defining properly, importance of, 165167

purpose of, 162

Share of Requirements, 3940

Return on Advertising Spend. See ROAS

return on sales, 421


Abnormal Returns, 397, 398399

TSR, 379

cautions, 399

complications, 399

construction, 398

data sources, 399

defined, 397

Market Capitalization, 397

purpose of, 397

Revenue from New Products, 129

Revenue Market Share, 20, 25

rewarding customers, 167

rich media, 349

RMOI. See also MROI, 390, 391

ROA (Return on Assets), 382383

ROAS (Return on Advertising Spend), 306, 332334

Robinson-Patman Act, 267

ROC (Return on Capital), 382383

ROI (Return on Investment), 89, 378, 382383

MROI, 379

cautions, 394395

complications, 394395

construction, 391394

data sources, 394395

defined, 390391

Financial Value Attributable to Marketing, 392

Media Exposure Return on Marketing Investment, 395396

purpose of, 391

related metrics/concepts, 395396

ROIMI, 392

Sponsorship ROI, 306, 336339

ROIC (Return on Invested Capital), 382383

ROIMI (Return on Incremental Marketing Investment), 392

RONA (Return on Net Assets), 382383

ROS (Return on Sales), 378, 380

cautions, 381

complications, 381

construction, 381

data sources, 381

NOPAT, 382

purpose of, 378

related metrics/concepts, 382

“Royalty Relief,” 144



forecasting, Sales Pipeline, 201

return on sales, 421

Sales Force Effectiveness, 186

cautions, 197

complications, 197

construction, 195197

data sources, 197

defined, 194

performance, measuring, 194

purpose of, 194

Sales Force Management metrics, 15, 185

Break-Even Number of Employees, 187

Compensation, 186, 199200

cautions, 200201

complications, 200201

data sources, 200201

defined, 198

purpose of, 198199

Sales Force Effectiveness, 186

cautions, 197

complications, 197

construction, 195197

data sources, 197

defined, 194

measuring performance, 194

purpose of, 194

Sales Funnel, 187, 201, 203

cautions, 204205

Cold Leads, 202

complications, 204205

construction, 202204

data sources, 204205

defined, 201

forecasting sales, 201

interest creation, 202

Post-Purchase phase, 203204

Pre-Purchase stage, 203

Purchase phase, 203

Warm Leads, 202

workload distribution, 201

Sales Goal, 186

cautions, 193194

complications, 193194

construction, 192193

data sources, 193194

defined, 190191

districts, 192193

Forecasted Sales Increase for District, 192

motivating/evaluating, 191

purpose of, 191

Weighted Share of Sales Allotment, 192

Sales Pipeline, 187, 201, 203

cautions, 204205

Cold Leads, 202

complications, 204205

construction, 202204

data sources, 204205

defined, 201

forecasting sales, 201

interest creation, 202

Post-Purchase phase, 203204

Pre-Purchase stage, 203

Purchase phase, 203

Warm Leads, 202

workload distribution, 201

Sales Potential Forecast, 186

Workload, 186

balanced territories, effects of, 188189

buying power, 189

cautions, 190

comparing territories, 189190

complications, 190

construction, 188190

data sources, 190

defined, 187188

overservicing, 188

under-servicing, 187188

territories, 187

unbalanced territories, 188

Sales Funnel, 187, 203

cautions, 204205

Cold Leads, 202

complications, 204205

construction, 202204

data sources, 204205

defined, 201

forecasting sales, 201

interest creation, 202

Post-Purchase phase, 203204

Pre-Purchase stage, 203

Purchase phase, 203

purpose of, 201

Warm Leads, 202

workload distribution, 201

Sales Goal, 186

cautions, 193194

complications, 193194

construction, 192193

data sources, 193194

defined, 190191

districts, 192193

Forecasted Sales Increase for District($), 192

purpose of, 191

sales personnel, motivating/evaluating, 191

Weighted Share of Sales Allotment, 192

sales personnel, motivating/evaluating, 191

Sales Pipeline, 187, 201, 203

cautions, 204205

Cold Leads, 202

complications, 204205

construction, 202204

data sources, 204205

defined, 201

forecasting sales, 201

interest creation, 202

Post-Purchase phase, 203204

Pre-Purchase stage, 203

Purchase phase, 203

Warm Leads, 202

workload distribution, 201

Sales Potential Forecast, 186

sales projection models, lack of awareness, 118119

sales volume projections, 157

Same Stores Growth, 129

SASB (Sustainability Accounting Standards Board), 11

SCR (Skin Conductance Response), 61

Search and Distribution metrics

cautions, 231

complications, 231

construction, 230231

data sources, 231

defined, 230

online accessibility to product, 230

PLA, 230231

purpose of, 230

sponsored sites, 231

search engines, 358

Ad rank, 359

Cost per Click, 358359

marketing, 358

optimization, 359360

paid search marketing, 358

search engines, SERP, 228

second-price auctions, 244

second-tier customers, 168

segment identification based on conjoint utilities, 154155

Segment Utilities, 116

cautions, 156157

Cluster Analysis, 155156

complications, 156157

construction, 155156

data sources, 156157

defined, 154

purpose of, 154155

segment identification based on conjoint utilities, 154155

SERP (Search Engine Results Page), 228

Served Market, 26

service levels, Supply Chain metrics, 219

Session Length, 373

Sessions (Google Analytics), 363

Shames, Erv, 409

Share of Category, Relative Market Share, 30

Share of Hearts, Minds, and Markets metrics, 14

AAU, 44

Ad Awareness, 46

Attitudes, 46

Awareness, 4546

cautions, 4748

complications, 4748

construction, 4547

customer/non-customer responses, 4748

data sources, 4748

framing/administering questions, 47

Geo-clustering, 4849

Knowledge, 46

lagging indicators, 48

leading indicators, 48

purpose of, 4445

Q scores, 48

related metrics/concepts, 4849

Top of Mind, 22, 46

triangulating customer data, 48

usage, 47

Ad Awareness, 22, 46

Awareness, 22, 4546

BDI, 20, 31

complications, 33

construction, 32

data sources, 33

purpose of, 31

Brand Penetration, 21

Category Penetration, 21

CDI, 21, 31

complications, 33

construction, 32

data sources, 33

purpose of, 31

related metrics/concepts, 33

Consumer Beliefs, 22

Customer Satisfaction, 23, 49

construction, 5051

data sources, 5152

Number of Complaints, 52

purpose of, 4950

related metrics/concepts, 52

Trade Satisfaction, 52

Decomposition of Market Share, 21

Hierarchy of Effects, 22, 4449

indicators of future changes in shares, 2023

Knowledge, 22, 46

Likeability, 23

Loyalty, 23

market share, 1920, 2426

Net Promoter, 23, 53

cautions, 5455

complications, 5455

construction, 53

data sources, 5455

NPS, 5355

purpose of, 53

Neuro-marketing Measures, 23

cautions, 63

complications, 63

construction, 5761

data sources, 63

neuroscience and, 5761

purpose of, 57

usage, 6163

Penetration, 33

Acceptors/Accepters, 36

active customers, 3536

cautions, 35

complications, 35

construction, 34

data sources, 35

decomposing market share, 3435

Ever-tried customers, 36

related metrics/concepts, 3536

Penetration Share, 21

Purchase Habits, 22

Purchase Intentions, 22

Relative Market Share, 20, 27

BCG Matrix, 2728

cautions, 30

complications, 30

construction, 2829

data sources, 30

Herfindahl Index, 2930

Market Concentration, 29

Market for Small Urban Cars example, 2829

Market Share Rank, 30

Market Share-Small Urban Cars example, 29

purpose of, 2728

related metrics/concepts, 2930

Share of Category, 30

Three- (Four-) Firm Concentration Ratio, 29

Revenue Market Share, 20, 25

Share of Requirements, 21, 36

cautions, 38

complications, 38

construction, 3738

data sources, 38

Double Jeopardy, 38

Number of Brands Purchased, 39

purpose of, 37

related metrics/concepts, 3940

Repeat Rate, 39

Repurchase Rate, 39

retention rates, 3940

Solo Usage Percentages, 39

Top of Mind, 22, 46

Unit Market Share, 20, 2425

Usage Index, 21, 40

cautions, 41

complications, 41

construction, 4041

data sources, 41

Double Jeopardy, 4144

purpose of, 40

related metrics/concepts, 44

Wal-Mart, 19

Willingness to Recommend, 23

construction, 5051

data sources, 5152

Number of Complaints, 52

purpose of, 4950

related metrics/concepts, 52

Trade Satisfaction, 52

Willingness to Search, 23, 55

cautions, 56

complications, 56

construction, 56

data sources, 56

purpose of, 5556

Share of Requirements, 21, 36

cautions, 38

complications, 38

construction, 3738

data sources, 38

Double Jeopardy, 38

Number of Brands Purchased, 39

purpose of, 37

related metrics/concepts, 3940

Repeat Rate, 39

Repurchase Rate, 39

retention rates, 3940

Solo Usage Percentages, 39

Share of Shelf, 216

Share of Voice, 306, 325

cautions, 326327

complications, 326327

construction, 326

data sources, 326327

defined, 326

purpose of, 326

Shopping Basket Margin, 227

showrooming, 232

Shrinkage, 223

side-by-side A/B testing, 415

signal-to-noise ratios, market share, 26

SKU (Stock Keeping Units)

Average Price per Unit, 8889

Price per Statistical Unit, 89

Rank of Brand/SKU, 229

SKU Profitability metrics, 223227

Slotting Allowances, 103

Social Media metrics


cautions, 368370

complications, 368370

construction, 368

Cost per Friend (Like), 368

data sources, 368370

defined, 367

Engagement Rate, 370

Outcomes per Friend, 368

purpose of, 367368

related metrics/concepts, 370


cautions, 368370

complications, 368370

construction, 368

Cost per Friend (Like), 368

data sources, 368370

defined, 367

Engagement Rate, 370

Outcomes per Friend, 368

purpose of, 367368

related metrics/concepts, 370

Value of a Like

cautions, 368370

complications, 368370

construction, 368

Cost per Friend (Like), 368

data sources, 368370

defined, 367

Engagement Rate, 370

Outcomes per Friend, 368

purpose of, 367368

related metrics/concepts, 370

Solo Usage Percentages, Share of Requirements, 39

“source credibility,” 4

sponsored sites, 231

Sponsorship metrics, 9, 334. See also Advertising and Sponsorship

Sponsorship ROI, 306, 336339

Store Versus Brand Measures, 216217

Store Visits, 373

Supply Chain metrics


cautions, 221222

complications, 221222

construction, 218221

Consumer Off-Take, 223

data sources, 221222

Deductions, 223

defined, 217

Diverted Merchandise/Goods, 223

FIFO, 222

Inventory Days, 220221

Inventory Turns, 219220

LIFO, 222

Misshipments, 222

Net Out-of-Stocks, 219

Obsolescence, 223

Percentage On-Time Delivery, 219

Pipeline Sales, 223

purpose of, 218

Rain Checks/Make-Goods on Promotions, 222

related metrics/concepts, 218

service levels, 219

Shrinkage, 223


cautions, 221222

complications, 221222

construction, 218221

Consumer Off-Take, 223

data sources, 221222

Deductions, 223

defined, 217

Diverted Merchandise/Goods, 223

FIFO, 222

Inventory Days, 220221

Inventory Turns, 219220

LIFO, 222

Misshipments, 222

Net Out-of-Stocks, 219

Obsolescence, 223

Percentage On-Time Delivery, 219

Pipeline Sales, 223

purpose of, 218

Rain Checks/Make-Goods on Promotions, 222

related metrics/concepts, 218

service levels, 219

Shrinkage, 223

systems of identities, 424425

decomposing metrics, 424426

difficult to measure metrics, estimating, 428

law of large (and not-so-large) numbers, 426428

Marketing Mix Models, 429432

related metrics/concepts, 433

relationships between decisions/objectives, monitoring, 429432


Target Market Fit, 129

Target Revenues, 70

cautions, 110

complications, 110

construction, 109110

data sources, 110

defined, 108

purpose of, 109

related metrics/concepts, 110111

Target Volume, 70

cautions, 110

complications, 110

construction, 109110

data sources, 110

defined, 108

purpose of, 109

related metrics/concepts, 110111


balanced territories, effects of, 188189

comparing, 189190

unbalanced territories, 188

Workload, 187

testing, 415

A/B testing, 415

advertising, 416418

reliability testing, 414415

value of information, 6

Theoretical Price Premium, 242

third-tier customers, 168

Three- (Four-) Firm Concentration Ratio, 29

Threshold function, 305

Threshold Response, 319322

tiers of customers, 167168

time delays (response latencies), 61

Tobin’s q, 401

Top of Mind, 22, 46

“Top Ten” metrics, 79

top-tier customers, 167

total cost per unit, Variable and Fixed Costs, 9697, 9899

Total Coupon Cost, 291

Total Distribution, 208, 215

total ratings, 307

Total Volume, 122124

Trade Satisfaction

Customer Satisfaction, 52

Willingness to Recommend, 52

Trial, 114

cautions, 124128

Company Profit from New Products, 129

complications, 124128

construction, 117118

data sources, 124128

defined, 116

Discounted Trial, 128129

distribution, 119121

Ever-Tried, 128

Evoked Set, 129

Forced Trial, 128

lack of awareness, sales projection models, 118119

Margin on New Products, 129

Number of New Products, 129

purpose of, 116117

related metrics/concepts, 128129

Repeat Volume, 121122

Revenue from New Products, 129

Target Market Fit, 129

Total Volume, 122124

Trial Rate, 117

Trial Volume, 118

Variations on Trial, 128

Trial Rate, 117

Trial Volume, 118

triangulating customer data, AAU, 48


defined, 116117

First-Time Triers in Period T, 117

TRP (Target Ratings Points), 309311

TSR (Total Shareholder Returns), 379

cautions, 399

complications, 399

construction, 398

data sources, 399

defined, 397

Market Capitalization, 397

purpose of, 397


unbalanced territories, 188

under-servicing, 187188

Unit Margin, 68

cautions, 7477

complications, 7477

construction, 7274

data sources, 7477

defined, 71

Gross Margin, 77

Margin versus, 71

margins as percentage of costs, 7475

markups or margins, 7577

selling prices, 74

various costs included, 77

Unit Market Share, 20, 2425

Usage Index, 21, 40

cautions, 41

complications, 41

construction, 4041

data sources, 41

Double Jeopardy, 4144

purpose of, 40

related metrics/concepts, 44


valuation versus evaluation, 142

Value of a Like, 344

cautions, 368370

complications, 368370

construction, 368

Cost per Friend (Like), 368

data sources, 368370

defined, 367

Engagement Rate, 370

Outcomes per Friend, 368

purpose of, 367368

related metrics/concepts, 370

value of information, 57, 412414

van den Berg, Sjef

concepts, 4

“source credibility,” 4

Variable and Fixed Costs, 69

classification of costs depending on context, 98

construction, 9397

cost changes with volume, 93

data sources, 9799

defined, 93

linear cost models, 98

purpose of, 93

total cost per unit, 9699

Variations on Trial, 128

Venn diagrams, Net Reach, 316317

Video Interactions, 351

Visitors, 343, 360

cautions, 363

Clickstreams, 361

complications, 363364

construction, 363

Conversion Rate, 363

cookies, 364

data sources, 363364

defined, 363

purpose of, 360363

Visits, 343, 360

cautions, 363364

Clickstreams, 361

complications, 363364

construction, 363

Conversion Rate, 363

cookies, 364

data sources, 363364

defined, 363

purpose of, 360363

VMLY&R, 142

Voice, Share of, 306, 325

cautions, 326327

complications, 326327

construction, 326

data sources, 326327

defined, 326

purpose of, 326

Volume Projections, 114

cautions, 124128

Company Profit from New Products, 129

complications, 124128

construction, 117118

data sources, 124128

defined, 116

Discounted Trial, 128129

distribution, 119121

Ever-Tried, 128

Evoked Set, 129

Forced Trial, 128

lack of awareness, sales projection models, 118119

Margin on New Products, 129

Number of New Products, 129

purpose of, 116117

related metrics/concepts, 128129

Repeat Volume, 121122

Revenue from New Products, 129

spreadsheets, 123124

Target Market Fit, 129

Total Volume, 122124

Trial Rate, 117

Trial Volume, 118

Variations on Trial, 128

VSLY&R, BrandAsset® Valuator, 143144


Wal-Mart, market share, 19

Warm Leads, Sales Pipeline, 202

Watt, James H.

concepts, 4

“source credibility,” 4

Wear-in frequency, 323

Wear-out frequency, 323

web resources, MASB, 1011


Abandonment Rate, 344, 360

cautions, 363

Clickstreams, 361

complications, 363364

construction, 363

Conversion Rate, 363

cookies, 364

data sources, 363364

defined, 363

purpose of, 360363

Bounce Rate, 344

cautions, 365367

complications, 365367

construction, 365

data sources, 365367

defined, 364, 365

first-click attribution, 366367

last-click attribution, 366367

linear attribution, 366367

purpose of, 365

Clickstreams, 361

Conversion Rate, 363

Visitors, 343, 360

cautions, 363

Clickstreams, 361

complications, 363364

construction, 363

Conversion Rate, 363

cookies, 364

data sources, 363364

defined, 363

purpose of, 360363

Visits, 343, 360

cautions, 363

Clickstreams, 361

complications, 363364

construction, 363

Conversion Rate, 363

cookies, 364

data sources, 363364

defined, 363

purpose of, 360363

Weighted Share of Sales Allotment, 192

whale curves, 168170

Willingness to Recommend, 23

construction, 5051

data sources, 5152

Number of Complaints, 52

purpose of, 4950

related metrics/concepts, 52

Trade Satisfaction, 52

Willingness to Search, 23, 55

cautions, 56

complications, 56

construction, 56

data sources, 56

purpose of, 5556

Workload, 186

balanced territories, effects of, 188189

buying power, 189

cautions, 190

comparing territories, 189190

complications, 190

construction, 188190

data sources, 190

defined, 187188

overservicing, 188

under-servicing, 187188

territories, 187

unbalanced territories, 188

workload distribution, Sales Pipeline, 201


x-rays, marketing metrics as

Big Tobacco Company scenario, 409412

comparing firms on customer metrics, 405406

customer attitudes/awareness of two firms, 405406

customer profitability of two firms, 405

grandparent’s savings scenario, 403406

Prestige Luggage scenario, 407409

Y — Z

Year-on-Year Growth, 115

basis points, 134

Compounding Growth, Value at Future Period, 132

construction, 130133

data sources, 133134

defined, 129

Life Cycles, 134

measuring growth, 130

percentage points, 133

purpose of, 130

related metrics/concepts, 134

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