
This book is dedicated to my family: my father, John; my mother, Mary; my children Colin, Evan, and Erin; and the woman who completes me—my wife, Kim.

In developing this book, I received help from many people within Intel Corporation and throughout the industry.

Special thanks to Mike Faden—our discussions, and his questions seeking clarity from me, brought this book to life. Thanks also to Ilene Aginsky, who encouraged me to start the book, and to Elaine Rainbolt, who has provided considerable help along the way.

I also wish to thank all those in Intel’s information risk and security team. Without their skills and passion, I would not have learned so much during the past 11 years. It is because of them that I have been able to execute my role and write this book. Many individuals contributed time, energy, and expertise—either to me, helping me grow my knowledge over the years; directly to the book; or to the creation of other documents that I used as source materials. The following deserve special thanks: Brian Willis, Kim Owen, Steve Mancini, Dennis Morgan, Jerzy Rub, Esteban Gutierrez, Rob Evered, Matt Rosenquist, Tim Casey, Toby Kohlenberg, Jeff Boerio, Alan Ross, Tarun Viswanathan, Matt White, Michael Sparks, Eran Birk, Bill Cahill, Stacy Purcell, Tim Verrall, Todd Butler, Stuart Tyler, Amir Itzhaki, Carol Kasten, Perry Olson, Mary Rossell, Marie Steinmetz, Fawn Taylor, Grant Babb, Eamonn Sheeran, and Dave Munsey.

Other experts who have helped me to learn and grow include the members of the Bay Area CSO Council and Executive Security Action Forum, the members and staff of the Information Risk Executive Council, and participants in the Evanta CISO Executive Summits. In particular, I’d like to acknowledge peers who act as trusted sounding boards for ideas, for me and for others in the industry: Patrick Heim, Dave Cullinane, Justin Somani, Gary Terrell, Larry Brock, Mark Weatherford, Brett Whalin, Joshua Davis, Dennis Brixius, Preston Wood, Anne Kuhns, Roland Cloutier, and John Stewart.

Finally, I wish to thank Intel’s past CIOs who challenged and inspired me, and took risks by placing me in roles I wasn’t ready for: Carlene Ellis, Louis Burns, Doug Busch, John Johnson, and Diane Bryant

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