
    1  ILM Super Series study links

This workbook addresses the issues of Managing Creativity and Innovation in the Workplace. Should you wish to extend your study to other Super Series workbooks covering related or different subject areas, you will find a comprehensive list at the back of this book

    2  Links to ILM qualifications

This workbook relates to the learning outcomes of Unit M3.06 Managing creativity and innovation in the workplace from the ILM Level 3 Award, Certificate and Diploma in First Line Management.

    3  Links to S/NVQs in management

This workbook relates to the following Unit of the Management Standards which are used in S/NVQs in Management, as well as a range of other S/NVQs:

C2. Encourage innovation in your area of responsibility

    4  Workbook objectives

Creativity and innovation have become much more significant issues for all organizations over the last few years. This is a reflection of the increasingly competitive market that all organizations operate in, whether they are in the private, public or voluntary sector. This innovation has been driven by the increasing rate at which new technologies have appeared, the greater wealth of people in developed countries particularly, and changing social patterns.

People will try out new products and services more readily, and organizations have to improve their processes constantly to meet customer demand and manage their costs. Far too many organizations have seen themselves as impregnable until a new organization arrives and they find themselves struggling.

In this workbook we will look at innovation and its closely related idea, creativity. We will examine how creativity leads into innovation, what you can do to encourage creative ideas and assess your organization's readiness to accept these ideas, and what you need to do to implement them.

4.1 Objectives

By the time you have completed the workbook you should be able to:

images   distinguish between creativity and innovation;

images    recognize the increasing importance of creativity and innovation in organizational success;

images   appreciate some of the different techniques that can help you to lead people through a creative ideas generation process;

images   select an appropriate creative approach to developing innovations in your organization;

images   implement innovative ideas in your organization.

    5  Activity planner

Activities 6 and 7 ask you to look at your organization's approach to R&D. You may want to explore this at work now, so that you can start collecting material as soon as possible.
images These and several other Activities may provide the basis of evidence for your S/NVQ portfolio. All Portfolio Activities and the Work-based assignment are signposted with this icon.
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