Preface to the First Edition

From Erik Hatcher

I’ve been intrigued with searching and indexing from the early days of the Internet. I have fond memories (circa 1991) of managing an email list using majordomo, MUSH (Mail User’s Shell), and a handful of Perl, awk, and shell scripts. I implemented a CGI web interface to allow users to search the list archives and other users’ profiles using grep tricks under the covers. Then along came Yahoo!, AltaVista, and Excite, all which I visited regularly.

After my first child, Jakob, was born, my digital photo archive began growing rapidly. I was intrigued with the idea of developing a system to manage the pictures so that I could attach metadata to each picture, such as keywords and date taken, and, of course, locate the pictures easily in any dimension I chose. In the late 1990s, I prototyped a filesystem-based approach using Microsoft technologies, including Microsoft Index Server, Active Server Pages, and a third COM component for image manipulation. At the time, my professional life was consumed with these same technologies. I was able to cobble together a compelling application in a couple of days of spare-time hacking.

My professional life shifted toward Java technologies, and my computing life consisted of less and less Microsoft Windows. In an effort to reimplement my personal photo archive and search engine in Java technologies in an operating system–agnostic way, I came across Lucene. Lucene’s ease of use far exceeded my expectations—I had experienced numerous other open-source libraries and tools that were far simpler conceptually yet far more complex to use.

In 2001, Steve Loughran and I began writing Java Development with Ant (Manning). We took the idea of an image search engine application and generalized it as a document search engine. This application example is used throughout the Ant book and can be customized as an image search engine. The tie to Ant comes not only from a simple compile-and-package build process but also from a custom Ant task, <index>, we created that indexes files during the build process using Lucene. This Ant task now lives in Lucene’s Sandbox and is described in section 8.4 of the first edition.

This Ant task is in production use for my custom blogging system, which I call BlogScene ( I run an Ant build process, after creating a blog entry, which indexes new entries and uploads them to my server. My blog server consists of a servlet, some Velocity templates, and a Lucene index, allowing for rich queries, even syndication of queries. Compared to other blogging systems, BlogScene is vastly inferior in features and finesse, but the full-text search capabilities are very powerful.

I’m now working with the Applied Research in Patacriticism group at the University of Virginia (, where I’m putting my text analysis, indexing, and searching expertise to the test and stretching my mind with discussions of how quantum physics relates to literature. “Poets are the unacknowledged engineers of the world.”

From Otis Gospodnetić

My interest in and passion for information retrieval and management began during my student years at Middlebury College. At that time, I discovered an immense source of information known as the Web. Although the Web was still in its infancy, the long-term need for gathering, analyzing, indexing, and searching was evident. I became obsessed with creating repositories of information pulled from the Web, began writing web crawlers, and dreamed of ways to search the collected information. I viewed search as the killer application in a largely uncharted territory. With that in the back of my mind, I began the first in my series of projects that share a common denominator: gathering and searching information.

In 1995, fellow student Marshall Levin and I created WebPh, an open-source program used for collecting and retrieving personal contact information. In essence, it was a simple electronic phone book with a web interface (CGI), one of the first of its kind at that time. (In fact, it was cited as an example of prior art in a court case in the late 1990s!) Universities and government institutions around the world have been the primary adopters of this program, and many are still using it. In 1997, armed with my WebPh experience, I proceeded to create Populus, a popular white pages at the time. Even though the technology (similar to that of WebPh) was rudimentary, Populus carried its weight and was a comparable match to the big players such as WhoWhere, Big-foot, and Infospace.

After two projects that focused on personal contact information, it was time to explore new territory. I began my next venture, Infojump, which involved culling high-quality information from online newsletters, journals, newspapers, and magazines. In addition to my own software, which consisted of large sets of Perl modules and scripts, Infojump utilized a web crawler called Webinator and a full-text search product called Texis. The service provided by Infojump in 1998 was much like that of today.

Although WebPh, Populus, and Infojump served their purposes and were fully functional, they all had technical limitations. The missing piece in each of them was a powerful information-retrieval library that would allow full-text searches backed by inverted indexes. Instead of trying to reinvent the wheel, I started looking for a solution that I suspected was out there. In early 2000, I found Lucene, the missing piece I’d been looking for, and I fell in love with it.

I joined the Lucene project early on when it still lived at SourceForge and, later, at the Apache Software Foundation when Lucene migrated there in 2002. My devotion to Lucene stems from its being a core component of many ideas that had queued up in my mind over the years. One of those ideas was Simpy, my latest pet project. Simpy is a feature-rich personal web service that lets users tag, index, search, and share information found online. It makes heavy use of Lucene, with thousands of its indexes, and is powered by Nutch, another project of Doug Cutting’s (see chapter 10 of the first edition). My active participation in the Lucene project resulted in an offer from Manning to co-author Lucene in Action with Erik Hatcher.

Lucene in Action is the most comprehensive source of information about Lucene. The information contained in the chapters encompasses all the knowledge you need to create sophisticated applications built on top of Lucene. It’s the result of a very smooth and agile collaboration process, much like that within the Lucene community. Lucene and Lucene in Action exemplify what people can achieve when they have similar interests, the willingness to be flexible, and the desire to contribute to the global knowledge pool, despite the fact that they have yet to meet in person.

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