Acceptance of identity, dignity, 53, 91

Accountability, dignity, 54, 92

Acknowledgment, dignity, 53, 92

Amygdala, 4

Asian Association of Supreme Audit Institute (ASSOSAI), 65

Audit process. See also Comptroller and Accountant General of India

performance audit, 83

receipts and stock accounts, 83

report submittion, 83–84

transaction, 83

Babiak, P., 15

Bakan, J., 110, 119, 123

Ballroom dancing, 184–185

Ballroom hold, 195–197

Benevolence, 113, 120–121

Betrayal, dignity model, 41–42

Biederman, I., 12, 13

“Blame the Government” theme

appreciation and gratitude, 145–146

CSR initiatives, 145

government’s roles, 144–145

Blowfield, M., 135

Cai, Y., 132

Carter, R., 4

Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), 72

Change management process. See also Post-mergers and acquisitions change process

financial crisis, 162

human dignity

elements, 164

humanistic philosophical tradition, 163

subjective and objective dimensions, 164

Humanistic Management,

internal communication

cocreation, 167

definition, 165

humanistic perspective, 165

identification shift, 166

integrated and strategic perspective, 165

internal branding, 167

lack of consistency, 165

organizational culture, 166

organizational identity, 166

social media, 168

organizational culture, 162–163

utilitarian philosophy, 162

Chreim, S., 166

Competence-induced trust, 111–112, 114

Comptroller and Accountant General (CAG) of India

core values, 67

Indian Audit and Accounts Department, 59

INTOSAI’s statement, 58

mission, 67

oath presentation, 75

offices, 59–60

organization chart, 69, 71

position of, 58

Vinod Rai

career and posting, 61

global benchmarking and training, 65

global recognition, 65

outcome focus, 63

prioritization and role clarification, 62–63

style, 65

transparency, 64

2G spectrum audit report,

vision, 67

Controversial industry sectors, 131, 132

Cornelissen, J., 168

Corporate leadership, 23–24

Corporate social responsibility (CSR)

developing country context

Blowfield’s arguement, 135

business, 134–135

Frynas arguement, 135

instrumentalist approach, 135–136

issues, 135

Latin America, 136

Lebanon, 136

market-embedded morality, 135

private sector, 134

in Indonesia (see Indonesian Tobacco Industry, CSR practices)

Damasio, A.R., 7


ballroom dancing, 184–185

ballroom hold, 195–197

competitive dancers, 190

dance partnership, 188–189

elements, 186–187

follower’s responsibilities, 185

immediate bodily experience, 185

leader–follower relationships, 185–186

leader’s responsibilities, 185

leading–following balance, 193–195

Matzdorf and Sen’s arguement, 188

Mintzberg’s statement, 188

moving together, 198–199

moving with music, 199–200

playful and stressful medium, 190

relational–processual approach, 186

Sinclair’s complaint, 187

training sessions, 191

trust building, 191–192

Davis, J.H., 111

Denisi, A.S., 167

Department chair, 89, 90

Deputy Accountant Generals (DAGs), 62

“Dialectic” theme

economic position, 143–144

global dialectic perspective, 144

health issues, 143

“healthy” living, 144

research participants’ ambivalent responses, 142, 143

Dignity Model

betrayal and injustice, 41–42

building blocks of, 37

conflict dynamics, 34

consultant, 33

core issues, 38–39

dignity-violating policies, 40

“emotional” reactions, 46

essential elements, 53–55

executive compensation problem, 44–46

identity issue, 34

implementation phase, 39

in-house dignity leadership team, 39

interpersonal narratives, 42–43

leadership team failure, 44

organization, 35–36

self-preservation instincts

Dweck’s view, 49

Heifetz’s view, 49

Lieberman’s research, 50

self-knowledge, 49

Ten Temptations to Violate Dignity, 47–48

unconscious emotion, 48

senior executive leadership team, 46–47

violations, 34–35

Dignity threshold, 17

Djarum’s CSR practices

cultural activities, 141–142

Djarum Foundation, 141

environment programs, 142

net profit, 141

sport initiatives, 141

Donaldson, J., 17

Dweck, C., 49

Economistic model, 14, 15

Ellis, K., 113

Employment contracts, 101

“Eureka” effect, 13

Evil leadership, 23

Evolutionary biology


drive to acquire, 4

drive to defend, 4

human behavior

drive to bond, 6–8

drive to comprehend, 8–9

economistic perspective, 5

renewed Darwinian theory, 5

independence of drives

drive to comprehend, 11–13

emergence of bonding, 10–11

Fairness, dignity, 53

Friedman, M., 19

Frith, C.D., 4

Frynas, J., 135, 136

Greider, W., 107

Gribbin, J.R., 8

Gribbin, M., 8

Groysberg, B., 23, 24

Gudang Garam’s CSR practices

environment programs, 140–141

health care, 141

in Kediri area, 140

livelihood creation programs, 140

net profits, 140

“Pro Poor” Program, 140

Hare, R.D., 15

Hauser, M., 21

Heifetz, R., 49

Henrich, J., 7

Hicks, D., 18

Hofielen, G., 162

Human behavior

drive to bond

human infants, 7

Lawrence’s arguement, 7

social relationships, 7

statement, 5–6

drive to comprehend, 8–9

economistic perspective, 5

renewed Darwinian theory, 5

Human dignity. See also Dignity Model

elements of, 91–92


organizations and management, 90–91

power differences, 91

role-play, 93–101

Humanistic Management, 162–164, 166

Humanistic model

basic drives, 15

dignity threshold, 17–18

vs. economistic model, 15–16, 18

neuroscience, 16

practical wisdom, 18–19

prefrontal cortex, 16

well-being and flourishing, 19–20

Human resources management (HRM), 164

Identification, trust, 113, 121–123

Inclusion, dignity, 53, 92

Independence, dignity, 53, 92

Indonesian Tobacco Industry, CSR practices

“Blame the Government” theme, 144–146

cigarette market, 133–134

clove cigarettes, 150–151

controversial industry sector, 131–132

corporations and stakeholder relationship, 151–152

CSR implementation, 136

CSR Law, 137

culture and identity issues, 149–150

“Dialectic” theme, 143–144

Djarum’s CSR practices

cultural activities, 141–142

Djarum Foundation, 141

environment programs, 142

net profit, 141

sport initiatives, 141

economic contribution, 134

economic development, 148

globalization, 151

Gudang Garam’s CSR practices

environment programs,

health care, 141

in Kediri area, 140

livelihood creation programs, 140

net profits, 140

“Pro Poor” Program, 140

health facts, 151

Hendarto’s view, 137

image and reputation, 133

imbalanced power dynamics, 152–153

imbalanced power relations, 131–132

international conspiracy, 150

legitimacy, 132–133

multinational corporations, 134, 137

New Order era, 149

Philip Morris’ Sampoerna’s CSR practices

empowerment programs, 139

environmental conservation programs, 139

mudflow eruption, 139

net profit, 140

Putera Sampoerna Foundation, 139


products and services, 137–138

small and medium enterprises, 137

societal problems, 138

transnational and environmental problems, 149

Waagstein’s arguement, 136–137

“We are From a Developing Country Apology” theme, 146–147

In-house dignity leadership team, 39

Injustice, dignity model, 41–42

Integrity, trust, 112–113, 116–119

Internal communication (IC)

cocreation, 167

definition, 165

humanistic perspective, 165

identification shift, 166

integrated and strategic perspective, 165

intensive training program, 174–175

internal branding, 167

internal supporters, 173

lack of consistency, 165

learning and engagement activities, 174

multimedia guidelines, 174

online activities, 175

organizational culture, 166

organizational identity, 166

process owner, 173

social applications, 174

social media, 168

web 2.0 communication tools, 173

International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI), 58, 65

Interpersonal narratives, dignity model, 42–43

Jamali, D., 136

Jensen, M.C., 17, 24

Joint parliamentary commentary (JPC), 60, 70

Kueng, H., 17, 21

Kuper, A., 10

Lawrence, P.R., 3–5, 7–9, 11–13, 15, 17, 22, 27, 162

Leader-follower dance


ballroom dancing, 184–185

ballroom hold, 195–197

competitive dancers, 190

dance partnership, 188–189

elements, 186–187

follower’s responsibilities, 185

immediate bodily experience, 185

leader–follower relationships, 185–186

leader’s responsibilities, 185

leading–following balance, 193–195

Matzdorf and Sen’s arguement, 188

Mintzberg’s statement, 188

moving together, 198–199

moving with music, 199–200

playful and stressful medium, 190

relational–processual approach, 186

Sinclair’s complaint, 187

training sessions, 191

trust building, 191–192

and Humanistic Management, 183

“whole-person” approach, 184

workshops, 184, 186

Leading–following balance, 193–195

LeDoux, J.E., 7

Lee, L.E., 23, 24

Legitimacy, 132–133

Lieberman, M., 50

Lies, J., 165

Lindgreen, A., 132

Luhmann, N., 111

Maak, T., 21

Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), 62

Malhotra, D., 123

Maon, F., 132

Mayer, R.C., 111

Meckling, W.H., 24

Mintzberg, H., 188

Mirshak, R., 136

Misguided leadership, 23

Mistrust, 123–124

Murnighan, J.K., 123

National Telecom Policy (NTP), 66

Network governance, 25

Nohria, N., 3–5, 12, 23, 24

Nucleus accumbens, 4

Organizational culture, 162–163

Pavlou, P.A., 113

Performance audit, 83

Pervasive signals of mistrust, 123–124

Philip Morris’ Sampoerna’s CSR practices

empowerment programs, 139

environmental conservation programs, 139

mudflow eruption, 139

net profit, 140

Putera Sampoerna Foundation, 139


Pinker, S., 9

Pirson, M.A., 162

Pless, N.M., 21

Pondy, L.R., 167

Post-mergers and acquisitions (M&A) change process

chief executive officer, 168

high-tech Italian company

business sector, 169

CEO’s strategy, 170–171

cost-cutting strategy, 170

debt situation, 169

horizontal organizational structure, 170

internal communication and digital media, 172–175

ownership, 169

people-centered strategy, 170

value creation, 171

value declination, 171–172

value diffusion and HRM system integration, 172

internal document analysis, 168

Practical wisdom, 18–19

Predictability, 112

Prefrontal cortex, 16, 17

Psychopathy, 13–15

Public Accounts Committee (PAC), 60, 84

Putera Sampoerna Foundation (PSF), 139

Reast, J., 132

Recognition, dignity, 53, 92

Reliability, 112, 115–116

Renewed Darwinian theory (RD theory), 5

Responsible leadership

corporate behavior, 24–25

Darwin’s statement, 21

definition, 21

golden rule and four drives, 22–23

learning and practicing, 26–27

morality, 21

and supportive structures, 23

Ripperger, T., 111, 123

Safety, dignity, 53, 92

Sampoerna Entrepreneurship Training Centre (SETC), 139

Sarva Shikha Abhiyaan (SSA), 62

Schmidheiny, S., 136

Schoorman, F.D., 111

Schweiger, D.M., 167

Seifert, M., 111

Self-fulfilling mechanism, trust, 124–125

Sen, A., 17, 18, 20, 188

Shockley-Zalabak, P., 112

Sinclair, A., 187

Smith, A., 19

Sociopaths, 14

Southeast Asia Tobacco Control Alliance (SEATCA), 138

Sprenger, R.K., 123

Supreme Audit Institution (SAI), 58, 63

Tajfel, H., 7

Ten Temptations to Violate Dignity, 47–48, 54–55

Tomasello, M., 7

Transparency, 64, 113, 119–120


capitalism, 107

international surveys, 107

long-term corporate success and viability threats, 108

Luhmann’s arguement, 111

mistrust, 123–124

organizational trust

benevolence, 113, 120–121

competence, 111–112, 114

identification, 113, 121–123

integrity, 112–113, 116–119

reliability, 112, 115–116

transparency, 113, 119–120

Seifert’s views, 111

self-fulfilling mechanism,

trust gap, 109–110

Turnbull, S., 25

Vessel, E., 12, 13

Vinod Rai

career and posting, 61

global benchmarking and training, 65

global recognition, 65

outcome focus, 63

prioritization and role clarification, 62–63

style, 65

transparency, 64

2G spectrum audit report

government representatives and media reactions, 71–72

international peer review, 71

media briefings, 71

National Telecom Policy, 66

parliament proceedings, 69–70

presumptive loss calculation, 68–69

telecom issues, 67–68

Von Kimakowitz, E., 162

Walsh, J., 17

Warneken, F., 7

“We are From a Developing Country Apology” theme

apologetic response, 147

employment and urbanization problems, 146

sense of pride, 147

Weber, M., 164

Wilson, E.O., 7, 21


college-wide programs

department chair, 89, 90

e-mail conversation, 90

instructor, 89

schools, 89

human dignity

elements of, 91–92

organizations and management, 90–91

power differences, 91


course preparation time, 93

e-mail exchange, 94–101

employment contracts, 101, 103

human dignity, 101

organizational contexts, 101

Work culture, 60–61

Wrangham, R., 10

Yani-De-Soriano, M., 132

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