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Here’s what you can find within the Human Resources Kit For Dummies online content:

  • More than 40 documents, including policies, forms, and contracts
  • This is a mix of required forms and sample templates to help you maximize the talent within your business while protecting the business from unnecessary risk.

This appendix details what you can find at to help you and your organization with some of its basic HR needs.

What You’ll Find Online

The following sections are arranged by category and provide a summary of the resources and tools you’ll find online. I’ve organized the forms and documents online by the chapter in which they’re mentioned. I briefly describe each document in this appendix, but refer to the actual document for more information.

Note: As is often indicated in the chapters, the forms and draft policies provided are only samples. Different state and local laws may impose different legal obligations, including with regard to the content of the documents and how you use them. An attorney can explain the particular laws that apply to your organization and employees.

Chapter 4

Blank Skills Inventory Form and Sample Skills Inventory Form: The form can serve as a model for an employee skills inventory.

Staffing/Recruiting Firm Evaluation Checklist: You can use this checklist to evaluate staffing and recruiting firms.

Worker Classification Quick Reference Table: This document provides an at-a-glance summary of the differences among worker classifications.

Chapter 5

Blank Position Success Profile and Sample Position Success Profile: This document includes a blank position success profile (often called a job description) so that you can develop your position success profiles, as well as three sample position success profiles.

Chapter 6

Sample Job Posting: This document includes three sample job postings you can use as a reference when preparing your own.

Chapter 7

Rejection Letter: This is an example of a “thanks, but no thanks” letter to an unsuccessful applicant.

Sample Screening Questions for Hiring Managers: This form lists a number of sample screening questions to consider when conducting a job interview over the phone or on video.

Sample Résumés: This document includes examples of well-written résumés and a résumé that could cause you to question the qualifications of the applicant. Keep these in mind when reviewing the résumés you receive for open positions with your organization.

Chapter 8

Candidate Interview Evaluation Form: Use this form to record your general impressions of a job candidate.

Employment Inquiries Fact Sheet: This fact sheet contains suggested guidelines for managers involved in the hiring process. The information is specific to California and may be different for other states.

Nondiscriminatory Interview Question Reference Sheet: You can use this reference sheet to avoid interview questions that could pose legal problems.

Interview Q&A Form: Use this form to write down questions you want to ask a job candidate during an employment interview, to record the candidate’s answers, and to jot down any of your own comments.

Pre-Interview Checklist for Hiring Managers: This form lists issues to consider when preparing to interview a job applicant.

Chapter 9

Offer Letter to a Prospective Employee: This sample letter offers a job to a prospective employee.

Sample Reference Check Questions: This document lists several questions you should consider asking when checking an applicant’s references.

A Summary of Your Rights Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act: Under the federal FCRA, an employer is required to provide the individual with a copy of the official description of individual rights under the act issued by the FTC at various stages in the decision-making process.

Chapter 10

Employee Handbook Table of Contents: This document is a sample table of contents for an employee handbook. You’ll want to customize it to reflect those policies applicable to your company or organization.

Employee Handbook and At-Will Employee Status Acknowledgment: This document is a sample form in which a new employee acknowledges receiving and agreeing to the matters contained in the company’s employee handbook. The form also requires the employee to acknowledge that he is an at-will employee.

Onboarding Checklist: This document lists criteria to consider when evaluating the effectiveness of your onboarding process.

Chapter 11

Total Rewards Statement: This form lists all the compensation and benefits that an employer provides to an employee.

Chapter 12

A Look at 401(k) Plan Fees: This document answers common questions that employees have about 401(k) plans.

Certification for Serious Injury or Illness of Covered Servicemember — for Military Family Leave (Federal Family and Medical Leave Act): Employers are entitled to require that an employee’s request for leave under the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) to care for a covered servicemember with a serious injury or illness is supported by a healthcare provider’s certification. The employer may use this optional form for this purpose.

Certification of Healthcare Provider for Employee’s Serious Health Condition (Federal Family and Medical Leave Act): Employers are entitled to require that an employee’s request for leave under the FMLA due to the employee’s own serious health condition is supported by a healthcare provider’s certification. The employer may use this optional form for this purpose.

Certification of Healthcare Provider for Family Member’s Serious Health Condition (Federal Family and Medical Leave Act): Employers are entitled to require that an employee’s request for leave under the FMLA due to a serious health condition affecting a covered family member is supported by a healthcare provider’s certification. The employer may use this optional form for this purpose.

Certification of Qualifying Exigency for Military Family Leave (Federal Family and Medical Leave Act): Employers are entitled to require that an employee’s request for military family leave under the FMLA due to a qualifying exigency is supported by a healthcare provider’s certification. The employer may use this optional form for this purpose.

Designation Notice (Federal Family and Medical Leave Act): When an employer covered by the FMLA has sufficient information to determine if an employee’s leave is FMLA qualifying, the employer must provide the employee with notice stating that the leave has been designated as FMLA leave (or that additional information is needed to determine whether the leave is FMLA qualifying) within five business days, absent extenuating circumstances. The employer may use this optional form for this purpose.

Notice of Employee Rights Under the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act: Employers covered by the FMLA must provide employees with written notice detailing the specific expectations and obligations of the employee under the law and explaining any consequences of a failure to meet such obligations. The employer may use this optional form for this purpose.

Notice of Eligibility and Rights & Responsibilities (Federal Family and Medical Leave Act): After an employee notifies her employer (who is covered by the FMLA) of a need for leave, or when the employer acquires knowledge that an employee’s leave may be for an FMLA-qualifying reason, the employer must notify the employee of her eligibility to take FMLA leave within five business days, absent extenuating circumstances. The employer may use this optional form for this purpose.

Chapter 13

Employee Opinion Survey: This document is an example of a simple opinion survey an organization can distribute to employees to gauge worker satisfaction and determine areas of needed improvement.

Exit Interview Questionnaire: This form lists questions a company representative can ask when an employee voluntarily leaves the company.

Sample Pulse Survey: This document includes a number of sample questions to ask when conducting a pulse survey of your employees.

Chapter 14

Individual Development Plan Form: Employees can use this form to work with their managers in setting learning objectives and career goals.

Chapter 17

Discrimination Fact Sheets: This document includes fact sheets from the EEOC and Department of Labor (DOL) that detail discrimination guidelines.

Employee Rights Under the Fair Labor Standards Act: This document includes the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) minimum-wage poster, titled Employee Rights Under the Fair Labor Standards Act. Every employer of employees subject to the FLSA’s minimum-wage provisions must post, and keep posted, a notice explaining the act in a conspicuous place in all its establishments.

Equal Employment Opportunity Is the Law: This poster describes the federal laws prohibiting job discrimination based on race, color, sex, national origin, religion, age, equal pay, disability, and genetic information. Every employer covered by the nondiscrimination and equal employment opportunity laws is required to post this notice in a conspicuous location on its premises.

Family and Medical Leave Act Fact Sheets: This document includes fact sheets from the DOL detailing major provisions of the FMLA.

Voluntary Self-Identification of Disability: This is a voluntary form to allow individuals to disclose their disability is they choose to do so. Federal contractors are required to use the form.

Chapter 18

OSHA Information Posting: This document lists the major provisions under the federal Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA).

Sample Policy Statement on Harassment and Retaliation: This form is meant to be a sample policy prohibiting harassment of the type your organization should issue to its employee workforce.

Work-Related Injury and Illness Report Form: This form is used for reporting accidents or hazards in the workplace.

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