Chapter 4. Web Forms 2.0

Chapter 4. Web Forms 2.0

WHEN JAVASCRIPT WAS INTRODUCED into web browsers, it was immediately seized upon for two tasks: image rollovers and form enhancements. When CSS came along with its :hover pseudo-class, web designers no longer needed to reach for JavaScript just to achieve a simple rollover effect.

This is a recurring trend. If a pattern is popular enough, it will almost certainly evolve from requiring a scripted solution to something more declarative. That’s why CSS3 introduces even more animation capabilities that previously required JavaScript.

When it comes to enhancing forms, CSS has its limitations. That’s where HTML5 comes in. Following the same migratory pattern from scripted to declarative solutions, the specification introduces many new form enhancements.

These features were originally part of a WHATWG specification called Web Forms 2.0, based upon existing work at the W3C. That specification has now been rolled into HTML5.


Here’s a common DOM Scripting pattern, often used for search forms:

  1. When a form field has no value, insert some placeholder text into it.
  2. When the user focuses on that field, remove the placeholder text.
  3. If the user leaves the field and the field still has no value, reinstate the placeholder text.

The placeholder text is usually displayed in a lighter shade than an actual form field value—either through CSS, JavaScript, or a combination of both.

In an HTML5 document, you can simply use the placeholder attribute (FIG 4.01):

<label for="hobbies">Your hobbies</label> 
<input id="hobbies" name="hobbies" type="text" » 
placeholder="Owl stretching">

FIG 4.01: “Owl stretching” appears in the input field via the placeholder attribute.

The placeholder attribute works wonderfully in all modern browsers. It’s up to you to decide how you want to deal with other, non-supporting browsers such as Internet Explorer 9 and below.

You might decide not to do anything at all. After all, the functionality is “nice to have,” not “must have.” Alternatively, you might decide to fall back on a JavaScript solution. In that case, you need to make sure that the JavaScript solution is only applied to browsers that don’t understand the placeholder attribute.

Here’s a generic little JavaScript function that tests whether an element supports a particular attribute:

function elementSupportsAttribute(element,attribute) 
  { var test = document.createElement(element); 
  if (attribute in test) { 
    return true; 
  } else { 
    return false; 

This works by creating a “phantom” element in memory—but not in your document—and then checking to see if the prototype for that element has a property with the same name as the attribute you are testing for. The function will return either true or false.

Using this function, you can make sure that a JavaScript solution is only provided to browsers that don’t support placeholder:

if (!elementSupportsAttribute ('input','placeholder')) { 
  // JavaScript fallback goes here. 


“Hi. I’m the autofocus pattern. You may remember me from such websites as ‘Google: I’m Feeling Lucky’ and ‘Twitter: What’s happening?’”

This is a simple one-step pattern, easily programmed in JavaScript:

  1. When the document loads, automatically focus one particular form field.

HTML5 allows you to do this using the Boolean autofocus attribute:

<label for="status">What's happening?</label> 
<input id="status" name="status" type="text" autofocus>

The only problem with this pattern is that it can be annoying as hell. When surfing the web, users may hit the space bar to scroll down to content “below the fold.” On sites like Twitter that use the autofocus pattern, they could find themselves filling up a form field with spaces instead.

We can see why the autofocus attribute has been added to HTML5—it’s paving a cowpath—but there are usability concerns for this pattern, be it scripted or native. This feature could be helpful, but it could just as easily be infuriating. Please think long and hard before implementing this pattern.

One of the advantages in moving this pattern from scripting to markup is that, in theory, browsers can offer users a preference option to disable autofocusing. In practice, no browser does this yet, but the pattern is still quite young. Currently, the only way to disable scripted autofocusing is to disable JavaScript completely. It works, but it’s a heavy-handed solution, like gouging out your eyes to avoid bright lights.

As with the placeholder attribute, you can test for autofocus support and fall back to a scripted solution:

if (!elementSupportsAttribute(‘input’,’autofocus')){ 

The autofocus attribute doesn’t only work on the input element; it can be used on any kind of form field, such as textarea or select, but it can only be used once per document.


One of the most common uses of JavaScript is client-side form validation. Once again, HTML5 is moving this solution from scripting to markup. Just add the Boolean attribute required:

<label for="pass">Your password</label> 
<input id="pass" name="pass" type="password" required>

Theoretically, this allows browsers to prevent form submissions if required fields haven’t been filled out. Even though browsers aren’t doing that yet, you can still make use of the required attribute in your JavaScript form validation. Instead of keeping a list of all the required fields in your script or adding class="required" to your markup, you can now check for the existence of the required attribute.


Browsers don’t simply display web pages. Most browsers have additional features designed to enhance usability, security, or convenience when surfing the web’s tide. Automatically filling in forms is one such feature. Most of the time, it’s very useful, but occasionally it can be annoying or even downright dangerous. You may not mind if your browser remembers your contact details, but you probably don’t want it to remember the login for your bank account, just in case your computer is stolen.

HTML5 allows you to disable auto-completion on a per-form or per-field basis. The autocomplete attribute isn’t Boolean, yet it can be used to declare the values on or off:

<form action="/selfdestruct" autocomplete="off">

By default, browsers will assume an autocomplete value of on, allowing them to prefill the form.

You can have your autocompletion cake and eat it. If you want to allow prefilling for a form but disable prefilling for just one or two fields in that form, you can do so:

<input type="text" name="onetimetoken" » 

There isn’t any JavaScript fallback for browsers that don’t support the autocomplete attribute. In this case, the new HTML5 attribute is augmenting an existing browser behavior rather than replacing a scripted solution.

The ability to disable autocompletion in browsers might seem like a strange addition to the HTML5 specification. HTML5 is supposed to be codifying prevalent patterns and this isn’t a very common use case. But given the potential security risks that autocompletion enables, it makes sense to allow website owners to override this particular browser feature.


The new datalist element allows you to crossbreed a regular input element with a select element. Using the list attribute, you can associate a list of options with an input field (FIG 4.02):

<label for="homeworld">Your home planet</label> 
<input type="text" name="homeworld" id="homeworld" » 
<datalist id="planets"> 
  <option value="Mercury"> 
  <option value="Venus"> 
  <option value="Earth"> 
  <option value="Mars"> 
  <option value="Jupiter"> 
  <option value="Saturn"> 
  <option value="Uranus"> 
  <option value="Neptune"> 

FIG 4.02: The new datalist element.

This allows users to select an option from the list provided or to type in a value that isn’t in the list at all. This is very handy for situations that would normally require an extra form field labeled, “If ‘other,’ please specify...” (FIG 4.03).


FIG 4.03: The datalist element, showing that the user can type in a value that is not in the list.

The datalist element is a nice, unobtrusive enhancement to a form field. If a browser doesn’t support datalist, then the form field behaves as a normal input.


The type attribute of the input element is being greatly expanded in HTML5. There are so many cowpaths to pave, it’s like doing construction work in the aftermath of a stampede.


An input element with a type value of search will behave much the same way as an input element with a type value of text:

<label for="query">Search</label> 
<input id="query" name="query" type="search">

The only difference between text and search is that a browser might display a search input differently to be more consistent with the styling of search fields in the operating system. That’s exactly what Safari does (FIG 4.04).


FIG 4.04: Safari styles search inputs to be consistent with Mac OS.

Contact details

There are three new type values for specific kinds of contact details: email addresses, websites, and telephone numbers:

<label for="email">Email address</label> 
<input id="email" name="email" type="email"> 
<label for="website">Website</label>
<input id="website" name="website" type="url">
<label for="phone">Telephone</label>
<input id="phone" name="phone" type="tel">

Once again, these fields will behave in the same way as text inputs, but browsers now have a bit more information about the kind of data expected in the field.

Safari claims to support these new input types, but a quick look at a form in the desktop browser reveals no differences to simply using type="text". However, if you start interacting with the same form in Safari for iOS, the differences become apparent. The browser displays a different on-screen keyboard depending on the value of the type attribute (FIG 4.05).

Subtly played, Webkit, subtly played.


FIG 4.05: Mobile Safari shows a different on-screen keyboard depending on the value of the type attribute.


Many JavaScript libraries offer pre-built widgets that you can use in your web applications. They work fine—as long as 
JavaScript is enabled. It would be nice if our users didn’t have to download a JavaScript file every time we want to add an interesting control to our pages.

A classic example is a slider control. Until now, we’ve had to use JavaScript to emulate this kind of interactive element. In HTML5, thanks to type="range", browsers can now offer a native control:

<label for="amount">How much?</label> 
<input id="amount" name="amount" type="range">

All modern browsers currently support this input type, offering similar-looking controls (FIG 4.06).


FIG 4.06: The range input type in both Safari and Opera.

By default, the input will accept a range from zero to one hundred. You can set your own minimum and maximum values using the min and max attributes:

<label for="rating">Your rating</label> 
<input id="rating" name="rating" type="range" » 
min="1" max="5">

In common with other form field types, older browsers will simply display a regular text input. That’s probably fine, but you might want to use a JavaScript fallback for browsers that don’t support type="range".

A native input control will certainly load faster than a scripted solution that needs to wait until the DOM has finished loading. A native control will also usually be more accessible than a scripted control, and will be familiar to the user of that browser as they encounter it across the web.


A browser-native range control doesn’t expose the underlying value to the user. Instead, the number is translated into the graphical representation of a slider widget. That’s fine for certain kinds of data. Other kinds of data work best when the user can see and choose the numerical value. That’s where type="number" comes in:

<label for="amount">How much?</label> 
<input id="amount" name="amount" type="number" » 
min="5" max="20">

As well as allowing the user to input a value directly into a text field, browsers can also display “spinner” controls to allow users to increase or decrease the value (FIG 4.07).


FIG 4.07: Spinner controls where type="number" is used.

The number input type is a hybrid of text and range. It allows users to enter values directly, like a text field, but it also allows browsers to ensure that only numerical values are entered, like a range control.

Dates and times

One of the most popular JavaScript widgets is the calendar picker. You know the drill: you’re booking a flight or creating an event, and up pops a little calendar from which you can choose a date.

These calendar widgets all do the same thing, but you’ll find that they’re implemented slightly differently on each site. A native calendar widget would smooth away the inconsistencies and reduce cognitive load during the date-picking process.

HTML5 introduces a raft of input types specifically for dates and times:

  • date is for a year, month, and day.
  • datetime is for a year, month, and day in combination with hours, minutes, seconds, and time zone information.
  • datetime-local is the same but without the time zone information.
  • time is for hours, minutes, and seconds.
  • month is for a year and a month but without a day.

All of these input types will record timestamps with some subset of the standardized format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.Z (Y is year, M is month, D is day, h is hour, m is minute, s is second, and Z is timezone). Take, for example, the date and time at which World War One ended, 11:11 a.m. on November 11, 1918:

  • date: 1918-11-11
  • datetime: 1918-11-11T11:11:00+01
  • datetime-local: 1918-11-11T11:11:00
  • time: 11:11:00
  • month: 1918-11

There is no year input type, although there is a week input type that takes a number between 1 and 53 in combination with a year.

Using the date and time input types is straightforward:

<label for="dtstart">Start date</label> 
<input id="dtstart" name="dtstart" type="date">

Opera implements these input types using its patented ugly-stick technology (FIG 4.08).


FIG 4.08: Opera’s native calendar display, styled with the ugly-stick.

As always, browsers that don’t support these input types will fall back to displaying a regular text input. In that situation, you could ask your users to enter dates and times in the international standard (ISO) format, or you could use your JavaScript library of choice to generate a widget. Make sure to check for native support first:

if (!inputSupportsType('date')) { 
// Generate a calendar widget here. 

Even the most elegantly written JavaScript calendar widget is going to require some complex code to generate the table of days and handle the date-picking events. Browser-native calendar widgets should be considerably smoother and faster, as well as being consistent from site to site.

Color pickers

Perhaps the most ambitious widget replacement in HTML5 is the color input type. This accepts values in the familiar hexadecimal format: #000000 for black, #FFFFFF for white.

<label for="bgcolor">Background color</label> 
<input id="bgcolor" name="bgcolor" type="color">

The plan is for browsers to implement native color pickers like the ones in just about every other application on your computer. So far, no browsers have done this, but when they do, it will be, like, totally awesome.

In the meantime, you can use a JavaScript solution, but be sure to test for native support, so your code is future-proofed for tomorrow’s browsers.


Testing for native support of input types requires a similar trick to the test for attribute support. Once again, you will need to create a “phantom” input element in memory, then set the type attribute to the value you want to test. When you query the value of the type property, if you get back a value of text, then you’ll know that the browser doesn’t support the value that you set.

Here’s some sample code, although you can probably write something far more elegant than this:

function inputSupportsType(test) { 
  var input = document.createElement('input');
  if (input.type == 'text') { 
    return false; 
  } else { 
    return true; 

You can then use this function to ensure that a JavaScript widget is only provided to browsers that don’t natively support a particular input type:

if (!inputSupportsType('range')) { 
  // JavaScript fallback goes here. 

Rolling your own

All of these new input types allow browsers to do two things: to display native controls suited to the expected input data, and to validate the value entered. These additions to HTML5 cover the majority of scenarios, but you still might find that you need to validate a value that doesn’t fall under any of the new categories.

The good news is that you can use the pattern attribute to specify exactly what kind of value is expected. The bad news is that you have to use a regular expression:

<label for="zip">US Zip code</label> 
<input id="zip" name="zip" pattern="[d]{5}(-[d]{4})">

Most of the time, you’ll never need to use the pattern attribute. On the occasions that you do, you have my sympathy.


Forms have been given a huge boost in HTML5. Much of the burden that has traditionally been carried by JavaScript is shifting onto the shoulders of markup.

Client-side validation has become a whole lot easier, although you shouldn’t ever rely on it—always validate form values on the server as well. Generating form controls will no longer require that your users download a JavaScript library; it will all be handled natively in the browser.

You can see the benefits to having native browser controls for calendars and sliders, but you’re probably wondering: “Can I style them?”

It’s a good question. For the time being, the answer is mostly “no,” although there are some prefixed pseudo-elements for WebKit browsers. However, while the widgets and validation bubbles may be outside your control, a new set of pseudo-classes allows you to style fields based on their status. For example, you can use the :required pseudo-class selector to target fields that have the required attribute. You can also use the :valid and :invalid pseudo-class selectors to target fields that contain valid or invalid content. The following rules would add an image to a field that has focus, is required, and is currently invalid; you could add a second rule that displays a tick icon when the field becomes valid.

input:focus:required:invalid {
  background-image: url(error.png);

The inability to control the look of the browser widgets for calendars, color pickers, and so on might be a deal-breaker for you. If you feel that a particular browser’s implementation of a form element could use more finesse, you might choose a JavaScript widget that gives you more control.

Consider a different question: “Should I style them?”

Remember, the web isn’t about control. If a visitor to your site is familiar with using a browser’s native form doodad, you won’t be doing them any favors if you override the browser functionality with your own widget, even if you think your widget looks better.

We would love to see browser vendors competing over the prettiness and usability of their HTML5 form controls. That’s a browser war that would have huge benefits for everyone who uses the web.

Let’s put forms to one side now, and take a look at the juicy new semantics in HTML5.

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