Page numbers followed by f or t indicate figures and tables, respectively.


Abe, Shinzō, 389

Abstraction, level of, 467, 467f

Acemoglu, Daron, 71

ACS (Additional Crisis Surcharge), 296

Active labor market policies (ALMPs), 396, 398, 405406

Active state, 8081

Adam Smith Institute (ASI), 249

ADB (Asian Development Bank), 175

Additional Crisis Surcharge (ACS), 296

Administered space, 48

Administration, 910

Administrative Appeals Tribunal (Australia), 169

Administrative centralization, 8485

Administrative Litigation Law (China), 256

Administrative officials/civil servants, 196

“Administrative Responsibility and Accountability” (Australia), 169

Administrative Review Committee (Australia), 169

Administrative science, 465

Advocates (civil servant), 154

Afghanistan, 28, 100, 118

AFPs (Administradoras de Fondo de Pensiones), 383385, 405


civil service system in, 189

colonial governments in, 21

colonization of, 67

communism experiments in, 116

corporate/collective orientation of, 2728

governmental structure in, 59

liberal democratic systems in, 99

nation building in, 90

new public management in, 175177

personalist bureaucratic elite systems in, 117

political systems in, 108

polyarchal competitive systems in, 116

populist political systems in, 99

presidential system in, 114

separation of church and state in, 87

single-party systems in, 101

state creation in, 73

subnational jurisdiction in, 60

traditional inegalitarian political systems in, 99

tribal societies in, 28

Western views of, 80

Zimbabwean land reform, 322324

African Americans, 365366

African National Congress (ANC), 247

African Union (AU), 262

AFTA (Arab Free Trade Area), 334

Agaf Modiin (Directorate of Intelligence), 227229

Agranat Commission of Inquiry, 228

Agrarian reform, 328330

Agricultural Revolution, 135


in Morocco, 335

in Romania, 276279, 305

in Zimbabwe, 322324

Aldrich, Howard, 436, 473

Algeria, 100

Algerian rebellion (1954–1962), 222223

Aliens Law of 1965 (Germany), 265

Allbaugh, Joseph, 232

Allègre, Claude, 370

Allen, Paul, 131

Alliance capitalism, 315

Almond, Gabriel, 111113, 456

ALMPs, see Active labor market policies

Altruism, 135136

AMAN (Directorate of Intelligence), 227229

Amateur government, 8485

Amazon region, 327

“American exceptionalism,” 453

American Public Administration Theory, 78

American Revolution, 100

Americas, 114

Amsterdam Treaty, 267

Analysis, 5

Analytic-methodological research, 444445

ANC (African National Congress), 247

Andrantsay, 2728

Anglo-American countries:

civil service system in, 189

liberal democracy in, 110

New Public Management in, 213

polyarchal competitive systems in, 116

stability of, 112

Anglo-American family of nations, 432, 433

Anglo-Saxon tradition, 167

Angola, 99

Annan, Kofi, 263

Annual performance plan (PAP), 371

Antarctica, 4849

Apartheid, 245

APS (Pension Solidarity Complement), 385

APU (Assessment of Performance Unit), 378

Aquileia, Italy, 36

Arab Free Trade Area (AFTA), 334

Arabian peninsula:

no-party systems in, 100

traditional inegalitarian political systems in, 99

Arab Spring, 92, 100, 183

Arab world, 110111

Architecture, 149, 151

Area of Freedom, Security, and Justice, 267


health care in, 357360, 399400

new public management in, 180

Aristotle, 38, 118, 443

Arnim, Bettina von, 136

Ashkenazis, 226

ASI (Adam Smith Institute), 249


civil service system in, 189

collectivism in, 144

decolonization of, 67

new public management in, 173175

parliamentary system in, 114

political systems in, 108

separation of church and state in, 87

subnational jurisdiction in, 59, 60, 60t

Asian Development Bank (ADB), 175

Asia-Pacific region, 110

Assessment of Performance Unit (APU), 378

Assistance pensions (pensiones asistenciales, PASIS), 384, 385

Association(s), 1718. See also Government(s)

meaning of, in development of humanity, 23

science of, 23

types of, 1922

Associational coordination structures, 25

Assyrian empire, 52

Atlantic phase, of first imperial age, 67

Atlantic Revolutions, 9, 86, 89

AU (African Union), 262

Aucoin, Peter, 163

Austerity, 285287


corporate/collective orientation of, 27

health care in, 360364, 399

liberal democratic systems in, 99

life satisfaction in, 189, 191

nation building in, 90

new public management in, 168169

political reform capacity of, 104

public sector employees in, 200

and rule-taking, 418

separation of church and state in, 87

subnational jurisdiction in, 60

tribal societies in, 28

Australian Health Care Agreements, 363


political parties in, 101

religious tax in, 88

state-church relations in, 88

subnational jurisdiction in, 56

Authentic meaning, of concepts, 468

Authoritarian-inegalitarian political systems, 99

Authoritarianism, 174, 177


and community, 44

legal, 206

political systems based on, 98

territoriality defined in terms of, 8788

Autogestion, 44

Automotive industry, 336338


Bachelet, Michelle, 384385

Baden-Wüttemberg, Germany, 53

Baganda, 28

Bahrain, 100

Baladur, Édouard, 224

Balance of payments, 333

Baltics, 110

Bands, 1920, 33, 35

communal life in, 109

in stage model, 26

Bangkok, Thailand, 48

Bangladesh, 173175

Bank of Canada, 340

Bank of Japan, 446

Barak, 229

Barco, Virgilio, 239

Barker, Ernest, 412

Barr, M. D., 354

Basic Law (Germany, 1949), 265

Basic Pension (BP, Japan), 387388

Basic Solidarity Pension (BSP), 385

Batavian (Dutch) Republic, 86

Bavaria, 53, 204

Bayesian learning, 416

BAZ (automobile manufacturer), 336

BEACH (Bettering the Evaluation and Care of Health) program, 363364

Behavior, 135136

Behavioral approach, 457t

Beijing, China, 258

Belfield, C. R., 367

Belgium, 88, 295298, 305, 307

Beneficial use, 328, 329

Ben-Gurion, David, 225, 227

Bentley, Arthur, 23

Berlin Wall, collapse of, 223

Best practices, 428, 437, 445446

Bettering the Evaluation and Care of Health (BEACH) program, 363364

Beveridge Report, 382, 387, 398

Bible, 409

Bill of Rights (South Africa), 248

Blakenhurst Prison (UK), 250

Blanco, Kathleen Babineaux, 234

Block grants, 369

Blondel, J., 98, 99, 101, 430431

Blue collar workers, 196197

Bodin, Jean, 443

Bogotá, Colombia, 237, 238, 241242

Bok, Derek, 453

Bold-state, 78

Bonaparte, 91

Boserup, Esther, 30

Bouckaert, Geert, 104105, 430

Boulding, Kenneth, 440


flexible vs. inflexible, 46

international, 4851

BP (Basic Pension, Japan), 387388

Brabant, Netherlands, 53

Braithwaite, J., 418

Branches of democratic government, 118120


land reform in, 345

new public management in, 180

pendulum system in, 118

planning and zoning in, 327330

Brinkman, John, 31

Brodet Committee, 231, 269

Brown, Michael, 235

BSP (Basic Solidarity Pension), 385

Buchanan, Alan, 43

Budget decentralization, 166

Budgeting, performance, 165

Bureaucracy(-ies), 129156. See also Personnel system(s); Political-administrative systems

advantages of, 131132

benefits and drawbacks of, 131132

and democracy, 6566

eight dimensions of, 132133

features of, 121

fragmented nature of, 122, 126

government departments, 120126

maladministration/corruption potential of, 187188

necessity of, 155156

and organizational culture, 146152

origins of, 135136

parallel, 116

and perceptions of public individuals, 152155, 152t153t

persistence of, 133134, 137138

physical expressions of, 151

similarities between, 159

and societal culture, 138140, 141t142t, 143146

stereotypes about, 136137

Weber's view of, 130131, 134

Bureaucracy-democracy paradox, 8081

Bureaucratic boxes, 151

Bureaucratic coordination structures, 25

Bureaucratic organizations, 4142

Bureaucratic-prominent political systems, 115118

“Bureaucratic Structure and Personality” (Merton), 133


as top-down process, 109

of the world, 6266

Bureaucrat-slaves, 137

Bureauphiles (civil servant), 154

Bureautics, 154

Bureautolerants (civil servant), 154

Bush, George H. W., and administration, 232

Bush, George W., and administration:

and FEMA, 233234

and Moroccan trade policy, 335

Businesses, 131

Byzantium, 87


CADs (Centros Automáticos de Despacho), 238

CAG (Comparative Administrative Group), 436, 448

CAIs (Centros de Atención Inmediata), 238

Caiden, Gerald, 165, 171

Caiden, Naomi, 165, 171

Cali, Colombia, 238


energy management in, 317319, 345, 348

school voucher referenda, 368

California Power Exchange (PX), 318

California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), 317


Civil Service Act in, 204

judicial review in, 119

life satisfaction in, 189, 191

and Mexican industry/trade policies, 341

nation building in, 90

new public management in, 169170

political reform capacity of, 104

public sector employees in, 204

trade policy, 338341

Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (CUSFTA), 338, 339

Canadian Labor Congress, 339

Capital, labor vs., 307308

Capital gains, 301

CAPS (primary health care centers), 360

Caracalla, 89

Card, Andrew, 232

Career civil servants, 195198

administrative officials/civil servants, 196

educational personnel, 197198

laborers/blue-collar workers, 196197

technical and professional personnel, 196

uniformed medical personnel, 197

Caribbean, 110

Carter, Jimmy, 231232

Carter report (UK), 252

Carthage, 36

Cash balance (CB) pension plan, 388

Castles, F. G., 432, 433, 469470

Catherine the Great, czar of Russia, 86

Catholic Church, 5253

CB (cash balance) pension plan, 388

CCP, see Chinese Communist Party

CDU (Christian Democratic Union), 268

CEE (Central and Eastern European) countries, 390

Central Africa, 34

Central America, 117

Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries, 390

Central Committee on the Reform of the Educational System (China), 374

Central Europe, 189

Centralization bias, 2728, 103, 103t

Centralized governance phase, 34

Centralized states, 35

Centrally planned economies (CPEs), 298

Central place theory, 35

Central planning, 369

Central Provident Fund (CPF), 351353

CFPs (Community Policing Forums), 246

CGS (chief of the general staff, Israel), 226, 230

Charlemagne, 52

Charter schools, 364

Chernobyl nuclear disaster (1986), 316

Cheung, Bing, 173

Chiefdoms, 20, 21, 2628, 35

Chief of the general staff (CGS, Israel), 226, 230

Chilcote, R. H., 456

Childe, Vere Gordon, 30

Chile, 180, 381386, 404405


centralized systems in, 35

as Double Hierarchy Model, 116

education in, 372376, 403

egalitarian-authoritarian systems in, 99

emergence of states in, 26

judicial reform in, 273

judiciary system in, 254259

laws of, 38

mandarins' status in, 193

and Moroccan trade policy, 334335

new public management in, 173

subnational jurisdiction in, 60

Chinese Communist Party (CCP), 255258, 372, 374

Chirac, Jacques, 224

Christaller, Walter, 35

Christensen, Robert, 185186

Christian Democratic Union (CDU), 268

Christian Democrats (Netherlands), 355

Church and state, 8589

CIS, see Commonwealth of Independent States

CIT (corporate income tax), 299301

CITs (countries in transition), 298

Citizen Corps (FEMA branch), 235

Citizen functionaries, 195

Citizens, 153t

“Citizens' Charter” (United Kingdom), 166

Citizenship, 73, 74

and awareness of performance of public services, 163164

future of, 95

in Germany, 264266

as layered phenomenon, 9194

local, 23

and nation building, 8991

City, 38

City-states, 2021

and collapse of upper-local regimes, 3637

defined, 25

in political evolution, 33

Civil defense, 232

Civil Defense Act of 1950, 231

Civil law, 255

Civil rights, 93

Civil servants, 193, 194

as bureaucrats, 130

in different cultures, 465

perceptions of, 153155

Civil service system, 66, 188, 191, 198, 198t199t, 200, 201t, 202t

Civil wars, 261

Civitates, 52

Clausing, K. A., 340

Clientelist coordination structures, 25

Climbers (civil servant), 154

Clinton, Bill, and administration, 214, 233

Closure citizenship, 93

Club Med countries, 303304

CNRS (French Research Council), 370

CO2 taxes, 293294

Cohen, M. N., 453

Cold War:

FEMA and, 232

France and end of, 225

French interests in, 223

and German immigration, 265

German immigration issues and end of, 267

UN Security Council and end of, 261, 262

Collapsed states, 77

Collective bargaining, 216, 281

Collective level of analysis, 5, 7

Collective power strategies, 27

Collectivist cultures, 143144

Collectivization, 277

Collegial bureaucratic elite regime, 118

Collegial bureaucratic system, 117


community policing in, 236

internal security in, 237244

police reform in, 237, 240242, 271

public sector employees in, 200

Colonization, 6668

Command and Staff College (Israel), 229

Commodification, 43

Commons, 8

Common Agricultural Policy, 278

Common-law system, 119

Common pool resource management (CPR) systems, 20, 26n.4, 28, 63

Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS):

natural gas prices in, 315

tax policies in, 299, 306307

Communism, 277

Communist totalitarian systems, 116


and authority, 44

imagined, 20

industrial vs. physical, 65

local, see Local communities and associations

rural vs. urban, 56

Community policing, 236, 270271

in Colombia, 242243

in South Africa, 246, 247

Community Policing Forums (CFPs), 246

Comparative administration, 435, 436. See also Comparative public administration

Comparative Administrative Group (CAG), 436, 448

Comparative governance, 454458

Comparative government studies, 407425

and future of nation-state, 418421

and interconnectedness of modern world, 411414

need for and development of, 427428

old vs. new institutions, 409411

and public administration, 430448

and social sciences, 428430

and transfer/diffusion, 414417

Comparative perspective, 2, 3, 810, 13

Comparative Politics (Freeman), 429

Comparative public administration, 431, 454458

Comparative research (in general), 450454

application problems in, 473474

comparative/linguistic/semantic problems in, 465468

methods of comparison in, 458461

research technical problems in, 472473

theoretical/methodological problems in, 468472

types of comparison in, 461464, 463f

Comparing, 7, 427

Competition Act (Netherlands), 354

Competitive Transition Charge (CTC), 318

Complex social organizations, 63

Compulsory enlistment, 226

Comte, Auguste, 445

Conceptual problems, 465468

Conceptual stretching, 466468, 466f

Concordat of Worms (1122), 87

Confederal political systems, 102, 103

Confederation of Swedish Employers, 397

Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (Svenskt Näringsliv), 398

Configurational method, 459, 461

Confronted authority, 150t, 151

Congress, U.S., 234

Conquest, 49


in France, 222225

in Israel, 226

Consensual systems, 101102, 113, 114

Conservative Party (Colombia), 237

Conservative Party (Denmark), 294

Conservative Party (UK), 166, 249, 273, 378, 380

Conservers (civil servant), 154

Constitution(s), 255

Constitutional level of analysis, 5

Constitution of the People' Republic of China, 258

Construction sector, 281

Consumer cities, 151

Consumption taxes, 296

Contrasting contexts, 464

Convergence, 13, 417

Cooperative farms, 277

Cooperative federalism, 102

Corporate income tax (CIT), 299301

Corporate power strategies, 27

Corporate taxes, 308

Corporatism, 397, 398, 406

Corruption, 175, 187188

in China, 259

in India, 321

in Russia, 313

Corruption perception index, 189, 190t

Countermapping, 44

Countries in transition (CITs), 298

CPEs (centrally planned economies), 298

CPF (Central Provident Fund), 351353

CPR systems, see Common pool resource management systems

CPUC (California Public Utilities Commission), 317

Criminal Justice Act of 1991 (UK), 249, 251

Criminal Justice Act of 2003 (UK), 252

Criminal Justice and Court Services Act of 2000 (UK), 251

Crisis management, 233

Crosland, Anthony, 377

Cross-level analysis, 462

Cross-national research, 461462, 470

Cross-policy comparison, 463

Cross-sectional comparisons, 470

Cross-time research, 462463

CTC (Competitive Transition Charge), 318

Cuba, 99, 116

Cultural motives, 453454

Cultural Revolution, 255, 373


collectivist, 143144

feminine, 144

high-context, 139

Hofstede's characterization of, 141t142t

individualist, 143

long-term, 145

low-context, 139

masculine, 144

monochromic, 139

organizational, 146152

polychromic, 139

short-term, 144145

societal, 138140, 141t142t, 143146

CUSFTA (Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement), 338, 339

Czech Republic, 119, 335338, 347

Czudnowski, M. M., 428, 429


Dahl, Robert, 430, 451

Dan, Sorin, 167168

“Dark ages,” 29, 36

Data, 472

Data collection, 470

Data fixation, 440

Davies, J. C., 138

Dawkins, Richard, 87

Dayan, Moshe, 227

DB pension systems, see Defined-benefit pension systems

DC pension systems, see Defined-contribution pension systems


and Chinese educational system, 374

and French educational system, 369370

in UK, 166

Declaration of Independence of 1776 (United States), 90

Declaration of the Rights of Man (France), 90

Decolonization, 6768, 183, 436

Deevy, Edward, 45

Defense, national, see National defense

Defense Army of Israel Ordinance No. 4, 225

Defense White Paper (France), 224

Defined Benefit (DB)

Occupational Pension

Act, 388

Defined-benefit (DB) pension systems, 382, 388, 404

Defined-contribution (DC) pension systems, 382, 388, 404


in Brazil, 329

in Laos, 330332

De Gaulle, Charles, 223

Dekker Committee, 355

De la Mare, Nicolas, 39

Delimitation (in boundary setting), 50

Delineation (in boundary setting), 50

Demarcation (in boundary setting), 50

Democracy(-ies), 108113

branches of government and core features of, 118120

and bureaucracy, 6566, 138

democratization, 110111

establishing, 111112

hybrid presidential-parliamentary, 114, 115t

liberal democratic political systems, 99

presidential vs. parliamentary, 113114, 115t

Democratization, 110, 111

Deng Xiaoping, 373

Denizens, 94


corporatism in, 406

corruption index of, 189

judicial review in, 119

public sector employees in, 200

religious tax in, 88

schools, 88

state religion in, 87

tax systems in, 292295, 305, 308309

Departmentalization, 64

Department of Defense, U.S. (DOD), 232

Department of Homeland Security, U.S. (DHS), 233235, 269270

Department of Safety and Security (South Africa), 246

Department of Water Resources (DWR, California), 319

Deregulation, 317319, 345

Descriptive comparisons, 443444

Desegregation, 365366

Despotic power, 79

De Tocqueville, Alexis, 23, 65

Devaquet, Alain, 370

Developing countries:

economic reforms in, 436

high power distance in, 140

public administration studies for, 448

and Washington Consensus, 276

Development, 448

Development administration, 435436

DHS, see Department of Homeland Security, U.S.

Diamond, J., 110111

Differentiated integration, 425

Diffusion, of policies, 414417

“Dinosaur syndrome,” 182184

Diocletian, 52

Directorate of Intelligence (AMAN, Agaf Modiin), 227229

Directorate of Intelligence (Mossad branch), 229

Disaster response, 231236

Djibouti, 100

DOD (U.S. Department of Defense), 232

Dollar, as foreign exchange currency, 288

Dollar, Canadian, 340

Dolowitz, D., 184, 186

Dominant-party mobilization system, 116

Dominant-party semicompetitive systems, 116

Double Hierarchy Model, 116

Downs, Anthony, 153, 154

Drahos, P., 418

Dropout rates, 365

Drug trafficking, 239, 241, 242

Dual citizenship, 74, 267

Dual federalism, 102

Dual income taxation, 294

Dublin Convention, 267

Dunleavy, Patrick, 131

Dutch Competition Authority (NMa), 354

Dutch Health Care Inspectorate (IGZ), 356357, 399

Dutch Republic, 67, 85

Dutch Republic of the Seven United Provinces, 100

DWR (California Department of Water Resources), 319


Earl, Anthony, 365

Earth, commodification of, 43

East Anglia (kingdom), 48

East Asia, 99

East Central Europe, 110

Eastern Europe:

civil service system in, 189

egalitarian-authoritarian systems in, 99

new public management in, 177179

political systems in, 108

tax systems after fall of Soviet Union, 298299

East Germany (GDR), 265

Eaton, Dorman, 445

ECB, see European Central Bank

Ecological/environmental tax reform (ETR), 292295

Economic and financial services, 276

in Greece, 283287

in Iran, 287291

in Romania, 276279

in Spain, 279283

tax systems compared with, 302309

Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), 261, 263

Economic institutions, 7172

Economic sanctions, 288, 291

Economic Stability Plan of 1985 (Israel), 230

ECOSOC (Economic and Social Council), 261, 263

Education, 364, 400403

in France, 368372, 402403

health care and social services compared with, 398406

in Iran, 290291

in People's Republic of China, 372376

in Spain, 283

in United Kingdom, 376381, 401, 402

in United States, 401

in Wisconsin, 364368, 402

Education Act (UK, 1902), 376

Education Act (UK, 1944), 377

Education Act (UK, 1980), 378

Education Act (UK, 1992), 379

Educational personnel, 197198

Education Reform Act of 1988 (ERA, United Kingdom), 378379

Education services, 88

Egalitarian-authoritarian political systems, 99


centralized systems in dynastic period, 35

civil uprising in, 100

emergence of states in, 25

laws of, 38

political parties in, 116

provinces in ancient, 52

single-party dominance in, 101

Eisenhower, Dwight, and administration, 287

Eisenstadt, Shmuel, 447

Eldercare, 352

Elderfund, 352

Elderly, 386

Electricity, 319321

Electricity Act (India), 320, 321

Electricity Feed-In Law (Germany), 316

Electricity generation, 345

Electricity regulation:

in California, 317319

in Germany, 315316

Electricity Regulatory Commissions Act (India), 320

Electricity Supply Act (India), 320

Electric Utility Industry Restructuring Act (California), 318

Elias, Norbert, 3, 441n1


in democracies, 113

focus of research on, 2829

use of exclusive political and economic institutions by, 72

Ellison, B. A., 177, 178

Emergency management, 231236

Emergency Obligatory Medical Program (PMOE, Argentina), 359, 360

Emergency Preparedness and Response (EP&R) Directorate, 234

Empires, 50, 51, 51f

Employee Pension Insurance (EPI, Japan), 387

Employees' Federation (Israel), 171

Employee's Pension Fund (EPF, Japan), 387, 388

Employment, 297, 298, 307. See also Unemployment

Employment policy, 295

Employment protection legislation (EPL), 279, 282

EMU, see European Monetary Union

Enabling framework states, 81

Enabling states, 81

Endogenous state making models, 8485

Energy management, 312, 345

in California, 317319, 345, 348

in Germany, 315317, 345

in India, 319321, 345

planning/zoning and industry/trade compared with, 344348

in Russia, 312315, 345

Energy Supply Industry Act of December 1935 (Germany), 315

Energy taxes, 308309

England. See also Great Britain amateur government in, 85

colonization by, 67

education in, 376

nation building in, 90

schools, 88

as stateless society, 79

state religion in, 87

upper-local political regimes in, 30

Englebert, Pierre, 80

English-French state making pattern, 84

English language, 375, 439

English state making model, 8485

Enlistment, compulsory, 226

Enron, 321

Ensuring states, 81

Enthoven, Alain, 355, 399

Environmental resources, 155

Environmental taxes, 292295, 308309

EPF (Employee's Pension Fund), 387, 388

EPI (Employee Pension Insurance), 387

Epistemological fragmentation in study of public administration, 440442

EPL (employment protection legislation), 279, 282

EP&R (Emergency Preparedness and Response) Directorate, 234

ERA (Education Reform Act of 1988), 378379

Ersson, S. O., 114

Escuelas de Seguridad (Security Schools), 241

Eshkol, Levi, 227228

ESI (German Energy Supply Industry), 315

Esping-Andersen, G., 430

Essex (kingdom), 48

Estonia, 298302, 306308

Ethics, 216

Ethiopia, 99, 100, 118, 176

Ethnicity, 438

Ethnocentrism, 448

ETR (ecological/environmental tax reform), 292295

EU, see European Union

Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, 334

Europe. See also Eastern Europe; Western Europe

and 2008-2009 financial crisis, 303

church and state in, 8687

“dark age” in, 29

public sector employees in, 204

as source of public administration models, 446

sovereign units in medieval, 48

state and bureaucracy in, 79

state making in, 82

states in, 82

territorial states in, 82

and UN Security Council power, 262

European Central Bank (ECB):

and Greek economic crisis, 285287

and Spanish economic policy, 280

European Commission, 474

energy tax policy, 294

and Greek economic crisis, 285

European Financial Stability Facility, 304

European Free Trade Association, 334

European interstate system, 66

European Monetary Union (EMU):

and 2008-2009 financial crisis, 303

and Greek economic crisis, 284, 285

and Spanish economic policy, 280

European Union (EU):

and 2008-2009 financial crisis, 303

actors in, 80

and agricultural reform in Romania, 278, 279

federalism in, 465

and German immigration issues, 268

and globalization, 185

and Greek economic crisis, 285

international dimension in, 84

local governments in, 62

and Moroccan trade policy, 334

and national identity, 474

new public management in, 168

public sector employees in, 200

refugee/asylum policy, 267

and Spanish economic policy, 280

tax cuts in, 295


and 2008-2009 financial crisis, 303

combined budget deficit (2013), 287

and Spanish economic policy, 280

Evolutionary biology, sociobiology, and anthropology, 2425

Evolutionary theory, 445

Exclusionary power strategies, 27

Executive branch, 118120

Exogenous state making models, 8384

Experimental phase, 3334


and Greek economic crisis, 285

and Iranian economy, 289

and Mexican industry/trade policies, 342343

Extended family organization, 148

Extension of concepts, 466468

External colonization, 66

Extractive organizations, 136


Factions, 100

Failing/failed states, 77, 80

Families of nations, 432435

FAMP (Frontier and Mounted Police), 244

Farmer program (Romania), 278

Farrell, W. C., 368

Fast Track Land Reform Program (FTLRP), 323

Fat tax, 294, 309

Fauré, Edgar, 369

FDC (funded defined contribution), 391, 392

FDI, see Foreign direct investment

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 231236, 269270

Federalism, 127, 465

The Federalist, 443

Federal states, 102105, 103t, 104t, 106t107t, 108

Federation of Danish Industry, 293

Feed-In Law (Germany), 316

Fee-for-service (FFC) payments, 355

Feinstein, Yuval, 83

FEMA, see Federal Emergency Management Agency

Feminine cultures, 144

Fernández-Kelly, P., 343

Feudal system, 48

FFC (fee-for-service) payments, 355

Figurational studies, 440441

Fiji, 117

Financial crisis (2007–2008), 280282, 303304

Financial services, see Economic and financial services

Finer, Samuel, 447

Finland, 56

corruption index of, 189

life satisfaction in, 189, 191

political reform capacity of, 104

public sector employees in, 200, 204

religious tax in, 88

Finnemore, Martha, 416

First Amendment, 366

First imperial age, 67

First-order formal objects, 455

Fisher Education Act of 1918, 377

Flannery, Kent, 32n.11

Flat income tax, 299, 300, 302

Focal Site Strategy (Laos), 330

Ford Foundation, 436

Foreign direct investment (FDI):

and Czech industrial/trade policies, 336338

and Greek economic crisis, 285

and Laotian land policy, 330

Foreign Office (Israel), 227, 228

Forest conservation, 330331

Forestry Law (Laos), 331

Formal governments, 2122, 22t, 95

Formal objects, 455

Fourteenth Amendment, 366

Fragmentation, 432442


church-controlled schools in, 88

citizen identification in, 93

Civil Service Act in, 204

colonization by, 67

decentralization in, 103

Declaration of the Rights of Man, 90

education in, 368372, 402403

federalism in, 465

feudal system of, 48

immigration issues, 264

king's power in Middle Ages, 8384

life satisfaction in, 189, 191

military reform, 268269

multiparty system in, 101

national defense in, 222225

nation building in, 90, 91

new public management in, 167

political appointees in, 194195

political reform capacity of, 104

separation of church and state in, 86, 88

state-church relations in, 88

status of civil servants in, 193

subnational jurisdiction in, 56

as Westminster system, 114

Franco, Francisco, 279, 281

Freedom of religion, 366

Freeman, Edward E., 429

Free market:

and French educational system, 370

and state action, 276

Free-rider effect, 358, 362, 398

Free trade agreements (FTAs), 335, 339, 340

French Revolution, 89, 100

Frendreis, J. P., 460, 471

Frente Nacional (National Front, Colombia), 238, 240

Fried, Robert, 26, 27

Friedman, Milton, 364

Frontier and Mounted Police (FAMP), 244

FSR (Solidarity Redistribution Fund), 359

FTAs, see Free trade agreements

FTLRP (Fast Track Land Reform Program), 323

Fuerza Pública (Colombia), 239

Fuest, C., 307

Fukuyama, Francis, 13

Funded defined contribution (FDC), 391, 392


Galton, Francis, 26n.3, 471

GAO, See Government Accountability Office (GAO)

GARACES (Committee on Analysis and Research on Activities and Costs in Higher Education), 369

Garson, G. D., 162

Gas, see natural gas

Gasoline, 292

Gaston, N., 339

Gates, Bill, 131

GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade), 341

Gaviria, César, 239240

Gazprom, 313315

GDP, 307

GDR (East Germany), 265

Gelasius I, Pope, 8687

General Accounting Office (GAO), 232, 234236

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), 341

General-purpose governments, 22, 61

Geneva Convention on Refugees, 264

Geographic fragmentation, 432435

German Energy Supply Industry (ESI), 315

German-French state making pattern, 85

Germanic family of nations, 432, 433

German state making pattern, 84


citizen identification in, 93

and Dutch health care system, 354355

and economic crisis of 2007–2009, 282

energy management in, 345

energy policy in, 315317

federalism in, 465

immigration issues, 264, 274

judicial review in, 119

judiciary system in, 264268

life satisfaction in, 189, 191

local government studies, 446

municipal amalgamations in, 53

new public management in, 167

parliamentary system in, 114

political appointees in, 194195

political reform capacity of, 104, 105

public sector employees in, 200, 204

religious tax in, 88

response to 2007-2008 financial crisis, 304

status of civil servants in, 193

Ghana, 176

Giuffrida, Louis, 232

Global challenges, 92

Global comparisons, 445

Globalization, 14, 67, 184186, 412, 413

executive pay and, 112

and structural convergence, 473474

Global perspective, 89, 13

The Gods Must be Crazy, 155

Goldman Sachs, 284

Goodin, R. E., 430

Goodnow, Frank, 203

Goodsell, Charles, 149151

Gordon, Scott, 203

Gould, D. M., 340


actors responsible for, 80

defined, 18, 9495

government vs., 1819

multilevel/multiactor, 126128

origins of, 1718, 2329

Governing associations, 1922

Government(s). See also Political-administrative systems

characteristics of modern, 410411

comparing models of, 3940

defined, 1819

development of thinking about, 3739

general- and specific-purpose, 22

global model of development, 3237, 32f

governance vs., 1819

intertwining of society and, 18

legitimacy of, 8182

multilevel/multiactor, 126128

origins of, 1718, 2329

perception vs. reality, 147t

phases in development of, 3334

relations with populations, 38

traditional activities of, See specific headings, e.g.: National defense

Government Accountability Office (GAO), 232, 234236

Governmental fortresses, 151

Government departments, 120126

Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA), 165

GPRA (Government Performance and Results Act), 165

Grammar schools, 376

Grand theories, 12, 454455, 471

Great Britain, 189, 191, 320, 402. See also England; United Kingdom

Great Cultural Revolution, 373


collegial bureaucratic elite system in, 117

economic and financial services in, 283287

new public management in, 167

public sector employees in, 204

Greece, ancient, 18, 29, 409

Greek financial crisis (2009), 281, 304

Greene, J. P., 367

Greenfeld, Liah, 91

Green taxation, 293294. See also Environmental taxes

Gregory VII, Pope, 87

Grindle, Merilee, 436437

Group 4 Remand Services Ltd., 249250

Group of Four (G4), 262

Grover, Herbert, 365, 367

Guerrilla groups/warfare, 238, 239

Guest workers, 265

Gulf War (1990), 223224

Gun control, 133


Haas, Jonathan, 27

Halfway-state, 78

Hall, Edward, 85, 139

Hallpike, Christopher, 27

Hansen, Mogens, 3637

Haque, M. S., 173

Hashemite regime, 28

Hassan, Fekri, 135

Hayek, Friedrich, 2425

Heady, Ferrell, 10, 115116, 118121, 432

Health care, 350351, 398400

in Argentina, 357360, 399400

in Australia, 360364, 399

education and social services compared with, 398406

in Netherlands, 354357, 399

in Singapore, 351354, 399

Health Care Inspectorate (IGZ, Netherlands), 356357

Health Care Prices Act (Netherlands, 1982), 355

Health insurance, 352

Health Insurance Act of 2006 (HIA, Netherlands), 355, 356

Health Insurance Commission (Australia), 361

Health insurance premiums, 361, 362

Health Regulation Division (Singapore), 353

Health Sciences Authority (HSA, Singapore), 353

Health services, 88

Health taxes, 294, 309

Hegel, W.F., 191

Hellas, 36

Heritage Foundation, 365

Herotodus, 443

HIA (Health Insurance Act of 2006), 355, 356

Hierarchy(-ies), 146

High-context cultures, 139

Higher education:

in China, 372376, 403

in France, 368372, 402403

High-Level Panel on Threats, Challenges, and Change (HLP), 263

Himalayas, 99

Hisdai, Yaacov, 228

Histadrut (Israel), 171, 172

Historical-diffusions approach, 471472

Hittite city-states, 36

HLP (High-Level Panel on Threats, Challenges, and Change), 263

HM Prison Service, 249

Hofstede, Geert, 139148, 141t142t

Hollow state, 80

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 134

Holocaust, 265

Homeland system, 245

Home Office, 248, 249, 251, 252

Homicides, 239

Hong Kong, 119

Hooghe, Liesbeth, 127, 128

Hope, K. R., Sr., 176

Hospitals, 88

Hot spots, biodiversity, 345

Hoxby, C. M., 367

HRM, see Human resource management

HRM (human resource management), 206217, 437

HSA (Health Sciences Authority), 353

Hugo, Victor, 8586

Human capital, 305

Human communities, 1719. See also Local communities and associations

Human resource management (HRM), 206217, 437

in developed countries, 206, 207t208t, 209217

at individual level, 213215

at organizational level, 211213

and societal environment, 215217

Human rights, 260, 261

Hume, David, 441

Humphrey, Hubert H., 350

Hungary, 390

Hunter-gatherer phase, 33, 108

Hurricane Andrew, 232

Hurricane Katrina, 234235, 270, 368

Hyden, Goran, 108


Ibn KhaldImagen, 26n.5, 443

ICD (Independent Complaints Directorate), 248

Iceland, 81, 87, 90

Ideal cities/states, 38739

Ideology, 456

IDF (Israel Defense Forces), 225230, 269

IGZ (Dutch Health Care Inspectorate), 356357, 399

IGZ (Health Care Inspectorate), 356357

ILF (In Larger Freedom), 263

Illegal immigration, 344

Illiberal democracies, 110

Imagined communities, 20

Imerina, 28

IMF, see International Monetary Fund

IMF (International Monetary Fund), 176


in Germany, 264268, 274

and Mexican industry/trade policies, 344

social cleavages resulting from, 112

and Spanish employment rates, 280

Immigration management, 94

Immigration Review Tribunal (Australia), 169

Imperialism, 245

Import substitution, 333

Imposed authority, 150t, 151

Inclusive state, 80

Income inequality, 112113

Income taxes:

in Belgium, 295297

in Estonia, 300301

in Europe and Central Asia, 299

Incommensurability, 468, 469

INCRA (National Institute for Colonization and Agrarian Reform), 328, 329

Independent Complaints Directorate (ICD), 248

Independent power producers (IPPs, India), 321

Independent System Operator (ISO), 318


dominant-party semicompetitive systems, 116

emergence of states in, 25

energy management in, 319321, 345

liberal democratic systems in, 99

Indian Electricity Act, 320

Indian subcontinent, 28

Indirect taxation, 300

Individualist cultures, 143

Individual mandate, 355

Indonesia, 117118

Industrial communities, 65

Industrial upgrading, 334

Industry and trade, 332333

in Canada, 338341, 347348

in Czech Republic, 335338, 347

energy management and planning/zoning compared with, 344348

in Mexico, 341344, 347, 348

in Morocco, 333335, 347, 348

Industry Commission (Australia), 169


and Canadian trade policy, 339

and Iranian economy, 288, 289

and social security in Poland, 390

and Spanish economic policy, 280

Information revolution, 424

Infrastructural power, 79

INGOs (international nongovernmental organizations), 185186

In Larger Freedom (ILF), 263

Institute for Intelligence and Special Tasks (Mossad), 227229

Institutional superstructure of governments:

political and administrative, 97. See also Political-administrative systems

and political regime change, 30

Intelligence gathering, 227229

Intension of concepts, 466, 467

Interconnectedness, 411414

Interdisciplinary comparative study, 442

Interest, 289

Interest rates, 340

Interim Constitution for the Republic of South Africa, 245

Internal colonization, 6667

Internal security, 236237

in Colombia, 237244

defense and judiciary compared with, 268274

in South Africa, 244248

in United Kingdom, 248253

Internal Stability Division (ISD), 247

International boundaries, 4851

International law, 75, 76

International Monetary Fund (IMF), 176

Eastern European adjustment programs, 299

and Greek economic crisis, 285

and Iranian economy, 287288

and Moroccan trade policy, 333

and tax reform, 306

International nongovernmental organizations (INGOs), 185186

International organizations, 34

Internet, 424

Intramunicipal special-purpose authorities, 62

Intrastate conflicts, 260261

Investiture Struggle, 87

In-work tax credit, 297

IPPs (independent power producers), 321


economic and financial services in, 287291, 304305

as neo-traditional system, 117

as ortho-traditional system, 117

Iranian Revolution (1979), 288, 289

Iran-Iraq War (1980–1988), 289

Iraq, 100


and economic crisis of 2007-2009, 282

judicial review in, 119

sovereign units of, 48

“Iron law of oligarchy,” 113

ISD (Internal Stability Division), 247

Islam, 379

Islamic countries, 87, 117

Islamic Revolution (Iran, 1979), 288, 289

ISO (Independent System Operator), 318


civil servants in, 197198

constituting documents of, 111

governmental structure of, 123f125f, 126

liberal democratic systems in, 99

military reform, 268, 269

multiparty system in, 101

national defense in, 225231

new public management in, 171172

parliamentary system in, 114


hospitals in, 88

life satisfaction in, 189, 191

new public management in, 167

public sector employees in, 204

state-church relations in, 88

Itemistic method, 445


IUTs (Institut universitaire de technologie; university institutes of technology), 371


Jacoby, Henry, 13, 6465

Jahrbuch für Europäische Verwaltungsgeschichte, 462

Jamaica, 114


collectivism in, 144

Europe as source of public administration models for, 446

feudal system of, 48

judicial review in, 119

liberal democratic systems in, 99

life satisfaction in, 189, 191

social security in, 386390, 404

Japan Employers' Association (JEA), 387

JEA (Japan Employers' Association), 387

Jiang Zemin, 257

Job bureaucrats (civil servant), 154

Jobkorting, 297, 298

Joined authority, 150t, 151

Jordan, 100

Jospin, Lionel, 370

Judiciary system, 118120, 254

in China, 254259, 273

defense and police systems compared with, 268274

in Germany, 264268

UN Security Council, 259264

Jurisdictions, 8

Jus sanguinis, 264


KAS (Kontant arbetsmarknadsstod), 395

Kautilya, 38, 39

Kennedy, John F., 214

Kent (kingdom), 48

Kettl, D. F., 161, 164

Khatami, Mohammad, 289290

Kiser, Larry, 5

Knesset, 225

Knowledge, 449450

Kohl, Helmut, 268, 316

Kontant arbetsmarknadsstod (KAS), 395

Kuhlmann, Sabine, 430

Kuhn, T. S., 468, 469n.3

Kuwait, 100



control of, 46

in tax systems, 307308

Labor costs:

and Canadian trade policy, 339

and Estonian tax policy, 302

and Greek economic crisis, 285

Laborers, 196197

Labor market programs, 394398

Labor Party (UK), 378

Labor unions:

political parties and, 101

in Spain, 281

in Sweden, 397

Lagash, 36

Laissez-faire economics, 276

Laissez-faire state, 7778

Lancaster House agreement, 322

Land and Forest Allocation Policy (Laos), 331

Länder, 266, 268

Landless Workers' Movement (Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra [MST]) and, 327328

Land reform:

in Brazil, 327330, 345

in Laos, 330332, 345

in Zimbabwe, 322324, 345

Land Statute of 1964 (Brazil), 327

Land Use Planning and Land Allocation program (LUPLA), 331332

Lane, J.-E., 114, 178, 179

Lange, Matthew, 25

Language, 438

Lao People's Revolutionary Party (LPRP), 330


as Double Hierarchy Model, 116

land reform in, 345

planning and zoning in, 330332

Large power distance, 140

Latin America. See also specific countries

corporate/collective orientation of, 27

liberal democracy in, 110

municipalities in, 59

new public management in, 179182

personalist bureaucratic elite system in, 117

police reform in, 237

policy implementation in, 436437

political systems in, 108

separation of church and state in, 87

state creation in, 73

territorial states in, 82

and Washington Consensus, 276

Latin family of nations, 432, 433

La Violencia (the Violence), 237, 238

Law(s), 4647

Law 32/1984, 281

Law and Administration Ordinance (Israel), 225

Law-and-order regime, 117118

Law for Protection and Promotion of Foreign Investment (Iran), 290

Layer-cake federalism, 102

LEAs, see Local Education Authorities

League tables, 379380

Learning, 7

Lebanon, 100

Lebanon War (1982), 229

Lee, E. W., 173

Lefebvre, Henri, 44

Legislature, 118120

Legitimizing motives, 452454

Les Miserables (Victor Hugo), 8586

Levin, H. M., 367

Leys, W.A.R., 203

Liberal Conservatives (Netherlands), 355

Liberal democracy, 99, 109, 110

Liberal Party (Colombia), 237

Liberal Party (Denmark), 294

Libya, 100

LIC (Low Intensity Conflict), 230

Lifetime Health Cover (Australia), 362

Lijphart, Arend, 102, 104, 113

Limburg, Netherlands, 53

Lindblom, Charles, 139

Linguistic problems, 465468

Lipset, Seymour Martin, 113

Literacy, 64

LMW (Local Management of Schools), 379

Local communities and associations, 1718, 2329

and collapse of upper-local regimes, 3637

dependence of upper-level regimes on, 29

emergence of, 2526

evolutionary biology/sociobiology/anthropology view of, 2425

as formalized local governments with jurisdictional boundaries, 2122, 21t

lack of research on, 29

political theory concerning, 2325

types of, 1922, 21t

Local curiosities, 151

Local Education Authorities (LEAs), 376, 377, 379

Local government:

and comparative public administration studies, 446

in New Zealand, 326

Local government units, 57f58f

Local Management of Schools (LMW), 379

Locke, John, 119

Loi Jourdan, 222

LOLF (Loi organique relative aux lois de finances), 371

Longitudinal comparisons, 445

Long-term cultures, 145

Low-context cultures, 139

Low Intensity Conflict (LIC), 230

LPRP (Lao People's Revolutionary Party), 330

Lu, M., 362

LUPLA (Land Use Planning and Land Allocation program), 331332

Luxembourg, 56

Lynn, Lawrence, 164


Maastricht rules, 283, 284

Maastricht Treaty, 268

McGregor, Dougals, 213

Machiavelli, Niccolo, 39, 443

McNeil, John, 24

McNeil, William, 24

Macridis, R. C., 431

Macrocausal analysis, 464

Macrocitizenship, 92

Macrostates (territorial or national states), 21, 33

Madagascar, 28, 101

Maharashtra, India, 321

Majone, Ginadomenico, 414

Majoritarian systems, 101, 104, 108, 113

Making Work Pay (MWP), 297

Malaysia, 116, 119, 173175

Managed competition, 355, 399

Management, 158161

Manchester Prison (UK), 249, 250

Mandarin-bureaucrat, 137

Mandela, Nelson, 245

Mann, Michael, 55, 79, 80

Maōri people, 325327, 347

Mao Zhedong, 372, 373

MAPPA (Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements), 253

Mapping, 44

Maquiladoras, 342343

Marble-cake federalism, 102

Market competition, 364365

Market coordination structures, 25

Market-type mechanisms (MTMs), 168

Marks, Gary, 127, 128

Marks, M., 248

Marshall, Thomas, 93

Marx, Karl, 445

Maryland Quality Indicator Project (QIP), 353

Masculine cultures, 144

Massey, D. S., 343

Material objects, 455

Mathews, J., 368

Mauritania, 100

Mauritius, 176

Maya city-states, 36, 37

MDC (Movement of Democratic Change), 323

MDSD (most different systems design), 459461

Meaning of concepts, 468469

Meaning ratio, of concepts, 468

Medellín, Colombia, 238, 241242

Medellín cartel, 241

Medibank (Australia), 361

Medicare (Australia), 361362, 364

Medifund, 352, 399

MediNet, 353

Medisave, 351352

Medishield, 352

Mediterranean Dialogue, 335

Mediterranean phase, of first imperial age, 67

Meidner, Rudolf, 394

Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies (Greece), 285

MENA (Middle East and North Africa), 334

Mencken, H. L., 193

Merelman, Richard, 44

Merkel, Angela, 304

Merton, Robert, 133, 452

Mesoamerica, 26

Mesopotamia, 37, 38

Mesopotamian polities, 21, 25

Metacitizenship, 92

Metcalf, H. C., 211

Method of agreement, 458, 460

Method of difference, 458, 460

Method of elimination, 458

Methodological fragmentation in study of public administration, 440442

Methodological motives, 451452, 454

Methodology, 456


and Canadian trade policy, 340

dominant-party semicompetitive systems, 116

industry/trade policies, 341344, 347, 348

single-party dominance in, 101

MFA (Multi-Fiber Arrangement), 334335

MFN (most-favored nation), 334

Michels, Robert, 9, 113

Michigan, 368

Microcitizenship, 92

Microstates (city-states), 21

Midcitizenship, 92

Middle Ages, 87

Middle East:

corporate/collective orientation of, 27

decolonization of, 67

tribal societies in, 28

Middle East and North Africa (MENA), 334

Middle-range theories, 1213, 446447, 452, 454, 471

Midwest floods (1993), 233

Military Programming laws (France), 224

Military spending, 229

Mill, John Stuart, 23, 109, 444, 458

Miller, Portia Simpson, 114

Milward, H. B., 161, 164

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 365368

Milwaukee Parental Choice Program (MPCP), 366368

Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS), 365

Minimum pension guarantee (MPG), 384, 385

Ministry of Defense (Colombia), 238

Ministry of Education (China), 373375

Ministry of Education (France), 370

Ministry of Government (Colombia), 237

Ministry of Health (MOH, Singapore), 352, 353

Ministry of Justice (MoJ, Great Britain), 253

Ministry of Labor and Welfare (Argentina), 357

Ministry of National Education (France), 371

Missi dominici, 52

Mitigation Directorate, 233

Mitterand, François, 224

Mizrachim, 226

MLG (multilevel government), 126128

“Modernizing Government” (United Kingdom), 166

MOH (Ministry of Health, Singapore), 352, 353

Mongolia, 99, 213

Monochromic time (M-time) cultures, 139

Monopolies Act (Germany), 315

Montevideo Conference of Rights and Duties of States (1933), 75

Moore, Barrington, 12

Moore, Margaret, 43

Morale, 216


blue collar workers in, 197

civil uprising in, 100

trade policy in, 333335, 347, 348

Mosher, F. C., 212

Mossad, 227229

Most different systems design (MDSD), 459461

Most-favored nation (MFN), 334

Most similar systems design (MSSD), 459461

Movement of Democratic Change (MDC), 323

Mozambique, 99

MPCP (Milwaukee Parental Choice Program), 366368

MPG (minimum pension guarantee), 384, 385

MPPs (Mutual Pension Plans), 388

MPS (Milwaukee Public Schools), 365

MSSD (most similar systems design), 459461

MTMs (market-type mechanisms), 168

Multiactor government and governance, 126128

Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA), 253

Multicultural citizenship, 94

Multi-Fiber Arrangement (MFA), 334335

Multilevel government (MLG), 126128

Multiparty systems, 101102, 108

Municipal amalgamations, 53, 54t, 55

Municipalities, 73

Muslims, 379

Mutual Pension Plans (MPPs), 388

MWP (Making Work Pay), 297


Nachmias, David, 154

NAFTA, see North American Free Trade Agreement

Napoleonic tradition, 167

NAPPA (National Assessment Project of Public Administration), 172


concept of, 81

future of, 95

origin of term, 74

strong, weak, and failing, 7677

National Antinarcotic Bureau (Colombia), 239

National Assessment Committee (Comité National d'Evaluation), 370371

National Assessment Council (Conseil National d'Evaluation), 370

National Assessment Project of Public Administration (NAPPA), 172

National defense, 221222

in France, 222225

in Israel, 225231

police and judiciary compared with, 268274

National defined contribution (NDC), 391, 392

National Environment Council (Brazil), 329330

National Environment Fund (Brazil), 329

National Guard, U.S., 234, 235

National Health Act of 1953 (Australia), 361

National Healthcare Group, 352

National health insurance, 361362

National Health Priority Areas (Australia), 363364

National identity, 474

National Institute for Colonization and Agrarian Reform (INCRA), 328, 329

National Labor Market Board (Sweden), 394, 397

National Offender Management Service (NOMS), 252, 273

National Pension Insurance (NPI, Japan), 387, 388

National People's Congress (NPC), 257

National Plan for Land Reform (PNRA), 328

National Police Corps (Colombia), 237239, 241243

National Policy on Medicines (Argentina), 359

National Preparedness Directorate (NPD), 232

National Preparedness System, 235

National Probation Directorate (NPD), 251252

National Probation Service for England and Wales, 251

National Quality Control Circle Convention, 353

National Security Council (NSC), 232

National Service Law (Israel, 1949), 226

National states:

as macrostates, 21

tribal leadership disputes in, 28

universal phenomenon of, 71

National Strategy against Violence (Estrategia Nacional contra la Violencia), 240

National System for Citizen Participation in Police Matters (Colombia), 240

Nation building, 8991

defined, 83

state making and, 73

traditional study of, 7273

Nation-states. See also Territorial states

concept of, 81

as nostalgic concept, 95

proliferation of, 83

Native-American tribes, 28

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), 223

Natural gas, 314315

Naturalization, 266, 268

Natural science, 450

Naturism, 131

Nazism, 265

ND (nondefined) benefits, 384

NDC (national defined contribution), 391, 392

Near East, 117

Negative state, 7778

Neighborhood watch programs, 241242

NEM (New Economic Mechanism), 330

Neo-Babylonian city-states, 37


in Estonia, 306

in Israel, 229

and Washington Consensus, 276, 348

Neolithic revolution, 25

Neo-traditional systems, 117

Nepal, 36

Nested jurisdictions, 55, 55t, 56, 58t, 59t


assimilation in, 94

as decentralized unitary state, 103

citizen functionaries in, 195

civil servants in, 196197

Civil Service Act in, 204

corporatism in, 406

family classification of, 433

health care in, 354357, 399

life satisfaction in, 189, 191

local government studies, 446

multiparty system in, 102

nation building in, 90, 91

new public management in, 167

parliamentary system in, 114

public sector employees in, 200, 204

public servants in, 194

schools, 88

social division in, 113

state-church relations in, 88

state structure of, 105

subnational jurisdiction in, 56

Netherlands Competition Authority (NMa), 354

Nettl, Joyhn, 76

New Economic Mechanism (NEM, Laos), 330

New Labor Party (UK), 250, 251, 378, 379, 402

New Orleans, Louisiana, 234235

New public management (NPM), 161186, 213

in Africa, 175177

in Asia, 173175

in Australia, 168169

in Canada, 169170

in Colombia, 272

and “dinosaur syndrome,” 182184

and Dutch health care system, 355

in Eastern Europe, 177179

emergence of, 161162

and globalization, 184186

in Israel, 171172

in Latin America, 179182

in New Zealand, 170171

and pension reform, 403406

pervasiveness of, 274

and private vs. public sectors, 163164

in South Africa, 272

in United Kingdom, 166167

in United States, 165166

in Western Europe, 167168

New Right, 401, 402

New Solidarity Pillar (NSP), 385

New Zealand:

corruption index of, 189

judicial review in, 119

liberal democratic systems in, 99

as majoritarian, 104

nation building in, 90

new public management in, 170171

political parties in, 101

public sector employees in, 205, 213

resource management in, 324327, 346347

NGOs (nongovernmental organizations), 329, 345

Nicaragua, 101

Nigeria, 36, 102, 118

985 project, 375

Niskanen, William, 153154

Nixon, Richard, 214

NMa (Dutch Competition Authority), 354

Nogales, 7172

Nomological framework, 454

NOMS (National Offender Management Service), 252, 273

Nondefined (ND) benefits, 384

Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), 329, 345

Non-Western world:

political reforms in, 108

population diversity in, 8182

No-party political systems, 100, 101

Nordic countries, 200

Norman, Oklahoma, 195

North Africa, 117

North America:

liberal democratic systems in, 99

personnel function in, 206217

tribal societies in, 28

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA):

Canada and, 338340

Mexico and, 341344

Northcote-Trevelyan report, 445

Northern China city-states, 36

Northern Europe, 88

North Korea:

collegial bureaucratic elite system in, 117

as Double Hierarchy Model, 116

egalitarian-authoritarian systems in, 99


civil service in, 117

life satisfaction in, 189, 191

public sector employees in, 200

religious tax in, 88

state religion in, 87

No-state, 7778

Novak, W. J., 79

NPC (National People's Congress), 257

NPD (National Preparedness Directorate), 232

NPD (National Probation Directorate), 251252

NPI (National Pension Insurance), 387, 388

NPM, see New public management

NSC (National Security Council), 232

NSP (New Solidarity Pillar), 385

Nuclear weapons, 222, 291, 305


Oakeshott, Michael, 24

Obligatory Medical Program (PMO, Argentina), 359, 360

Obras sociales, 357

Obras sociales nacionales (OSNs), 358360

Obras sociales provinciales (OSPs), 358

Oceania, 27

October War (1973), 228, 229

OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), 185, 437

OFEs (private open-ended pension funds), 392, 393

Offender Management Act of 2007 (OMA 2007), 253

Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED), 379

OFSTED (Office for Standards in Education), 379


and Iranian economy, 287, 290, 291, 304305

and Russian energy policy, 313315

Oil crisis (1970s):

and Danish tax system, 293

and Dutch health care system, 355

and Iranian economy, 288

and welfare states, 401

Oil crisis (1980s), 281

OMA 2007 (Offender Management Act of 2007), 253

Oman, 100

100/250 MW wind program, 316

1,000 solar roof program, 316

Ongaro, Edoardo, 167, 433

Operation Active Endeavor, 335

Operational level of analysis, 5, 7

Operations Bureau of National Police Corps (Colombia), 239

Organizational culture, 146152

Organizational structure, 3536, 38

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 185, 437

Organized labor, 101, 281, 397

Organized religion, 8589

Ortho-traditional systems, 117

OSNs (Obras sociales nacionales), 358360

OSPs (Obras sociales provinciales), 358

Ostrom, Elinor, 5, 25, 109

Ostrom, Vincent, 23

Ottoman Empire, 409

Overman, E. S., 162


PACE (Professional and Administrative Career Examination), 215

Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), 317, 319

Pagi, 52

Painter, M., 138, 432, 434

Pakistan, 117

Palestinians, 230

Palestinian city-states, 36

PAMI (El Programa de Atención Médica Integral), 357358

PAP (Annual performance plan), 371

Papandreou, George, 284

Paradigm formal objects, 455

Parallel bureaucracy, 116

Parallel demonstration of theory, 464

Parishes, 52

Parliamentary political systems, 113114, 115t

Parochial schools, 366

Parsons, Talcott, 454455

Party-political political systems, 115118

Passive personality principle of law, 47

Pastrana, Andrés, 242

Path-dependency, 463

Pauly, M. V., 354

Pay-as-you-go (PAYG):

in Chile, 382, 383

in Japan, 387389

in Poland, 390, 392

Payroll taxes, 382

PDI (power distance index), 140

Peace of Westphalia, 49, 72, 75

Peluso, Nancy, 45

Pendulum systems, 118

Pensions, 403406

in Chile, 383386

in Greece, 286

in Japan, 386387

in Poland, 390394

Pension Re-evaluation Act (Poland), 391

Pension Solidarity Complement (APS), 385

Pentagon attacks (2001), see September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks

Peretz, Amir, 230231

Performance budgeting, 165

Performance Indicators (PIs), 163

Performance measurement, 133

Permanent Five (P5), 261262

Persian Empire, 409

Persian Gulf crisis (1990), 289. See also Gulf War (1990)

Personal income tax (PIT), 299, 300

Personalist bureaucratic elite system, 117

Personality principle of law, 46

Personal Pension System (Chile), 383

Personnel system(s), 187217

bureaucracy as, 191193

development of, in developed countries, 206, 207t208t, 209217

at individual level, 213215

at organizational level, 211213

and political-administrative relations, 202206

public servants, 193198, 198t199t, 200, 201t202t

and responsive government, 188189, 190t, 191

and societal environment, 215217

PES (Public Employment Service), 395, 396

Peso crisis (1994–1995), 342

Peters, B. G., 419, 432, 434

Peters, Guy, 138

PFI (Private Finance Initiative) prisons, 250

PFTAs (preferential free trade agreements), 334, 335

PG&E (Pacific Gas and Electric Company), 317, 319

Pharmaceutical Benefit Act of 1950 (Australia), 361


judicial review in, 119

polyarchal competitive systems in, 116

Physical communities, 65

Pierre, Jon, 145146

PIGS, 303

Pilichoswki, Elsa, 200

Pinochet, Augusto, 382

Pipelines, 314, 315

PIs (Performance Indicators), 163

PIT (personal income tax), 299, 300

Plan Colombia, 242

“Plan for Revitalizing Education in the Twenty-First Century” (China), 375

Planning and zoning, 322

in Brazil, 327330

energy management and industry/trade compared with, 344348

in Laos, 330332

in New Zealand, 324327, 346347

in Zimbabwe, 322324

Plato, 38, 39, 118, 443

PMO (Obligatory Medical Program), 359, 360

PMOE (Emergency Obligatory Medical Program), 359, 360

PNRA (National Plan for Land Reform), 328


authority upon cities in, 82

social security in, 390394, 405

Police, 236

Police reform, 270272

Policy bureaucrats, 198

Policy evaluation, 139

Policy Research Committee (Canada), 170

“The Policy Research Initiative” (Canada), 170

Policy transfer, 414417

Politics, 910

Political-administrative relations, 202206

Political-administrative systems, 97120. See also Bureaucracy

models of, 145146

and multilevel/multiactor government and governance, 126128

and parties, 100102

structure of government departments, 120126

types of political systems, 98120. See also Political systems

Political appointees, 194195, 205

Political authority, 150, 150t, 151

Political centralization, 8384

Political change, 29

Political development/evolution:

conceptualization of, 2930

linear representation of, 28, 32

patterns of, 3237, 32f

Political institutions, 7172

Political officeholders, 152, 152t, 153, 194

Political parties, 100102

Political regime change, 30

Political rights, 93

Political systems:

authoritarian-inegalitarian, 99

democratic, 108113, 118120

egalitarian-authoritarian, 99

liberal democratic, 99

no-party, 100

party-political vs. bureaucratic-prominent, 115118

presidential vs. parliamentary, 113114, 115t

regime change, 30

traditional inegalitarian, 9899

unitary vs. federal, 102105, 103t, 104t, 106t107t, 108

Political theory, 2325

Politics in England (Rose), 406

Politicization of civil service, 204205

Politicos (civil servant), 154

Pollitt, Christopher, 104105, 167168

Polyarchal competitive systems, 116

Polycentrism, 2728

Polychromic time (P-time) cultures, 139

POP (Public Order Police), 247

Popper, Karl, 421422, 469

Population control, 291

Population growth, 135

Populist political systems, 99


collegial bureaucratic elite system in, 117

colonization by, 67

new public management in, 167

state-church relations in, 88

Positive states, 78

Postbehavioral approach, 457t

Post-Katrina Emergency Management Reform Act of 2006 (Post-Katrina Act), 235

Postmodern delights, 151

Postnational citizenship, 94


and agricultural reform in Romania, 277, 279

and Laotian land policy, 330, 332


despotic, 79

infrastructural, 79

in parliamentary systems, 114

strategies in pursuit of, 2728

Power distance index (PDI), 140

PPA function, see Public personnel administration function

PPA (public personnel administration) function, 206217

Preexisting conditions, 356

Preferential free trade agreements (PFTAs), 334, 335

Presidential political systems, 113114, 115t

Prestate, 78

Price, Don, 78

Primary health care centers (CAPS, Argentina), 360

Prime Minister's Office (Israel), 227

Principle of nonintervention, 4950

Prisons, 249250, 272273

Prison Board (Great Britain), 248249

Prison Officers' Association (UK), 250

Prison Service of England and Wales, 248, 252

Prison system, 236237

Pristine states, 26

Private Finance Initiative (PFI) prisons, 250

Private health insurance, 362

Private open-ended pension funds (OFEs), 392, 393

Private property, 43

Private schools, 365

Private sector:

bureaucracies in, 137

and Eastern European economies, 298

and Iranian economy, 290

public sector vs., 163164

Privatization, 166, 174, 181

after fall of Soviet Union, 335336

in British prison system, 249250, 272273

of Chile pensions, 382383, 404405

and Czech industrial/trade policies, 336337

of Israeli military, 231

and Laotian land policy, 330

of pensions, 403405

of prison systems, 237

in Russia after breakup of Soviet Union, 312313

Probation reform, 251253

Probation Rules of 1907 (UK), 251

Probation Service (UK), 251, 252

Problem of Galton, 471


and Canadian trade policy, 339

education and, 401

and Spanish economic policy, 282283

Professional and Administrative Career Examination (PACE), 215

Professional military:

in France, 223, 224

standing army as, 222

Professional police force:

in Colombia, 238

and internal security, 236

Professional technocracy, 78

El Programa de Atención Médica Integral (PAMI), 357358

Property, 4245

Prostate, 78


in Canada, 339340

in China, 257258

in Iran, 289

Protestantism, 53

Provinces, 52

PSUs (Public Sector Units), 320

Public administration:

defined, 19, 158

development of comparative, 443448, 444t

development of study of, 39

geographic fragmentation in study of, 432435

human side of, 158161

importance of comparison in study of, 430432

management and, 158161. See also New public management (NPM)

methodological/epistemological fragmentation in study of, 440442

as science of association, 23

study of, 56

substantive fragmentation in study of, 435440

Public Employment Service (PES, Sweden), 395, 396

Public individuals, 152155, 152t153t

Public-interest model, 145146

Public management (as field of study), 161. See also New public management (NPM)

Public Order Police (POP), 247

Public personnel administration (PPA) function, 206217

in developed countries, 206, 207t208t, 209217

at individual level, 213215

at organizational level, 211213

and societal environment, 215217

Public Prosecutor's Office (Colombia), 240

Public schools, 364

Public sector:

civil servants, 64

private sector vs., 163164

Public sector pensions, 386

Public Sector Units (PSUs, India), 320

Public servant, 194

Public service, see Personnel system(s)

Public Service Commission (South Africa), 248

Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA), 317

Punishment, Custody, and the Community (UK Green Paper), 251

PURPA (Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act), 317

Purposive association, 2324


QFs (qualifying facilities), 317

QIP (Maryland Quality Indicator Project), 353

Qualifying facilities (QFs), 317

Qualitative studies, 440441

Quality Indicator Project (QIP), 353

Quantitative research, 471


Raadschelders, J. C. N., 4, 81, 83, 123, 194, 195

Racial segregation, 245, 365

Rafsanjani, Akbar Hashemi, 289

Ramos, Guerrero, 23

Rationality, 416417

RDP (Reconstruction and Development Program), 246

Reagan, Ronald, 178, 232

Reality, 34

Recession (1990s, Japan), 388

Recession (1990s, Sweden), 396, 397

Rechtsstaat model, 145146

Reconstruction and Development Program (RDP), 246

REF (Risk Equalization Fund), 356

Refugee Review Tribunal (Australia), 169

Regional Offender Managers (ROMs), 252253

Rehn, Gösta, 394

Rehn, Olli, 286

Reid, John, 253


freedom of, 366

organized, 8589

state, 87

Remediar program, 359, 360, 400

Renewable energy sources (RES-E), 316, 317, 345

Renewable Energy Sources Act of 2000 (Germany), 317

Renfrew, Colin, 27

RES-E, see Renewable energy sources

Research Division of AMAN, 229

Research technical problems, 472473

Reserves, military, 229, 230

Resettlement, 323

Resident aliens, 94

Resource jobs, 397

Resource Management Act (RMA, New Zealand), 325327, 346

Resource mobilization, 306

“Responsibility to Protect,” 262

Responsive government, 188189, 191

Reynolds, John, 365

Reza Shah Pahlavi, shah of Iran, 287

Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, 53

Riggs, F. W., 448

Right of asylum, 264, 265, 267

Rights of citizens, 93, 109

Riot Unit (South Africa), 247

Risk Equalization Fund (REF, Netherlands), 356

RMA (Resource Managements Act), 325327, 346

Robinson, James, 71

Rohner, D., 178, 179

Rohr, John, 215

Rojas Pinilla, Gustavo, 238

Rolling blackouts, 319

ROMs (Regional Offender Managers), 252253

Roman Empire, 37, 52, 89, 349, 409

Romania, 276279, 305

Roman Republic, 100

Rome, Treaty of (1957), 354

Roosevelt, Theodore, 231

Rose, Richard, 406

Rosenbloom, David, 154

Rosneft, 313

Rouse, C. E., 367

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 4243

Rule-making, 418

Rule of law, 255, 443

Rule-taking, 418

Rumbold, Angela, 249

Rural communities, 56


authority upon cities in, 82

church-controlled schools in, 88

egalitarian-authoritarian systems in, 99

energy management in, 312315, 345

Rutgers, M. R., 468


Saavedra, P., 302

Sabras, 228

Sack, Robert, 43

Safari model, of comparative research, 472

Salinas de Gortari, Carlos, 341342

Samaratunge, Ramanie, 173, 174

Samper, Ernesto, 241

San Diego Gas and Electric Company (SDGandE), 317319

San Francisco earthquake (1906), 231

SAP (South African Police), 245

Sapard program (Romania), 278

SAPS (South African Police Service), 246248

SARS crisis (2003), 258

Sartori, G., 466, 467

Satie, Erik, 129, 156

Saudi Arabia, 100, 117

Savage, E., 362

Savings, 351352

Scandinavia, 30, 193. See also specific countries

Scandinavian family of nations, 432, 433

Scharpf, Fritz, 31, 458

Scheffler S., 94

Schengen Agreement, 267

Schmidt, Klaus, 30n.10

School choice, 364365, 402. See also Voucher plans

in UK, 380381

in Wisconsin, 365367

School Curriculum and Assessment Authority, 380

School districts, 61, 62

Schröder, Gerhard, 267

Schumpeter, Joseph, 12

Schwanen, D., 339

Scientific method, 450

Scott, James C., 33, 34, 44, 47

Scottish Prison Service, 249

SDGandE (San Diego Gas and Electric Company), 317319

Search Bloc (Bloque de Búsqueda), 239240

SEBs (State Electricity Boards), 320, 321

Secession, 49

Seckendorf, Veit Ludwig von, 39

Secondary schools, 377

Second imperial age, 67

Second Lebanon War (2006), 230

Second-order formal objects, 455

Second Party Congress (Laos), 330

Secretariat for Policy Research (Canada), 170

Segregation, 245, 365

Seguridad Local (Local Security Fronts), 241, 244

Self-government, 44, 47, 53, 55

Selfishness, 135136

Semantic problems, 465468

Senegal, 176

September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks:

FEMA and, 233234

UN Security Council and, 263

SERCs (State Electricity Regulatory Commissions), 320

Serrano, Jose, 241, 242, 272

Service, Elmer, 26, 27

Service bureaucrats (civil servant), 154

Service Level Agreements (SLAs), 250

Settlement, 49

“Seven Sisters” (oil companies), 288

Shanghai, China, 257

SHI (Social Health Insurance), 357, 358

“Shock therapy,” 312313, 390

Short-term cultures, 144145

SIA (Social Insurance Agency), 389


health care in, 351354, 399

new public management in, 173, 174

single-party dominance in, 101

Singapore Health Services, 352

Single-party systems, 101

Six Day War (1967), 227

Skocpol, Th., 464

Skoda, 336

SLAs (Service Level Agreements), 250

Small power distances, 140

Smelser, N. J., 428429

Sobering-up motives, 452454

Social construction, 453

Social contract, 72

Social Democratic Party (Denmark), 294

Social Democratic Party (Sweden), 397

Social-economic services, 311312. See also Energy management; Industry and trade; Planning and zoning

Social evolution, 31, 445

Social Health Insurance (SHI, Argentina), 357, 358

Social Insurance Agency (SIA, Japan), 389

Social Insurance Fund (ZUS, Poland), 392393, 405

Social order, 2425

Social rights, 93

Social sciences:

comparison in, 428430

natural science vs., 450

Social security, 381, 403406

in Chile, 381386, 404

health care and education compared with, 398406

in Japan, 386390, 404

in Poland, 390394, 405

in Sweden, 394398, 405406

Social Security Tribunal (Australia), 169

Social services, see Health care; Social security

Social spending, 285

Societal culture, 138140, 141t142t, 143146

Societal environment, 215217


intertwining of government and, 18

stability of, 112, 113

SOEs (State-owned enterprises), 335336

Solar energy, 316

Solidarity Redistribution Fund (FSR, Argentina), 359

Somalia, 189

Somers, M., 464

Sonatine bureaucratique (Satie), 129

South Africa:

community policing in, 236, 270271

internal security in, 244248

police reform in, 247, 273

Traditional Leadership and Framework Act of, 28

South African Police (SAP), 245

South African Police Service Act, 246

South America, 26, 99. See also specific countries

Southeast Asia:

experimental phase in, 34

local communities in, 44

political units in, 4748

tribal societies in, 28

Southern California Edison Company (Edison), 317, 319

South Korea:

liberal democratic systems in, 99

life satisfaction in, 189, 191

study of public administration in, 438

Sovereign debt:

in Europe, 303

Greek, 284286

Spanish, 283

Soviet Union:

and Chinese educational system, 372, 373

collapse of, 178, 183

as model for Eastern European tax systems, 298

Soviet Union, breakdown of:

and Russian energy policy, 312315

and tax policies in newly independent countries, 298299

Soviet Union, former, 21

as Double Hierarchy Model, 116

egalitarian-authoritarian systems in, 99

new public management in, 178


colonization by, 67

economic policy in, 279283

hospitals in, 88

life satisfaction in, 189, 191

new public management in, 167

public sector employees in, 204

state-church relations in, 88

SPC (Supreme People's Court), 256

SPD/Green Party coalition (Germany), 267

Special Armed Unit (Cuerpo Especial Armado; Colombia), 239

Special-purpose governments, 6162

Specific-purpose governments, 22

Spicer, M., 23, 24

Squatters, 328, 329

Sri Lanka, 116, 173175

Stage models, 2629

Stage theories, 458

Stamp-flag-coin approach, 445, 446

Standard & Poor's (S&P), 285, 286

Standing armies, 222

State(s), 7482. See also National states; Territorial states

bold-, 78

coexistence/cooperation of tribes and, 28

concept of, 72, 7476

defining concept of, 72

evolution of concept of, 7475

failed/failing, 77

future of, 9495

governance and, 8081

juridical definition of, 7576, 80

legitimacy of, 8182

membership in, 74

no-, 7778

phases in development of, 3334

sedentary lifestyle and emergence of, 30

separation of organized religion and the, 8589

sociopsychological definition of, 76, 80

in stage model, 26

strong vs. weak, 7677

State Education Commission (China), 373

State Electricity Boards (SEBs), 320, 321

State Electricity Regulatory Commissions (SERCs), 320

Statehouses, 149

Statelessness, 7880

State making, 7273

as differentiating process, 73

exogenous vs. endogenous models of, 8385, 83t

models and explanations of, 8285

nation building and, 73

patterns of, 83t

traditional study of, 7273

The State of the Nation (Bok), 453

State-owned enterprises (SOEs), 335336

State power, 7980

State religion, 87

Statesmen (civil servant), 154

State sovereignty, 260

Statistical research, 469472

Stevens, O. J., 146, 147

Stevin, Simon, 38

Stigler, George, 23

Stillman, Richard, 77, 78

Stone, D., 415

Strait of Hormuz, 288

Strangeways Riot (Manchester Prison, UK), 249

Street-level bureaucrats, 198

Strong states, 7677, 7981

Structural convergence, 473474

Structural-functionalism theory, 454455, 471

Subnational jurisdictions:

current situation, 55, 55t, 56, 57f58f, 58t60t, 5962

historical trends, 5153, 54f, 55

Sub-Saharan Africa, 110

Subsidies, 344

Substantive fragmentation in study of public administration, 435440

Sudan, 100

Sugar tax, 294, 309

Sumer, ancient, 29, 37

Supreme People's Court (SPC), 256

Sustainable development, 324327, 347


authority upon cities in, 82

Civil Service Act in, 204

judicial review in, 119

life satisfaction in, 189, 191

political reform capacity of, 104

social security in, 394398, 405406

state religion in, 87

Swedish Employers' Confederation (Svenska Arbetsgivareföreningen, SAF), 398


judicial review in, 119

life satisfaction in, 189, 191

religious tax in, 88

special-purpose governments in, 62

Syrian city-states, 36, 100

Sztompka, Pjotr, 13


Taagepera, Rein, 50

Taiwan, 101, 119

Tanzania, 116

Tarde, Gabriel, 417


in Canada, 339, 340

in Mexico, 341

in Morocco, 333335

Task Force on the Management of Horizontal Policy (Canada), 170

Tatra, 336

Taxation, 88

Tax credits, 297, 298, 300

Taxonomies, 447

Tax reform, 306307

Tax systems, 292

in Belgium, 295298

in Denmark, 292295, 308309

economic/financial systems compared with, 302309

in Estonia, 298302, 306307

and GDP, 307

in Greece, 285

and labor vs. capital, 307308

and territorialization, 45

Tax-to-GDP ratio, 295

Taylor, Frederick, 211

Tead, O., 211

Technical and professional personnel, 196

Technological revolution, 67, 423424


and“dinosaur syndrome,” 183

and Mexican industry/trade policies, 343

Temporary workers, 281, 282


and bureaucratic organizations, 4142

defined in terms of authority, 8788

definitions of, 43

and property, 4245

Territoriality principle of law, 4647

Territorialization, 4548, 109

Territorial states, 82

defined, 81

as dominant polity, 94

emergence of, as upper-local polities, 2932

and global challenges, 92

as macrostates, 21

number of, 82

tribal leadership disputes in, 28

universal phenomenon of, 71

Territorial units, 45

Territory, 72


administrative reforms in, 68

collegial bureaucratic elite regime in, 118

territorialization of, 48

Thatcher, Margaret, 166, 178, 249, 377

“Thatcherism,” 166

Theoretical motives, 451452, 454

Theories, 457458

Theory X, 213, 214

Theory Y, 214

Tholfsen, Trygve, 8889

Thompson, Tommy, 366

Thousand Days War (1899–1902), 237

3Ms system (Singapore), 351354, 399

Thuesen, Ingolf, 32n.11

Tiananmen Square protests, 374

Tiglath-Pileser III, 52

Tilly, Charles, 82, 443

Top-down perspective, 19

Totalitarian regimes, 35

Total quality management (TQM), 353

Town and Country Planning Act (New Zealand), 325

TQM (Total quality management), 353

Trade, see Industry and trade

Trade and Industrial Policy Loan, 333

Trade deficits, 342

Trade liberalization:

and Mexican trade policy, 341, 343

and Moroccan trade policy, 333335

Trade unions, see Unions

Traditional approach, 457t

Traditional elite systems, 117

Traditional inegalitarian political systems, 9899

Traditional Leadership and Framework Act of South Africa, 28

Traditional temples, 151

Tragedy of the commons, 25

Transfer of policies, 414417

Transjordan tribal populations, 28

Transparency International, 188, 189

Trefler, D., 339

Tribes, 20, 26, 28, 35

Trocello, 36

Tudor polity, 78, 79

Tull, Denis, 80

Tunisia, 100, 197

Turkey, 118, 200

Turkisch, Edouard, 200

211 project, 375

Two-party political systems, 101

Two Swords Theory, 8687


U2000 plan (France), 371

UCLG (United Cities and Local Governments), 197

UDHR (Universal Declaration of Human Rights), 264

Uganda, 176

UI (Unemployment insurance), 394397

UK, see United Kingdom

Unauthorized migrants, 344

Uncertainty avoidance, 140, 143

Undocumented migrants, 344

UNDP (United Nations Development Program), 279, 324


in Belgium, 296

in the Netherlands, 355

in Spain, 280, 282, 283

in Sweden, 394396, 398

Unemployment insurance (UI), 394397

Uniformed medical personnel, 197

Unifying theories, 454


political parties and, 101

in Spain, 281

in Sweden, 397

Unión Patriótica, 239

Unitary states, 102105, 103t, 104t, 106t107t, 108

United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), 197

United Kingdom (UK):

constituting documents of, 111

education, 376381, 401, 402

and Indian electrical infrastructure, 320

internal security, 248253

as majoritarian, 104

new public management in, 166167

political parties in, 101

political system of, 114

prime minister's control in, 108

prison privatization, 237, 249250, 272273

probation reform, 251253

public sector employees in, 200, 205

state-church relations in, 88

subnational jurisdiction in, 56

United Nations (UN), 254

UN Charter, 259263

United Nations Development Program (UNDP), 279, 324

UN Security Council, 259264, 274, 291

United States. See also individual states

amateur government in, 85

branches of government in, 119

bureaucracy of, 123, 125

and Canadian trade policy, 339, 340

civil servants in, 197198

Civil Service Act in, 204

collectivism in, 143

cooperative federalism in, 102

cultural dimensions in, 145

Declaration of Independence, 90

education in, 401, 402

emergence of democracy in, 118, 119

emergency management in, 231236

excision of local areas from municipalities, 73

federalism in, 465

general- and specific-purpose governments in, 22

health care in, 350

inclusive political and economic institutions in, 71

income inequality in, 112

individualism in, 143

Iran and, 288, 291

as large-scale democratic experiment, 110

life satisfaction in, 189, 191

local governments in, 62

local government studies, 446

low power distance in, 140

as majoritarian- consensualist system, 104

as masculine culture, 144

and Mexican trade policy, 341, 344, 348

and Moroccan trade policy, 335

nation building in, 90

new public management in, 165166

Northwest Ordinance, 38

personnel function in, 206217

political appointees in, 194195

political officeholders in, 194

political parties in, 101

political systems in, 108

presidency of, 114

prison privatization, 237

public administration studies, 437, 439

public schools in, 349

public sector employees in, 200, 202, 204, 205

public service reform in, 209, 211212

rule-making by, 418

self-government in, 53, 55

separation of church and state in, 86

social mobility in, 113

special-purpose governments in, 6162

and statelessness, 7879

status of civil servants in, 193

statute law in, 120

subnational jurisdiction in, 61

as Tudor polity, 78

Uniting for Consensus (UfC), 262

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), 264


in China, 372376, 403

in France, 368372, 402403

“Unwritten constitution,” 78

Upper-local governance/government. See also individual types of governments

local governance/government and, 18, 21, 22, 3637

research focus on, 2829

types of, 21, 21t

Upper-local polities. See also National states; Territorial states

emergence of territorial states as, 2932

local communities enveloped by/embedded in, 18

Up-time perspective, 19

Urban communities, 56

Uruguay Round, 338

Utilitarian comparisons, 443444

Utilitarian motives, 452, 454

Utility companies, 317319

Utility consensus, 317


Vandergeest, Peter, 45

Variables, 471

VAT (value-added tax):

in Eastern Europe, 298299

in Estonia, 300

Vatican City, 87

Venice, 36

Ventriss, Curt, 23

Veterans' Review Board (Australia), 169


as Double Hierarchy Model, 116

egalitarian-authoritarian systems in, 99

Vigoda, E., 173

Vigoda-Gadot, E., 4, 76, 91, 162, 184n1

Volkswagen, 338

Voucher plans (education), 364, 365, 368, 380


Wage inequality, 343

Wales, 376

War of Attrition (Israel–Egypt, 1967-70), 228

War of Independence (Israel, 1947-1949), 225

“War on terror,” 335

War Veterans' Association (Zimbabwe), 323

Washington Consensus, 276, 341, 344345, 348

Water management, 325

WB, see World Bank

Weak states, 7677, 80

Weber, Eugen, 91

Weber, Max, 31, 130134, 156, 159, 191193, 206, 444

Wedel, J. R. ., 178

Weickart, Lynne, 166

Welfare services and policies, 349350. See also Education; Health care; Social security

Welfare state, 401

cross-policy comparison in, 463

in Europe vs. United States, 159

expenditures of, 189

origin of, 95

Wenke, Robert, 31

Wessex (kingdom), 48

Western Europe:

citizens' rights in, 95

civil service system in, 189

collectivism in, 143144

emergence of democracy in, 118, 119

experimental phase in, 34

fragmented political cultures in, 112

liberal democracy in, 99, 110

municipal amalgamations in, 54t

new public management in, 167168

parliamentary system in, 114

personnel function in, 206217

political systems in, 108

polyarchal competitive systems in, 116

statute law in, 120

traditional inegalitarian political systems in, 99

Western Sahara, 100

Western world:

homogeneity in, 111

political systems of, 112

population diversity in, 81

separation of church and state in, 87

West Kalimantan, Indonesia, 44

Westminster systems, 114

“Westphalia paradigm,” 186

“White Paper” (United Kingdom), 166

Williams, Annette “Polly,” 365

Williamson, John, 276

Wilson, David, 24

Wilson, Edward, 24

Wilson, Woodrow, 444445

Wimmer, Andreas, 83

Wind energy, 316317

Winograd Commission, 230231

Wintu (people), 47

Wisconsin, 364368, 402

Wissenschaft, 441

Witt, James Lee, 233

Witte, John, 367

Wittfogel, Karl, 30

Wolds Remand Prison (UK), 249250

Wolfe, Humbert, 137


in Israeli military, 226

and social security in Chile, 383, 385

and social security in Poland, 392

and tax policy in Belgium, 296

Wong, Yuwa, 35

Woolf Report, 249

Work experience programs, 396

World, 6266

World Bank (WB), 176

and Indian energy management, 320

and Moroccan trade policy, 333

and social security in Chile, 383

and tax reform, 306

World Trade Center attacks (2001), see September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks

World Trade Organization (WTO):

Canada and, 338

China and, 256257, 375

Iran and, 290

Mexico and, 341

World War II:

and Dutch health care system, 354355

and public administration studies, 446

and social security in Japan, 386387

and UK educational system, 377

and UN Charter, 260

Wotton, Sir Henry, 151

Wright, Henry, 31

WTO, see World Trade Organization


Yemen, 100

Yom Kippur War, 228

Yugoslavia, former, 21


ZANU-PF (Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front), 323, 324

Zealots (civil servant), 154

Zeno, 89

Zhu Yuntao, 258

Zimbabwe, 322324, 345

Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF), 323, 324

Zimbabwe Joint Resettlement Scheme, 324

Zomia (region), 44

Zoning, 326. see also Planning and zoning

ZUS (Social Insurance Fund), 392393, 405

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