
  1. (112gen0)
  2. (12gen00)
  4. A face
  5. ab-initio calculation
  6. above-gap excitation
  7. absorption
    1. coefficient
    2. depth
    3. edge
  8. AC motor (or motor drive)
  9. accelerometer
  10. acceptor-like state
  11. accumulation-layer FET (ACCUFET)
  12. Acheson process
  13. activation (of dopants)
  14. airbridge
  15. Al/Ti contact
  16. alphabet line
  17. ambipolar
    1. diffusion coefficient (DA)
    2. diffusion equation (ADE)
    3. diffusion length (LA)
    4. lifetime (τA)
  18. amorphization
  19. Ampere's law
  20. amphoteric impurity
  21. anisotropy
    1. of breakdown electric field
    2. of mobility
  22. annealing
    1. hydrogen
    2. in-situ
    3. metallization
    4. nitridation
    5. POCl3
    6. post-implantation
    7. post-metallization
    8. post-oxidation (POA)
    9. rapid thermal (RTA)
    10. re-oxidation
  23. anode shorts (in a thyristor)
  24. anodic oxidation
  25. anti-phase domain
  26. anti-site defect
  27. armature flux (of a motor)
  28. asymmetrical IGBT
  29. asynchronous (induction) motor (or motor drive)
  30. atomic force microscopy (AFM)
  31. Auger recombination
  32. avalanche breakdown
  33. avalanche multiplication
  34. avalanche photodiode
  35. avalanche region
    1. in an avalanche photodiode (APD)
    2. in an IMPATT diode
  37. back-emf (in a motor)
  38. Baliga's figure-of-merit
  39. band (also energy band)
    1. conduction band minima
    2. diagram
    3. offset
    4. structure
    5. surface band bending
  40. bandgap
    1. energy
    2. narrowing
    3. temperature dependence of
  41. barrier height
    1. for injection into SiO2
    2. inhomogeneity
    3. metal-semiconductor (Schottky)
    4. lowering of (Schottky barrier lowering)
  42. barrier metal
  43. basal plane dislocation (BPD)
  44. basal plane slip
  45. base
    1. push-out
    2. spreading resistance
    3. transit time
    4. transport factor (αT)
    5. width modulation
  46. battery charger
  47. BCF (Burton-Cabrera-Frank) theory
  48. beveled edge termination,
  49. bias-temperature instability
  50. binding energy (of exciton)
  51. biofiltration
  52. biological MEMS
  53. bipolar degradation
  54. bipolar device figure of merit
  55. bipolar junction transistor (BJT)
  56. bipolar modulation (of switch-mode inverters)
  57. blocking voltage
    1. of a BJT
    2. of an IGBT
    3. of a planar junction
  58. blue light-emitting diode
  59. boost (step-up) converter
  60. bond energy
  61. boron (B)
  62. bound exciton
  63. BPD conversion
  64. breakdown
    1. avalanche
    2. electric field
    3. charge-to-breakdown
    4. Zener
  65. Brillouin zone
  66. brushless dc motor
  67. buck (step-down) converter
  68. buck/boost (step-down/step-up) converter
  69. buffer layer
  70. built-in potential
  71. bulk-charge theory
  72. bulk growth
  73. Burgers vector
  74. buried-channel MOSFET
  76. C/Si ratio
  77. capacitance-voltage (C – V) characteristic
    1. high-frequency
    2. low-frequency
    3. of MOS
    4. photo
    5. of Schottky barrier
  78. capture cross section
  79. carbon
    1. C-core partial
    2. cap (implant annealing)
    3. displacement
    4. face
    5. vacancy
  80. carbon-cluster model
  81. carbonized buffer layer
  82. carrier
    1. density, intrinsic
    2. lifetime (see: lifetime)
    3. lifetime killer
    4. scattering (see: scattering)
  83. carrot defect
  84. cascode circuit configuration
  85. catalytic metal (in sensors)
  86. Caughey-Thomas equation
  87. CC-DLTS (constant-capacitance deep-level spectroscopy)
  88. CCP-RIE (capacitively-coupled plasma reactive ion etching)
  89. center (also defect center)
    1. D
    2. DI
    3. DII
    4. EH6/7
    5. HK4
    6. Z1/2
  90. channel
    1. mobility (MOSFET)
    2. resistance (JFET)
    3. resistance (MOSFET)
  91. channeling effect
  92. charge
    1. charge-to-breakdown
    2. injection
    3. in MOS depletion region
    4. in MOS inversion layer
    5. neutrality
    6. neutrality level
    7. pumping method
    8. state (of a defect)
    9. to breakdown (MOS oxides)
  93. chemical etching (wet etching)
  94. chemical potential
  95. chemical vapor deposition (CVD)
    1. chlorine-based
    2. cold-wall
    3. high-temperature (HTCVD)
    4. hot-wall
    5. reactor
    6. warm-wall
  96. chemo-mechanical polishing (CMP)
  97. chlorine-based epitaxy
  98. chromium (Cr)
  99. Chynoweth equation
  100. clamped inductive load
  101. clamping diode
  102. co-implantation
  103. cold-wall CVD
  104. comet defect
  105. common-base current gain (α)
  106. common-emitter current gain (β)
  107. compensation of dopant
  108. condensation energy
  109. conductance method
  110. conduction band minima
  111. conductivity modulation
  112. conductivity-modulated FET (COMFET)
  113. constant-current stress
  114. constant-voltage stress
  115. constitutional supercooling
  116. contact
    1. Al/Ti
    2. as-deposited ohmic
    3. contact reliability
    4. contact resistivity
    5. metal-semiconductor
    6. Ni
    7. ohmic (non-rectifying)
    8. Schottky (rectifying)
  117. continuity equations
  118. converter, power
    1. boost (step-up)
    2. buck (step-down)
    3. buck/boost (step-down/step-up)
    4. dc
    5. flyback
    6. forward
    7. full-bridge
    8. half-bridge
    9. line-frequency commutated (phase-controlled)
    10. load-commutated (inverter)
    11. push-pull
    12. resonant (soft-switching)
    13. switch-mode
    14. uncommutated
  119. Coulomb scattering
  120. counter-doped MOSFET
  121. covalent radius
  122. C – ψs method
  123. critical
    1. charge (thyristor)
    2. field (non-punch-through drift region)
    3. field (punch-through drift region)
    4. field for avalanche breakdown (E_C)
    5. implant dose
    6. normal stress
    7. shear stress
    8. supersaturation ratio
  124. crystal field
  125. crystal structure
  126. cubic site
  127. current
    1. crowding (or spreading)
    2. reverse leakage (SBD)
    3. saturation (SBD)
    4. saturation (pin diode)
    5. saturation (JFET)
    6. saturation (MOSFET)
  128. current-induced base (BJT)
  129. current spreading layer (CSL)
  130. current-voltage relationship
    1. BJT
    2. IGBT
    3. JBS/MPS diode
    4. JFET
    5. MOSFET
    6. pin diode
    7. SBD
    8. thyristor
  131. cylindrical junction (electric field)
  133. D center
  134. DI center
  135. DII center
  136. Dit distribution
  137. dc converter
  138. dc motor (or motor drive)
  139. damage-enhanced diffusion
  140. dangling bond
  141. dark current
  142. dB, dBm
  143. Deal-Grove model
  144. deep depletion (MOS)
  145. deep interface state
  146. deep junction
  147. deep level
  148. deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS)
  149. defect
    1. carrot
    2. comet
    3. defect center (see center)
    4. device-killing
    5. down-fall
    6. extended
    7. point
    8. triangular
  150. delay time (thyristor)
  151. delta-depletion approximation (MOS)
  152. density (or concentration)
    1. carrier, excess
    2. interface state (DIT) (or interface state charge)
    3. intrinsic carrier
    4. ionized acceptor or donor
    5. net doping
    6. of states, effective
  153. depletion
    1. biasing region
    2. charge
    3. mode (JFET)
    4. region, width of
  154. deposited oxide
  155. device-killing defect
  156. dI/dt limitation (thyristor)
  157. dielectric
    1. breakdown
    2. constant
    3. high-k
  158. diffraction vector
  159. diffusion
    1. carrier
    2. damage-enhanced
    3. impurity
    4. in-diffusion
    5. out-diffusion
    6. surface
  160. diffusion coefficient
    1. ambipolar
    2. electron
    3. hole
    4. minority carrier
  161. diffusion equation
    1. ambipolar
    2. minority carrier
  162. diffusion length
    1. ambipolar
    2. minority carrier
  163. diode
    1. pn junction
    2. pin
    3. junction-barrier Schottky (JBS)
    4. merged pin-Schottky (MPS)
    5. Schottky barrier (SBD)
  164. dislocation
    1. basal plane (BPD)
    2. conversion
    3. density
    4. glide
    5. half-loop
    6. half-loop array
    7. edge
    8. Frank partial
    9. grown-in
    10. interface
    11. misfit
    12. mixed
    13. screw
    14. Shockley partial
    15. superscrew
    16. threading edge (TED)
    17. threading screw (TSD)
  165. displacement energy
  166. divacancy
  167. DMOSFET
    1. lateral
    2. vertical
  168. donor-acceptor-pair (DAP) recombination
  169. donor-like state
  170. dopant
    1. activation
    2. background
    3. ionization (or freezeout)
  171. double positioning domain
  172. double positioning twin
  173. double Shockley stacking fault
  174. down-fall defect
  175. drain efficiency, microwave
  176. drift region
    1. lateral
    2. non-punchthrough
    3. punchthrough
    4. unipolar, design of
    5. unipolar, doping of
    6. unipolar, specific resistance of,
    7. unipolar, width of
  177. drift velocity (saturated)
  178. dry oxidation
  179. duty cycle (duty factor)
  180. dV/dt triggering (thyristor)
  182. Ebers-Moll equations
  183. Ebers-Moll model
  184. edge dislocation
  185. edge termination
    1. beveled
    2. floating field ring (FFR)
    3. junction termination extension (JTE)
    4. multiple floating zone (MFZ) JTE
    5. space-modulated (SM) JTE
    6. trench
  186. effective beta (forced beta)
  187. effective density of states
  188. effective fixed charge
  189. effective gate voltage
  190. effective mass
  191. effective mobility
  192. effective normal field (EEFF)
  193. effective Richardson's constant
  194. EH6/7 center
  195. Einstein relation
  196. elastic constant
  197. elastic energy
  198. electric vehicle (EV)
  199. electrochemical etching
  200. electrochemical potential
  201. electroluminescence
  202. electron
    1. affinity (χ)
    2. energy loss spectroscopy (EELS)
    3. irradiation
    4. paramagnetic resonance (EPR)
    5. trap
    6. trapping effect
  203. electrostatic potential
  204. emission
    1. time constant
    2. field (FE)
    3. thermal
    4. thermionic field (TFE)
    5. thermionic (TE)
  205. emitter-coupled logic (ECL)
  206. emitter injection efficiency (γ)
  207. energy
    1. band
    2. efficiency
    3. switching loss (ESW)
  208. enhancement mode JFET
  209. epitaxial growth
  210. epitaxy
    1. chlorine-based
    2. embedded
    3. fast
    4. hetero-
    5. homo-
    6. liquid phase (LPE)
    7. metastable solvent
    8. molecular beam (MBE)
    9. site competition
    10. step-controlled
    11. sublimation
    12. vapor phase (VPE)
  211. equilibrium vapor pressure
  212. equivalent oxide thickness (EOT)
  213. etch pit
  214. etching
    1. gas (dry)
    2. electrochemical
    3. inductively-coupled plasma (ICP)
    4. in-situ
    5. mask
    6. molten KOH
    7. photoelectrochemical
    8. reactive ion (RIE or DRIE)
    9. selectivity
    10. wet
  215. excess carrier densities
  216. exciton
    1. binding energy
    2. bound
    3. free
    4. gap
  217. extended defect
  218. extra half plane
  219. extra plane
  221. face (of crystal)
    1. A
    2. carbon
    3. M
    4. silicon
  222. facet growth
  223. failures, intrinsic
  224. failures, extrinsic
  225. fall time (thyristor)
  226. Faraday's law
  227. Fermi level (or Fermi energy)
  228. Fermi-level pinning
  229. Fermi potential
  230. field acceleration factor (oxide reliability)
  231. field constant (of a motor)
  232. field, critical (non-punch-through drift region)
  233. field, critical (punch-through drift region)
  234. field crowding
  235. field emission
  236. field-effect mobility
  237. field flux (of a motor)
  238. figure of merit (FOM)
    1. bipolar
    2. power device
    3. unipolar (lateral device)
    4. unipolar (vertical device)
  239. fixed charges (MOS)
  240. flat-band condition
  241. flat-band voltage
  242. flat-band voltage shift (see also: threshold voltage instability)
  243. floating field ring (FFR) edge termination
  244. flyback converter
  245. folded mode
  246. forward-active biasing mode (BJT)
  247. forward blocking mode (thyristor)
  248. forward conducting mode (thyristor)
  249. forward converter
  250. Fowler-Nordheim tunneling current
  251. Frank partial dislocation
  252. Frank-Read mechanism
  253. Frank-type stacking fault
  254. free exciton
  255. free-standing SiC
  256. free-to-acceptor (FA) recombination
  257. freezeout (of dopants)
  258. frequency dispersion
  259. frequency, switching
  260. full-bridge converter
  262. gallium nitride (GaN)
  263. GaN high-electron-mobility field-effect transistor (HEMT or HFET)
  264. gas etching
  265. gas-phase reaction
  266. gate charge (MOSFET transient)
  267. gate-controlled diode
  268. gate turn-off thyristor (GTO)
  269. Gauss' law
  270. generation
    1. lifetime
    2. photo (see also: photocurrent)
    3. thermal (Shockley-Read-Hall)
  271. generator (electric power)
  272. g-factor
  273. gradual-channel approximation
  274. graphene
  275. graphitization
  276. grown-in dislocation
  277. growth, crystal
    1. bulk
    2. epitaxial
    3. facet
    4. growth front
    5. growth simulation
    6. repeated a-face
    7. solution
    8. spiral
    9. step-flow
    10. sublimation
  278. Gummel number
  279. Gummel plot
  281. half-bridge converter
  282. Hall
    1. effect
    2. mobility
    3. (scattering) factor
    4. voltage
  283. hardness
  284. HEMT (high electron mobility transistor)
  285. heteroepitaxy
  286. hexagonal close-packed system
  287. hexagonal site
  288. hexagonality
  289. HFET (high electron mobility field-effect transistor)
  290. high-frequency C – V
  291. high-k dielectric
  292. high level injection
  293. high-low (hi-lo) CV method
  294. high-purity semi-insulating wafer
  295. high-temperature chemical vapor deposition (HTCVD)
  296. high-temperature integrated circuit,
  297. high-voltage dc transmission
  298. HK4 center
  299. hole trap
  300. holding current or voltage (thyristor)
  301. hollow core screw dislocation
  302. homoepitaxy
  303. homogeneous nucleation
  304. hot-wall CVD
  305. hydrogen annealing
  306. hybrid electric vehicle (HEV)
  307. hyperbolic functions
  308. hysteresis (C-V of MOS)
  310. ICP-RIE (inductively-coupled plasma reactive ion etching)
  311. ideality factor
  312. image force
  313. impact ionization
  314. impact ionization avalanche transit-time (IMPATT) diode
  315. impedance matching (microwave)
  316. implantation
    1. aluminum
    2. boron
    3. carbon
    4. co-implantation
    5. hot
    6. implantation angle
    7. implantation tail
    8. multi-step
    9. nitrogen
    10. phosphorus
    11. vanadium
  317. impurity
    1. amphoteric
    2. doping
    3. incorporation
    4. metallic
  318. incomplete ionization of dopants
  319. in-diffusion
  320. induction motors (or motor drives)
  321. inductively-coupled plasma (ICP) etching
  322. in-grown stacking fault
  323. injection
    1. efficiency
    2. high-level
    3. low-level
    4. minority carrier
  324. in-situ annealing
  325. in-situ etching
  326. instability, bias-temperature (BTI)
  327. instability, interface
  328. insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT)
    1. asymmetrical
    2. silicon
    3. switching
  329. integrated circuit
  330. integrated gate-commutated thyristor (IGCT)
  331. interface dislocation
  332. interface instability
  333. interface state
    1. capacitance
    2. conductance
    3. density (or charge)
    4. deep
    5. fast
    6. shallow
    7. slow
  334. internal photoemission (IPE)
  335. interstitial atom
  336. intervalley scattering
  337. intrinsic carrier concentration (or density)
  338. intrinsic (point) defect
  339. inverse-active biasing mode (BJT)
  340. inversion (biasing region, MOS)
  341. inversion charge
  342. inversion layer
  343. inversion layer mobility
  344. inverters (power switching)
  345. invisibility criteria
  346. ion implantation (see: implantation)
  347. iconicity
  348. ionization
    1. coefficient (or rate) (αN or αP)
    2. of dopants
    3. energy
    4. integral
    5. impact
  349. ionized dopant concentration
  350. iron (Fe)
  351. isothermal capacitance transient spectroscopy (ICTS)
  353. Jagodzinski's notation
  354. Jahn-Teller effect
  355. junction barrier Schottky (JBS) diode
  356. junction curvature
  357. junction field-effect transistor (JFET)
    1. double-gated / single-gated
    2. depletion / enhancement mode
    3. pinch-off voltage (threshold voltage)
    4. saturation drain voltage
    5. specific on-resistance
    6. region (in an IGBT)
    7. region (in a MOSFET)
  358. junction termination extension (JTE)
  360. Kelvin structure
  361. kick-out mechanism
  362. Kirchoff's current or voltage law
  363. Kirk current (BJT)
  364. Kirk effect (BJT)
  366. Langer-Heinrich rule
  367. lateral DMOSFET (LDMOSFET)
  368. lateral drift region
  369. lattice constant
  370. lattice mismatch
  371. lattice recovery
  372. law of the junction
  373. leakage current (SBD)
  374. Lely method
  375. lifetime
    1. as a function of temperature
    2. ambipolar
    3. control of
    4. electron
    5. generation
    6. hole
    7. minority carrier
  376. lightly-doped drain (LDD)
  377. line-frequency commutated converter
  378. line-frequency commutated rectifier
  379. linear rate constant
  380. liquid phase epitaxy (LPE)
  381. LO phonon-plasmon coupled mode
  382. load-commutated inverter
  383. Lorentz force
  384. low-level injection
  385. low-frequency C – V
  386. low-temperature growth
  388. M face
  389. macrostep
  390. mass transport
  391. Matthiessen's rule
  392. mechanical property (of SiC)
  393. medical devices
  394. MEMS (micro-electro-mechanical systems)
  395. merged-pin-Schottky (MPS) diode
  396. metal-added solvent
  397. metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET)
    1. accumulation-channel (ACCUFET)
    2. buried-channel
    3. gate charge
    4. DMOSFET
    5. lateral DMOSFET (silicon)
    6. specific on-resistance
    7. superjunction (silicon)
    8. transient response
    9. turn-off energy
    10. turn-on energy
    11. trench (UMOSFET)
  398. metal-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MESFET)
  399. metal-semiconductor work function
  400. metallic impurity
  401. metallization
  402. metastable solvent epitaxy
  403. micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS)
  404. micromachining
    1. bulk
    2. surface
  405. micromasking
  406. micropipe
  407. micropipe closing
  408. microplasma
  409. microwave
    1. devices
    2. drain efficiency
    3. impact ionization avalanche transit-time (IMPATT) diode
    4. metal-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MESFET)
    5. oscillator
    6. output power
    7. photoconductance decay
    8. power gain
    9. power-added efficiency
    10. static induction transistor (SIT)
    11. total efficiency
  410. Miller index
  411. Miller-Bravais index
  412. minority carrier diffusion equation (MCDE)
  413. misfit dislocation
  414. misfit stress
  415. mismatch-induced stress
  416. missing half plane
  417. mixed dislocation
  418. mobile ion
  419. mobility
    1. bulk
    2. Coulomb-scattering-limited
    3. dependence on gate voltage
    4. effective (or conductivity) (µEFF)
    5. electron (µN)
    6. field-effect (µFE)
    7. Hall effect (µH)
    8. hole (µP)
    9. inversion layer (or channel) (MOS)
    10. surface-phonon-limited
    11. surface-roughness-limited
  420. modified Lely method
  421. Moissanite
  422. molecular beam epitaxy (MBE)
  423. molten KOH etching
  424. molybdenum (Mo)
  425. momentum conservation
  426. MOS electrostatics
  427. MOS Hall effect
  428. mosaicity
  429. MOSFET (see: metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor)
  430. motor (or motor drive)
    1. ac
    2. brushless dc
    3. dc
    4. induction (asynchronous)
    5. salient-pole
    6. synchronous
  431. MPS (merged pin-Schottky) diode
  432. multiple floating zone (MFZ) edge termination
  433. multiplication factor (MP or MN)
  435. near-interface trap (NIT)
  436. negative-U center
  437. Ni contact
  438. nitridation
    1. by nitric oxide (NO)
    2. by nitrous oxide (N2O)
  439. noise equivalent power (NEP)
  440. Nomarski microscopy
  441. non-basal plane
  442. non-punchthrough (NPT) drift region
  443. normal field, effective
  444. neutron transmutation doping (NTD)
  446. off-axis epitaxial growth
  447. off-direction
  448. offset voltage (turn-on voltage),
  449. ohmic contact
    1. as-deposited
    2. n-type
    3. p-type
  450. on-axis epitaxial growth
  451. on-resistance, specific (RON,SP) (see: specific on-resistance)
  452. on-state loss (or on-state power dissipation)
  453. one-sided step junction
  454. open-base blocking voltage (BJT)
  455. open-circuit voltage decay
  456. optical absorption coefficient
  457. optical detectors
  458. optical power (absorbed)
  459. out-diffusion
  460. oxidation
    1. dry
    2. N2O
    3. re-oxidation
    4. sodium-enhanced,
    5. thermal
    6. wet
  461. oxide
    1. breakdown strength
    2. capacitance
    3. dielectric constant
    4. electric field
    5. maximum allowable field
    6. reliability
    7. thickness
  462. oxygen (O)
  464. parabolic rate constant
  465. Pearson distribution
  466. Peierls potential
  467. performance comparison of SiC devices
  468. performance of SBD vs. pin diode
  469. persistent photoconductivity
  470. phase diagram
  471. phonon
    1. dispersion
    2. LO phonon-plasmon coupled mode
    3. replica
    4. scattering, surface phonon
    5. zero-phonon line
  472. phosphorus post-oxidation annealing
  473. phosphosilicate glass (PSG)
  474. photo C – V technique
  475. photoconductance decay
  476. photocurrent
  477. photodetector
  478. photodiode
    1. avalanche (APD)
    2. pin
  479. photoelectrochemical (PEC) etching
  480. photoluminescence (PL)
    1. imaging
    2. mapping
    3. time-resolved
  481. photomultiplier tube
  482. photovoltaic power sources
  483. physical vapor transport (PVT)
  484. piezoresistance
  485. pin diode,
  486. pinch-off voltage (JFET)
  487. pitch, cell of power device
  488. Planck's constant
  489. planetary reactor
  490. pn junction
  491. POCl3 annealing
  492. point defect
    1. extrinsic
    2. intrinsic
  493. Poisson's equation
  494. Poisson's ratio
  495. polarity
  496. polishing
  497. polycrystalline SiC
  498. polycrystalline silicon
  499. polytype
    1. control
    2. replication
    3. stability
    4. transformation
  500. polytypism
  501. porous SiC
  502. post-implantation anneal
  503. post-metallization anneal
  504. post-oxidation anneal (POA)
    1. in nitric oxide (NO)
    2. in phosphorus
    3. re-oxidation
  505. potential
    1. built-in
    2. chemical
    3. drop
    4. electrochemical
    5. electrostatic
    6. Fermi
    7. surface
  506. power-added efficiency (PAE)
  507. power converter (see: converter, power)
  508. power dissipation (or loss)
    1. maximum allowable
    2. off-state
    3. on-state
    4. package limit
    5. switching
    6. total
  509. power electronics
  510. power gain, microwave
  511. power integrated circuits
  512. power output, microwave
  513. power processing system (generic)
  514. power supplies, switched mode
  515. prism plane slip
  516. projected range (of implantation)
  517. pulse-width modulation (PWM)
  518. punch-through
  519. punch-through drift region
  520. push-pull converter
  522. quantum efficiency
  523. quasi-Fermi level
  524. quasi-saturation biasing (BJT)
  526. Raman scattering
  527. Ramsdell's notation
  528. rapid thermal annealing (RTA)
  529. ray-tracing simulation
  530. RCA cleaning
  531. reactive-ion etching (RIE or DRIE)
  532. reciprocal space mapping
  533. recombination
    1. Auger
    2. donor-acceptor-pair (DAP)
    3. free-to-acceptor (FA)
    4. in a BJT
    5. in a pn junction of a thyristor
    6. Shockley-Read-Hall (SRH)
    7. surface
    8. time (thyristor turn-off)
    9. recombination-enhanced glide (of dislocations)
  534. rectifier
  535. reduced surface field (RESURF) principle
  536. refractive index
  537. regenerative braking
  538. rejection ratio (optical)
  539. reliability
    1. contact
    2. device
    3. oxide
  540. renewable energy
  541. re-oxidation annealing
  542. repeated a-face growth
  543. resistance
    1. base spreading
    2. channel (JFET)
    3. channel (MOSFET)
    4. contact
    5. drift region
    6. sheet
    7. source
    8. substrate
  544. resistivity
    1. bulk
    2. contact
  545. resonant (soft-switching) converter
  546. responsivity (optical)
  547. retrograde doping profile
  548. reverse recovery (pin and Schottky diode)
  549. Richardson's constant
  550. rise time (thyristor)
  551. Rittner current (BJT)
  552. Rittner effect (BJT)
  553. rotational speed (velocity) (of a motor)
  554. rotor (of a motor)
  555. Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS)
  557. saddle point (SIT)
  558. safe operating area (SOA)
  559. salient-pole motor (or motor drive)
  560. saturated drift velocity
  561. saturation biasing (BJT)
  562. saturation drain current / voltage
    1. JFET
    2. MOSFET
  563. scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
  564. scattering
    1. bulk
    2. Coulomb
    3. Hall factor
    4. impurity
    5. intervalley
    6. phonon
    7. Raman
    8. surface phonon
    9. surface roughness
  565. Schottky barrier
    1. diode (SBD)
    2. lowering
    3. height
  566. Schottky contact
  567. Schottky-Mott limit
  568. screw dislocation
  569. second breakdown (BJT)
  570. secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS)
  571. seeded sublimation method
  572. selective impurity doping
  573. self-aligned short channel (DMOSFET)
  574. Sellmeier equation
  575. SEMI standard (wafer)
  576. semiconductor-controlled rectifier (SCR)
  577. semi-insulating substrate
  578. sensor
    1. accelerometer
    2. biological
    3. gas (or chemical)
    4. micro-electro-mechanical (MEMS)
    5. MOS capacitor
    6. MOSFET
    7. optical
    8. pressure
    9. Schottky barrier diode (SBD)
  579. shallow junction
  580. shear modulus
  581. sheet resistance
  582. Shockley diode equation
  583. Shockley partial dislocation
  584. Shockley-Read-Hall (SRH) generation/recombination
  585. Shockley-type stacking fault
  586. Shockley-type stacking fault, single
  587. shot noise
  588. SiC-on-silicon
  589. signal-to-noise ratio
  590. silicon
    1. cluster
    2. desorption
    3. displacement
    4. droplet
    5. face
    6. melt
    7. on-insulator (SOI)
    8. Si-core partial
    9. vacancy
  591. sintering
  592. site competition epitaxy
  593. site effect
  594. slip (or slip speed) (induction motor)
  595. small-signal alpha (alphagen001)
  596. sodium-enhanced oxidation (SEO)
  597. solar cell
  598. solar (photovoltaic) power source
  599. solubility limit
  600. solution growth
    1. top seeded solution growth
  601. sp3-hybrid orbital
  602. space-charge limited current
  603. space group
  604. space-modulated junction termination extension (SM-JTE)
  605. specific contact resistance
  606. specific detectivity (photodiode)
  607. specific on-resistance
    1. JFET
    2. lightly-doped drain (LDD)
    3. MOSFET
    4. Schottky barrier diode (SBD)
    5. unipolar device
  608. SPICE
  609. spin-orbit interaction
  610. spiral growth
  611. spreading resistance (BJT or thyristor)
  612. spreading time (thyristor)
  613. spreading velocity (thyristor)
  614. square-law equations (MOSFET)
  615. squeezing velocity (thyristor)
  616. SRIM
  617. stacking fault
    1. 8H-type
    2. double Shockley
    3. energy of
    4. Frank
    5. in-grown
    6. single Shockley
    7. stacking mismatch
  618. standard deviation of surface potential (σUS)
  619. static induction transistor (SIT)
  620. stator (of a motor)
  621. step bunching
  622. step dynamics
  623. step-controlled epitaxy
  624. step-flow growth
  625. Stephan flow
  626. stoichiometric condition
  627. stoichiometry
  628. storage time (thyristor)
  629. straggle (implantation)
  630. strain field
  631. stress
    1. critical normal
    2. critical shear
    3. misfit
    4. thermal
  632. sublimation growth
  633. sublimation epitaxy
  634. sublimation, seeded
  635. suboxide
  636. subthreshold slope (MOSFET)
  637. superjunction MOSFET (silicon)
  638. supersaturation
    1. critical ratio
  639. superscrew dislocation
  640. surface
    1. band bending
    2. cleaning
    3. diffusion length
    4. energy
    5. morphological defect
    6. morphology
    7. passivation
    8. potential
    9. phonon scattering
    10. surface potential / gate voltage relationship
    11. pit
    12. reaction
    13. recombination
    14. recombination velocity
    15. roughening
    16. roughness
    17. roughness scattering
    18. state (or interface state)
  641. switch-mode
    1. dc-dc converters
    2. inverters, full-bridge
    3. inverters, half-bridge
    4. inverters, three-phase
    5. power supplies
  642. switching
    1. energy (ESW) (or switching loss)
    2. frequency
  643. synchronous motor (or motor drive)
  644. synchronous speed (ac motor)
  646. t63 (63% failure time)
  647. temperature coefficient of breakdown
  648. temperature gradient
  649. temperature rise (across the device)
  650. Terman method
  651. thermal conductivity
  652. thermal diffusivity
  653. thermal dielectric relaxation current (TDRC)
  654. thermal emission (from a trap)
  655. thermal expansion coefficient
  656. thermal generation
  657. thermal oxidation
  658. thermal resistance
  659. thermal runaway
  660. thermal stress
  661. thermal velocity (vT)
  662. thermal limit
    1. IMPATT diode
    2. of package
    3. static induction transistor (SIT)
  663. thermionic emission
  664. thermionic-field emission (TFE)
  665. thermodynamic equilibrium
  666. threading edge dislocation (TED)
  667. threading screw dislocation (TSD)
  668. threshold voltage
    1. of a JFET (pinch-off voltage)
    2. of a MOSFET or MOS capacitor
    3. control of
    4. instability
  669. thyristor
  670. time-dependent dielectric breakdown (TDDB)
  671. time-resolved photoluminescence
  672. titanium (Ti)
  673. top-seeded solution growth
  674. torque
    1. angle (synchronous motor)
    2. constant of a motor
    3. of a motor
    4. torque-speed relation (induction motor)
  675. transconductance
    1. JFET
    2. MOSFET
  676. transfer length method (TLM)
  677. transient response of a MOSFET
  678. transistor-transistor logic (TTL)
  679. transit-time (microwave)
  680. transition layer (at MOS interface)
  681. transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
  682. transmission line model (TLM)
  683. trench filling
  684. trench edge termination
  685. triangular defect
  686. triggering (thyristor)
  687. triggering threshold (thyristor)
  688. tungsten (W)
  689. tunneling
  690. turn-off gain (thyristor)
  691. turn-off energy (MOSFET)
  692. turn-on energy (MOSFET)
  693. turn-off process (thyristor)
  694. turn-on process (thyristor)
  695. two-dimensional nucleation
  696. Twyman effect
  698. ultraviolet (UV) photodetector
  699. UMOSFET (trench MOSFET)
  700. uncommutated converter
  701. uninterruptable power supply (UPS)
  702. unipolar device figure of merit
  703. unipolar modulation (switch-mode inverter)
  705. vacancy
    1. carbon
    2. divacancy
    3. silicon
  706. van der Pauw method
  707. vanadium (V)
  708. VB,CBO (BJT)
  709. VB,CEO (BJT)
  710. vacuum energy level
  711. velocity
    1. drift
    2. saturation
    3. thermal
  712. voltage
    1. constant (of a motor)
    2. flat-band,
    3. pinch-off (JFET)
    4. saturation drain (JFET)
    5. saturation drain (MOSFET),
    6. threshold (MOSFET)
  714. wafer specification
  715. wafering
  716. warm-wall CVD
  717. Weibull plot
  718. wet etching
  719. wet oxidation
  720. wind turbine power source
  721. work function
    1. metal
    2. metal-semiconductor
    3. semiconductor
    4. gate-semiconductor
  722. wurtzite structure
  723. x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)
  724. x-ray topography
  726. yield (in production)
  727. yield strength
  728. Young modulus
  729. Z1/2 center
  730. Zeeman effect
  731. Zener breakdown
  732. Zerbst method
  733. zero-phonon line
  734. Zhdanov's notation
  735. zincblende structure
  736. α-SiC
  737. β-SiC
  738. χmin
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