
You probably purchased Forensics For Dummies, 2nd Edition, because you’re fascinated by the marriage of criminal justice and science. I wrote this book because I have a similar fascination. And you and I are not alone. Shows such as CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, CSI: Miami, and NCIS have dominated network television ratings for many years, attesting to the fact that millions of people agree that forensics is an interesting subject. Every criminal investigation you see on the news or read about in the newspaper, it seems, hinges on some bit of forensic evidence.

This book is designed to give you an understanding of the techniques and procedures used by forensic scientists. The next time you read or view a mystery story or hear a news report about a crime, you can turn to this book for the science underlying the story.

About This Book

Forensics For Dummies, 2nd Edition, is an introduction to the field of forensic science, covering a broad range of forensic topics in a clear and concise fashion. I explain these often complex principles in plain English so that readers at all levels can gain a better understanding of forensic science. The book includes many examples of how these techniques are applied in real-life situations. In addition, I include case studies throughout the book to illustrate how forensic science has been used to solve famous cases.

If you know absolutely nothing about forensics, this book is an excellent starting point. If you’re familiar with many forensic topics, this book serves to refresh and expand your knowledge.

Note: The conventional language used by scientists is foreign to most people, so I hold scientific jargon to a minimum in this book. Still, as with other areas of science, the study of forensics can be dry and boring at times. To avoid painting such an arid landscape, I added practical examples of how each technique works, and I included many famous cases that relied on forensic science for their solutions. I also threw in a little humor to liven things up a bit. If my humor falls flat, remember, I’m a physician, not a stand-up comedian.

Foolish Assumptions

As I wrote this book, I made some assumptions about you and what your needs may be, including that

  • You have an interest in forensic science.
  • You’re a fan of the many forensic science shows that are aired on both network and cable television.
  • You avidly follow criminal cases reported on TV and in newspapers.
  • You’re considering a career in forensic science.
  • You love reading mysteries and want to better understand the science behind the stories.
  • You’re simply curious by nature.

Icons Used in This Book

Like other For Dummies books, this one has icons in the margins to guide you through the information and help you zero in on what you want to know. The following paragraphs describe the icons and what they mean.

A closer look This icon indicates that I’m giving you a look behind the scenes of a forensic practice or area of investigation. I use it to point out in-depth discussions of these concepts.

Case study I use many real-life stories to illustrate the points in this book. This icon sets off these tales of crimes past.

Tip Sometimes, to give you a clearer picture of how a forensic practice came about, I provide the historical background or a note about a related instance from long ago.

Remember I flag certain pieces of information with this icon to let you know something is particularly worth keeping in mind.

Strange but true Forensics deals with plenty of mind-blowing information about such things as the human body, evidence, and crime itself. For those of you who want just the juicy facts, look for this icon.

Technical stuff This icon signals that I’m going to delve a little deeper than usual into a scientific or medical explanation. I don’t mean to suggest the information is too difficult to understand — just a little more detailed.

Beyond the Book

This book is bursting with content, but you can go online and find even more. Check out the book’s Cheat Sheet at for tips on what to do if you witness a crime, tools of the trade in crime scene investigation, and more. And you can find some handy bonus articles related to forensics at

Where to Go from Here

Forensics is a broad and diverse field that involves many areas of science and criminal investigation. In this book, you can find out about many but not all of its concerns. You may use this book as a reference and as a springboard for further investigation. The next time you see a news report, read a mystery novel, or watch a movie involving a crime, you can turn to this book to obtain a better understanding of the science behind the story.

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