Chapter 36
Monotone Measures of Ergodicity for Markov Chains

By Julian Keilson and Oldrich Vasicek

Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis, 11 (3) (1998), 283–288.


The following paper, first written in 1974, was never published other than as part of an internal research series. Its lack of publication is certainly unrelated to the merits of the paper since the paper is of current importance by virtue of its relation to relaxation time. This chapter provides a systematic discussion of the approach of a finite Markov chain to ergodicity by proving the monotonicity of an important set of norms, each a measure of ergodicity whether or not time reversibility is present. The paper is of particular interest because the discussion of the relaxation time of a finite Markov chain (Keilson 1979) has only been clean for time reversible chains, a small subset of the chains of interest. This restriction is not present here. Indeed, a new relaxation time quoted quantifies the relaxation time for all finite ergodic chains (cf. the discussion of Q1(t) below Eq. (7)). This relaxation time was developed by J. Keilson with A. Roy in his thesis (Roy 1996).


Let c36-math-0001 be a finite homogeneous Markov chain in continuous time on the state space c36-math-0002, which is irreducible and hence ergodic.

Let c36-math-0003 be the state probability vector at time t with c36-math-0004. Let c36-math-0005 be the ergodic vector c36-math-0006.

Consider the norm function with probability weights c36-math-0007,

1 equation

defined for arbitrary probability vectors c36-math-0009 supported on N. Of interest are the related functions of time

2 equation


3 equation

The functions c36-math-0012 are vector norms on c36-math-0013, and c36-math-0014 then describes a time dependent norm function. The function c36-math-0015 has related properties.

It will be shown (cf. Theorem 1) that c36-math-0016 is strictly decreasing in t for c36-math-0017, and strictly increasing in t for c36-math-0018 when c36-math-0019, that is, when the chain is not stationary. When c36-math-0020 for all t. A similar monotonicity of c36-math-0021 with t is demonstrated in Theorem 2. We note that lim c36-math-0022 for all α as c36-math-0023. In particular,

4 equation


5 equation

where (cf. Kullback (1968), Renyi (1970))

6 equation

is the divergence of the distribution c36-math-0027 from the distribution c36-math-0028, an entity closely related to entropy and other concepts in information theory. The monotonicity of c36-math-0029 and c36-math-0030 for arbitrary chains has been known (Renyi 1970).

A value of α of special interest corresponding to weighted quadratic distance is c36-math-0031, for which

7 equation

and this is strictly decreasing in t if the chain is not stationary.

In the time reversible case, the monotonicity of Eq. (7) is well known (see Keilson 1979; and Kendall 1959). Indeed, for this case, the quadratic distance to ergodicity

8 equation

is strictly decreasing by virtue of the symmetry of c36-math-0034 and its associated spectral representation (cf. Keilson 1979). That c36-math-0035 and c36-math-0036 are monotone decreasing for all ergodic chains is striking. The function c36-math-0037 decreases strictly to zero for every finite nonstationary homogeneous ergodic chain.

The monotonicity of the distance to ergodicity (8) does not appear to extend easily to the full family c36-math-0038 and c36-math-0039.

It is shown in Roy (1996, Remark 3.2.2) that for any ergodic chain and initial distribution,

9 equation

where c36-math-0041 is the smallest of the positive real singular values of c36-math-0042 (cf. Amir-Moez and Fass (1961)). When the chain is reversible in time, this agrees with the known result (Keilson 1979). Consequently, c36-math-0043 is a natural extension of the relaxation time for time reversible ergodic chains to all ergodic chains.

The distance c36-math-0044 and the relaxation time also play a role in the covariance function c36-math-0045 of any stationary ergodic chain c36-math-0046. Here (cf. Keilson 1979),




Since f may be made positive by adding a constant without altering Rf(τ), it follows that c36-math-0049 is of the form c36-math-0050 needed for Eq. (8) and that Eq. (9) is then relevant. One then has from the Schwartz inequality

10 equation

Note that for the Frobenius norm of c36-math-0052,


and this is strictly decreasing in time. This follows from Eq. (7) with c36-math-0054, weighting by c36-math-0055, and summation over m. Indeed,




When c36-math-0058,

11 equation

is a decreasing function of t, and

12 equation

is an increasing function of t.

Some Basic Lemmas

Lemma 1. For c36-math-0061, let

13 equation

Then for all real α and all c36-math-0063,

14 equation

with equality if and only if c36-math-0065.



Consequently, c36-math-0067. Moreover, strict inequality holds for c36-math-0068.

Lemma 2. Let c36-math-0069 be a doubly conservative matrix, that is,


Then, for all real c36-math-0071 and all c36-math-0072

15 equation


16 equation

Moreover, equality holds if and only if c36-math-0075 whenever c36-math-0076.

Proof. Let c36-math-0077. Then form simple algebra with c36-math-0078:

By taking c36-math-0080, Eq. (17) yields

18 equation

Lemma 2 then follows from Lemma 1.

Remark 1. Note that for special value c36-math-0082,


for all real c36-math-0084, because


and the last two terms are zero.

The Main Result

Theorem 1. For a finite ergodic chain in continuous time, let


If the chain is not stationary, c36-math-0087 is a strictly decreasing function of t on c36-math-0088 when c36-math-0089 and a strictly increasing function of t on c36-math-0090 when c36-math-0091.

Proof. Since c36-math-0092 is differentiable, c36-math-0093 is also differentiable. Then for c36-math-0094

Let c36-math-0096 be the transition matrix for the chain c36-math-0097, so that c36-math-0098 where c36-math-0099 is the infinitesimal generator of the chain. Let c36-math-0100. Then c36-math-0101 is doubly conservative in the sense of Lemma 2. Let c36-math-0102. Then

The expression c36-math-0104 for c36-math-0105 is a property of ergodic chains in continuous time. By Lemma 2, the expression (20) is always nonpositive for c36-math-0106. From (19) it follows that c36-math-0107 is nonpositive for c36-math-0108, and nonnegative for c36-math-0109. It attains the value 0 iff c36-math-0110 implies c36-math-0111. For chains with positive transition rates between all pairs of states, this is possible only if c36-math-0112 for all n, that is, if the chain is stationary. The result then follows for all ergodic chains. When c36-math-0113,


with equality iff the chain is stationary.

Similar monotonicity properties hold for the family c36-math-0115. From (2) and (3) we have

21 equation

When c36-math-0117 or c36-math-0118 and c36-math-0119 have the same monotonicity properties with t. When c36-math-0120 increases when c36-math-0121 decreases. When c36-math-0122, we have c36-math-0123, which for nonstationary chains is strictly positive for any c36-math-0124 by virtue of Eq. (20) and Lemma 1. This yields the following theorem.

Theorem 2. Under the conditions of Theorem 1, c36-math-0125 is strictly decreasing in t for c36-math-0126, strictly increasing in t for c36-math-0127, and c36-math-0128.

Ergodic Chains in Discrete Time

The results of the previous section apply also to discrete time finite Markov chains with the strict monotonicity replaced by weak monotonicity. Since the state probabilities c36-math-0129 can be zero, we will restrict ourselves to the case c36-math-0130 only. In keeping with this convention, p log p will be defined to be zero whenever c36-math-0131.

Theorem 3a. Let c36-math-0132. For a finite ergodic Markov chain, the sequence c36-math-0133 is a nonincreasing sequence.

Theorem 3b. If the elements of the one-step transition matrix are positive and the chain is not stationary, then c36-math-0134 is strictly monotone in t.

The details of the proofs are similar to that for the continuous time case and are somewhat tedious. They will not be given here.


  1. Amir-Moez, A.R., and Fass, A.I. (1961). Elements of Linear Spaces. Ann Arbor, MI: Edwards Bros.
  2. Keilson, J. (1979). Markov Chain Models—Rarity and Exponentiality. New York: Springer-Verlag, Applied Mathematical Sciences Series 28.
  3. Kendall, D.G. (1959). “Unitary Dilations of Markov Transition Operators and the Corresponding Integral Representations for Transition Probability Matrices” (edited by U. Grenander), Probability and Statistics. Stockholm: Almqvist and Wiksell.
  4. Kullback, S. (1968). Information Theory and Statistics. New York: Dover Publications Inc.
  5. Renyi, A. (1970). Foundations of Probability, San Francisco: Holden-Day.
  6. Roy, A. (1996). Transient Analysis of Queuing Systems, Ph.D. Thesis. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Rochester. This is available from UMI, Ann Arbor.
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