THEY SAY IT TAKES a village, but we say it takes a tribe. We couldn’t have written this book without ours.


JENNI CLARK: Thank you for your care and your loyalty to us and to this project. Your ability to juggle multiple and massive work streams, artists, and authors with a joyful and uplifting spirit made this project not only possible but also enjoyable. We adore you.

JEFF MOSIER: Our editor, muse, and champion of straight talk. This book, like the last, would not be what it is without your hard work, dedication, and patience. Your ability to speak to and through us is a true gift. Additionally, thank you for continuing to be Tamra’s superpower. We should all be so lucky.

TODD VICIAN: Our thanks to PeopleFirm’s “Chief People Dude” and content reviewer extraordinaire for thoughtfully examining every word, adding your insights, and always guiding us in directions none of the rest of us had even considered.

THE PEOPLEFIRM LEADERSHIP SOLUTIONS TEAM of Bill Hefferman, Bill Harrison, Michelle Fanfarillo, and Roger Kastner: Your focused feedback, coaching, and contributions to the content of this book have made it so much better than it otherwise would have been.


Much love and gratitude to our “in-house” design team, Ivy Chandler Mosier and Logan Grealish, who were busy working multiple other jobs (Ivy) and finishing a degree at UW (Logan) when our plea to “mock up a few quick images” came in. Your creativity has contributed so much to the irreverent and unconventional nature of this book. We are lucky to have had the joy of both giving birth to and working with such talented and caring humans.


Thanks to the entire PeopleFirm tribe, who beta-tested our ideas, encouraged us, and provided us with valuable feedback throughout the process. Thank you to our beloved curmudgeon-in-chief, Alan Borgida, for his overall support, time, and space to make this investment. Thanks to Scott Perkins for standing with us and always being a champion of our work. A special shout-out to Gina Napoli, who had the courage to tell us to add another “N” so CONNECT would be spelled correctly.


We owe much to Seth Godin, the late Judith Glaser and Doug Silsbee, Jack Zegner and Joseph Folkman, Dr. John Gottman, and Shirzad Chamine for the profound influence their research and published works have had on our thinking.

To our clients and colleagues across the globe: Our connections with you inspired this work. We learned from you. These are your stories. Thank you for allowing us to work for you and alongside you.


DENNIS HARTMAN: On our weekly drive to Oberto headquarters, you told me to stop hesitating and start leading. It was the kick in the butt I needed to set me on the course that’s brought me to where I am today.—Tamra

VIC MOSES: Twenty-odd years ago I was at a career pivot point. “God allows U-turns,” you said, so I quit the job that was wrong for me and came back to where I could use my strengths to their fullest. Your feedback changed me, and I am forever grateful. —Laura


Neal and the rest of the great team at BK: Thanks for taking on Book #2; you are a valued and trusted partner.

We’re also grateful for the thorough and thoughtful feedback we received from BK’s peer reviewers, Barry, Leigh, and Joe.


The Mosier family (Jeff, Wilson, Ivy, and Al Chandler); the Grealish family (Jeff, Evann, Logan, Camden, Kevin, Caleb, and Lisa Dowling, too); the Clark family (Jonathan, Luke, and Micah); and the Vician family (Michelle, Lucas, and Carter): Thank you for feeding us, encouraging us, and bringing Laura wine when she whined. Thanks also to Perry and Luna for lying on Tamra’s feet while she worked. We owe you everything for tolerating all the late-night toil, weekend working sessions, and missed walks around the lake. We’ll make it up to you, we promise.

And to Big Dick and the Extenders: Thanks for the inspiration. RIP, Big Dick.

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