
The Map Data Structure

Now that you understand the basics, it’s time to move on to more exciting challenges. Let’s write a real program—something nontrivial but still simple enough to master this early in the book. Your task is to write a program that reads words and counts the frequency of each unique word. For the sake of simplicity, a word is a string of non-space characters separated by white space. Be aware, however, that by this definition, words end up including punctuation characters, but we’ll worry about fixing that problem later.

This is a complicated program, touching on everything you’ve learned about C++ so far. If you want to exercise your new understanding of file I/O, read from a named file. If you prefer the simplicity, read from the standard input. Before jumping in and trying to write a program, take a moment to think about the problem and the tools you need to solve it. Write pseudo-code for the program. Try to write C++ code where you can, and make up whatever else you need to tackle the problem. Keep it simple—and don’t dwell on trying to get syntax details correct.
















Using Maps

The title of this Exploration tells you what C++ feature will help provide an easy solution to this problem. What C++ calls a map, some languages and libraries call a dictionary or association. A map is simply a data structure that stores pairs of keys and values, indexed by the key. In other words, it maps a key to a value. Within a map, keys are unique. The map stores keys in ascending order. Thus, the heart of the program is a map that stores strings as keys and number of occurrences as the associated value for each key.

Naturally, your program needs the <map> header. The map datatype is called std::map. To define a map, you need to specify the key and value type within angle brackets (separated by a comma), as shown in the following example:

std::map<std::string, int> counts;

You can use almost any type as the key and value types, even another map. As with vector, if you do not initialize a map, it starts out empty.

The simplest way to use a map is to look up values using square brackets. For example, counts["the"] returns the value associated with the key, "the". If the key is not present in the map, it is added with an initial value of zero. If the value type were std::string, the initial value would be an empty string.

Armed with this knowledge, you can write the first part of the program—collecting the word counts—as shown in Listing 15-1. (Feel free to modify the program to read from a named file, as you learned in Exploration 14.)

Listing 15-1.  Counting Occurrences of Unique Words

#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>
int main()
  std::map<std::string, int> counts{};
  std::string word{};
  while (std::cin >> word)
  // TODO: Print the results.

In Listing 15-1, the ++ operator increments the count that the program stores in counts. In other words, when counts[word] retrieves the associated value, it does so in a way that lets you modify the value. You can use it as a target for an assignment or apply the increment or decrement operator.

For example, suppose you wanted to reset a count to zero.

counts["something"] = 0;

That was easy. Now all that’s left to do is to print the results. Like vectors, maps also use iterators, but because an iterator refers to a key/value pair, they are a little more complicated to use than a vector’s iterators.


The best way to print the map is to use a range-based for loop to iterate over the map. Each map element is a single object that contains the key and the value. The key is called first, and the value is called second.

image Note  The two parts of the map element’s value are not named key and value, because the std::pair type is a generic part of the C++ library. The library uses this type in several different places. Thus, the names of the parts of a pair are also generic and not tied specifically to map.

Use a dot (.) operator to access a member of the pair. To keep things simple, print the output as the key, followed by a tab character, followed by the count, all on one line. Putting all these pieces together, you end up with the finished program, as presented in Listing 15-2.

Listing 15-2.  Printing Word Frequencies

#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>
int main()
  std::map<std::string, int> counts{};
  // Read words from the standard input and count the number of times
  // each word occurs.
  std::string word{};
  while (std::cin >> word)
  // For each word/count pair...
  for (auto element : counts)
    // Print the word, tab, the count, newline.
    std::cout << element.first << ' ' << element.second << ' ';

I snuck in another new feature: auto. The true type of element is

std::pair<const std::string, int>

But is the true type all that important? When iterating over the map, you know you will use the .first and .second members. Let the compiler worry about the details. That’s what the auto keyword is for. It tells the compiler to figure out the type of element based on the iterator type of counts.

Using the knowledge you gained in Exploration 8, you know how to format the output as two neat columns. All that is required is to find the size of the longest key. In order to right-align the counts, you can try to determine the number of places required by the largest count, or you can simply use a very large number, such as 10.

Rewrite Listing 15-2 to line up the output neatly, according to the size of the longest key.

Naturally, you will need to write another loop to visit all the elements of counts and test the size of each element. In Exploration 10, you learned that vector has a size() member function that returns the number of elements in the vector. Would you be surprised to learn that map and string also have size() member functions? The designers of the C++ library did their best to be consistent with names. The size() member function returns an integer of type size_type.

image Tip  Remember size_type from Exploration 10? If not, go back and refresh your memory. Exploration 10 has some important admonitions about size_type.

Compare your program with Listing 15-3.

Listing 15-3.  Aligning Words and Counts Neatly

#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>
int main()
  std::map<std::string, int> counts{};
  // Read words from the standard input and count the number of times
  // each word occurs.
  std::string word{};
  while (std::cin >> word)
  // Determine the longest word.
  std::string::size_type longest{};
  for (auto element : counts)
    if (element.first.size() > longest)
      longest = element.first.size();
  // For each word/count pair...
  const int count_size{10}; // Number of places for printing the count
  for (auto element : counts)
    // Print the word, count, newline. Keep the columns neatly aligned.
    std::cout << std::setw(longest)    << std::left  << element.first <<
            std::setw(count_size) << std::right << element.second << ' ';

If you want some sample input, try the file explore15.txt, which you can download from this book’s web site. Notice how the word is left-aligned and the count is right-aligned. We expect numbers to be right-aligned, and words are customarily left-aligned (in Western cultures). And remember const from Exploration 8? That simply means count_size is a constant.

Searching in Maps

A map stores its data in sorted order by key. Searching in a map, therefore, is pretty fast (logarithmic time). Because a map keeps its keys in order, you can use any of the standard binary search algorithms (such as lower_bound, to which you were introduced in Exploration 13), but even better is to use map’s member functions. These member functions have the same names as the standard algorithms but can take advantage of their knowledge of a map’s internal structure. The member functions also run in logarithmic time, but with less overhead than the standard algorithms.

For example, suppose you want to know how many times the word the appears in an input stream. You can read the input and collect the counts in the usual way, then call find("the") to see if "the" is in the map, and if so, get an iterator that points to its key/value pair. If the key is not in the map, find() returns the end() iterator. If the key is present, you can extract the count. You have all the knowledge and skills you need to solve this problem, so go ahead and write the program to print the number of occurrences of the wordthe. Once again, you can use explore15.txt as sample input. If you don’t want to use redirection, modify the program to read from the explore15.txt file.

What count does your program print when you provide this file as the input? __________ The program presented in Listing 15-4 detects ten occurrences.

Listing 15-4.  Searching for a Word in a Map

#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>
int main()
  std::map<std::string, int> counts{};
  // Read words from the standard input and count the number of times
  // each word occurs.
  std::string word{};
  while (std::cin >> word)
  std::map<std::string,int>::iterator the{counts.find("the")};
  if (the == counts.end())
    std::cout << ""the": not found ";
  else if (the->second == 1)
    std::cout << ""the": occurs " << the->second << " time ";
    std::cout << ""the": occurs " << the->second << " times ";

Until now, you’ve used a dot (.) to access a member, such as find() or end(). An iterator is different. You have to use an arrow (->) to access a member from an iterator, hence the->second. You won’t see this style much until Exploration 32.

I don’t know about you, but I find map<string, int>::iterator to be unwieldy. That’s what the auto keyword is for. So why didn’t I use auto to declare the iterator, the? Here we run into a small problem. The auto keyword and universal initialization don’t always play together the way you expect them to. Try changing the iterator type to use auto. What happens?



Ouch. Each compiler is different, but mine spews out a screenful of cryptic errors. In this one case, universal initialization fails us. Instead, you must use an equal sign or parentheses to initialize the auto iterator. Either of the following two variable definitions will work:

auto iterator_using_parens( counts.find("the") );
auto iterator_using_equal = counts.find("the");

If you don’t like the exception in this case, C++ (like C) offers another way out: type synonyms, which just happens to be the subject of the next Exploration.

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