Chapter 7

Genetic Regulatory Networks

Focus on Attractors of Their Dynamics

J. Demongeot1 [email protected]; H. Hazgui1; A. Henrion Caude2    1 Université J. Fourier Grenoble, Faculté de Médecine, AGIM CNRS/UJF FRE 3405, La Tronche, France
2 Université Paris Descartes, INSERM U 781, Hôpital Necker-Enfants Malades, Paris, France


Genetic regulatory networks are devoted to the control of important functions like cell energy, organ morphogenesis, and animal immune defense. Since the innate system of defense represented by the Toll-like receptors (TLRs, already present in insects), mammals have developed an adaptive immune system during the embryonic maturation of their T-cell receptors (TCRs) α and β (TCRα and TCRβ) from strategies of DNA rearrangements essentially under the control of the RAG gene. This chapter will describe the immunologic networks (“immunetworks”) in charge of controlling the concentration of both TLRs and TCRs and show that circuits in the core of their interaction graph are responsible for a few number of dedicated attractors, responsible of the dynamics of receptor synthesis. In the same spirit, we describe a network important for the cell oxidative metabolism: the ferritin (iron-storage protein) control network regulating iron metabolism in mammals and eventually, study an engrailed and biliary atresia morphogenetic network.


Genetic regulatory networks


ferritin control network

engrailed control network

biliary atresia control network




We acknowledge the financial support of the projects ANR-11-BSV5-0021, REGENR, EC Project VPH (Virtual Physiological Human), and Investissements d’Avenir VHP.

1 Introduction

The present genomes are the result of a long evolution from the start of the life on the earth until the appearance of mammals and human. We will try in this chapter to show that the control of important genetic networks involved both on defense and energy processes of cells in numerous living systems is under the dependence of different regulators, among them microRNAs and circular RNAs. We show that these genetic networks have only a small number of asymptotic dynamical behaviors, called attractors. This small number is directly linked with the possibilities of differentiation of the concerned cells and is controlled inside the interaction graphs of the genetic networks, whose nodes are genes and signs of arrows between genes indicate the presence of interactions between these genes, + (resp. −) in the case of activation (resp. inhibition), by the circuits (closed paths between genes) of the strong connected components (i.e., subgraphs containing a path between any couple of their genes), giving the network the possibility to have more than one attractor (and due to positive circuits, it is made of an even number of inhibitions) and the possibility for an attractor to be stable and possibly oscillating (due to negative circuits, made of an odd number of inhibitions); i.e., having a large number of initial configurations of gene states giving birth, after a dynamical evolution, to its asymptotic behavior. Section 2 describes the circuits involved in adaptive and innate immunologic systems, giving a way to calculate the reduction of the attractor numbers due to the presence of intersecting circuits and to the inhibitory regulation by microRNAs often responsible of periodic protein signals (Bandiera et al., 2011, 2013; Bulet et al., 1999; Demongeot and Besson, 1983, 1996; Demongeot et al., 2003, 2009a, 2009b, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013a, 2013b, 2014a, b; Weil et al., 2004). Section 3presents the Ferritin control network, regulating the iron metabolism in mammals, section 4 is devoted to the study of the engrailed morphogenetic network, and section 5 concerns the network controlling a disease called biliary atresia.

2 Immunetworks

2.1 The immunetwork responsible of the Toll-like receptor (TLR) expression

The activation of natural killer (NK) cells, involved in innate immune response, is controlled by the ligands of the Toll-like receptors (TLRs) (see Figure 7.1 and Bulet et al., 1999; Elkon et al., 2007; Miyake et al., 2000). The gene GATA-3 is activating the gene BCL10, which is crucial for NFκB activation by T- and B-cell receptors (Zhou et al., 2004), and the protein ICAM1 is a type of intercellular adhesion molecule continuously present in low concentrations in the membranes of leucocytes involved in the blood adaptive immune response. The network controlling TLR and ICAM1 expression contains a couple of circuits, one positive five-circuit tangent to a negative five circuits, giving only one attractor (see Figure 7.1 and Table 7.1, red circle), which corresponds to the activation of the gene TLR.

Figure 7.1 The network controlling the production of the TLR and the gene ICAM1 (adapted after Elkon et al., 2007).

Table 7.1

Total number of attractors in parallel dynamics (with T = 0), with 2 tangent circuits, left-circuit being negative of length l and right-circuit positive of length r (cf. Demongeot et al., 2012, and Annex A6). .



2.2 The links with the microRNAs

Most of the genes introduced here have links with microRNAs exerting a negative control on them and then, susceptible to deciding if the unique physiologic attractor will occur, by cancelling their target gene activity. Here are two examples of such microRNAs, negatively regulated by the circular RNA ciRs7 (Hansen et al., 2011, 2013):

1. for the subsequence pUNO-hRP105 of the TLR 2 gene (4937 bp) (;; Miyake et al., 2000), close to the reference sequence AL (cf. Annex A6 and Demongeot, 1978; Demongeot and Besson, 1983, 1996; Demongeot et al., 2003, 2009a, 2009b; Demongeot and Moreira, 2007), the hybridization is made by the microRNA miR 200a:


5’-UCAUUGUUAUGCUACAGGUAUU-3’ ciRs7 14 anti-matches

3’-UGUAGCAAUGGUCUGUCACAAU-5’ hsa miR 200a 12 anti-matches

5’-UUGUGCUCAUUGAGAUGAAUGG-3’ pUNO-hRP105 mRNA starting in position 531



5’-AGGGAGCUACAAUUCAAGAUGA-3’ ciRs7 17 matches (significance of 2x17 matches: 2.5‰)

2. For the GATA 3 gene, hybridization is made by miR 200c (;

5’-GCCAUUCAAGAUGA–AUGGUACU-3’ AL 13 anti-matches

5’-ACCAUCAUUAUCCCUAUUUUACA-3’ ciRs7 15 anti-matches

3'-AGGUAGUAAUGGGC–CGUCAUAA-5' has miR 200c 15 anti-matches

5’-UCUGCAUUUUUGCAGGAGCAGUA-3' GATA 3 mRNA starting in position 57

The gene expressing TLR contains the AGAUGAAUGG subsequence, belonging both to the D-loop of many tRNAs, to the reference sequence AL (Demongeot, 1978; Demongeot and Besson, 1983, 1996; Demongeot et al., 2003, 2009a, 2009b; Demongeot and Moreira, 2007) and to the circular RNA ciRs7, which signifies its affiliation to an ancestral genome, confirming the old origin of the innate immunologic system (Bulet et al., 1999; Elkon et al., 2007; Miyake et al., 2000) (see Annex A5 for the significance of the matches). In case of parallel updating (with T = 0), the network controlling the TLR production has 4 (resp. 1) attractor, if miR200c is (resp. not) expressed (see Tables 7.1 and 7.6 left bottom, red circles).

2.3 The adaptive immunetworks

The adaptive immunetworks are essentially made of three couples of tangent circuits (Figure 7.2) concerning the key genes GATA 3, transcriptional activator binding to DNA sites with the consensus sequence [AT]GATA[AG]), which controls negatively T cell receptors β (TCRβ), PU.1 (PUrine-rich box-1 gene), controlling negatively the recombination-activating gene (RAG) responsible of the V(D)J rearrangements giving birth to the TCRα receptors, and Zap70 (Zeta-chain-associated protein kinase 70 gene), controlling negatively TCRβ synthesis (Demongeot et al., 2012; Georgescu et al., 2008). These circuits are inserted into a global immunetwork (Figure 7.3), whose attractors are those of the three couples of circuits, the rest of the network being reducible to up- and down-trees connected to the circuits.

Figure 7.2 Left: Negative six-circuit tangent to a negative two-circuit controlling PU.1. Middle: negative three-circuit tangent to a positive five-circuit controlling GATA 3. Right: Tangent negative six-circuit and four-circuit controlling ZAP70 (adapted after Demongeot et al., 2012).
Figure 7.3 The global immunetwork controlling genes GATA 3 (orange), RAG (green), and ZAP70 (brown), with a negative circuit of length 6 (dark blue) controlling PU.1, which activates the NK cells through Ets1 (pink), and with circuits from the strong connected component controlling genes TCR-#, TCR-” and Bcl2 (light blue) (adapted after Georgescu et al., 2008).

In the case of parallel updating (with T = 0; cf. Annex A1), Table 7.7 shows that a negative six-circuit tangent to a negative two-circuit has only one attractor (Table 7.7, blue circle at the bottom right), less than an isolated negative six-circuit that has six attractors (Table 7.2 blue circle), showing that for controlling RAG, Bcl1, and NK cells (i.e., in the case of both adaptive and innate mechanisms), if Notch2/CSL is silent, PU.1 is on and hence can activate both RAG and Bcl1, as well as promote NK cells. On the contrary, if Notch2/CSL inhibits PU.1, the immunologic system is paralyzed. In the same way, we can show that GATA 3 and ZAP70 networks each have three attractors (Table 7.7, orange circles on the right).

Table 7.7

Left: Total number of attractors of period p for positive (top) and negative (bottom) circuits of order n. Right: Total number of attractors in case of tangent circuits, where (a) the left circuit is negative and the right circuit positive and (b) both side circuits are negative with parallel updating and T = 0



(after Demongeot et al., 2012]). .

Table 7.2

Total Number of Attractors of Period p in Parallel Updating for a Unique Isolated Negative Circuit of Size n



(After Demongeot et al., 2012). .

3 The iron control network

The regulatory network controlling iron metabolism contains 10 elements, with one positive circuit of length 6 and one negative of length 4 (Figure 7.4, bottom): the number of attractors is 4 (Table 7.3), following the rules of Table 7.2 (green circle). Depending on the inhibition by miR-485 or miRNA sponge ciRs7 (Hansen et al., 2011, 2013; Hentze et al., 1987; Sangokoya et al., 2013), we get either of two fixed configurations or one limit-cycle of configurations (the second having a negligible attraction basin size, equal to 4% of the possible initial conditions). Same attractors are observed for the first eight nodes, when miR-485 or anticiRs7 are expressed. The presence of an ancestral subsequence in ciRs7 sequences (cf. section 2.2 and Figure 7.4, top) is in favor of the seniority of the iron control system:

Figure 7.4 Top: matches between miR-485-3p and its target FPN1a (FerroPortiNe), and between the microRNAs sponge ciRs7 and its target miR-485-3p in the iron control network. Bottom: Iron control genetic network with coexistence of numerous circuits between FPN1a, Ft (Ferritin), iron regulatory protein (IRP) and transferrin receptor (TfR1), with a positive circuit of length 6 and a negative one of length 4.

Table 7.3

Recapitulation of the four attractors of the iron metabolic system, with miR-485 and anticiRs7 not expressed (state 0) and other genes expressed (state 1) or not (state 0) and (bottom) the attraction basin sizes for parallel updating (with T = 0).

PositionGeneFixed Point 1Fixed Point 2Limit Cycle 1Limit Cycle 2
Attraction basin size51225621640


5’-AUGGGGCAACAUAUUGUAUGAA-3’ FPN1a 14 anti-matches

3’-UCUCUCCUCUCGGCACAUACUG-5’ miR-485 15 anti-matches




10/17 anti-matches 3’-CUGGAUCAGUGGAUCUA-5’ IRE-FPN1a

We can calculate a robustness parameter for the iron control network based on evolutionary entropy, defined by



where m is the attractor number and Ck = B(Ak)∪Ak is the union of the attractor Ak and of its attraction basin B(Ak) (cf. Annex A2). Hence, Eattractor = -Σk = 1,4μ(Ck)logμ(Ck) = 1/2log2 + 1/4log4 + 0.21log(0.21) + 0.039log(0.039). When Eattractor decreases (e.g., if c-Myc is cancelled, provoking the disappearance of one attractor), then the robustness of the network increases. In the stochastic parallel updating case with T > 0, we can calculate the derivative of E with respect to the randomness parameter T, the interaction weights being supposedly the same for each interaction (Demongeot et al., 2013a). This derivative gives an indication about the sensitivity to noise of the network.

4 Morphogenetic networks

The morphogenetic network centered on the engrailed gene (En on Figure 7.5) controls in vertebrates the segmentation phase, as well as the morphogenesis of feathers and hairs in birds and mammals (Demongeot and Waku, 2012; Michon et al., 2008).

Figure 7.5 Engrailed centered network in Drosophila, with positive arcs in red and negative arcs in green.

Engrailed is not only required for the segmentation phase in vertebrates, but it efficiently represses the activity of numerous transcriptional factors like Elk (Saenz-Robles et al., 1995; Vickers and Sharrocks, 2002). Note that the engrailed centered network shown in Figure 7.5 was built by bringing together information about repressions and inductions from various sources:

 Inhibition of Engrailed by Wg and its activation by JNK is given in Gettings et al. (2010).

 Action of MPK through JNK inhibition is studied by Mantrova and Hsu (1998).

 Egrf positive feedback circuit is explained by McEwen and Peifer (2005).

 The whole Wnt pathway can be found in

 Inhibition of ERK by MKP is described in Weil et al. (2004).

 Activation of Nemo by ARM, inhibited by APC, inhibited itself by Wg through Dsh ( F8.large.jpg).

 Inhibition of Wg by Nemo is described by Zeng and Verheyen (2004).

The genetic regulatory network of Figure 7.4 possesses six negative circuits of respective sizes 7, 5, 4, 3, and 2, and two positive circuits of respective sizes 7 and 4. Following Demongeot et al. (2012), we know that each of these circuits bring the following total number of attractors when isolated with parallel deterministic updating (T = 0):

 Negative circuit of size 7: 10 attractors (cf. Mathematical Annex Table 7.7, left bottom blue circle)

 Negative circuit of size 5: 4 attractors (cf. Mathematical Annex Table 7.7, left bottom red circle)

 Negative circuit of size 4: 2 attractors (cf. Mathematical Annex Table 7.7, left bottom orange circle)

 Negative circuit of size 3: 2 attractors (cf. Mathematical Annex Table 7.7, left bottom orange circle)

 Negative circuit of size 2: 2 attractors (cf. Mathematical Annex Table 7.7, left bottom orange circle)

 Positive circuit of size 7: 20 attractors (cf. Mathematical Annex Table 7.7, left top blue circle)

 Positive circuit of size 4: 6 attractors (cf. Mathematical Annex Table 7.7, left top voilet circle).

The results obtained recently on tangent and intersecting circuits [cf. Melliti et al. (2014); Richard, 2011) and Table 7.7 in Annex A3) show a drastic reduction of the attractor number to 3 or 1 (depending on source nodes PKA and Wnt), because the engrailed centered network has the following:

 One positive circuit of size 7 intersecting a negative circuit of size 7: 1 attractor, instead of 200 if the circuits are disjoint (cf. Mathematical Annex Table 7.7, right top, red circle)

 One positive circuit of size 7 intersecting a negative circuit of size 3: 5 attractors, instead of 20 if the circuits are disjoint (cf. Mathematical Annex Table 7.7, right top, blue circle)

 One negative circuit of size 7 tangent to a negative circuit of size 4 : 2 attractors (cf. Mathematical Annex Table 7.7, right bottom red circle)

 One negative circuit of size 7 intersecting a negative circuit of size 3: 3 attractors, instead of 20 if the circuits are disjoint (cf. Mathematical Annex Table 7.7, right bottom, green circle)

 One negative circuit of size 4 tangent to a negative circuit of size 2: 2 attractors (cf. Mathematical Annex Table 7.7, right bottom red circle)

 One negative circuit of size 3 tangent to a negative circuit of size 2: 2 attractors (cf. Mathematical Annex Table 7.7, right bottom brown circle)

 Three co-tangent circuits, one positive circuit of size 4, one negative circuit of size 5, and one negative circuit of size 2: 1 attractor, instead of 24 if the circuits are disjoint (cf. Mathematical Annex Table 7.7, right voilet circles)

The corresponding attractors are given in Table 7.4, depending on the expression of the gene sources of the up-trees controlling the circuits; i.e., Wnt and PKA. If both genes Wnt and PKA are expressed, there are three attractors with only one limit-cycle of period 6 as asymptotic dynamical behavior of the engrailed centered network, for which the gene En is not expressed and Elk is expressed one-third of the time, inhibiting both the dorsal closure and allowing the excitable cells differentiation. If PKA is silent and Wnt is either expressed or silent, there are also three attractors: two fixed points, where neither En nor Elk are expressed, and a limit cycle of period 4, where En is expressed half the time and Elk is expressed a quarter of the time. If the gene Wnt is silent and PKA expressed, there exists only a limit cycle of period 6, where En is expressed half the time and Elk is expressed 1/6 of the time. Other examples of genetic regulatory networks involving Wnt are given in Michon et al., (2008). All these examples show that more generally, the architecture of a genetic regulatory network consists of the strong connected components of its interaction graph, to which are attached three kinds of substructures:

Table 7.4

Attractors in Parallel Mode (with T = 0) for the MPK/ERK Centered Subnetwork, with Negative 7- and 3-Circuit Tangent

GenePFCycle Limit 1Cycle Limit 2
ABRS = 10,64450,316406250,0390625


 a set of up-trees, issued from the sources of the interaction graph of the network, made either of small RNAs (like microRNAs, translational inhibitors), or of genes repressors or inductors, self-expressed without any other genes controlling them, like the genes Wnt and PKA

 a set of circuits in the core (in a graphical sense) of the strong connected components of the interaction graph. These circuits are unique or multiple, reduced to one gene (if there is an auto-control loop) or made of several ones, negative or positive, and disjoint or not, like the circuits involving Erk

 a set of down-trees going to the sinks of the interaction graph; i.e., to genes controlled by but not controlling any other genes, like the gene Elk

In Drosophila embryo, using the interaction graph of the engrailed centered network, a simple model based on the knowledge about the asymptotic dynamics of the network (i.e., its attractors) shows that Wg is expressed and inhibits Dsh during the Mixer cell formation at the para-segment boundaries, during the polarization of epidermal cells during dorsal closure in Drosophila, where Wnt and PKA are expressed (Gettings et al., 2010).

5 Biliary atresia control network

The genetic network controlling the morphogenesis of the biliary canal can be summarized as in Figures 7.6 and 7.7 (Bessho et al., 2013; Choe et al., 2003; Girard et al., 2011, 2012; Kohsaka et al., 2002; Luedde et al., 2008; Matte et al., 2010; Nouws and Shadel, 2014; Ranganathan et al., 2011; Xiao et al., 2014). By using the gene expression data comparing normal individuals and patients suffering from biliary atresia (cf. Figure 7.6, left, and Melliti et al., 2014; Meyer and Nelson, 2011), we can locate and study three key genes inside or around the network, Bcl-w, TGF-ß, and elf-2α kinase (Figure 7.7 and Choe et al., 2003), and study the attractors of the network (Table 7.5).

Figure 7.6 Left: biliary atresia gene expression (Choe et al., 2003), with three markers: Bcl-w, TGF-ß, and elf-2α kinase, whose level of expression is measured in a control group (Normal) and in patients suffering from biliary atresia (noted here as BA). Right: Genetic network controlling biliary atresia.
Figure 7.7 Biliary atresia control network, with three important genes: two on its frontier (up-tree), Bcl-w and elf-2α kinase; and one inside the strong connected component, TGF-ß 1. The strong connected component (scc) contains two tangent (in FAK1) negative circuits: one of length 11 passing through TGF-ß 1, and the other of length 5, passing through PI3K. Both can be broken by the microRNA miR 39b. The scc is on the control of JAG1 by Notch, activates (through SP1/ PU.1 and eIF-2α kinase) the genes IRP and MAPK, and inhibits the gene eIF-2α.

Table 7.5

Description of the Seven Attractors of the Biliary Atresia Control Network (with Parallel Updating and T = 0)

PI3K REG011111111
PI3K CAT CLASS011111111
ERK 1/2010011111
PI3K CLASS III011111010


We can add to the network shown in Figure 7.6, provided initially by MetaCore™ and checked after in the literature. The following information has been added in Figure 7.7 to the network in Figure 7.6:

 The gene JAG1 (mutated in case of biliary atresia (Kohsaka et al., 2002; Matte et al., 2010) activates Notch, necessary for the activation of EGFR (Franco et al., 2006; Ranganathan et al., 2011).

 Human microRNAs miR 29 and miR 39b inhibits IGF 1 and PI3K, respectively (Bessho et al., 2013; Gottwein et al., 2011; Hand et al., 2012).

 The gene Bcl-w/Bcl-2 is inhibited by SMAD 3, and activated by ERK ½ and MAPK (Kang and Pervaiz, 2013). Its protein is phosphorylated (hence inhibited) by JNK (Singh et al., 2009).

 The gene eIF-2α kinase phosphorylates (hence, inhibits) eIF-2α (Gurzov and Eizirik, 2011; Lee et al., 2000) and activates IRP and MAPK.

The strong connected component of the interaction graph of the biliary atresia network (Figure 7.7) shows the existence of a negative circuit of length 11 (by counting the auto-loops) tangent on the gene FAK1 to a negative circuit of length 5 (Figure 7.8). The theoretical results of Demongeot et al. (2012) shows that we can expect seven attractors, which can be simulated (Table 7.5), whose only two limit-cycles (their attraction basins representing about half of all possible expression patterns) show the presence of the same gene expression than that detected in patients suffering from biliary atresia; i.e., an increased expression of the three genes Bcl-w, TGF-ß, and elf-2α kinase (Choe et al., 2003), an overexpression of IGF1 and a down-expression of JAG1, mutated in biliary atresia (Kohsaka et al., 2002), provoking a weak expression of EGFR (Matte et al., 2010). That partially validates the control network proposed for biliary atresia syndrome.

Figure 7.8 The two main negative circuits of the biliary atresia control network: one of length 11 and the other of length 5 (taking into account the auto-catalytic loops).

We can break the negative circuit of length 5 by using the microRNA hsa miR 39b, where one of the targets is the gene PI3K (Xiao et al., 2014; Kohsaka et al., 2002):

 3’-uguaaacauccuacacucagcu-5’ hsa miR 30b

 5’-AUGGUACUGCCAUUCAAGAUGA-3’ AL 13 anti-matches

The main result of the disappearance of the negative circuit of length 5 is an increase of the attractor number, passing from 7 to 10 (cf. Table 7.2, red circle). Two other negative circuits do not increase the attractor number:

 The negative circuit of length 3 FAK1-MDM2-IGF-1 is tangent at FAK1 to the two previous circuits of lengths 7 and 4, but this coupling brings only one attractor (Figure 7.9, blue circle). It can be broken by the microRNA hsa miR 29 (Matte et al., 2010) and can only change the configuration of expressed genes; for example, in the presence of miR 29, the IGF-1 state becomes 0 in the attractor states of Table 7.5:

Figure 7.9 Calculation of the number of attractors of the biliary atresia control network (Demongeot et al., 2012). At the intersection of the column 5 and the line 11, one can find the attractor number, 7, due to a couple of tangent negative circuits, one of length 5 and the other of length 11..

 3’-acugauuucuuuugguguucag-5’ hsa miR 29

 5’-CCAUUCAAGAUGAAUGGUACUG-3’ AL 13 anti-matches

 The negative circuit of length 3 FAK1-PI3K-PTEN also brings only one attractor and its break by miR 39b (Figure 7.7) changes only the attractor states by fixing at 0 the state of PI3K (cf. Table 7.5).

From the mathematical analysis of the attractors of the biliary atresia network, we can infer the existence of seven possible stationary behaviors; among them, only four have an attraction basin that is sufficiently stable (i.e., containing a sufficient number of initial conditions to resist to large perturbations in the state space of the expression configurations). These four attractors represent the final evolution of 96% of the possible initial configurations; two of them being fixed configurations (called fixed points and denoted as PF in Table 7.5), and the other two being periodic configurations (called limit cycles and denoted as CL in Table 7.5). Among these attractors, notice that only one corresponds to all the characteristics observed in the pathologic case of the biliary atresia: E2F1, TGF-ß, and Bcl-w are always expressed, EGFR is weakly expressed, as is ERK ½, due to its absence of inhibition of Bcl-w. The unique attractor satisfying these constraints is the fixed configuration PF 4 on Table 7.5. It has a small attraction basin (ABRS = 2%), but it can represent a nonphysiologic possibility of differentiation in a few cases depending on initial conditions fixed by the genomic expression It could be interesting to observe in patients the expression activity of the gene c-Myc, which is absent in PF4 on Table 7.5, in order to confirm it as a candidate for explaining the pathologic behavior, due to the role of EGFR and ERK ½ in the morphogenesis (see the network described in section 4, earlier in this chapter) that is necessary to activate Nemo.

6 Conclusion and perspectives

The genetic networks regulated by small RNAs fitting with ancestral sequences are showing interesting properties with a small number of attractors, allowing to control less than four main attractors in general, some inhibiting the function (the brakes), and the others activating it (the accelerators). The role of the microRNAs is to provide an unspecific inhibitory noise leaving active in the dynamics only the circuits with sufficiently strong interactions to be able to express these attractors. The circular RNAs are inhibiting in an unspecific way the microRNAs in order to have, as in neural networks, the possibility of obtaining a double reciprocal influence (inhibitory and anti-inhibitory) on mRNAs (i.e., on gene expression). Because the sequences of the small regulatory RNAs offer in general a good fit with ancestral sequences, we can infer that the control of important domains involved in key metabolism or defense processes have been fixed early in the evolution to optimize systems like the immunologic, energetic and morphogenetic ones, which are crucial for survival. This resemblance with ancient genomes can come from two different mechanisms: (i) there are relics, having not mutated, that are still present in the genomes today (e.g., in the most conserved and universal parts of RNA molecules like the tRNA loops); and (ii) there exists still a mimicking of the start of life, such as circular RNA.

In order to survive, it has to solve the following variational problem: (i) to be sufficiently small to remain not denatured in the cell cytoplasm and (ii) hybridize a sufficient number of microRNAs in order to serve as a brake to their inhibitory activity. Because these microRNAs have to be sufficiently nonspecific to target a great number of messenger RNAs, they have to contain in their 22 bases the maximum of codons from different classes of synonymy of the amino-acid. This variational problem is very close to that of the beginning of life, in which primitive RNAs [like the AL sequence (Demongeot, 1978; Demongeot and Besson, 1983, 1996; Demongeot et al., 2003, 2009a, 2009b; Demongeot and Moreira, 2007)] could have occurred and persisted due to the selective advantage to fix a great number of amino acids realizing a protein proto-membrane, an ancestor of the plasmic membrane that exists today. That could suffice to explain the similarity observed between the primitive and present circular RNA. Future studies could perform an exhaustive examination of small RNAs in order to reinforce the hypotheses of both (i) the existence of RNA relics still present in the evolved genomes and (ii) the biosynthesis of RNA molecules similar to those existing at the beginning of life, because the same variational problem is being solved. Further studies on the genetic regulatory networks could show that the role of all their inhibitors is crucial for getting a very limited number of attractors focusing only on the cell functions necessary to survive, eliminating all the nonfunctional attractors.

Mathematical Annex

A1 Definitions

The mathematical object modeling a real genetic regulatory network is called a genetic threshold Boolean regulatory network (denoted in the following as getBren). A getBren N can be considered as a set of random automata, defined by the following criteria (Robert, 1980):

1. Any random automaton i of the getBren N owns at time t a state xi(t) valued in {0,1}, 0 (resp. 1) meaning that gene i is inactivated or in silence (Respectively activated or in expression). The global state of the getBren at time t, called configuration in the sequel, is then defined by x(t) = (xi(t))i ∈ {1,n}Ω = {0,1}n

2. A getBren N of size n is a triplet (W, Θ, P), where

 W is a matrix of order n, where the coefficient wij ∈ IR represents the interaction weight gene j has on gene i. Sign(W) = (αij = sign(wij)) is the adjacency (or incidence) matrix of a graph G, called the interaction graph.

 Θ is a threshold of dimension n, its component θi being the activation threshold attributed to automaton i.

 M: P(Ω) → [0,1]m × m, where P(Ω) is the set of all subsets of Ω and m = 2n is a Markov transition matrix, built from local probability transitions Pi giving the new state of the gene i at time t + 1 according to W, Θ, and configuration x(t) of N at time t such that



where Zi = [1 + exp[(Σj∈ Niwijβj - θi)/T], Ni is the neighborhood of the gene i in the getBren N; i.e., the set of genes j (including possibly i) such that wij ≠ 0, and Pi,gβ is the probability for the gene i of passing to the state g at time t + 1, from the configuration β at time t on Ni. M denotes the transition matrix built from the Pi,gβ’s. M depends on the update mode chosen for changing the states of the getBren automata. In this chapter, we use the parallel or synchronous mode of updating.

For the extreme values of the randomness parameter T, we have the following:

1. If T = 0, getBren becomes a deterministic threshold automata network and the transition can be written as



where h is the Heaviside function: h(y) = 1, if y > 0;



except for the case Σj∈ Niwijxj(t) − θI = 0, for which, if necessary, 1 and 0 are both chosen with probability ½. In this chapter, we chose T = 0.

2. When T tends to infinity, then Pi,gβ = ½ and each line Mi of M becomes the uniform distribution on the basin of the final class of the Markov matrix M to which i belongs (corresponding to an attraction basin when T = 0).

We define (Demongeot et al., 2003) the energy U and frustration F of a getBren N by



where Q+(N) is the number of positive edges in the interaction graph G of the network N and F(x) the global frustration of x; i.e., the number of pairs (i,j) where the values of xi and xj are contradictory with the sign αij of the interaction between genes i and j: F(x) = Σi,j∈{1,n}Fij(x), where Fij is the local frustration of the pair (i,j) defined by



Eventually, we define the random global dynamic frustration D by



where Dij is the local dynamic frustration of the pair (i,j) defined by



A2 First propositions

Based on these definitions, we can prove the following propositions [cf. Demongeot and Waku (2012) and Demongeot et al. (2013b) for complete results]:

Proposition 1

Let us consider the random energy U and the random frustration F of getBren N having a constant absolute value w for its interaction weights, null threshold Θ, temperature T equal to 1, and being sequentially updated. Then:

1. U(x) = Σi,j∈{1,n}αijxixj = Q+(N) - F(x), where Q+(N) is the number of positive edges in the interaction graph G of the network.

2. Eμ(U) = ∂logZ/∂w, where the free energy logZ is equal to the quantity log(Σy∈Ω exp(Σj∈y,k∈y wijyjyk)), and μ is the invariant Gibbs measure defined by ∀ x∈Ω, μ({x}) = exp(Σi∈x,j∈x wijxixj)/Z.

3. VarμU = VarμF = -∂Eμ/∂logw, where Eμ = -Σx∈Ω μ({x})log(μ({x})) = logZ – wEμ(U) is the entropy of μ, maximal among entropies corresponding to all probability distributions ν for U having the same given expectation Eν(U) = Eμ(U).

Proof: (1) It is easy to check that U(x) = Q+(N− F(x) and (2) the expectation of U, denoted Eμ(U), is given by



(3) Following Demongeot and Waku (2012), we have VarμU = VarμF = -Eμ/∂logw, and Eμ is maximal among the proposed entropies

Proposition 2

Let us consider getBren N with T = 0, sequentially or synchronously updated, defined from a potential P defined by



where A, W, and Θ are integer tensor, matrix, and line vector, respectively. Also suppose that



If h denotes the Heaviside function, consider now the potential automaton i defined by



and by the condition xi(t + 1) ≥ 0, if xi(t) = 0, such that the flow remains in Ω. Then, if the tensor A is symmetrical with vanishing diagonal (i.e., if we have the equalities: ∀ i, j, k = 1,…,n, aijk = aikj = akij = ajki = ajik = akji and aiik = 0), and if each submatrix (on any subset J of indices in {1,…,n}) of Ak and W are nonpositive with vanishing diagonal, P decreases on the trajectories of the potential automaton, for any mode of implementation of the dynamics (sequential, block sequential, and parallel). Hence, the stable fixed configurations of the automaton correspond to the minima of its potential P.

Proof: We have, for a discrete function P on Ω:



and the proof is based on the existence of a Lyapunov function proved in Demongeot et al. (2014).

Proposition 3

Let us consider the Hamiltonian getBren, which is a circuit with constant absolute value w for its interaction weights, null threshold Θ , and temperature T equal to 0, sequentially or synchronously updated, whose Hamiltonian H is defined by



which equals the total discrete kinetic energy and the half of the global dynamic frustration D(x(t)). The result remains available if automata network is a circuit in which transition functions are Boolean identity or negation.

Proof: It is easy to check that H(x(t)) = D(x(t))/2.

Proposition 1 is used to estimate the evolution of the robustness of a network because from Demongeot et al. (2014a, 2014b), it results that the quantity E = Eμ − Eattractor (= log2n − Eattractor, if μ is uniform), called evolutionary entropy, serves as a robustness parameter, being related to the capacity that a getBren has to return to μ, the equilibrium measure, after endogenous or exogenous perturbation. Eattractor can be evaluated by the quantity



where m is the number of attractors and Ck = B(Ak)∪Ak is the union of the attractor Ak and of its attraction basin B(Ak). A systematic calculation of Eattractor allows quantifying the complexification of a network ensuring a dedicated regulatory function in different species. For example, the increase of the inhibitory sources in up-trees converging on a conserved subgraph of a genetic network causes a decrease of its attractor number by cutting some inhibited circuits, hence a decrease of Eattractor and an increase of the evolutionary entropy E, showing that the robustness of a network is positively correlated with its connectivity (i.e., the ratio between the numbers of interactions and genes in the network). Propositions 2 and 3 give examples of extreme cases where the networks are either discrete potential (or gradient) systems, generalizing previous works on continuous dynamics in which authors attempt to explicit Waddington and Thom chreode’s energy functions, conserved or dissipated. In Demongeot et al. (2012), a method was proposed for calculating the number of attractors in the case of circuits with Boolean transitions reduced to identity or negation. These results about attractors counting constitute a partial response to the discrete version of the 16th Hilbert’s problem and can be approached by using Hamiltonian energy levels. For example, for a positive circuit of order 8, it is easy to prove that, in case of parallel updating, we have only even values for the global frustration D (they are odd for a negative circuit), corresponding to different values of the period of the attractors (Table 7.6).

Table 7.6

Values of the Global Frustration D, Attractor Numbers and Periods for Positive Circuits of Order 8 with Boolean Transition Identity or Negation

D (Frustration)Attractor NumberAttractor Period

A3 Tangent and intersecting circuits

The study of tangent and intersecting circuits in strong connected components of a genetic network is possible when interactions are either identity or negation (Demongeot et al., 2012; F8.large.jpg), with a mixing rule monotonic when different arcs come on the same node. For example, such circuits with one or two genes in common are shown in Figure 7.10.

Figure 7.10 The two coupled networks Ni (i = 1,2) are each made of the subnetworks Ni and Ni0, whose vertices (or nodes) are denoted as ij (j = 0,…,5) and i0k (k = 0,…,2), respectively.

By looking on the networks of Figure 7.10, we see that each is made of four main paths of opposite senses: two are up (A and C), and two down (B and D), with the respective lengths of A, B, C, and D, and parities of sA, sB, sC, and sD, equal to 1 (resp. − 1) if they have an even (resp. odd) number of negative arcs, with sA = Πa∈A sa,, where the sign sa of the arc a of A is equal to − 1 if a is negative (inhibition) and 1 if a is positive (activation).

For example, in Figure 7.10, the path A of N1 is such as A = 3 and sA = − 1. The main paths have in N1 two common nodes, 10 and 13, and in N2, only one common node 23. Finally, with N1, having four paths and two common nodes, there are four combinations giving four possible circuits (A,B), (B,C), (A,D), and (D,C), with a circuit like (A,C) having the parity sA,C = sA sC. In the following discussion, to facilitate the reasoning, we will suppose that the state 0 of a gene is replaced by the state − 1.

Let us denote as ((J,L),(L,M)) the general couple of circuits inside the set of the six possible couples created from these four circuits. If N((J,K),(L,M)) denotes the number of possible attractors of ((J,K),(L,M)), then the attractor number of N1 is the minimum of the values of N((J,K),(L,M)) for the six couples of circuits. We conjectured (Demongeot and Moreira, 2007) that this number was less than the attractor number of N2, the attractors of N1 being those that allow the two common nodes to have the same state for each couple of circuits.

The minimum can be made more precise: suppose that two circuits (K,L) and (M,) have two common nodes with the same state. Any attractor of these intersected circuits has the same configurations as one of those of the tangent circuits that we can build by decoupling one on their two common nodes. Indeed, if not, there is at least one node different from the common nodes having an asymptotic sequence of states different for N1 and N2. Starting from this node and following the path going from this node to the common node of N2, we would find for this node a sequence of states different that those observed in N2 attractors, which is impossible. This reduces considerably the possible attractors for intersecting circuits, since they must always have the same state on their two intersected nodes. Then, counting attractors corresponds to a known combinatorial problem generalizing the necklace problem (cf. Demongeot et al., 2012; and Table 7.7). Then two new questions remain open:

Q1: Is a given attractor of the network N2 respecting the constraint x200t=x20t)si16_e, identical to an attractor of N2?

Q2: If the answer to Q1 is yes, what are the constraints of its period?

The following propositions partially address Q1 and Q2.

Proposition 4

The attractors of the network N2 respecting the constraint x200t=x20t)si17_e, are the precise attractors of N1.

Proof. From an initial condition identical for N2 and N1, where x2000=x200=x100si18_e, the trajectories are the same for all the nodes, if x200t=x20tsi19_e, for any t ≥ 1. For the node 10 of the network N1, we have, if the mixing rule is monotonic (e.g., ∨ in N1 and N2):



Note that the reasoning would be the same with rule ∧ or any composition of ∨ and ∧.

By imposing x200t=x20tsi19_e, for any t ≥ 1, then sB×x23tB=sD×x23tDsi22_e, and we have in the network N1:



By recurrence on t, this common value for x10tsi24_e, x200tsi25_e and x20tsi26_e is equal to



The same reasoning can apply to t ≡ 1,…, B-1 (mod B). Then, the trajectories being the same, the attractors of N2 with the constraint x200t=x20tsi28_e, are attractors of N1.

Let us consider now an attractor of N1, for which x10(t) = [sB × x13(t- B)] ∨ [sD × x13(t- D)]. If we identify x10tsi24_e and x20tsi26_e, then, if x130=x230si31_e, this attractor is an attractor of N2, where the two circuits (tangent in 23) have the signs sup(sA, sB)sC and sup(sA, sB)sD, respectively, and where x200t=x20tsi32_e


If D= B, the constraint sD = sB is necessary for observing in N2 the coupling x200t=x20tsi32_e. If not, the attractors of N2 are not necessarily attractors of N1.

Proposition 5

The attractors of N2, with the coupling x200t=x20tsi34_e, are characterized by the following property on their period p:

 If sB × sD = 1 (resp. sA × sC = 1), we have

 p divides (sup(B, D) - inf(B, D)) ⇔ p|(sup(B, D) - inf(B, D)) (resp. p divides (sup(A, C) - inf(A,C))⇔ p|(sup(A,C) - inf(A,C))

 if sB × sD = − 1 (resp. sA × sC = − 1), p does not divide (sup(B,D) − inf(B,D)) and p divides 2(sup(B,D) − inf(B,D)) ⇔ ¬[p|(sup(B,D) − inf(B,D))]∧ p|2(sup(B,D) − inf(B,D)) (resp. p does not divide (sup(A,C) − inf(A,C)) and p divides 2(sup(A,C) − inf(A,C)) ⇔ ¬[p|(sup(A,C) − inf(A,C))]∧ p|2(sup(A,C) − inf(A,C)).

Proof. If p denotes the length (or period) of an attractor of N2, with the coupling x200t=x20tsi32_e, then we have






Hence, we have, if sB × sD = 1: x200(t) = x20(t) t ≥ 1, x23(t) = x23(t + sup(B,ℓD) - inf(B,ℓD))



The proof in the case of sB×sD=1si39_e is similar

A4 State-dependent updating schedule

A last important feature of the getBren dynamics is the existence of genes influencing directly the opening of the DNA inside the chromatine, hence allowing or disallowing the gene expression. If these genes are controlled by microRNA, it is necessary to generalize the getBren structure by considering that the possibility to update a block of genes at iteration t depends on the state of r clock genes (i.e., involved in the chromatine updating clock) k1,…kr (like histone acetyltransferase, endonucleases, exonucleases, helicase, replicase, and polymerases) depending on s microRNAs, l1,…,ls. Then the transition for a gene i, such as i, does not belong to {k1,…kr}, could be written as




(i) Pi,gβ({xi(t + 1) = gentityx(t) = β}) = exp[gj∈ Niwijβj-θi)/T]/[1 + exp[(Σj∈ Niwijβj-θi)/T], if microRNAs l1,…,ls are dominant;

(ii) Pi,gβ({xi(t + 1) = βientityx(t) = β}) = 1, if not.

The case (i) implies that ∀ j = 1,…, s, xlj(t-1) = 0. To make the transition rule more precise, we can, for the sake of simplicity, decide that the indices k1,…kr of the r clock genes are 1,…, r and then we have the three possible following behaviors:

 If y(t) = Πi = 1,…,rxi(t) = 1, then rule (ii) is available.

 If y(t) = 0 and Σs = t,…,t-cy(s) > 0, then x(t + 1) = x(t-s*), where s* is the last time before t, where y(s*) = 1.

 If y(t) = 0 and Σs = t,…,t-cy(s) = 0, then x(t + 1) = 0 (by exhaustion of the pool of genes still in expression).

The dynamical system remains autonomous with respect to the time t [i.e., it depends on t only through the set of state variables {x(t-c),…, x(t-1)}], but a theoretical study of its attractors (as in Demongeot et al., 2012), with a state-dependent updating schedule is difficult to perform and will be investigated further in the future.

A5 The circular Hamming distance

The most usual way to compare vectors with values in a finite alphabet is through the Hamming distance. Given two vectors x, y ∈ An, the Hamming distance between them is



In other words, it is the number of positions in which the values of the vectors differ. The function dH is a metric: it is nonnegative and symmetric, it satisfies the triangle inequality, and a null distance implies identity of the vectors. It is also easy to see that



Using this last property, we define the circular Hamming distance between two rings [x] and [y] as



In general, the minimum between two metrics is not necessarily a metric, but here it holds.

Lemma 1

dcH is a metric on An/≡.

Proof. 1. If dcH([x], [y]) = 0, this implies that there exists k such that dH(x, σk(y)) = 0; hence:



2. Let us now prove the symmetry:



3. Let [x], [y], [z] ∈ An/≡. We must show that the triangular inequality is satisfied; i.e., that:



Let i, j be such that: dcH([z], [x]) = dH(z,σi(x)), dcH([z], [y]) = dH(z,σj(y))

In addition, we define



The cumulative distribution function Fn,k of the circular Hamming proximity pcH = n - dcH, defined by k permutations of a ring of length n can be calculated from the cumulative function Gn,p of the binomial law B(n,p) of order n, by the formula:



For example, if n = 22, k = 22, and p = 4/16 = 1/4 (i.e., the case of the circular Hamming distance between a small RNA of length 22 and the sequence AL):



Note the following: the probability that the number of matches of a ring of length 22 with a linear sequence of length 22 is k or more is equal to Pk = 1 − F22,22(k − 1) = 1 − G22,1/4(k-1)22; i.e., the probability that the circular Hamming distance is strictly less than k. For k = 14, P13 = 1 − G22,1/4(12)22:; is about 1.5%. In the same way, the probability P14 = 1-G22,1/4(13)22 is about 0.4‰, and P17 = 1-G22,1/4(16)22 is about 8.8 10- 6. If the linear sequence is of length 129126 (like ciRs7), then the probability to observe at least 17 matches once is about 5%.

In addition, if n = 22 and p = 6/16 = 3/8 = 0.375 (i.e., the case of Hamming proximity with the constraint to match a substring of length 5 like AUGGU or UGGUA and authorize A–U, C–G and U–G coupling, between a small RNA of length 22 containing the substring and the sequence AL):



Hence, the probability P14 = 1-F22(13) that Hamming proximity is 14 or more, is about 1.5‰.

A6 The ArchetypaL sequence AL

In Demongeot and Moreira (2007), a sequence of bases called AL (for ArchetypaL) is described as follows: 5’-UGCCAUUCAAGAUGAAUGGUAC-3’ corresponding to a putative circular RNA with a possible hairpin form (cf. Figure 7.6, and Demongeot and Moreira, 2007; Meyer and Nelson, 2011; Turk-Mcleod et al., 2012; de Vladar, 2012; Yarus, 1988, 2010, 2013). AL can serve as a primitive ribosome in the sense that its circular form can bind any amino acid [with the weak electromagnetic or van der Waals interactions described in the Direct RNA Templating (DRT) hypothesis on the origin of the genetic code, which is still under debate (Demongeot and Moreira, 2007; Meyer and Nelson, 2011; Turk-Mcleod et al., 2012; de Vladar, 2012; Yarus, 1988, 2010, 2013) to one of the triplets of its synonymy class in the genetic code, allowing the formation of small peptides (Yarus, 2013).

The sequence AL share many subsequences, like quintuplets, with small RNAs coming from Rfam (Griffiths-Jones et al., 2005), a database containing information about noncoding RNA families and structured RNA molecules, like transfer RNA (tRNA).

If we compare AL to the sequence of the circular RNA ciRs7, we find qualitative similarities, with 17/22 quintuplets passing the 5% upper threshold of significance (the 5%-threshold number of occurrences of a quintuplet in ciRs being equal to 129126/1024 + 1.6 x 11 = 144) of an unrandom frequency of common triplets (Figure 7.11). The occurrence numbers of the 22 successive quintuplets of AL inside the sequence ciRs7 of length 129126 have the following values, with the local maxima in red:

Figure 7.11 Relative frequencies of AL quintuplets in word matches, with Rfam sequences (Griffiths-Jones et al., 2005) in gray and ciRs7 sequence in red. For better comparison, the values have been normalized into the [0,1] interval by dividing by the maximal frequency (250/129126 for ciRs7). (a) The line is the (also normalized) distance of each base of AL with respect to the two interbase positions marked in (b); (c) shows the circular sequence of AL, with the correspondence with the tRNA loops; (d) shows the values graphed in (a) as shades of gray on the hairpin form of AL (Demongeot, 1978), with white and black representing the minimum and maximum values, respectively.

uucaa (Tψ-loop) 250 ucaag 154 caaga 146 aagau 163 agaug 163 gauga 122 augaa 211 ugaau 238 (articulation loop) gaaug 152 aaugg 145 auggu 156 (D-loop) uggua 120 gguac 62 guacu 90 uacug 143 acugc 129 cugcc 160 (anticodon-loop) ugcca 155 gccau 121 ccauu 198 cauuc 155 auuca 206.

The similarity between the function of circular RNAs, tRNAs and the sequence AL could come from the fact that they are all concerned by the protein synthesis, directly for the tRNAs and its ancestor AL, and indirectly, by inhibiting translational inhibitors as the microRNAs. This functional proximity could explain the frequent presence as relics of subsequences of AL inside the ciRs and tRNAs.

In the case of the tRNAs, the similitude concerns the conserved (inside and between species) bases of their loops (cf. Figure 7.12 and Alexander et al., 2010; Brown et al., 1986; Demongeot and Moreira, 2007; Shigi et al., 2002; Ueda et al., 1992; Yu et al., 2011), as well as of some particular tRNAs, such as where the ordered sequences of the loops is identical to AL except for two bases (Demongeot and Moreira, 2007).

Figure 7.12 Matching of AL bases to the conserved bases of the tRNA loops (after Alexander et al., 2010; Brown et al., 1986; Demongeot and Moreira, 2007; Shigi et al., 2002; Yu et al., 2011).


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