Cloud IoT
An Emerging Computing Paradigm for Smart World

Ruchi Bhatnagar, Prof (Dr.) Paramjeet Rawat and Dr. Amit Garg

School of Computer Science and Applications, IIMT University, Meerut

2.1 Introduction

The IoT has revolutionized and surprised the world by widespread practical applications in multiple fields, such as wearables to health monitoring, traffic management to fleet monitoring, smart homes to smart cities, smart agricultures to manufacturing and industrial plants, smart grids to maintenance management, etc. [1]. It is an emerging model that provides connectivity, intelligence, and identity with scalability the Internet in order to facilitate our lives [2]. It empowers collaboration from anywhere; becomes an important aspect of life that can support and facilitates devices and users. IoT is an invention that puts together wide variety of technologies, frameworks, intelligent devices sensors, and IPv6. Moreover, it takes advantage of data processing at network edges or remote server, quantum and nanotechnology in terms of storage, green computing in terms of environment, processing speed in terms of 5G; which were not conceivable earlier [3]. The IoT is not only dedicated to connect remote devices to achieve flawless functioning and simplify operations but also act as enabler and integrators to build applications, collect data remotely, connect securely, and manage devices. It also helps to overcome many challenges, through increased capacity, greater intelligence, and real-time operational insight to shaping the future world.

For the intelligence and interconnection, IoT is not referred as single technology; rather it is a stack of various technologies and brings competitive IoT devices closer that work together in conjunction. Deploying and managing applications in an IoT scenario can be challenging, costly, time consuming, and require strategic planning especially when computational offloading and security is a concern. The cloud paradigm enables you to increase your margins, provide quickly and faultlessly process of voluminous data, and outperform the competition based scenario and reduce downtime while rapidly deploy applications. Thus, the incorporation of IoT and cloud computing offers data communication, application management, and optimization as more and more devices are coming closer to make a system that drastically changes the potentials of gadgets. The underlying idea behind IoT and the cloud computing is increase efficiency in the day-to-day tasks by ensuring easier exchange of data between IoT devices based on multiple platforms. Since the collaboration relationship is joint, both the services complement each other efficiently. The IoT becomes the source of the services, while the cloud becomes the ultimate destination for underlying infrastructure, servers, and storage. Cloud computing is on demand availability of computing resources via the Internet, such as software, storage, and even infrastructure. The influx of this technology has created a worldwide competitive market, its economical perspectives and increased productivity possibilities are enormous [4]. In cloud computing resources are connected via broadband connections, with the goal of maximizing computing and minimizing cost. Resources accessed by enabling users and download the data on chosen devices as opposed to being physically present. Cloud services are characterized by five key concepts such as on-demand service, broad network access, resource pooling, rapid elasticity, and measured service. As smart world is shaping, a lot of changes are happening; in cloud IoT paradigm; some of these changes will be adaptive and adjustable to meet the ongoing demand of future. Considering all the aspects of smart environment with the cloud computing model the continuous improvement has been desirable for shaping new world. The handshaking of IoT with cloud computing is not a new coin for industries, but needs an ever changing upgradation to meet the successful needs of customers.

This chapter illustrates the brief advancement of cloud computing, cloud IoT recent integration development trends, related issues, and analytical application areas with Cloud IoT infrastructure.

The objectives of this chapter focus on:

  1. An integration view of cloud IoT with advancement.
  2. Summary of key cloud IoT issues.
  3. Particularization of cloud IoT integrated application areas.
  4. Conclusion with future research directions for researchers and practitioners.

The remaining part of the chapter has been organized as follows: segment 2 reviews advanced concepts of cloud computing; segment 3 elaborates IoT and cloud integration paradigm; segment 4 defines advanced cloud IoT integrated technologies, segment 5 briefs related issues faced by IoT-Cloud paradigm; segment 6 elaborates smart application areas; and segment 7 concludes the chapter.

2.2 Cloud Computing

Automation and application are the future proof for IT world. The cloud, with its design, allows powerful and expensive systems, and roll out an entire corporate landscape with no human interaction [5]. It has an enormous growth to deploy and maintain software and is being meet infinite demands of industries widely. It defines a paradigm, in which real-time scalable resources and third-party services, allows access over the Internet rather than having local servers or personal devices. It is the technological model; to use IT infrastructures and provide services by the help of apps and becomes an appropriate resource [6]. Even though there are numerous variations on the functions of cloud computing; it provides technological capabilities such as act tactical enabler, provide simplified management, align loads, broad Network Access, Resource Pooling, and innovative acceleration.

Cloud computing is a model that relies on shipping high volumes and has a very simple concept that can leverage competitive advantage in the IoT. A simple explanation for cloud computing is delivery of different services such as servers, storage, networking, databases, software analytics, intelligence using virtual pool of resources via the Internet, and is available anywhere via net-enabled services. The essence of cloud computing is utility computing. The information being accessed is found in the “cloud” and covers whole range of applications, from monitoring, metering, sensing, to actuating in an IoT scenario. Companies are not required to own their own servers and can use capacity leased from third parties; in addition, executed carefully designed automation strategies and energy-saving plans. It enables to create future-ready innovations across all of leased environments using the newest technologies. The recent sparks in cloud collaboration with IoT solution not only focused on telemetry and data collection from devices but also to fulfill complex scenario, for supporting the business needs. Its new infrastructure is upgrading and comprises many cloud components in terms of automation, smart service design, software changes adoptability, easy to operate, etc. engineered to leverage the power of cloud resources to make the environment resilient to solve business needs constraints. In a traditional design environment, you’ll connect your database to modules, and those modules will connect with an app but as new demands are approaching the environment at a high level, new cloud-native architecture needs; that allows adaptive and agile development of new services with very different set of architectural constraints offered by the cloud compared to traditional application and services. It defines the components as well as the relationships between them and should be largely self-healing, cost efficient, dynamically orchestrated and easily updated and maintained through service-oriented and event-driven strategies.

2.2.1 Cloud Evolution

In the last two decades the cloud and accommodating models have experienced major transformation from cloud hosted to micro services and serverless architecture. The deep insight about these transformations is as follows:

2.2.2 Monolithic Cloud Hosting Architecture

The services of cloud computing hosting started by the first decade of the 21st century. These three tier application use cases require abilities like distributed computing, network, storage, and computation, etc. The consumers were taking advantage of elasticity of the resources to scale up and down based on the demand. The adaptable functionality introduced in Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS) allow for a single instance for the sake of scalability. However, the architecture means that it’s all in one competences cannot pay for the replication of instances for other purposes, such as having multiple versions, or as a by-product of deployments. It offered three different functional areas illustrated in Figure 2.1 .

Figure 2.1  Cloud hosting services.

Infrastructure as a Sservice (IaaS): This one is most malleable from all three flavors of services, but act as a pay-as-per model; allows to outsource their IT infrastructure such as hardware, OS, and networking.

Platform as a Service (PaaS): This service of cloud computing offers platform to their clients for offering to run different business applications; thus the cloud developers does not need to worry about all the server infrastructure, network, and monitoring tasks.

Software as a Service (SaaS): This is a software distribution model; allows users to connect and use software applications as a whole without responsibility even for the application code. This offers a variety of benefit subscription options that provide the software services out of the box but it’s inflexible if the client needs to have any custom business functions outside of what’s offered by the provider.

2.2.3 Micro Service Cloud Architecture

It is an architectural concept with cluster of micro services that differentiate the monolithic paradigm into smaller independent units. They are powerful, and enable smaller teams to own the full-cycle development of specific business and technical capabilities. Developers can deploy or upgrade code at any time without adversely impacting the other parts of the systems (client applications or other services). The services can also be scaled up or down based on demand, at the individual service level. A client application that needs to use a specific business function calls the appropriate micro service without requiring the developers to code the solution from scratch or to package the solution as library in the application. The micro services approach encouraged a contract-driven development between service providers and service consumers. This sped up the overall time of development and reduced dependency among teams. In other words, micro services made the teams more loosely coupled and accelerated the development of solutions, which are critical for organizations, especially the business start-ups.

2.2.4 Serverless Cloud Architecture

A hot trend that revolutionized the world and gained a lot of attention in the last few years is serverless architecture, also recognized as serverless computing. Serverless computing is a step further than the PaaS model in that it scales automatically and fully abstracts from the application developers. In this computing platform, an illusion has been created, originally for the benefits of developers whose business services hosted at cloud; and extended the way people use it.

These backend services provide clients a platform to write and deploy codes without the worrying of underlying infrastructure; and to pay on the basis of computation done instead of fixed charge. The backbone of this computing arena is lower cost, simplified scalability and quicker turnaround time; while the cold start of same requested functions becomes necessary trade-off of Function-as-a-Service (FaaS). Comparative Statistics

The investigation study based upon cloud application functionality and some non-functional requirements, an appropriate monolith, micro services, or serverless model selects for each specific use case. These all are known as solution architecture for clients as per their needs. The comparison statistics of these three depicted in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1  Comparative statistics.

Architecture TypeKey FeatureFunctional ServicesDrawbacks
Monolithic Cloud Hosting ArchitectureEasy to develop, deploy, and scaleApplication that has different modules, where no single developer understands entirely an application; examples ERP, CRMHigh maintenance,difficulty to adopting new and advanced technologies
Micro Service Cloud ArchitectureBetter deployment ability, relatively small and productive, improved fault isolation

Application modules are independent of each other thus known independent deployment object’s and can be scaled independently of other services. examples:

customer service order service and inventory service

Additional complexity,

testing is more difficult, increased memory consumption

Serverless Cloud Architecture

Automatic scalability,

quick start,

pay-as- you-go model

Application modules can be broken down into single functions, and provides actionable results. Examples:

Authentication, notification, event streaming

Shut down when not in use, every new user demanding same functions again needs cold start

While choosing any of appropriate cloud paradigm; the advanced cloud architecture empowers to build and run scalable applications to meet the vision of cloud applications, encouraging the diverse applications facilities; their delivery and integration with IoT based use cases.

2.3 Cloud IoT

The dynamic and global network IoT and on-demand servicing of cloud computing represents bilateral relationship, benefitting from innovation and giving a competitive edge. With connectivity becoming increasingly necessary in our everyday working and social lives. The countless application of IoT is encompassing Internet connectivity among billions of devices and produce a huge amount of data. The production of such big data storage and transformation demand intelligent network control and management solutions while the activities like storage and computation take place in the cloud platform rather than on the device itself. Thus, millions of globally dispersed devices within IoT infrastructure connect and managed and ingest data using cloud services.

It is in combination with other services on a cloud IoT platform, that provides a complete solution for collecting, processing, analyzing, and visualizing IoT data in real time to support improved operational efficiency of the network. Using the cloud also allows for high scalability. When you have hundreds, thousands, or even millions of sensors, putting large amounts of computational power on each sensor would be extremely expensive and energy-intensive. Instead, data can be passed to the cloud from all these sensors and processed there in aggregate. For most of the IoT applications, the master brain of the system is in the cloud; sensors and devices collect data and perform actions, but the data processing, intelligent commanding, and smart data analytics typically happens in the cloud. Nowadays, data, as well as IoT devices, grows exponentially and the data processing and commanding could take place locally rather than in the cloud via an Internet connection; known as “fog computing” or “edge computing,” which makes a lot of sense for energy constraint sensor-based IoT applications and make enabling computer paradigm for smart world. These edge networking and IoT have had a profoundly positive impact on world, however, their recent convergence has surfaced interoperability challenges across platforms, applications, and systems.

Cloud computing and the IoT are two trend technology paradigms of recent time and also two main enablers for smart manufacturing and digitization. The relationship between IoT and cloud computing creates ample opportunity for business to harness exponential growth. Put simply, IoT is the source of data and cloud computing is the location for storage, scale, and speed of access. Smart products can have advantages over their standard variants and customers begin to expect certain levels of monitoring, smartness, and scalability making these technologies more and more a necessity for many enterprises [7]. IoT and cloud computing also complement one another and both working together to provide an overall better IoT service. However, there are crucial differences between them, making each of them an effective technical solution separately, as well as together. The role of cloud computing in IoT works as part of a collaboration and is used to store IoT data. The cloud is a centralized server containing computer resources that can be accessed whenever required. Cloud computing is an easy method of travel for the large data packages generated by the IoT through the Internet. These both in collaboration increasing the efficiency of everyday tasks. While IoT has penetrated mainstream technology and market place, it generates a massive amount of big data. Besides, cloud computing paves the way for this enormous data. From a storage solution to accessing data remotely, IoT and cloud computing builds an integration. Not only storage and access, but there are also many areas where we can do a fit-gap analysis between IoT and cloud computing.

2.3.1 How Does It Work?

Cloud computing and IoT are two enabling technologies often paired together, but it is also necessary to know that how exactly do the two entities interact with each other? While the IoT connectivity could exist without the cloud, it’s safe to say that cloud computing enables many IoT devices to function with much greater power and efficiency. In an IoT network, many IoT sensors (dozens, hundreds, or thousands) collect data and send it to a central location for analysis. This data is important to be analyzed in real time with proper analytics tools so that the faults and failures can be resolved in minimal time, which is the core purpose of this integration. Cloud computing helps by storing all the data from thousands of sensors (IoT) and applying the needed rule engines and analytics algorithms to provide the expected outcomes of those data points. The cloud providers also allow smart companies functionality to store and process copious amounts of data at minimal costs, opening the door to big data analytics. Without the cloud, aggregating IoT data across large areas and different devices is far more complicated. Cloud IoT includes the underlying infrastructure, servers, and storage, needed for real-time operations and processing with services and standards necessary for connecting, managing, and securing different IoT devices and business applications. The integrated cloud IoT architecture is depicted in Figure 2.2.

Figure 2.2  Cloud IoT integrated architecture.

For example, a smart city can benefit from the cloud-based deployment of its IoT systems and applications. A city is likely to deploy many IoT applications, such as applications for smart energy management, smart water management, smart transport management, urban mobility of the citizens, and more. These applications comprise multiple sensors and devices, along with computational components. Furthermore, they are likely to produce very large data volumes. Cloud integration enables the city to host these data and applications in a cost-effective way. Furthermore, the elasticity of the cloud can directly support expansions to these applications, but also the rapid deployment of new ones without major concerns about the provisioning of the required cloud computing resources creates some issues and challenges for smart platform.

2.4 Emerging Concepts of Cloud IoT

The IoT is not a concept but a true technological network of all networks around the world, being able to connect with anything, be it smartphones, vehicles, people, or even animals by identifying them with unique identifiers (UIDs). It is increasing and growing everyday with better ideas because of new advancements in technologies and concepts like smart homes, thermostats, and sensors. Tracing and monitoring different objects is now required for security and comfort. When it met with the cloud, new era of custom tailoring applications led to the development of an extremely profitable deal for people in the near future technologies. Some of its emerging concepts boots up its collaboration and provides numerous resources-based services as defined below.

2.4.1 Edge Computing

The three main gears of the IoT are physical things, communication networks and the cloud. In countless current IoT systems, the actual things have limited computing power and its main purpose is to transmit sensor data over communication networks to a cloud backend. With minimum local data processing involved and the basic approach of performing all processing in the cloud is not scalable and finds its limits as the number of devices sending data grows, or data volume from a device exceeds a certain amount. So that a distributed computing framework called edge computing introduces that brings applications closer to data sources as IoT devices or local edge servers. This belonging of data at edge servers deliver many enterprise benefits such as faster accesses, improved response time, and improved bandwidth availability. This intelligent integration enabled IoT to store, process, and analyze data on the edge of the network, with increasing edge intelligence and connectivity that drives intelligent systems. It states that edge intelligence will be the key value that delivers exceptional growth for IoT implementation. This integrated computing trend by IoT sensor nodes, edge computing, software, and cloud services for a wide array of IoT applications. Edge computing in the context of IoT means that data is processed at the place where it is generated. Pre-processing, filtering, analytics, and even artificial intelligence (AI) are done on the edge device instead of central point. This also helps to reduce latency, data volumes, and loads on cloud infrastructure, while at the same time improving responsiveness, robustness, and resiliency of applications. Edge computing can be done on advanced Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), Programmable Automation Controllers (PACs), Industrial PCs, or IoT gateway devices in industrial IoT applications. Futuristic advancement in networking technologies, such as 5G wireless, are allowing for edge computing systems to accelerate the creation or support of real-time applications, such as video processing and analytics, self-driving cars, AI, and robotics.

2.4.2 Fog Computing

Another advanced cloud IoT integration paradigm is fog computing; it can be seen as an extension of edge computing where computing, storage, control, and networking functions are distributed locally and routed to the cloud using Internet backbone. Fog computing means additional computing and networking layers between edge and the cloud. In nature, fog exists between ground and clouds, same fog computing sits between physical things and cloud computing. An interesting and important aspect of fog computing is that it takes the concepts from cloud computing and brings them closer to the things network. The fog extends the cloud services to be closer to the things network that produce and act on IoT data. These special devices, called fog nodes, can be deployed anywhere with a network connection: for example on a factory floor, on top of a power pole, alongside a railway track, in a vehicle, or on an oil rig. Any device with computing, storage, and network connectivity capability can be a fog node. Examples include industrial controllers, switches, routers, embedded servers, and video surveillance cameras. Fog nodes considered by analyzing the most time-sensitive data at the network edge, close to where it is generated instead of sending vast amounts of IoT data to the cloud, perform action on IoT data in milliseconds, based on policy and sends selected data to the cloud for historical analysis and longer-term storage. Fog computing is not a replacement of cloud computing by any measure, it works in conjunction with cloud computing, optimizing the use of available resources creating data-path hierarchy and transmitting only summary and exception data to the cloud that leads to increased business agility, improved security, and higher quality of service levels.

2.4.3 Mist Computing

While fog computing is the answer to many challenges in the cloud IoT domain, such as high bandwidth requirements and manageability of applications, this concept can be further extended by pushing the computation to the end devices. In fog computing the gateway bears the responsibility for IoT application execution, regardless whether the application is just simple data collection or building automation with many actuation tasks. However, this approach can also have some drawbacks, such as increased delays in applications involving control, unnecessary high bandwidth requirements as all data must move through the gateway. The gateway is a single point of failure for applications that must be executed on the network and the operation of the entire network is dependent on the gateway; then a new concept of mist computing introduces.

Mist computing takes fog computing concepts even further by pushing appropriate computation to the very edge of the network, to the sensor and actuator devices that make up the network. With mist computing the computation is performed at the edge of the network in the microcontrollers in the embedded nodes. The mist computing paradigm decreases latency and further increases the autonomy of a solution. By applying the principles of service-based architecture among the end devices the application can be described as a combination of services, which are dependent on each other. Any device that has access to the network can subscribe to a service that is offered by any of the devices on the network. It is utilized at the extreme edge of a network that consists of microcontrollers and sensors. By working at the extreme edge, mist computing can harvest resources with the help of computation and communication capabilities available on the sensor. Mist computing infrastructure uses microcontrollers and microcomputers to transfer data to fog computing nodes and eventually to the cloud. Using this network infrastructure, arbitrary computations can be processed and managed on the sensor itself. Each device in the network must be aware of its location as most applications tend to be location dependent. The necessary “location awareness” can be created at installation time (by “telling” the device, what its location), or the devices can determine their location autonomously by determining their location relative to some existing beacons, with known locations. Applications will be able to support this relative location functionality and incorporate this into mist. The services provided by end devices may also be requested by mobile devices or servers, in which the service request reaching a specific network is routed to the device, that is able to provide the specific service. This means that in one network end devices and a gateway may be both providing services to the same server. As an example in a building automation scenario we may be interested in room occupancy information for every single room, so all the occupancy sensors in the individual rooms must report information directly to the server, while the operation times of standalone air conditioning (AC) units may be aggregated (in the gateway) to estimate the total power usage of AC units in the building.

2.4.4 Cloudlets

The mobile as well as other IT devices nowadays are being developed embedded with a number of advanced features such as augmented reality, face recognition, natural language processing, gaming, video processing, 3D modeling software, etc. These applications usually are resource-hungry, requiring intensive computation and high energy usage. But the mobile devices are resource constrained in terms of processing power and battery life. So, in order to execute these types of applications, the resource intensive applications are uploaded to the cloud using a mechanism called offloading where all these processing can be carried out in cloud using the resources there, and the results are send back to the IT devices in our hand. Based on the type of tasks and the needed resources, the whole process or a part of the process get offloaded to the cloud for processing. But as I mentioned above in the edge computing section, sending data from data resources to clouds that are miles away have latency and bandwidth issues. And, if there is a situation where the Internet service provider failed to conserve the connection between the device and the cloud server, there will be delays, packet loss, and interrupt user experience. So, in order to avoid and reduce these problems, the cloudlet concept was introduced in a cloud computing paradigm.

A standard definition for cloudlet is “cloudlets are mobility-enhanced small-scale cloud data centers that are located at the edge of the Internet.” So, by using cloudlets, the resource intensive tasks can be offloaded to it for processing hence will reduce latency, bandwidth, and save a lot of time. Cloudlets’ latency and bandwidth advantages are especially relevant in the context of automobiles, to complement vehicle-to-vehicle approaches being explored for real-time control and accident avoidance. During failures, a cloudlet can serve as a proxy for the cloud and perform its critical services. Upon repair of the failure, actions that were tentatively committed to the cloudlet might need to be propagated to the cloud for reconciliation. Including these privacy and security conservation are other benefits of cloudlets. While using cloud for processing, our secure data have to travel to cloud servers’ miles away, hence security of the data will be in sometimes breached. Hence, by using cloudlets, all the private data will be processed at the edge of devices and help in the conservation of the security and privacy of data [810]. Enterprise users must understand that the edge, fog, mist, and cloudlets computing paradigm have their own set of strengths and weakness their conceptual architecture referenced in Figure 2.3.

Figure 2.3  Emerging cloud-IoT integration paradigm.

Understanding and using these paradigms correctly will help in ensuring that the growing number of IoT devices can work efficiently. Also, businesses can utilize fog, mist, edge, and cloudlets computing together to utilize their strengths and minimize their limitations. As these networking architectures complement each other, businesses can use them to design secure, reliable, and highly functional IoT solutions for smart world yet their comparative analysis also requires to choose any one of them or in the form of integration as based upon IoT application use case. The summarization details of these presented in Table 2.2.

Table 2.2  Summarization details of emerging cloud-IoT technologies.

Edge ComputingFog ComputingMist ComputingCloudlets
DevicesDevices where sensors are attachedRouters, switches, access points, gatewaysMicrocontroller at devicesData center in a box
Data ProcessingDirectly on devices where attachedCloud or at local data centerExtreme edge of network that consists of a microcontroller or sensorResource rich computer/cluster
Software ArchitectureLayer 2 edge/ connectivity layerFog abstraction layerBeneath fog abstractionCloudlet agent based layer
Context AwarenessLowMediumLowLow
Accessing MechanismInternetBluetooth, Wi-Fi, mobile networksMobile networkWi-Fi
Specific Application areasconnected homes to perform tasks like turning on the heater or lights in near real timeIn smart cities, where many devices use real-time data to perform various tasksIncredibly useful for IoT in public transportation as the devices may not be stationary and may only serve a singular purposeSupporting resource-intensive and interactive mobile applications by providing powerful computing resources to mobile devices with lower latency

2.5 Advanced Infrastructure of Cloud IoT

The cloud IoT platform must monitor IoT endpoints and event streams, analyze data at the edge and in the cloud, and enable application development and deployment. A smart IoT infrastructure needs, digitization and an interconnected collection of networks that transmit data; and offers economics to applications. Number of advanced cloud-IoT collaboration schemes are in charge of all communications across devices, networks, and cloud services that make up the IoT infrastructure practically feasible as per need of various application scenarios. This chapter elaborates four architecture choices for enabling digital transformation of IoT enabling services, depending on needs.

2.5.1 Monolithic Cloud-IoT Architecture

The oldest and traditional way of integrating applications using monolithic approach comprises a client-side user interface, a server-side application, and a database. It is unified and all the functions are managed and served in one place. It is one large code base and lack of modularity leads to issues that if developers want to update or change something, they access the same code base. So, they make changes in the whole stack at once. In spite of having functionality such as less crosscutting concerns, easier debugging and testing, simple to deploy, and development becomes cumbersome with growing IoT devices and real-time versioning of updates with hard management, not scalable, and sometimes act as a barrier for new technologies. It was designed for application development before the proliferation of public cloud and mobile applications and has difficulty to adapting an application that become too large and complex to make frequent changes. Not only that, but it also requires the maintenance of at least three layers of hardware and software, that can make it inefficient (Figure 2.4).

Figure 2.4  Monolithic cloud IoT integration platform.

2.5.2 Micro Service Cloud-IoT Architecture

Independent components, easier understanding, better scalability, flexibility, and higher level of agility advances the concept of micro service cloud-IoT integration. These independent units carry out every application process as a separate service. So all the services have their own logic and the database as well as perform the specific functions. As each service covers its own scope and can be updated, deployed, and scaled independently the extra complexity, system distribution, cross-cutting concerns, and multitude of independently deployable components testing becomes much harder in this model. While the migrating to micro services cloud-IoT integration allows smooth adding of new SaaS services: anomaly detection, delivery prediction, route recommendations, object detection in logistics, natural language processing for document verification, data mining, and sensor data processing. One of the best choices for creating and running micro services application architectures for IoT is by using containers; that encapsulate a lightweight virtualization runtime environment for your IoT application and allow you to move the application from the developer’s desktop all the way to production deployment. You can run containers on virtual or physical machines in the majority of available operating systems. Containers present a consistent software environment, and you can encapsulate all dependencies of your application as a deployable unit. Containers can run on a laptop, bare metal server, or in a public cloud (see Figure 2.5).

Figure 2.5  Micro service cloud-IoT integration.

2.5.3 Serverless Cloud Integration

An architectural integration with IoT is handling your cloud environment’s underlying servers so that you don’t have to. It allows developers to focus on writing code without needing to worry about deploying, managing, and scaling servers. PaaS, serverless computing allows IoT businesses to offload all of a server’s typical operational backend responsibilities, freeing their developers, and engineers to work on creating new products and services. This service’s architecture solves insights from your global device network with an intelligent IoT platform whose scalable, fully managed integration lets you connect, store, and analyze data at the edge and in the cloud. It is container-based environments; empower to run applications in public, private, and hybrid clouds. It supports people, processes, and technologies to build, deploy, and manage apps that are ready for the cloud. Serverless IoT architecture also help to provide IoT businesses with incredible savings, scalability, and performance. It’s working based on decoupled systems that run in response to actions. This event-driven architecture uses events to trigger and communicate between decoupled services. Electronic Design Automation (EDA) has been here for a long time, but it now has more relevance in the cloud. For the serverless model, there is no server management needed. The serverless model is also quickly scalable (so quick updates and deployment are possible) and it is stateless (see Figure 2.6).

Figure 2.6  Server less cloud IoT platform.

These advanced collaborative platforms facilitates new emerging applications and requires following key principles to follow best practices and work well with integrated platforms and application based use cases of IoT. Resiliency

An evolved cloud models needs deployment across multiple physical data centers, using multiple decoupled tiers of the application, and automating the start-up, shutdown, and migration of application components between cloud locations to ensure resiliency for the application. Semantic Versioning & Parallelization

Designing an application that can execute distinct processes in parallel with other parts of the application will directly impact its ability to have the performance required as it scales up; thus evolving model of cloud platform allowing the same set of functions to execute many times in parallel, or having many distinct functions in the application execute in parallel. Event Driven

Applications that are event-driven are logged and analyzed by advanced machine-learning techniques to enable additional automation to be employed; becomes a key principle requirement of new scenario cloud platform. Security

A secure cloud environment is back bone of all applications to ensure and takes advantages of secure cloud services, design level securities in all layers as well as reduces the blast radius in scale of event failure and breach. Future Proofing

Cloud plays an important role to ensure that an application will continue to evolve along the platform as time and innovation moves on. Implementing key principles will help with future proofing; however, all applications must be optimized through automation and code enhancements constantly to always be able to deliver the best cloud platform results and make the computing more and more pervasive.

2.6 Cloud-IoT Issues

The IoT and cloud computing both are latest technology buzz and megatrend of the computing industry. Cloud computing empowers an appropriate, on-demand, and scalable network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources; while the IoT is a smart technology that helps all networked connected devices to update themselves according to changes in the surrounding environment and to be able to be adopted and work in any other strange environment with high accuracy. The cloud and IoT integration allows new scenarios, for smart services and applications, as SaaS, Data Base as a Service (DBaaS), Video Surveillance as a Service (VSaaS), and many more. As every technology comes with a baggage of some pros and cons; similarly, cloud-IoT integration too comes with its share of issues despite being core strength. This integration also creates some major problems under some rare circumstances. IoT and cloud integration involves several challenges and issues as services interoperability, power and energy efficiency of devices for data transmission and processing, big data generated by several devices, security and privacy, integration methodology, network communications, storage, etc.

2.6.1 Interoperability Issues

Interoperability refers to the basic ability of computerized systems to connect and communicate with one another readily, even if they were developed by different manufacturers in different environment. Being able to exchange information between applications, databases, and other computer systems is crucial for the modern world. The interoperable environment of heterogeneous IoT devices and cloud services is an important issue in a cloud-IoT integrated environment. The key concerning issues of interoperability are technical, syntactic, semantic, and organizational interoperability; that requires a closer look at interactions of the key components in IoT ecosystems regarding different aspects [11].

2.6.2 Energy Efficiency

The integration of the cloud and the IoT is attracting attention to the industry. Particularly, the data (alarm, security, climate, and entertainment) gathered by sensors are transmitted first to the gateway, that then transmits the received sensory data to the cloud that quickly consumes the node energy. Eventually, the cloud stores, analyzes, processes, and transmits the sensed data to the users on demand. During the entire data transmission process, if the data transmission from the sensor nodes to the cloud is not succeeded, data are retransmitted until they are successfully delivered, requires efficient energy mechanism for collaborated environment, and remains a significant open issue. The reliable delivery of data in cloud-based IoT is a big concern for a cloud-IoT environment because of limited power constraint of sensor nodes in IoT [12].

2.6.3 Big Data Generation and Processing

With the evolvement and development of smart home, smart cities, and smart industries; the cloud paradigm empower them to collect huge data by heterogeneous connected devices and exchange to fulfill user needs. As this collaboration technique benefitted users in so many ways some concerning issues include big data is never 100 percent accurate, it’s important to be sure before analyzing data that the sensors function accurately and the quality of the data coming for analysis is reliable and not spoiled with factors such as breakdowns in sensors. The physical layer of paradigm containing connected things generate terabytes of data, and it’s a demanding task to choose which data to store and which to drop while on which data needs quick analysis and which requires deeper analysis needing the advanced cloud models such as edge data analytics, cloud gateway and machine learning modules.

2.6.4 Security and Privacy

The cloud and IoT that refers to the integration of the cloud computing and the IoT, has dramatically changed the way treatments are done in the ubiquitous computing world. This evolving integration has become vital because the important amount of data generated by IoT devices needs the cloud model as a storage and processing infrastructure. The security issues in cloud IoT stay more critical since users and IoT devices continue to share computing as well as networking resources remotely. Among the main concerns of cloud IoT, privacy and data integrity have a great place. The one of main constraint of the exchanged data is sharing of the user’s personal information and keep it safe. Several issues such as the protection of user’s privacy and manufacturer’s IP; the detection of malicious activity and how to block them, come under cloud and IoT security threats [13] as it continuous growth. One particularly important issue that has not yet been solved is how to provide appropriate authorization policies and rules while ensuring that only authorized users have access to the sensitive data.

2.6.5 Integration Methodology

Cloud computing has resolved most of IoT issues. Truly, the IoT and cloud are two comparatively challenging technologies, and are being combined in order to change the current and future environment of Internet-working services [14]. This needed a standardization mechanism, standard protocol formats, high bandwidth, compatible architecture, and standard application programming interfaces to allow for interconnection between heterogeneous smart things and the generation of new services, which make up the successful integration of cloud-based IoT paradigm.

2.7 Application Areas

An IoT enables an innumerable benefits of different business applications and promises to bring immense value into our lives with superior sensors, excellent technologies, and revolutionary computing capabilities. There are many IoT applications and it continues to increase.Some of these IoT applications currently penetrating the technological worldinclude the following.

2.7.1 Smart Home Applications

Smart homes are probably the most common and have revolved around the Internet for a long time. Smart home devices gather and disseminate information with one another in an integrated platform and automate their response actions based on the owner’s preference. Building smart home automation using IoT helps us manage our lives but as the technologies advances, the main aim of the manufacturers and designers changes their working principles into reducing the controlling and monitoring methods for all functions of the smart applications. The idea cloud IoT comes into our lives as a boon and enables all devices to use Internet connection and cloud storing platforms to work wirelessly and sometimes operation-based. When sensors are attached to them, as part of physical layer the appliances designed by the intent of the smart home concept are able to be used without touching. The systems are controlled with the help of the applications on smartphones or other devices as well as with the voice recognition option.

2.7.2 Smart Health Care

There is a huge applicability of technology, data, and communication methodologies to improve health-care solutions through telehealth and telemedicine. Health-care queries is emerging across the globe, there is a growing number of patients being remotely treated globally. The smart IoT wearables like fitness bands and blood pressure monitors to help patient’s health. Numerous alert mechanisms put in smart devices to notify doctors or family members in the case of emergencies. For the physicians, IoT revolutionized their dealing with patient as it becomes easy to get into the history of a patient and access real-time health data easily. Efficiency of clinical trials increased day-by-day with real-time health data. Different health insurance companies, nowadays, collect data through IoT devices and store them in the cloud, to track the routine activities of a patient, whether they are obeying to their treatment plans or even looking into the operation processes. These smart systems automate the workflow and provide effective health-care services to the patients.

2.7.3 Smart Cities

Smart city is a futuristic powerful application of IoT creating huge curiosity among the world’s population. Smart scrutiny, computerized transportation, smarter energy management systems, smart water distribution, urban security, and environmental monitoring all are examples of IoT applications for smart cities. In these cities, IoT with collaboration of other enabling technologies is used for several reasons like traffic management, public transportation, parking, utility billing, etc. With the integration of sensors, GPS data collection with cloud platforms, it will be stress-free to monitor traffic conditions of a specific area, plan construction program by predicting its influence on traffic, and finding new alternative routes whenever necessary.

2.7.4 Smart Waste Management

One of the important IoT application is selecting the right route for garbage trucks. With powerful smart waste management, IoT applications can notify truck drivers about filled dustbins and set a route for them so that they do not have to waste time by exploring locations with empty dustbins. These devices and integrated platforms also help in developing smart bins, that is, trash bins that can segregate waste into categories like plastic, metal, glass, or paper.

2.7.5 Tackling Industrial Issues

In the manufacturing Industries, IoT can be used in asset management and inventory management. Implanting IoT in the manufacturing sector can help in tracking the efficiency of the systems being used, detect any errors in the machinery, detect causes of lack of efficiency, etc. IoT in the industry can help in tackling unplanned downtime and system failures can result in life-threatening situations too.

2.7.6 Outdoor Surveillance

In smart cities IoT closed-circuit TV cameras combined with AI and machine vision, automate the surveillance of streets and live streaming. These devices also provide the great line of defense mechanism for homes in indoor or outdoor environments.

2.7.7 Smart Workplace

Smart tech solutions for wearable IoT devices take us into a paperless work environment revolutionized by the COVID-19 pandemic. The augmented reality, virtual reality, and extended reality being adopted bynumber of devices to develop smart workplace for the future of the world.

2.7.8 Smart Metering and Smart Grid

Smart metering and smart grid systems change the way of energy distribution within cities. This application of IoT help consumers for smart decisions about energy consumption, transparency of electricity bills, and value added services of utility companies, A smart grid basically promises to extract information on the behaviors of consumers and electricity suppliers in an automated fashion to improve the efficiency, economics, and reliability of electricity distribution. The smart grid also paves new ways to allow real-time data monitoring and electricity demand. These applications involve computer intelligence for the efficient resources management, outage management, load distribution, and fault detection and repairs.

2.7.9 Smart Farming

Smart farming has gain popularity and potential; that farmers can used for applications for optimizing a lot of diverse activities. These applications increase the efficiency of precise farming operations and reduced the labor extent of farming process. Smart farms can revolutionize the agriculture industry and to boost automated tasks and crop quality and quantity.

2.7.10 Smart Tracking and Monitoring System

Asset tracking is an important part of some businesses Global Positioning System (GPS) or radio frequency (RF) are used to track and monitor assets and equipment. The smart devices can be used for long-range identification and verification of assets; which is highly desirable as the online market is growing fast.

The applications of IoT with cloud technologies are numerous; and touched all aspects of life; because it is adjustable to almost any technology that is capable of providing relevant information about its own operation, about the performance of an activity and even about the environmental conditions that we need to monitor and control at a distance. Some of their key enabling services are listed in Table 2.3 .

Table 2.3  Key service areas of smart cloud IoT.

S.no.Application AreaKey Services
1Smart Home ApplicationsSmart thermostats, smart lighting, smart locks, solar power surfaces, etc.
2Smart Health CareProvide medical coverage of patients by remote monitoring and preventive care
3Smart CitiesProvides the smart cities ideas and operations using real- time applications
4Smart Waste ManagementOptimize driver routes and schedules to pick up community bins and replace with empty ones
5Tackling Industrial IssuesEvolve factory ecosystem with IoT, security assessment with IoT, implant manufacturing automation
6Outdoor SurveillancePublic safety, connected cars, traffic management
7Smart WorkplaceMulti-location office management, employee on-boarding, restricted access and control
8Smart Metering and Smart GridProvide interface between you and your energy provider, enables energy management System (EMS), helping to balance the energy load in your area
9Smart FarmingImplement smart irrigation, autonomous harvesting, smart pest management
10Smart Tracking and Monitoring SystemPinpoint the location of any entity, device management, trip history, schedule preventative maintenance, and reminders

2.8 Conclusion

The future of smart world largely impacted by cloud computing and IoT integration. Since, the adoption of the cloud IoT paradigm enabled several new applications, many of issues are also arising. Unfortunately, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to the cloud integration with IoT. Since in some cases, monolithic collaborative applications are the best fit; while micro services offer a ton of promise to agile implementation and development, and the advent of real-time serverless integration also revolutionized and changed the working principles of huge heterogeneous IoT enabled applications by going to create an opportunity to redefine the complete application stack, and the way software is written and applications are built. As these tech bond integration trends; those who are still struggling with how to adapt to endless recent innovations such as cloud, containers and micro services, serverless computing may appear to be yet another headache to endure and be a part of an existential mistake. The critical issues and their appropriate solutions identify recent research directions in the field of cloud IoT. The collaborated cloud-IoT application scenarios also poses important research challenges such as the devices and technologies has heterogeneous in nature; their performance, reliability, scalability, security, and privacy preservation. The advantages of transferring IoT services to the cloud may depend on the necessities and boundaries of the specific use case. In spite of many concerns when standards and regulations were accepted worldwide; cloud IoT revolutionized the smart world.


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