1. Accustoming Yourself to Ruby

With each programming language you learn, it’s important to dig in and discover its idiosyncrasies. Ruby is no different. While it borrows heavily from the languages that proceeded it, Ruby certainly has its own way of doing things. And sometimes those ways will surprise you.

We begin our journey through Ruby’s many features by examining its unique take on common programming ideas. That is, those that impact every part of your program. With these items mastered, you’ll be prepared to tackle the chapters that follow.

Item 1: Understand What Ruby Considers To Be True

Every programming language seems to have its own way of dealing with Boolean values. Some languages only have a single representation of true or false. Others have a confusing blend of types that are sometimes true and sometimes false. Failure to understand which values are true and which are false can lead to bugs in conditional expressions. For example, how many languages do you know where the number zero is false? What about those where zero is true?

Ruby has its own way of doing things, Boolean values included. Thankfully, the rule for figuring out if a value is true or false is pretty simple. It’s different than other languages, which is the whole reason this item exists, so make sure you understand what follows. In Ruby, every value is true except false and nil.

It’s worth taking a moment and thinking about what that means. While it’s a simple rule, it has some strange consequences when compared with other mainstream languages. In a lot of programming languages the number zero is false, with all other numbers being true. Using the rule just given for Ruby, zero is true. That’s probably one of the biggest gotchas for programmers coming to Ruby from other languages.

Another trick that Ruby plays on you if you’re coming from another language is the assumption that true and false are keywords. They’re not. In fact, they’re best described as global variables that don’t follow the naming and assignment rules. What I mean by that is that they don’t begin with a “$” character like most global variables and they can’t be used as the left-hand side of an assignment. In all other regards though, they’re global variables. See for yourself:

irb> true.class
---> TrueClass

irb> false.class
---> FalseClass

As you can see, true and false act like global objects, and like any object, you can call methods on them. (Ruby also defines TRUE and FALSE constants that reference these true and false objects.) They also come from two different classes: TrueClass and FalseClass. Neither of these classes allow you to create new objects from them, true and false are all we get. Knowing the rule Ruby uses for conditional expressions, you can see that the true object only exists for convenience. Since false and nil are the only false values, you don’t need the true object in order to return a true value. Any non-false, non-nil object can do that for you.

Having two values to represent false and all others to represent true can sometimes get in your way. One common example is when you need to differentiate between false and nil. This comes up all time in objects that represent configuration information. In those objects, a false value means that something should be disabled, while a nil value means an option wasn’t explicitly specified and the default value should be used instead. The easiest way to tell them apart is by using the nil? method, which is described further in Item 2. Another way is by using the “==” operator with false used as the left operand:

if false == x

With some languages there’s a stylistic rule that says you should always use immutable constants as the left-hand side of an equality operator. That’s not why I’m recommending false as the left operand to the “==” operator. In this case, it’s important for a functional reason. Placing false on the left-hand side means that Ruby parses the expression as a call to the FalseClass#== method (which comes from the Object class). We can rest safely knowing that this method only returns true if the right operand is also the false object. On the other hand, using false as the right operand may not work as expected since other classes can override the Object#== method and loosen the comparison:

irb> class Bad
       def == (other)

irb> false == Bad.new
---> false

irb> Bad.new == false
---> true

Of course, something like this would be pretty silly. But in my experience, that means it’s more likely to happen. (By the way, we’ll get more into the “==” operator in Item 12.)

Things to Remember

• Every value is true except false and nil.

• Unlike in a lot of languages, the number zero is true in Ruby.

• If you need to differentiate between false and nil, either use the nil? method or use the “==” operator with false as the left operand.

Item 2: Treat All Objects As If They Could Be nil

Every object in a running Ruby program comes from a class that, in one way or another, inherits from the BasicObject class. Imagining how all these objects relate to one another should conjure up the familiar tree diagram with BasicObject at the root. What this means in practice is that an object of one class can be substituted for an object of another (thanks to polymorphism). That’s why we can pass an object that behaves like an array—but is not actually an array—to a method which expects an Array object. Ruby programmers like to call this “duck typing”. Instead of requiring that an object be an instance of a specific class, duck typing shifts the focus to what the object can do, in other words, interface over type. In Ruby terms, duck typing means you should prefer using the respond_to? method over the is_a? method.

In reality though, it’s rare to see a method inspect its arguments using respond_to? in order to make sure it supports the correct interface. Instead, we tend to just invoke methods on an object and if the object doesn’t respond to a particular method, we leave it up to Ruby to raise a NoMethodError exception at runtime. On the surface, it seems like this could be a real problem for Ruby programmers. Well, just between you and me, it is. It’s one of the core reasons testing is so very important. There’s nothing stopping you from accidentally passing a Time object to a method expecting a Date object. These are the sorts of mistakes we have to tease out with good tests. And thanks to testing, these types of problems can be avoided. There’s one particular kind of these polymorphic substitutions, however, that plagues even well tested applications:

undefined method `fubar' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)

This is what happens when you call a method on an object and it turns out to be that pesky nil object, the one and only object from the NilClass class. Errors like this tend to slip through testing only to show up in production when a user does something out of the ordinary. Another situation where this can occur is when a method returns nil and then that return value gets passed directly into another method as an argument. There’s a surprisingly large number of ways that nil can unexpectedly get introduced into your running program. The best defense is to assume that any object might actually be the nil object. This includes arguments passed to methods and return values from them.

One of the easiest ways to avoid invoking methods on the nil object is by using the nil? method. It returns true if the receiver is nil and false otherwise. Of course, nil objects are always false in a Boolean context, so the if and unless expressions work as expected. All of the following lines are equivalent to one another:

person.save if person
person.save if !person.nil?
person.save unless person.nil?

It’s often easier to explicitly convert a variable into the expected type rather than worry about nil all the time. This is especially true when a method should produce a result even if some of its inputs are nil. The Object class defines several conversion methods which can come in handy in this case. For example, the to_s method converts the receiver into a string:

irb> 13.to_s
---> "13"

irb> nil.to_s
---> ""

As you can see, NilClass#to_s returns an empty string. What makes to_s really nice is that String#to_s simply returns self without performing any conversion or copying. If a variable is already a string then using to_s will have minimal overhead. However, if nil somehow winds up where a string is expected, to_s can save the day. As an example, suppose a method expects one of its arguments to be a string. Using to_s, you can hedge against that argument being nil:

def fix_title (title)

The fun doesn’t stop there. As you’d expect, there’s a matching conversion method for almost all of the built-in classes. Here are some of the more useful ones as they apply to nil:

irb> nil.to_a
---> []

irb> nil.to_i
---> 0

irb> nil.to_f
---> 0.0

When multiple values are being considered at the same time, you can make use of a neat trick from the Array class. The Array#compact method returns a copy of the receiver with all nil elements removed. It’s common to use it for constructing a string out of a set of variables that might be nil. For example, if a person’s name is made up of first, middle, and last components—any of which might be nil—then you can construct a complete full name with the following code:

name = [first, middle, last].compact.join(" ")

The nil object has a tendency of sneaking into your running programs when you least expect it. Whether it’s from user input, an unconstrained database, or methods that return nil to signal failure, always assume that every variable could be nil.

Things to Remember

• Due to the way Ruby’s type system works, any object can be nil.

• The nil? method returns true if its receiver is nil and false otherwise.

• When appropriate, use conversion methods such as to_s and to_i to coerce nil objects into the expected type.

• The Array#compact method returns a copy of the receiver with all nil elements removed.

Item 3: Avoid Ruby’s Cryptic Perlisms

If you’ve ever used the Perl programming language then you undoubtedly recognize its influence on Ruby. The majority of Ruby’s perlisms have been adopted in such a way that they blend perfectly with the rest of the ecosystem. Others, however, either stick out like an unnecessary semicolon or are so obscure that they leave you scratching your head trying to figure out how a particular piece of code works.

Over the years, as Ruby matured, alternatives to some of the more cryptic perlisms were added. As more time went on, some of these holdovers from Perl were deprecated or even completely removed from Ruby. Yet, a few still remain, and you’re likely to come across them in the wild. This item can be used as a guide to deciphering those perlisms while acting as a warning to avoid introducing them into your own code.

The corner of Ruby where you’re most likely to encounter features borrowed from Perl is a set of cryptic global variables. In fact, Ruby has some pretty liberal naming rules when it comes to global variables. Unlike with local variables, instance variables, or even constants, you’re allowed to use all sorts of characters as variable names, including numbers. Recalling that global variables begin with a “$” character, consider this:

def extract_error (message)
  if message =~ /^ERROR:s+(.+)$/
    "no error"

There are two perlisms packed into this code example. The first is the use of the “=~” operator from the String class. It returns the position within the string where the right operand (usually a regular expression) matches, or nil if no match can be found. When the regular expression matches, several global variables will be set so you can extract information from the string. In this example, I’m extracting the contents of first capture group using the $1 global variable. And this is where things get a bit weird. That variable might look and smell like a global variable, but it surely doesn’t act like one.

The variables created by the “=~” operator are called special global variables. That’s because they’re scoped locally to the current thread and method. Essentially, they’re local values with global names. Outside of the extract_error method from the previous example, the $1 “global” variable is nil, even after using the “=~” operator. In the example, returning the value of the $1 variable is just like returning the value of a local variable. The whole situation can be confusing. The good news is that it’s completely unnecessary. Consider this alternative:

def extract_error (message)
  if m = message.match(/^ERROR:s+(.+)$/)
    "no error"

Using String#match is much more idiomatic and doesn’t use any of the special global variables set by the “=~” operator. That’s because the match method returns a MatchData object (when the regular expression matches) and it contains all of the same information that was previously available in those special global variables. In this version of the extract_error method, you can see that using the index operator with a value of 1 gives you the same string that $1 would have given you in the previous example. The bonus feature is that the MatchData object is a plain old local variable and you get to choose the name of it. (It’s fairly common to make an assignment inside the conditional part of an if expression like this. That said, it’s all too easy to use “=” when you really meant “==”. Watch out for these sorts of mistakes.)

Besides those set by the “=~” operator, there are other global variables borrowed from Perl. The one you’re most likely to see is $:, which is an array of strings representing the directories where Ruby will search for libraries that are loaded with the require method. Instead of using the $: global variable, you should use its more descriptive alias: $LOAD_PATH. As a matter of fact, there are more descriptive versions for all of the other cryptic global variables such as $; and $/. There’s a catch though. Unlike with $LOAD_PATH, you have to load a library to access the other global variable’s aliases:


Once the English library is loaded, you can replace all those strange global variables by their longer, more descriptive aliases. For a full list of these aliases, take a look at the documentation for the English module.

There’s one last perlism that you should be aware of. Not surprisingly, it also has something to do with a global variable. Consider this:

while readline
  print if ~ /^ERROR:/

If you think this code is a bit obfuscated, then congratulations, you’re in good company. You might be wondering what the print method is actually printing, and what that regular expression is matching against. It just so happens that all of the methods in this example are working with a global variable. The $_ variable to be more precise.

So, what’s going on here? It all starts with the readline method. More specifically, it’s the Kernel#readline method. (We’ll dig more into how Ruby determines that readline in this context is from the Kernel module in Item 6.) This version of readline is subtlety different from its counterpart in the IO class. You can probably gather that it reads a line from standard input and returns it. The subtle part is that it also stores that line of input in the $_ variable. (Kernel#gets does the same thing but doesn’t raise an exception when the end-of-file marker is reached.) In a similar fashion, if Kernel#print is called without any arguments, it will print the contents of the $_ variable to standard output.

You can probably guess what that unary “~” operator and the regular expression are doing. The Regexp#~ operator tries to match the contents of the $_ variable against the regular expression to its right. If there’s a match, it returns the position of the match, otherwise it returns nil. While all these methods might look like they are somehow magically working together, you now know that it’s all thanks to the $_ global variable. But why does Ruby even support this?

The only legitimate use for these methods (and the $_ variable) is for writing short, simple scripts on the command line, so-called “one liners”. This allows Ruby to compete with tools such as Perl, awk, and sed. When you’re writing real code you should avoid methods which implicitly read from, or write to, the $_ global variable. These include other similar Kernel methods which I haven’t listed here such as chomp, sub, and gsub. The difference with those is that they can no longer be used in recent versions of Ruby without either using the “-n” or the “-p” command line option to the Ruby interpreter. That is, it’s like these methods don’t even exist without one of those command line options. That’s a good thing.

Now you can see how some of the more cryptic perlisms can affect the readability, and thus maintainability, of your code. Especially those obscure global variables and the ones that are global in name only. Prefer to use the more Ruby-like methods (String#match vs. String#=~) and the longer, more descriptive names for global variables ($LOAD_PATH vs. $:).

Things to Remember

• Prefer String#match to String#=~. The former returns all the match information in a MatchData object instead of several special global variables.

• Use the longer, more descriptive global variable aliases as opposed to their short cryptic names (e.g. $LOAD_PATH instead of $:). Most of the longer names are only available after loading the English library.

• Avoid methods which implicitly read from, or write to, the $_ global variable (e.g. Kernel#print, Regexp#~, etc.)

Item 4: Be Aware That Constants Are Mutable

If you’re coming to Ruby from another programming language, there’s a good chance that constants don’t behave the way you expect them to. Before we dig into that though, let’s review what Ruby considers to be a constant.

When you first learned Ruby you were probably taught that constants are identifiers which are made up of uppercase alphanumeric characters and underscores. Some examples include STDIN, ARGV, and RUBY_VERSION. But that’s not the entire story. In reality, a constant is any identifier which begins with an uppercase letter. This means that identifiers like String and Array are also constants. That’s right, the names of classes and modules are actually constants in Ruby. With that in mind, let’s take a closer look at how constants differ from other variable-like things in Ruby.

As their name suggests, constants are meant to remain unchanged during the lifetime of a program. You might assume, therefore, that Ruby would prevent you from altering the value stored in a constant. Well, that assumption would be wrong. Consider this:

module Defaults
  NETWORKS = ["192.168.1", "192.168.2"]
def purge_unreachable (networks=Defaults::NETWORKS)
  networks.delete_if do |net|
    !ping(net + ".1")

If you invoke the purge_unreachable method without an argument, it will accidentally mutate a constant. It will do this without so much as a warning from Ruby. Essentially, constants are more like global variables than unchanging values. If you think about it, since class and module names are constants, and you can change a class at anytime (e.g. add methods), then the objects referenced by constants need to be mutable in Ruby. That’s fine for classes and modules, but not so great for the values we actually want to be constant and immutable. Thankfully, there’s a solution to this problem, the freeze method:

module Defaults
  NETWORKS = ["192.168.1", "192.168.2"].freeze

With this change in place, the purge_unreachable method will raise a RuntimeError exception if it tries to alter the array referenced by the NETWORKS constant. As a general rule of thumb, always freeze constants to prevent them from being mutated. Unfortunately, freezing the NETWORKS array isn’t quite enough. Consider this:

def host_addresses (host, networks=Defaults::NETWORKS)
  networks.map {|net| net << ".#{host}"}

The host_addresses method will modify the elements of the NETWORKS array if it isn’t given a second argument. While the NETWORKS array itself is frozen, its elements are still mutable. You might not be able to add or remove elements from the array, but you can surely make changes to the existing elements. Therefore, if a constant references a collection object such as an array or hash, freeze the collection and its elements:

module Defaults

(If you happen to be using Ruby 2.1 or later you can make use of a trick from Item 47 and freeze the string literals directly. This might save you a bit of memory while keeping the elements from accidentally being mutated.)

Freezing a constant will change an obscure, hard to track down bug, into an exception. That’s an obvious win. Unfortunately, it’s still not enough. Even if you freeze the object that a constant refers to, you can still cause problems by assigning a new value to an existing constant. See for yourself:

irb> TIMEOUT = 5
---> 5

irb> TIMEOUT += 5
(irb):2: warning: already initialized constant TIMEOUT
(irb):1: warning: previous definition of TIMEOUT was here
---> 10

As you can see, assigning a new value to an existing constant is perfectly legal in Ruby. You can also see that Ruby produces a warning telling us that we’re redefining a constant. But that’s it, just a warning. Thankfully, if we take things into our own hands, we can make Ruby raise an exception if we accidentally redefine a constant. The solution is a bit clumsy, and may be too heavy-handed for some situations, but it’s simple. To prevent assigning new values to existing constants, freeze the class or module they’re defined in. You may even want to structure your code so that all constants are defined in their own module, isolating the affects of the freeze method:

module Defaults


There are three levels of freezing you should consider when defining constants. The first two are easy, freeze the object that the constant references and the module the constant is defined in. Those two steps prevent the constant from being mutated or assigned to. The third is a bit more complicated. We saw that if a constant references an array of strings, we needed to freeze the array and the elements. In other words, you need to deeply freeze the object the constant refers to. Each constant will be different, just make sure it’s completely frozen.

Things to Remember

• Always freeze constants to prevent them from being mutated.

• If a constant references a collection object such as an array or hash, freeze the collection and its elements.

• To prevent assigning new values to existing constants, freeze the module they’re defined in.

Item 5: Pay Attention to Runtime Warnings

Ruby programmers enjoy a shortened feedback loop while writing, executing, and testing code. Being interpreted, the complication phase isn’t present in Ruby. Or is it? Certainly Ruby must do some of same things that a compiler does, such as parsing our source code. When you give your Ruby code to the interpreter, it has to perform some compiler-like tasks before it starts to execute the code. It’s useful to think about Ruby working with our code in two phases, compile time and run time.

Parsing and making sense of our code happens at compile time. Executing that code happens at run time. This distinction is especially important when you consider the various types of warnings that Ruby can produce. Warnings emitted during the compilation phase usually have something to do with syntax problems that Ruby was able to work around. Run time warnings, on the other hand, can indicate sloppy programming that might be the source of potential bugs. Paying attention to these warnings can help you fix mistakes before they become real problems. Before we talk about how to enable the various warnings in Ruby, let’s explore a few of the common warning messages and what causes them.

Warnings emitted during the compilation phase are especially important to pay attention to. The majority of them are generated when Ruby encounters ambiguous syntax and proceeds by picking one of many possible interpretations. You obviously don’t want Ruby guessing what you really meant. Imagine what would happen if a future version of Ruby changed its interpretation of ambiguous code and your program started behaving differently! By paying attention to these types of warnings you can make the necessary changes to your code and completely avoid the ambiguity in the first place. Here’s an example where the code isn’t completely clear and Ruby produces a warning:

irb> "808".split /0/
warning: ambiguous first argument; put parentheses or even spaces

When Ruby’s parser reaches the first forward slash, it has to decide if it’s the beginning of a regular expression literal, or if it’s the division operator. In this case, it makes the reasonable assumption that the slash starts a regular expression and should be the first argument to the split method. But it’s not hard to see how it could also be interpreted as the division operator with the output of the split command being its left operand. The warning itself is generic, and only half of it is helpful. The fix is simple enough though, use parentheses:

irb> "808".split(/0/)
---> ["8", "8"]

If you send your code through Ruby with warnings enabled you’re likely to see other warnings related to operators and parentheses. The reason is nearly always the same. Ruby isn’t 100% sure what you mean and picks the most reasonable interpretation. But again, do you really want Ruby guessing what you mean or would you rather be completely clear from the start? Here are two more examples of ambiguous method calls which are fixed by adding parentheses around the arguments:

irb> dirs = ['usr', 'local', 'bin']

irb> File.join *dirs
warning: `*' interpreted as argument prefix

irb> File.join(*dirs)
---> "usr/local/bin"

irb> dirs.map &:length
warning: `&' interpreted as argument prefix

irb> dirs.map(&:length)
---> [3, 5, 3]

Other useful warnings during the compilation phase have to do with variables. For example, Ruby will warn you if you assign a value to a variable, but then never end up using it. This might mean you’re wasting a bit of memory but could also mean you’ve forgotten to include a value in your calculation. You’ll also receive a warning if you create two variables with the same name in the same scope, so-called variable shadowing. This can happen if you accidentally specify a block argument with the same name as a variable that’s already in scope. Both types of variable warnings can be seen in this example:

irb> def add (x, y)
       z = 1
       x + y
warning: assigned but unused variable - z

irb> def repeat (n, &block)
       n.times {|n| block.call(n)}
warning: shadowing outer local variable - n

As you can see, these compile time warnings don’t necessarily mean that you’ve done anything wrong, but they certainly could mean that. The best course of action is therefore to review the warnings and make changes to your source code accordingly. The same can also be said of warnings generated while your code is executing, or what I call run time warnings. These are warnings that can only be detected after your code has done something suspicious such as accessing an uninitialized instance variable or redefining an existing method. Both of which could have been done on purpose or on accident. Like the other warnings we’ve seen, these are easy to remedy.

I think you get the point, so I won’t enumerate a bunch of descriptive, easy to fix run time warnings for you. Instead, I’d rather show you how to enable warnings in the first place. Here again, it becomes important to distinguish between compile time and run time. If you want Ruby to produce warnings about your code as it’s being parsed, you need to make sure the interpreter’s warning flag is enabled. That might be as easy as passing the “-w” command line option to Ruby:

ruby -w script.rb

For some types of applications, it’s not that simple. Perhaps your Ruby program is being started automatically by a web server or a background job processing server. More commonly, you’re using something like Rake to run your tests and you want warnings enabled. When you can’t enable warnings by giving the interpreter the “-w” command line option, you can do it indirectly by setting the RUBYOPT environment variable. How you set this variable will depend on the operating system and how your application is being started. What’s most important is that the RUBYOPT environment variable be set to “-w” within the environment where your application is going to run before Ruby starts.

(I should also mention that if you’re using Rake to run your tests you have another option available for enabling warnings. Item 36 includes an example Rakefile that does just that.)

Now, there’s one last way to enable warnings. It’s poorly documented and as a result causes a lot of confusion. Within your program you can inspect and manipulate the $VERBOSE global variable (and its alias, $-w). If you want all possible warning messages then you should set this variable to true. Setting it to false lowers the verbosity (producing fewer warnings) and setting it to nil disables warnings altogether. You might be thinking to yourself, “Hey, if I can set $VERBOSE to true, then I don’t need to mess around with this ‘-w’ business.” This is where the distinction between compile time and run time really helps.

If you don’t use the “-w” command line option with the Ruby interpreter, but instead rely upon the $VERBOSE variable, you won’t be able to see compile time warnings. That’s because setting the $VERBOSE global variable doesn’t happen until your program is running. By that time the parsing phase is over and you’ve missed all the compile time warnings. Therefore, there are two guidelines to follow. First, enable compile time warnings by using the “-w” command line option to the Ruby interpreter or by setting the RUBYOPT environment variable to “-w”. Second, control run time warnings using the $VERBOSE global variable.

My recommendation is to always enable compile time and run time warnings during application development and while tests are running. If you absolutely must disable run time warnings, do so by temporarily setting the $VERBOSE global variable to nil.

Unfortunately, enabling warning messages comes with a warning of its own. I’m saddened to report that it’s not common practice to enable warnings. Therefore, if you’re using any Ruby Gems and enable warnings, you’re likely to get a lot of warnings originating from within them. This may strongly tempt you to subsequently disable warnings. Thankfully, when Ruby prints warnings to the terminal it includes the file name and line number corresponding to the warning. It shouldn’t be too hard for you to write a script to filter out unwanted warnings. Even better, become a good open source citizen and contribute fixes for any gems which are being a little sloppy and producing warnings.

Things to Remember

• Use the “-w” command line option to the Ruby interpreter to enable compile time and run time warnings. You can also set the RUBYOPT environment variable to “-w”.

• If you must disable run time warnings, do so by temporarily setting the $VERBOSE global variable to nil.

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