
1Numerous other significances are attributable in that theory to illustrate specific features.
2Please note that this itemization is just meant as a reference to this particular approach. For more details, please refer to the respective literature.
3However, by esoterical understanding, energy is also considered as some sort of reasonable notion.
4It would appear somehow awkward to define a quantity that can only decrease.
5Effectiveness is the ratio of an achieved to an intended effect, for example, to crack a nut with is sledgehammer is quite effective.
6Efficiency is the ratio of the achieved effect to the efforts required, for example, to crack a nut with a nutcracker is more efficient.
7Taylor (1911), p. 15.
11Please note that this itemization is just meant as a reference to this particular approach. For more detail, please refer to the respective literature on project management.
12Most interestingly, after excessive boost in time and costs of the Gotthard tunnel project in Switzerland, it has been declared by the Swiss national assembly as a “national duty”, that is, no longer a project.
132009 NASA Cost Symposium. Cost Analysis Division.
14Please note that this itemization is just meant as a reference to the particular approach on innovations. For more detail, please refer to the respective literature.
15Please note that this itemization is just meant as a reference to this particular approach. For more detail, please refer to the respective literature on project management.
16After divestment from Motorola—as well as some US governmental support and technological advancements—the system is now apparently profitable, although not viable to maintain.
17Please note that this itemization is just meant as a reference to this particular approach. For more detail, please refer to the respective literature.
18Please note that this itemization is just meant as a reference to this particular approach. For more details, please refer to the respective literature.
19Please note that diffusion of energy is mainly due to unavoidable changes, whereas diffusion of innovation is a matter of managerial intention.
20Please remember that logic has no own truth but consists merely on a justification. If the premises are wrong, a logical conclusion may lead correctly to a wrong conclusion.
21Please note that this itemization is just meant as a reference to this particular method. For more detail, please refer to the respective literature.
22Please remember that in the frame of the Soviet doctrine there was no intellectual property accredited.
23The original acronym is TRIZ for the Russian wording Teoriya Resheniya Izobretatelskikh Zadach.
24Please note that this itemization is just meant as a reference to this particular method. For more detail, please refer to the respective literature.
25Please note that the word “transcendental” is often employed for esoteric or religious purposes, too.
26Originally in French: Ceci n’est pas une pipe.
27Please note that this itemization is just meant as a reference to this particular method. For more detail, please refer to the respective literature.
28Please note that this itemization is just meant as a reference to this particular method. For more detail, please refer to the respective literature.
29Please note that this itemization is just meant as a reference to this particular aspect. For more detail, please refer to the respective literature.
30Principally, a path could also bear on curvilinear coordinates, like the streamlines in fluid mechanics. Then, the coordinate lines for path and space would be only locally perpendicular and contain additional information, for example, deformations due to incidental effects. But generally orthogonal lines are in use.
31Please note that this calculation requires considerable skills in computation and matrix calculations. For more detail, please refer to the respective literature.
32The German word for science is “Wissenschaft”, literally meaning a shaft to handle “Wissen”, that is knowldge.
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