
Accordion method, 120

Action, defined, 17

Argument structure, of business plan, 130


communication with different, 149–150

connecting with, 112–113

intimate with mass, 53–59

language, 151–152

meet your, 174–177

Audience analysis, 4–9

in action, 7

example, 6

questions, 5

Avatar, 54–56, 58–59

sample profile, 59


Bad news e-mail, 26–27

Blog posts, 81–92

brand voice, 83–84

checklist, 92

generate hot topics, 85–86

planning your time, 86–87

sample, 90

seven key practices for creating, 87–91

your blog, your way, 81–83

Brand voice, 83–84

Business plans, 127–141

building watertight argument, 131–133

checklist, 141

executive summary, 138–139

purpose of, 127–129

sample one-page, 139–140

scrutinize your case, 134–137

understanding structure, 129–130

wordy writing, 137–138

Business story, 129


Call to action (CTA), 40–41, 163–164

CAN-SPAM Act, 36

Canada’s Anti-Spam Law (CASL), 36

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC), 127

Canva, 159

CASL. See Canada’s Anti-Spam Law

Change-Maker Writing Process, 1–17

audience analysis, 4–9

checklist, 15

design questions, 8

gaining efficiency, 10–13

key principles, 2–14

multiple readers, 9–10

personal strengths, 13

polishing final product, 13

rewriting stages, 14


blog posts, 92

business plan, 141

change-maker writing, 15

everyday e-mail actions, 29–30

grant applications and proposals, 108

newsletters, 51

one-pagers, 172

pitch deck, 125

sales letters, 51

training material, 185

web writing, 69–70

website giveaways, 80

white papers, 155

CIBC. See Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce

Collaborative note, 105–107

Conversation, 152

Creative destruction, 2

Creativity, 104–105

CTA. See Call to action

Cyr, Mike, 12, 22


Design flaws, in pitch decks, 122–123

Design thinking, 2, 4

Discovery conversation, 22–24


Edutech entrepreneur, 180

Emotional design, 159

Emotional resonance, 73–74, 179

eOceans, 53–56, 58–59

Everyday e-mails, 17–30

bad news, 26–27

checklist, 29–30

discovery conversation, 22–24

moving to next stage, 25

networking meeting, 18–19

persistence, importance of, 23–24

requesting information, 19–21

templates, 28

Executive summary, 138–139


Facebook, 33

Facebook Live, 78

Feedback, 121

Form, website giveaway, 72–73

Framing, 98

Freewriting, 11–12


Gaining efficiency, 10–13

General Data Protection Regulation, 36

GlobalWebIndex, 33

Grant applications and proposals, 93–108

checklist, 108

close on collaborative note, 105–107

compelling vision of success, 102–103

creativity, 104–105

multiple stakeholders, 98–101

pinpointing your problem, 95–97

tell-all syndrome, 101–102

terminology, 94–95

Guru, 150


Heritage Society restoration grant proposal, 106–107

Hot blog topics, generating, 85–86


Informal proposals, 95

Information, e-mail requesting, 19–21

Insect brain, web writing, 60–66

hard-copy document, 64–66

Instagram, 33

Instructional designers, 181

Iterate, and collaborate, 165–167


Laser-focused messaging, 163–165

Layer-cake scanning pattern, 61–62

Lead magnets, 71

Learners, organizational tips, 177–178

Learning visual, example of, 182


Marketing collateral, 96, 124, 144, 171

Marketing e-mails, 31–51

newsletter. See Newsletters

sales letters. See Sales letters

science of subject line, 48–50

social selling, 33–35

three must-haves for building trust, 47–48

trust fund, 31–33

Meeting, e-mail follow up, 25

Messaging, laser-focused, 163–165

Minimalist style one-pagers, 167–169

Mnemonics, 179

Multiple readers, 9–10

Multitracking, 162


Nanuk Technologies Inc., 12, 22

Networking e-mail, 18–19

Neuroscientist-turned-trainer advice, 183–184

Newsletters, e-mail, 35–36

checklist, 51

combining information with action, 40–41

creating premium content, 36–39

sample, 38

Ninja, 150–151

Norman, Donald, 159

Novice, 149


One-page business plan, 139–140

One-pagers, 157–172

basic design guidelines, 159–161

checklist, 172

iterate and collaborate, 165–167

minimalist style, 167–169

multitracking, 162

returns of, 171

sample, 158

testimonials, importance of, 169–171

tips for laser-focused messaging, 163–165


PAVE method, 82

Persistence, e-mail, 23–24

PicMonkey, 159

Pitch decks, 109–125

checklist, 125

choosing right format, 110–111

common design flaws, 122–123

connect with your audience, 112–113

examples of successful, 124

feedback, 121

focus on three critical questions, 113–116

making strong visual impact, 120–121, 124

structure, 117–120

Pitching, 112, 157

Pomodoro technique, 11

Problem, 95

Problem-to-solution structure, 148–149

Prototype, 4, 12–13


Real world, create tools for, 183

Request For Proposals (RFP), 95, 99

Return on investment (ROI), 115–116

Reverse-engineered structure for white paper, 146

Rewriting stages, 14

RFP. See Request For Proposals

ROI. See Return on investment


Sales letters, e-mail

checklist, 51

sample, 42–47

structuring persuasive, 41

Sandwich method, 26

Slidedoc, 110

SMEs. See Subject Matter Experts

Social selling, 33–35

Standalone deck, 110–111

Strategic blogging calendar, 87

Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), 175


Tell-all syndrome, 101–102, 134

Templates, e-mail, 28

Testimonials, importance of, 169–171

Topic, website giveaway, 72–73

Traditional business plan topics, 135

Training material, 173–185

advice from neuroscientist-turned-trainer, 183–184

checklist, 185

create tools for real world, 183

examples and practice, 182–183

learning visual, example of, 182

make your content memorable, 178–181

map clear learning paths, 177–178

meet your audience, 174–177

Trust building, 47–48

Trust fund, 31–33


Vision of success, 102–103

Visual design, website giveaway, 75–76

Visual impact, 120–121, 124


Ward-Paige, Christine, 53–56, 58

Watertight argument, 131–133

Web user needs, assessment of, 57

Web writing, 53–70

checklist, 69–70

engagement prize, 67–68

insect brain, 60–66

intimate with mass audience, 53–59

Website giveaways, 71–80

checklist, 80

choosing topic and form, 72–73

creating emotional resonance, 73–74

examples, 79

pointing to next step, 78–79

practical tips from skilled simplifier, 77–78

visual design, 75–76

writing tone, 74–75

White papers, 143–155

advice in problem-to-solution structure, 148–149

aim to start conversation, 152

checklist, 155

contrasting styles, 152–154

integrate references, 149–151

prioritize usefulness, 147–148

reverse-engineered structure, 146

speak your audience’s language, 151–152

style of, 144–145

target specific problem, 145–147

Wordy writing, 137–138

Writing tone, website giveaway, 74–75

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